VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias

-By Warner Todd Huston

Without a doubt, Facebook has become one of the biggest online forums for Americans — if not the world — to talk to each other. Sadly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his management team have chosen sides and decided to bat for team Democrat and then lie about it all. Still, he almost admitted his perfidy during his testimony before Congress this week.

Facebook has been engaging in the systematic silencing of conservatives who have tried to use the social media network just like everyone else, to debate the day’s news and reach out to others who may be of like mind.

Over the last few months, conservative groups have found that their traffic has cratered and many of their contacts can no longer see their posts. Already one prominent conservative website has essentially given up its business because Facebook has throttled its reach.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg continues to insist that he is only trying to stop “fake news” and to make Facebook more user friendly. However, it seems only conservative sites qualify as “fake news” to the biased administrators at Facebook. That’s because they have chosen sides, not because conservatives have more so-called fake news.

The latest conservative squelched by Facebook is the hilarious and energetic duo of Diamond and Silk, the pair of pro-Trump, African American women who became famous on Youtube for their support of Trump’s policies.
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VIDEO: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says His Team Made a Mistake on Diamond and Silk, Essentially Admits Obscene Bias”

Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the left’s newest war cry of “fake news” now always at the ready to deploy as a weapon to quash any right of center news outlet, Facebook has announced that it will now use three left-of-center organizations to “review” conservative sites to see if they are producing “fake news.” So, what could go wrong? Plenty.

Facebook insists it is doing its part to torpedo those “fake news” sites that so many liberals claim gave Trump the White House. But this is all just a smoke screen.

In fact, this effort has nothing whatever to do with making sure “news” is truthful. All it really is, is just another attempt by liberals to re-instate their once indisputable status as the “gatekeepers” of the media, an assumption that created a screening process through which only their approved, liberal “news” could get past. It was this “gatekeeping” wall that caused the loss of Vietnam, for instance, as the entirety of the liberal media lied to Americans that the war was lost and the U.S. should get out of Vietnam despite that the U.S. military won nearly every engagement it ever entered into during that conflict.

Facebook is being fueled by calls from such losers as Hillary Clinton who wants to quash the “fake news” that got Trump elected. Early in December, the two-time losing Democrat presidential candidate delivered a speech assailing “malicious” fake news hyperbolically claiming that its growth has “put lives at risk.”
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Facebook Set to Use Left-wing Snopes, PolitiFact, and FactCheck.Org to Quash Conservative News Sites”

Facebook Can’t Handle The Truth: Censors Image of Muslim Kids Playing With Human Head

-By Warner Todd Huston

Amidst President Obama’s dangerous campaign to import hundreds of thousands of Syrian “refugees” into the U.S.–any number of whom WILL be ISIS terrorists–Facebook revealed its desire to help Obama by censoring a photo of a group of Muslim kids joyously playing with a human head as a toy.

Last week I posted to my personal Facebook account a photo of a pack of Muslim boys playing with a human head.

Along with the photo I wrote that the image was “A reminder: Here’s some of Obama’s “orphans” so deserving of getting imported into the U.S.”

This quip of mine was in reference to Obama’s absurd jab at Republicans who oppose his ISIS member importation policy where he said that Republicans were afraid of “widows and orphans.”

In any case, I posted the photo to show that we do, indeed, have something to worry about where it concerns Obama’s “orphans.” After all, these kids are raised to have no respect for “infidels,” they are raised to think that non-Muslim lives are not worth anything. And that is what Obama wants to bring here!

Further, we have a great example of a “widow” and her “orphans” who were allowed to come here without restriction in the persons of the Tsnaraev brothers who later became notorious as the Boston marathon bombers. These two young men were Muslim “orphans” from Kyrgyzstan who ended up as imported terrorists.

Yet, Facebook refused to allow my legitimate politically poignant photo of Muslim boys playing with a human head to stay up.

Facebook can’t handle the truth.
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Facebook Can’t Handle The Truth: Censors Image of Muslim Kids Playing With Human Head”

NOT a Victim: The Story of the Armed Black Man Stopped by Cops and WHY He DIDN’T Go to Jail

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyday the liberal, old media establishment search for stories of black men illicitly accosted by our “raaaaacist” law enforcement community. So, you probably won’t hear this story of the armed African American who had an out-of-date driver’s license and other violations and was stopped by police but wasn’t arrested, or beaten up, or killed.

The story comes from the Facebook posting of a fellow named Steven Hildreth, Jr., an African American who wanted to tell the whole world about his encounter with the Tucson, Arizona police department.

But, unlike so many others looking to score big in the racebaiting industry, Mr. Hildreth didn’t post his story to call raaaacism, or attack our men in blue. In fact, Hildreth not only had the opposite message, but he even had a moral to pass on for why he wasn’t beaten up or harassed by police even though he was an armed black man who had some registration violations.

In fact, I’m not going to even rewrite his story. Here it is as he posted it on October 27:

So, I’m driving to my office to turn in my weekly paperwork. A headlight is out. I see a Tucson Police Department squad vehicle turn around and follow me. I’m already preparing for the stop.

The lights go on and I pull over. The officer asks me how I’m doing, and then asks if I have any weapons.

“Yes, sir. I’m a concealed carry permit holder and my weapon is located on my right hip. My wallet is in my back-right pocket.”

The officer explains for his safety and mine, he needs to disarm me for the stop. I understand, and I unlock the vehicle. I explain that I’m running a 7TS ALS holster but from the angle, the second officer can’t unholster it. Lead officer asks me to step out, and I do so slowly. Officer relieves me of my Glock and compliments the X300U I’m running on it. He also sees my military ID and I tell him I’m with the National Guard.

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NOT a Victim: The Story of the Armed Black Man Stopped by Cops and WHY He DIDN’T Go to Jail”

Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oh, he thought that just because he had billions of dollars, all he had to do was flit into a New Jersey school system, spread some of his cash around, and voila kids would get a “good” education. But reality was a different thing as when Mark Zuckerberg tried it, he found that the greedy teachers union stole all the cash and his millions didn’t help the kids at all.

Yes, Facebook Billionaire Mark Suckerberg–er, I mean Zuckerberg–was mugged by reality and found out exactly why Johnny can’t read. Because our system of mis-education is held prisoner to the anti-education, greedy, uncaring, left-wing teachers unions who don’t give a flying fig about the kids. It’s all about them stealing as much cash out of the system for their bloated pensions and high-salaried union bosses as humanely possible quite despite whether it hurts the kids or not.

In 2010 super rich Suckerberg gave $100 million big ones to help turn around Newark, New Jersey’s failing schools. He made a big show of the whole thing, too, even making his announcement on the Oprah show.
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Just Desserts: Silly Facebook Billionaire Ripped Off by Teachers Unions, Democrats, & Consultants”

Do Sarah Palin, LiveLeak, & Wash. Times Know Some Prepper Guy is Misusing Their Names?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It looks like the Washington Times and Sarah Palin have a case against the prepper company “Patriot Survival Plan” for misusing their names by making it seem as if they are supporting them–or at least using them to get people to click through to their advertisement site.

So, on my Facebook page I have been getting a sidebar ad with a (fake) photo of Sarah Palin and a dead “link” to the Washington Times newspaper (see screen shot below). But when you click on the thing it goes to some goofball prepper site trying to sell you some wacky video. It has nothing to do with either the Times or Sarah Palin. So, it makes one wonder if the paper and Palin are aware this prepper dude is misrepresenting himself using their images and faux links?

The prepper site, Patriot Survival Plan, is selling some sort of fear that the world is going to collapse because it is filled with big banks, civil unrest, Bilderbergers, Trilatteral Commissions, end of times, and aliens from outer space or some such stuff. I won’t link to them here as I won’t give them the free link. Besides, I’m sure it is jammed with malaware, too.

But what they are doing with their Facebook ad is very unethical. Firstly is the badly photoshopped photo of Sarah Palin you may have seen before. It is that one with “Sarah” in a tight-fitting, pink shirt opened wide enough to see her cleavage, an ampleness which she does not in reality possess.

Then there is the “link” typed into the ad that reads “”

Next to that is the message, “This Video Went Viral in Mins. CLICK HERE to Watch.”

Screenshot of the original Facebook ad.

The viewer is fooled into thinking that clicking on this ad will take one to a video, one perhaps sponsored by the Washington Times and one talking about Sarah Palin or featuring her. But it is none of these.
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Do Sarah Palin, LiveLeak, & Wash. Times Know Some Prepper Guy is Misusing Their Names?”

WARNING, Sex Criminals Can Find Your Home Using Data in Cell Phone Photos on Twitter, Facebook Etc.

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone loves to use their iPhone or other smart phones to snap photos of family and friends, to take pics of places you’ve visited, and to upload those photos to the internet via services such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. But did you know that there is hidden data in those photos that can tell crooks and sex criminals exactly where those photos were taken? Alarmingly, your safety and privacy is at risk every time you upload a photo to the Internet!

So, if you are taking photos of your children inside your home, for instance, and you upload those to the Internet, criminals can use this hidden data to find out where you live. In fact, they can map out your entire life via this hidden data if you are a constant user of social media.

This should frighten the heck out of you if you are a parent that has a habit of uploading photos of your children to the Internet. Or if you are a single young woman who does the same. Any sex criminal can track you down using this data.

So, what is this hidden data? It is GPS information encoded into the photos you take from your cell phone that tells exactly where that photo was taken. This data can be revealed with add ons and phone aps that uncover the hidden GPS info.
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WARNING, Sex Criminals Can Find Your Home Using Data in Cell Phone Photos on Twitter, Facebook Etc.”

Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Again showing how easy it is to have conservatives blocked or removed from Facebook, the new video campaign ad for Dan Branch, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General, was removed from the social media giant for “community standards” violations.

The ad, a fairly standard campaign ad, was removed and the candidate’s page blocked likely because Branch’s opponents flagged the Facebook posting.

The theme of the ad is “Come And Take It!,” and is filled with images of flags, pledges, hand holding, people in prayer, and talk of limited government, traditional marriage, and pro-life issues. It’s all pretty standard fare, especially for a Texas Republican.
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Facebook Removes GOP Texas Attorney General’s New Campaign Ad”

Facebook Blocks Fox News Reporter Starnes Over ‘Politically Incorrect’ Gun Post

-By Warner Todd Huston

Todd Starnes of Fox News reports that Facebook blocked his postings because he posted support for the National Rifle Association (NRA), Paula Deen, Chick-Fil-A, and Jesus on his page.

The blocked comment was a snarky commentary on several news stories. It ended up eliciting hundreds of replies and likes before Facebook deleted it leaving a warning message.

In place of Starnes’ page, Facebook posted a message that read, “We removed something you Posted, We removed this from Facebook because it violates our community standards.

“I’m about as politically incorrect as you can get,” read Starnes’ Facebook entry before it was deleted. “I’m wearing an NRA ball cap, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, reading a Paula Deen cookbook and sipping a 20-ounce sweet tea while sitting in my Cracker Barrel rocking chair with the Gather Vocal Band singing ‘Jesus Saves’ on the stereo and a Gideon’s Bible in my pocket. Yessir, I’m politically incorrect and happy as a june bug.”

Facebook has since admitted that it was a “mistake” for blocking Starnes’ Facebook page and has re-instated his access and posting privileges.

Facebook sent Starnes a message explaining its actions.
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Facebook Blocks Fox News Reporter Starnes Over ‘Politically Incorrect’ Gun Post”

Facebook Chief Sandburg: Women Not Liked in Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

Discussing her recent book “Lean In” during a recent visit to Switzerland, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, told an audience that powerful women are mostly disliked in the business world.

Appearing at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Sandberg launched a broadside against the stereotypes that she claims hold women back in business in the United States.

At one point, the Facebook chief disparaged T-Shirts for boys she had seen in the U.S. that said “Smart Like Daddy” and those for girls that said “Pretty like Mommy.”
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Facebook Chief Sandburg: Women Not Liked in Business”

Study: Most Social Media Users Into Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study by the Pew Research Center finds that two thirds of social media users are also active in politics.

The study found that 66 percent of adult social media users (which is 39 percent of all U.S. adults) had promoted political or socio-political issues and one third used their social media to post their own opinions and to share content about political matters.

35 percent used their social media to urge others to vote and 28 percent have used tools to to post links to stories or articles on politics. Pew found that the conservative and liberal social media users were most apt to do the latter.
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Study: Most Social Media Users Into Politics”

Facebook Breaks One Billion Users

-By Warner Todd Huston

On October 4, Facebook announced the milestone of reaching one billion users worldwide, a major example of how social media has changed the way humanity interacts in an increasingly tech heavy world.

In an interview on NBC’s Today show, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed his amazement on the achievement. It’s “just unbelievable,” said Zuckerberg.

Facebook and other social media outlets have changed the way we interact, indeed.
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Facebook Breaks One Billion Users”

Conventions a Hit on Social Media, Not TV

-By Warner Todd Huston

TV viewing of the GOP convention dropped sharply over its 2008 counterpart and there is little reason to expect that the Democrat convention will fare any better this year. But the Republican’s affair was a big hit on social media and that will likely be mirrored this week for the Democrats.

According to Nielson, TV ratings for the GOP convention tallied to about 30.3 million viewers this year. Compared to 2008’s convention ratings of 39 million viewers, that is a 23 percent drop in viewership.

But online, the GOP convention saw an uptick from the 2008 events. The Republican National Committee reported some 2.8 million viewers via its live streaming video on its Youtube page and, while viewing numbers aren’t known, there were many, many other outlets that offered a live stream of the convention.

Twitter, too, saw a deluge in communications of the event.
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Conventions a Hit on Social Media, Not TV”

Paul Ryan: Most Talked About Pol on Facebook

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN reported this week that Rep. Paul Ryan has become the king of Facebook by knocking President Obama off “the most talked about” list of US politicians.

CNN recently entered into a partnership with Facebook to track things political on the social sharing network and according to the new “Facebook-CNN Election Talk Meter,” in the 54 hours after presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney introduced Rep. Paul Ryan as his choice for the vice presidency, Paul Ryan became the star of social media.

Facebook-CNN talk meter scores

  1. Rep. Paul Ryan 5.21
  2. President Barack Obama 4.84
  3. Vice President Joe Biden 4.01
  4. Gov. Mitt Romney 3.74

In fact, Ryan became such a hot topic on social media that he almost matched Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps on the Talk Meter and that is pretty impressive considering how badly politics typically shows up on Internet “top” lists compared to pop culture and sports. As CNN measured it, in the days after he won all his most recent Olympic medals Phelps rated a 6.51 to Ryan’s 5.21 on the 1-10 scale.
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Paul Ryan: Most Talked About Pol on Facebook”