Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing once again that it is impossible to be a logical, thinking human AND be a liberal at the same time, Katie “Fake News” Couric recently noted that a fetus in the womb can “feel” transgender and to “think” it has gender issues while still in the womb.

Normally any talk of a baby in the womb is treated as a laughable concept by a liberal. You see, up until birth any baby in the womb is considered a disease that can be killed at will. Heck, as far as some liberals are concerned, even a child as old as six months after birth can be killed if it is considered an inconvenience.

Yes, we know that liberals consider human life “unviable,” or just some random “collection of cells” until a mother decides she “wants” said baby. Human life has no value at all to a liberal unless they “feel” like assigning worth to its life. It’s all just a random, illogical decision, not a fact and certainly not scientific.

Except… if that fetus “feels” like a different gender? Well THAT is a different story, apparently.

That’s right, now liberals are saying we need to save a fetus if it “feels” like it is a different gender than it is.
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Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus”

In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy

-By Warner Todd Huston

An article in The New York Times extolling the virtues of pushing transgenderism on high school teens featured a paragraph that perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy of the liberal argument, not just on this issue, but writ large.

According to The New York Times, some students at Green Mountain Union High School in Chester, Vermont, were incensed that school administrators had implemented a transgender policy to allow a single female student who claims to be a boy to use the boys bathrooms and locker rooms at the school.

The school has broken down into two camps, according to the paper’s article, one side in favor of the so-called transgender student and the other against her right to claim to be a male.

Now, the chief argument that leftists make to legitimize forcing all schools in America to implement pro-transgender policies is that we can’t discriminate against kids who feeeel they should be a different sex than what they were born as simply because they feeeel they are right. We are to take their word for their feeeeeelings because if we don’t we are discriminating against them.

This, they say, is *just like* implementing civil rights for blacks. Because, you see, we can’t penalize kids for being transgender because if we do we are punishing them for *what they are* just like we did when African Americans had their rights quashed. Further, we can’t take away these kids’ “freedom” to decide to be the opposite sex nor can we oppose their right to free speech.

But buried in the Times story was a telling paragraph (my bold):
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In Transgender Argument, a Perfect Example of Liberal Hypocrisy”

Suburban Chicago Judge Legally Declared Insane Wants Back on Bench

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, a Chicago suburb has a woman who was fortunate enough to become a Cook County judge even though she has severe mental problems… and by severe I mean besides being a black power-pushing, halfwitted Democrat. I mean she was actually diagnosed as a mental case and suspended from the bench because of it. But typical to Chicago, now this nutcase expects to get her job back. Because raaaaacism, I suppose.

The nutcase in question is one Cynthia Brim, 55, who was a traffic court judge at the Markham courthouse. In 2012 she went off her nut and began ranting from the bench. Ultimately she was diagnosed with a mental disorder, proscribed a drug regimen to keep her ranting to a minimum and then suspended from the bench.

She even had battery charges filed against her when she went crazy in the court room in 2012.
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Suburban Chicago Judge Legally Declared Insane Wants Back on Bench”

University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several years ago a mother who cares for a disabled teen was shocked to discover that the Gov. of Illinois was going to force her into a union because she gets state aid to care for her son. She protested this forced unionization and the forced paying of dues that goes with it. Now a union professor is saying that unions should use violence against this woman to silence her.

Dr. Alan Singer, a Professor of Secondary Education at Hofstra University, urged unions to take “aggressive, illegal actions” saying it was “the only way” to stop people like Pam Harris from hurting the union cause of extorting business and government.

Mrs. Harris is the woman behind the Illinois lawsuit fighting state imposed unionism (Harris v. Quinn) that has made it to the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States.
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University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen”

Sarah Palin Calls Bill Maher Out for Calling Son Trig a ‘Retard’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Don’t poke the Mamma Bear!

Sarah Palin is getting back on track as an outspoken commentator on the news and her first step back in the spotlight is to slam so-called comedian Bill Maher for calling her son, Trig, a “retard” in his “comedy” act.

Palin has recently re-signed as a Fox News commentator after having let her contract lapse in January of 2013, likely with an eye toward having a voice in the upcoming 2014 midterm election cycle.

But elections were far from her mind after she discovered that so-called comedian Bill Maher was going around calling her Down’s Syndrome child a “retard.”

Palin heard about Maher’s calumny from a piece in the Daily Caller by Ron Furtell titled, “Why I Heckled Bill Maher.”

Furtell had gone with friends to see Maher’s stand up routine in Las Vegas last week and took issue with the “comedy” Maher was dishing out.

Furtell noted that he has a special needs son and when Maher started calling Palin’s son, Trig, a “retard,” the writer couldn’t take it in silence. He heckled Maher and was dutifully ushered out the door by security.

After Furtell published his Daily Caller piece, Sarah Palin also had a thing or two to say about Maher’s nonsense.

Palin took to Twitter, as she is wont to do, and slammed Maher twice.

It is always interesting to note that these extremist liberals are always the first ones to chastise people for calling names until it is a conservative they want to attack. Then the name calling runs fast and thick.

That isn’t the first ime he’s attacked a special needs child. Here is another example of this creep’s “work”…
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Sarah Palin Calls Bill Maher Out for Calling Son Trig a ‘Retard’”

VP Biden: Mental Health Checks Could Have Stopped Vir. Tech Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a discussion on gun control at an event in Richmond, Virginia, Vice President Joe Biden claimed that better mental health checks could have stopped the shooting on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007.

Biden said that he and those he consulted during the recent gun banning commission he chaired which was completed in mid January had reached a “pretty broad consensus” of policy recommendations that would include “mental capacity” to determine who would be allowed to purchase guns in the future.

“One of the problems that was pointed out here was that there was an adjudication of the young man that committed the crime at Virginia Tech, and yet he was able to go out and purchase two weapons,” the Vice President said.

In 2007 Seung-Hui Cho, a student at the university, killed 32 at the Blacksburg, VA campus. Cho used two handguns that he had purchased legally. The killer, though, had a history of mental health issues that apparently didn’t come up in his background checks when he purchased the weapons.
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VP Biden: Mental Health Checks Could Have Stopped Vir. Tech Shooting”