‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Would you like to see how the left-wing media spins stories to make Republicans look like the bad guys? You need look no farther than the spin Roll Call put on a story about Vice President Mike Pence replying to liberal demands that the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement be abolished.

For several weeks, now, a growing list of left-wing Democrats have lighted upon a new campaign issue and have begun braying to “abolish ICE.” This week the Trump administration has finally begun to push back against the outrageous demand. President Trump mentioned the left’s push to eliminate one of our chief immigration enforcement agencies at a rally in Montana. But VP Pence also spoke about it from Washington on Friday.

Pretending to report on Pence’s comments, the DC-based newspaper Roll Call jumped to the story with a Friday piece entitled, “Pence to Democrats: Stop ‘Spurious Attacks on ICE.”

The very first paragraph of this laughable excuse for news is a master class in left-wing spin all aimed at making Pence look like the bad guy.

Here it is:
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‘Abolish ICE’ Story in ‘Roll Call’ A Perfect Example of Liberal Bias in the Media”

Top Liberal Media Fake News Stories of the Trump Era

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few years ago I wrote a piece chronicling the “top 50” examples of liberal media bias with examples stretching back some sixty years. But in this hyperfast age of Trump with the media working overtime to destroy our president, examples of bias and “fake news” are coming at us so thick and fast that it is hard to keep up with them all. But in this article, I will present some of the leading examples of fake news perpetrated as real information by the left-wing media in the age of Trump.

In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s the media landscape was without a doubt a more ideologically balanced part of our culture. Each city used to have several newspapers and radio stations; some leaned Democrat, some Republican and others more independent. But starting in the 1960s, the media began to consolidate around liberalism as more and more “journalists” graduated J-schools as liberals and thence began infecting the media landscape with a singular, left-wing ideology. This drift to the left in journalism schools reflected the wider veer leftward of the university scene as a whole.

Then came Watergate which spawned a new wave of “journalists” who felt that their job was to attack the power structure — whatever it might be — as opposed to reporting the why, who, when, and where of any particular story. Instead of normal reporting, these new “journalists” felt that their job was to destroy the right and to use their stories to push leftism. Gone was the just-the-facts-style of journalism, replaced by agenda journalism.

This skewed, fake style of “journalism” became ubiquitous by 2000 when the media worked to cancel George W. Bush’s Electoral College win and then as it attacked Bush daily. It grew apace as it rose to deify Barack Obama, one of the most anti-American presidents in U.S. history, and has since become a fever swamp in its desire to destroy Donald J. Trump today.

Liberals coined the term “fake news” in order to use it as a weapon to undermine any of the few conservative sources of news out there. But the tables were turned when President Trump turned that term back on the liberal media when he first began calling CNN “very fake news” during the 2016 campaign for president.
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Top Liberal Media Fake News Stories of the Trump Era”

Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly the country suffered another mass shooting in a primary school, this time in a high school in Florida. Unfortunately, the blood was still flowing, the victims had not even been identified, and the suspect had yet to be caught before liberals were purposefully misreporting on the incident and flat out lying in order to sell their anti-gun, anti-America, left-wing agenda.

One lie in particular made the rounds among many of the leftist media’s “real” journalists. As the crime in Florida unfolded, these “journalists” began Tweeting out that the attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is the “18th school shooting this year.”

This lie and ones like it appeared on several Twitter feed. Here are a few examples:
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Dead Not Counted Before Liberals Start Lying About Florida School Shooting”

Top Eight Fake News Lies Against Trump by Democrats and their Media Lapdogs Since Inauguration Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

At least since the middle of the last century after it had aligned itself with the Democrat Party, the media establishment has been an automatic enemy to any Republican in the White House. But no president has been the victim of media bias and hostility as quickly and completely as Donald J. Trump. Whereas some presidents may have only engendered from the media a few major lies only two months into his term, the lies against Trump have already reached into the dozens. Here are the top lies the media has thus far used to try and destroy Donald Trump.

(In no particular order…)

The Russians Hacked the Election to Get Trump Elected President

Spurred by lies from Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, the media has been claiming that the Russians “hacked the 2016 election” to “get Trump elected.” But despite the constant claims by the media, there is not a single shred of evidence to prove this claim.

Hillary helped get the ball rolling by claiming that the Russians hacked the election, but this claim was a 180 degree turnaround from only weeks previous when Obama and his media handmaidens were insisting that the the 2016 elections were not hacked.

Concurrent with this “hacked” lie, the liberal media has been happy to conflate the leaking of the Democrat Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign emails to a hacking. It was not a hacking. The DNC and the Hillary campaign were just run by idiots who lacked the common sense needed for electronic security.
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Top Eight Fake News Lies Against Trump by Democrats and their Media Lapdogs Since Inauguration Day”

Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week President Donald J. Trump held a press conference that sent the media into paroxysms of rage as he stood before them again calling them out for their lies and their “very fake news.” For days afterward they spilled tons of ink and spent miles of bandwidth calling him “un-American” for attacking them. But Trump is right. The truth is the media is just furious at being called on their lies.

On February 16, President Trump led a tour de force of a press conference going well over an hour and ricocheting about to so many topics that the media simply couldn’t keep up with it all. But one thing is sure, the media was quite able to focus on Trump’s attacks on them. And that took all their attention.

During the press conference, Trump slammed the media. At one point he re-branded CNN from merely “fake news” to “very fake news.” Of course he said it in jest and many in the White House press room laughed when he said it. But the facts bear Trump out, after all.

Trump also talked about the leaks the press have run concerning his administration’s inner workings. “The leaks are absolutely real,” Trump insisted. “The news is fake, because so much of the news is fake.”

In other words, there really are leakers inside his administration — and all of them are Obama appointees who are still there because they have yet to be fired — but the “news is fake” because the media then uses those leaks to invent a whole raft of BS stories from them.
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Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It”

Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Donald Trump is once again taking his case right to the people of the United States and once again he got the unwitting aide of the press corps to help him do it. And even as the regular voters are cheering, the press is booing the whole thing.

Donald J. Trump won the White House not because the media loved him — as it did Hillary Clinton generally, but Barack Obama slavishly — but because he was able to both go around the media and use the media at the same time to take his message right to the American people. Trump again showed this amazing ability to slip around the media while using them at the same time in his Thursday press conference.

Donald Trump is uniquely able to speak to Americans like a “real person.” In other words, he does not come off as a smarmy know-it-all like Obama did nor does he seem shrew-like as Hillary so often did. In fact, he doesn’t seem like a “politician” at all. To Mr. and Mrs. America he comes off as a relatable figure. (Indeed, during his press conference he admitted as much when he said he is finding it hard to realize he is now a “politician.”)

With the media (and establishment Washington of both parties) clearly out to destroy him as opposed to merely reporting on his policies and administration, Trump instinctively understands that he needs to go around the media and take his case right to to the voters.

But, even with that being the case, the president cannily uses the very press he is “going around” as a vehicle to carry his message to the people. And this February 16 press conference was a perfect example of that canny ability to use the same hostile press corps to make his appeal free of the media’s habit of imbuing “the news” with its own opinions.

This presser was a great example of Trump using the press to bash the press.

Watch Trump’s Entire Press Conference

The president covered such a number of topics that he clearly bewildered the press into a near catatonic state. But his main point throughout was to damn the press as hostile to him and his administration.
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Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media”

15 Anti-Trump Fake News Stories: To Destroy Trump the Media Now Leads With Fake News Every Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every day, now, the old media complex spins up liberals with a daily lie abut what that darned ol’ Donald Trump did next. This campaign is a clear and coordinated effort to delegitimize Trump in order to destroy and eliminate him. Here is a list of just some of the fake news attacks unleashed by the liberal media to achieve that end.

Sure the media will impatiently wait for another election in 2020 to eliminate Trump if they have to. But they’d prefer the end to come sooner and they don’t care if that end happens by impeachment or assassination. So, a steady, near daily stream of fake news is their biggest weapon wielded in hopes that the people of the United States will weaken and become so tired of the constant stream of negativity that they’ll support the end of Trump just to be done with the daily “bickering.”

The “avalanche” approach the media is now employing to kill Trump is the exact same approach Obama used to “govern” when he was president those eight horrendous years. He went flat out and at high speed with everything he wanted. It is why we got the Obamacare law that “we had to pass so could find out what’s in it.” It’s why things were constantly passed in the middle of the night. It is why he stuffed the bench with more agenda-driven, left-wing “judges” than any president in history. It’s why he stacked tens of thousands of extreme liberals in every government agency from the EPA, to the Department of Labor, to the Department of Justice, to all the policing agencies such as the FBI and the CIA. All these activists were placed not because they were interested in the purpose and practice of good government but because they were highly motivated communists, socialists, gay activists, anti-religionists, and extreme left-wingers with an agenda aimed at hurting the United States of America as much as possible until they were cast out of government. It is also why he pushed through more destructive regulations than any president in history.
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15 Anti-Trump Fake News Stories: To Destroy Trump the Media Now Leads With Fake News Every Day”

With Anti-Trump Hysteria, Creepy Liberals Are Proving How Disgusting They Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the weeks between Election Day and Inauguration day tick down, the hate-filled, distempered, downright mentally deranged reaction of liberals of all stripes to the coming Trump era is jarring to say the least. So much for the more caring, more adult, smarter, and more serious liberals we were told were going to rule the country in 2008 when Obama first won the White House.

The liberal cause has been in meltdown since election night, certainly. But it has continued for these many weeks after the morning of November 9 when we all finally discovered that Hillary lost the election. The left immediately made itself look like some of the biggest hypocrites in history — or should I say hysteria — by going from “accept the results of the election” to “we have a duty to reject the result of the election” in the space of about 10 hours.

This is when the liberal meltdown really began. In the early hours of November 9, hours after the polls closed, the media finally brought itself to declare Trump the winner of the Electoral College (the only vote that matters) despite their weeping and gnashing of teeth.

First we were treated to ABC’s Martha Radditz as she almost began weeping openly over Hillary’s loss. Even Trump made fun of that one.
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With Anti-Trump Hysteria, Creepy Liberals Are Proving How Disgusting They Really Are”

Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.

Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”

Losing Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, came out of mourning to blast the right’s “fake news” even as she was one of its biggest purveyors. After all, who can forget her story that she was shot at by snipers during a visit to Bosnia in 1996 when, in fact, she was met with no violence at all. Not only did Hillary face no security threat when she landed in Bosnia that day, she was met by a little girl who gave her a bouquet of flowers. Those must have been some scary flowers, indeed.

Aside from political figures, far left, clickbait website BuzzFeed made the most noise with an October 20 piece entitled, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” a story that essentially relied on a liberal “professor’s” list of “fake news” websites heavy on right leaning sites and almost empty of left leaning sites.

Without question, even as BuzzFeed set itself up to be the arbiter of what is or sin’t fake news, it has itself been a constant and steady supplier of fake news.
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Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born”