Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

It really is the most amazing thing, this Republican Health Care Bill. Usually, as a partisan, you can point to the lies from one corner of the political world and screech about how unfair it all is. But in the case of this latest Republican-sponsored health care bill, the sad fact is that all four of the most interested parties in this debate are simply lying outright about what this bill does.

When the GOP leadership of the House of Representatives finally passed its latest attempt to address the problems of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the White House and the Republican Party celebrated that they finally set in motion the repealing of Obamacare. Unfortunately, the AHCA does not do that at all.

President Trump led the cheerleading with tweets and press conferences about the House plan.

The truth is, the AHCA neither repeals nor replaces Obamacare. All it does is nibble around the edges of Obama’s disastrous takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.

The House of Representatives is also trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the country by trying to make it seem as if they just repealed Obamacare. Republicans, of course, are desperate to make it appear as they have fulfilled a campaign promise. Since Obamacare was passed Republicans from coast to coast, have been promising to rid the country of Obamacare if only the voters will give them the White House and majorities in both houses. With the 2017 election they now have it, yet they have spent the fist 100 and some odd days of Trump’s presidency failing to do the one major thing they said they’d do once put in full power: eliminate Obamacare.

So, by characterizing the AHCA as a “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare, House Republicans are hoping voters take that at face value and imagine that they have fulfilled a campaign promise.
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Everyone On Every Side is Lying About the GOP Health Care Bill”

New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Mexico police chief Shane Harger recently attended an event in Las Vegas held by a group that urges police officials to be mindful of the U.S. Constitution in the execution of their duties. But upon returning home from the convention, Harger was suddenly fired from his job as the chief of Jemez Springs, New Mexico because, he says, he has been called a “terrorist” for believing in the Constitution.

Chief Harger attended the Las Vegas gathering of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) to hear what the group had to say about its goals. Harger says he’d never attended such an event in the past and until the Vegas event was not a member of the group.

On the way to the CSPOA event, though, the chief suddenly found that his name had been placed on some sort of watchlist by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and he was harassed by TSA agents as he tried to board his plane.

Harger reported that when he got to the airport a man who briefly flashed a badge and claimed to be a “federal agent” (from what agency he would not say) informed the police chief that he was a “person of interest” and that he had to be detained.
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New Mexico Police Chief Fired Likely Because He Attended Constitutional Rights Gathering”

Are You a Conservative? Welcome to the Majority!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of lament by the far left in America that the Tea Party has somehow driven the Republican Party to conservative extremes. This, however, is untrue. The truth is, the American public has been trending toward conservative views for more than a decade before the Tea Party even came about.

According to Gallup, for the last three years more Americans have self-proclaimed themselves as conservatives than have claimed the moniker of moderate.

Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This marks the third straight year that conservatives have outnumbered moderates, after more than a decade in which moderates mainly tied or outnumbered conservatives.

But think about this for a minute. This means that fully 75% of America is more conservative than the Democrat Party, a party that decades ago stopped being a party of centrism becoming instead a European-like, liberal party.

Gallup’s several decades of polling finds that “moderates” have been in slow decline since 1992 with Americans calling themselves “liberal” now only measuring at 21 percent. With this we see a nation that is not just center-right as many political pundits have for years claimed, but is actually trending conservative.
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Are You a Conservative? Welcome to the Majority!”

One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, there is one local Illinois activist that apparently won’t be at this weekend’s TeaCon 2011, but not for want of trying. Bill Kelly, one-time candidate for Illinois Comptroller — he came in second, by the way — has told me that he’s been barred not only from getting media credentials for the event, but even from buying a ticket.

Kelly has a page on the Washington Times community section blogs and was told by the Times that he could get media creds representing them at TeaCon, but when he went to the event staff with his request TeaCon organizers denied his credentialing.

Kelly feels that people at WIND radio, one of the event co-hosts, put the kybosh on his credentials because of a recent dust up between Kelly and Senator Dick Durbin not to mention another dustup between Kelly and local TV reporter Jay Levine.
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One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011″

American Government Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt

-By Warner Todd Huston

In New York you need a license to work as a gas pumper at a gas station. A contradiction since you do not need that expensive license, training, and government meddling to pump your own gas in New York. In Chicago it is supposedly illegal to fly a kite inside the city limits. In Delaware it is illegal to have a basketball hoop on your driveway. In nearly every city and town it is illegal to build a shed on your own property without government approval and fees spent to “allow” you to do so.

These are all examples of how the United States of America has fallen severely away from the land of liberty and personal freedom we once enjoyed. These are also examples of why we need politicians that will run on eliminating laws, regulations, a government meddling, not adding more.

We are being “governmented” to death, America. The nanny state has reached out to quash everything we as individuals want to do. We cannot put up a yard fence, we aren’t allowed to park certain vehicles on our own property, we cannot have garage sales without licenses, fees, “allowances,” and government meddling.
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American Government Must Be Torn Down and Rebuilt”

Yes, Folks, We All Would Legislate Morality (Psst, Even You Libertarians)

-By Selwyn Duke

Really, I must be a glutton for punishment. During the past couple of weeks, I wrote two articles on libertarianism and made the point that for a law to be just, it must have a basis in morality. These commentaries evoked quite a response, ranging from lauding me as brilliant to lambasting me for not having two brain cells to rub together. And the negative responses were most notable. For daring to mention morality and law in the same breath, some implied I was like the Taliban, one respondent called me a “neoconservative” and a blogger said I was a socialist (yes, really, yours truly!). Pretty funny that, when talking about a man who proposed the Defense against Tyranny Amendment.

Now, to review the morality/law nexus in brief, I previously wrote (I recommend reading the first two pieces, here and here, for background):
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Yes, Folks, We All Would Legislate Morality (Psst, Even You Libertarians)”

Heartland Institute: A Night With P.J. O’Rourke

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Oct. 20 I had the please of sitting in an intimate audience in downtown Chicago, Illinois invited to listen to one of America’s great wits, P.J. O’Rourke and what a fun night it was. The evening was sponsored by Chicago’s Heartland Institute, a free market policy group.

O’Rourke’s latest book is titled Don’t Vote It Just Encourages the Bastards. I was lucky enough to get my copy signed by the author that evening.

Don’t Vote is a brilliant, disturbing, hilarious, and ultimately sobering look at why politics and politicians are a necessary evil – but only just barely necessary.
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Heartland Institute: A Night With P.J. O’Rourke”

Libertarianism’s Folly: When the ‘Live and Let Live’ Mentality Becomes Vice

-By Selwyn Duke

While there was a time when I might have described myself as a libertarian, those days are long gone. In fact, I don’t even call myself a conservative anymore. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I agree with libertarians on many issues, and their governmental model is vastly preferable to what liberals have visited upon us. Yet there is a problem: However valid their vision of government may be, their vision of society renders it unattainable.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Now, I certainly agree with the first sentence, as it’s merely a statement of the obvious. But then we have to ask, what constitutes “injurious”? And, when determining this, do we completely ignore indirect injury? Then, if we do consider the latter, to what extent should it be the domain of government? (When pondering these matters, note that the Founding Fathers didn’t reside on the modern libertarian page. They certainly would have, for instance, supported the idea of state and local governments outlawing pornography and would be appalled at what is now justified under the First Amendment.)
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Libertarianism’s Folly: When the ‘Live and Let Live’ Mentality Becomes Vice”