Amer. Bar Assoc. Peddling Race Instead of Law With New ‘Hispanic Law’ Study

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are several precepts that American jurisprudence is supposed to be based upon. “Equal under the law,” “justice is blind,” “no man is either above or below the law,” in the U.S. these basic ideas undergird the premise that we are all the same under our American law. But apparently someone forgot to tell the American Bar Association about all these simple, long-time American principles because the ABA is delivering itself a new charge: The search for Hispanic law.

That’s right, folks, the ABA is no longer concerned with “the law.” The ABA is poised to become more concerned with segregating Americans into classes each with their own sort of “law.” According to the ABA, I suppose, we now have your basic “Hispanic law,” and perhaps your “African American law,” with maybe a little “White law” thrown in there, and, who knows, maybe some “gay law,” or heck, why not even some “non-human Americans law”? I mean my dog might want to sue someone, ya know?
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Amer. Bar Assoc. Peddling Race Instead of Law With New ‘Hispanic Law’ Study”