Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has now decided that being a wild-eyed hater of Jews is a “rational” action and that the Iranian’s hate for Jews doesn’t make them bad people. How can Jews still support Obama?

In discussing his foreign policy ideas concerning Iran getting a nuke, Obama once again had harsher things to say about Israel than he does about Iran despite that Iran has actually helped kill thousands of American soldiers.

Obama complained that there are “political forces” in the US that want to help give Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government a rubber stamp to do what ever it wants to do and Obama thinks that is a bad idea.

In particular, Obama wants the Israelis to end its settlement efforts. In fact, Obama insists that standing against Israel’s policy doesn’t make him anti-Jew.

On the other hand, it doesn’t seem that Obama cares too much if anyone else is anti-Jew if his next set of comments are any indication.
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Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’”

American Blacks As Just Bad As Arabs With Their Idiotic Conspiracy Theories

-By Warner Todd Huston

For decades one of the most unusual things about Arabs in particular and Muslims in general is that they are stupid enough to fall for wild-eyed conspiracy theories all born of hate for Israel and the Untied States. But as reactions to Ferguson continue to reverberate here in the US, it appears that African Americans are no different than spittle specked, Muslim terror supporters with their own ease of accepting homegrown, wild-eyed conspiracies.

We are all by now familiar with the book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the lie-filled “book” that Arabs say “proves” that the Jews are evil. This is a false-flag book written by Russian anti-Jew activists and promulgated as some sort of Jewish how-to manual on taking over the world. It even included that claim that Jews eat Muslim and/or Christian babies. Seriously; eating them (ever heard of the “blood libel“?).

This false book isn’t the only lie that Arabs promulgate. They have a whole load of lies about the USA–often in connection with Israel. In fact, they are sure that 9/11 was created by either Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, or the US government and that it was all just an effort to libel Islam.

The conspiracy lies that Arabs believe make it easy for propagandists in the so-called “Palestinian” territories to make up lies all day long about Jew shooting them. The most famous example is the case of Muhammad al-Dura, the 12-year-old boy supposedly shot by Israeli Defense Forces back in 2000.

It turned out that this “shooting” was all a lie. It never happened. But the staged video of the “shooting” went viral and was believed by billions of people–even many in the west.

Anyway, examples abound of Arab conspiracy theories promulgated as truth in the backwards, violent world of Islam and more are made up out of whole cloth every day.

Unfortunately, with these Ferguson rioters we have so glaringly seen that African Americans are just as conspiracy-prone as those whack jobs in the Muslim world.
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American Blacks As Just Bad As Arabs With Their Idiotic Conspiracy Theories”

A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials in Austria have gone public with fears that the terror group ISIS may be finding a new wave of recruits among its teenaged girls after a number of girls have run away from home intending to join ISIS forces in Iraq or Syria. Unfortunately, Austria isn’t alone teens are fleeing countries all across the west to join jihadis.

Earlier this year, two teenaged Austrian girls ran off to Syria and soon began posting photos of themselves on their social media accounts toting AK47s, wearing burkas and sporting ISIS regalia. Others have since attempted to run away and join these girls sparking fears among officials that the girls are fostering a sickening trend of wannabe terrorist runaways.

Thanks to their social media updates, Samra Kesinovic, 16 and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, have become minor celebrities among many teens in Austria’s Muslim minority community after the two ran away from their homes in Austria and ended up hanging around ISIS in Syria.

This month authorities announced that they apprehended two more teen girls who were trying to find passage through Turkey and into Syria to join the ISIS jihad movement.
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A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS”

Ted Cruz Does Right–Walks Out on Mid Eastern Scumbags Claiming to be Christians

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas Senator Ted Cruz had a bit of a problem yesterday when it became an issue that he had agreed to speak before a so-called Christian group made up of Lebanese and Palestinian Christians. But when he announced his support of Israel before these “Christians” they booed him and he saved his reputation by walking out on them in the middle of his address.

The problem for Cruz was that he agreed to speak before the non-profit group In Defense of Christians. The problem wasn’t that Cruz was speaking before a group that seeks to support Christians in the Middle East, but that he chose to speak before a group of people many of whom support Hamas and Hezbollah and people who oppose Israel… yes, even though they claim to be Christians.

This was a strange move by Cruz, strange that he’d chose to go before this group of terror lovers. But he really saved his own reputation by what he did there.
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Ted Cruz Does Right–Walks Out on Mid Eastern Scumbags Claiming to be Christians”

Paul Newman Knew How To Deal With Hamas

A little-known film from the 60s taught us how to deal with jihadists unworthy of civil treatment.

Before we can learn how to deal with terrorists, we need to be able to identify whom they are, because the Obama Administration either doesn’t seem able to, or it favors them. In the context of this essay, we’re limiting the discussion to violent Islamic supremacists who kill noncombatants.

The next step would be to elect a president of the US who can cut it. This one cannot. He doesn’t have a clue. But Paul Newman understood exactly how to treat terrorists. At least the character he played in Hombre had.

Hombre was a small budget, 2 hour-long western that premiered in US theaters in January 1967. Wikipedia calls it a “revisionist western.” It was distinguished from others in the western genre, revisionist or not, by its producers and renowned cast. The script was written by Elmore Leonard and Irving Ravetch, based on a novel by, you guessed it, Elmore Leonard. And directed by Martin Ritt.

As I said, the dozen main cast members were outstanding in their field. The protagonist was John Russell, played by Paul Newman. Russell was the top cop in the Apache police. Fredric March was Alexander Favor, a government bureaucrat whose function was to administer the Indian reservations. Barbara Rush was his wife, Audra Favor. Diane Cilento plays opposite Newman, as Jessie Brown, the manager of the boarding house that Russell just inherited from his father. And Martin Balsam, with Spanish accent and makeup to appear as stage coach driver Henry Mendez. The bad guys are played by Richard Boone (Cicero Grimes), Cameron Mitchell (Sheriff Frank Braden), David Canary (Lamar Dean) and Frank Silvera, as the “Mexican Bandit”, his perennial role as character actor in many films.
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Paul Newman Knew How To Deal With Hamas”

Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been revealed that Muslim Imam in a Chicago mosque has been calling for Chicago Muslims to go wage jihad against the Jews by flying to Gaza to join the fighting there.

Video of Sheik Mohamed Elimam of the Chicago Islamic Center has come to light showing this “religious” leader urging his followers to go kill Jews in a series of July sermons.

As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reports, in one excerpt, Elimam says: “Oh, those of you who want to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah, Palestine is calling you and Gaza is crying out for your help. If you are true believers, real mujahideen, hasten to Palestine.”

In another he says that Israel should be dismantled and the Jews sent “back to their countries.”
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Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza”

Fox News Explores the NSA’s ‘Secret War,’ Asks ‘Who is the Enemy’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the US government has engaged in a secret war against… well, even those not under a rock are fuzzy on just who the government views as the enemy. That is exactly what Fox News looks to explore with its new special, “Fox News Reporting: The NSA’s Secret War – Who’s the Enemy?”

Fox News will present the one-hour special, hosted by Bret Baer, focusing on the National Security Agency (NSA). The special takes viewers inside the operational heart of the NSA’s headquarters. The program will feature interviews from those within the agency as well as the agency’s critics, including Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), General Keith Alexander and General Michael Hayden, among others.

The special will air on May 10 at 10 PM Eastern. Don’t miss the broadcast, but if you do it will be rebroadcast on Sunday, May 11, at 9PM Eastern.

The following guests will appear with FNC’s Bret Baer:
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
General Michael Hayden, Former Director of NSA (1999 – 2005)
General Keith Alexander, Former Director of NSA (2005 – 2014)
James Bamford, Author of “The Puzzle Palace” and “The Shadow Factory”
Matthew Aid, NSA Historian and author of “The Secret Sentry”
Bart Gellman, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Intelligence Reporter
Thomas Drake, Former Senior Executive of NSA, Whistleblower
Dennis Kucinich, Former U.S. Representative D-OH)
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Fox News Explores the NSA’s ‘Secret War,’ Asks ‘Who is the Enemy’?”

Senate Investigation Finds that Obama Could Have Prevented Benghazi Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Benghazi, Libya “Obama lied, people died.” That is the slogan that should dog this President for his actions–or lack thereof–during the attacks in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. Now a Senate investigation shows that Obama could have prevented the attacks and saved those lives.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has finally released its report on the Benghazi attacks and it finds that Obama failed miserably to stop the attacks even though he and his subordinates could have.

The Senate Committee says the murderous attack on U.S. facilities in Libya could have been prevented and faults the State Department for failing to respond to the deteriorating security situation despite numerous warnings.
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Senate Investigation Finds that Obama Could Have Prevented Benghazi Attacks”

Benghazi Transcripts Prove Obama Lied That ‘Youtube Video’ Caused Benghazi Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

The phrase “Obama lied, people died” should ring out from every corner of the country now that we know 100% for sure that Obama knew full well that no “anti-Muslim Youtube video” caused the attacks in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. Obama knew as it was happening that it was a terror attack but lied to America anyway.

Fox News recently uncovered a stash of documents that proves beyond doubt that Obama and his advisers knew just after the attacks began that it was terrorism.

Fox News correspondent James Rosen reported on January 14 that 450 pages of sworn testimony by America’s highest ranking military officers makes the case clearly about what the administration knew and when it was known.
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Benghazi Transcripts Prove Obama Lied That ‘Youtube Video’ Caused Benghazi Attacks”

Traitors: American Journalists Attack Koch Brothers, Support Al Jazeera

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a confluence of events over the last few weeks that perfectly proves the essential anti-Americanism of the Old Media establishment in this country today. It is evinced in two separate stories, one wheret the left is excoriating the Koch brothers for wanting to buy the L.A. Times and a contrasting story where journalists are falling all over themselves to get hired by the new news network being started by Al Jazeera, the jihad-supporting, anti-American, Muslim-owned news agency.

At the end of April, stories began to emerge that conservative brothers David and Charles Koch might be interesting in buying a newspaper such as the Los Angeles Times in an effort to enlarge their media presence. This news sent the Old Media establishment into conniption fits.

The billionaire Koch brothers are libertarian leaning and have used their money to fund many conservative causes. They were, for instance, a big part of forming the activist group Americans for Prosperity among others.

Almost instantly reports came out that “half the staff” of the Times vowed to quit their jobs if the Kochs were allowed to buy the paper. Quickly on the heels of that news, the newspaper union put out a statement saying that the Kochs are unfit to own a newspaper.

Even Los Angeles politicians were jumping the Koch haters bandwagon. Several L.A. councilmen weighed in attempting to prevent any possible sale of the paper to the conservative duo.

So, a pair of Americans who want to buy a newspaper are finding the entire media establishment rising up to attack them and to try and prevent any such sale. Worse, the media’s lapdog politicians are joining the effort by illicitly trying to use their influence in government to put a stop to a perfectly legitimate sale.
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Traitors: American Journalists Attack Koch Brothers, Support Al Jazeera”

Pro-Palestinian Group Buys Anti-Israel Ads on New York Metro

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Palestinian group has commissioned a new billboard ad now appearing at some New York Metro Stations. The ads attack Israel, U.S. foreign policy, and calls for an end to “Israeli Apartheid.”

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an Illinois-based advocacy group, bought space at 25 stations on the New York City Transit Authority’s Metro North line and will run these placards for a month before the campaign moves to another city.

AMP calls itself “a national grassroots organization educating the public about Palestine and its rich cultural and historical heritage.”

The placards quote South African Catholic Bishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Desmond Tutu: “I’ve been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa.”

(Click to see larger image)

The ad also says: “Americans give Israel $3 billion per year! End Apartheid NOW! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel.”

The ad features a silhouette photo of a gun-toting soldier and a small, crouching boy surrounded by prison-like concrete walls and towers.
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Pro-Palestinian Group Buys Anti-Israel Ads on New York Metro”

San Fran Media Attacks Pamela Geller over New Anti-Jihad Bus Ads

-By Warner Todd Huston

Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative have launched a new series of bus ads, this time in San Francisco, California, and the results in the media are typical of the distortions constantly thrown at Geller and her ad campaigns.

Without allowing for a response, the San Francisco Examiner, for instance, gave space to attack Geller to one Nathan Lean, editor in-chief of Aslan Media, a left-wing, progressive site dedicated to pushing Muslim issues. Aslan is also heavily influenced by Iran and its Mullahs.

In his March 20 piece, Lean claimed that Geller and partner Robert Spencer “desire to ignite a culture war along faith lines” and equated the pair to Osama bin Laden because both considered themselves “freedom fighters.” Lean also said that Geller-Spencer are supporters of the violence in Britain perpetrated by some members of the English Defense League and that the advertisement campaign is “destroying” the cause of liberty.

Lean also promulgated the known false story that a Youtube video sparked mass terror attacks across the Middle East last year. Absurdly, he linked Geller-Spencer to that video with tangential “evidence.”
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San Fran Media Attacks Pamela Geller over New Anti-Jihad Bus Ads”

Pamela Geller’s ‘Uninvited’ Panel Presentation an Attack on ‘Stealth Jihad’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Famed anti-jihad activist Pamela Geller made a splash with her appearance at the special Breitbart breakout panel, “The Uninvited,” at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

In true Breitbart fashion, Breitbart News–itself a sponsor of the 2013 CPAC–held its own panel and stocked it with some of those voices that were systematically prevented from officially speaking at the conservative event. Seeking to engage with voices beyond those approved by both the Old Media and the GOP establishment, Breitbart News sponsored “The Uninvited,” a panel featuring topics, experts, and personalities that were absent from CPAC this year.

Of the many outspoken guests, Pamela Geller has a record of raising the hackles of the liberal media and even some on the right that are squeamish of her topics and her command of the facts. Geller didn’t disappoint, either, when it came for her time to speak out that Saturday afternoon.

“Truth is the new hate speech,” Geller proclaimed. She went on to warn the audience of a “stealth jihad” that was being waged against free speech right here in America; a war meant to silence any dissent against sharia law and radical Islam. Geller was incensed noting that this stealth jihad is even being waged on behalf of radical Islam by the American right. She was sad to note that the right is too afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled Islamophobic.

All this, Geller hinted, is one of the reasons she had been barred from being part of the CPAC schedule. She went on to criticize CPAC for silencing this subject matter, something she called a crime.
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Pamela Geller’s ‘Uninvited’ Panel Presentation an Attack on ‘Stealth Jihad’”

Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US

-By Warner Todd Huston

The last decade or so we’ve assigned a euphemism to the deaths of civilians in military operations; we’ve called it “collateral damage.” The fact is, though, that deaths of bystanders — purportedly innocent — are almost unavoidable in war operations. After all, war usually entails the indiscriminate firing of automatic weapons or the dropping of large bombs and this simply cannot be done in a surgical manner. But one nation has succeeded in a near total elimination of the deaths of innocents. That country is Israel.

Commendably, Israel has gone far out of its way to minimize civilian causalities over the last five years or so. Does this bust well-worn Palestinian propaganda? It should. In general the facts make the lie to nearly everything the Palestinians and their supporters say, but this particular point demolishes the propaganda.

Propagandists against Israel love to throw around claims that Israel is a violent, war-like nation and that she loves to invade her neighbors. But, once again, facts devastate this blather. In its short life Israel has been engaged in many military actions, to be sure, but few of them began with the Israelis as the aggressors. Most of Israel’s actions have been defensive in nature. The idea of defense as opposed to conquest is so inculcated in Israel that they’ve even put the word “defense” in the name of their military forces. Hence we have the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

In 2006 after the Israeli disengagement in Gaza, the number of rockets fired into Israel by Muslims in Palestine increased a shocking 436 percent. Israel allowed this outrage to continue for a long time before finally replying and they did this for fear of causalities of non-combatant Palestinians.
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Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US”

Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, while on the other hand opening a dialog with and bestowing diplomatic legitimacy upon the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This is the schizophrenic mess that Obama’s anti-western centric foreign policy ideas have created. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Upon becoming President Obama almost immediately launched into a series of one more example of Obama giving Israel the back of his hand.
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Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”

Presidents, Pundits and Prophets – Big List of Wrong Answers for 2011

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Here are 5 of the most often asked questions of 2011 that by virtue of the answers given by Presidents, Pundits and Prophets can also be included in the list of the 5 most absurd answers of 2011, or perhaps of all time. Can we correct some of these answers?

1. Does the Arab Spring praised by Barack Obama mean the Muslims will now peacefully come into the 21st century with the rest of the world?

The first way to answer this question is to consider that both Osama Bin Laden and President Obama have praised the Muslim Spring. If it doesn’t warm the cockles of your heart to know that the world’s most infamous terrorist and the world’s most radical, socialist and controversial U.S. President in American history firmly agree on something; then what could.
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Presidents, Pundits and Prophets – Big List of Wrong Answers for 2011″

Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

After the brutal shooting death of Pakistan’s Christian Minister Shabbaz Bhatti for his opposition to ‘blasphemy laws’ the persecution and murders of Christians continues unabated in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Is this what the west is supposed to tolerate?

Even that lumbering and largely ineffective body known has the UN has voiced its concerns over the brutality and torture by Muslims on young boys in Afghanistan. There, they are sexually molested and severely punished with electric shock and beatings. Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?

In Egypt Christians are being slaughtered and Coptic Churches are being burned to the ground. As the rest of the world watches and President Barack Obama plans to send billions in aide to Egypt, no one seems to mention these human rights violations in the mainstream media. Little wonder that Sarah Palin coined the phrase the ‘lamestream media.” Is this what we are supposed to tolerate?
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Tolerance and Diversity – What are we Supposed to Tolerate?”

The Mistake of Global Democratization

-By Frank Salvato

We are hearing a great deal about a budding “Democracy movement” spreading throughout the Middle East. Many are calling it an “Arab Spring.” The belief is that after centuries of totalitarian oppression, the Arab street is suddenly pining for more freedom; rebelling against the elitist ruling class of kings, emirs, despots and tyrants. This is most likely true for a great number of those filling the streets of Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain and myriad other Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim nations. But there is a less than honorable component amongst the rebellion that simply waits for the “right” to a democratic vote. Contrary to how the idea of a move to Democracy presents, in the volatile Middle East there are elements in play that could make it a move in the wrong direction.

Each and every day we hear the misnomer that the United States of America is a Democracy. We hear it from the average man on the street, the mainstream media and even from those we have elected to office. But the fact of the matter is this: we are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. A thorough and convincing exhibit of the facts surrounding this reality is presented in Notes on Democracy: And the Republic for Which It Stands. The fact that this issue is even in need of address is a scathing commentary on the constitutional illiteracy of the American electorate and serves as a sobering reminder that, often times, what sounds good – what “feels good” – isn’t always as it presents.

The distinction – between the benefits of a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic – is incredibly important, and while some describe our nation as a Democracy in an error of ignorance, others – some with schemes of political opportunism – do so with a nefarious purpose and bad intentions.
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The Mistake of Global Democratization”

Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu schooled President Obama — who is clearly out of his depth — on Middle East diplomacy. This would not have been necessary if Obama had not tried to turn decades of American foreign policy on its ear, if he had not turned against our only real Mid East friend, and if he hadn’t made to come to the comfort of radical Islamists without conscience who only want to kill Jews and Americans. Obama also proved that just killing bin Laden does not equal foreign policy expertise.

Coming off his high after presiding over the end of America’s number one enemy, Obama thought he saw an opening to help bin Laden’s Islamist pals win a small battle over Israel. He planned his big speech on America’s new Mid East policy. Unfortunately for President Obama, the Hindenburg had a more successful flight than Obama’s new foreign policy ideas.

Most of the president’s speech was pedestrian and meandering, but one sentence was snuck in that completely changed American Middle East policy, or at least it was intended to.
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Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez”

Obama vs. Israel‏

-By Alan Caruba

Is Obama a Muslim? Does Obama hate Israel? Will Israel be attacked again? Will Iran nuke Israel? Has Maghreb and Middle Eastern turmoil flummoxed the White House? Why did Obama bow to Saudi Arabia’s king? Questions, questions, questions?

Watching President Barack Hussein Obama try to pick winners and losers in the Middle East would be amusing if it were not so deadly serious. Not a word about Syria’s slaughter of its protestors. A demand that Libya’s Gadhafi step aside and a quick retreat behind NATO’s skirts. Throwing Egypt’s Mubarack under the bus when saying nothing would have sufficed. And then there was the infamous and inauspicious start to his presidency with the “World Apology Tour” that included a stop in Cairo.

A May 11th Reuters news article published in the Jerusalem Post was titled “Obama may preempt PM’s speech to U.S. Congress.” Benyamin Netanyahu, at the invitation of Speaker John Boehner, will address the Congress on May 24. If President Obama delivers a speech about “political change in the Middle East and North Africa” prior to the PM, it will be impossible to deny that it is a deliberate effort to rebut in advance anything Netanyahu says.
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Obama vs. Israel‏”

Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one thing that always flummoxes me. Over the last few decades American labor unions have increasingly become adjuncts, associates, pals, close friends — what ever you want to call them — with anti-American groups like the Communist Party USA and various socialist, anti-Israel groups, and pro-terror groups like the many pro-Palestinian groups. So, what the hell are the regular, presumably true American rank and file members doing about this fact? Are they aware of it? If they are aware of it why do they sit idly by while their union leaders consort with enemies of the United States of America?

The May Day rally in L.A. is just the latest example of major American unions joining hands with commies, socialists, terror-supporters and anti-Americans.
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Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?”

The Iranian Armageddon‏

-By Alan Caruba

In the months and years leading up to the beginning of World War Two, all the parties knew full well Hitler’s intention to start a war. When he struck a deal with Stalin to divide Poland, the die was cast. The invasion came in September 1939. Previously, diplomats had met with the Nazis to offer them the former Czechoslovakia and turned a blind eye to other provocative events.

World War Two was preceded by Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” that spelled out his plans for Europe’s Jews and the torrent of lies that led to war and the genocide that became known as the Holocaust.

It is not surprising that history is repeating itself as in the case of an April 7 letter to The Wall Street Journal by Alireza Miryousefi of the Iranian Mission to the U.N. “There is no evidence of any military diversion” in Iran’s nuclear facilities claimed Mr. Miryousefi, who went on to assert that “the real threat of nuclear proliferation” was Israel which he described as “the Zionist regime.”
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The Iranian Armageddon‏”

Death Of The West: Creeping Shariah

-By Warner Todd Huston

The worst aspect of the Muslim invasion of the west is the alarming way that Islam is undermining Western culture using the west’s own liberal, democratic processes to do so. Muslims are using our own best philosophy against us and it is working to destroy our own culture, laws, and traditions, not just in the U.S. — where the effect has been less destructive to date — but also in Europe — where it has been more pernicious.

Overseas, creeping shariah has already damaged western societies. One example appears in England where the British have damaged their own legal system by setting up a parallel legal system allowing shariah-styled pseudo-courts to operate in Muslim enclaves where residents eschew the proper English legal system and are allowed to conduct their own courts. So much for equal under the law. In England it is now “our” laws for us and “their” laws for them. These parallel legal systems are begin pursued by Muslims throughout the west and destroys a cohesive society and undermines western culture.
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Death Of The West: Creeping Shariah”

Movie Review: Newt Gingrich’s America At Risk

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Washington D.C. on Sept. 12 I attended the star studded premiere of the new film America at Risk: The War With No Name, featuring Newt and Callista Gingrich and a dozen well respected experts on the subject of the War on Terror. The event was held at the Newseum, a block or so from the National Mall.

America At Risk clearly reveals the dangers that radical Islam still presents to American security and safety. We are still at war with radical Islam and it is a war we are at best treading water on and at worst actually losing. The biggest problem, according to the film, is our current president. Obama refuses even to recognize that we are at war and is constantly undermining our past efforts and leaving us open for future attack.

In fact, the movie makes a strong case that the U.S.A. doesn’t even have a serious global strategy to fight radical Islam and that the only reason we haven’t had a new major attack is because we’ve been lucky more than we’ve been good at preventing them. The film says that it isn’t a matter of “if” we get hit again, but when.
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Movie Review: Newt Gingrich’s America At Risk”

CNN’s Zakaria Presents Hezbollah as a Model of Religious Tolerance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remembering that CNN’s President Jon Klein has touted its down-the-middle coverage and claims it is situated in the “center” of American politics, on a recent episode of Fareed Zakaria GPS, host Zakaria tried to claim that Lebanon’s terror group Hezbollah was some sort of model for religious tolerance. Someone should inform CNN that claiming Hezbollah is “religiously tolerant” is hardly a centrist position.

If we can discern “religious tolerance” in a group that says that the state of Israel should be wiped from the earth, then there is a new definition of “tolerance” that no one is aware of. But unbelievably here is CNN’s Zakaria coloring this murderous terror group as a “tolerant” organization.

At the end of his August 22 show, Zakaria turned to discuss the re-construction of a Synagogue in Beirut, Lebanon, a project that Zakaria claims proves how open minded and tolerant Hezbollah is towards Jews.
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CNN’s Zakaria Presents Hezbollah as a Model of Religious Tolerance”