Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our Constitution is supposed to take precedence over all foreign laws or any arrogant edicts from the fetid U.N. But now Obama has made a move that would put the mechanics of the response to terrorism in some of our biggest cities in the hands of foreigners. President Obama has essentially just signed away U.S. sovereignty.

In August U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Obama administration signed onto what is essentially a new international police operation with an initiative called Strong Cities Network (SCN). Lynch reported that this new organization would be operating out of some of the country’s largest cities.

Naturally, despite that this new policing initiative is essentially a U.N. treaty, Obama never presented the plan to Congress for approval. Bypassing our elected officials, Obama singed onto the U.N. effort on his own hook.

The new effort was announced in a press release last week with a statement headlined, “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.”
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Obama Just Handed the U.N. Power Over Our Response to Terrorism”

Why Isn’t Liberalism Blamed for Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every single time some mass shooting or criminal action takes place in the USA the media and Democrats stampede for the TV cameras to blame conservatives for the outrage. So, where are the those blaming liberalism for the murderous terror attack on the left-wing newspaper in France?

I was reminded by my friend Erik that in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 President Bill Clinton and the whole of his lapdog media claimed that the bombing was a result of the “right-wing militia” movement spurred on by evil conservative talk radio and Christianity.

Of course, it turned out that the bombers were loners who were not connected to any group and neither had any connection whatever to any religion, much less Christianity.

See Also:

Even as late as 2011 The New York Times blamed a massacre perpetrated by a Muslim extremist in Norway on American conservatives and illegitimately linked it to the Oklahoma City bombing.

The Oklahoma City bombing is far from the only time American liberals blamed some crime or another on conservatives.
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Why Isn’t Liberalism Blamed for Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack?”

Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots

-By Warner Todd Huston

A comparison between the Bundy ranch protests from April of this year to what is going on in Ferguson is telling. It is also very, very instructive on just how to stand up for your rights in the era of a thoroughly militarized government.

Early in 2014 a rancher in Nevada named Cliven Bundy became the focus of an anti-government protest when the Bureau of Land Management swooped in with a paramilitary attack on Bundy’s ranch killing his cattle and claiming he was going to be arrested for supposedly refusing to pay a grazing tax, a dispute over which rancher Bundy and the government had been embroiled since 1993.

As the government swooped in with a militarized retinue of shock troops featuring armored vehicles, fully automatic machine guns, body armor, and hundreds of officers, people around the country began to perk up and take notice. Within a matter of days hundreds of American citizens made their way to the Bundy ranch in Nevada to stand up to the overreaction of the federal government.
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Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots”

Defiant: New Hampshire GOP Establishment Gov. Candidate Calls Tea Partiers ‘Teabaggers’

-By Warner Todd Huston

New Hampshire GOP establishment has foisted Walt Havenstein on the state as the Republican candidate for Governor. But, typical of these establishment types, it seems that they have more contempt for people on their own side than they do for the real enemy; the Democrats. Havenstein, for instance, calls you Tea Partiers the disgusting name “teabaggers.” Not only that but he refuses to apologize for his slander.

Havenstein was recorded on video calling members of the Tea Party “teabaggers” at talk he gave a few years ago at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Now, one might note that this speech was a few years ago, sure. Maybe Havenstein has changed his mind, maybe he was just trying to be “funny,” maybe he really doesn’t hate conservatives?
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Defiant: New Hampshire GOP Establishment Gov. Candidate Calls Tea Partiers ‘Teabaggers’”

Leftist Donna Brazile Warns The GOP Civil War is Over, The Tea Party Won

-by Warner Todd Huston

Old Clinton hack Donna Brazile has a message for her readers: the GOP civil war is over and the Tea Party won. While Brazile is usually fully expected to be typically and wholly wrong in her left-wing proclamations and while asking a liberal what is going on with conservatives is usually a waste of time, like the stopped clock, Brazile got this one more or less right.

Brazile piece written her piece for CNN notes that the whole of Washington was surprised by GOP strongman Eric Cantor’s primary loss and is shocked that he will not be returning to Congress even as he thought he was headed to a big primary win and looking forward to more and more power if not the Speaker’s chair itself.

After chronicling Cantor’s loss Brazile also touched on the run off that establishment Republican Thad Cochran has been reduced to in Mississippi and pointed out that Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell only won his own primary in Kentucky by edging closer to Tea Party principles during his campaign.
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Leftist Donna Brazile Warns The GOP Civil War is Over, The Tea Party Won”

Up The Establishment: GOP Powerman Eric Cantor Loses Re-Election Bid to Tea Partier

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite his million-dollar re-election campaign, number two establishment Republican Eric Cantor of Virginia just lost his re-election bid to one of those eeeevil “Tea Party” Republicans in a hard-fought primary race. This is a big, big, BIG loss for the establishment GOP. (John Boehner hardest hit.)

With most of the votes officially in, Brat won the 7th District primary with 56 percent to Cantors dismal 44 percent. Cantor even lost his own home district, Henrico County!

Cantor lost to Randolph-Macon College economics professor Dave Brat, a novice politician who made his outsider status his main selling point.
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Up The Establishment: GOP Powerman Eric Cantor Loses Re-Election Bid to Tea Partier”

2014 Illinois Tea Party Tax Day Tea Party Rally in St. Charles

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois Tea Party (illinoisteaparty.net) held its sixth annual Chicago Tax Day Tea Party rally, but this year without the “Chicago” part as the group held their rally in the western suburbs. Specifically, the event was held in the Arcadia Theater in St. Charles where some 300 participants attended to hear candidates for office, activists, and patriotic music.

The April 15 rally targeted Obamacare and Senator Dick Durbin, of course, but mentions of the Illinois Republican Party, Sec. of Treasury candidate and establishment GOPer Tom Cross, and Senator Mark Kirk drew as many boos as the Democrats showing that grass roots conservatives have about had it with the feckless, powerless Illinois GOP.

Head of the Illinois Tea Party Denise Cattoni

Not all elected Republicans were opposed, though. One of the very first speakers introduced by Ill. Tea Party chief Denise Cattoni was State Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton. Ives, while not a dynamic speaker, had a great five-minute speech written up with her key point being that she was going to be troublesome to the state Republican Party. “I will continue to be troublesome, just as troublesome as possible in Springfield,” she said warming to her theme.

State Rep. Jeanne Ives

The first speaker was State Senator Jim Oberweis, who went on first so he could get to a fundraiser.

Candidate for U.S. Senate Jim Oberweis

Oberweis is running as an admitted “underdog” to ultra left-wing Senator Dick Durbin. Obie, as his supporters affectionately dub him, noted that we need to stop the extremism in Washington and made to whip the audience up to dump Durbin by having them repeat, “Millionaire. Career politician. Dick Durbin. Must Go!”
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2014 Illinois Tea Party Tax Day Tea Party Rally in St. Charles”

Millionaire Sen. Dick Durbin Happy to Pay More for Food for Min Wage Hike And Wants to Force You To

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois’ millionaire Democrat Senator Dick Durbin says he’s happy to pay more for his food if workers get a hike in their minimum wage.

The super rich Durbin who makes far and away more than the average citizen in his state and who has a net worth of far more still, said hew would be pleased as punch to pay “a nickel more” for a hamburger if workers get more per hour than they do now.

So, this rich guy doesn’t mind paying more for food in a state that has the worst unemployment record in the country? He wants his own citizens to pay more for things when they can’t afford to get by now?

In fact, the very people who his policies have already helped ruin are living in a state that is in one of the worst financial conditions than nearly every state in nearly every category.
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Millionaire Sen. Dick Durbin Happy to Pay More for Food for Min Wage Hike And Wants to Force You To”

The South Rose Again While The North Napped

-By Warner Todd Huston

Northern elites love to look down their noses and sneer at southerners whom they consider loutish hayseeds who are just plain stupid. But as many in the north have dismissed the south, our states south of Mason and Dixon’s line has risen again right under the north’s very nose. Now, the best quality of life is in the south.

Recently Joel Kotkin noted that much of the economic power in the United States today is located in the old Confederacy where taxes are low, weather is pleasant, and jobs are plentiful. Meanwhile, the north is struggling under mounting debt, job loss, and rising taxes and a dwindling populace to tax.

In his article, “How The South Will Rise To Power Again,” Kotkin points out that current trends show that, “the South will expand its dominance as the nation’s most populous region. In the 1950s, the South, the Northeast and the Midwest each had about the same number of people. Today the region is almost as populous as the Northeast and the Midwest combined.”
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The South Rose Again While The North Napped”

GOP House Speaker John Boehner Has Proclaimed Himself an Enemy to the Tea Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this week, House Speaker John Boehner, the nominal Republican from Ohio, threw down the gauntlet and announced that he is working to defeat anything conservatives and tea party groups want to get done in Washington and the group Tea Party Patriots is ready to accept that challenge.

Leading the establishment charge to continue the growth of big government and defeat conservatism, Boehner attacked those looking to lower taxes, to shrink the size of government, and to defeat the liberal left. The group Tea Party Patriots slammed Boenher saying he “declared war on the Tea Party” with his “smug and pretentious rant.”

Boeher absurdly said that it is the conservative groups and tea partiers working to promulgate conservative principles who are lying to the people and “using using our members and … the American people for their own goals.”
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GOP House Speaker John Boehner Has Proclaimed Himself an Enemy to the Tea Party”

Sarah Palin for Senate? ‘Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sarah Palin is quite unhappy with Rep, Paul Ryan’s “white flag” budget and reminds the Republican Party that they should be running on the slogan “read my lipstick: no new taxes!”

In a piece posted at Breitbart, Palin excoriates Ryan for his terrible budget bill and points out that no Republican wins office by raising taxes.

“No one can argue with the fact that Paul Ryan’s compromise budget bill raises taxes and increases spending. Show me one Republican who got elected on that platform,” Palin writes.

“We sent these politicians to Congress in an historic landslide election in 2010 with a mandate to stop the runaway spending train bankrupting our nation, not to wave to it from the station or – heaven forbid – increase its speed. And yet, here we are still pretending that there are no real world consequences to running up near trillion dollar deficits year after year with no end in sight.”
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Sarah Palin for Senate? ‘Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes’”

Georgia’s Establishment Republicans Want to Waste Millions on This, Local Tea Partiers in Strong Opposition

-By Warner Todd Huston

Local Tea Partiers Oppose This Giant, Secret Waste of Tax Dollars.

The GOP establishment in Cobb County, Georgia wants to spend upwards to $600 million in local tax dollars to help the Atlanta Braves move north of downtown Atlanta. They say it will bring new development and increased economic activity to the area. Tea Partiers, however, say this is a waste of tax dollars and it isn’t the government’s job to join in capitalist projects.

The establishment GOP says their argument is simple. As detailed by the AP, Cobb County Commission Chairman Tim Lee and his supporters say that “almost $400 million in county bonds and immediate infrastructure improvements, with debt payments approaching $600 million over 30 years–will generate enough economic activity and, thus, tax revenue to justify the spending.”

Lee imagines that this huge outlay of tax money is a “home run” for his county. Local tea party leaders thoroughly disagree.

This is all “appalling hypocrisy” and “arrogance” on behalf of the county operatives, says Atlanta Tea Party Leader Debbie Dooley.
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Georgia’s Establishment Republicans Want to Waste Millions on This, Local Tea Partiers in Strong Opposition”

INFO GRAPHIC: None of Our Historic Assassins Have Been Conservatives or Tea Party Types…

So, tell me, again, how conservatives or tea party type folks are the “dangerous” one?

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INFO GRAPHIC: None of Our Historic Assassins Have Been Conservatives or Tea Party Types…”

Did GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Say He Wanted to ‘Punch Tea Party Bullies in the Nose’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Breitbart News has an explosive exclusive report about a recent conference call held by Karl Rove during which, Breitbart says, Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, KY) said that the tea partiers are “bullies” and he intends to “punch them in the nose.”

For Breitbart, Matthew Boyle writes that a strategy call was recently sponsored by Crossroads America, the GOP PAC headed up by anti-conservative and establishment guru Karl Rove, and on the call tea party activists and conservatives came in for harsh criticism by no less then leader McConnell himself.

Boyle writes that a participant on the call contacted him and said that McConnell attacked Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz by name. But what McConnell said at the end of the call was the most adversarial statement.
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Did GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Say He Wanted to ‘Punch Tea Party Bullies in the Nose’?”

Politico Buttresses Liberal Republicans at the Expense of Conservatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Old Media establishment hates all Republicans, certainly, but they tolerate liberal Republicans because those sorts of Republicans don’t rock the boat and are quite happy taking the scraps from the Democrats’ table. So, the media always does its best to promote liberal Republicans and will use them as a foil to destroy conservatives–the latter of whom they truly despise. Politico recently had a perfect example of this Old Media strategy.

In a piece discussing how conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are lagging with their donations to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), Politico had a perfect example of how the left frames the debate when they are pretending to “report” on what is going on with the GOP.

The story noted how many of the House conservatives most associated with tea party principals don’t seem to keen on giving some of the campaign war chests to the NRCC so that it can promote left of center Republicans–and who can blame them?

In a great example of agenda “journalism,” the left’s narrative was perfectly pushed in the third paragraph of the slanted piece by Politico’s Alex Isenstadt.

Here is that paragraph:
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Politico Buttresses Liberal Republicans at the Expense of Conservatives”

Mayor of Illinois’ 3rd Largest City Quits Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-Second Amendment group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, has lost another member, this time the mayor of Rockford, Illinois–the state’s third largest city.

At a townhall-styled event sponsored by the Rockford Tea Party on June 22 in Loves Park, Illinois, Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey announced that he has, indeed, quit Mayor Bloomberg’s gun group because Bloomberg’s group was not fulfilling what Morrissey felt was the group’s stated intentions.

Morrissey has for some time been saying he intended to quit the anti-gun group and some citizens wondered if this was just electioneering, but at this most recent townhall event, Mayor Morrissey has for the first time said definitively that he is out.

In the video shot by local political blogger Ulysses Arn, Mayor Morrissey said the chief reason he left Bloomberg’s group is because he thought the group would be against illegal guns but has instead become a group looking for ways to ban legal guns and attack the rights of legal gun owners. He also said that he intends to get a concealed carry license himself when they become available in Illinois.

Morrissey also made a salient point about the sort of guns Bloomberg’s group keeps harping on. The mayor pointed out that the sort of gun crime he sees in Rockford has nothing whatever to do with “assault rifles” but is instead criminal use of handguns. Yet Bloomberg’s group seems chiefly interested in so-called assault rifles despite the fact that little crime is committed by criminals using assault rifles.
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Mayor of Illinois’ 3rd Largest City Quits Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Group”

Report: Top IRS Aides Visited White House 300 Times

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month many were questioning why Internal Revenue Service chief Douglas Shulman had visited the White House so often. Now, despite claims that there was no coordination between the White House and the IRS, a new report indicates that Shulman’s top aide visited the President’s residence perhaps as often as 300 times.

In May after news broke that the IRS had intimidated conservative and Tea Party groups trying to obtain an official tax status, reporters began to look into the activities of IRS chief Douglas Shulman. It wasn’t long before news emerged that Shulman appears on the White House visitor logs nearly 200 times.

This high number of visits occurred despite that the fact that both Shulman and President Obama claimed to have no knowledge of the IRS intimidation tactics. Both also said there was no coordination between the IRS and the White House.

Officials at the IRS and President Obama still maintain that there was no coordination between the White House and the IRS, of course, but this latest revelation makes that still harder to believe.
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Report: Top IRS Aides Visited White House 300 Times”

U.S. News Lumps LaRouchie in With Tea Partiers at IRS Rally

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lyndon LaRouche and his followers have never been welcomed into the Tea Party movement but his followers shadow nearly every Washington-based protest that occurs, whether left, center, or right. But in its coverage of Wednesday’s D.C.-based IRS rallies, U.S. News featured a follower of LaRouche as if he were a legitimate part of the Tea Party protest.

In its report on the Tea Party rallies, U.S. News noted that the protests “soon became about a lot more than the IRS” as speakers and protest signs began speaking to a list of complaints. But the first person U.S. News went to for a quote was one Mike Reeves, a follower of Lyndon LaRouche.

“Auditing the IRS is not enough,” protester Mike Reeves, a self-proclaimed follower of controversial political activist Lyndon LaRouche, told Whispers while holding an “Impeach Obama” sign. “The president has got to be removed like [President] Nixon was.”

But, U.S. News failed to inform readers that LaRouche followers have never been part of the Tea Party movement and lending a LaRouchie this platform is misleading. Any quote of a LaRouchie is simply not representative of conservatives, Republicans or the Tea Party movement.
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U.S. News Lumps LaRouchie in With Tea Partiers at IRS Rally”

Report: Obama Won’t Fire Holder

-By Warner Todd Huston

Calls have been coming from all across the political spectrum for President Obama to fire U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. But some reports now are presuming that Obama simply won’t do it and that AG Holder will weather yet another firestorm of controversy.

On June 5, The Hill noted that “dark skies” are getting brighter for Holder and that Holder will “survive the latest storm threatening his tenure.”

For evidence, the Washington-based paper pointed out the fact that Eric Holder was right there this week when President Obama put forth three new nominations for federal judgeships, a sort of thumb to the eye of Holders detractors. The White House also reiterated its support of the embattled Holder showing that there doesn’t seem to be any urgency to dump the AG.

The Hill’s analysis seems to echo what Politico wrote some weeks ago when they proclaimed Eric Holder to be untouchable.
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Report: Obama Won’t Fire Holder”

NYTimes Still Excusing IRS Audits of Conservative Groups

-By Warner Todd Huston

On May 10, a spokeswoman for the Internal Revenue Service admitted that over the last year–during the presidential election, at that–the agency had conducted “overzealous audits” of the tax-exempt status of dozens of conservative activists and Tea Party groups. Last year The New York Times dismissed claims that the IRS was abusing its powers but even with these new admissions by the IRS the Times is underplaying the facts.

Last year several conservative groups began to notice that they were getting audited an awful lot and some banded together with Jay Selkulow’s American Center for Law and Justice to call for an investigation into the matter. Sekulow accused the IRS of launching a campaign intended to stifle free speech. At the time, Landmark Legal Foundation also demanded that the IRS conduct an investigation into agency misconduct.

Not long thereafter the Times ridiculed complaints made by conservative groups saying that the IRS was just doing its job.
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NYTimes Still Excusing IRS Audits of Conservative Groups”

NCIS: LA Paints Patriots as Terrorists

-By Warner Todd Huston

The February 19 episode of CBS’ NCIS: Los Angeles offered a veritable smorgasbord of liberal tropes–Tea Party types portrayed as terrorists, private healthcare insurance companies slammed and a potpouri of anti-capitalist themes.

The episode started off in an interesting direction when the NCIS team came across the murder of a 1960s leftist radical who had been on the run from the feds for inadvertently killing a fellow terrorist. But it wasn’t long before the idea of a ’60s-era radical became an attack on all things conservative.

As the team members entered into their investigation, they discovered a tie to a local college professor. The team decided to go undercover and, as Agent Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) began to socialize with students, she found one planning an Occupy Wall Street protest on campus.

All the talk about Occupy was entirely positive, of course, but in one scene as the peaceful Occupy gathering was in full swing, a group of violent thugs dressed in red and sporting bandana masks burst onto the scene. The thugs, wielding bats, assaulted the peaceful Occupiers and destroyed their displays.
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NCIS: LA Paints Patriots as Terrorists”

Sam Donaldson Speaks for Minorities: ‘It’s OUR Country Now!’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Long-time ABC News correspondent Sam Donaldson has a message for “The Tea Party.” He wants them to know it isn’t their country anymore.

That is what he said on the Chris Matthews Sunday Show on December 23, anyway. Not only did Donaldson tell “The Tea Party” that they should be gotten “rid of,” but it appeared that he was deigning to speak for minorities on top of it. Yes, an old white guy presuming to speak for minorities.

The minorities re-elected president Obama, but I’m going with Katty. It’s the Tea Party and thinking of the Tea Party and people like that that are driving the Republicans out of contention as a national party. You cannot win nationally if you don’t know something about the way the country’s changed, and the Tea Party seems to think the country can go back 25 or 30 years. The greatest slogan that I hated during this last campaign was “We want to take back our country.” Guys, it’s not your country anymore – it’s our country and you’re part of it, but that thinking is going to defeat Republicans nationally if they don’t get rid of it.

So, to recap: Tea Partiers should stop imagining it is their country because it is the minorities’ country and Tea Partiers should be gotten rid of. Isn’t it great when “reporters” don’t pick sides and just report the news?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, America.

Donaldson was last in the news for having been arrested for drunk driving in Delaware. Maybe he was still drunk at the taping of the Matthews show?
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Sam Donaldson Speaks for Minorities: ‘It’s OUR Country Now!’”

CBS ‘The Good Wife’ Pushes Global Warming, Anti-Tea Party Themes

-By Warner Todd Huston

TV’s The Good Wife, an episodic drama on CBS, wears its left-wing politics on its sleeve and this week’s episode was no exception as a TV courtroom judge was depicted pushing global warming from the bench. This isn’t the first time as the same character has in the past pushed anti-conservative themes.

As the courtroom scenes opened, the character portraying the judge in a sexual harassment case entered spouting global warming tropes. “I hope you’re staying cool today on this unusually hot November day.” He then joked, “I hope you don’t mind me saying: Global warming 1, skeptics 0.”

The court case in the episode had nothing at all to do with science or global warming but centered on a male soldier sexually harassing a female army officer.

Admittedly, it was sort of amusing how the show depicted the courtroom’s reception of the judge’s global warming “joke.” After he delivered it, the scene was a dead silent, stonefaced crowd. Immediately after his global warming line, the “judge” went on to slam the U.S. government essentially for misusing America’s armed forces.

“I have great respect for all those in uniform, no matter how our government sees fit to employ them,” the character said.
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CBS ‘The Good Wife’ Pushes Global Warming, Anti-Tea Party Themes”

Homer-Lockport Tea Party Screening of ‘Injustice the Film’ — July 30

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Homer-Lockport Tea Party is going to screen a very special movie at 7PM on July 30. The film is titled “InJustice, The Film,” and is a documentary about “greed and corruption in American’s lawsuit industry.”

You can see more info at the InJustice website or at the Homer-Lockport Tea Party site.

The film will be introduced by WLS radio personality Dan Proft and will start at around 7PM on July 30 at 14326 Golden Oak Drive, Homer Glen, Illinois.

I had the pleasure of meeting the director of the film, Brian Kelly, when his film first came out and he had some interesting things to relate about the film.

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Homer-Lockport Tea Party Screening of ‘Injustice the Film’ — July 30″

The Liberal Media’s History of Falsely Blaming Conservatives for Massacres

The media does not “report,” it invents the “news.” Want a few examples? Let’s go to the tape…

It seems every time there is a violent attack in the United States the liberal media’s first act is to blame conservatives or the Tea Party. It is time that the liberal media quit lying and learned to tell the truth.

Video courtesy of the Media Research Center.

Solyndra Republicans, Why the GOP Cannot be Trusted

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday, July 20, Politico reported that GOP leadership in the House beat back an attempt by recalcitrant members of their own caucus to continue to quietly support the sort of pork spending that gave us Solyndra in the first place.

House GOP leadership has been beating the Democrats up for the pure wasteful spending that was Democrat support for the now bankrupted “green energy” company Solyndra. But a few Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee wanted to buck the anti-bailout theme and quietly keep the spending program that allowed the “loans” to Solyndra to continue.

According to Politico:

At least three House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans had publicly expressed reservations about the GOP-backed “No More Solyndras Act” during the past week. They griped, to varying degrees, about a provision that would effectively end the loan guarantee program — and argued that it needs to be reformed, not killed.

As Politico noted, the Wall Street Journal also lambasted these Republicans calling them the “Solyndra Wing” of the GOP and chiding them for loving corporate welfare.

The three Republicans hoping to re-open the corporate welfare spigot are Joe Barton (Texas), Michael Burgess (Texas), and Phil Gingrey (Georgia).

So, as we can see here, there is a large and powerful block of the GOP that is fully in support of the sort of disgusting, un-American waste, and pork barrel spending that results in such programs as the “loan guarantees” that sent millions of U.S. tax dollars into the black hole that is Solyndra — a company that will never pay back the so-called loans afforded it by Democrats wishing to help Obama campaign contributors.
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Solyndra Republicans, Why the GOP Cannot be Trusted”

Brian Ross of ABC ‘News’ Politicizes Colorado Shooting, Illicitly Blames Tea Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

The awful crime in Colorado was only hours old when Brian Ross, a so-called “journalist” from ABC News, immediately began to politicize the shooting attempting to blame the crime on the Tea Party, conservatives, Republicans, and anyone from the right side of the political aisle with whom he disagrees quite despite the fact that he really had no information that might point to his political enemies.

On ABC’s Good Morning America, anchor George Stephanolpoulos took a “report” from ABC’s Chief Investigator Brian Ross who was supposedly investigating the crime. Here is what Ross said,

There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

First of all the name James Holmes is not a very exotic name. Many, many James Holmes live in the Aurora area. A quick search of the White Pages online finds at least five James Holmeses in Aurora and at least a half dozen in Denver and over thirty in the state.

Yet, Brian Ross immediately stampedes to a Colorado Tea Party webpage in hopes of finding the name James Holmes, then, finding one, he runs to the camera to blame the Tea party without taking even a second to ascertain if the James Holmes on the Tea Party website is, or even could be the Colorado theater murderer.

This is how the left-wing, anti-American, anti-truth Old Media works. Lies pass for “facts,” political agendas replace the news, and hate for anything they disagree with guides their every thought and action. You go out, you lie about your enemies allowing the narrative to take hold in order to hurt your political opposites, then, when it inevitably turns out that your supposition is wrong, you put a “correction” somewhere in the back of a newspaper where no one will ever see it. Your lies are now out there and believed by many apparently to spite the truth. That is how Democrats and the left work.
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Brian Ross of ABC ‘News’ Politicizes Colorado Shooting, Illicitly Blames Tea Party”

Racine Tea Party Rally for Scott Walker/Kleefisch (Also Paul Ryan, Dana Loesch, Tony Katz, More)

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning I got up bright and early, jumped into the car and took a drive up into Wisconsin to witness the Racine Tea Party rally in support of Wisc. Governor Scott Walker. Speakers included the lovely Rebecca Kleefisch (Wis. Lt. Gov.), Rep. Paul Ryan, State Senator Van Wanggaard, Talk Show Host Tony Katz, Breitbart Editor Dana Loesch and more.

Racine Tea Party Main Stage

It was a beautifully sunny day, perfect temperature, a nice breeze swept over those 3,000 or more gathered, and, in fact, you couldn’t ask for a better out doors experience. But beyond the wonderful weather was the upbeat enthusiasm bubbling up from crowd and speakers alike. This was no down in the dumps group. They were ebullient and thrilled to be out and active for the conservative cause.

The crowd as seen from the main stage

Sign: “Republicans are Makers Democrats are Takers”

This recall election is a total sham. For one thing it is practically illicit. The Democrats never gave Walker a chance to do anything before claiming he needed to be recalled for cause. They’ve abused the recall law, too. Officials are supposed to be recalled for malfeasance in office, not mere political temper tantrums. One way to prove that these leftists violated the spirit of the law is the recall Walker website was registered the same day Walker was elected!

Yet, curiously enough there was no hate spewed — though certainly opposition expressed. There was also no upside down American flags, no communist propaganda, no signs with anyone called “Hitler,” and on top of all that there wasn’t a scrap of garbage left on the ground after everyone left. Not much like an Occupy Whatever rally, eh?

The morning started with the Americans For Prosperity bus pulling in and a short address by AFP President Tim Phillips who was introduced by California talk show host Tony Katz. Katz also emceed the later Racine rally, as well.
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Racine Tea Party Rally for Scott Walker/Kleefisch (Also Paul Ryan, Dana Loesch, Tony Katz, More)”

A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was awarded press credentials for NATO’s 2012 Summit in Chicago and, having no idea what to expect, what I found on day one was a study in contrasts. What occurred was sometimes amusing, often mundane, and sometimes even violent. But it was all democracy in action.

Early on the morning of day one, Sunday, May 20, I boarded a western Metra train under threat of having my equipment bags confiscated or at least me prevented from boarding the train with them. I was not ruffed up the “the man,” though and downtown I went riding high on the rails. Literally. I took a seat on the top tier of the train.

The Summit didn’t start well as the NATO advance video called Chicago the Illinois Capital (It isn’t) and the place where Obama grew up (Again, it isn’t).

Upon reaching the gathering point for the press in beautiful downtown Chicago I boarded the super, double, secret press shuttle bus that took us down the service streets, steering well clear of the surface roads, straight to Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center, site of the NATO Summit.

Of course, before I was allowed on the super, double, secret press bus, bomb-sniffing dogs were loosed to make sure I had no underwear-bomb on my person or in my equipment bags. After I was officially cleared, I boarded the bus with local Chicago TV newsreader Jay Levine.

Everywhere I went there were knots of security personnel. A LOT of security personnel. The last time I saw that many security people I was in Cancun, Mexico during the 2010 UN Climate Conference.

There were members of the FBI, Homeland Security, Chicago Police, the U.S. Marshals as well as U.S. Airmen and Army officers all there on duty to make sure our tender media people were safe and secure.

I was later to learn that out on the streets of Chicago the number of security of all sorts made the way to McCormick Place seem like it was lightly guarded!
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A Blogger at NATO 2012, What I Saw on Day One”

I Can’t Agree With Rockford Tea Party Re. Kinzinger Undervote Plan

-By Warner Todd Huston

I write against what I consider the outrages of the left every day. But occasionally someone on my own side, someone I otherwise support, will cast a boneheaded vote, or say something stupid, or advocate for a wrongheaded policy. I have to address such situations when they occur and this week the Rockford Tea Party is under my microscope for advocating that voters in the newly reconfigured 16th District should undervote (as in not vote) for Congressman Adam Kinzinger in the upcoming general election.

Many Tea Party folks in the district west of Chicago and running down the western side of the state are furious that Kinzinger loped over from his 11th District to primary Congressman Don Manzullo, the current 16th District Representative.

Many of these longtime 16th District residents felt Kinzinger was an interloper and in the analysis of voting records it was without a doubt that Manzullo’s was more conservative than Kinznger’s.

But, let’s face it, since the Illinois Republican Party has over the last 10 years failed so miserably to make any headway in this state and since the Democrats have a deadlock on power it was the Dems that got to control the redistricting and they made a map guaranteed to eliminate some GOP congressman or another. As it happens, Don Manzullo’s number came up this year.

This is galling most especially because the reason we had to redistrict in the first place is because we lost population in this Census and that means we lost a seat in Congress. The reason our population fell is because of the failed policies of the Democrats, yet the Illinois GOP is so feckless that it cannot even make the Dems pay for their failures and the Dems ended up being rewarded with control of redistricting, a control that will safeguard their own political power thereby assuring that Illinois will fall even further into the abyss! Nice going Illinois GOP.

Anyway, back to Kinzinger. As you all know, Kinzinger won his primary challenge against long-time Congressman Manzullo. Kinzinger will now appear on the ballot in November to take office in the newly jigured 16th District.
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I Can’t Agree With Rockford Tea Party Re. Kinzinger Undervote Plan”