Ike’s D-Day Letter to the Troops, June 6, 1944

-By Warner Todd Huston

With all the weakling college students whining about “safe spaces” today, it is incumbent upon us to remember that there were no safe spaces on the beaches of Normandy.

As the troops prepared to shove off, many for their final act, commander in chief Dwight Eisenhower distributed a letter to buck up the spirit of the troops and to remind them of how important their efforts was.

Here is that letter (double click to see the letter full size):

It’s Christmas, So It Must Be Time for More Muslim Terror Attacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the western world prepares for Christmas Day, a celebration of love, a time for family, and the hope of world peace, Muslims are gathering to celebrate the sort of carnage and death they happily promulgate during every other day of the year. Christmas 2016 is no different as terror attacks blanket the world like a freshly fallen blanket of snow.

The west has been slapped with multiple acts of terror in the week before Christmas and there is no expectation that they will slow down any time soon.

On the day Donald J. Trump was informed that the Electoral Collage count gave him the White House, the world was stunned when a Turkish police man turned terrorist decided to assassinate Russia’s envoy to Turkey live on Turkish television.

Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov was gunned down at a gallery exhibition on December 19 before the eyes of millions across the world as his murder was caught in clear, live images on TV. Karlov was murdered in Ankara, Turkey, by one Mevlut Mert Altintas, a Turkish police officer and now Islamist terrorist.

As he shot the unsuspecting ambassador from behind, Altintas shouted “Allahu akbar! Do not forget Aleppo!” Altintas also screamed out his allegiance to ISIS after he murdered the ambassador. An image taken only moments before Altintas drew his gun and struck Karlov down shows a pensive Altintas lurking in the background as the ambassador spoke to the crowd.

Altintas was himself shot by other security forces after his cowardly act of terrorism.

And good riddance to him. Sad it took so long to end him.
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It’s Christmas, So It Must Be Time for More Muslim Terror Attacks”

Time to Remember The Many Americans Buried in U.S. Military Cemeteries Across the World

-By Warner Todd Huston

“From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.”–Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day to pause in thanks for the sacrifices made by millions of Americans who died while fighting to preserve freedom, a documentary called “These Hallowed Grounds” reminds us that our war dead are not just interred here at home, but are spread across the world on battlefields almost lost to the memory of far too many of us.

When we think of our military cemeteries, those final resting places of so many American heroes, we usually think of Arlington National Cemetery, certainly. But do we think of the hundreds of American military cemeteries in such places as France, the Philippines, and other nations across the world? Sadly, not many of us do.

If you are like many of us, you may not be very well informed about all the many American cemeteries erected to memorialize our legions of war dead. To correct that deficit the PBS documentary “These Hallowed Grounds” is an excellent way to learn about these bucolic and solemn memorials.

Most Americans know of the World War Two cemetery at Omaha Beach, Normandy, site of one of the 1944 D-Day landings. But there are some twenty-one other cemeteries in eight other countries memorializing our dead from World Wars One and Two and the documentary tells the powerful tale of many of them.

Our many war cemeteries are maintained by the U.S. government’s American Battle Monuments Commission and contain monuments to some 125,000 American war dead. The names of another 94,000 missing soldiers are inscribed into the Walls Of The Missing at these locations and this film takes viewers on an important journey across the world to see and learn about them.
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Time to Remember The Many Americans Buried in U.S. Military Cemeteries Across the World”

FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

PBS and documentary maker Ken Burns have done it again with a wonderful look at the political lives of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. But if the series did anything it revealed to a discerning viewer how Franklin rebuilt the presidency on a pillar of hate and lies and remade the Democrat Party into a party driven by purposeful misdirection and deceit.

Certainly the series approaches these two consequential presidents as good for the country. Neither were as salubrious for the country as popular opinion holds and both did a lot of damage. To Burns’ credit he does allow conservative commentator George Will to slip in a few digs at how both Teddy and Franklin tore down the presidency and turned our country from a constitutional republic built on a pretty straightforward explication of the political raison d’être of any particular party, candidate or era and into a nation run by sneaky politicians who lie straight-faced to the people and don’t care about the Constitution at all.

Teddy Roosevelt did his bit to end our Constitutional republic, granted, and was followed by Woodrow Wilson who pounded a few more nails into that coffin. But it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who really destroyed the country.

The truth is, Franklin was an utterly failed president in everything but his leadership in WWII. It has to be acknowledged that his stewardship of the war was great and maybe a lesser president would have left the US more vulnerable. But there is no doubt that he materially hurt this country in every other arena.

His domestic policy was a disaster, his economic policies utterly failed, and his disregard of the rule of law and the US Constitution was a disgusting display of arrogance and hubris. By forcing the world into war, Hitler ended the Great depression, not Franklin Roosevelt.
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FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country”

MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a celebrity will Tweet something, so blatantly a-historical, something so totally outrageous and insensible, that even they realize how bad it is and will try to delete it right away. But someone will always be there to preserve the evidence.

Well, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz just found out that Twitter is forever when he Tweeted that gays were “really” the ones persecuted during Hitler’s holocaust. Seriously. A guy with a German surname just said that. In public.

The MSNBC host Goodwined himself before anyone else even said a word with a Tweet where he informed the world of who was the “real” target of Hitler’s Final Solution.

“Gay people were really the ones being persecuted in Hitler’s Germany,” Schultz blurted out on his EdShow Twitter feed at ten to 5 PM on May 12.

Schultz accompanied his Tweet with an image of a webpage that reported on the thousands of gays that the Nazis reportedly put to death or otherwise interned in their odious death camps.
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MSNBC’s Schultz Says Gays ‘Really The Ones Persecuted’ in Nazi Holocaust”

Green Stormtroopers to Invade Private Homes to Ensure Green Compliance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Greenism is not only a religious principle it is also a fascist, authoritarian ideal and greenies in Germany are finally revealing the black soul of greenism by proposing a law that would give the state the power to forcibly enter a person’s home to ensure they are in compliance with green rules.

The city of Bremen, in northern Germany near the North Sea just west of Hamburg, is so keyed up to push its left-wing envrio-Nazi regulations that it has outlawed residents from having electric heaters. But the jackbooted enviros aren’t going to stop at a mere banning of the heaters. To make sure the lowly people have complied with the ban, greenists in Bremen want to give police the power to enter a home without a warrant to make sure that home owners or apartment dwellers have abided by the rule and gotten rid of their evil, evil electric space heaters.

As the Germany website Liberal Magazine reports, “The proposed law by Environment Senator Joachim Lohse foresees a system of monitoring that allows for detection of violations and punishment. According to the Weser-Kurier daily, officials would ‘in carrying out the duties of their office, tread upon private property and enter private buildings.’ Here Lohse is creating nothing less than an environment police.”

Now, this whole idea runs contrary to Article 13 of the German Constitution which holds that the people have an “inviolability” of their homes and that the state cannot just come stormtrooping through private property whenever they get a hankering to get its thug on.
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Green Stormtroopers to Invade Private Homes to Ensure Green Compliance”

Unbelievable: Despite Employee Rejection, Germans Still Pushing Unions in Volkswagen Plant

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a cultural difference that could end up backfiring, but Volkswagen officials at the Tennessee auto plant are still pledging that they will try to help unions invade the plant even though workers voted not to join a union.

Last week American workers at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga, Tennessee auto plant voted not to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) union–the one group most responsible for the utter destruction of Detroit.

But Volkswagen, a German company, simply can’t understand why its American workers wouldn’t want to join a union and are still pushing employees to give the UAW a chance.
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Unbelievable: Despite Employee Rejection, Germans Still Pushing Unions in Volkswagen Plant”

Obama Imports ‘Advisor’ From Socialist Europe to Push Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now Obama is importing big government advocates from Europe to help him push Obamacare on Americans.

Obama is importing Germany’s former health minister, Daniel Bahr, to help push the President’s failed Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. He is also joining the extremist, left-wing think tank, the Center for American Progress (CAP).

Bahr lost his government job in Germany last September when his party couldn’t muster enough votes to stay in power. He was quoted as telling his fellow Germans that he’d “find something” to do.

Apparently pushing big government boondoggles on Americans was the “something.”
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Obama Imports ‘Advisor’ From Socialist Europe to Push Obamacare”

Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems like a foolish move by Volkswagen for allowing the United Auto Workers (UAW) to organize its American plants. Not only did the UAW screw Volkswagen in the past, but even now the union admits that it is raising union dues solely to replenish its strike fund so unionistas can walk out. It’s like Volkswagen is buying its own rope for its execution.

Or, as Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal says, “it’s like inserting a cancer cell into a body.”

That is how Journal editorial board member Moore characterized the act of allowing the UAW to organize Volkswagen’s American auto plants. “That one cancer cell is going to multiply and kill the body. It’s a disruptive influence,” he continued.

Worse, the UAW wants to raise dues for members for the expressed reason of filling strike fund coffers, this according to UAW Boss Bob King.

So, if Volkswagen gives in to the UAW’s demands it will only be helping the union to walk out at the earliest opportunity.
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Allowing Unions to Organize Volkswagen is Like ‘Injecting Cancer’ Into US Auto Industry”

Beer Salute: Obama Thanks Germans for ‘Very Important German Immigrants, Anheuser-Busch’

-By Warner Todd Huston

During his visit to Germany on Wednesday, President Obama extended the gratitude of the American people unto the citizens of Germany for giving us “Anheuser Busch,” some of our most important German-American citizens.

As the pool reports noted, the President thanked families like “Chrysler, Hershey, Heinz, Einstein, Steinway, Steinbeck, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig for prosperity and inspiration” and noted that young Americans “will always be grateful for Levi Strauss for their blue jeans.”

Obama went on to say, “Americans will also be grateful especially for some very important German immigrants Anheuser Busch.”
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Beer Salute: Obama Thanks Germans for ‘Very Important German Immigrants, Anheuser-Busch’”

D-Day Anniversary VIDEO: Remembering D-Day With Ike and Reagan

-By Paul Kengor

[Ed note: I posted this last year and it still gets a lot of traffic so on this anniversary of D-Day, I thought I’d post it again. In fact, I’ll post it every D-Day anniversary…]

For me, Memorial Day happens twice within a week. The first, the official holiday at the end of May, is quickly reinforced a week later, every June 6: D-Day.

Of all the wartime anniversaries, none strike me quite like D-Day — the invasion of Normandy, the liberation of France, the final push to defeat Nazi Germany. It was June 6, 1944, a date that sticks like December 7, like July 4, like September 11. The mix of extreme sorrow and triumph has been unforgettably replicated on film by Steven Spielberg in the stunning opening of Saving Private Ryan.

What must it have been like to be among those first waves at the beaches? Indescribable, simply indescribable.
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D-Day Anniversary VIDEO: Remembering D-Day With Ike and Reagan”

Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study of the most controversial entries on Wikipedia, the crowd sourced, online encyclopedia, shows that in the English language entry the most fought over is the biography of George W. Bush.

The authors of The most controversial topics in Wikipedia, a study that looked at the most controversial pages by language group, finds some topics stir passions in all cultures–such as matters of religion, God, Jesus, and Muhammad–while others are dependent on more localized matters–such as ages old ethnic conflicts and local politics.

The study looked at the pages that are fought over the most by constant behind the scenes editing by users. The most debated pages undergo what the study terms “edit wars,” which is the back and forth of “reverts,” the action of undoing what another editor added. The goal of the study was to find what subjects were most controversial by language, but also to see what topics straddled cultures.

Maybe unsurprisingly, in the English language Wiki, which is visited most heavily in the United States, the bio of George W. Bush still elicits hot controversy. Bush’s entry appears at the very top among the top ten most edited pages in English. Anarchism comes in second and Muhammad third.
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Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial”

Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling German Family

-By Warner Todd Huston

A coalition of 27 Congressmen have joined together to sign a letter urging the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder to rescind an order to deport a German family whose only crime was to homeschool their children.

In 2008 German citizen Uwe Romeike, his wife, and five young children fled Germany and took up residence in Tennessee because in their homeland, homeschooling children is a crime. The penalties are so stiff that the Romeikes faced having the government take away their children.

So, the Romeikes moved to Tennessee to escape this oppression and in 2010 were awarded political asylum by a federal judge in the Volunteer State.

But this wasn’t good enough for Barack Obama’s Department of Justice. Eric Holder and his DOJ fought the awarding of political asylum for the Romeikes and took the case back to court.
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Congressmen Urge AG Holder to Grant Asylum to Homeschooling German Family”

Obama Trying to Deport Homeschooling Family

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2010 a federal immigration judge awarded political asylum to a family whose German government was persecuting for having the temerity to homeschool their children. Now, three years later, the Obama administration seems poised to reverse that decision and deport the family back to Germany.

Uwe Romeike, his wife, and children were told that they could stay as legal residents in Morrisstown, Tennessee, when the family moved there in 2008 after being threatened by German authorities because they homeschooled their children instead of sending them to government schools.

In 2010, Mr. Romeike told reporters that, “I think it’s important for parents to have the freedom to choose the way their children can be taught.”

German authorities felt differently, though. The Romeikes were threatened with jail in the homeland unless they ceased homeschooling and turned their children over to the state.
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Obama Trying to Deport Homeschooling Family”

TIME’s Best Places to Live Does Not Include Any in the USA

-By Warner Todd Huston

TIME has one of those lists that we always start to see as the year comes to a close. This one is the top ten best and worst places in the world to live. Sadly, there isn’t a single place in the U.S.A. on that list.

The worst place to live on this list is, unsurprisingly, the disaster-prone (both man-made and natural-made) country of Haiti. Neither Yemen nor Iraq fare much better than Haiti. The rest of the top ten worst list is filled out with African nations — again, unsurprisingly.

But it’s the best-places list that disappoints the red, white and blue as not one of the best places in the world in which to live are in the good ol’ U. S. of A.

The “Best Quality of Living” list is:

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Zurich, Switzerland
  3. Auckland, New Zealand
  4. Munich, Germany
  5. Vancouver, Canada
  6. Dusseldorf, Germany
  7. Frankfurt, Germany
  8. Geneva, Switzerland
  9. Copenhagen, Denmark
  10. Bern, Switzerland

What is the deal? Why does this list diss the United States? In fact, the USA doesn’t even appear in the top 25 best places.
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TIME’s Best Places to Live Does Not Include Any in the USA”

Looking to the Dollar, Gold, and “Mutti” to Save the World

-By Alan Caruba

The most formidable couple in the world during the 1980s was Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher, a conservative and a woman of iron will, must be looking across the Channel with some amusement to see how her German counterpart, Chancellor Angela Merkel, is literally the only person keeping the European economy from collapsing and, it must be said, taking England and America with it.

The cover article of this week’s Business Week noted that “Merkel is the daughter of a Lutheran pastor. She won a PhD for a thesis on quantum chemistry…though childless, she is known as Mutti, for Mother.” Born in the post-war years, “Merkel’s worldview reflects the German desire for stability. Chaos plagued the German-speaking people long before there was a German nation…Later the hyperinflation of the 1920s and Depression of the 1930s, both of which undermined the middle-class, gave rise to Nazism.”

Plainly said, Angela Merkel is showing the rest of the world why Keynesian economics doesn’t work; that governments with huge “entitlement” programs and a tendency to throw vast amounts of money at their problems invite disaster. If Europe does not plunge into chaos, it will be because she refused to bail it out with the deutschmark.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is moving billions to Europe to ease its lending crisis.
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Looking to the Dollar, Gold, and “Mutti” to Save the World”

Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Atlantic’s Yoni Appelbaum has a troubled little mind. He seems to be an excitable sort, too. I say this because during this 150th anniversary of the American Civil War he strangely sees evil Confederate, German, Nazi, racists at Civil War events. He might want to see a therapist about this. Either that or he’s just another left-wing writer that is striving so hard to find something, anything, to write about that he’s put aside common sense and instead decided to illicitly impute any manner of absurd motivations to Germany’s Civil War reenactors. You know, because he wants to be considered the thoughtful type, because this sort of tripe is what passes for intellectualism in journalism.

Appelbaum’s article on Germans that reenact the American Civil War is entirely absurd, of course. He imputes all sorts of motives, dark and evil, to a mere hobby. He sees shadows of low and dangerous undercurrents to this pastime and desperately tries to tie a plethora of evils into the harmless fun of dressing up as a soldier from some 150 years ago.

Appelbaum finds that many Germans reenact the American Civil War in Germany as Confederate soldiers and this troubles him. He notes that Germans that reenact the American Civil War as Confederates are play-acting contrary to their own pre-WWII cultural history because few Germans fought for the South in the conflict. In this he is correct. But after getting one thing right, Appelbaum launches off into paroxysms of agonized fantasy. One gets the feeling he is not writing to explore truths but is writing to get the knowing and concerned nods of other wacky leftists like himself.
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Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer”

The Story of Stars and Stripes Honor Flight – Documentary Trailer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Freethink Media brings us a teaser for their film, “Honor Flight” which will be out this coming November. The film depicts the efforts of HonorFlight.org to help as many WWII Vets to get to Washington D.C. to see the WWII memorial as possible — at no cost to the vets — before it is to late.

We are losing thousands of these veterans ever year and time is fast running out for The Greatest Generation. They are about to pass into history forever.

If you’d like to donate to help HonorFlight.org shuttle these living heroes to D.C., do contact them and do so. They could use all the help you can give them.

Here is the HonorFlight.org Facebook page.
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The Story of Stars and Stripes Honor Flight – Documentary Trailer”

Old Media Ninnies Alert: German Newscast Displays Star Trek Logo as Seal Team 6 Patch

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steve Gill* found an amusing little story. Apparently a German television news show had a report on Seal Team 6, the group responsible for taking down Osama bin Ladden, and the TV folks meant to show the military patch of the Seals on-air. But instead of showing Seal Team 6’s actual arm patch, the morons at the TV station used a logo designed by a Star Trek fan for a fictional terror group called “the Maquis, Seal Team 6.”

Of course, the ridiculous thing here is that all one has to do is look at the mistaken patch and it would be pretty obvious that it is not the Navy Seal patch of the U.S. military.

The actual arm patch for U.S. Navy Seal Team 6

Logo for the fictional, Star Trek Maquis Seal Team 6

Seriously. Hello Germany… there is a phaser on the Maquis logo! That should have tipped you off. Not to mention the Klingon weapons in a circle at the bottom! Sheese. Do you guys pay attention at all?
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Old Media Ninnies Alert: German Newscast Displays Star Trek Logo as Seal Team 6 Patch”

Mr. Uka’s Lesson: Know Your Enemy or Die

-By I.J. Toby Westerman

Four decades ago the U.S. national media misinformed the American public about the events taking place in a place called South Vietnam. The result was America’s first military defeat (although we never lost a major battle) and the destruction of brave allies some 10,000 miles away from American shores.

Today, the same media combine continues to mislead the American public. The enemy, however, is now within our borders. At risk this very moment is not some far away ally, but the very existence of our own nation.

America can no longer afford to tolerate the distortions of the “mainline” media about the threats which are upon us. Information is essential to understanding these threats, but the “mainline” media has left the public uninformed and, therefore, dangerously vulnerable.

One example is the recent shooting of American service personnel in Germany.
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Mr. Uka’s Lesson: Know Your Enemy or Die”

Echoes of 1930s Germany?

-By Alan Caruba

Time and again in these troubled and troubling times people make reference to Germany in the 1930s, the rise of the Third Reich, and to Hitler as they express their fears regarding the Obama administration.

It is an interesting comparison if only because it reveals a sense that an authoritarian government is poised to impose its dictates. This is highly unlikely if only because the forthcoming midterm elections give every indication of overturning any such ambitions by the present administration.

It is, for example, bleeding its top economic advisors, the former chief of staff to the President, the sudden resignation of the president’s national security advisor, and, most tellingly, virtually every Democrat running for office is running away from Obama’s legislative agenda.
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Echoes of 1930s Germany?”

9/11… NEVER Forget

This morning, as we begin to observe the terrible day of September 11, 2001, let us not fall into mere rote actions and unthinking memorial. We cannot forget that this is not some long past, historical situation that we can comfortably relegate to remembrance on a single day of the year, the rest of our days to go on as if it is but a distant memory. We must keep at the forefront of our minds that we are still in extent danger of another 9/11 at any time and it is only because of the hard and dangerous work that our men and women in uniform are doing every single day that keeps the next towering inferno from our TV screens. The inhuman enemy that caused those Towers to fall, those planes to tumble from the sky, are still out there planning anew. 9/11 is fresh still. Let us remember with a keen pang of loss and rage lest we complacently imagine we are back to a 9/10 world when we are not.

Let us now take a moment to remember those innocents who lost their lives so unexpectedly ad illegitimately that day. And let us thank the many thousands of our first responders who risked it all by jumping immediately to give aid to their fellows.

Let us also pause to remember the many men and women of our armed forces who have lost their precious lives fighting this evil connected to those that perpetrated 9/11 on this peace-loving nation of ours. May their dear sacrifice not be in vain.

Finally, let us also remember those of other nations that lost their lives as they stood boldly beside us in the pursuit of the end of this evil. Those British citizens, Canadians, Australians, Germans, French, Afghan, Iraqi, all those stalwart friends who stood beside us yelling “no more,” and demanding that radical Islam be caged.

9/11 is in our hearts and minds and we say with a unified voice, never again.

Book On Hitler Youth Warns Of Communitarian Dangers

-By Frederick Meekins

When pondering the evils of Nazism and Adolf Hitler, one’s mind reflexively turns to the horrors of the Second World War and the Holocaust because of the overwhelming loss of life surrounding these historical events. However, coming in high on the list of the Third Reich’s atrocities was its use of state power to undermine the most basic of human rights and the subordination of all other social institutions to the prerogatives of the Party. In “Life In The Hitler Youth” by Jennifer Keeley, the reader learns of the Nazi subversion of the family and realizes the disturbing parallels that can be drawn with developments unfolding in our own nation.

According to Keeley, all of German life (including the minutest detail of one’s personal life) was brought under Nazi control through the policy of Gleichschaltung or coordination so that all of society and culture reflected National Socialism (9). As such, the 1936 Law Concerning The Hitler Youth decreed that all of German youth were to be incorporated under the banner of this organization.
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Book On Hitler Youth Warns Of Communitarian Dangers”

Obama Signals British That They Aren’t So Special

-By Warner Todd Huston

>Barack Obama, it was claimed, would “repair” our reputation both with our enemies and our friends. So how has he done? Let’s take Britain for example. Has he “fixed” our special relationship with the British Isles? Well, if by fixed you mean he has fastened that relationship to a negative track, well then “fixed” it is.

Let’s review some of the slights that Barack Obama delivered to our closest allies, the British.

In February, immediately after he entered office, President Obama summarily rejected the most famous bust of Winston Churchill in England loaned to the U.S. for display in the Oval Office by the people of England. The bust was sent to us by the people of the U.K. as a gesture of solidarity and friendship in the aftermath of 9/11. Despite their generosity, Obama returned the generously loaned statuette without alerting the Brits that he intended to do so, blindsiding Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s government.
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Obama Signals British That They Aren’t So Special”

Not Just In Germany

-By Thomas E. Brewton

In Germany and California the secular, socialist political state is attempting to crush parents who teach Judeo-Christian moral principles to their children.

Shades of Bismarck’s kulturkampf and Hitler’s pogrom to impose Aryan purity.

Germany has criminalized home schooling, demanding that parents place their children in state schools, where they will be suitably indoctrinated in the religion of socialism.
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Not Just In Germany”

Homeschooling German Family Awarded Political Asylum in U.S., Where is U.S. Media?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A federal immigration judge in Tennessee has awarded political asylum to a German couple who were threatened by the German government with having their children forcibly removed from their home because the couple chose homeschooling instead of sending them to state approved schools.

Uwe Romeike may now stay as a legal resident in Morrisstown, Tennessee, where the family moved in 2008 after being threatened by German authorities.

The Associated Press was one of the few Old Media outlets covering this story. Of the Romeike’s plight, the AP reported:

The Romeikes took their three oldest children out of school in Bietigheim-Bissingen in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in 2006. Romeike said the couple was fined the equivalent of about $10,000 over a two-year period.

Mr. Romeike told reporters that, “I think it’s important for parents to have the freedom to chose the way their children can be taught.” (yes, the AP spelled it “chose”)
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Homeschooling German Family Awarded Political Asylum in U.S., Where is U.S. Media?”