Podcast: We Need A New Declaration of Independence

Yep, this one’ll get the lib’s panties all in a twist. “He’s calling for Revolution,” they’ll whine.

I even added some nice fife and drum Yankee Doodle music to this. Enjoy!

An American Medical Association OKs Female Genital Mutilation in U.S.

NOTE: To avoid confusion, this Podcast is NOT about the American Medical Association. It is about a different American medical group called the American Academy of Pediatrics. My headline is not meant to implicate the AMA in anything but means to discuss the actions of “an” American medical group, in this case the AAP. I add this note because some people have made the mistake to think I am discussing the AMA here. I am not.

Here’s this week’s podcast. Disgustingly, the American Academy of Pediatrics has decided that Muslin practice of female genital mutilation should be accepted in the U.S.A…

Publius Podcast: The Mount Vernon Statement, A Poor Man’s Manifesto… VERY Poor

-By Warner Todd Huston

The newest Publius Forum podcast: The Mount Vernon Statement doesn’t work as a rallying cry, but here is an idea that might…

Was Insurance At Fault for Young Man’s Heart Disease Death?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is the latest Publius podcast about the New York Times article on the sad story of Mr. Eric De La cruz who died at 31 from heart disease. He was denied government healthcare from Social Security and Medicare and he died as a result. Yet the New York Times blames the insurance industry?

A Journo Asks Why Can’t ‘Progressives’ Win?

A Podcast By Warner Todd Huston

The main reason why the so-called progressive movement can’t win the hearts and minds of Americans is because they are liars. And no one trusts a liar.

Publius Podcast: Why Terror is no Police Problem

-By Warner Todd Huston

The latest Publius Podcast is up, folks. Have at it.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. Or see www.OutLoudOpinion.com for an aggregation of my podcasts as well as some other great podcasts for your listening pleasure. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

Latest Publius Podcast: Can Libs Love America?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our latest podcast asks if liberals can love America?

OK, why did I just say “our”? Who is “we,” anyway. Darnnit it’s MY podcast and I like it!

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. Or see www.OutLoudOpinion.com for an aggregation of my podcasts as well as some other great podcasts for your listening pleasure. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

Latest Publius Podcast

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a reading of my piece explaining why eggheads can be bad for the country.

I am also pleased to note that the Publius’ Forum Podcast is now being featured on the www.OutLoudOpinion.com podcasting service. Please visit OutLoudOpinion.com for some other great podcasts like IBD Editorials, Creators, The New Republic, Roger Hedgecock, G. Gordon Liddy, the Conservative Funhouse, and many others.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. Or see www.OutLoudOpinion.com for an aggregation of my podcasts as well as some other great podcasts for your listening pleasure. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

Publius Podcast: The Battle Hymn of the Republic — A Fantastic School Concert

-By Warner Todd Huston

You’ve just got to hear this great effort of some school bands and choruses doing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It is inspiring.

It can be found on greatdanepromilitary.com and had it recommended to me by my friend Paul Young at prying1.blogspot.com.

Take a listen to this fantastic arrangement…

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

Publius Podcast: Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Summit? Who’s Gonna Teach Him?

And the latest Publius Forum Podcast is here.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

An Interview With Richard Nadler from 2007

I did an interview with Richard Nadler, President of the nonprofit think tank Americas Majority a few years ago that I’d like to add to this series. This interview was conducted at the 2007 Conservative Leadership Conference.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.