Fascist Dem. Sen. Chris Murphy Says Way to Save America is to Ban Conservative Websites

-By Warner Todd Huston

Connecticut’s Democrat Senator, Chris Murphy, said that conservatives should be shut out of social media, proving that he is not an American, but is, instead, an un-American fascist.

On Monday, Murphy announced his Chinese-styled censorship of the people’s right to free speech saying he feels people who aren’t in the proper party should be shut down.

“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it,” Murphy tweeted on August 6.

The president’s son was serious alarmed by this fascist proclamation by a sitting U.S. Senator.

“A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media. How long before Big Tech and their Democrat friends move to censor and purge @BreitbartNews, @DailyCaller and other conservatives voices from their platforms?” Donald Trump, Jr., tweeted on Tuesday.

Trump, Jr., is right. This is a chilling example of how far the Democrat Party has fallen from American ideals.
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Fascist Dem. Sen. Chris Murphy Says Way to Save America is to Ban Conservative Websites”

VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias

-By Warner Todd Huston

Without a doubt, Facebook has become one of the biggest online forums for Americans — if not the world — to talk to each other. Sadly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his management team have chosen sides and decided to bat for team Democrat and then lie about it all. Still, he almost admitted his perfidy during his testimony before Congress this week.

Facebook has been engaging in the systematic silencing of conservatives who have tried to use the social media network just like everyone else, to debate the day’s news and reach out to others who may be of like mind.

Over the last few months, conservative groups have found that their traffic has cratered and many of their contacts can no longer see their posts. Already one prominent conservative website has essentially given up its business because Facebook has throttled its reach.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg continues to insist that he is only trying to stop “fake news” and to make Facebook more user friendly. However, it seems only conservative sites qualify as “fake news” to the biased administrators at Facebook. That’s because they have chosen sides, not because conservatives have more so-called fake news.

The latest conservative squelched by Facebook is the hilarious and energetic duo of Diamond and Silk, the pair of pro-Trump, African American women who became famous on Youtube for their support of Trump’s policies.
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VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias”

No, NFL, You DON’T Have an Unassailable ‘Right’ to Protest the National Anthem

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of pious talk from these anti-American leftists who now seem to infest the National Football League who say that they “have a right” to protest the national anthem at the start of each NFL game. But the fact is they really don’t.

Thanks to the sham that is America’s liberal besotted system of miseducation, there is a lot of confusion about what our “rights” as Americans are. So, let’s get this straight right now. You have no “right” to behave however you want at work. And if you DO behave however you want, you had better be prepared for consequences including being fired if your boss sees fit.

But, what of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, you ask? Doesn’t that “free speech” thingie give you a right to say whatever you want, whenever you want?

No, not really. At least, not in the way you might assume.

First we need to define what a “right” is. A right is something given to you by your creator, something no one can take away. It is, as the founders said, “inalienable,” or it can’t be alienated from or taken away from you.

However, a right also cannot impinge on someone else. This means that your rights must not require someone else to do something to “give” you your rights. This, for instance, is why healthcare cannot be a right. After all, if healthcare were a right, then a doctor or nurse would be required to treat you no matter what they want to do as individuals. So, if healthcare were a right, then you are necessarily taking away the freedom of choice from a healthcare provider because they would not be allowed to turn away from you or decide to treat you in a different way. Their rights as individuals would be eliminated in favor of your “right” to healthcare.

Since your right cannot force others to act, healthcare cannot be a right. Get it?

Now, let’s get to the national anthem protests sweeping across the NFL.
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No, NFL, You DON’T Have an Unassailable ‘Right’ to Protest the National Anthem”

Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday an extremist, left-wing “judge” in Hawaii — who turns out to be Obama’s law school classmate — proved that the law doesn’t mean anything at all to a liberal by issuing an illicit order to halt President Trump’s latest travel order only hours before it was to take effect.

Hawaii District Judge Derrick Watson issued a hold on Trump’s March 6 Executive Order 13780 which was aimed at putting a temporary moratorium on travel from several terror-torn nations. Trump’s order was predicated on a careful review of legal and constitutional rulings, plus national security reasons, to put a temporary halt immigration from six terrorism-prone Muslim countries, all formerly identified as countries of concern by the Obama administration last year. The order to halt the influx of so-called “refugees” from these nations was ordered pending the creation of new screening procedures to exclude those who may in fact be terrorists posing as immigrants or “refugees.”

With his order, this leftist “judge” specifically mentioned two sections of EO 13,780; sections 2 and 6.
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Newest Trump Travel Order Block by Hawaii Judge/Obama Pal Proves ‘Law’ Means Nothing to Liberals”

ESPN Attacks Tim Tebow as ‘Failure’ on First Day of Spring Training

-By Warner Todd Huston

As former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow makes his astonishing debut as a Major League Baseball player with the opening of the New York Mets’ spring training at First Data Field in Port St. Lucie, Florida, ESPN immediately attacked him as a “failure” and a “pretend baseball player” before he made his first play.

For liberal ESPN, sportswriter David Fleming slammed Tim Tebow as engaging in a “relentless pursuit of failure” for daring to try for a second professional sports career after leaving the NFL.

Without question, Tebow had a short NFL career as a quarterback, but during that career, he was the constant butt of jokes and vitriol by the liberal sports media because he is a steadfast Christian who did not shy from expressing his beliefs on the field, in interviews, or with as his off-field philanthropy.

Clearly, Tebow’s religion still sticks in ESPN reporter Fleming’s craw as the player takes a shot at rekindling his college and high school pursuit of baseball. Whatever Fleming’s problem, he is certainly filled with hate and venom for Tebow as a person.

The hate Fleming exhibits for Tebow is thick. Indeed, he calls Tebow a name in nearly every paragraph of his extremely long hit piece. In the article Fleming calls Tebow a “grifter,” says the player is only engaging in his “latest feat of athletic failure,” is an “embarrassment,” is “idiotic,” has “profited from the art of failure,” and his “brand” is “failure incorporated.” And on and on it goes.
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ESPN Attacks Tim Tebow as ‘Failure’ on First Day of Spring Training”

A Liberal Professor Says He is DONE With ‘Obscene, Abusive, Fanatical, Intolerant’ People on the Left

-By Warner Todd Huston

A liberal professor from New York University has about had it with the hate-filled left in America today. Liberals have become so unhinged, the prof says, that they are now proving their critics right and as far as he is concerned, he is done with them all.

NYU cultural studies and literature professor Michael Rectenwald, who calls himself a communist, learned just how unhinged liberals are after he made the choice to go on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News “The Contributing Factor” podcast early this week. As soon as the episode aired he was deluged with venomous hatred from liberals.

The podcast is entitled, “A “Deplorable” Professor on Why Campuses Are So Radical.”

The description of the podcast is as follows:

Campus protests have recently reached a new level of intensity, with riots even breaking out in Berkeley, California earlier this month. Dr. Michael Rectenwald, a clinical professor of liberal studies at New York University, joins the podcast to share his insights on what he sees from the most extreme groups on campus.

Professor Rectenwald gained notoriety when he announced he was the author of a previously anonymous Twitter page called “Deplorable NYU Prof.” Dr. Rectenwald controversially was placed on paid leave at NYU after his revelation. Were his Twitter page and his paid leave related? Professor Rectenwald tells us, and also explains how “social justice warriors” have taken over most campuses.

Rectenwald later Tweeted about his experience on the show…

But as soon as he let folks know of his trip to the O’Reilly show and after the Fox host tweeted out a link to his podcast, the radical left went wild in an effort to destroy the professor.
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A Liberal Professor Says He is DONE With ‘Obscene, Abusive, Fanatical, Intolerant’ People on the Left”

Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week President Donald J. Trump held a press conference that sent the media into paroxysms of rage as he stood before them again calling them out for their lies and their “very fake news.” For days afterward they spilled tons of ink and spent miles of bandwidth calling him “un-American” for attacking them. But Trump is right. The truth is the media is just furious at being called on their lies.

On February 16, President Trump led a tour de force of a press conference going well over an hour and ricocheting about to so many topics that the media simply couldn’t keep up with it all. But one thing is sure, the media was quite able to focus on Trump’s attacks on them. And that took all their attention.

During the press conference, Trump slammed the media. At one point he re-branded CNN from merely “fake news” to “very fake news.” Of course he said it in jest and many in the White House press room laughed when he said it. But the facts bear Trump out, after all.

Trump also talked about the leaks the press have run concerning his administration’s inner workings. “The leaks are absolutely real,” Trump insisted. “The news is fake, because so much of the news is fake.”

In other words, there really are leakers inside his administration — and all of them are Obama appointees who are still there because they have yet to be fired — but the “news is fake” because the media then uses those leaks to invent a whole raft of BS stories from them.
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Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It”

Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Donald Trump is once again taking his case right to the people of the United States and once again he got the unwitting aide of the press corps to help him do it. And even as the regular voters are cheering, the press is booing the whole thing.

Donald J. Trump won the White House not because the media loved him — as it did Hillary Clinton generally, but Barack Obama slavishly — but because he was able to both go around the media and use the media at the same time to take his message right to the American people. Trump again showed this amazing ability to slip around the media while using them at the same time in his Thursday press conference.

Donald Trump is uniquely able to speak to Americans like a “real person.” In other words, he does not come off as a smarmy know-it-all like Obama did nor does he seem shrew-like as Hillary so often did. In fact, he doesn’t seem like a “politician” at all. To Mr. and Mrs. America he comes off as a relatable figure. (Indeed, during his press conference he admitted as much when he said he is finding it hard to realize he is now a “politician.”)

With the media (and establishment Washington of both parties) clearly out to destroy him as opposed to merely reporting on his policies and administration, Trump instinctively understands that he needs to go around the media and take his case right to to the voters.

But, even with that being the case, the president cannily uses the very press he is “going around” as a vehicle to carry his message to the people. And this February 16 press conference was a perfect example of that canny ability to use the same hostile press corps to make his appeal free of the media’s habit of imbuing “the news” with its own opinions.

This presser was a great example of Trump using the press to bash the press.

Watch Trump’s Entire Press Conference

The president covered such a number of topics that he clearly bewildered the press into a near catatonic state. But his main point throughout was to damn the press as hostile to him and his administration.
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Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media”

Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday evening officials of the University of California at Berkeley decided to cancel a talk scheduled to be given by iconoclast gay conservative and free speech activist Milo Yiannopoulos. Officials feared unrest over the event. But it came to that anyway as the fascist left kicked into high gear with rioting and destruction in the violent, un-American way we’ve all became so woefully used from the left in America.

Many on the left have been crowing that their constant penchant to riot is an example of their advocacy for “freedom.” But in fact, it is the opposite. Indeed what we are seeing is a clash between the advocates of free speech on the right and the violent attempts to suppress free speech by liberals.

You should notice, dear readers, how there are never any riots by conservatives or Republicans. Only fascist liberals riot. Heck, conservatives don’t even leave any trash behind when they rally!
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Liberals Again Reveal Their Inner Fascist With Anti-Free Speech Riots in Berkeley”

The Lies of a ‘Sports Writer’ Attacking Tom Brady for Being Friends With President Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

A “sports writer” for USA Today recently disgorged a piece of hate loosely disguised as sports commentary that reveals how liberals will never allow for opinions contrary to their own in any venue even in something as light and inconsequential as sports.

“Sports writer” Nancy Armour began her career in 1998 covering the local Chicago sports beat before she joined USA Today, but now she has proven to be a hack of the highest order with a piece wallowing in pure hate instead of reporting on sports like she is supposed to be doing.

“Tom Brady,” this cretin said as she began her January 30 screed, “no longer gets a pass on his friendship with Donald Trump.”

Oh, really? So, all Americans must now explain why they might support Donald Trump? To YOU? A mere hack of a “sports” writer? How arrogant.

Like many, Armour has been mad at New England Patriots star quarterback Tom Brady for being friendly with President Donald Trump. Oh, she didn’t care a wit that Brady was friends with Trump for all these many years. She’s only mad now because Trump was elected president of the United States of America. And like others of her kind, Brady’s friendship with Trump is far more important to them than the fact that he is the quarterback of a Super Bowl bound football team.

Brady himself has repeatedly said that his friendship with Trump has nothing to do with his football career and has brushed off talking about it because the whole topic is just a meaningless distraction from football.
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The Lies of a ‘Sports Writer’ Attacking Tom Brady for Being Friends With President Trump”

Nat’l Committee Chair Candidate Proves White People Are Not Wanted in the Democrat Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the contest for the next chairman for the Democrat National Committee comes down to the wire it is becoming clear that the party still doesn’t want to open its tent to the millions of white voters who fled the party to vote for Donald Trump. In fact, one candidate is now saying she sees it as her duty to “shut white people down” if she were lucky enough to be voted in to take over the party’s chairmanship.

These foolish words were spoken by DNC Chair candidate Sally Boynton Brown, the current executive director of Idaho’s Democratic Party. Brown’s jaw dropping comments were made at a recent forum for the seven DNC Chair candidates held at Georgetown University on January 23.

It appears that, as far as Brown is concerned, the Democrat Party hasn’t bashed white people enough and going forward should not let white people speak in the party. I don’t mean figuratively, either. She said it flat out.

Here is how Brown, herself a white woman, envisioned her job as the next DNC Chairperson:
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Nat’l Committee Chair Candidate Proves White People Are Not Wanted in the Democrat Party”

ACLU Tell Protesters to Video Cops During Inaugural But Warn Cops to Turn OFF Body Cameras

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a move so typical of the hypocritical left, the ACLU is urging protesters at Donald J. Trump’s inauguration to be sure and take video of police and security agents attempting to keep everyone in D.C. safe but at the same time they are warning the police to be sure and turn off their body cameras so as not to record protesters.

In essence, the ACLU wants to make sure protesters feel free to destroy property and put people in danger while feeling just as free that their identities won’t be revealed by video from images recored by police body cameras.

Yet even as they are warning police to turn off their body cameras to give protesters perfect anonymity, the ACLU is also urging activists to get in cops’ faces with their own video cameras.

As security forces in Washington make their plans to insure the security and safety of the thousands who will be attending the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, the ACLU is warning officers to make sure their body cameras are turned off during the inevitable protests and attempts at disruption, according to NEA.com.
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ACLU Tell Protesters to Video Cops During Inaugural But Warn Cops to Turn OFF Body Cameras”

What You Need to Combat The Lie That Trump Made Fun of Reporter’s Disability

-By Warner Todd Huston

As she accepted an award last weekend, Meryl Streep, the purportedly “celebrated” Hollywood actress, dredged up the lie that President-Elect Donald J. Trump “made fun of a reporter’s disability” during the recently concluded campaign for the White House. Streep’s charge, though, is an outright lie and here are the facts you need to know to combat this lie.

The lie against Trump has been around since a Trump rally in 2016 where the GOP candidate made fun of The New York Times investigative reporter Serge Kovaleski for getting a story wrong. During the rally Trump criticized Kovaleski for a story Trump says was false. The particular story the reporter got wrong is immaterial here, but what Trump did while criticizing Kovaleski is the key part of the false claim that the real estate mogul “made fun of a reporter’s disability.”

The criticism stems from what Trump did to mock the man. From the dais Trump mocked the reporter by raising his arms, crooking his wrists, and stuttering as if he was acting spastic. This, critics said, was Trump making for of the reporter’s disability because, as it happens, Kovaleski has a congenital condition called arthrogryposis, a condition that makes his right arm useless due to contractures of his joints.

Now, in reality the reporter in question is not affilcted with a spastic movement. Were you to listen to him, and not see that his arm is drawn up, crooked to his chest, you’d think he would have no disability at all. But because his arm in in that useless position, it might be thought to resemble the way Trump crooked his arm whilst ridiculing the reporter during the rally.

Here, for instance, is an example of Serge Kovaleski speaking…
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What You Need to Combat The Lie That Trump Made Fun of Reporter’s Disability”

Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You in 2017

-By Warner Todd Huston

The year 2016 is now in the rear view mirror and Baby New Year has waddled in, diaper and all. But baby, you are still young and naive and I hate to say it but you and the generation you are ushering in will have an awful time once you find out what liberals have in store for you.

First of all, you are lucky, Baby New Year, lucky that you even got a chance to see 2017 at al. Were it up to any common liberal you’d have been aborted back in 2016 when you were still gestating. Granted there’s a chance you’d have seen 2017 only to have your body diced up and sold for its lucrative parts. In any case, thank your lucky stars that you escaped the liberals’ beloved slice and dice.

But don’t think you are too lucky. After all, the bleak world that liberals have already set in motion for you is not one you’re likely to enjoy.

Because, dear Baby New Year, liberals have already set the rules for your world as you grow up and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

You may think that you are waddling into the United States, the land of freedom, liberty and self-determination. But the liberals have already killed that hoary old ideal. And don’t speak too loudly because liberals have taken away your free speech. Say the wrong thing and you’ll be thrown out of your school, you’ll lose you job, and you’ll become an outcast to society… such as it is.
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Dear Baby New Year, THIS is What Liberals Have in Store For You in 2017″

‘USA Today’ Holds Curt Schilling’s Current Political Positions Against Him for Hall of Fame Bid

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent USA Today article assessing former Red Sox great Curt Schilling’s chances to win a berth in the Baseball Hall of Fame concludes that his conservative political ideas will prevent him from being afforded that honor.

For the paper, Jorge Ortiz takes care to note that Schilling has a baseball career worthy of entry into the Hall of Fame. Schilling, Ortiz reports, has a strikeout-to-walk ratio of 4.38 which is the best of the modern era. He is also the only non-steroid tainted pitcher with over 3,000 career strikeouts not to be in the Hall of Fame.

“He won more than 20 games thrice in four years and finished second in the Cy Young Award voting all three times, twice behind Diamondbacks teammate Randy Johnson,” Ortiz says.

The sports writer goes on to point out a long list of other reasons Schilling deserves Hall of Fame inclusion including his famed performance in Game 6 of the 2004 ACLS where he brought his team back with a 4-2 victory despite that he was pitching with a torn ankle tendon that left blood visibly oozing through his sock.
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‘USA Today’ Holds Curt Schilling’s Current Political Positions Against Him for Hall of Fame Bid”

Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the left’s newest war cry of “fake news” now always at the ready to deploy as a weapon to quash any right of center news outlet, Facebook has announced that it will now use three left-of-center organizations to “review” conservative sites to see if they are producing “fake news.” So, what could go wrong? Plenty.

Facebook insists it is doing its part to torpedo those “fake news” sites that so many liberals claim gave Trump the White House. But this is all just a smoke screen.

In fact, this effort has nothing whatever to do with making sure “news” is truthful. All it really is, is just another attempt by liberals to re-instate their once indisputable status as the “gatekeepers” of the media, an assumption that created a screening process through which only their approved, liberal “news” could get past. It was this “gatekeeping” wall that caused the loss of Vietnam, for instance, as the entirety of the liberal media lied to Americans that the war was lost and the U.S. should get out of Vietnam despite that the U.S. military won nearly every engagement it ever entered into during that conflict.

Facebook is being fueled by calls from such losers as Hillary Clinton who wants to quash the “fake news” that got Trump elected. Early in December, the two-time losing Democrat presidential candidate delivered a speech assailing “malicious” fake news hyperbolically claiming that its growth has “put lives at risk.”
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Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites”

Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.

Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”

Losing Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, came out of mourning to blast the right’s “fake news” even as she was one of its biggest purveyors. After all, who can forget her story that she was shot at by snipers during a visit to Bosnia in 1996 when, in fact, she was met with no violence at all. Not only did Hillary face no security threat when she landed in Bosnia that day, she was met by a little girl who gave her a bouquet of flowers. Those must have been some scary flowers, indeed.

Aside from political figures, far left, clickbait website BuzzFeed made the most noise with an October 20 piece entitled, “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” a story that essentially relied on a liberal “professor’s” list of “fake news” websites heavy on right leaning sites and almost empty of left leaning sites.

Without question, even as BuzzFeed set itself up to be the arbiter of what is or sin’t fake news, it has itself been a constant and steady supplier of fake news.
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Liberal Media Invented ‘Fake News’ LONG Before the Conservative Media Was Born”

Lying Leftists Organize Anti-Breitbart Blacklist to Scare Advertisers… And So Far It’s Working

-By Warner Todd Huston

A group of hateful lefties who are hiding behind anonymous Twitter names have organized a boycott of advertisers whose ads have been appearing regularly on Breitbart News. Unfortunately, the boycott is working causing at least 47 of these companies to flee the conservative powerhouse.

The small group of liberals organizing the boycott is going by the name “Sleeping Giants,” and is using the racist black power fist symbol as a logo for their effort.

This group of anonymous attackers are calling Breitbart.com a “racist” website and forcing fearful advertisers to dump Breitbart as an advertising platform (disclosure, I have written for Breitbart for nearly a decade and personally knew the site’s founder, Andrew Breitbart who passed away in 2012).

Of course, the whole premise is a lie. There isn’t anything remotely “racist” about Breitbart.com except in the false claims of extreme leftists in whose fevered imagination literally everything a white person does is “racist.”

The group has another main contention besides the faux charge of “racism.” In their view Breitbart News was one of the biggest reasons Donald Trump won the White House and, so, if they can destroy Breitbart by starving it of ad money, then they will be hurting both Trump and Republicans.

To date the actual identity of the people behind Sleeping Giants has not been made public but Shareen Pathak of DigiDay.com seems to know who they are and recently interviewed at least one of them.
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Lying Leftists Organize Anti-Breitbart Blacklist to Scare Advertisers… And So Far It’s Working”

Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet

-By Warner Todd Huston

As week six of the National Football League’s 2016/17 season passes, it has become clear that ratings have cratered as fans tune out by the millions. There are many theories about why this has happened, but the one commonality is the fan’s rage over the anti-American protests now seen weekly during the national anthem started by San Francisco 49ers secondstring quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick started his anti-American protests in the very first week of the NFL’s new season. He quickly explained that he could no longer stand at attention when “The Star Spangled Banner” was played at games. It was, he said, because the U.S. is evil and filled with white racists. Only hours passed before millions of fans let Kaepernick and the 49ers know just what they thought of his anti-American statement.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color,” Kaepernick explained to NFL.com. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

His protest soon spreading like wild fire throughout the NFL as player after player decided that the U.S. was too evil to honor by standing for the national anthem.
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Evidence Shows ‘Kaepernick Effect’ Hits NFL Hard As Ratings Continue to Plummet”

After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice

-By Warner Todd Huston

The father of a slain U.S. soldier who happened to be a Muslim made himself a temporary icon for liberals when he went on stage at the Democrat convention and attacked Donald Trump. But now that father, Khizr Khan, is going on the Sunday shows and making a mockery of his own son’s sacrifice by claiming Islam has “nothing to do” with terrorism.

Mr. Kahn lost his son, Captain Humayun Kahn, in Iraq in 2004 and in an attempt to shore up their military bonafides, the Democrats pushed him up on stage during their convention in Philadelphia to wag his finger in GOP nominee Donald Trump’s face.

With a wife who befitting of the second class status of women in Islam was standing at his side and not allowed to say a word, Mr. Kahn insisted that he and Muslims like him are “loyal” to the United States and as proof offered the story of his son who fell in service to the country in Iraq.

Waving a booklet of the U.S. Constitution, Kahn attacked Trump saying, “If it was up to Donald Trump, [Kahn’s son] never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Kahn ended his attack on Trump yelling, “You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

As he waved the Constitution, the bereaved father also yelled at Trump to look in the document to find the words “liberty” and “equal protection under the law,” the latter in a nod to religious liberty apparently.

But, here is the thing… potential immigrants do not have a right to expect that the U.S. is not allowed to screen them out because of their religion, their nationality, or any other factor. The U.S. Constitution does not force the federal government to apply Constitutional rights to foreigners waiting at our door to enter the country.
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After Scolding Trump, Now It’s Khizr Khan Making a Mockery of His Son’s Sacrifice”

Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation shakes its collective head with the full understanding that the law does not apply to Bill and Hillary Clinton and that their corruption knows no bounds, another story slipped under the radar that proves that from the highest federal office to the lowest, local state official no Democrat cares a whit about law and all have simply decided to do anything and everything they want regardless of what the law says.

The fact that the FBI Director James Comey sold his integrity to the Clinton crime family machine aside, another story proved that Democrats just don’t care what the law says or how it has been adjudicated in the past, nor what the intent of the law even is.

The revealing incident occurred in Pennsylvania where Democrats had been ignoring a state law that maintains that local gun laws cannot be any more strict than the state’s provisions. In other words, the state law says no local city or township may pass an anti-gun ordinance that is more strict than the state’s rules.
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Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws”

CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned

-By Warner Todd Huston

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” T-Shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them. The controversy is set against a backdrop of a federal court ruling banning U.S. flag shirts in California schools.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, decided to acquiesce to the request of a group of Hispanic students who wanted to wear their shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump even as the school’s dress code could be read as prohibiting them.

The school’s dress code for the 2015/16 school year puts a ban on clothing with “inappropriate graphics” and clothing with messages that “denigrates others on account of gender, sexual orientation, race color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.”

Despite those rules, school authorities are now allowing students to wear shirts attacking Trump and his voters.
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CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned”

Governor Nathan Deal’s Dumbest Claim to Quash Religious Freedom

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday Georgia Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a religious liberty bill that would stop state authorities from forcing Christians to participate in gay marriages, but one of the “reasons” Deal said prevented him from signing the bill is fraught with a pretzel logic he can’t possibly believe.

In the Governor’s view, HB 757 was “discriminatory.” Instead of protecting religious freedom, Deal claimed it only served to oppress gays. Worse, he said despite clear examples of such coercion in other states, since it’s never happened in Georgia then the law isn’t needed.

Of course, the law was written to head off the sort of state-sponsored coercion and curtailment of religious liberty seen in other states, not necessarily a law meant to correct what has already happened in the Peach State. The fact it has happened in a number of other states was plenty enough reason to try to prevent it from happening at all in Georgia.

In any case, Deal goes on to note how religious liberty is one of the first principles of the founding of the country. The founders, Deal said, “made it clear that those liberties [religious liberties] were given by God and not by man’s government. Therefore, it was unnecessary to enumerate in statute or constitution what those liberties included.”

He then went on to indulge some truly absurd pretzel logic that is so tortured even he can’t possible believe it…
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Governor Nathan Deal’s Dumbest Claim to Quash Religious Freedom”

Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is a big argument being waged between Trumpeters who say he is utterly innocent for the violence constantly occurring at his rallies and those who say it is all his fault because of his bellicose rhetoric. The truth is, Ted Cruz is right. It isn’t an either or, it’s a little of both.

To start out, I don’t want to say that the violence being whipped up by your Move-On, George Soros, Occupy-type leftists are justified. Nor is it dismissible. The protests we are seeing over the last month at Trump rallies are not spontaneous bands of local citizens upset about Donald Trump. They are organized, anti-American agitators who are using Trump to foster anarchy.

These people have been around for decades. They are the same people who peopled the failed Occupy Wall Street “movement,” the same type of people who helped organize the 1968 Chicago convention riots, the same who have organized unrest, destruction, race hatred, and attacks all across the country since the anarchist craze started at the turn of the last century. They are all of a piece, all un-American, all hateful of our system and history.

Further, none of this violence would be happening at Trump rallies if they were not organizing ahead of time and making efforts to invade Trump rallies in order to try and foster violence.

And before I go on I should say that the leftists perpetrating violence at these rallies are not to be excused for what they are doing. They are wrong. Their actions–even if expected–are wrong.

However, there is a reason these people aren’t targeting Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or any of the other candidates before them. It is because Trump has invited them with his own bellicose rhetoric.
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Trump Needs to Take Responsibility For His Rhetoric”

Can You Be a Conservative and Also a Trump Voter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece saying you can’t be a conscientious conservative and refuse to vote for Donald Trump if he faces Hillary Clinton in a general election. But can you also be such a conservative and vote for Trump in a primary?

Before I go on, here, I have to note that I am not a Trump supporter. Even though I wrote you have to vote Trump if the choice is between him and Hilary in a general election contest, I’d rather see any general election for Trump avoided from the start.

So, the straight answer to the question posited in the headline above is “no.” No you can’t be a committed conservative and vote for Trump in a primary. If you are voting Trump you are one of three types of voter and none of the three can be a committed conservative.

Three Types of Trump Supporters
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Can You Be a Conservative and Also a Trump Voter?”

Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 24 of 1855, Abe Lincoln made another one of his arguments against slavery. But I’d dare say that the logic of his point works to defeat the left’s efforts to destroy freedom of religion today, too.

By 1855 Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln had firmly joined the anti-slave element of the Whig Party and he was already developing a reputation as an eloquent speaker against the “Peculiar Institution.”

In August he made the argument that having slavery in a nation that is supposed to believe in the freedom and equality of men is a contradiction that makes the belief in equality essentially a lie.

Here is how he once described the dichotomy between a nation that claims to value equality and a nation that supports slavery:
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Lincoln Quote That Can Be Used for Freedom of Religion”

Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE

-By Warner Todd Huston

As patriots gather outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, all eyes are on the activists gathered there to protest what they feel is a government gone wild. Many of the activists are armed raising some fears that bloodshed could result if Obama’s government sends armed officials to clear them out. But one activist has a warning and a promise for officials.

In a video posted to Facebook, activist Jon Ritzheimer told those watching his video that he and his fellows have gathered to defend their Constitutional rights.

Close to the end of the video the activist explains one of the reasons that he and his fellows are protesting. He says that the refuge is “swallowing up ranches.”

On the video Ritzheimer continues saying, “this refuge here we found out is also the largest and it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s swallowing up ranchers. It’s already kicked off over 100 ranchers from this land.”

Still, Ritzheimer goes to pains to point out that the land they are camping on is public land and that they aren’t breaking any laws. He further points out that there has been no vandalism of the park. He insists, “there’s nothing illegal taking place here.”

“This land belongs to ‘we the people.’ It’s outlined right here in the Constitution,” Ritzheimer says.
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Video From Oregon Activist: ‘We’re Breaking NO Laws’ But Warns They Are Armed—NO RUBY RIDGE”

Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again proving that liberals are drifting farther every day away from American ideals and principles, an activist judge in Boston recently punished a Christian woman by order that she “learn about Islam” to settle a dispute brought to court by a Muslim tenant from an apartment building the punished woman owns. This couldn’t be a more un-American–and un-Constitutional–punishment.

The case that came to Judge Paul Yee Jr.’s courtroom was between a Christian Pastor who owns an apartment complex in which several Muslim tenants live and one of his Muslim tenants. The complex owner, Daisy Obi, a 73-year-old ordained minister from Nigeria who is the pastor of the Adonai Bible Center in Somerville, Massachusetts, was accused of physically attacking her Muslim tenant and spewing anti-Muslim epithets at her.

The purported victim, tenant Gihan Suliman, claims that Obi called her anti-Muslim names and pushed her down a flight of stairs during an argument in April of 2012.

The case came before Yee, who is a 2009 Deval Patrick appointee to the District Court in Quincy Court One. He was previously an Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County and was also a counsel for the Boston Housing Authority. Clearly Yee thinks of himself as a social warrior and not an adjudicator of law.

At the close of the case in 2014, Judge Yee ruled against Obi and sentenced her to two years in jail and to serve six months and have the rest suspended. But this self-righteous, activist judge also demanded another punishment by forcing Obi to “learn about Islam.”

“I want you to learn about the Muslim faith. I want you to enroll and attend an introductory course on Islam,” Yee said during the sentencing phase of the trial. “You have to give some kind of written documentation to probation that you have in fact done that.”

This is clearly both un-American and un-Constitutional.
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Anti-American Boston Judge Forces Christian Woman to ‘Learn About Islam’ for Punishment After Dispute with Muslim”

Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s about time one of these baseless, nuisance lawsuits against some decades-old display of the Christian faith was given the heave-ho out of court, as all of them should. And that is just what happened to a lawsuit demanding the removal of a cross memorial to the fallen of WWI that was erected nearly 100 years ago.

In a judge’s decision on Monday, Maryland federal judge Deborah Chasanow threw out a lawsuit that was demanding the removal of a cross monument standing in mute tribute to The Great War that was erected at the intersection of State Route 450 and U.S. Route 1 in Bladensburg, Maryland. The display was built by members of the American Legion in 1925.

The monument is part of a park built to Maryland veterans and also contains memorials to soldiers who died in WWII, Pearl Harbor, the Korean War, Vietnam and other wars and battles.
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Hysterical Atheists Lose: Maryland Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against WWI Memorial Cross”

New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made

-By Warner Todd Huston

New York police stood by and did nothing as a pack of raving Islamists physically and verbally attacked several Egyptian journalists right out in the open, on the streets, and right in front of police.

Members of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood accosted the journalists who were in New York as part of the Egyptian media covering Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as he attends the 70th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.

You may recall that back in 2013 the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood had control over Egypt when their man, Mohamed Morsi was president of the ancient country. Morsi was in power with the backing Barack Obama, but the people of the country rose up to eliminate the terror-connected candidate and paved the way for el-Sisi to take the office.
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New York Police Allow Muslims to Openly Attack Journalists, No Arrests Made”