CBS Hack Bob Schieffer Admits That Old Media Establishment Leads You By The Nose

-By Warner Todd Huston

On his way out the door, long-time CBS “News” hack Bob Schieffer admitted what we on the right have known for decades, that the “news” media thinks they are the gatekeepers of what we, the people, are allowed to know.

As he ended his 24-year run Schieffer opened up about what he thought of the news biz and what he said is affirming for those who feel the media has been a corrupting force in America for decades.

Schieffer whined that journalism has changed, and in his view not for the better.

“We now don’t know where people get their news. But what we do know is that they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” the retiring anchor said on CBS This Morning. “Most of the information is wrong and some of it, wrong on purpose. It is our job, I think, in mainstream journalism to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant and what they need to know about.”
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CBS Hack Bob Schieffer Admits That Old Media Establishment Leads You By The Nose”

Media Giddy Over Chelsea Clinton Extending Dynasty With Baby Announcement

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday, April 17, Chelsea Clinton said that she and husband of four years, investment banker Marc Mezvinsky, have a blessed event to announce as the couple is now expecting their first child. But the Old Media may be more excited than Chelsea that the Clinton dynasty is growing.

One of the earliest to bubble over with excitement seemed to be a screaming, all caps Tweet pushed out by CNN’s Candy Crowley.

Oddly, Crowley coupled Chelsea’s announcement with Obama’s wonderful Obamacare news, saying, “AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME-TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS: POTUS SAYS 8 MILLION ENROLLED IN ACA, AND CHELSEA CLINTON SAYS SHE’S PREGNANT.”

Even some of Crowley’s fans wondered why she was yelling at them with the all caps post that breaks netiquette standards.
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Media Giddy Over Chelsea Clinton Extending Dynasty With Baby Announcement”

Shocking the Elites, Bill O’Reilly Shakes Hands With Snoop Dogg, Celebrates Jazz

-By Warner Todd Huston

The cultural elites were shocked during this month’s Kennedy Center Honor awards when out onto the stage walked none other than Fox News star Bill O’Reilly who was asked to honor Jazz great Herbie Hancock. Even more amusing, right there on stage O’Reilly later shook hands with rapper Snoop Dogg.

O’Reilly takes to podium to everyone’s surprise.

When O’Reilly strode out onto the stage to take the podium to honor Hancock, his first words directly and humorously addressed the shock that many in the audience was experiencing.

“I know, I’m surprised too,” he quipped sending the crowd into gales of laughter. Well, everyone but Barack Obama who gave a slight smile but didn’t seem all that amused. I guess Obama’s hate can’t be tamed by mere humor.
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Shocking the Elites, Bill O’Reilly Shakes Hands With Snoop Dogg, Celebrates Jazz”

TV Viewer Threatens to ‘Blast’ News Reporter ‘In the Face with a Shotgun’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk about TV rage, police in Augusta, Georgia are looking for a man making threatening phone calls to WJBF TV because he didn’t like a reporter’s story, reports say.

Apparently WJBF reporter Michael Miller made someone upset enough to call the station several times threatening to shoot the reporter “in the face” with a shotgun. The caller also threatened to kill the other people at the station, too. Joe Biden approves of the weapon choice, anyway.

Reporter Miller told police he had just finished a story on Green Dot scams when the calls came in. A Green Dot MoneyPak card is a re-loadable cash card that many people who don’t have bank accounts use to pay bills. There are many cards like this on the market. Major credit card companies also have such re-loadable cards and all can be bought at convenience stores, grocery stores, and department stores like Walmart.
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TV Viewer Threatens to ‘Blast’ News Reporter ‘In the Face with a Shotgun’”

NBC’s Deceptive Editing Makes Rabbi Appear to be Covering Up Sex Abuse

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a June 24 report for NBC’s Rock Center, video for a story was deceptively edited and misleading voice overs added to quotes from an Hasidic Rabbi that made it seem as if the Rabbi was insisting that allegations of sex abuse should only be handled internally, within the community, and should not be taken to police. But in fact Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz did not say that at all.

After a series of emails from Rabbi Berkowitz complaining of the deceptive edits the web entry of the Rock Center story has an update and the video was pulled, but even that update does not really address the extremely unfair treatment that Berkowitz received at the hands of NBC’s editors

The story was ostensibly to have been an “inside look” at the Hasidic community in New York and in a segment near the end of the report the piece turned to recent sex abuse charges leveled at Nechamya Weberman, a once respected member of the community who acted as a “therapist” for the other members of his community.
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NBC’s Deceptive Editing Makes Rabbi Appear to be Covering Up Sex Abuse”

Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll on newspapers and television news shows that Americans’ confidence in the news industry continues to erode in this era of mass communications, reaching a low not seen since 2007.

The Gallup polling firm finds that trust in newspapers has fallen to 23 percent. This is down from 25 percent in 2012 and 28 percent in 2011.

The previous low was recorded in 2007 when trust in newspapers reached 22 percent.

Trust in newspapers has undergone steady erosion since its 1979 high of 51 percent, Gallup reports.

Television news fares no better in the estimation of those polled by Gallup. Trust in TV news tied that of newspapers with 23 percent saying they trust TV news sources. This is down from a 1993 high of 46 percent–when Gallup first began asking about it.
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Public Trust in Newspapers Falls to New Lows”

Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD

-By Warner Todd Huston

Typical of when a Democrat is president, during a keynote monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the President is spared from too many mean spirited barbs. In keeping with that tradition, TBS’ Conan O’Brien poked a lot of fun at Republicans and conservatives with a bit sharper stick than he used to poke Democrats.

This year’s WHCD started with a slew of media outlets discussing the now annual slam on the event as delivered by long-time Washington reporter Tom Brokaw. The semi-retired NBC anchor has lamented for some time that the whole party atmosphere, replete with musicians and Hollywood celebrities–fittingly, this year the Duck Dynasty folks attended–makes a mockery of the seriousness of the media’s work.

After the President delivered his spiel on Saturday night, late night comedian Conan O’Brien took the stage to deliver the keynote address.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans showed up early as the comedian’s targets and naturally, even though he hasn’t been in office for over four years, now, an obligatory slam of George W. Bush as “stupid” had to be delivered.

Near the top of his address Conan mentioned the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library joking that the library had “Millions of books, articles and documents and if you go you can be the first to read them.”
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Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD”

Big Three Networks Cover Internet Cats Pics, Lit Trivia, Canadian Clumsiness, But Not Gosnell Trial

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another week has gone by and the Big Three Networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, again gave scant notice to the “house of horrors” that is the Kermit Gosnell abortion trial. The Nets had time for funny cat pictures on the Internet, a Canadian mayor bumping into a camera, and fun trivia about the book Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but little time for the shocking trial in Philadelphia.

As the week of April 15 came to an end, the prosecution finished presenting its case in the Gosnell trial, but the Big Three Nets still paid little attention to the story. The prosecution’s presentation included shocking horror stories such as parts of fetuses clogging the plumbing in the clinic, that assistants had no medical training or had no licenses to practice, that babies were born alive and breathing until Gosnell shoved scissors into the base of their skulls to kill them, that adult patients were killed by Gosnell and his workers but the nets weren’t interested on Wednesday and Thursday.

What did the Networks cover instead? An analysis by the Media Research Center of the three network’s programming revealed many fun and interesting stories.

On Wednesday April 17, ABC reported that Holly Golightly, the lead character in Truman Caport’s novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s, was originally going to be named “Connie Gustafson.” ABC’s Dianne Sawyer also had time to talk of comic book character Superman’s 75th birthday.
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Big Three Networks Cover Internet Cats Pics, Lit Trivia, Canadian Clumsiness, But Not Gosnell Trial”

NBC Suits Criticize Jay Leno for Late Night Jokes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Host of the The Tonight Show, Jay Leno, has come under fire from NBC executives for making jokes about the network’s recent slide in the ratings during his monologues.

Reports suggest that Robert Greenblat, Chairman of Entertainment, fired off a series of emails slamming the late night comedian for daring to lampoon the ratings slide. Leno gave back as good as he got, insiders say, and bristled against the PC, company line criticism.

What offended Greenblat? On February 28, for instance, Leno kicked off his NBC ratings segment saying, “For the first time in history NBC is going to finish fifth in the ratings period. We are behind the Spanish-language network Univision — or as we call it here in Los Angeles: Cinco de Ratings.”

He went on to joke that, “It’s so bad, ‘The Biggest Loser’ isn’t just a TV show anymore; it’s our new motto.” And: “It’s so bad, NBC called Manti Te’o and asked him to bring in some imaginary viewers.”
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NBC Suits Criticize Jay Leno for Late Night Jokes”

Eliot Spitzer: ‘Nobody’s Watching’ Al Gore’s Current TV Network

-By Warner Todd Huston

Client Number 9, otherwise known as Eliot Spitzer, happens to have a job as a TV anchor on Al Gore’s Current TV Network, not that anyone knows anything about it. Why? Because according to Spitzer, “nobody’s watching” it.

At a recent luncheon, Spitzer was asked about his Current TV gig. The one-time political powerhouse said he loved the TV job, but ratings are a bit of a problem.

“Nobody’s watching, but I’m having a great time. I don’t mean to be facetious, but I am really enjoying myself. It’s like having a cocktail party with friends every night.” Pausing for a moment he added, “Somebody needs to buy the network.” And perhaps they will, he mused, if for no other reason than to snap up Current’s distribution system. Either way, New York’s former governor isn’t quitting his day job, so to speak. “I’m glad all my investments are in real estate, not media companies, but if someone can make money at it, great.”

Spitzer will be remembered most for having thrown away a promising career in public life when he got caught up in the New York prostitution scandal that ended his political career — hence his nickname of “client number 9.” After that disgraceful exit, Spitzer tried his hand as a CNN talker but lost that job due to poor ratings. He then migrated to the little known, little seen Current TV Network started by the “inventor of the Internet,” Al Gore.

Shall we say Current TV’s ratings is an “inconvenient truth”? I think we shall.
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Eliot Spitzer: ‘Nobody’s Watching’ Al Gore’s Current TV Network”

CNN Anchor Criticizes God for Sandy Hook Massacre

-By Warner Todd Huston

Trying to figure out how to deal with the massacre of children at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut is no easy task. For reporters, “dealing” isn’t supposed to be the goal, reporting is. But for CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield, reporting is of less interest than placing blame even to the point of blaming God for the crime.

On December 19, the CNN anchor interviewed Rabbi Shmuley Boteach ostensibly to discuss the lack of reverence for God in American schools. Banfield reported that some blame this lack of reverence for setting the stage for these sorts of crimes.

During the segment, Banfield quoted the head of the American Family Association, Bryan Fischer, who said that one reason this massacre happened is that “we’ve kicked God out of out of the public school system.” This, Banfield editorialized, was an outrage.
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CNN Anchor Criticizes God for Sandy Hook Massacre”

CBS Praises Obama for Hurricane Sandy Visit, Attacked Bush for Katrina Visit

-By Warner Todd Huston

On November 16, CBS News aired a segment full of praise for President Obama’s visit to Staten Island in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. But this positive spin is in stark contrast to the scolding the network gave President Bush when he visited the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005..

In the report on CBS This Morning, correspondent Elaine Quijano favorably included Obama in her report on Sandy storm damage showing the President shaking hands with big smiles all around, pledging government support for the victims, and hugging and meeting with individual storm survivors. Mr. Obama was shown as a sympathetic figure ready to help — quite despite that the business of setting the area aright has gone on for weeks without as much progress as residents have hoped.

But this favorable treatment for Obama stands in stark contrast to the attacks CBS leveled against President Bush when he went to visit storm ravaged areas after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina.
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CBS Praises Obama for Hurricane Sandy Visit, Attacked Bush for Katrina Visit”

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Raves for Biden/Raddatz Tag Teaming Ryan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Whereas most people in the middle and the right saw Biden as a snorting, chortling, constantly interrupting blowhard and “moderator” Martha Raddatz as Biden’s willing assistant during Thursday’s vice presidential debate, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien and Dana Bash saw “perfect pitch” and a “terrific” performance by the left-wing tag team.

On Friday morning’s Starting Point, CNN’s O’Brien and correspondent Dana Bash were all a twitter over Biden and Raddatz’ work at the debate.

Right out of the gate, O’Brien gushed about Raddatz saying, “I thought she was terrific.”

Bash agreed saying, “Absolutely. If there was a winner because it was a draw between the two candidates, Martha Raddatz. She was commanding. She followed up when she need to. She pressed them on specifics.”

Raddatz’ performance was “perfect pitch,” Bash added.

Bash went on to express total simpatico with Biden’s childish debate performance.
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CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Raves for Biden/Raddatz Tag Teaming Ryan”

Fox News Channel the Big Winner for VP Debate Viewers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News Channel won the race during the vice presidential debate this week; the ratings race. Fox brought in more than twice as many viewers as MSNBC and CNN… combined. Not only that, but Fox even drew more viewers than each of the big three networks individually.

Here is how the ratings panned out:

9:00 PM – 10:30PM

  • FNC: 10,019,827 in total viewers (3,057,099 in 25-54)
  • MSNBC: 4,378,671 in total viewers (1,619,542 in 25-54)
  • CNN: 4,145,951 in total viewers (1,523,882 in 25-54)
  • CBS: 8,308,421 in P2+ (3,400,620)
  • ABC: 8,287,610 in P2+ (2,995,352)
  • NBC: 7,851,757 in P2+ (3,560,307)

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Fox News Channel the Big Winner for VP Debate Viewers”

CNN Soft Peddles ‘Occupy’ Lawbreaking, Asks if Police Have ‘Sympathy’ With Occupiers

-By Warner Todd Huston

On November 30, CNN’s T. J. Holmes gave us a great example of how the Old Media is soft peddling the law breaking going on at the Occupy events in order to make these events seem far less dangerous and illicit than they are. Like many in the Old Media, Holmes seems desperate to give lawbreaking Occupiers as much cover as possible — a benefit they never offered the Tea Partiers.

In an interview with an L.A. city police commander about the clearing of Occupy Los Angeles, Holmes did his best to minimize the number of arrests of members of the Occupy protest. The actual number of arrests was 200, but Holmes repeatedly characterized that numbers as “dozens.”

Now, I don’t know about you but when I hear “dozens” I think of the number 24. Being generous I might even say three dozen (a healthy 36) could be thought of as “dozens.” On the other hand, when someone tells me “200” the word “dozens” doesn’t at all come to mind. I just don’t think of 18 dozen as “dozens.” I think of them as hundreds!
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CNN Soft Peddles ‘Occupy’ Lawbreaking, Asks if Police Have ‘Sympathy’ With Occupiers”

Obama’s Lincoln/Railroad Gaffe, why Did Old Media Ignore This?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In keeping with the many dozens of gaffes that Obama has made over the years, Verum Serum found another one from last February that has, with the help of the Old Media, slipped under the radar. Just more proof that Obama’s constant gaffes go unreported by the Old Media while they search high and low for the same sort of misspeaking from Republicans and conservatives.

Apparently the smartest president in history thought that Abe Lincoln built an intercontinental railroad in the midst of the Civil War.

Listen, Abraham Lincoln helped build the interstate, er the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War because he understood this was going to be important.

For being the smartest person in human history, Obama sure can be a dope sumtimes, kain’t he?
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Obama’s Lincoln/Railroad Gaffe, why Did Old Media Ignore This?”

NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its intro to the 2011 U.S. Open golf tournament, NBC Sports had a heart stirring montage of Old Glory, school kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, all intercut with some of golf’s biggest contemporary stars. It had everything: resounding music, patriotism, and golf. But one thing it didn’t have… the whole pledge. It seems NBC sort of forgot the “under God” part of the pledge.

That’s right, NBC cut out the part where the kids say “under God,” as in “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

This was obviously done on purpose. The video of the kids saying the allegiance goes from “one nation” and skips ahead to “with liberty and justice for all.”
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NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance”

New ‘Reality’ TV Show To Focus On Race for 2012 Election

-By Warner Todd Huston

An interesting ad has recently appeared at the New York Craig’s List website which shows exactly how the left will be framing the upcoming 2012 presidential election. The ad asks for a family that represents “racial minorities” to be pitted against a family of “white conservatives.” It’s pretty clear they intend to make this whole election about race.

A new “reality” TV show is being planned as a “television documentary” centered around the 2012 elections. The company that put up the ad proves that race is their central theme. These would-be filmmakers are looking for “families that have profiles similar to the potential 2012 candidates.”

A television documentary is looking for participants in a future project concerning the 2012 Presidential elections.

That is to say one family that loosely resembles the Obama family (racial minority [can be any non-white racial or ethnic group], recent immigrant [1 or 2 generations], liberal, etc.) and one family that loosely resembles a potential Republican contender (white, conservative).

So, it is apparent that this “television documentary” project is going to focus on race with this. They want America to see this presidential campaign as a contest between white and black America. They don’t want this to be about issues at all.
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New ‘Reality’ TV Show To Focus On Race for 2012 Election”

Obama’s Bribes to the Wash. Post and CBS

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a blow to the autonomy of the media it has been discovered that employees of two Old Media outlets are the happy beneficiaries of hundreds of thousands of federal dollars from an Obamacare slush fund. CBS and the Washington Post have both taken large payments from Obama’s Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP), with the Post getting $573,217 while CBS has received a whopping $722,388.

Matthew Boyle reported that the news of the media giants taking federal cash was revealed at a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week.

The question here becomes one of disclosure. Will CBS and the Washington Post put disclaimers on any story they relate about Obamacare? After all, if we see a positive story about Obamacare from the Washington Post or CBS might we assume the stories are so positive because employees of those media organizations know they could be the beneficiaries of thousands of dollars in federal cash? Might we assume that these Old Media employees might fear that any negative story might put that largess at risk?
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Obama’s Bribes to the Wash. Post and CBS”

No Truth In Left’s Wisconsin Union Support or Its State Budget Surplus Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

First came the disgrace of supposedly intelligent teachers in Wisconsin sporting hundreds of signs calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker “Hitler” and now comes the entire liberal blogosphere and it’s echo chamber in the left-media establishment claiming that Gov. Walker has “ginned up” a budget shortfall when he actually has a budget surplus. One wonders when the childish hyperbole and lies will ever stop for the left?

Lefty TV yakker Rachel Maddow, ever hooked into the most goofy left-wing talking point du jour and always ready to dutifully regurgitate same, recently made a big point about Walker’s mythic surplus, sneeringly saying that, “Wisconsin is fine… I am not kidding.” On her Feb 17 show, Maddow breathlessly informed us that Walker is just using the claim of a budget problem in a cynical attempt to destroy unions. Because, well, unions are so innocent, right? I mean they are just gently joshing with all those Hitler references, you know?
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No Truth In Left’s Wisconsin Union Support or Its State Budget Surplus Story”

Obama’s Mouthpiece? ABC’s Cokie Roberts Says Voters Will Make Republicans Compromise in 2011??

-By Warner Todd Huston

ABC News talking head Cokie Roberts was shilling for the Obama administration once again on Good Morning America during an interview with former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos. She wasn’t just shilling for Obama but tying to mold the news and public opinion to her left-wing druthers instead of giving an honest review of today’s political climate.

Like the rest of the Old Media establishment, Roberts was filled with praise for the great success that Obama had in this lame duck Congress. “It was incredible,” she gushed.

Of course, Roberts interpreted the Lame Duck session to mean that the Republicans are the ones that came to Obama as opposed to the truth that he had to come to them for the first time in his political career. This lame duck session was the first time in Obama’s life he was forced to actually compromise with Republicans as opposed to merely giving compromise lip service but otherwise sticking to his hard-left agenda — and even at that he barely compromised at all here.
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Obama’s Mouthpiece? ABC’s Cokie Roberts Says Voters Will Make Republicans Compromise in 2011??”

Old Media Shields Rahm Emmanuel From Conservative Reporter, Threaten Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is really outrageous. William Kelly, who has a program on the weekends on Chicago’s WIND radio, went out with the rest of the media shadowing Rahm Emanuel as he walked around meeting and greeting Chicago voters yesterday. The outrageous part was that Kelly, a conservative, was pushed away by one self-professed “real” reporter and threatened with violence from another simply for asking Emanuel if he thought the stimulus was a failure.

I am very familiar with William Kelly as I’ve worked with him off and on for the last year since his run for State Comptroller in the primary. Certainly Kelly is somewhat of a gadfly in Republican politics in Chicago, but for the Old Media to push him around and threaten to “deck” him is way out of bounds. Further, Kelly is just as much a “real” journalist as they are and has just as much right to ask candidate Emanuel a question as they do.
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Old Media Shields Rahm Emmanuel From Conservative Reporter, Threaten Violence”

The Media’s Racist… And The Want To Get You Killed

-By Bob Parks

Diane Sawyer is a racist. Matt Lauer is a racist. Charlie Gibson is a racist. Wolf Blitzer is a racist. Katie Couric is a racist. Kiran Chetry is a racist. Chris Matthews is a racist. Ed Schultz is a racist. Keith Olbermann is a racist. Gary Tuchman is a racist. Elizabeth Vargas is a racist. Sharyl Attkisson is a racist. Anderson Cooper is a racist. George Stephanopoulos is a racist. David Gregory is a racist. Chuck Todd is a racist. Rick Sanchez is a racist. Melissa Stark is a racist, and for those of you whom I left out (personnel and outlets), it’s just due to space.

Not only that, but they want racial violence. It’ll be a great story; it’ll help their chosen political party, and maybe even discredit some conservative talkers.

Now, I’m sure the aforementioned big heads may be all offended. Tough.

How does it feel?
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The Media’s Racist… And The Want To Get You Killed”

Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #6: Rick Sanchez, CNN

-By Warner Todd Huston

Continuing with our top ten most left-biased journalists working in America today, at number six we feature the redoubtable… or is it just doubtable… Rick Sanchez of CNN. Let’s face it, no list of Old Media left-wingers could be complete without the Ricker appearing on it somewhere!

Any casual observer would conclude that Sanchez has been a thorough wallower in left-wing bias for decades, even pushing his agenda on college kids.

Back in 2008 during the campaign for the election that gave us President Obama, Sanchez took his CNN cameras on the road to see how “America Votes, 2008.” Apparently, Sanchez thought “America” only cared about the left because that was all he was interested in pushing.
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Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #6: Rick Sanchez, CNN

A Tale of Two Book Banners: Palin Ripped, Kagan Excused

-By Warner Todd Huston

Comparisons are always a great way to show how differently the Old Media treats conservative and leftist politicians in America today and Obama’s nomination of the Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court gives us another opportunity to see the Old Media’s penchant to excoriate a Republican’s actions while soft peddling and excusing away similar actions by a left-winger.

In this case, it is instructive to see how the Old Media treated the claim that Sarah Palin banned books from the Wasilla library when she was mayor and today how it is treating the recently highlighted Supreme Court arguments made by Elena Kagan that the government could ban books under the McCain-Feingold Act.

After McCain picked Governor Sarah Palin for his number two slot during the 2008 campaign for president the Old Media lit upon a story that said Sarah Palin tried to ban books from the Wasilla library when she was mayor there in 1996. A list of the supposedly banned books was even bandied about by the left-wing blogs causing a ruckus in the media but it turned out the list had books on it published years after Palin had left the Mayor’s office. The list was a fabrication and was lifted from a website that detailed the books that had been banned at one time or another, in one place or another, over the last 100 years.

As it turned out the whole story came from another former Wasilla mayor. He claimed that Palin had asked a Wasilla librarian “how she could go about banning books.” No books were banned, no list was made and Palin said she was asked by a constituent to look into how a book might be removed for its “objectionable material.”
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A Tale of Two Book Banners: Palin Ripped, Kagan Excused”

Chicago’s WTTW Interview With GOP Gov Candidate Bill Brady

Led by Carol Marin, the Chicago public television station conducted an interview with GOP Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady that is worth watching to gain some small measure of the man.

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Chicago’s WTTW Interview With GOP Gov Candidate Bill Brady”

Chicago TV Reporter Clueless On Gun Buyback Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of my colleagues on the web are saying that Fox News Chicago reporter Tera Williams “revealed her bias” about the relative efficacy of Chicago’s absurd gun buyback program.

In yet another TV report on this meaningless program, reporter Williams was interviewing a Chicago resident on his thoughts about the whole thing. The resident told her, “it’s a good way to start,” to which Williams said “Something’s better than nothing, right?”

Well, no it’s not, Ms Williams. This program has been a complete failure for making a dent in the violence and shootings in the City of Chicago. While other great cities of the nation have seen falling murder rates over the last decade, Chicago has seen its rate rise. Even as this waste of money and time of a program was started in 2006, the murder rate has not been positively affected by the program. In fact, this year the city has already experienced over 100 shooting deaths and we aren’t even at the half way point in the year yet.

But, I am not going to say that Williams’ empty-headed statement is proof of her bias in favor of the program. I’d say it is more like her utter cluelessness of how ineffective it has been.
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Chicago TV Reporter Clueless On Gun Buyback Program”

Whoopi Says Without Abortion Parents Just Kill Kids Later

-By Warner Todd Huston

I think Whoopi Goldberg has as much hair inside her head as she has outside it. What else explains the harebrained thinking she exhibited (again) on her coffee klatcher’s show The View on May 4?

Goldberg attempted to explain why she supports abortion. It’s because, you see, if parents can’t kill their kids in utero she thinks parents will just kill their kids later on in their lives.

The discussion centered around a new law in Oklahoma that required abortion patients to view their in vitro babies via a new 3-D ultrasound before they make the final decision to undergo the abortion procedure.

Goldberg was against the new law and in her muddled thinking this was her reason to oppose it:
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Whoopi Says Without Abortion Parents Just Kill Kids Later”

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Wishes That Times Square Bomber Was a Tea Partier

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer appeared on the Stephanie Miller radio show, a small syndicated left-wing talker, and during her appearance she expressed her “frustration” that the Times Square bomber was a Pakistani terrorist instead of a white person. Apparently Brewer had hoped that a new Tim McVeigh perhaps coming from the Tea Party movement would turn out to be responsible for the attempted bombing in New York instead of just another boring ol’ radical Islamist terrorist.

Brewer told the lefty radio host, “there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country,” and intimated that the fact that since it was an Islamic terrorist evil white America would just use that as another excuse to be racists. “I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry,” Brewer said.

So according to Brewer, I guess we should excuse all acts of terror because, after all, it’s those evil, racist, white bigots in America that force them to blow people up?
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MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Wishes That Times Square Bomber Was a Tea Partier”

Tea Party: Instantly Attacked by Old Media, Coffee Party: Immediate Respect from Old Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nothing says “media bias” like coffee in the morning.

If anyone ever wanted to see an example of the bias of the Old Media no better example can be found than the different ways that it has treated the tea party movement and the coffee party astroturf effort. The tea party movement was initially ignored, then it was ridiculed, then it was attacked as dangerous, but no where in the Old Media was it treated as a valid, powerful political movement despite the literally millions of Americans that have attended them.

On the other hand, the astroturf coffee party effort created by an Obama campaign staffer was treated as a viable, important effort from the second it was announced and all that quite despite the fact that no coffee party event seems to have been able to turn out more than 20 people at a time.

Let’s look at some numbers. Just from those first tax day tea party events (April 15, 2009) the number of participants topped *500,000. And since then there have been thousands of more tea party protests of all sorts sponsored by any number of local and national groups and they, too, have turned out thousands of participants. There have been tea party participants in the millions since April of 2009.

Of course, the Old Media has done its best to downplay the number of tea party protestors. Instead of detailing the actual numbers, the Old Media continues to use the nebulous phrase “hundreds of protestors,” or when the numbers are greater the dismissive “thousands of protestors.” An excellent example of this can be seen in the great Washington D.C. protest of September of 2009. Where the foreign press noted that as many as a million flooded Washington D.C. on September 12, 2009, the American Old Media insisted on using the less accurate phrase “tens of thousands.” When asked to quantify a million people no one would use the phrase “tens of thousands,” unless, of course, they were trying to diminish the amount.

Also since April of 2009, we have seen tea party groups begin a foray into local politics. From coast to coast tea party groups have been holding candidate forums, endorsing candidates, and proffering candidates from their own ranks. Now, as it is right now this moment, we are still at a nascent stage of these electoral efforts, so it is difficult to say what will come of it. But the fact is, they’ve begun at various levels from north to south and east to west.
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Tea Party: Instantly Attacked by Old Media, Coffee Party: Immediate Respect from Old Media”