Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.

Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”

Losing Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, came out of mourning to blast the right’s “fake news” even as she was one of its biggest purveyors. After all, who can forget her story that she was shot at by snipers during a visit to Bosnia in 1996 when, in fact, she was met with no violence at all. Not only did Hillary face no security threat when she landed in Bosnia that day, she was met by a little girl who gave her a bouquet of flowers. Those must have been some scary flowers, indeed.

Aside from political figures, far left, clickbait website BuzzFeed made the most noise with an October 20 piece entitled, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” a story that essentially relied on a liberal “professor’s” list of “fake news” websites heavy on right leaning sites and almost empty of left leaning sites.

Without question, even as BuzzFeed set itself up to be the arbiter of what is or sin’t fake news, it has itself been a constant and steady supplier of fake news.
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Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born”

CBS Hack Bob Schieffer Admits That Old Media Establishment Leads You By The Nose

-By Warner Todd Huston

On his way out the door, long-time CBS “News” hack Bob Schieffer admitted what we on the right have known for decades, that the “news” media thinks they are the gatekeepers of what we, the people, are allowed to know.

As he ended his 24-year run Schieffer opened up about what he thought of the news biz and what he said is affirming for those who feel the media has been a corrupting force in America for decades.

Schieffer whined that journalism has changed, and in his view not for the better.

“We now don’t know where people get their news. But what we do know is that they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” the retiring anchor said on CBS This Morning. “Most of the information is wrong and some of it, wrong on purpose. It is our job, I think, in mainstream journalism to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant and what they need to know about.”
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CBS Hack Bob Schieffer Admits That Old Media Establishment Leads You By The Nose”

It’s ‘Elementary’: Another TV Show Reveals Anti-Gun Ignorance

-By Warner Todd Huston

During last Thursday’s broadcast of the CBS mystery series Elementary, a modernized take on Sherlock Holmes, we got yet another woeful example of the anti-gun foolishness we see on network TV. In the case of this show we not only got another I hate guns speech from the star of the show, we also got a whole lot of bull crap presented as gun “facts.”

Now, in this series the main character played by English actor Johnny Lee Miller, presented as a genius, is chasing down a murderer who used a gun to kill several people. As the plot trudged onward to the final chapter, Sherlock Holmes noted that they found out about the gun used in the crime. At one point, Holmes says he had “traced back to a private trader at a gun show in Virginia.”

But before he continued about this purported “tracing,” Holmes snarked about how monstrous America was because you could buy a gun from a gun dealer at a gun show and skip all that darned ol’ background checking and paperwork.
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It’s ‘Elementary’: Another TV Show Reveals Anti-Gun Ignorance”

Media Bias: The Fake Kwanza Parade CBS Los Angeles ‘Covered’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last Friday the Los Angeles affiliate of CBS breathlessly covered a “Kwanza Parade” in LA as if it were a great success and a big deal. Only it was a fake parade that the “news” station purposefully misreported and pumped up as if it were some sort of “happening.”

CBS Los Angeles did a full report on this faux parade informing viewers all about the wonderful coordinators of the parade, it carefully describing the vehicles, and noted that participants rode cars and walked. There was all the news you could use in this glowing report of this wonderful, successful Kwanza parade.

It was all presented as straight new. But a few things were left out of the coverage.

You see, most parades have watchers. If a parade doesn’t have any fans that have come out to watch, it is less a parade and more a bunch of people walking down the middle of the street for no reason.

That is exactly what happened here. No one came. Not a person came out to watch this purported parade.

That’s right, these “Kwanza” people threw a parade and nobody came.
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Media Bias: The Fake Kwanza Parade CBS Los Angeles ‘Covered’”

To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man who was trying to shop the Gruber videos to the media was rebuffed by the Old Media Establishment repeatedly because they had no interest in highlighting the fact that Obama and his Obamacare cohorts were lying to the American people about the President’s signature healthcare law.

Howard Kurtz tracked down the man who was trying to get the media to notice the string of videos showing Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber telling audiences that the American voters are “stupid” and saying that the administration lied repeatedly about what was in Obamacare and how it would work all in a desperate attempt to get the President’s take over of our national healthcare system passed into law.

Kurtz tracked down the man, Rich Weinstein, and found a man who doesn’t himself want to become the story. In fact, he wouldn’t even supply Kurtz with a photo of himself.
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To Aid Obama, Old Media Establishment Took a Pass on Gruber Videos”

Media Giddy Over Chelsea Clinton Extending Dynasty With Baby Announcement

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday, April 17, Chelsea Clinton said that she and husband of four years, investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, have a blessed event to announce as the couple is now expecting their first child. But the Old Media may be more excited than Chelsea that the Clinton dynasty is growing.

One of the earliest to bubble over with excitement seemed to be a screaming, all caps Tweet pushed out by CNN’s Candy Crowley.

Oddly, Crowley coupled Chelsea’s announcement with Obama’s wonderful Obamacare news, saying, “AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME-TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS: POTUS SAYS 8 MILLION ENROLLED IN ACA, AND CHELSEA CLINTON SAYS SHE’S PREGNANT.”

Even some of Crowley’s fans wondered why she was yelling at them with the all caps post that breaks netiquette standards.
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Media Giddy Over Chelsea Clinton Extending Dynasty With Baby Announcement”

KMOX CBS Manufactures Journalism to Create ‘Outrage’ Over Confederate Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Confederate flag has a very long and controversial history, to be sure. But a recent CBS report on a flag dustup in a school in Missouri shows just how slipshod journalism is today.

So, as the story goes, some kids at a Kansas City suburban high school have been playing with the Confederate battle flag lately and despite that there is no real news in the incident, the story made the news. Naturally the agenda journalists at CBS radio, KMOX, St. Louis tried their hardest to make it a story about “RAAAAAAAACISM!” despite that there doesn’t seem to be any proof at all that race is really a part of the story.

The report quotes a girl who noted that “some boy” was wearing a 3X5 sized C.S. flag as a cape and parading around “as if he was Superman or something.”

The assistant principal, as kill-joy officials are wont to do, took the flag away from the kid for whatever reason… not that school officials ever think they need a reason to take things away from kids, of course.
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KMOX CBS Manufactures Journalism to Create ‘Outrage’ Over Confederate Flag”

Pick of Stephen Colbert Shows CBS Hates You, America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Stephen Colbert has been chosen to replace David Letterman as the next host of the Late Show. The pick proves that CBS has declared war on middle America by purposefully choosing a host who has made a living ripping everything America is to pieces while pretending to be its advocate.

Mr. Colbert, who ever he is, has made a living pretending he is someone else. For years he usually plays to a much smaller audience on the Comedy network with the false front of a “conservative” talk show host. His persona is a spoof, of course, and is meant to make you hate conservatives, not root for them.

His show is meant to pick apart religion, slam the Constitution, ridicule American history, and attack his guests in an attempt to “expose” them for some such thing.

Stephen Colbert means to ridicule you, America.
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Pick of Stephen Colbert Shows CBS Hates You, America”

Politico’s Crap About a ‘Career Path’ for Dissenting Journalists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Politico just published one of those articles that always drives me crazy where the media takes one or two examples of something and then tries to turn that into some sort of massive wave where in truth it is no such thing. This time Politico is saying that because three people left mainstream journalism to become media critics, that must mean there is a “career path” for disaffected journalists to fame and success.

The Politico story titled, “Media career path: Cry ‘media bias’,” is written by Dylan Byers and is loosely formed around the departure from CBS of excellent investigate journalist Sharyl Attkisson. Then the article segues to Bernard Goldberg and John Stossel both of who left big three network jobs to become Fox News analysts who often criticize the media.

The premise of the story is presented in the third paragraph:
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Politico’s Crap About a ‘Career Path’ for Dissenting Journalists”

CBS Proves Hillary Deliberately Lied About Benghazi

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the weekend’s broadcast of 60 Minutes, CBS’ Lara Logan interviewed the British-born security chief that was on the ground during the attacks at our facilities in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, attacks that ended up killing four embassy employees one of whom was our ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. During that interview we find out that Hillary delivered to the nation a series of deliberate, bald-faced lies about what she knew of the attacks.

Granted the 60 Minutes report did not mention the name Hillary Clinton–who was Secretary of State during the attacks–nor did it explicitly say that she deliberately lied to the nation in the aftermath of the attacks. But during the report we find out that Washington knew, even before it was happening, that the compound was about to be hit by a terrorist attack and that no Youtube video had anything to do with it all.

It was revealed that ambassador Stevens himself sent messages to the administration telling them that al Qaeda flags had been seen flying over various government buildings in Libya in the days before the attack. We also find out that al Qaeda itself had warned the USA that an attack was being planned.
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CBS Proves Hillary Deliberately Lied About Benghazi”

CBS’ Jan Crawford: Obamacare Website Launch ‘Nothing Short of Disastrous’

-By Warner Todd Huston

CBS’ Jan Crawford is giving it to America straight. The roll out of the Obamacare websites has been a major failure.

Crawford’s report was quite dire and in fact had not a single positive word to say about the roll out. And, while most of her report took the form of quotes from experts, other media outlets, interested parties, even late night comedians, in her own words she proclaimed it “nothing short of disastrous.”

The CBS report noted that media outlets have not been able to find any Americans seeking health insurance who were able to successfully sign up for Obamacare, pointed out that the administration stonewalled about how many have successfully signed up, and even reported that those that were at least able to create an account have now been told to reset their user name and password and start from scratch.

Crawford also featured a few words from database expert Luke Chung who said that the website is a failure in all respects.

“It wasn’t designed well, it wasn’t implemented well, and it looks like nobody tested it,” Chung said.
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CBS’ Jan Crawford: Obamacare Website Launch ‘Nothing Short of Disastrous’”

CNN & NBC’s Close Ties to Obama, Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer and IRS Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

The ongoing revelations of the intimidation of conservatives executed by Obama’s IRS and FEC agencies are still coming to light but an interesting wrinkle to the story is the close relationship between CNN and NBC/MSNBC and those inside the administration perpetrating that intimidation.

NBC/MSNBC had recently hired former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn as an on-air analyst to comment on what is going on in Washington today. CNN has also featured Dunn as a panelist from time to time. Both did so ostensibly because Dunn is one of those most involved in the Washington scene and is a major player as a K Street lobbyist.

Dunn is a key operative at the well connected SKD Knickerbocker, a DC-based campaign communications group, and is also intimately connected to many other firms and lobbying efforts.

In fact, Dunn raised eyebrows during the 2012 presidential election when it was discovered how integral she was as a consultant for firms lobbying the administration even as President Obama was then claiming, as he has claimed for years, that he was eliminating lobbyists in his administration and “changing business as usual” in DC.
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CNN & NBC’s Close Ties to Obama, Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer and IRS Intimidation”

Networks Do 92 New Global Warming Stories, Don’t Mention Lull in Temp Trends Once

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news departments at the Big Three TV networks have done 92 new stories on the global warming debate recently, but, curiously, not one of those stories informed viewers that there has been decade-long lull in rising temperatures.

A new Media Research Center review of network news coverage shows that ABC, CBS, and NBC have each completely ignored the 10-year “mystery plateau” in global temperatures in favor of alarmism about rising sea levels, allergies, and extreme weather.

The MRC review found that no network climate change story thus far for 2013 has reported the slowdown in global warming. It also discovered that “experts” that promote alarmism were quoted or featured in network coverage eight times as often as those critical of global warming. It also found that links between extreme weather and global warming were made nearly one-fourth of the time despite that scientists disagree with that notion.
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Networks Do 92 New Global Warming Stories, Don’t Mention Lull in Temp Trends Once”

Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll on newspapers and television news shows that Americans’ confidence in the news industry continues to erode in this era of mass communications, reaching a low not seen since 2007.

The Gallup polling firm finds that trust in newspapers has fallen to 23 percent. This is down from 25 percent in 2012 and 28 percent in 2011.

The previous low was recorded in 2007 when trust in newspapers reached 22 percent.

Trust in newspapers has undergone steady erosion since its 1979 high of 51 percent, Gallup reports.

Television news fares no better in the estimation of those polled by Gallup. Trust in TV news tied that of newspapers with 23 percent saying they trust TV news sources. This is down from a 1993 high of 46 percent–when Gallup first began asking about it.
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Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows”

CBS’s Scott Pelley Thinks Fox News Has Few Viewers

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a recent interview, CBS Evening News host Scott Pelley said that he thinks that Fox News really doesn’t have very many viewers–underestimating the network’s actual ratings by about 90 percent.

Pelley told Deadline Hollywood that Fox might have perhaps as few as “200,000 viewers.”

Deadline asked Pelley what he thought of the cable news outlets that cater to “just one segment of the political spectrum in their reporting.”

“Certainly. It’s no surprise,” Pelley replied. “Fox is associated with the right and MSNBC is associated with the left and they’ve done that because it is a business model. It’s a strategy. They’ve decided to bite off one small part of the viewership and be happy with that 200,000 viewers, 300,000 viewers that they have.”
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CBS’s Scott Pelley Thinks Fox News Has Few Viewers”

Big Three Networks Have Stopped Reporting on IRS Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently the Big Three TV networks have decided that the IRS intimidation scandal is over and it seems that reporting on the issue has disappeared from the airwaves.

When the story first broke after IRS official Lois Lerner admitted that the taxing agency had unfairly targeted conservatives and Tea Party groups seeking a tax status, the Big Three jumped into the story with both feet. But now, only a month later, coverage of the matter has slowed to a trickle.

A new review by the Media Research Center of the first month of coverage of the IRS scandal shows that three quarters of the stories hit in the first two weeks after the news broke.

MRC analysts reviewed each of the morning and evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC from May 10 through June 12 (ABC’s World News, Good Morning America, CBS’s Evening News and This Morning, and NBC’s Nightly News and Today show), and found 127 full stories, interviews or anchor briefs that focused on the IRS scandal. Analysts determined that 76 percent of the IRS stories were aired within the first two weeks, while 24 percent of the stories arrived in the latter period, a huge drop-off.

MRC found that CBS hit the story the most (49 stories), while NBC came in second (at 44), with ABC brining up the tail (with 34).

Finally, during the week of June 10, only one mention of the scandal was heard anywhere on network TV.
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Big Three Networks Have Stopped Reporting on IRS Scandal”

Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

By all accounts the Interstate 5 bridge collapse in Washington State was a result of an over sized truck load as opposed to “failing infrastructure.” But a plea for greater federal spending figured prominently in many reports on the accident nonetheless.

Naturally, many on the left stampeded immediately to decrying “austerity,” or accused the Republicans of “endangering lives” by opposing big government, while still others blamed the sequester as news of the collapse spread.

In the progressive media, infrastructure also featured prominently in coverage.

CNN, for instance, injected Obama’s call for higher spending in its piece. USA Today also claimed that the bridge collapse would “raise questions about the nation’s infrastructure.” Reuters focused on a call for “public officials to invest in infrastructure and upgrade bridges.” The Associated Press joined Reuters in that focus. And, not to be outdone, Bloomberg said, “The bridge’s collapse put a new focus on the nation’s failing infrastructure, an issue that President Barack Obama has highlighted in his second-term agenda.”

Sadly, the Voice of America also used the collapse as a means to talk about Obama’s spending wants.
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Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government”

CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Reports She’s Been Shut Out By White House

-By Warner Todd Huston

The intrepid Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News has been one of the few reporters attempting to dig deep into controversial stories–and by controversial we mean stories that Obama would rather see go away. But after her work on Fast & Furious and Benghazi, she is now reporting that she’s been shut out of the information loop by the White House.

Attkisson was one of the few members of the progressive media establishment interested in covering the Fast & Furious scandal and has lately also been a bulldog looking into the Benghazi cover-up. She has been so far reaching in her work that she was dubbed a “persistent voice of media skepticism” by The Washington Post.

Her work got her praise and rumors that her boss, David Rhodes, may fire her for being too effective. Naturally, CBS boss Rhodes has a brother that is a close Obama adviser. Ben Rhodes, the CBS executive’s brother, also happens to be one of the operatives in the Obama administration directly involved in the Benghazi cover-up.
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CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Reports She’s Been Shut Out By White House”

Gov’t Memo Proves CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson Got Benghazi Email Story Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the earliest reporters revealing the internal emails about Benghazi exchanged between the U.S. Department of State and the intel community was CBS’ Sharyl Attkisson. Her original report was based on “written notes” and, as she said from the beginning, was not derived directly from the emails themselves. Despite this disclaimer, some called her reckless for her reporting. But in the end her reports are still quite close to the actual emails and shows she did not get the story wrong.

Attkisson was accused of not disclosing that her report was written from congressional insiders that gave her access to notes taken after they had been given access in Committee to the actual emails. To put to rest the accusations against Attkisson, Mediaite obtained an internal CBS memo that shows that she never claimed that her report was derived directly from the emails themselves.

When Attkisson handed in her original report on the email exchange, she clearly noted that her work was based on notes taken by her sources.

Note: *Emails were provided by the Administration to certain Congressional Committees for limited review. The Committees were not permitted to copy the emails, so they made handwritten notes. Therefore, parts of the quoted emails may be paraphrased.

This notation, however, did not make it to the May 10 story CBS posted to the web, nor was it pointed out on any of the CBS TV reports on the story.

No explanation was given for that lapse.
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Gov’t Memo Proves CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson Got Benghazi Email Story Right”

Obama Has ‘No Knowledge’ of ANY of These Scandals? What DOES He Know?

Obama and his flapping-mouthed flacks keep saying with each new scandal that President Obama had “no knowledge” of any of these scandals. They claim that others are responsible and he is innocent.

He didn’t know about Benghazi, he didn’t know about the IRS’ attacks on Tea Party groups, he didn’t know of the DOJ’s violation of freedom of the press, he didn’t know… well, apparently he didn’t know of anything.

So… then… what DOES he know? About ANYTHING?

Network TV Still Ignoring Gosnell

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell has been on trial in Pennsylvania for seven weeks accused of murdering patients and killing babies born alive in a filthy clinic staffed by untrained, unlicensed assistants, but the trial has barely made a blip on big three network news programs.

The trial has been shocking, to say the least, but the networks have still ignored it. But the networks are obviously not trying to shield viewers from shocking trials. A recent review of network programming by the Media Research Center reveals that not all shocking trials are equal in the network’s eyes as they’ve covered dozens of them over the last 42 days.

MRC has found that hundreds of minutes of airtime have been dedicated to the Amanda Knox trial in Spain and the Arizona-based trial of Jodi Arias who is accused of the brutal murder of her boy friend Travis Alexander.

While practically ignoring the Gosnell trial, MRC found that ABC’s Good Morning America has visited the Arias trail 22 times in the last seven weeks alone. Along with the Arias trial, GMA has hit several other sensational trials amounting to 41 separate stories since the Gosnell trial started.
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Network TV Still Ignoring Gosnell”

Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD

-By Warner Todd Huston

Typical of when a Democrat is president, during a keynote monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the President is spared from too many mean spirited barbs. In keeping with that tradition, TBS’ Conan O’Brien poked a lot of fun at Republicans and conservatives with a bit sharper stick than he used to poke Democrats.

This year’s WHCD started with a slew of media outlets discussing the now annual slam on the event as delivered by long-time Washington reporter Tom Brokaw. The semi-retired NBC anchor has lamented for some time that the whole party atmosphere, replete with musicians and Hollywood celebrities–fittingly, this year the Duck Dynasty folks attended–makes a mockery of the seriousness of the media’s work.

After the President delivered his spiel on Saturday night, late night comedian Conan O’Brien took the stage to deliver the keynote address.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans showed up early as the comedian’s targets and naturally, even though he hasn’t been in office for over four years, now, an obligatory slam of George W. Bush as “stupid” had to be delivered.

Near the top of his address Conan mentioned the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library joking that the library had “Millions of books, articles and documents and if you go you can be the first to read them.”
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Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD”

WHCD Lauded and Bashed

-By Warner Todd Huston

The White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) has been a mainstay Washington to-do for years. Lately, however, it has come under fire for turning Hollywood–literally. In the wake of the event, some outlets continued the bashing but most lavished attention on the dinner or at least lauded it as harmless fun.

One of the quickest to slam the event was Sarah Palin, who did not attend. From her Twitter account, Palin indulged some rather salty language in criticism.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper was so fascinated by the whole thing, the paper set Jim Newell to live blog the night.

Newell opened his coverage with a nice slap at the pretentiousness of it all.
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WHCD Lauded and Bashed”

Big Three Networks Cover Internet Cats Pics, Lit Trivia, Canadian Clumsiness, But Not Gosnell Trial

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another week has gone by and the Big Three Networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, again gave scant notice to the “house of horrors” that is the Kermit Gosnell abortion trial. The Nets had time for funny cat pictures on the Internet, a Canadian mayor bumping into a camera, and fun trivia about the book Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but little time for the shocking trial in Philadelphia.

As the week of April 15 came to an end, the prosecution finished presenting its case in the Gosnell trial, but the Big Three Nets still paid little attention to the story. The prosecution’s presentation included shocking horror stories such as parts of fetuses clogging the plumbing in the clinic, that assistants had no medical training or had no licenses to practice, that babies were born alive and breathing until Gosnell shoved scissors into the base of their skulls to kill them, that adult patients were killed by Gosnell and his workers but the nets weren’t interested on Wednesday and Thursday.

What did the Networks cover instead? An analysis by the Media Research Center of the three network’s programming revealed many fun and interesting stories.

On Wednesday April 17, ABC reported that Holly Golightly, the lead character in Truman Caport’s novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s, was originally going to be named “Connie Gustafson.” ABC’s Dianne Sawyer also had time to talk of comic book character Superman’s 75th birthday.
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Big Three Networks Cover Internet Cats Pics, Lit Trivia, Canadian Clumsiness, But Not Gosnell Trial”

Sunday Shows Go Full Out On Immigration

-By Warner Todd Huston

It looks like the Sunday morning political shows got the same memo that Immigration is the topic of the day for April 7.

The big three networks and CNN are all hosting guests that certainly lean toward amnesty for illegals if not out right in support of the same.

CBS’ Face the Nation

  • Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
  • Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
  • Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State

NBC’s Meet the Press

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Bill Richardson, former U.N. Ambassador and New Mexico governor (D)
  • Michele Flournoy, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

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Sunday Shows Go Full Out On Immigration”

Bashing Benedict: Networks Slam Retiring Pope

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study by the Culture and Media Institute of Pope Benedict’s retirement reveals constant attacks, ridicule, and repeated allusions to scandals as ABC, CBS, and NBC reported on Benedict’s final days.

The survey reveals that the Catholic Church was repeatedly deemed “troubled,” the Church was attacked for not “modernizing,” the real-world Church was constantly compared to the fictitious world of novelist Dan Brown and his Da Vinci Code series of books, and late night TV hosts turned Benedict into a butt of jokes.

On February 11, Pope Benedict announced his retirement due to ill health setting off the big three networks into attack mode.

“From Benedict’s Feb. 11 resignation through the evening of Feb. 27, the day before it took effect, the networks referred to the Catholic Church as a troubled institution 122 times and aired the word ‘scandal’ 87 times in 112 reports. Anchors and reporters suggested that the Church must modernize (32 times) and pressed for change in issues regarding women (7 times) and gays (13 times). At times, they trivialized the first resignation of a Pope since the 1500s as ‘worthy of a Dan Brown novel’ (ABC’s Harris again.) and sensationalized it by entertaining theories about other reasons Benedict might be stepping down.”

On the lighter side, over the two-week period, network morning shows continuously aired jokes about Benedict staged by late night comedy shows such as Jimmy Fallon, David Letterman and Conan O’Brien.
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Bashing Benedict: Networks Slam Retiring Pope”

When Indicted, Networks Barely Mentioned Jesse Jackson, Jr’s Misuse of $750,000 in Campaign Cash

-By Warner Todd Huston

A survey of news coverage by the big three networks of the indictment of former Chicago Democrat Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. was sparse to non-existent for the first three days after the indictment was made public. Even when his trouble was reported, the fact that he is a Democrat went unmentioned.

Jackson was indicted on Friday, February 15, but as Friday, then the weekend rolled on, the big three networks didn’t seem much interested in covering the story. In fact, a survey of the coverage found that the big nets gave the story scant attention that Friday and, while there were a few ultra short reports on the indictment on Saturday, there was no coverage at all on Sunday.

On Friday, for instance, NBC’s Nightly News gave the story short attention. By Saturday, Good Morning America gave the story a whole 18 seconds. Worse, even when the network news shows did report the story on Saturday evening, Jackson’s party affiliation was never mentioned.

Interestingly, not one of the Sunday morning politics shows mentioned the indictment at all.
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When Indicted, Networks Barely Mentioned Jesse Jackson, Jr’s Misuse of $750,000 in Campaign Cash”

Dan Rather: Bush AWOL Documents ‘Not Proven’ False

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dan Rather is back to defending the story that essentially got him fired from network television by claiming that the documents he presented in 2004 as proof that George W. Bush went AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard have never been proven to be forgeries.

On February 7, Dan Rather hosted a Q&A on where he took questions from reddit users. The session was a lively discussion and many questions were asked of the one-time anchor of CBS Evening News. One question focused on the story that essentially led to the end of the anchor’s career on network TV: the Bush National Guard story also known as Rather Gate.

Rather was asked if his AWOL story was true despite the “beating” he took over it.

In response, the newsman reiterated his long-time claim that his story was 100% true saying, “no one had ever established that the documents were forged.”
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Dan Rather: Bush AWOL Documents ‘Not Proven’ False”

Big Three Nets Slant Overwhelmingly For Obama’s Gun Ban Campaign

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study of coverage by the big three networks of President Obama’s anti-gun crusade shows an overwhelmingly positive slant toward the President’s policy ideas at an 8 to 1 ratio.

The study conducted by the Media Research Center reviewed coverage from December 14 to January 17, or from the day of the crime at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, to the day after Obama made a speech surrounded by children who purportedly sent him letters pleading for more gun control. MRC reviewed the evening newscasts as well as the three networks’ morning shows.

The results showed that stories that pushed for more gun control vastly outnumbered stories that opposed gun control by 99 to 12, or a ratio of 8 to 1.
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Big Three Nets Slant Overwhelmingly For Obama’s Gun Ban Campaign”

ABC Ignores Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment in Dec., By Jan. Hails Mo Cowan’s as ‘History’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In December, ABC’s World News saw no news at all in the historic appointment of African American Tim Scott to the Senate in South Carolina. No mention was made of it during the broadcast.

Only a month later, though, the same program suddenly hailed African American William “Mo” Cowan’s appointment to the Senate as history making.

When Republican Tim Scott was appointed to fill retiring Senator Jim DeMint’s Senate seat he became the first African American from South Carolina to be sent to the Senate since 1881. Further, when he took his seat he was the only black Senator from either party in Washington D.C. But despite all these notable historic facts, ABC’s World News never mentioned Scott’s appointment.

However, this month when the Governor of Massachusetts appointed African American, Democrat Mo Cowan to finish out John Kerry’s term, ABC suddenly found it to be a moment worthy of coverage.
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ABC Ignores Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment in Dec., By Jan. Hails Mo Cowan’s as ‘History’”