Atlantic Writer Claims Solar Eclipse is ‘Racist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just ahead of this week’s solar eclipse, a writer for The Atlantic implied that the solar system was “racist” because the path of the eclipse fell across areas of the country filled mostly with white people.

The August 18 piece entitled, “American Blackout,” seems to have been presented without satiric intent and is tagged “science” — not humor — on the left-wing news magazine’s website.

The piece, written by Brooklyn Law School professor Alive Ristroph, began saying that the path of the eclipse falls on white areas of the country, a fact that “presumably” doesn’t prove that the solar system is racist.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people… Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.

Presumably? Is there doubt that “the solar system” does not have any sort of racial animus?

Still, proving that literally everything is “racism” to liberals, the author then brusquely brushes aside the obvious truth that the solar system is indifferent to human racial bias and claimed, “Still, an eclipse chaser is always tempted to believe that the skies are relaying a message.”

Are they?
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Atlantic Writer Claims Solar Eclipse is ‘Racist’”

Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏

-By Gary Krasner,

(Note: In an Associated Press article published on March 26 in The New York Times, it was reported that due to pressure from pro-vaccine activists famed actor Robert De Niro pulled a film from the Tribeca Film Festival that linked vaccines to autism. This is the story that Gary Krasner, the Director Coalition For Informed Choice, is reacting to below…)

The essence of this story is about defamation of Andrew Wakefield, and how personal defamation has replaced civil debate.

When one party wishes to dodge a debate on the merits of issues (Trump), he will defame his opponent (Cruz) with slanderous lies.

Seeing that progressive politics was a hard sell to the mainstream public, the infamous radical community organizer Saul Alinsky raised it to a high art.

In his “Rules For Radicals” (1971), Alinsky taught that defamation of character is an important tactic to use. Hillary Clinton was an early disciple of his work.

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College titled “There Is Only the Fight . . . “: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model’.

20 yrs later, Obama taught the rules of this great tactician to Chicago activists when he worked for ACORN. Defamation of his opponents enabled him to win his first 2 local elections.

Today, Alinsky’s 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”, is being used against parents who think vaccination is a contributing cause of ASD.
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Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏”

‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new radio spot being played on Chicago talk radio by a purportedly “Christian” environmentalist group is using a pack of lies about Christianity and the environment in order to push left-wing Senator Mark Kirk into signing onto the President’s global warming policies.

A faux Christian group calling itself the “Evangelical Environmental Network” launched its radio blitz on November 12 with the sales line “It’s up to us to care for the earth that God left us.” But the ad is quite a pack of lies especially considering that it is coming from a group of so-called Christians.

First of all the ad misleads by presenting soundbytes from “Christian voices” urging Kirk to vote “yes” on Obama’s pro-global warming initiatives. The presentation to the radio audience listening to the ad makes it seem as if these “regular people” were callers to a radio show–as that is the timber of the audio, the sound is mixed in such a way as to leave the impression you are listening to a talk show caller as opposed to hearing someone speaking directly into a microphone like a narrator might.

With the announcer sonorously starting the ad saying “The voices of Christians,” here is what these faux “regular people” say on the ad:

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‘Christian’ Group Lies About Christianity to Urge Sen. Kirk to Sign Onto Obama’s EPA Powergrab”

It is Now Indisputable That Pope Francis is a Risible Communist

-By Warner Todd Huston

From now on, Pope Francis should be utterly dismissed as an important leader of the world. His latest global warming “encyclical” has proven he subscribes to a risible, anti-western and anti-capitalist theology and is less a Catholic than a communist.

I have been saying that this disastrous pope is a commie since his first few public addresses, but Catholic apologists who can’t get past their fealty to their “god on earth” have always found little outs, ways to dismiss the criticism of their pope by claiming that Francis is really just badly stating longstanding Catholic doctrine.

But with Francis’ new encyclical On Care For Our Common Home, the pope’s latest paean to the religion of global warming leaves no doubt that he stands against western values in most cases.

In this message–which lays out this terrible pope’s absurd ideas on his new religion of global warming–says that we need to stop buying things and turn the world back several thousand years to a time when life was brutal, uncomfortable, and short. He is essentially calling for an end to capitalism in this rambling paper.

Pope Francis goes on to claim that wealthy countries need to stop being wealthy and give away everything to the supposedly poorer nations but he doesn’t spend a second coming to term with why they are poor. He just assumes that rich nations are greedy and evil and must stop being so wealthy. This is quite a communistic theme.

Francis rails about all sorts of things in this jumble of nonsense. In paragraph 55 Francis even rails about the evils of air conditioning, of all things.
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It is Now Indisputable That Pope Francis is a Risible Communist”

Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why, didn’t you know, America, that the Founders were so far reaching that they put global warming funding right in the U.S. Constitution? Well, that is what Bill Nye the not-so-sciencey guy is claiming, anyway.

The guy who plays a scientist on TV, but actually has no science degrees at all, told that the U.S. Constitution makes provisions to fund science, so being anti-global warming means you hate the founders… or something.

Here is what Bill Nye the actor guy told Vox:

When you have people denying this basic process, and how we all got here, it’s offensive to me intellectually. And I happen to think it’s unpatriotic. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says the government shall “promote the progress of science and useful arts.” So if you’re a politician looking to derail the progress of science, I think you’re not doing your job.

I want voters and taxpayers to recognize this. Do you really want to vote for somebody who doesn’t believe in the scientific method — and doesn’t believe that we defeated smallpox? Do you really want that person running your government?

Of course, this is all built on a lie. The U.S. Constitution says no such thing.
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Bill Nye the Liar Guy Claims ‘Science Funding’ Is In The US Constitution”

Physicians Want Dr. Oz Removed from Columbia University Board Over His Bad Medical Advice

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday, TVs “Dr. Oz,” Doctor Mehmet Oz, was once again forced to defend himself this time after a group of physicians at Columbia University demanded he be removed from the board over what they claim is his pushing of bad science and unsound medical advice.

Oz responded after the group of Doctors forwarded a letter to the university asking the school to dismiss the TV doc from its board.

The letter charges that Oz is a “fake and a charlatan.” The letter continues saying, “Dr. Oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine.”
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Physicians Want Dr. Oz Removed from Columbia University Board Over His Bad Medical Advice”

‘The Week’ Reveals a Typical Left-Wing Bias in a Science Article

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media is drowning in major cases of left-wing bias, we all know. But small examples of left-wingery pop up all the time in articles and a recent piece in the The Week gives us a perfect example of how the media slips in small digs at the right even in articles that are essentially supposed to be non-political.

On October 20, Nicholas Warino posted a piece in The Week that was supposed to be about the new scientific discoveries that might lead to 1,000-year life spans for we mere mortals.

But while trying to lighten the mood in an article that is supposed to be essentially about science, in his fifth paragraph, Warino injected a little bit of left-wing partisan nonsense. (My bold)
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‘The Week’ Reveals a Typical Left-Wing Bias in a Science Article”

Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Attempting to promulgate the theory of global warming, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claimed that the year 2012 was the “hottest” year on record. This toppled the previous records set in 1936. But after being called on the false statistics, without saying a word about the change, NOAA very quietly returned 1936 to leader status.

Weather blogger Anthony Watts has a very detailed report on all the changes, re-changes, and alterations on the NOAA data, changes that keep the “hottest” year floating around from era to era. One wonders how if this is “science” that data can keep changing for years that are in the past, sometimes decades past?
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Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment”

Are The Religious More Tolerant Than Social Scientists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new book by science writer Nicholas Wade seeks to explore the possible connection between evolution and race but in a recent op ed the author points out that in some ways religious people have become more tolerant than those social scientists who think of themselves as being warriors against racism and ignorance.

The book, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, is being attacked by those Ivory Tower profs in the social sciences. But with this attack they have proven themselves to have essentially become anti-intellectual and anti-science as the genome project expands humanity’s knowledge about the building blocks of our biology.

In a June 22 Wall Street Journal op ed, Mr. Wade seeks to expose the ignoramuses in the so-called social sciences.
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Are The Religious More Tolerant Than Social Scientists?”

Are We Receiving Radio Signals from an Alien Race?

-By Warner Todd Huston

No, I’m not going to segue into a discussion of the entirely inhuman and alien ideas promulgated by left-wingers, though it would be fitting. No, I am talking about real radio signals from space. We are getting them, but we don’t know what they are, where they are coming from, and how they are produced. Are they signals from aliens?

Well, the truth is, we just don’t know. But that they could be alien signals is tantalizing, indeed. And scientists say there is no way to rule out that possibility.

So, what am I talking about? Well, it seems that scientists are finally agreeing that we have been receiving an occasional radio bust now called an FRB–which stands for Fast Radio Bursts.
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Are We Receiving Radio Signals from an Alien Race?”

Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

As scientists unravel the human genome, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is no such thing as a “race” of humans. All humans share parts of their DNA with almost every other human as it happens, and this is increasingly so as this big world shrinks with cheap, safe, and easy travel. But as science learns more of our DNA we have found that there was intermixing between our human ancestors and the more primitive Neanderthals and that story tends to show just how stupid racists really are.

So, let’s think back to the most common taunt that racists who are related through white, European ancestors offer when assessing darker humans, whether they be Indians, blacks, or others. Don’t they say that their heavy brows or dark features make them out to be “primitives”?

Further, haven’t blacks been portrayed as Neanderthals, dim witted, slow, plodding, animalistic sorts who aren’t as sophisticated as those more learned white folks?
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Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are”

UPDATED: Tell Hultgren to Drop His Support For A New Obama National Global Warming-Pushing Czar

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois’ 14th District Congressman, Randy Hultgren, is a co-sponsor of a bill to create a national Science Laureate. This position will be little else but a chance for Obama to push someone into the national debate that supports all his favorite, left-wing pseudo scientific ideas like global warming, abortion, so-called green energy, and anti-fracking policy ideas. Hultgren needs to be urged to remove his support for this bill.

Now, at first blush, a Science Laureate almost seems like a harmless idea, one created to encourage kids, for instance, to feel that science is cool. And in fact, that is Hultgren’s point by co-sponsoring the bill.

Here is what a staffer from his office has said of the bill: “This is not a presidential appointment, and there would be no taxpayer money involved. This bill is simply a chance to show our children that discovery science is important and that science can be an exciting and rewarding career.”

Seems inoffensive, right?

Think again.
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UPDATED: Tell Hultgren to Drop His Support For A New Obama National Global Warming-Pushing Czar”

Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Science is always pushing the envelope to see what it can create, but babies with three parents? That is what a recent report out of Britain claims. Soon babies born of DNA of one man and the donor eggs of two women might be on the horizon.

A report at the Daily Mail says that a baby with three parents could be born as early as 2105 after a “landmark decision” by British authorities to allow a “controversial genetic treatment.”

While the genetic experiments are quite controversial and raises fears of “designer babies,” others feel that many ailments, diseases, and hereditary genetic disorders could be cured and that babies could be born with a level of assurances that they would be healthy.

The techniques, the Daily Mail reports, would take the egg from one mother, inject it with DNA from a second woman and fertilize it with a man’s sperm. “The resulting healthy child,” the Mail reports “would effectively have two mothers and a father.”

The British Government’s chief medical officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, claims that the procedure does not materially alter the genetic traits that would be passed on from the original donor egg and likened the introduction of genetic material from the second female egg to a changing of a “battery pack” in some electronic gadget.
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Scientists: Babies With Three Parents on the Horizon”

3D-Printed Guns Can’t Be Stopped

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to many at the 3D Printing Conference and Expo, 3D-printed guns are inevitable despite the efforts of some 3D printer companies and politicians to try and stop it.

The expo now underway in New York revealed opposing views on the issue of printed firearms, but according to 3D gun advocate Cody Wilson, 3D-printed guns are not only already here but should be legal.

Wilson, the founder and director of Defense Distributed, scoffed at claims by other conference speakers that 3D-printed guns are still not technologically viable. “No, it’s here today,” he said from the podium.

Wilson’s group has printed several gun parts and used them to fire live rounds. Defense Distributed isn’t the only group that has done this, either.

Several 3D technology companies, however, are not as excited as Wilson about the possibility of printing firearms.
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3D-Printed Guns Can’t Be Stopped”

New Insect Species Found… On Photo Sharing Website

-By Warner Todd Huston

There may be nothing new under the sun, but there appears to be at least one thing new on the Internet. Scientists have announced this year that a new bug was identified on the Internet. No, not a virus or trojan program, but a real bug. An insect, now dubbed Semachrysa jade, was discovered by an entomologist who was looking at pictures of bugs uploaded by a user of the photo sharing site Flickr.

As entomologists are wont to do, Shaun Winterton was perusing Flickr last year looking at pictures of bugs uploaded by users of the photo sharing site when he came across a photo of a bug he’d never seen before.

The photo shows a green lacewing with black lines and shimmering blue spots on its wings. Winterton, a senior entomologist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture, says that this coloration has never been seen before on a lacewing.

Winterton sent the photo to several bug-loving colleagues of his quizzing them if they had ever seen the insect. Turns out none of them had. Winterton had found a bug unknown to science and on the Internet of all places.
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New Insect Species Found… On Photo Sharing Website”

Media Falsely Reports Man Used 3-D Printer to ‘Print’ His own ‘Assault Rifle’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few days ago the Interwebs went all a twitter over a guy that reporters claimed “printed” his own “fully functional assault rifle” using a 3-D printer that “prints” in plastic. But few of these reports came anywhere near getting the facts straight on this story. The fact is he “printed” only a small part of the gun. He did not “print” a “fully functional rifle” as many reports suggested.

There was “printing” going on, certainly. But the only part of the gun — an AR-15 — that was fabricated using the 3-D printer was a part that did not have to withstand the explosions of the cartridge going off, nor was it a part that hasn’t been made of plastic in other guns already. The chamber was not fabricated, the barrel was not fabricated, the bolt wasn’t, and the firing pin wasn’t. In fact, none of the most important working parts were created using the 3-D printer.

So, what was “printed” by the machine? Only the lower receiver. If you don’t know what that is, think of it as the seat or skeleton upon which all the working parts of the gun sit. It is also the part to which the stock and handle are attached. So the only part this guy created was the lower receiver to which he affixed the rest of a real AR-15’s parts.
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Media Falsely Reports Man Used 3-D Printer to ‘Print’ His own ‘Assault Rifle’?”

Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and CNN are a bit miffed at all those global warming scoffers. They are winning the public debate, beating the “consensus” opinion that global warming — or globaloney — is poised to destroy the planet.

Nye and CNN host Carol Costello both dismissed any climate change skeptics with Costello claiming that “politicization” and a willful disbelief in global warming consensus was helping to ruin that cherished science. Costello also worried that skeptics were “winning.”

In a July 2 appearance on CNN’s Newsroom, host Carol Costello warmed Nye up driving straight for the idea that “the weather” has become “incredibly politicized” and asked Bill Nye to respond to charges that he was just a “kooky guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Nye defended himself saying, “I can read graphs” and went on to claim that the left’s beloved consensus was true because, well, that is “just how it is.”

It is interesting to note that neither Costello nor Nye seemed to think that left-wing, global warming supporters were engaging in any “politicizing” of the issue. Curiously, neither mentioned Climategate, the now infamous series of emails released by whistleblowers that proved that global warming supporters were engaging in a monumental political campaign in order to keep the money flowing to their research projects, a campaign that made the lie to the “science” of global warming.
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Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue”

Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In February of 2012, a pair of left-wing “philosophers” wrote a paper that claimed that babies aren’t human until they can become cognizant of themselves, aware that if they were to be “aborted” or killed they’d be losing something valuable, their lives. This, they claimed, justified abortion as well as post birth infanticide. Naturally they had elaborate justifications for their stance and what they wrote is chilling indeed, for it essentially states that only people that think like them are really worth the status of “human,” worth having their lives considered sacrosanct.

The pair, Alberto Giubilini of Milan, Italy, and Francesca Minerva of Australia, held as a central thesis that since abortion is so commonly accepted there had to be a more expansive use for it. That use, the pair decided, should be to cover killing babies born with developmental problems. After all, they said, neither fetuses or newborns “have the same moral status as actual persons,” so this certainly must mean that newborns with catastrophic birth defects could be killed without any moral reservations.

Here is how they justified the non-human status of both a fetus and a born baby.
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Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?”

A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here at the site we often take Hollywood to task for its outrageous liberalism, and rightfully so. Of course it’s our job to look for the worst cases to alert you all about the nagging left-wing bias. But occasionally there are stories that are good ones and it is incumbent upon us to report those, too. This is one of those stories.

More often than not when we have stories out of Hollywood about life issues it is invariably a pro-abortion tale and in the case of scientific studies, it is usually some denizen of Tinseltown coming out forcefully for unethical fetal stem cell research. The destruction of life is de rigueur out there, unfortunately.

But not this time.

You might say that this celebrity has boldly gone where no Hollywooder has gone before. You also might wince at my horrible attempt at humor when you find out that we are here today to celebrate the efforts of Eugene W. Roddenberry Jr., the son of Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek.

You see, in October the son of the “Great Bird of the Galaxy” donated $5 million to stem cell research. But, unlike so many of the Hollywood persuasion, this gift is not earmarked for fetal stem cell research. It is instead going to a facility that specializes in adult stem cell research.
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A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story”

Is the Philosophy of Modern Science – Unscientific?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

The best place to begin an examination of modern scientific philosophical flaws is in its very own definition. What science has become is far removed from its original definition.

In the beginning, it was easier to trust the conclusions of science when it defined itself as the empirical study of all things, based on repeatable, observable phenomena and careful record keeping of the results. Today’s science is rife with wild speculation, overworked theory, and just plain authoritarian guesswork. If a scientist said it, it has to be true, but is that true?

There are plenty of reasons that science is never questioned and not the least of these is because most scientific disciplines don’t want a hint of possible error being attached to them. Like all areas of modern life, accountability to the creator, God, must never be openly acknowledged. Religion is a highly doubtful area of substandard sources and subtexts, in the eyes of many scientists, who think it is largely for those who are squeamish and the fearful who haven’t got any savvy, cool or real brains to start with.
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Is the Philosophy of Modern Science – Unscientific?”

The Slow, Certain Death of the Global Warming Theory

-By Alan Caruba

I have been predicting the death of the global warming theory since late in the last decade when it became obvious that the Earth had entered into a cooling cycle. By 2009 the leak of thousands of emails between the “scientists” whose computer models the claims were based upon revealed they were in a state of panic regarding this obvious phenomenon.

Employed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Global Warming (IPCC), those “scientists” have since been protected by the universities who benefited greatly from the huge grants of public funding they received. The issue of whether such men should be prosecuted for deceiving the entire world remains to be decided.

The lead player, Dr. James Hansen, still on the payroll of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, is the man who told Congress in 1988 that global warming threatened mankind and the Earth. He has since switched to lying about coal and oil, two of the fossil fuels on which the economies of all nations depend, claiming they are deadly pollutants that must be abandoned in favor of “clean energy”, wind and solar.
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The Slow, Certain Death of the Global Warming Theory”

Electric Cars Not In The Least ‘Green’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margaret Wente of Canada’s Globe And Mail has found out “the shocking truth about electric cars” finding that the whole idea of electric cars being “the future” is a laughable claim. The facts she relays are the sort of truths that should doom electric cars as the harbingers of greenism. After all, the true believers in the religion of green shall not be deterred.

The purpose of Wente’s column is to highlight the silly expenditure of Canada’s treasury on electric cars, but she also went on to point out the many failings of electric cars, failings that wild-eyed proponents of electric cars refuse to notice.

“The fantasy that electric cars are right around the corner doesn’t survive even the most cursory reality check,” Wente writes. “… consumers simply won’t pay a $20,000 premium for a vehicle that doesn’t go very far, isn’t very convenient, and runs out of juice as soon as you turn on the air conditioner.”

Too true….

Read the rest at

Expanding Number of People Saying ELEnin a Dwarf Star

-By Kevin Roeten

Coming up in September, we might see a faint comet (called ELEnin), or, a rogue brown dwarf star. The first possibility is a comet, which is a normal occurrence. The second possibility, a brown dwarf star, would be a major scientific anomaly. The first possibility is barely perceptible visibly, and not headed for any earth collision (36,000 miles distance at nearest approach).

Exact locations can be determined at The second possibility, a brown dwarf star, can be seen on the exact same path.

Strange, but both are almost invisible to the telescope’s eye. The comet is far enough away from the sun now, so it would seem almost invisible. A dwarf star would be equally hard to see, because it retains all its star mass without fusion occurring. This particular comet/dwarf star has gotten more than its share of publicity. In fact, ELEnin has been observed 2218 times by NASA since June []. Only comets Hale-Bopp and Halley have been observed more times.
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Expanding Number of People Saying ELEnin a Dwarf Star”

Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

My recently published piece entitled “Premiere of Discovery’s ‘Curiosity’ – Shameless Secularism not Science” has created no small stir among both the religious and the scientific community. While I never intended for that to happen it has become one of the greatest lessons of my life.

I loved science as a child and my fascination with all new discoveries has never ended. The importance of some discovery is inestimable and the search for knowledge is a healthy and exciting aspect of human endeavor. It is the philosophy of science and in some cases, the dogma of science that needs to be scrutinized a great deal more carefully.

Being a man of faith does not preclude exercising some legitimate scrutiny about all that calls itself religion. Not using our best wisdom and utilizing some careful research is why those with religious proclivities, sadly, end up in cults or much worse they finish life with a kool-aid cocktail. Those with a great love of science could learn at least this one lesson from the religiously inclined.
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Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools”

Lefties So Far Behind They Are Praying for Space Alien Intervention

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently, it’s “ET phone home” for the lefties these days. We now have two instances of leftists wishing for alien intervention, and, no, I am not talking about folks from another country but things from another galaxy!

First there is pseudo-economics expert Paul Krugman. Last week on Fareed Zakaria’s CNN program, Krugman seriously floated the idea that a space alien invasion could act as a great “economic stimulus” for our flagging economy. No, really. He did….

Read the rest at RightPundits.comn.

Clandestine Cause of Global Warming

-By Kevin Roeten

Natural cycles ALWAYS change climate. One of the biggest cycles is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). It shifts from warm to cold every 20-30 years, or on an inter-decadal time scale. This is directly related to sea surface temperature. The PDO’s temperature variance over more than 100 years can be viewed in the graph below. A common thread to PDO and climate is unmistakable. Both graphs below are from Wikipedia.

Observed monthly values for the PDO (1900–2010).

Both graphs below are from Wikipedia.


Even though the Atlantic is a significantly smaller body of water than the Pacific, it has similar effects on climate. It has what is typically known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). It has a quasi-cycle of warm to cold every ~70 years. Both the PDO and AMO are directly affected by other natural cycles.
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Clandestine Cause of Global Warming”

Kinzinger on ‘Mediscare’

From the office of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R, ILL)…

“Social Security and Medicare are the electric third rails of American politics. Touch them and you can expect reprisal. It’s hard to have an intelligent discussion when one side is determined to scare the bejabbers out of people.

“U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Manteno, has taken to calling such tactics ‘Mediscare.’ We agree.”

Kankakee Daily Journal Editorial: Years of Security

Adjusting the time payments begin might be one compromise
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Kinzinger on ‘Mediscare’”

Bogus Sex Scares Used to Ban BPA – The BPA File, Part Five

-By Alan Caruba

Over the course of the first four elements of The BPA File, we have documented a massive, global campaign to ban bisphenol-A, BPA, a chemical that has been safely used for more than a half century to protect metal and plastic containers for food and liquid against spoilage and the resulting hazard to health.

Every day, somewhere in the nation and the world, there is a constant repetition of lies regarding BPA They frequently target the fears of mothers of newborn infants, but also allege a wide variety of other health threats including a healthy sex life for men and women.

In the same fashion that the global warming hoax was spread and maintained by a campaign that asserted that everything from frizzy hair to blizzards was the result of a dramatic warming cycle that was either happening or predicted to happen, the effort to ban BPA uses the same technique.
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Bogus Sex Scares Used to Ban BPA – The BPA File, Part Five”

Earth Day and Environmental Insanity

-By Alan Caruba

Anyone who has been paying any attention to the environmental movement has got to have concluded it is insane.

  • While the United States stands poised on defaulting on its ever-growing debt — the highest in the nation’s history;
  • While wars and insurrections are waged in the Middle East, across northern Africa, and in the Ivory Coast;
  • While Japan struggles to deal with a major earthquake and nuclear plant meltdown;
  • While Islam wages terrorism worldwide, and
  • While European nations attempt to deal with their own financial crisis, the environmentalists — Greens — engage in the most absurd frauds and nonsense since the Dark Ages.

In news from the United Nations — a misnomer if ever there was one — Bolivia is proposing a UN treaty that will give “Mother Earth” the same rights as accorded to human beings. It has just passed a domestic law that grants these rights to bugs, trees, and all other natural things in its own country.

According to the Bolivian proposal, humans have sought to “dominate and exploit” the Earth in ways that threaten the “well-being and existence of many beings” such as malaria-bearing mosquitoes, lice and ticks that spread disease, trees that provide timber for shelter and countless other uses, venomous snakes, and every other creature upon which we depend for food—beef, chickens, and fish, to name just three.
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Earth Day and Environmental Insanity”