School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

The move for school choice is not only growing in Illinois in general but in Chicago in particular as politicians and parents both see the downward spiral of the public education system picking up speed.

With the costs of public education soaring but neither the rates of graduation nor proficiency growing accordingly, parents are desperate to find a way for their children to gain a better education.

The state is pumping millions upon millions into the bottomless pit of education and taxes are edging higher every year to support the spending habit. As an example, Illinois school district U46 (west of Chicago in the Elgin area) has $600 million in bond debt and this is just one of the nearly 700 school districts in Illinois.

So, as the system founders, many experiments have blossomed. We all know that charter schools have grown rapidly in the Chicago area, but there are other schools such as Leo Catholic High School in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood that are serving as perfect examples of school choice. Leo is a prime example of a private high school that is a wildly successful example of education at its finest.

The school is not fully supported financially by the city’s Catholic system but has since 1926 served students as an independent high school operating in what is now one of the city’s most depressed neighborhoods. The school started back when Auburn Gresham was a heavily Irish-Catholic part of the city but now serves an entirely African American student body. (Edit to note: The Archdiocese of Chicago does support Leo and has provided over $2M in direct, financial operating support for the school between 2009 and 2015, but doesn’t pay all the school’s expenses as it does the schools it has direct control over.)

The school has been such a success that for the last six years 100% of its students have been accepted into a college or university and 96 percent have gone on to pursue higher education.
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School Choice Finally on the Agenda in Illinois”

Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

WECT, weather

One of the biggest solutions reformers have to fix our failing schools is to give parents vouchers that can be used to send kids to the parent’s choice of schools. But one union-backing school superintendent in North Carolina is so against any solutions outside those offered by unions that she is going to the absurd extreme of saying that vouchers would be used to “train terrorists.”

That’s right. If you support giving parents a better choice for their children’s education, then you are a supporter of terrorism.

North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson says of the voucher legislation, “There is nothing in the legislation that would prevent someone from establishing a school of terror.”

Really? That is her concern? Where did this come from, you might wonder? Why, she’s attacking Christian schools, of course.
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Union-Loving School Official Says School Vouchers Would ‘Train Terrorists’”

Common Core: New Education Program Teaches Kids That ‘Commands’ of Government ‘Must Be Obeyed’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals and misguided establishment Republicans (like Florida’s Jeb Bush) are pushing a new education program called Common Core, a policy that will do no less than spit out good little government automatons. But it isn’t just this new scheme of education. It’s been happening for years and all over. Commons Core just accelerates it. We are getting more evidence of this every day and this week we find our schools are teaching kids that government officials must never be questioned. So much for government being our servants.

Fox News for instance, recently reported that Common Core is being criticized for slipping left-wing political ideals into its so-called educational curriculum.

Apparently one English exercise in New Jersey is teaching kids that the government must not be questioned. In the exercise, Kids are being tasked with correcting the grammar in sentences, but it isn’t the task that is at issue it is the sentiment in the sentences that is the problem.

Two of the sentences read, “The President makes sure the laws of the country are fair” and “The commands of government officials must be obeyed at all times.” These sentences are in an exercise titled “Hold the Flag High.”
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Common Core: New Education Program Teaches Kids That ‘Commands’ of Government ‘Must Be Obeyed’”

Washington Post Slams Obama for wanting to ‘Trap Poor, Black Children’ in Bad Schools

-By Warner Todd Huston

The President’s Department of Justice is taking the State of Louisiana to court over its school voucher program and the lawsuit is such a bad idea that even the left-wing Washington Post is criticizing the administration for the slight, saying that AG Holder wants to “trap poor, black children in ineffective schools.”

The Post begins its editorial board September 1 piece pointing out that “nine of 10 Louisiana children who receive vouchers to attend private schools are black. All are poor and, if not for the state assistance, would be consigned to low-performing or failing schools with little chance of learning the skills they will need to succeed as adults.”

But what the editorial board says in its next sentences is shocking for a paper that generally supports the left.

“So it’s bewildering, if not downright perverse,” the paper says, “for the Obama administration to use the banner of civil rights to bring a misguided suit that would block these disadvantaged students from getting the better educational opportunities they are due.”
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Washington Post Slams Obama for wanting to ‘Trap Poor, Black Children’ in Bad Schools”

Restoring American Exceptionalism – Chicago Townhall

-By Warner Todd Huston

I just got back from a wonderful evening taking school choice at the Restoring American Exceptionalism, Chicago Townhall. In attendance were radio talk show host Michael Medved, Fox News contributor Juan Williams, and Dr. Paul Worfel, Director of Education of Trinity International University. The discussion was moderated by John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute.

The event was sponsored by National School Choice Week, an effort by Americans for Prosperity, and is one of many events being held across the country to encourage parents, legislators, and activists to work toward allowing parents a choice in their children’s education. Co-sponsors were, Salem Radio Networks, and Chicago’s WIND Radio, AM 560

Arriving at the sprawling campus of Trinity International University of Deerfield, Illinois, the biting cold outside was quickly forgotten by the warm reception all received by the event staff. The program started promptly with an introduction by local radio host Big John Howell of AM 560, WIND radio who turned the program over to John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute.

The night’s debate was nicely balanced from right, center and left with a panel featuring the conservative side of the debate on education represented by talk show host Michael Medved, the center represented by Fox News contributor Juan Williams, and the more traditional educrat’s position taken by Dr. Worfel.

I won’t repeat the whole discussion, but here are some of the more interesting (and some might say provocative) highlights.
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Restoring American Exceptionalism – Chicago Townhall”