[Film Review] ‘The Circle’: An Unrealistic Portrayal of Real Problems

-By Cernan Cabriesy

Despite the star power of The Circle, the movie disappoints on so many levels. The story follows Mae Holland (Emma Watson) who gets the opportunity of a lifetime for a dream job at a massive internet company called The Circle — which resembles Facebook on steroids — collecting every piece of data the world has to offer, making it available for every user. Whatever data the company can’t collect from other sources, it collects on its own by distributing millions of tiny satellite cameras to users across the globe to be placed everywhere.

The movie explores many of the ethical questions regarding personal privacy, business occultism, and the ability of major corporations to aid society by catching “bad guys” on the one hand, while destroying the lives of innocent individuals on the other.

Perhaps it explorers too many of those ethical questions at once. So many, in fact, that the movie is unsuccessful at resolving any of them. Just as Mae decides to become “transparent,” as it is called in the film, by wearing a camera all the time and allowing the company to record her every move, conversation, and action, likewise this character’s arc becomes so transparent that any less-than-astute observer will be able to figure out the climactic twist before it happens.

The only lesson we are left with at the end is that the invasion of oir privacy will continue to get worse, there is no one to stop it, and there will always be someone at the top holding the keys, so they had better be “ethical,” whatever that means.

Every character in this film is gray. There are no real villains, there are no real heroes. All of the other high-powered stars like Tom Hanks and John Boyega could have easily been replaced by unknown actors.

Worst of all is that liberal Hollywood gets lost in this spider web by apparently deciding to trivialize the most serious of ethical issues our future faces, mostly by turning privacy on its head and making it the villain. It’s one thing to take down the CEO of a company who makes everyone else’s life transparent except his own. By doing so Hollywood still gets to “Stick it to the Man.” That’s right out of their playbook. But they get completely lost in all of the other issues and problems addressed throughout the film. I am guessing this is the case because most liberals are ethically stunted to begin with.

Perhaps we will have to wait for some indie filmmaker to tackle the real issues properly before we get a good film out of these topics.

[Editor’s note: Looks like Hanks’ The Circle is doing poorly at the box office, too. Tom Hanks’ latest movie is his biggest bomb EVER, lowest opening box office in his career.]

The Publius Forum Top 100 Conservative Websites

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone needs a handy single source for all the top conservative websites, so I decided to grab them all and put them down in one post for everyone’s convenience.

These were figured via each site’s Alexa listing. BuzzPo.com, number 89, was just sold, so the site now re-directs to Conservative Review. Also, the other three in black are sites of which I do not approve and won’t link to. EVER. However, they are in the top 100 so I listed them anyway.

Rank Website Link
1 foxnews.com http://foxnews.com
2 conservativetribune.com http://conservativetribune.com
3 drudgereport.com http://drudgereport.com
4 westernjournalism.com http://westernjournalism.com
5 wsj.com http://wsj.com
6 nypost.com http://nypost.com
7 breitbart.com http://breitbart.com
8 realclearpolitics.com http://realclearpolitics.com
9 wnd.com http://wnd.com
10 thehill.com http://thehill.com
11 theblaze.com http://theblaze.com
12 dailycaller.com http://dailycaller.com
13 bizpacreview.com http://bizpacreview.com
14 washingtontimes.com http://washingtontimes.com
15 newsmax.com http://newsmax.com
16 zerohedge.com http://zerohedge.com
17 allenbwest.com http://allenbwest.com
18 youngcons.com http://youngcons.com
19 pjmedia.com http://pjmedia.com
20 nationalreview.com http://nationalreview.com
21 theweek.com http://theweek.com
22 townhall.com http://townhall.com
23 washingtonexaminer.com http://washingtonexaminer.com
24 thegatewaypundit.com http://thegatewaypundit.com
25 hotair.com http://hotair.com
26 redstate.com http://redstate.com
27 reason.com http://reason.com
28 thefederalist.com http://thefederalist.com
29 newsbusters.org http://newsbusters.org
30 ijreview.com http://ijreview.com
31 thefederalistpapers.org http://thefederalistpapers.org
32 ocregister.com http://ocregister.com
33 freerepublic.com http://freerepublic.com
34 rushlimbaugh.com http://rushlimbaugh.com
35 thepoliticalinsider.com http://thepoliticalinsider.com
36 americanthinker.com http://americanthinker.com
37 Conservative Treehouse http://theconservativetreehouse.com
38 twitchy.com http://twitchy.com
39 jpost.com http://jpost.com
40 redstatewatcher.com http://redstatewatcher.com
41 nationalinterest.org http://nationalinterest.org
42 qpolitical.com http://qpolitical.com
43 timesofisrael.com http://timesofisrael.com
44 weeklystandard.com http://weeklystandard.com
45 freebeacon.com http://freebeacon.com
46 cnsnews.com http://cnsnews.com
47 chicksontheright.com http://chicksontheright.com
48 madworldnews.com http://madworldnews.com
49 powerlineblog.com http://powerlineblog.com
50 bearingarms.com http://bearingarms.com
51 therightscoop.com http://therightscoop.com
52 rasmussenreports.com http://rasmussenreports.com
53 clashdaily.com http://clashdaily.com
54 blog.heritage.org http://blog.heritage.org
55 rightwingnews.com http://rightwingnews.com
56 hannity.com http://hannity.com
57 conservativereview.com http://conservativereview.com
58 lucianne.com http://lucianne.com
59 dailysignal.com http://dailysignal.com
60 theamericanconservative.com http://theamericanconservative.com
61 judicialwatch.org http://judicialwatch.org
62 lifenews.com http://lifenews.com
63 weaselzippers.us http://weaselzippers.us
64 wattsupwiththat.com http://wattsupwiththat.com
65 truthrevolt.org http://truthrevolt.org
66 freedomdaily.com http://freedomdaily.com
67 frontpagemag.com http://frontpagemag.com
68 scotusblog.com http://scotusblog.com
69 spectator.org http://spectator.org
70 jihadwatch.org http://jihadwatch.org
71 freedomoutpost.com http://freedomoutpost.com
72 mises.org http://mises.org
73 debka.com http://debka.com
74 legalinsurrection.com http://legalinsurrection.com
75 city-journal.org http://city-journal.org
76 Cato.org http://Cato.org
77 amren.com http://amren.com
78 firstthings.com http://firstthings.com
79 aei.org http://aei.org
80 fas.org http://fas.org
81 shoebat.com http://shoebat.com
82 gotnews.com http://gotnews.com
83 creators.com http://creators.com
84 memeorandum.com http://memeorandum.com
85 takimag.com http://takimag.com
86 eaglerising.com http://eaglerising.com
87 teaparty.org http://teaparty.org
88 downtrend.com http://downtrend.com
89 buzzpo.com Site just sold, no longer exists
90 commentarymagazine.com http://commentarymagazine.com
91 althouse.blogspot.com http://althouse.blogspot.com
92 anncoulter.com http://anncoulter.com
93 dcgazette.com http://dcgazette.com
94 ricochet.com http://ricochet.com
95 patriotupdate.com http://patriotupdate.com
96 redalertpolitics.com http://redalertpolitics.com
97 joeforamerica.com http://joeforamerica.com
98 vdare.com http://vdare.com
99 libertyunyielding.com http://libertyunyielding.com
100 humanevents.com http://humanevents.com

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Follow Warner Todd Huston on:

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing news, opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that wrote articles on U.S. history for several American history magazines. Huston is a featured writer for Andrew Breitbart’s Breitbart News, and he appears on such sites as Constitution.com, CanadaFreePress.com, BizPac Review, and many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

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‘To Russia, With Love,’ Starring Barack Obama and the Democrat Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

After rolling in the mud for nearly two months desperately trying to find some reason, any reason… you know, other than facts… for their November 8 loss, Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and their handmaidens in the Old Media complex have finally found their perfect scape goat: It wuz the Russians wut dun it.

Of course any look at the facts we have before us will prove that there was never any hacking of the election. And even if Russian hackers had something to do with the hacking of the Democrat Party and Clinton chief John Podesta’s email system from which months of leaks emerged in drip-drip fashion damaging Hillary’s campaign, that is not the same thing as saying “the election was hacked.” Hacking John Podesta’s badly safeguarded emails is NOT the “hacking” of the election.

But damn the truth, since just after the election Barack Obama has been selling the fiction that the Russians “hacked the election” and ostensibly selling that as the reason Hillary lost. But thus far there has been absolutely no proof at all that any of the 50 states and all their many millions of machines in their thousands of voting districts were electronically messed with in any way at all. One would think that Obama loves this whole thing. The fake news of a Russian hacking is his excuse du jour.

So, even though we have no evidence, Obama has been ramping up is anti-Russia actions which have now resulted in the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and government employees based here in the U.S.A.
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‘To Russia, With Love,’ Starring Barack Obama and the Democrat Party”

PubliusForum.com Wins Mention as a 2016 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winner

Every year the Doug Ross Journal sponsors its 2016 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners and this year my PubliusForum.com won a mention as one of the top blogs of 2016. I was awarded as one of the “Best Grassroots Blogs.”

It is always nice to be recognized for all the hard work and thanks to the Journal for the mention.

Incidentally, Doug runs a great site called BadBlue.com that features a daily compilation of some of the bests posts on the Internet. It is a great page to find some fantastic, informative stuff aggregated all in one place.
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PubliusForum.com Wins Mention as a 2016 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winner”

Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the left’s newest war cry of “fake news” now always at the ready to deploy as a weapon to quash any right of center news outlet, Facebook has announced that it will now use three left-of-center organizations to “review” conservative sites to see if they are producing “fake news.” So, what could go wrong? Plenty.

Facebook insists it is doing its part to torpedo those “fake news” sites that so many liberals claim gave Trump the White House. But this is all just a smoke screen.

In fact, this effort has nothing whatever to do with making sure “news” is truthful. All it really is, is just another attempt by liberals to re-instate their once indisputable status as the “gatekeepers” of the media, an assumption that created a screening process through which only their approved, liberal “news” could get past. It was this “gatekeeping” wall that caused the loss of Vietnam, for instance, as the entirety of the liberal media lied to Americans that the war was lost and the U.S. should get out of Vietnam despite that the U.S. military won nearly every engagement it ever entered into during that conflict.

Facebook is being fueled by calls from such losers as Hillary Clinton who wants to quash the “fake news” that got Trump elected. Early in December, the two-time losing Democrat presidential candidate delivered a speech assailing “malicious” fake news hyperbolically claiming that its growth has “put lives at risk.”
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Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites”

Are Tech Writers Full of Crap?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have been seeing more and more reports that writers, reviewers and bloggers are by and large useless where it comes to real news about the tech industry and this failed reporting on the iPhone ap Meerkat is a perfect example.

Tero Kuittinen has a great synopsis on how the tech media reported on the Meerkat streaming media iPhone ap touting it as the next big thing in social media despite that the ap never once got into the top 100 for sales of iPhone aps.

Kuittinen points out that the reportage on Meerkat was a feeding frenzy with one tech writer feeding off another quite despite the fact that the very phone ap they were over the moon about was never the smash hit they were claiming it was.

But even as Meerkat was announcing a $14 million cash infusion by investors, a rial ap debuted that buried Meerkat instantly.
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Are Tech Writers Full of Crap?”

Google VP Publicly Flogs Own Company for Lack of Diversity

-By Warner Todd Huston

Laszlo Bock, Senior Vice President, People Operations, has publicly spoken out about the “lack of diversity” among Google employees. Despite Google’s far left-wing company culture, he is apologetic and wants users to know that there are reasons that Google isn’t “diverse” enough.

The reliably left-wing Google has for years tried to hide its astonishing lack of diversity from public view, but has apparently decided to come clean.

In a May 28 Google blog post Bock finally made to lift the veil of secrecy in which Google had enshrouded its employment statistics and revealed that the company is mostly white and mostly male.
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Google VP Publicly Flogs Own Company for Lack of Diversity”

Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oh, he thought that just because he had billions of dollars, all he had to do was flit into a New Jersey school system, spread some of his cash around, and voila kids would get a “good” education. But reality was a different thing as when Mark Zuckerberg tried it, he found that the greedy teachers union stole all the cash and his millions didn’t help the kids at all.

Yes, Facebook Billionaire Mark Suckerberg–er, I mean Zuckerberg–was mugged by reality and found out exactly why Johnny can’t read. Because our system of mis-education is held prisoner to the anti-education, greedy, uncaring, left-wing teachers unions who don’t give a flying fig about the kids. It’s all about them stealing as much cash out of the system for their bloated pensions and high-salaried union bosses as humanely possible quite despite whether it hurts the kids or not.

In 2010 super rich Suckerberg gave $100 million big ones to help turn around Newark, New Jersey’s failing schools. He made a big show of the whole thing, too, even making his announcement on the Oprah show.
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Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants”

Eating Their Own: Union Wants to Unionize Extremist, Left-Wing Media Matters, Website Owners Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Started in 2004, the left-wing propaganda website Media Matters for America has been spreading lies about Republicans and conservatives for a decade, now. Naturally the site has always claimed the center-right coalition is “anti-worker” for opposing unions, but this organization itself has never been unionized. Now the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) is agitating to organize Media Matters and the propaganda outfit is fit to be tied over the union’s efforts.

Started by Clinton operative David Brock, Media Matters for America (MM) has been programming the left-wing media since its debut and one of the organization’s repeated topics has been its blanket support for unions and for all the things unions advocate. Most especially a support for the union goal of “card check.”

Card check is a union scheme of making the unionization of a business easier–easier for unions, not employers. One of its features is to have employees voting on whether or not to allow a union to enter the workplace forced to vote their preference out in the open, without a secret ballot.
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Eating Their Own: Union Wants to Unionize Extremist, Left-Wing Media Matters, Website Owners Furious”

An Inventive Internet Scam Email ‘From’ Fed Head Janet Yellen

-By Warner Todd Huston

I received this absurd email in my inbox today that I thought maybe some of you may find amusing. It is purportedly sent by the new head of the Fed, Janet Yellen, of all people.

It is a scam email, a phishing expedition meant to get those slow of mind to pass on their personal information to a thief. But it is a rather inventive one, I thought.

Naturally the syntax and wording is just screwy enough to make it obvious to an educated person that it was written by a foreigner not conversant in English. But I thought the premise of the lie was pretty funny and just might be slick enough to get morons who were too busy mouth breathing in high school to pay attention to their studies to fall for it.

So, here is the letter…
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An Inventive Internet Scam Email ‘From’ Fed Head Janet Yellen”

Disqus: Feminizing America One Lost Down Vote at a Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

This month the blog commenting system Disqus changed its system with neither a warning nor an explanation, eliminating the ability of page visitors to see the tallied number of down votes to any of the comments. Apparently the blog service felt that Americans were getting their feelings hurt so badly by a down vote that it had to eliminate the capability. And thus the feminization of America continues.

Previously, the Disqus commenting system featured a way for other page visitors who had opened an account with Disqus to either up vote or down vote comments by clicking on a green arrow facing upward or a red arrow facing down. As each visitor clicked on the arrows a tally of how many votes the comment received was displayed.

But now, when someone tries to click on the down vote arrow it neither displays as red for other commenters to see, nor is there any longer a tallied number. The up votes, however, still show a green number tallying upward as each up arrow is clicked.

So, now no one knows how many down votes a comment is getting.
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Disqus: Feminizing America One Lost Down Vote at a Time”

Free At Last: Federal Court Hands Bloggers Legal First Amendment Protections

-By Warner Todd Huston

At long last we get a proper ruling on the First Amendment status of bloggers, one affording them the same legal status as “real” journalists; this from the Ninth Circuit Court in California, no less.

The Ninth Circuit is often derided as the “Ninth Circus” because its rulings are almost invariably left-wing and anti-American. But this time the court made a sensible ruling, for sure.

Lawyer Eugene Volokh reports that the ruling in Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox (9th Cir. Jan. 17, 2014) holds that, “all who speak to the public, whether or not they are members of the institutional press, are equally protected by the First Amendment.”

The relevant section in the ruling is as follows:
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Free At Last: Federal Court Hands Bloggers Legal First Amendment Protections”

WARNING, Sex Criminals Can Find Your Home Using Data in Cell Phone Photos on Twitter, Facebook Etc.

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone loves to use their iPhone or other smart phones to snap photos of family and friends, to take pics of places you’ve visited, and to upload those photos to the internet via services such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. But did you know that there is hidden data in those photos that can tell crooks and sex criminals exactly where those photos were taken? Alarmingly, your safety and privacy is at risk every time you upload a photo to the Internet!

So, if you are taking photos of your children inside your home, for instance, and you upload those to the Internet, criminals can use this hidden data to find out where you live. In fact, they can map out your entire life via this hidden data if you are a constant user of social media.

This should frighten the heck out of you if you are a parent that has a habit of uploading photos of your children to the Internet. Or if you are a single young woman who does the same. Any sex criminal can track you down using this data.

So, what is this hidden data? It is GPS information encoded into the photos you take from your cell phone that tells exactly where that photo was taken. This data can be revealed with add ons and phone aps that uncover the hidden GPS info.
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WARNING, Sex Criminals Can Find Your Home Using Data in Cell Phone Photos on Twitter, Facebook Etc.”

I Have Won An Award as One of 2013’s Top Bloggers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, I am honored to find myself included on the “2013 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards” list of conservative bloggers having won mention as one of this year’s “Best All Around Bloggers.” Yaaaa me!

As Doug Ross, blogawardist and a great blogger himself, explains his awards:

These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists–some in very unique ways.

And here I thought the only way to ever win a blogging award is to be a hot white chick, or to be employed by Michelle Malkin! Ha, ha.

I thank Doug for his recognition and hope to spend 2014 living up to his trust.
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I Have Won An Award as One of 2013’s Top Bloggers”

Twitter Covers for Obama, Cancels Account of People Who Lost Their Health Insurance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Social media giant Twitter has come under fire for canceling the account of a group hosting photos of people holding cancellation letters they received from their insurance company for accounts that were canceled because of Obamacare.

Twitter is now obviously working for President Obama to fool America into thinking that he didn’t lie when he said we could all keep our insurance if we liked it. Apparently, Twitter has chosen sides.

Thus far, 3.5 million Americans and counting have lost their healthcare thanks to Obama’s take over of our national healthcare system. So, a website to chronicle cancellation notices was created called MyCancellation.com where folks that Obama had thrown off their insurance could share their woes.

Naturally, as everyone does these days, the folks at the website created a Twitter account to advertise their website.

But as soon as they signed on, Twitter began to shut down the group’s Twitter feed.
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Twitter Covers for Obama, Cancels Account of People Who Lost Their Health Insurance”

Why Does Google’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Doodle Look Like Obama and NOT MLK?

This is odd. Google has what it calls a “doodle” on its landing page, it is a little cartoon, sometimes animated, posted to celebrate the birthday of a famous person or to commemorate a special day. Today, on the 50th anniversary of the delivery of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Google has a doodle. Take a look at it…

Google’s Doodle Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

So, why does Google’s doodle look like the jugged ears of President Obama instead of looking like King?

Evil Internet Voyeur Hacks Baby Monitor, Says Explicit Things to Her

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Houston, Texas couple with a disabled child was shocked when an Internet hacker got into their Internet-supported baby monitor video camera and began to say nasty things to the child over the loudspeaker in the device.

Marc Gilbert and his wife were sent scrambling to disconnect the camera when the hacker began to tell their child, Allyson, “Wake up, you little s**t,” and went on to yell out sexually explicit things over the device in the girl’s bedroom.

“As a father, I’m supposed to protect her against people like this. So it’s a little embarrassing to say the least but it’s not going to happen again,” Gilbert told KTRK TV in Houston.
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Evil Internet Voyeur Hacks Baby Monitor, Says Explicit Things to Her”

Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Again showing how easy it is to have conservatives blocked or removed from Facebook, the new video campaign ad for Dan Branch, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General, was removed from the social media giant for “community standards” violations.

The ad, a fairly standard campaign ad, was removed and the candidate’s page blocked likely because Branch’s opponents flagged the Facebook posting.

The theme of the ad is “Come And Take It!,” and is filled with images of flags, pledges, hand holding, people in prayer, and talk of limited government, traditional marriage, and pro-life issues. It’s all pretty standard fare, especially for a Texas Republican.
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Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad”

Facebook Blocks Fox News Reporter Starnes Over ‘Politically Incorrect’ Gun Post

-By Warner Todd Huston

Todd Starnes of Fox News reports that Facebook blocked his postings because he posted support for the National Rifle Association (NRA), Paula Deen, Chick-Fil-A, and Jesus on his page.

The blocked comment was a snarky commentary on several news stories. It ended up eliciting hundreds of replies and likes before Facebook deleted it leaving a warning message.

In place of Starnes’ page, Facebook posted a message that read, “We removed something you Posted, We removed this from Facebook because it violates our community standards.

“I’m about as politically incorrect as you can get,” read Starnes’ Facebook entry before it was deleted. “I’m wearing an NRA ball cap, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, reading a Paula Deen cookbook and sipping a 20-ounce sweet tea while sitting in my Cracker Barrel rocking chair with the Gather Vocal Band singing ‘Jesus Saves’ on the stereo and a Gideon’s Bible in my pocket. Yessir, I’m politically incorrect and happy as a june bug.”

Facebook has since admitted that it was a “mistake” for blocking Starnes’ Facebook page and has re-instated his access and posting privileges.

Facebook sent Starnes a message explaining its actions.
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Facebook Blocks Fox News Reporter Starnes Over ‘Politically Incorrect’ Gun Post”

GAO: IRS Could Tax ‘Virtual Currencies’

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) warns that the Internal Revenue Service should do more to warn taxpayers that they could have some tax liability over their holdings in Internet-based “virtual currencies” like Linden Dollars or Bitcoins.

On May 15, the GAO released a report ordered by the Senate Committee on Finance entitled, “Virtual Economies and Currencies.”

“Transactions within virtual economies or using virtual currencies could produce taxable income in various ways, depending on the facts and circumstances of each transaction,” the report warns.

The GAO points out that online currencies that exist only within a certain program–like the “cash” used to buy weapons and items in video games–are not taxable if those currencies exist solely within their lone environment. But other online, “virtual currencies” are a bit less “virtual” in that they can be traded offline and used to purchase real things or can even be converted to U.S. dollars using various third party trading systems.

The latter, the GAO report states, could “pose various tax compliance risks.”
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GAO: IRS Could Tax ‘Virtual Currencies’”

Journalist’s Twitter Fight Club

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a Twitter user you know without question that the social media service often becomes little else but a massive fight club with lots of name calling and foul language and a survey of the Twitter accounts of some well-known journalists and media types shows that they are just as prone to the fight club mentality as everyone else.

Fishbowl DC put together an amusing survey of the Twitter feeds of ten journalists and warns that they are “10 Journos You Don’t Want to Fight on Twitter.”

Included on the list are two Breitbart scrappers, John Nolte and Matthew Boyle. But also appearing are The Washington Post’s Jenifer Rubin, Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher, Politico’s Glenn Thrush, CNN’s Jake Tapper, and several others.

The back and forth is hot and heavy with Commentary’s John Podhoretz calling “total horseshit” on Ben Smith from BuzzFeed, Wonkette publisher Rebecca Schoenkopf calling Red State’s Eric Erickson a “pussy,” CNN’s Jake Tapper essentially calling someone a liar, Breitbart’s Boyle slamming Ashley Judd for her bad grammar… it’s a veritable playground rumble out there.

The fur is flying on a daily basis and if you follow many of the nation’s top writers and media personalities you’ll see. As Fishbowl DC warns, “if you take some of them on, you [sic] doing so at your own risk.”

Now time to go slag Fishbowl DC for its bad grammar…. Boyle, you up for this?
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Journalist’s Twitter Fight Club”

Google Hires Obama’s Campaign E-Team

-By Warner Todd Huston

The hand-in-hand nature of this White House and some of the nation’s biggest corporations is seen in yet another incident as Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign data team is now moving from team Obama to team Google.

This week, Bloomberg reported that Obama’s data mining team, used to such great effect during his 2012 re-election for president, has been hired nearly wholesale to go work for Google.

This may not come as such a great surprise, however, as Google’s Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt, helped organize and run Obama’s re-election e-team.

Schmidt “helped recruit talent, choose technology, and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization,” Bloomberg reports.

Since he came onto the national political scene, Barack Obama has campaigned like a veritable David vs Goliath with evil corporations standing in for Goliath while Obama presents himself as David loading his sling shot to do battle. But the reality is not quite that cut and dried and Google has been a big recipient of Obama’s largesse.
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Google Hires Obama’s Campaign E-Team”

Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study of the most controversial entries on Wikipedia, the crowd sourced, online encyclopedia, shows that in the English language entry the most fought over is the biography of George W. Bush.

The authors of The most controversial topics in Wikipedia, a study that looked at the most controversial pages by language group, finds some topics stir passions in all cultures–such as matters of religion, God, Jesus, and Muhammad–while others are dependent on more localized matters–such as ages old ethnic conflicts and local politics.

The study looked at the pages that are fought over the most by constant behind the scenes editing by users. The most debated pages undergo what the study terms “edit wars,” which is the back and forth of “reverts,” the action of undoing what another editor added. The goal of the study was to find what subjects were most controversial by language, but also to see what topics straddled cultures.

Maybe unsurprisingly, in the English language Wiki, which is visited most heavily in the United States, the bio of George W. Bush still elicits hot controversy. Bush’s entry appears at the very top among the top ten most edited pages in English. Anarchism comes in second and Muhammad third.
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Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial”

Dem. Senator Durbin Not Sure if Bloggers Deserve Constitutional Protection

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an appearance on Fox News Sunday, senior Illinois Senator, Democrat Dick Durbin, expressed his doubt as to whether bloggers deserved Constitutional protection for their work online.

On the May 26 broadcast of the Sunday show, Durbin told host Chris Wallace that he wasn’t sure if bloggers or “someone who is Tweeting” should be given protections under a media shield law.

Durbin noted that he was not prepared to ask for a special counsel to investigate Eric Holder and his snooping on the business and personal phone calls of nearly 100 reporters of the Associated Press, but he went further to question just who a media shield law would cover.

But here is the bottom line–the media shield law, which I am prepared to support, and I know Sen. Graham supports, still leaves an unanswered question, which I have raised many times: What is a journalist today in 2013? We know it’s someone that works for Fox or AP, but does it include a blogger? Does it include someone who is tweeting? Are these people journalists and entitled to constitutional protection? We need to ask 21st century questions about a provision in our Constitution that was written over 200 years ago.

Durbin did not go on to attempt to clarify what those limits should be.

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Dem. Senator Durbin Not Sure if Bloggers Deserve Constitutional Protection”

Yahoo to Buy Tumblr for $1.1 Billion

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yahoo, Inc. has announced that it has cleared the way to purchase the social website Tumblr for a cool $1.1 billion.

The Yahoo board approved the deal in a conference call on May 17, but by Sunday, it wasn’t clear whether Tumblr had accepted the offer. Yahoo reports that it will hold a press conference as soon as Monday to make an announcement on the matter.

Tumblr, a social media site that combined blogging with a sharable, crowd sourced platform, was founded by David Karp and Marco Arment in 2007 and built a quick following.

Already many Tumblr users are lamenting the decision to sell out to Yahoo. On May 19, the website Mashable posted a piece about the “upheaval over Yahoo’s rumored Tumblr acquisition” revealing some users disgust at Tumblr for selling out to the corporate giant.
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Yahoo to Buy Tumblr for $1.1 Billion”

3D-Printed Gun Plans Downloaded 100,000 Times in Two Days

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 3D-printable gun craze is just beginning as the blueprint plans for the new “Liberator” plastic gun were downloaded nearly 100,000 times in just a two-day period this month.

Cody Wilson, founder of the 3D-Printed firearm company Defense Distributed, announced the creation of the first fully printable gun on May 3 and in only a few days hundreds of thousands of downloads of the plans were made from the Defcad.org website.

Despite the large number of downloads, don’t expect the country to suddenly be awash with plastic guns. Few people that downloaded the plans will have a 3D printing machine at their disposal with which to actually produce a Liberator model of their very own.

But the relatively few number of guns that will be produced isn’t stopping politicians like New York’s Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer from raising fears over 3D-printed guns, though.
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3D-Printed Gun Plans Downloaded 100,000 Times in Two Days”

INFOGRAPHIC: Internet Sales Tax Is Bad for Everyone

By -Kelsey Harris The Heritage Foundation

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told Bloomberg Television Wednesday he would “probably not” support the Marketplace Fairness Act, an Internet sales tax bill that passed through the Senate this week by a 69–27 margin.

“Moving this bill where you’ve got 50 different sales tax codes, it’s a mess out there,” Boehner said. “You’re going to make it much more difficult for online retailers to be able to comply.”

Small business owners all over the country agree–and they’re speaking out.
Matthew Sorrell, co-founder of Infinity College Bookstore, an online used textbook store, is worried about his company’s ability to keep up with the 9,646 tax jurisdictions in the United States.

“I might have to go through all the transactions that we’ve had every month and figure out based on the ZIP Code that the book was shipped to what jurisdiction they’re in and then remit the tax to each one,” Sorrell told The Wall Street Journal.

Sorrell is just one of many small business owners who are frustrated by the complexity and high costs associated with the Internet sales tax. We put together this infographic to highlight some of their concerns.

Chinese Bloggers Get Wasteful Gov’t Official Fired

-By Warner Todd Huston

Citizen journalists in China have succeeded in getting a wasteful government official fired by reporting on a lavish party he threw paid for by government funds.

The Communist Party boss of Taizhou City, Zhang Aihua, had developed a habit of extravagant parties, high spending, and glad-handing industrial representatives, so much so that local residents had become angry at the excess.

At length, Jia Hongwei, a web forum administrator in Taizhou, joined other local citizens in outrage at Aihua’s latest blowout party. Hongwei brought his video camera and took images of the expensive foods and wines that cluttered the tables of Aihua’s party scene and posted them online.

The crowd of every-day Chinese harangued the official until he mounted a table to beg for forgiveness over a loudspeaker. “I was wrong tonight. Please forgive me. I’ll do anything if you let me go,” he is reported as having pleaded to the crowd.

But it was blogger Hongwei that seems to have been instrumental in urging the government to investigate the Communist Party boss.
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Chinese Bloggers Get Wasteful Gov’t Official Fired”

3D-Printed Guns Can’t Be Stopped

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to many at the 3D Printing Conference and Expo, 3D-printed guns are inevitable despite the efforts of some 3D printer companies and politicians to try and stop it.

The expo now underway in New York revealed opposing views on the issue of printed firearms, but according to 3D gun advocate Cody Wilson, 3D-printed guns are not only already here but should be legal.

Wilson, the founder and director of Defense Distributed, scoffed at claims by other conference speakers that 3D-printed guns are still not technologically viable. “No, it’s here today,” he said from the podium.

Wilson’s group has printed several gun parts and used them to fire live rounds. Defense Distributed isn’t the only group that has done this, either.

Several 3D technology companies, however, are not as excited as Wilson about the possibility of printing firearms.
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3D-Printed Guns Can’t Be Stopped”

Social Media Site Reddit Apologizes for ‘Online Witch Hunt’ of Boston Bomber Search

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reddit has officially apologized for users’ assumption that an innocent and missing Brown University student was a likely suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.

In the few days between the Monday afternoon bombing of the Boston Marathon and Friday morning when it became clear that the Tsarnev brothers were being sought by authorities for the act of terror, users of the social media website Reddit attempted to ID the bombers through a crowd sourced search of video and photographs of the bombing site.

Unfortunately, according to Reddit General Manager Erik Martin, the effort became a “witch hunt” and proved to be just the sort of situation that the website had hoped to avoid.

“We all need to look at what happened and make sure that in the future we do everything we can to help and not hinder crisis situations,” Martin said in a blog post published on April 22.
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Social Media Site Reddit Apologizes for ‘Online Witch Hunt’ of Boston Bomber Search”