Business Owner Refuses to Remove Giant American Flag Despite City’s Threats and Fines

Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis is refusing to take down a giant American flag over his Gander RV business in Statesville, North Carolina, despite that the city has demanded the flag be eliminated and has taken him to court to force him to obey.

Lemonis is refusing to remove the 40-by-80-foot flag even though the city said it is too large and violates a city ordinance.

But Lemonis says he won’t do it. “There is no way that flag is coming down,” he said.

Lemonis told fans that the city has filed a lawsuit against him.

The city also began charging the CEO a fine of $50 per day until or unless he removes the flag.

The city claims it won’t allow a flag that size within 100 feet of the highway. The city also says that it will not allow flags larger than 25 by 40 feet.

The city also claims that the fine is retroactive to October 15 and that Lemonis owes the city $11,000.

Lemonis, though, is a millionaire and he says he does not care what the city tries to fine him.

“I don’t care if it goes to $500 a day. It’s not coming down,” Lemonis said.

“My family has been car dealers, had been car dealers since the 1960s, and our key trademark was always flying our flag in our dealership in south Florida,” Lemonis told the media. “My family is largely immigrants of the country.”

Lemonis launched a petition to find people who agree with him that the flag should stay. It has already gained more than 118,000 signatures.

“Many cities like Statesville have requested that Camping World and Gander Outdoors take down their American Flags. WE WON’T DO IT! Stand with us,” the petition says.

“This is about more than just the flag. This is about our Veterans, Military, and the men and women that have sacrificed for this great country. They are the reason we fly the flag and they are the reason we will NOT take it down!” the petition added.

Lemonis also notes that the ity can shove its rules because HE owns the property. “The property that’s there belongs to us, we pay taxes and the size of the flag isn’t hurting anybody,” Lemonis said.

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Spirit of America Rallies Scheduled for March 4 — Here Are the Cities Hosting Rallies

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Saturday March 4th, a bunch of “Spirit of America” and “March for Trump” rallies are planned in cities all across the country. The events are being advertised as answers to the hate-filled liberal rallies and protests marches that have disgraced the nation since Donald J. Trump took the oath of office.

There are several webpages out there listing these events. Main Street Patriots has a list of events, by State, with times and locations available HERE, Main Street Patriots also has a Facebook Page HERE. Then a second group called March for Trump is HERE.

Here is the list from Main Street Patriots:



Date: Saturday March 4, 2017
Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Contact: Deanna Frankowski /
Event Page: Click Here
Location: Hoover Tactical Firearms
1561 Montgomery Highway Birmingham, AL 35216 (Click for Map)



Date: Saturday March 4, 2017
Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Contact: Vera Anderson /
Event Page:
Location: Arizona State Capitol
1700 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 (Click for Map)



Date: Saturday March 4, 2017
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Contact: LaVeta Key /
Event Page: Click Here
Location: Field E. Kindley Memorial Park
401 Main St. NE Gravette, AR 72736 (Click Here)

Hot Springs

Date: Saturday March 4, 2017
Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm
Contact: Jack Sternberg /
Event Page:
Location: Across Street from Arlington Hotel
Fountain St. Hot Springs, AR 71901 (Click for Map)
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Spirit of America Rallies Scheduled for March 4 — Here Are the Cities Hosting Rallies”

Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet

-By Warner Todd Huston

As week six of the National Football League’s 2016/17 season passes, it has become clear that ratings have cratered as fans tune out by the millions. There are many theories about why this has happened, but the one commonality is the fan’s rage over the anti-American protests now seen weekly during the national anthem started by San Francisco 49ers secondstring quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick started his anti-American protests in the very first week of the NFL’s new season. He quickly explained that he could no longer stand at attention when “The Star Spangled Banner” was played at games. It was, he said, because the U.S. is evil and filled with white racists. Only hours passed before millions of fans let Kaepernick and the 49ers know just what they thought of his anti-American statement.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color,” Kaepernick explained to “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

His protest soon spreading like wild fire throughout the NFL as player after player decided that the U.S. was too evil to honor by standing for the national anthem.
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Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet”

Memorial Day Special: THIS Is What American Troops Are Made Of…

-By Warner Todd Huston

To honor our troops for this year, I am going to share this story about their mettle. What follows are excerpts from remarks by Marine Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly made to the Semper Fi Society of St. Louis on November 13, 2010. While leading his platoon on a combat patrol, Kelly’s son, Marine 1st Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, had been killed in action four days earlier in Sangin, in southern Afghanistan. Lt. Kelly was only 29-years-old.

Giving Thanks for Our Warriors

“Those with less of a sense of service to the nation never understand it when men and women of character step forward to look danger and adversity straight in the eye, refusing to blink, or give ground, even to their own deaths… No, they are not victims but are warriors, your warriors, and warriors are never victims regardless of how and where they fall. Death, or fear of death, has no power over them. Their paths are paved by sacrifice, sacrifices they gladly make… for you….

“Two years ago when I was the commander of all U.S. and Iraqi forces, in fact, the 22nd of April 2008, two Marine infantry battalions, 1/9 ‘The Walking Dead,’ and 2/8 were switching out in Ramadi… Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, 22 and 20 years old respectively, one from each battalion, were assuming the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines… Yale was a dirt poor mixed-race kid from Virginia with a wife and daughter, and a mother and sister who lived with him and he supported as well. He did this on a yearly salary of less than $23,000. Haerter, on the other hand, was a middle-class white kid from Long Island. They were from two completely different worlds… But they were Marines, combat Marines, forged in the same crucible of Marine training, and because of this bond they were brothers as close, or closer, than if they were born of the same woman.
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Memorial Day Special: THIS Is What American Troops Are Made Of…”

Wyoming Students Launch ‘America Pride Day’ Despite Principal Forbidding it

-By Warner Todd Huston

Administrators at a Wyoming high school decided that their school shouldn’t have a day to celebrate American pride and so canceled the school’s “America Pride Day.” Fortunately, the students thought better of their administration’s anti-American sentiment and held their pride day anyway!

Some of the kids at Jackson Hole High observed America Pride Day despite the administration’s ban of the day.

Naturally the un-American, PC-infected, limp-wristed principal of Jackson Hole High School in Jackson, Wyoming was afraid that if the school had a day where students celebrated the American flag that *some* kids *might* feel “excluded.” So, he canceled the America pride day and tried to ban the American flag.

Fortunately the kids told him to shove it and dozens of them came to school on the designated day wearing red, white, and blue decorations and carrying Old Glory despite the lilly-livered principal’s hand-wringing idiocy.

In defiance, one kid even drove his truck through the parking lot festooned with multiple flags.
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Wyoming Students Launch ‘America Pride Day’ Despite Principal Forbidding it”

Red Skelton’s Pledge Of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

This Independence Day holiday is an excellent time to revisit one of Red Skelton’s most endearing works: his recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and what that pledge means.

Through the 40s, 50s, and 60s, Red Skelton was one of America’s most revered funny men. He was everywhere in movies and all across the early TV. Skelton may be little known by today’s newer generations, but he is someone we should never forget for his patriotism and clean humor.

He made quite a splash in 1969 with his personalized pledge of Allegiance.

You don’t get patriotic entertainment like this anymore…

In the words of Red Skelton:
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Red Skelton’s Pledge Of Allegiance”

[VIDEO] Muslim Police Chief in Florida Refuses to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, Claims Religion Won’t Let Her

-By Warner Todd Huston

An Assistant Police Chief in Miami, Florida has decided that she cannot put her hand over her heart and pledge allegiance to the flag during official government events because she is a practicing Muslim and her religion prohibits her from doing it.

In a video Asst. Chief Anita Najiy is seen refusing to place her hand over her heart during the pledge…

Now some are calling for her to be fired for refusing to observe her respect for Old Glory.
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[VIDEO] Muslim Police Chief in Florida Refuses to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, Claims Religion Won’t Let Her”

Judson Phillips: Rudy is Right, Obama is Not Patriotic

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has made himself quite a target of the left by saying that he doesn’t think that Barack Obama loves this country the way a patriot would. But not everyone is against the former Mayor. In a Washington Times piece says that calling Obama patriotic is “delusional.”

In a Saturday op ed at the Washington Times, Judson Phillips, the founder of Tea Party Nation, says that it is “plainly obvious” that Obama doesn’t love America.

“His patriotism can be questioned because he has none,” Phillips wrote.
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Judson Phillips: Rudy is Right, Obama is Not Patriotic”

Creepy Howard Dean Says Fans of ‘American Sniper’ Are Mean, Nasty, ‘Very Angry’ Tea Party Members

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Clint Eastwood directed film American Sniper has been setting records all across the nation. But the longer it sits in theaters, the more that liberals come to hate the movie–and by extension our soldiers–and the film is exposing quite a split between Americans and the left. The latest to attack the film, our soldiers, and the film’s fans is former DNC chief Howard Dean.

A week ago one of Hollyweird’s greatest douchebags, Michael Moore, came out to slam the man American Sniper was based on calling him a “murderer.”

On January 18, Moore took to his Twitter account and said, “My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse.”

Only a few days later, one-note “actor” Seth Rogen came out to claim that the movie was just like Nazi propaganda.

There have been others on the left who have expressed similar anti-soldier sentiments, one of whom is former head of the Democrat National Committee and one-time Governor of Vermont Howard Dean.

Dean’s latest harangue against the movie occurred during his visit to Bill Maher’s political talk show on HBO.
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Creepy Howard Dean Says Fans of ‘American Sniper’ Are Mean, Nasty, ‘Very Angry’ Tea Party Members”

We Need a New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

-By Warner Todd Huston

America is fast coming to a crossroads from which there will be no return if we take the wrong path. Do we take the road that leads away from America and toward a Euro-esque way of governing? Do we cast aside our American character and bury our great nation in a grave of socialist-styled authority? Do we damn our progeny to a failed superstate that violates every tenet of our original ideals?

I say we do not. I say we reject the Democrat’s Euro-esque ideas and refocus ourselves on American exceptionalism. Our federal system has strayed far from our founding ideals and we may soon find that it’s time for a new Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical government that has usurped power from proper authority.

Since it is Independence Day this weekend, I offer this new Declaration as a rallying cry to all those willing to return to our true American character…
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We Need a New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution”

Liberals Are Succeeding in Making Young People Less Patriotic

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new survey shows that liberal schools are succeeding in destroying the patriotism of America’s young people.

This survey shows that young people are less likely to view the American Flag or other traditional images of the USA as something that makes them “feel good.”

As The New York Times reported,

Seventy-eight percent of the older generation consider their American identity to be extremely important. That drops to 70 percent for baby boomers (50 to 68 years), 60 percent of Generation X’ers (34 to 49 years), and only 45 percent of young adults define themselves this way. And while 94 percent of the Silent Generation say that seeing the U.S. flag flying makes them feel extremely or very good, only 67 percent of millennials muster the same affection.

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Liberals Are Succeeding in Making Young People Less Patriotic”

Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider Refuses to Stand & Recite Pledge of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Witnesses say that at a recent anti-gun forum Democrat Congressman Brad Schneider (10th District, Illinois) strangely reused to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Democrat State Rep. Scott Drury sponsored an April 23 forum about gun violence the Deerfield Park City Hall, one of Chicago’s northern suburbs. Congressman Schneider was an invited co-host for the event.

The story was first reported by a local blogger named Louis Atsaves on his Common Sense in Illinois 10th blog.

“According to four different individuals reporting on Facebook this morning,” Atsaves wrote, “Congressman Schneider refused to stand during the pledge of allegiance.”

Atsaves put out a call to anyone who attended the event to forward any photos of video of the incident.He also heard from several others after he made his initial blog post that Schneider did refuse to participate in the Pledge.

But a commenter on Atsaves’ site says he also witnessed such an incident with Congressman Schneider.

“I was at an overflow meeting at Deerfield City Hall last night concerning Illinois Conceal Carry Law. At the beginning of the meeting, Congressman Brad Schneider was asked to open the public meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, he refused twice to do so. At this point the audience then stood up and recited The Pledge at the top of their voices, including the phrase ‘under God’,” a commenter named Charles Van Eeckhout wrote.

The Congressman refused to comment when Illinois Review asked for a comment on the claims.
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Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider Refuses to Stand & Recite Pledge of Allegiance”

Offensive: Obama Selling Obamaized U.S. Flag Prints

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some feel that President Obama is an arrogant sort of fellow. A quick look at the Obama store section of his campaign website might tend to substantiate that feeling when finding the Obamaized U.S. flag print that team Obama is selling there.

(Click image to see a screen shot of the Obama store webpage)

Does this sort of arrogance offend you? If it doesn’t it should at least make you raise your eyebrow. How gauche is it that Obama is putting his own Madison Avenue-like, branded logo on a U.S. flag?

What patriotic American would put his own logo on a U.S. flag? It just doesn’t seem right, does it? I mean, remaking the flag in his own image is quite a thing, isn’t it?

And what is the most arrogant part of it all? Notice that all the stars in the flag have been replaced by the Obama logo? That’s right, there ARE NO STATES in Obamaland. We are all just part of the Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
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Offensive: Obama Selling Obamaized U.S. Flag Prints”

No Pledge of Allegiance: NPR Reporter Places His Job Above Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

NPR’s Ari Shapiro doesn’t stand for the national anthem and won’t recite the pledge of allegiance. Why? Because he places his position as a “journalist” above love of county. But, one wonders, does Shapiro understand that without this country he wouldn’t be free to be a journalist?

On his NPR blog, Shapiro was thoroughly pleased with himself for imagining that a job was more important than his country, so much so that he thought enlightening the world with the debate on his Twitter account over his lack of patriotism was warranted.

The NPR reporter noted that at a recent Romney rally he was one of the few that refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and that refusal made him take to Twitter with his anti-patriotism position.
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No Pledge of Allegiance: NPR Reporter Places His Job Above Country”

Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lifetime’s Army Wives has often walked up close to anti-American plot lines without stepping too far over the line, but this weekend’s episode crossed right over into the left’s famous — and famously bogus — favorite storyline: turning patriotic Americans into villains.

This is one of the far left’s favorite plot lines. Hollywood loves turning patriots into whacked out, enemies despite the fact that in real life such a thing is extremely rare.

In the episode aired on August 5 entitled Centennial, a wacko “patriot” planned to shoot an Army general to right the wrongs of a country gone bad. The mad man felt that the nation was being destroyed by the un-American activities of the government and in a computer recording he said he intended to strike a blow for true Americanism by killing the general.

The episode featured a cliffhanger ending typical of the series. It ended with the shooting scene the results of which will be resolved next week.

The entire plot is based almost solely on the actions of one domestic terrorist. When Timothy McVeigh brought down the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 he was linked to the Militia movement and said to be desirous of taking down an out of control government. McVeigh was portrayed as an unhinged, über patriot gone awry.
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Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?”

Principal Won’t Let Kids Sing Patriotic Song, But Steamy Bieber Hit A-OK

-By Warner Todd Huston

Welcome to PS 90, Coney Island, New York, where grade school Principal Greta Hawkins says the patriotic and popular song Proud to be an America by Lee Greenwood is verboten, but the teen sex song Baby by Justin Bieber is perfectly alright for Kindergartners to sing at their graduation celebration.

Kindergarteners at PS90 have spent weeks practicing the popular patriotic country song made a national hit after the attacks on 9/11. It was to be the finale of their “moving-up” ceremony at the end of the school year on June 20.

But school Principal Greta “the Grinch” Hawkins had other ideas. According to the New York Post, during a recent rehearsal, Hawkins stomped into the class room and ripped the Lee Greenwood CD out of the music player proclaiming the song unfit for little ears to hear.

The Greenwood song has such unfit lyrics as, “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” Such a bad influence on the kiddies, no?

By contrast, Hawkins seemed to have no problem with the Justin Bieber song that has such scintillating lyrics as, “For you, I would have done whatever. And I just can’t believe we ain’t together,” and, “Are we an item? Girl quit playin.'”
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Principal Won’t Let Kids Sing Patriotic Song, But Steamy Bieber Hit A-OK”

A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was awarded press credentials for NATO’s 2012 Summit in Chicago and, having no idea what to expect, what I found on day one was a study in contrasts. What occurred was sometimes amusing, often mundane, and sometimes even violent. But it was all democracy in action.

Early on the morning of day one, Sunday, May 20, I boarded a western Metra train under threat of having my equipment bags confiscated or at least me prevented from boarding the train with them. I was not ruffed up the “the man,” though and downtown I went riding high on the rails. Literally. I took a seat on the top tier of the train.

The Summit didn’t start well as the NATO advance video called Chicago the Illinois Capital (It isn’t) and the place where Obama grew up (Again, it isn’t).

Upon reaching the gathering point for the press in beautiful downtown Chicago I boarded the super, double, secret press shuttle bus that took us down the service streets, steering well clear of the surface roads, straight to Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center, site of the NATO Summit.

Of course, before I was allowed on the super, double, secret press bus, bomb-sniffing dogs were loosed to make sure I had no underwear-bomb on my person or in my equipment bags. After I was officially cleared, I boarded the bus with local Chicago TV newsreader Jay Levine.

Everywhere I went there were knots of security personnel. A LOT of security personnel. The last time I saw that many security people I was in Cancun, Mexico during the 2010 UN Climate Conference.

There were members of the FBI, Homeland Security, Chicago Police, the U.S. Marshals as well as U.S. Airmen and Army officers all there on duty to make sure our tender media people were safe and secure.

I was later to learn that out on the streets of Chicago the number of security of all sorts made the way to McCormick Place seem like it was lightly guarded!
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A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One”

Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs

-By Warner Todd Huston

A couple of so-called American professors recently went to Tehran University to help the radical, anti-American, racist, Islamists propagandize about how wonderful the Mad Mullahs think the Occupy Wall Street “movement” here in America is.

Wonderful, no?

Anti-Americans Alex Vitae, professor at Brooklyn College, Heather Gautney, professor at Fordham University, John Hammond, professor at City University of New York all appeared at the terrorist’s little convention to speak glowingly of the hate spewed by both the OWSers and the Mad Mullahs.

The fact that the Mad Mullahs love the OWS “movement” says an awful lot about what the true nature of OWS is, doesn’t it? It’d be like being on the KKK’s Christmas card list!
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Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs”

Property Renter Forced to Remove U.S. Flag and POW/MIA Flag from Premises

-By Warner Todd Huston

A bar in Charleston, South Carolina has been forced by the company that owns the property upon which the business sits to remove an American flag and the popular black flag that honors Vietnam POWs and MIAs that the bar manager had raised months ago.

Imagine in this day and age when we have soldiers in harm’s way in foreign lands this property management company is so unpatriotic like this!

In October of last year Hope and Marty Young, owners of the Chucktown Tavern, were asked by local military vets to raise the flags in honor of veterans. The flags have flown there ever since.

But in March the Youngs were abruptly told by landlords Beach Management to remove the flags presumably after another tenant complained about noise and other minor annoyances caused by the bar during an outdoor event held there.
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Property Renter Forced to Remove U.S. Flag and POW/MIA Flag from Premises”

Don’t Be Patriotic At Olive Garden

-By Warner Todd Huston

Olive Garden restaurants seem to be hoping that its patrons might consider themselves Europeans when they walk through the door of their eateries. The restaurant chain seems to want Americans to leave their patriotism at the door because up to Wednesday, no U.S. flags were to be permitted at Olive Garden.

The story went viral yesterday because a little old lady was told by the corporate giant that no US flag was allowed at her Kiwanis meeting being held at the Olive Garden in Anniston, Alabama.

“I was so angry. I felt like I had been slapped in the face,” 80-year-old Marti Warren told CBS 12 news…

See more at

Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

A middle school in Smyrna, Georgia included in an assignment material that essentially shows 7th grade children that Islamic polygamy is a perfectly legitimate concept and that there is nothing wrong with the strict dress codes used to oppress Muslim women the world over.

The material was presented to the 7th graders at Campbell Middle School as part of a discussion of the school’s dress codes, apparently meant to use the ideas of Islamic culture for women’s clothing as some sort of example to compare how the school regulates clothing for its students in Georgia.

The concepts were presented in the lesson as a letter from a fictional 20-year-old Muslim woman named “Ahlima.” In this letter “Ahlima” tells readers that she wouldn’t mind if her husband took a second wife and also extolled the virtues of the burkha. She claims that American women are “horribly immodest” in the way they dress.

As to polygamy, the fictional Ahlima says, “I understand that some Westerners condemn our practice of polygamy, but I also know they are wrong.”
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Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women”

How Destructively Disingenuous Can They Get?

-By Frank Salvato

As if the American public’s tolerance for political chicanery hasn’t been tested beyond the breaking point, now comes news that several shyster Progressives and Democrats are floating the notion that the debt ceiling is – get this – unconstitutional. Far be it from me to ask, but why is it the only time Progressives and Democrats concern themselves with the constitutionality of issues is when its concern their ability to spend money?

US Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) – you remember him, he’s the candidate that Delawareans deemed better suited to represent them than Christine O’Donnell; the one who wrote an article for his college newspaper, entitled “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist” – is quoted as saying:

“This is an issue that’s been raised in some private debate between senators as to whether in fact we can default, or whether that provision of the Constitution can be held up as preventing default…I don’t think, as of a couple weeks ago, when this was first raised, it was seen as a pressing option. But I’ll tell you that it’s going to get a pretty strong second look as a way of saying, ‘Is there some way to save us from ourselves?’”

Great choice, Delawareans…you should be proud.
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How Destructively Disingenuous Can They Get?”

Happy Independence Day, 2011

Click Here >>236 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?, is my 2012 Independence Day post. Thanks for stopping by.

We are taking this grand holiday off from blogging to celebrate the birth of our wonderful country and the freedoms from which we’ve all benefited. And around here it’s Independence Day NOT “July 4th.” We don’t celebrate a number we celebrate an event, one of the most glorious events in human history: the birth of our nation.

Have a wonderful holiday, thanks for being a loyal Publius Forum reader and God Bless America.

The Publius management

Harvard Study: Patriotism Doesn’t Appeal to Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

The L.A. Times recently reported something that has been conventional wisdom with conservatives for close to 30 years, now. Democrats hate patriotism. It’s been a matter of faith for quite a while but now comes Harvard to help substantiate that little factoid.

For the L.A. Times, Andrew Malcolm sarcastically makes his way through the Harvard study pointing out that it seems that only conservatives, Republicans, or people that lean toward those views find the celebration of Independence Day a joyous occasion. Democrats and leftists, on the other hand, are not too fired up about all that “July Fourth red-white-and-blue stuff.”

Apparently the study finds…

If you’re into the national holiday by age 18, you are 2% more likely to identify as a Republican, 4% more likely to vote that way and 3% more likely to make political donations.

The study found a lot of other things, of course, but the upshot is that if you are a Democrat or you lean left of center then you aren’t too likely to attend patriotic celebrations. It also finds that people that do attend patriotic events will be more likely to vote against left-wingism.
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Harvard Study: Patriotism Doesn’t Appeal to Democrats”

Wisc. Firefighters Care More About Their Union Than 9/11 Memory

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you needed yet another example of why government employees should never be allowed to join unions, this is it. In Racine, Wisconsin the local fireman’s union got into an imbroglio over a July 4th parade float honoring the fallen first responders of the Sept. 11 attacks, a parade entry that the union supported previously. This time, though, union bosses decided not to support the 9/11 memorial float because one of the firemen on the float opted out of the fireman’s union this year.

That’s right, the fireman’s union decided that their union agenda was more important than supporting a memorial to their brethren that died on Sept. 11, 2001. Their union agenda was even more important than patriotism and an Independence Day parade.

Imagine that. These union thugs despoiled the memory of the Sept. 11 fallen and used them in order to make points for their union ideals and political policies.

What could be more disgusting?
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Wisc. Firefighters Care More About Their Union Than 9/11 Memory”

NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its intro to the 2011 U.S. Open golf tournament, NBC Sports had a heart stirring montage of Old Glory, school kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, all intercut with some of golf’s biggest contemporary stars. It had everything: resounding music, patriotism, and golf. But one thing it didn’t have… the whole pledge. It seems NBC sort of forgot the “under God” part of the pledge.

That’s right, NBC cut out the part where the kids say “under God,” as in “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

This was obviously done on purpose. The video of the kids saying the allegiance goes from “one nation” and skips ahead to “with liberty and justice for all.”
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NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance”

The American Flag Is ‘Offensive’ in Schools Now

-By Selwyn Duke

Increasingly, it seems that the American flag is joining toy guns and dodgeball on the banned-from-school list. And the latest story on this front involves The Butterfield Elementary in Orange, Massachusetts, where a teacher told an 11-year-old boy that he may not hang his depiction of Old Glory because it might “offend” another student.

The boy, Frankie Girard, had drawn the picture in art class but then found that his teacher didn’t share his patriotism. Says his father, John, “He was denied hanging the flag up. And he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no. He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there.”

I guess patriotism has joined piety as a “private matter.” (Leftists tend to confuse closets with shelves. Everything that should be in the former, they display; everything that should be on the latter, they hide.)
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The American Flag Is ‘Offensive’ in Schools Now”