Clinton Operative Email Calls Americans ‘illiterates,’ Says Bernie Sanders Employing Nazi Tactics

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wikileaks release of over 2,000 emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta reveals some of the vicious things Team Clinton was saying about Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders as well as the bulk of the American people. In one communiqué, for instance, Americans were called “illiterates” and Bernie Sanders was accused of employing Nazi tactics to beat Hillary in the primaries.

One Clinton operative who’s unsigned email to campaign chief Podesta was sent using the email address “,” is typical of the kind of hate Podesta’s associates have showered upon the American people and Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

This “mecof05” told John Podesta that the country is filled with “functional illiterates” who can’t understand the English language, said that Sanders was using tactics pioneered by Hitler’s Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebels, and complained that Sanders and Trump both are using the media just like the “Nazi media were used.”

In his opening paragraph, “mecof05” disparaged the American people saying, “There are too many functional illiterates now in the world and more than half of the population of the United States are a part of the irrational masses that the illiteracy produces.”

He went on to claim that Bernie Sanders is acting like a Nazi propagandist.

“Goebels taught us that if a people is told the same lie a thousand times, the people is drawn to believe it. It is Trump’s main asset but Sanders is also using it. There are a few things that may be of use,” the emailer wrote to Podesta.
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Clinton Operative Email Calls Americans ‘illiterates,’ Says Bernie Sanders Employing Nazi Tactics”

Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week redoubtable conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg noted that the conservative movement must “John Birch” the Alt-Right, meaning we need to destroy them and kick them out of the center right tent. But Jonah is being ridiculous. In reality we need to go back to ignoring this group of loudmouthed misfits because they are insignificant.

In his August 31 article, Goldberg waxed poetic over how wonderful Hillary Clinton has been for defending conservatives against the racists, hatemongers, and nutballs of the “Alt-Right.”

Hillary recently went on a tirade against this mysterious Alt-Right, denouncing them as racists, and slamming GOP nominee Donald Trump for playing the Alt-Right’s racist, white supremacist game. Goldberg apparently thought her speech and focus was wonderful and suggested that instead of Hillary shouldering this task alone the whole of the center right coalition should come down on the Alt-Right just as hard as William F. Bucklyites did against the John Birch Society in the early 1960s.

For a bit of history, the John Birch Society (JBS) was a very large and potent pseudo conservative group founded in 1958 and led by a messianic leader named Robert W. Welch, Jr. The group’s main appeal was a virulent anti-communism, which was a popular ideal at the height of the Cold War. It also developed into a strong nationalist organization that opposed the U.N. Welch even attacked President Eisenhower as a communist plant in the White House and there were also elements of racism among JBSers.

At one point the group claimed to have a million members but whatever its real number it certainly had chapters all across the nation. And all its members were fed by Welch’s newsletters and propaganda.

Eventually the group got so radicalized that Buckley, founder of the National Review magazine, decided that it was time to ostracize them from the conservative movement and make sure Americans understood that the JBSers were absolutely not part of the conservative movement.

That is what Goldberg is proposing that we now do to the Alt-Right, an internet fringe that grew out of white separatist ideals, crypto Nazism, and filled with Ku Klux Klan members who grew to feel the Klan was just a bit too radical even for them.
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Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them”

Maker of ‘Airplane’ Movies Destroys Obama’s Horrid Iran Deal With Hilarious ‘Iran Side Effects’ VIDEO

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama bows after giving the nuclear
store away to the Iranian terrorists.

David Zucker, the producer of the hilarious “Airplane” and “Naked Gun” series of movies has now spoken up against Obama’s dangerous Iran nuke deal and he’s done it the way he does best, with an hilarious video and this one skewers Obama’s disastrous deal.

Zucker has created a new website called that you HAVE to see. The video is a pastiche of all those crazy drug commercials that tell potential customers about the horrible side effects of the drug.

Both hilarious and spot on right.
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Maker of ‘Airplane’ Movies Destroys Obama’s Horrid Iran Deal With Hilarious ‘Iran Side Effects’ VIDEO”

Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since the day his regime took over in Washington, Barack Obama’s blinkered “intelligence” agencies have been warning that it is white people, conservative groups, tea partiers, military veterans, and “militias” that are the real danger lurking in America and recently Obama’s FBI did it again claiming that “militias” (read white male gun enthusiasts) are looking to attack Muslims inside the USA.

In a report issued in May only to police departments and other law enforcement agencies, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division insisted that “militia extremists” are looking to kill Muslims. The report goes on to cite two–yes only two–instances of “militia” leaders saying they are mad at Muslims and may want to target them.

No actual instances of this desire to attack Muslims has been seen, though. Only talk. Still, the FBI is all worried over Americans with guns.

An intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in late May warns that so-called “militia extremists” are likely to begin targeting Muslim institutions, including mosques and other religious facilities. The bulletin titled “Militia Extremists Expand Target Sets To Include Muslims” was obtained by Public Intelligence after being released to law enforcement in late May, just days before a planned “freedom of speech” rally outside a Phoenix mosque which attracted numerous individuals dressed in camouflage, tactical gear and carrying loaded assault weapons.

Based primarily on a “large body of source reporting generated mainly since 2013,” the bulletin states that militia extremists are “expanding their target sets to include Muslims and Islamic religious institutions in the United States.” The recent targeting of Muslims augments prior FBI analysis, contained in a January 2015 report, which found that “established militia extremists target government personnel and law enforcement officers, perceived threats from abroad, and individuals or institutions that seek to constrain Second Amendment rights.”

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Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists”

Vatican Signs Peace ‘Treaty’ With Non-Existent ‘State of Palestine’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Those criticizing Pope Francis as the “Red Pope” have yet another reason to rail against him with the announcement that the Vatican has signed a new peace treaty with the “state of Palestine” despite the fact that no such state exists not to mention that the Palestinians are a terror group whose chief goal is to kill all Jews–a goal the Palestinians have steadfastly refused to change.

The AP reports today that Vatican Foreign Minister Paul Gallagher signed a treaty with the terrorist state of Palestine in order to “help stimulate peace with Israel.”

Israel said that it regrets the move saying it would tend to discourage the Palestinians from returning to direct peace negotiations with Israel and warned that it would study the agreement “and its implications for future cooperation between Israel and the Vatican.”
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Vatican Signs Peace ‘Treaty’ With Non-Existent ‘State of Palestine’”

Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has now decided that being a wild-eyed hater of Jews is a “rational” action and that the Iranian’s hate for Jews doesn’t make them bad people. How can Jews still support Obama?

In discussing his foreign policy ideas concerning Iran getting a nuke, Obama once again had harsher things to say about Israel than he does about Iran despite that Iran has actually helped kill thousands of American soldiers.

Obama complained that there are “political forces” in the US that want to help give Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government a rubber stamp to do what ever it wants to do and Obama thinks that is a bad idea.

In particular, Obama wants the Israelis to end its settlement efforts. In fact, Obama insists that standing against Israel’s policy doesn’t make him anti-Jew.

On the other hand, it doesn’t seem that Obama cares too much if anyone else is anti-Jew if his next set of comments are any indication.
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Obama Claims Anti-Semitic Iranians are Just Being ‘Rational’”

Disastrous Commie Pope Now Calling Murderous Palestinians ‘Angels of Peace’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every day this disastrous commie Pope gets worse for Catholics in particular and the west in general. This time this foolish man is lauding the so-called “Palestinians” a “angels of peace.” Nothing–absolutely NOTHING–could be farther from truth than calling Palestinians “angels of peace” unless you are referring to the relative peace of death because death merchants is all they are.

This weekend Pope Francis praised murderer Mahmoud Abbas calling him an “angel of peace” in a meeting held at the Vatican on Saturday.

Abbas presented the red pope with a medallion that supposedly represents the “angel of peace destroying the bad spirit of war.”

In reply this Marxist pope told Abbas that the gift was appropriate because Abbas is “an angel of peace.”

Add this weekend’s foolishness to this pope’s decision to confer statehood on the non-existent “country” of Palestine by signing a treaty recognizing the Palestinians as a state. The announcement for the treaty was made last week, but has been neither officially drawn up, released to the church nor signed.

All this glad handing for a man who represents a terror outfit that is based on murder and genocide. This pope is calling a terrorist state an “angel of peace.”
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Disastrous Commie Pope Now Calling Murderous Palestinians ‘Angels of Peace’”

The Emptiness of Obama’s Foreign Policy, He’s WORSE Than Neville Chamberlain

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is one expertly crafted sentence in news coverage of Obama’s witless “negotiations” with Iran over its nuclear ambitions that explains perfectly Obama’s total fecklessness in foreign relations.

Reuters reported this amazingly nonsensical *paragraph:

Negotiators have a tentative agreement on the rough outline of a possible public statement on the progress they have made so far that would also highlight areas of disagreement, diplomats close to the talks said.

Notice what this paragraph says. It is reporting that negotiators have agreed on a “rough outline” of what is only “a possible statement” on supposed “progress” but will also “highlight” the “disagreements” they have with one another.

In other words, they have a statement coming on nothing.

This is the epitome of Obama foreign policy.
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The Emptiness of Obama’s Foreign Policy, He’s WORSE Than Neville Chamberlain”

After Obama Slobbers All Over the Mullahs, Ayatollah Calls on U.S. Youth to Join Jihad

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday, President Barack Obama slobbered all over himself to come to the aide of the Iranian Mullahs–mostly to spite our Israeli allies. But on the very same day Obama gave the Mullahs his undying love, the Ayatollah urged our own kids to join the world wide movement of violent, Islamist jihad.

On Friday, Obama disgorged a “holiday” statement telling the Mullahs that he was celebrating the Muslim holiday of Nowruz (this one a non-religious holiday). During the statement Obama slobbered all over the wonderfulness of the Mullahs and treated them as America’s true friend.

Yeah, these are the same people who kidnapped the American hostages in 1979, the same people famed for their “death to America” rallies, the same people who have exported terrorism all around the world and helped our enemies killing hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq. These are the people Obama says are his friends.

I say his friends, because these Islamist terrorists are not America’s friends. Obama sure may love them, but they don’t love us. And they never, ever will.
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After Obama Slobbers All Over the Mullahs, Ayatollah Calls on U.S. Youth to Join Jihad”

Obama’s Chicago Terrorist Convicted, No His OTHER Terrorist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Chicago terrorist has been sentenced to 18 months in prison, authorities in the Windy City announced late last week. No, not his old terrorist, Bill Ayers, his newer terrorist, Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, the woman he hired to work as an Obamacare “navigator” in Illinois.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, a terrorist from Jordan, was convicted in Israel for her part in several bombings including one from way back in 1969 that killed two students in a grocery store.
Despite her murderous past, the Illinois Department of Insurance hired this killer Muslim as an Obamacare “navigator” to push the President’s odious healthcare take over onto citizens in that state.

So, Obama had a terrorist pushing his Obamacare law on citizens in his own home state.

Great work if you can get it.
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Obama’s Chicago Terrorist Convicted, No His OTHER Terrorist”

MEDIA BIAS: News Wire Caught Lying About Flood ‘Caused’ by Israel, Then Retracts False Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday, the Agence France Presse was caught illegitimately trying to make Israel the bad guy again by saying that the Israelis flooded part of Gaza in order to kill Muslims. The AFP claimed that the Jews opened floodgates of area dams to let the water flood in. But it turns out that the whole story is an outright lie and the wire service quietly revoked its false story.

The lie-filled story was titled “Gaza village floods after Israel opens dam gates,” and it told the tale of how the eeevil Jews tried to kill innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

But it turns out that AFP lied. In fact, there aren’t even any dams in the area to for the Jooooos to open.

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MEDIA BIAS: News Wire Caught Lying About Flood ‘Caused’ by Israel, Then Retracts False Story”

Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this week released an interview with President Obama where he dismissed the radical Islamist attacks on a Jewish deli in France as just some “random shooting of a bunch of folks” instead of the Islamist terror attack it was. But what many didn’t seem to notice was Obama’s anti-Jewish rhetoric uttered during that same segment.

In the interview released Monday, Obama rambled about the history of capitalism and gave another example of his “you didn’t build that” garbage. Obama then explicitly endorsed communist-styled wealth redistribution.

But his comments about the attack on a French deli by radial Islamists got a lot of press. Here is the full quote:
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Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview”

DePaul University Hosts Fundraiser for Palestinian Terrorist

-By Warner Todd Huston

On February 3, Chicago’s DePaul University celebrated a terrorist and held a fundraiser for her. Celebrating terrorists and pushing enemies to our country. This is how far our universities have fallen.

Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a so-called “Palestinian” who is set to be deported from the U.S. for lying about her criminal record to U.S. immigration authorities, was honored at DePaul and given a fundraiser to help her fight the government, and to allow this murderer to stay in the country.
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DePaul University Hosts Fundraiser for Palestinian Terrorist”

Why Has George Clooney Remained Silent About ‘Charlie Hebdo’–Is He a Coward, Hypocrite, or Just a Pussy-Whipped Husband?

-By Gary Krasner

A couple of weeks ago, George Clooney and his agent, CAA’s Bryan Lourd, circulated to the top people in film, TV, records and other areas, a petition which stated that they will stand up for freedom of speech not be intimidated into silence by the ruthless regime in N. Korea. It read in part:

This is not just an attack on Sony. It involves every studio, every network, every business and every individual in this country. That is why we fully support Sony’s decision not to submit to these hackers’ demands […] We know that to give in to these criminals now will open the door for any group that would threaten freedom of expression, privacy and personal liberty. We hope these hackers are brought to justice but until they are, we will not stand in fear. We will stand together.

No one in show business would sign it, despite Clooney saying that not doing so was tantamount to giving in to ransom.
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Why Has George Clooney Remained Silent About ‘Charlie Hebdo’–Is He a Coward, Hypocrite, or Just a Pussy-Whipped Husband?”

Why Isn’t Liberalism Blamed for Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every single time some mass shooting or criminal action takes place in the USA the media and Democrats stampede for the TV cameras to blame conservatives for the outrage. So, where are the those blaming liberalism for the murderous terror attack on the left-wing newspaper in France?

I was reminded by my friend Erik that in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 President Bill Clinton and the whole of his lapdog media claimed that the bombing was a result of the “right-wing militia” movement spurred on by evil conservative talk radio and Christianity.

Of course, it turned out that the bombers were loners who were not connected to any group and neither had any connection whatever to any religion, much less Christianity.

See Also:

Even as late as 2011 The New York Times blamed a massacre perpetrated by a Muslim extremist in Norway on American conservatives and illegitimately linked it to the Oklahoma City bombing.

The Oklahoma City bombing is far from the only time American liberals blamed some crime or another on conservatives.
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Why Isn’t Liberalism Blamed for Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack?”

President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the murder of American hostage and aide worker Peter Kassig by members of the Islamist terror group ISIS, Obama claimed that Christians were more responsible for terrorism than Muslims are.

After he returned from his trip to Asia, Obama deigned to comment on the murder of the aide worker by claiming that the actions of ISIS “represent no faith.”

“ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama claimed.

Obama also claimed that the act was one of “pure evil.”

But my friend, Chicago’s Joe Walsh, noted on Monday evening, this means that Obama just said that Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Mormons are more responsible for terror than Muslims.

Before you get incredulous just look at what he wrote.
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President Obama Says Christians More Responsible for Beheadings Than Muslims”

Foolish Brits Bow to Muslims, May Stop Teaching ‘British Values’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, recently said that teaching British values to kids in British schools is bad because it might upset the Muslims that have been invading the Isles. This, folks, is how you commit suicide.

As the UK Independent reported on Thursday:

Mr Clegg is worried that some Muslims are offended because their religion is often singled out when ministers talk about “British values”. He believes that David Cameron and Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, may unwittingly anger Muslim community leaders the Government needs to tackle extremism and could fuel Islampohobia among the British public.

This is just insensible… unless it is being said by someone that hates–truly, viscerally hates–his own country and culture.
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Foolish Brits Bow to Muslims, May Stop Teaching ‘British Values’”

Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a Muslim convert in Oklahoma murdered a fellow co-worker at a food processing plant by beheading her, authorities there rushed to TV to claim that it was *just* workplace violence and that the Muslim murderer is not a terrorist. Since then we’ve seen every example of how this monster was a committed radical Islamist which makes him a terrorist whether he’s connected to a particular group or not yet our leaders are burying their heads in the sand and refusing to admit the truth.

On September 26, a man whom the police keep calling Alton Nolan entered Vaughn Foods, his place of employment, and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, a woman that works there, a woman he knew. He also tried to kill another employee, Traci Johnson, 43.

As soon as the incident hit the media authorities in Oklahoma rushed to the TV to insist that Nolan was not a terrorist, that he had no ties to any terror group, and that the attack was only a run-of-the-mill, average, boring ol’ case of “workplace anger.”

This is all a pack of lies.
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Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger”

Ted Cruz Does Right–Walks Out on Mid Eastern Scumbags Claiming to be Christians

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas Senator Ted Cruz had a bit of a problem yesterday when it became an issue that he had agreed to speak before a so-called Christian group made up of Lebanese and Palestinian Christians. But when he announced his support of Israel before these “Christians” they booed him and he saved his reputation by walking out on them in the middle of his address.

The problem for Cruz was that he agreed to speak before the non-profit group In Defense of Christians. The problem wasn’t that Cruz was speaking before a group that seeks to support Christians in the Middle East, but that he chose to speak before a group of people many of whom support Hamas and Hezbollah and people who oppose Israel… yes, even though they claim to be Christians.

This was a strange move by Cruz, strange that he’d chose to go before this group of terror lovers. But he really saved his own reputation by what he did there.
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Ted Cruz Does Right–Walks Out on Mid Eastern Scumbags Claiming to be Christians”

Muslim ‘Cleric’ Jokes About 9/11, Other Terror Attacks on CNN

-By Warner Todd Huston

Supposed Muslim “cleric” Anjam Choudary, a man who is often seen on TV as the leading voice of Muslims in Britain, thought it would be hilarious to make a joke about 9/11 and other famous terror attacks on CNN on Tuesday.

On September 2 Choudary was doing a sound check for the TV engineers before appearing on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” when he stopped counting in the normal, sequential way and began to say the numbers 9/11, 7/7, 3/11—all well known as dates of deadly terror attacks in the west.

When they finally got on the air, host Brian Stelter asked Choudary, “Is this all some sort of joke to you?”
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Muslim ‘Cleric’ Jokes About 9/11, Other Terror Attacks on CNN”

Leftist Columnist Glenn Greenwald Somehow Blames Israel for Ferguson Riots

-by Warner Todd Huston

Glenn Greenwald, the columnist famed for coming to the support of NSA leaker Edward Snowden, has chimed in on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, by hinting that Israel is to blame for influencing the police there.

This is nothing but anti-Semitic paranoia, plain and simple.

Greenwald cited an Iranian activist named Trita Parsi who claimed that “excessive police violence” in Ferguson can be blamed on the fact that the county police chief took a fact-finding trip to Israel in 2011.
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Leftist Columnist Glenn Greenwald Somehow Blames Israel for Ferguson Riots”

Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been revealed that Muslim Imam in a Chicago mosque has been calling for Chicago Muslims to go wage jihad against the Jews by flying to Gaza to join the fighting there.

Video of Sheik Mohamed Elimam of the Chicago Islamic Center has come to light showing this “religious” leader urging his followers to go kill Jews in a series of July sermons.

As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reports, in one excerpt, Elimam says: “Oh, those of you who want to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah, Palestine is calling you and Gaza is crying out for your help. If you are true believers, real mujahideen, hasten to Palestine.”

In another he says that Israel should be dismantled and the Jews sent “back to their countries.”
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Chicago Muslim Calls for Jihad Against Jews in Gaza”

Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens has an excellent, clarifying piece explaining why if you support the so-called Palestinians that you are pretty much a moron, and an immoral moron at that. And he is dead on, too.

In his July 28 piece, “Palestine Makes You Dumb,” Stephens made the salient point that in a war set in an urban area, civilians die. Period. It happened in WWII, it happened in Iraq, it’s happening in Gaza. It is what happens when an enemy hides its facilities among a civilian population.

That latter part is key. Civilians are not dying because Israel is mean and evil. Civilians are dying because Hamas operates among the civilian populace.

Stephens goes on with another extremely important point. He points out that this body count we keep getting of dead Palestinian civilians is most likely completely bogus. Why? Because the media is using the numbers supplied them by… Hamas! The one group that has a vested interest in making sure there is a large civilian death rate–whether there really is one or not–is the one “reporting” those statistics. And the western media is lapping it up.

To cast doubt on the 82 percent civilian deaths statistic Hamas is reporting, Stephens notes that Hamas also reported exactly the same percentage in the 2008-09 Gaza conflict. Gee what a coinicdence, eh?
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Wall Street Journal: Supporting Palestinians Means You Are a Blithering Idiot & Immoral, Too”

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?

What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?
-By Warner Todd Huston

What real sympathy does Hamas, and by extension the “Palestinians,” deserve in this latest conflict with the self-defense employing Israelis? A simple review of the facts may convince that the answer to that is “not much.”

Firstly we have to dismiss two of the Palestinians’ major claims; that they live in an “apartheid” state and that Gaza is “occupied territory. Both are lies.

Israel is a democratic society and has duly elected Muslims in its government. There is no Jewish-sponsored “apartheid,” not in Israel nor in Gaza.
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What Sympathy is Deserved for the ‘Palestinians’?”

Chicago Muslims Threaten Violence Against Jews Over Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

The “religion of peace” is at it again, this time posting warnings in Chicago that they intend to start attacking Jews in the Windy City.

The Times of Israel reported on Monday that the threatening fliers were left on cars in Pulaski Park neighborhood on Chicago’s near northwest side.

Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Jose Estrada confirmed the posting of the fliers left on half a dozen cars in the area.
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Chicago Muslims Threaten Violence Against Jews Over Gaza”

MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a celebrity will Tweet something, so blatantly a-historical, something so totally outrageous and insensible, that even they realize how bad it is and will try to delete it right away. But someone will always be there to preserve the evidence.

Well, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz just found out that Twitter is forever when he Tweeted that gays were “really” the ones persecuted during Hitler’s holocaust. Seriously. A guy with a German surname just said that. In public.

The MSNBC host Goodwined himself before anyone else even said a word with a Tweet where he informed the world of who was the “real” target of Hitler’s Final Solution.

“Gay people were really the ones being persecuted in Hitler’s Germany,” Schultz blurted out on his EdShow Twitter feed at ten to 5 PM on May 12.

Schultz accompanied his Tweet with an image of a webpage that reported on the thousands of gays that the Nazis reportedly put to death or otherwise interned in their odious death camps.
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MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust”

Educator Called ‘Model for Racial Harmony’ Hit by Lawsuit of Sex/Racial Harassment

-By Warner Todd Huston

The superintendent of Greenburgh Central School District in Westchester County, New York has had a lawsuit filed against him in federal court charging that he racially and sexually harassed employees. This is interesting in that this same superintendent was once lauded as a “model for racial harmony” by The New York Times.

Superintendent Ronald O. Ross is accused of calling staff members “Oreo,” “white devil,” and “dyke,” as well as disparaging Jews and other races, often right to the faces of his employees.

The lawsuit was brought by a principal, four teachers, and three other school employees.
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Educator Called ‘Model for Racial Harmony’ Hit by Lawsuit of Sex/Racial Harassment”

Obama Fails as Iran Celebrates Nuclear Agreement as an ‘American Surrender’

-By Warner Todd Huston

It looks like Barack Obama was taken for a ride with his administration’s failed negotiations with Iran over that country’s nuclear ambitions. The Iranians are touting the agreement as a victory over both Obama in particular and “the west” in general.

Iran’s purported “moderate” president, Hassan Rouhani, took to his Twitter account to celebrate his victory over Obama saying that Obama “surrendered” to the “Iranian’s nation’s will.”

While Obama is claiming that his capitulation to Iran is actually the first step in convincing Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, the Iranians are touting the agreement as the first step toward eliminating all sanctions against their nation not to mention the first step toward actually enlarging their nuclear ambitions.
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Obama Fails as Iran Celebrates Nuclear Agreement as an ‘American Surrender’”

A Planned ‘Million Muslim March’ Set for Sept. 11, 2013

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an effort to stick their finger in America’s eye, a Muslim group is planning a “million Muslim march” on the very day their cohorts murdered over 3,000 Americans in 2001. This is called gall.

The march is being planned by the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) and is to be held on September 11, 2013 in Washington D.C. The march is meant to “demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.”

To say their rights haven’t been protected is, of course, an absurd claim. Muslims in the USA are not being systematically denied their “civil rights.” Any claims that Muslims are being oppressed in the U.S. is a laughable fiction.

On its website, the group is “demanding” that Obama bow to their wishes.
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A Planned ‘Million Muslim March’ Set for Sept. 11, 2013″

Notorious, Hate-filled Anti-Semite Helen Thomas Dead at 92

-By Warner Todd Huston

No one celebrates at another’s death, but upon some passings it is well and proper to note the evils they perpetrated during their lives and the passing of Helen Thomas presents us with an opportunity to reflect upon the hateful, disgusting, perverted life this woman led. It is instructive to note upon her passing that she presents a great negative example of how a human being should live a life.

Many on the extreme left (by that we mean all “journalists”) today are celebrating Helen Thomas’ life. Granted she achieved quite a lot for a woman in the 50s and 60s becoming a prolific White House journalist. It was quite a feat to break into that “man’s world” of the day.

But succeeding in one area does not erase the hate she evinced during that rise. She was always, always a reliable hater of the Joooos, for sure. She was also a reflexive, unfair, and unthinking hater of everything right of the Stalinist left and used her high perch in the world of journalism to attack every Republican she could.

Naturally her pals in the Old Media establishment are using the mild descriptive “controversial” to describe this odious woman, but let’s just run down some of Thomas’ greatest hits, shall we?
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Notorious, Hate-filled Anti-Semite Helen Thomas Dead at 92″