Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s most famous anti-gun Catholic priest was just hit with some embarrassing news when his bodyguard was arrested for illegally carrying a gun.

Loudmouth priest Father Michael Pfleger found the unwelcome news late in May when his bodyguard, Henry Eugene Hale, 35, was arrested outside the Father’s church. Police found that Hale did not have an Illinois firearm card or a concealed carry license and was therefore carrying the gun illegally.

A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department told Chicago City Wire that officers confronted Hale at the church at 1200 W. 78th Place when “they saw him holding a firearm.”

Illinois records show that Hale allowed his Firearms Identification Card (FOID) expire last year and did not renew it. He was also a certified security guard in the state, but allowing his FOID to lapse put that certification in jeopardy. According to his employment record he was once disciplined, but there are no details as to why.

A local policeman’s blog noted that Hale has been a member of Pfleger’s security team for quite sometime. The unnamed police officer who runs the blog also noted that “Pfleger and his minions called 006th district nonstop to try to get the guy out of arrest.”
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Bodyguard of Chicago’s Most Famous Anti-Gun Priest Caught with Illegal Gun”

An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick, his Supporters & American Citizens

(I was sent this letter and was asked to post it on the blog. So, here it is without further comment…)

An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick, his Supporters & American Citizens

You will take a knee or sit during the National Anthem because you want to protest what you feel is racial injustice in America. I applaud that you live in America and that we still have freedom of speech. With freedom comes responsibility.

The National Anthem represent this great Nation as does Lady Liberty. To your charge of racial injustice, on behalf of America, Lady Liberty Pleads “Not Guilty”

To support her “Not Guilty” plea Lady Liberty enters the Declaration of Independence into evidence, specifically the following:

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Instead of protesting the United States of America and Police Departments across America, your indictment would be appropriately directed to the criminal class that terrorizes our neighborhoods & the ruling political class of the United States from our cities, counties, states and especially within the federal government. I submit the the following section of the Declaration of Independence in support of that indictment:
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An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick, his Supporters & American Citizens”

Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is indisputable that the Republican Party is really the party of civil rights, not the Democrats. And today we have one more example of that truism with the 145th anniversary of the Republican Party’s essential outlawing of the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrat Party’s domestic terror group.

The actions against the Klan stemmed from an outrageous massacre of nearly 300 blacks perpetrated by white, Democrat Klan members in Louisiana in 1868.

On September 28, 1868 — three years after the Confederate south lost the civil war — a mob of marauding whites rampaged through Opelousas, Louisiana and massacred nearly 300 blacks who were Republican voters.

The outrage began when white, Democrat KKK members attacked the white owner of a Republican-leaning newspaper. The newspaper editor, a former school teacher for black students, was defended by several black friends during the attack and this action enraged the mob further sending them on a day-long spree of murder and mayhem.

The attack was so outrageous that the Republican Party acted to essentially ban the KKK. By April 20, 1871, the GOP passed a law banning the oppression perpetrated by the KKK when President Ulysses Grant and Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, also known as the third Enforcement Act. The law established penalties against anyone who tried to deprive any other citizen the benefit of equal protection under the laws of the United States. The law also gave the president the power to use the military to ensure that the rights of blacks were upheld.

This interest in civil rights carried all the way to the 1964 Civil Rights bill that was passed with the overwhelming support of Republicans.
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Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group”

Assuming The South Was ‘The Confederacy’ Is Built on a Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

When people today say that “the south” were all racist “Confederates” during the civil war you can dismiss them as either historically illiterate cranks, or liars. That’s because there was no such thing as “the south” during the civil war. History is more complicated than that and we risk not understanding our own country if we ignore this fact.

When simpletons think about the American civil war they think of “the north” versus “the south.” But the truth is there was never any “the south” during the whole of the conflagration. Not for an instant was “the south” fully vested in the Confederate States of America. Instead, as “the south” fought the federal army in multiple places around the country there were vicious internal insurrections and mini civil wars going on all over the place as southerners who supported the U.S. government fought and killed southerners who supported the nascent Confederacy and this fighting was going on in the supposed Confederate states themselves, quite apart from the war proper raging on famed battlefields across the land.

The fact is, “the south” was never fully under the control of the central Confederate government in Richmond (and Montgomery, Alabama before that) and neither were the Confederate state governments able to completely control their own states because of constant internal resistance from their own citizens. There was internecine warfare going on in North Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and other southern states throughout the civil war.

Even as the south was never fully vested in the Confederacy, the north was never paralyzed with such consternation. A key to proving this is to look at the volunteers who streamed to the armies north and south. In the north there is only one state, Illinois, that ever had any appreciable southern volunteers.
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Assuming The South Was ‘The Confederacy’ Is Built on a Lie”

In Strike Against Racism S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley Has Banned Cotton Balls in South Carolina

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fresh off her PR victory of calling for the end of Confederate history, this weekend South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for the removal of cotton balls from the her state citing the long history of racism the product represents.

“Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will to say it is time to remove cotton balls from our state,” said the Republican Governor, the state’s first non-white governor, while flanked by a diverse group of South Carolina politicians.

“These balls, while an integral part of our past, do not represent the future of our great state,” Haley said. “We need to eliminate not just cotton balls, but all cotton products from our good state because of the racist history cotton has to a tiny, activist portion of our citizenry.”

Proponents said that lifting cotton balls from store shelves reminds African Americans too much of “pickin’ cotton,” and the constant reminder of tags in clothing that tell buyers that an item is made of cotton is racist.
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In Strike Against Racism S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley Has Banned Cotton Balls in South Carolina”

With Ben Affleck Flap, PBS Again Proves it is a Left Wing Shill

-By Warner Todd Huston

PBS is not fair or balanced and nothing it does can be trusted. We see this claim fully validated with how the network bent over for actor Ben Affleck’s demand that his slave-owning ancestry be eliminated from a recent program tracing the actor’s family.

PBS had Affleck on its show “Finding Your Roots” to trace his family history and learn of his lineage. But during the process, PBS discovered that the actor had slave owners in his family tree. Affleck was not having any of that, though, and demanded that the show edit out any of that reality. Affleck didn’t want his slave history known by the public.

Instead of retaining its integrity, PBS kowtowed to Affleck’s demands and agreed to excise all mentions from the show of the truth of his family tree.

We know all this because of an email hacker, not because PBS reported the truth to the country that pays its bills with tax dollars.
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With Ben Affleck Flap, PBS Again Proves it is a Left Wing Shill”

Candidates for Woman on the $20 Bill Features Man hater, Mass Murderer and Advocate for Genocide of Blacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a new campaign afoot that is tickling the interests of the mainstream media. It is an effort to kick President Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with a woman. Sadly at least three of the candidates do not belong on the list. One is a famous hater of men, another can only be termed a mass murderer, and the third was an important supporter of the genocide of African Americans. How is it these three women deserve to be celebrated on the $20 bill is anyone’s guess.

The campaign called Women On The 20, is, the group says on its website, is an effort to “compel historic change by convincing President Obama that NOW is the time to put a woman’s face on our paper currency.”

The group hopes to have the change on the money made by the year 2020, which happens to be the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the one that gave women the right to vote.
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Candidates for Woman on the $20 Bill Features Man hater, Mass Murderer and Advocate for Genocide of Blacks”

Shameful Media Bias: ‘New York Times’ Crops George W. Bush Out of Selma Celebration Photo

-By Warner Todd Huston

The New York Times apparently loves history… except when it doesn’t comport to its liberal ideals. And so, in a Soviet-like act of revisionism, the so-called paper of record decided to crop an image of Sunday’s march in order to eliminate former President George W. Bush so its fans won’t realize that Bush attended the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Selma Civil Rights march.

Here is a screen cap of the Tweet The Times posted on Sunday:

Notice that on the left of the Times image the woman with the teal jacket is the last one shown.

Now check out the same march and nearly the same view as photographed and Tweeted by Alabama’s WSB TV:

You’ll notice that the former First Lady, Laura Bush, and President George W. Bush appear one person farther to the left of the woman in the teal jacket.

Here is a bigger shot for more clarity:
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Shameful Media Bias: ‘New York Times’ Crops George W. Bush Out of Selma Celebration Photo”

A Point and Counter Point of US Reparations for Slavery

A Point and Counter Point of US Reparations for Slavery
-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent article recommending reparations for slavery in the U.S. in the Baltimore Sun serves as a perfect platform for a point and counter point on the whole idea of paying reparations.

So, in pursuit of that back and forth, I am going to post the whole article intercut with a counter point.

The article was written by Karsonya Wise Whitehead, Conra Gist–yes it took three people to disgorge this rote nonsense–and titled “The U.S. has yet to make good on its promise of reparations to black Americans.”

Conversations about reparations are not about money but about people and about the way that people are seen and valued in our society. These are difficult conversations, and we have found that what is most challenging about the idea of reparations today is the notion that America still owes a debt to black people.

WTH: First of all, the very first sentence is a lie. It is about money. It’s about an assumed entitlement that these pseudo academics in “African American studies” have been pushing for decades in an attempt to legitimize their field of “study.” When you have nothing to study, you have to invent it, after all.

But secondly, no the USA does not owe blacks anything at all. The USA paid for slavery with over the blood of over 600,000 men and women from 1860 to 1865. That is a debt paid in full. The rest has just been working out the details.
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A Point and Counter Point of US Reparations for Slavery”

Historical Ignorance: Anti-Gun TV President Claims Slavery is ‘In The Constitution’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The faux President of the United States on the ABC TV show Scandal gave one of those typically left-wing TV speeches that is more like an uninformed screed meant to push a leftist agenda than truthful commentary. In this case the actor pretending to be president scorned the Second Amendment and then said incorrectly that slavery was enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

On the TV show, “President” Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn) noted that the Second Amendment was “set in stone” in the Constitution, then as an aside said, “So was slavery, by the way.”

No it wasn’t… by the way. It is a lie the left tells.

In the show the “president’s” son was killed in a mass school shooting sending this “President” into his screed.

Here was the relevant part of the segment.
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Historical Ignorance: Anti-Gun TV President Claims Slavery is ‘In The Constitution’”

Politico Illustrates Story on GOP Racism With Photo of Democrat George Wallace

-By Warner Todd Huston

To illustrate an article about racism in the Republican Party, Politico dipped into American history and oddly dug up a photo of Democrat segregationist George Wallace.

Claiming that “the seeds of America’s dysfunction were planted 50 years ago,” and going on to say that “the ugly politics of race had everything to do with it,” Doug McAdam and Karen Kloos indulged the decades old liberal claim that the political parties have somehow switched places from 50 years ago. Now the GOP is the racist party and the Democrats are the accepting ones, the authors contend.

Despite that George Wallace was an unreconstructed Democrat segregationist and so were his followers, Politico tars the GOP with the racists and Dixiecrats of the 1960s.
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Politico Illustrates Story on GOP Racism With Photo of Democrat George Wallace”

Jesse Jackson Thinks Tea Partiers & Gun Owners Want to ‘Resurrect the Confederacy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you favor the Tea Party way or you are a gun owner, Jesse Jackson wants you to know you are a racist, terrorist just like members of the old Confederacy.

That’s right, Jackson thinks if you believe in the U.S. Constitution, you are a terrorist looking to over throw the government and kill black people and you want to bring back slavery and the old Confederacy.

He’s made these idiotic, hyperbolic statements many times, of course–like in the video above from Feb. of this year–But his latest statement was made in remarks to Politico on the eve of the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
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Jesse Jackson Thinks Tea Partiers & Gun Owners Want to ‘Resurrect the Confederacy’”

WaPost Enlisting ‘Hispanic Media’ To Attack GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

Greg Sargent of The Washington Post is very concerned that if the Republicans don’t rush through an amnesty bill, it might cause the “Hispanic media” to get mad at least he says so in his latest entry at The Plum Line blog. There, Sargent warns that the “GOP will get a beatdown by the Hispanic media” by slowing immigration reform.

Sargent sourly notes that Republicans in the House are putting the brakes on any forward momentum in favor of amnesty and “see no urgency whatsoever about acting this summer on immigration reform.”

Of course, many of these Republicans, the Post writer says, “won’t feel any pressure to act on reform” because they are in safe, conservative districts.
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WaPost Enlisting ‘Hispanic Media’ To Attack GOP”

CNN’s History of Democrat Party Forgets Jim Crow, KKK

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN took the time just ahead of the Democrat National Convention to put together a little primer on the history of the party and, while they do mention slavery as a prime issue in the party’s early days, no mention is made of its support of Jim Crow, Japanese Internment, or the Ku Klux Klan.

The CNN Explains video only lasts a few minutes, so it is impossible to do a comprehensive history of anything in such a short time, certainly. Even so, the video had a few serious omissions and at least one misleading factoid.

The video begins properly relating the fact that the first President to call himself a Democrat, Andrew Jackson, was a “fierce” supporter of slavery and worked tirelessly to keep the government in Washington out of the people’s business in order to assure the rights of slave owners.

While it was quite right for CNN to note that the Democrat Party began as one chiefly interested in protecting slavery, the video somehow forgets to mention that the Democrats were also responsible for starting the Civil War — the first shots were fired by Confederate forces, after all. Additionally, the video forgets to mention that even after the civil war the Democrat Party sponsored such racist attacks on fellow citizens as Jim Crow, poll taxes to suppress minority voting rights, Japanese internment during WWII, not to mention creation and support of the Ku Klux Klan.
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CNN’s History of Democrat Party Forgets Jim Crow, KKK”

CNN’S Roland Martin: Racism is in ‘America’s DNA’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As far as race-baiter Roland Martin of CNN is concerned, America is guilty until proven innocent. Guilty of racism as some sort of original sin, one that can never be washed away by either deeds or absolution.

On April 26, Martin got his inner Je$$e Jack$on on and tweeted: “I simply accept the reality that racism is in the DNA of America. And when that button is pushed, the true feelings come tumbling out!”

Mark down Mr. Martin as another one of those that seem not to understand that racism is a human frailty, not a uniquely American one. Also mark him as a member of the race-industry that is scared to death that people will realize that America has come a long way toward alleviating racism, far from the days of slavery and Jim Crow.

In fact, Roland Martin himself is an example of the death of overt racism in the United States. He is a prominent and successful black TV broadcaster. How could that happen if America was drowning so in racism?
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CNN’S Roland Martin: Racism is in ‘America’s DNA’”

Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the funniest thing I have ever…

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever….

Seen in my life.

Seen in my life.

A bunch of child-like protesters in Atlanta, Georgia refused left-wing Congressman John Lewis — a civil rights icon to many — to be allowed to address the crowd this weekend. The whole scene is reminiscent of the worst, hackneyed, new agie-styled preschool program devised for 5-year-olds by one of the most idiotic leftists imaginable. But it makes for hilarious video entertainment.

Apparently these people decided that their “assembly” would employ pure democracy. But if there was ever a more annoying way to do it, I’ve never seen it.

A scraggly, bearded, hippie wannabe playing the part of the crowd’s conscience spoke to those gathered over a megaphone system. He would say a few words and the crowd would, like five-year-olds in a preschool class, repeat his words verbatim.

It went something like this:

Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “We have someone here…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “We have someone here…”
Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “Who would like to address the assembly…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “Who would like to address the assembly…”

So, Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy explains to the crowd that they don’t “use clapping” in their “assembly” because clapping can “prevent someone else who is addressing the assembly from being heard.” So, to “signal approval” the crowd is instructed to raise their hands and wiggle their fingers. I swear I saw this on Barney the Dinosaur show.
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Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd”

ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly, ABC’s The View is what passes for as “intelligent” conversation on TV, these days. The View yacker Joy Behar’s blather is also indicative of the historical illiteracy of the far left in this country.

Herman Cain made an appearance on the coffee klatch show today and genius Behar had this comment about the history of the Republican Party for him:

The Republican Party hasn’t been black friendly over the many centuries in this country.

This comment is ignorant in a million ways.
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ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate”

Garofalmania: A Mental Condition

-By Warner Todd Huston

Truth of life number one: logic is anathema to left-wingers. Recently on the little-watched Current TV cable station, so-called “comedienne” Janeane Garofalo disgorged one of the most perfect examples of this truth of life that can ever be used as prima facia evidence.

Speaking about the rise of Herman Cain’s bid for the GOP nomination for president, Garofalo released the “logic” of the left.

First a word about Mr. Cain. In case you have been living under a rock for the last year, Herman Cain is a businessman, a talk show host, a former executive of several multi-billion dollar companies, he is a man with a long list of degrees and such. Herman Cain is running to become the Republican nominee for president. He has for the last several years been a mainstay at Tea Party rallies all across the country and draws big, enthusiastic crowds among these conservative activists. He’s a powerful speaker and really knows how to wind up an audience. Lately he’s won several straw polls and is ranked no less than the number 3 candidate to take the Republican nomination. He is also black.

So, here is the tortured “logic” that Garofalo used to explain why Republicans are loving this guy — this black guy.
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Garofalmania: A Mental Condition”

They Should Hang Their Heads in Shame

-By Frank Hyland

In the words of Indiana Congressman Andre Carson in Miami on August 29th, “…some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me … hanging on a tree.” Cong. Carson, of course, is not the only one who has raised his voice against Americans seeking to avoid the bankruptcy of this nation. California Cong. Maxine Waters said on August 20th, “As far as I’m concerned — the Tea Party can go straight to Hell.” On Labor Day, Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa said, “…it is the Tea Party…Let’s take these son of a bitches out…” Additional examples abound, too numerous to recount in this column without driving it over onto several more pages.

Statements such as these are so incredibly rich in terms of angles from which to respond that the result will necessarily be a series of columns. With that in mind, we can choose the “Good News” angle for the first one and then follow up with other angles.

It might seem at first that there cannot possibly be any news about such statements that can be termed “good.” A second glance, if it is honest, though, would show someone like Cong. Carson that his words and their aftermath represent an opportunity. Opportunity for what? An opportunity to feel better about himself by recanting his words, admitting his mistake, and changing course to one that is supportable, one that can be backed up by facts as opposed to the empty words of a pure politician uttered in a vain attempt to garner more votes.
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They Should Hang Their Heads in Shame”

ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember back in the early 1960s when blacks could get any job they wanted in the American airline industry? Oh, and remember back then how no one smoked cuz it was really, really bad for you and stuff? Yeah. No one else does, either. Well, maybe not no one. Big Three Network ABC seems to remember it because that is how they are envisaging how the world worked back in 1963 for its new TV series about airline stewardesses entitled “Pan Am.”

In yet another example of Hollywood PCism run amuck, producers, we are told, “admitted” that studio execs at ABC-Disney nixed any chance that the show’s characters or extras would be smoking during the series even though the historical fact is that the bulk of the adult population of 1960s America smoked.

In fact, smoking was as common as “Coffee, Tea, or me.” Everyone was allowed to smoke on airline flights in the 1960s. It is just a fact. Yet producers have decided that the show will never portray a single fuming butt in flight despite the historical reality.

Heck, who over 45 does not remember cigarette ads portraying doctors telling consumers how smoking was good for your health? I sure do!
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ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series”

U.S. Dept. of Education Has Stormtroopers? Who Knew?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Matt Welch says, this is woeful proof of the over militarization of our law “enforcement” community, but apparently a SWAT Team was called out to break down the door of a guy that was late on his student loans, all at the behest of the Department of Education!

Seriously! Who knew that the Dept. of Education could deploy stormtroopers?

Check out the dangerous police state we are creating…

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Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Atlantic’s Yoni Appelbaum has a troubled little mind. He seems to be an excitable sort, too. I say this because during this 150th anniversary of the American Civil War he strangely sees evil Confederate, German, Nazi, racists at Civil War events. He might want to see a therapist about this. Either that or he’s just another left-wing writer that is striving so hard to find something, anything, to write about that he’s put aside common sense and instead decided to illicitly impute any manner of absurd motivations to Germany’s Civil War reenactors. You know, because he wants to be considered the thoughtful type, because this sort of tripe is what passes for intellectualism in journalism.

Appelbaum’s article on Germans that reenact the American Civil War is entirely absurd, of course. He imputes all sorts of motives, dark and evil, to a mere hobby. He sees shadows of low and dangerous undercurrents to this pastime and desperately tries to tie a plethora of evils into the harmless fun of dressing up as a soldier from some 150 years ago.

Appelbaum finds that many Germans reenact the American Civil War in Germany as Confederate soldiers and this troubles him. He notes that Germans that reenact the American Civil War as Confederates are play-acting contrary to their own pre-WWII cultural history because few Germans fought for the South in the conflict. In this he is correct. But after getting one thing right, Appelbaum launches off into paroxysms of agonized fantasy. One gets the feeling he is not writing to explore truths but is writing to get the knowing and concerned nods of other wacky leftists like himself.
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Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer”

Union Chief Tries to Steal Civil Rights Movement

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka used the Civil Rights movement as a comparison for his union work. He wanted his audience to imagine that unionism is somehow just like the struggles for equality under the law that African Americans sought in the middle of last century. This is a disgusting attempt by Trumka to steal the mantle of Civil Rights for his money-grubbing, union thuggery.

In Washington D.C. early in March Trumka tried to glom onto Martin Luther King’s legacy and apply it to union efforts to grab luxurious healthcare and pension benefits from businesses and taxpayers alike.

“April 4 [is] the day on which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life for the cause of public collective bargaining,” he pompously said.

Not only is this simply incorrect factually it is an outrage to say that King gave his life defending unions. We all know that King fought for the basic human rights of an entire people in a nation that had cast them into second-class citizen status, not for rich pensions, unduly high wages, and free healthcare.
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Union Chief Tries to Steal Civil Rights Movement”

New Book Drags Abe Lincoln’s Race Ideas Back Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

No president’s views of race relations have elicited more spirited conversation than Abe Lincoln’s and his complex views are again the subject of conjecture. A new book about Lincoln’s ideas on sending America’s negro population to another country, a policy called “colonization,” has been penned by a researcher at George Mason University showing that Lincoln pursued the policy long after other researchers said he had dropped the idea.

The argument has raged for decades over just what our 16th president thought about black people. Did he hate them or love them, did he respect them or dismiss them, did he think they were equals to whites or inferior? Did he care if they were enslaved or was he an ardent abolitionist? The argument has raged and with this book rages on still…

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New Book Drags Abe Lincoln’s Race Ideas Back Up”

Brutal Fisking: NC NAACP Chapter Pres. Alleges Tea Party is as Racist as Democrats

-By Duane Lester

The NAACP has released its unbiased report on racism in the Tea Party and has unexpectedly found it is racist.

Hardly surprising.

The president of the North Carolina NAACP chapter, Rev. William Barber, went far enough in his condemnation of the group to be noticed by the Washington Post:

“We have to have particular concern about supremacy attitudes, violence, hate language, particularly when it’s rooted in notions of restoring or taking back or redeeming the country,” Barber said. “Because, in the American social-historical-political psyche, we have historical markers that tell us how dangerous this is to be given legitimacy.”

For instance:

“We know in 1867 when the Ku Klux Klan, for instance, laid out its political purposes, it was about restoring and re-enfranchising, if you will.”

“And then when you go to the Reconstruction Era, you find this same attempt to spew this division, this hate language out…. ‘We need to restore America. We need to take it back.’”

Barber moved on to 1963. “When George Wallace used this language and themes of division, very vitriolic hate language,” Barber said, “Medgar Evers was killed in June of that year… We had the bombing of a church, four girls were killed at Sunday school and then we had a president assassinated.”

It’s hard to believe I have to do this, but I guess I do, at least for the good Rev. Barber.
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Brutal Fisking: NC NAACP Chapter Pres. Alleges Tea Party is as Racist as Democrats”

Social Justice Pastors, your Chickens will Come Home to Roost

-By Marie Jon

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”1 Peter 4:17

When clergy knowingly become involved in an unscriptural heresy called Social Justice, they have sinned against God. It does not matter what denomination is tainted by this false theology, the results will be the same. The Bible says there will be a falling away from God’s truth, which many believe is taking place now:

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Worldly-minded ministers who get caught up in this “progressive” movement do so for many reasons, including power and political gain. They knowingly misrepresent the Word, and do not appropriately tend their congregations. Among other things, they’re intentionally obsessing their parishioners with Mother Earth (environmentalism).

“I am come that they might have life”

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Social Justice Pastors, your Chickens will Come Home to Roost”

All White Swim Meet Celebrates 8 Years of Excellence

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s smiles all around for the National White Heritage Swim Meet held since 2003 near Raleigh, Durham North Carolina. This year nearly 750 swimmers have come from as far away as Florida and Illinois to compete.

“Look at all the people,” said Kenny Cross of Raleigh. “This is where champions are born.”

The all white swim teams were created in an effort to raise interest in swimming in white people. Of course, everyone is welcome….

Wait. Does this make you uncomfortable? Does an all white swim meet make you uneasy and raise the specter of racism? Is it wrong to have an all white swim meet?

Only they aren’t… all white, I mean. They are instead all black.

Still feel the same way?

If not, why?
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All White Swim Meet Celebrates 8 Years of Excellence”

NPR Tries to Cast Rand Paul as KKK Sympathizer

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the day after his historic primary win, National Public Radio rabidly went after Rand Paul, newly minted GOP nominee for Kentucky Senator, trying to make him out to be a KKK sympathizer or perhaps a racist that would have agreed to keep Jim Crow alive and well in 1964. This rabid, left-wing attack is uncalled for and, further, is meant only to stir anti-Republican hatred and not to help voters discover anything relevant about nominee Rand Paul.

Nearly at the top of the interview the host of NPR’s All Things Considered tried to paint Mr. Paul as some sort of hater that would have opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Catch this loaded and irrelevant question by NPR:

You’ve said that business should have the right to refuse service to anyone and that the Americans for Disabilities Act, the ADA, was an over reach by the federal government, would you say the same by extension of the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Paul gave a very good reply but the best thing he said was that he hadn’t read through the entire 1964 legislation because it had been passed 40 years ago and didn’t have any role in today’s campaign. And that is just it, isn’t it? The 1964 Civil Rights Act is ancient history as far as current politics goes. It is fully accepted and is not a law in dispute, nor does it have any part in current political discussion. The law is fact the legitimacy of which no one questions. Talking about the 1964 Civil Rights Act is not relevant alt all to today’s issues.
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NPR Tries to Cast Rand Paul as KKK Sympathizer”