Transgender ‘Study’ Accuses Normals of Being Bigots for Not Wanting to Date Trans People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now the left is saying that if you are a man attracted to women, but you don’t find a man pretending to be a woman attractive, you are a bigot.

You read that right, the left has finally found a “love” it doesn’t love.

What do I mean by that? Well, what is the first thing that radical gays tell you when they are trying to justify their push for gay marriage, for instance? They say “we should be allowed to love who ever we want,” and they also say “We have a right to be ‘who we are.'”

Ah, but wait. Now, if you are heterosexual and only want to love a natural-born member of the opposite sex — and not one created in a doctor’s office — well, THAT love is now to be deemed “bigotry.”

So, apparently “love” is not the justification for the left’s deviancy, after all.

All of this becomes clear with the latest “study” that was aimed at justifying the mental illness of transgenderism.

In June, left-winger Zhana Vrangalova wrote a piece attacking straight people for their bigotry on the gay website Vrangalova touted the “work” from a couple of researchers who found that the majority of so-called cisgender people (that would be normal people) would never consider dating a transgender person.

I know, let’s al put on our shocked face.
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Transgender ‘Study’ Accuses Normals of Being Bigots for Not Wanting to Date Trans People”

Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Texas legislature debates its own version of North Carolina’s bill to protect vulnerable women and children in public restrooms, some Lone Star lawmakers have fallen for a false report issued by the president of the Texas Association of Business (TAB) who has floated debunked claims predicting dire economic repercussions if the state passes the bill into law.

The state has been debating the merits of Senate Bill 6, also known as the Texas “bathroom bill,” meant to protect the privacy of women and children and maintaining that people must use facilities based only on their birth gender.

The measure is similar to North Carolina’s year-old HB2 which brought attacks from liberals across the country and sparked boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues.

North Carolina was hit with a series of boycotts by entertainers and sports leagues after it passed its own bathroom bill early in 2016. The threat of boycotts is what TAB President Chris Wallace warned about in his debunked report insisting that Texas would loose billions if it were to pass its own bathroom bill. Wallace warned Texas legislators that passing SB 6 would cost the state up to 185,000 jobs and as much as $8.5 billion in lost revenues, according to Breitbart News.

But even the purported “successful” boycotts launched against North Carolina were a dismal failure.
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Texas Lawmakers Falling for Fake News Predictions of Financial Disaster with New Bathroom Bill”

Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing once again that it is impossible to be a logical, thinking human AND be a liberal at the same time, Katie “Fake News” Couric recently noted that a fetus in the womb can “feel” transgender and to “think” it has gender issues while still in the womb.

Normally any talk of a baby in the womb is treated as a laughable concept by a liberal. You see, up until birth any baby in the womb is considered a disease that can be killed at will. Heck, as far as some liberals are concerned, even a child as old as six months after birth can be killed if it is considered an inconvenience.

Yes, we know that liberals consider human life “unviable,” or just some random “collection of cells” until a mother decides she “wants” said baby. Human life has no value at all to a liberal unless they “feel” like assigning worth to its life. It’s all just a random, illogical decision, not a fact and certainly not scientific.

Except… if that fetus “feels” like a different gender? Well THAT is a different story, apparently.

That’s right, now liberals are saying we need to save a fetus if it “feels” like it is a different gender than it is.
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Liberal Illogic: A Fetus Isn’t Human… Unless It’s a ‘Transgender’ Fetus”