HuffPo ‘Reporter’ Stirs Race Hate in Ferguson

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Huffington Post “Justice Reporter”–whatever that means–named Ryan J. Reilly made himself look foolish twice in the same day as he “reported” on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri this weekend and in one post even made the attempt to enflame racial strife.

The first time Reilly made himself look like a dunce in Ferguson is when he Tweeted a photo of some discarded orange ear plugs and asked his Twitter followers if they looked like “rubber bullets.”

This doofus didn’t just ask his followers if the ear plugs were rubber bullets, he stated his belief that they were rubber bullets.
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HuffPo ‘Reporter’ Stirs Race Hate in Ferguson”

HuffPo’s Non-Movie Review: Brandon Darby’s ‘Informant’ is ‘Misogynistic’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Brandon Darby, one-time liberal activist and now a Breitbart contributor, is the subject of Informant, a new film about his journey through the left’s grievance factory and the act of domestic terrorism he helped the FBI thwart. But Huffington Post is not very happy about it all. In fact, in his quasi review of the film, HuffPo’s Kris Hermes is more upset at Darby for “undermining” the left than he is at folks on his own side that wanted to kill Americans with firebombs.

At the outset Hermes admits that he has no intention to actually review the film in his film review saying, “I ultimately decided to review Informant not for its content.” But instead Hermes announced he intended to use his piece to name call, gripe about Dabry’s actions, and dismiss any wrongdoing from his compatriots in left-wing activism.

Hermes gets right to the name calling, too. In his first paragraph, Hermes calls Darby a “right-wing propagandist,” in his third he oddly calls Darby a “misogynist” and in between he claims that the FBI exists to “criminalize entire Muslim and Arab-American communities” and says Darby did the same thing; “criminalize fellow (left-wing) activists.”
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HuffPo’s Non-Movie Review: Brandon Darby’s ‘Informant’ is ‘Misogynistic’?”

Huffington Post Stirs Race Hate With False Headline

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over at BizPac Review, Joe Saunders exposed a perfect example of how liberals take something that is marginally about race and giving it a misleading headline that is bound to get its race-baiting fans stirred up.

Saunders found a flog Tweet HuffPo sent out on August 14 that really stirs the pot and illegitimately so. The Tweet was meant to drive traffic to a particular HuffPo article and read, “New study: White people are too dumb to know they’re racist”, followed by a link to the article.

Oh, those evil, dumb, stupid racist, whites! Goshdarnitall.

Now, this Tweet doesn’t really even legitimately approximate the headline of the HuffPo piece, which is “White People Support Academic Meritocracy When It Benefits Them, Study Suggests.”

Even worse, the Tweet doesn’t even approximate what the study itself says, either.
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Huffington Post Stirs Race Hate With False Headline”

Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

By all accounts the Interstate 5 bridge collapse in Washington State was a result of an over sized truck load as opposed to “failing infrastructure.” But a plea for greater federal spending figured prominently in many reports on the accident nonetheless.

Naturally, many on the left stampeded immediately to decrying “austerity,” or accused the Republicans of “endangering lives” by opposing big government, while still others blamed the sequester as news of the collapse spread.

In the progressive media, infrastructure also featured prominently in coverage.

CNN, for instance, injected Obama’s call for higher spending in its piece. USA Today also claimed that the bridge collapse would “raise questions about the nation’s infrastructure.” Reuters focused on a call for “public officials to invest in infrastructure and upgrade bridges.” The Associated Press joined Reuters in that focus. And, not to be outdone, Bloomberg said, “The bridge’s collapse put a new focus on the nation’s failing infrastructure, an issue that President Barack Obama has highlighted in his second-term agenda.”

Sadly, the Voice of America also used the collapse as a means to talk about Obama’s spending wants.
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Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government”

Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD

-By Warner Todd Huston

Typical of when a Democrat is president, during a keynote monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the President is spared from too many mean spirited barbs. In keeping with that tradition, TBS’ Conan O’Brien poked a lot of fun at Republicans and conservatives with a bit sharper stick than he used to poke Democrats.

This year’s WHCD started with a slew of media outlets discussing the now annual slam on the event as delivered by long-time Washington reporter Tom Brokaw. The semi-retired NBC anchor has lamented for some time that the whole party atmosphere, replete with musicians and Hollywood celebrities–fittingly, this year the Duck Dynasty folks attended–makes a mockery of the seriousness of the media’s work.

After the President delivered his spiel on Saturday night, late night comedian Conan O’Brien took the stage to deliver the keynote address.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans showed up early as the comedian’s targets and naturally, even though he hasn’t been in office for over four years, now, an obligatory slam of George W. Bush as “stupid” had to be delivered.

Near the top of his address Conan mentioned the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library joking that the library had “Millions of books, articles and documents and if you go you can be the first to read them.”
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Conan O’Brien Slams Republicans, Democrats, the Press at WHCD”

Arianna Huffington Being Sued for Trashing NY Apartment

-By Warner Todd Huston

The owner of a tony New York apartment building is suing liberal media queen Arianna Huffington for what he claims is wide spread damage to a loft she rented in Chelsea. Huffington rented the showy space to give parties and entertain business partners and guests visiting the Big Apple.

Building owner Eric Steel claims that Huffington left the 4,400 square foot, seven-story apartment in rough shape causing $275,000 in damages and he is suing to recover his losses.

According to the lawsuit, destruction ranged from “gouged, stained and otherwise damaged” walls, “scratched, punctured” wood floors, bloodied mattresses and broken appliances.
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Arianna Huffington Being Sued for Trashing NY Apartment”

Media Attack Fox for Airing Teenage Rape Victim’s Name, Ignores That CNN, MSNBC, Others Did Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

Always looking to find some reason to smear Fox News, the website Raw Story slammed the network for airing the name of a 16-year-old rape victim in a March 18 broadcast of America’s Newsroom. But in its zeal to slap Fox, the website neglected to note that other news outlets did the same thing.

Just before noon on March 18, Raw Story reported that during Fox reporter Mike Tobin’s segment on the guilty verdicts in the Steubenville rape case that morning, the name of the victim was broadcast without being censored.

In its original piece, though, Raw Story did not point out that several other mainstream media outlets also aired the victim’s name and did so before Fox News did on Monday.

It has been a long-standing, voluntary tradition that reporters redact the names of rape victims and once Raw Story’s report began to circulate, several other websites jumped on the story to attack Fox for violating that sensible tradition.

By 2 PM that day, Huffington Post jumped on the bandwagon to slam Fox for airing the name of the victim. Not long after that, the progressive site Think Progress also moved to attack Fox over the lapse as did the left-wing site Jezebel.
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Media Attack Fox for Airing Teenage Rape Victim’s Name, Ignores That CNN, MSNBC, Others Did Too”

No HuffPo Inaugural Party This Year?

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the President’s 2009 inauguration, one of the “it” parties was the one thrown by the Huffington Post. But this time around HuffPo isn’t throwing a party at all. That’s quite a let down from 2009.

A quick run down of the celebs that attended the party not to mention and how out of control the party was has been penned by Roger Friedman who himself missed most of the shindig.

During the 2009 blow out, party goers saw Robert DeNiro, Ben Affleck, Josh Groban, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Norman Lear, Rosie Perez, Gerald Butler, Marisa Tomei, John Cusack, Kerry Washington, Leigh Taylor-Young, and many more.

But this year? As Friedman says, “There is no such thing this time around” as a HuffPo inaugural party.

Why not? Perhaps the HuffPo team doesn’t feel quite as exultant as they did in 2009? It might also be because Huffington Post chief Arianna Huffington sold HuffPo to AOL a few years after the 2009 inaugural. It just ain’t like the old days at HuffPo, is it?

So, instead of throwing another party to die for, Huffington Post is opting just to cover the parade and swearing in ceremony as, you know, “journalists,” instead of whooping it up as invested participants.
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No HuffPo Inaugural Party This Year?”

Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post is being accused of purposefully misquoting Steven Crowder, the victim of violence perpetrated by union thugs during protests over Michigan’s worker’s rights legislation, and blaming Crowder for being attacked.

In a December 11 piece by Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post’s “workplace reporter,” Crowder is misquoted at least once. Worse, instead of having Crowder explain himself, his actions are “explained” by a union tough that was on the scene.

The whole story was “reported” from the union perspective and painted Crowder as a “provocateur” who’s main goal was “to get punched.”

The whole of the story was originally presented from the perspective of union member Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, who claimed he witnessed Crowder’s actions that day. According to Spitzley, Crowder was only there only to “provoke” the union thugs. “There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble,” Jamieson reports.
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Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder”

Known Thug Alec Baldwin Claims U.S. ‘Will Never Be Great Again’ Under Romney

-By Warner Todd Huston

Alec Baldwin is warning the country. “America will never be great again under a Romney administration,” the volatile actor sonorously intoned in a recent, rambling Huffington Post screed.

If Mitt Romney is elected, Baldwin tells us, only “rich people” will find the country great. “Everyone else will be asked to dial down their [sic] expectations of what it means to be an American, again,” he warns.

It is clear that Mr. Baldwin isn’t paying attention to his fellow Americans because as a nation we are already lowering our expectations for the future. We are doing so right now, under Barack Obama.

Let’s see how Americans feel under Obama’s regime:
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Known Thug Alec Baldwin Claims U.S. ‘Will Never Be Great Again’ Under Romney”

HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post contributor Sharmine Narwani took the occasion of the murder of our ambassador to Libya to launch into an anti-American diatribe that culminated in her asking why she is supposed to care about Ambassador Chris Stevens’ death or that of the other two killed with him.

Sharmine Narwani, who is also a correspondent for Al Jezeera and an associate at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, took to her Twitter account on Wednesday after it was reported that Ambassador Stevens was murdered by a rioting Islamist crowd in Benghazi, Libya.

100s of 1,000s of Arabs & Muslims slaughtered by American troops. Tell me again why I should care about whatshisname-plus-three?

Almost immediately Twitter followers began to attack the HuffPo blogger for her callousness. But Narwani was unapologetic. At one point she asked a detractor why he questioned her “logic” just because it was different from his. “His life,” she said of the ambassador, “does not hold any more weight than another.”
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HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens”

HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

It might appear odd, but Huffington Post seems to be scolding the Democrats for having “caved in” to pro-religion and pro-Israel forces in the Democrat Party for succeeding in having God and Jerusalem put back into the Democrat Party platform after they were removed earlier today.

Clearly proving that there is a great division in the Democrat Party over these two issues, Huffington Post’s headline screamed that the Democrats have become “The Pushover Party” now that God and Jerusalem have been reinserted into the party platform.

What is also clear is that Huffington Post is siding against God and Israel and saying that real Democrats don’t cave to Christians and Jews.

The day has not been good for the Democrat Party. After the Democrats were embarrassed all during the morning and afternoon of Sept. 5 over the unsettling deletions of God and Jerusalem from their platform, a voice vote was called on the floor of the convention to have God reinserted and also to have it reaffirmed that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel.
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HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform”

Gary Hart Predicts Obama in a Landslide

-By Warner Todd Huston

One-time presidential hopeful Gary Hart recently penned a blog post at Huffington Post predicting that if the coming presidential election is decided on “the economy stupid,” it “won’t even be close.” It’ll be Obama/Biden in a landslide.

Hart notes, and correctly, that the economy is quite intertwined with foreign policy these days due to globalization. Considering the interconnectedness of economic and foreign policy, Hart says, Obama/Biden have the greater experience.

Should President Obama have had a successful foreign policy doctrine and would that Vice President Biden been an able and vital partner in such a policy, Hart might be correct. Unfortunately, few foreign policy experts see a successful Obama foreign policy regime much less any sort of scheme that could even be called the “Obama Doctrine” of foreign policy.

“Leading from behind,” if you will, is not a successful foreign policy doctrine. But Hart is sure that because Obama grew up in Indonesia he better understands the “international set of complex networks” that is our world today.
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Gary Hart Predicts Obama in a Landslide”

HuffPo Editorial Director Howard Fineman: Romney Supporters ‘Xenophobic’ and ‘Nativist’

-By Warner Todd Huston

On a July 23 appearance on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, Huffington Post Editorial Director and former Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman accused Mitt Romney of pandering to a “xenophobic” Republican Party, a racist party, he said, that is “afraid of the world.”

During a discussion of Michele Bachmann’s questions about Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin’s possible familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, host Chris Matthews asked the left-wing HuffPo editor why Mitt Romney doesn’t “have the guts” to stand up to those in his own party. In reply, Fineman slammed Romney and the “nativist” GOP.
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HuffPo Editorial Director Howard Fineman: Romney Supporters ‘Xenophobic’ and ‘Nativist’”

Media Caught Peddling Left-Wing Narrative in Place of News

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are several things in common that recent stories about a San Diego City Councilman who is running for Mayor have and truth doesn’t seem to be one of them. In fact, these stories are so similar that one is tempted to think that those columnists and “reporters” that wrote these stories had a bit of, um, “help” writing them.

At least three stories, one by David Brooks of the New York Times, one by LA Times columnist George Skelton, and one by partisan Huffington Post blogger William Bradley, all seem to be selling the exact same talking points — and ignoring all the same facts — on San Diego City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio. The three pieces are eerily similar, most especially in the missed truths, accidental, I’m sure.

The central point of each of these stories where DeMaio is concerned is to relate that he is a hard-core, right-wing, Social-Con whose candidacy is the result of the GOP moving “further to the right” than ever. This is, apparently, to show that even on the left coast where “moderates” supposedly reign, the GOP can’t stay in the mainstream of the local political scene.
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Media Caught Peddling Left-Wing Narrative in Place of News”

Liberal Tactics: Just Lie, No One Will Check!

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say, at this point I am convinced that no one on the left really hates racism. In fact, they love it as it is their most important tool with which to control gullible voters. Cry racism and their mind-numbed acolytes dutifully echo the charge whether it is true or not — and it’s usually not. Well, they’ve done it again, cast the race card at conservatives. But this time they fell into a trap laid for them purposefully, set in order to prove their hatemongering, stupidity, cynicism, and lies.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last weekend a humorous video debuted during the blogger awards hosted by John Hawkins of It was a rap video created by comedian Steven Crowder and his pal Chris Loesch. They called themselves the “Powdered Zombies” and the song was meant to highlight the wrong turn this country has made and how we’ve drifted away from the founder’s ideas.

One line of the song was an obvious satire on the left’s constant cries of racism. Remembering that these rap singers were evoking the founders, the line in question goes: “But I’m back from the dead now bringing back all my knickers.” The next line confirms what the reference meant: “I’m just talking about my short pants.”
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Liberal Tactics: Just Lie, No One Will Check!”

Romney ‘Shoe Shine’ Photo a Hoax, Left-Wingers Push Story Anyway

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want to see a perfect example of how the left-wing media plans to smear and destroy Mitt Romney should he win the GOP nomination, no better example can be found than the hoax over a photo that lefties every where are trying to sell as evidence of Romney’s “privileged” life. Lefties say the photo in question shows Romney “getting his shoes shined” before getting on a private jet during his campaign travel. That is not what the photo shows, of course, but let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good left-wing mudslinging, OK?

The meme began from a photo by Getty showing Romney sitting in a chair on the tarmac with his foot up and a red-jacketed worker attending to the candidate’s footwear. The left immediately assumed that Romney was getting his shoes shined before getting on a “corporate” jet. This story was made up out of whole cloth because in reality what the picture shows is Romney getting his shoes wanded by an explosive sniffing device wielded by a TSA agent before being allowed to board the plane.

The photo seems to have appeared early on the blog of the MSNBC smear show The Ed Schultz Show with the headline, “Romney Creates Another Job.” The caption set the tone for the left-wing onslaught to come saying, “Mitt Romney created another job with his presence alone… a job giving shoe shines on the tarmac in front of a corporate jet.”
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Romney ‘Shoe Shine’ Photo a Hoax, Left-Wingers Push Story Anyway”

Oil is There. Obama Doesn’t Care.

-By Kevin Roeten

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has told the Obama Administration they’ve found enough oil under US territory that estimates 163 billion barrels of recoverable oil and enough natural gas to meet the country’s demand for 90 years. [Read more:]

Back in 2006, the Department of Energy (DoE) and the Mineral Management Service (MMS) both revealed the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) had enough oil to last at least another 50 years [Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental Shelf, 2006 (Summary Brochure)].

The map above is from a 2006 MMS titled “Assessment of Undiscovered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental Shelf”. Additional details are here.

That was well before the CRS report. In fact, the CRS report shows how the US leads all nations in World Fossil Fuel Resources. That includes Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran–everyone.
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Oil is There. Obama Doesn’t Care.”

Alec Baldwin Calls HuffPo Readers Stupid

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ooopsie. Looks like all is not honey and roses in the left-wing, out of the mainstream land of Huffington Post. When one of the site’s most popular bloggers and celebrities calls HuffyPo readers stupid, it makes for a tense atmosphere among the out of the stratosphere left.

Alec Baldiwn, famed for his left-wing diatribes — oh, and some acting here and there — took to Twitter once again to criticize the readers and commenters at HuffPo after a gaggle of negative comments posted at the tail end of one of his latest HuffPo screeds.

“The reading comprehension level of the HuffPo comments folks is alarmingly low. I mean, downright awful,” Baldwin lamented.

Now, usually when I write about things like this I go into why the comment by the writer was made, what misconceptions were evinced by his critics, and what his response was to those critics… but it’s Alec Baldwin and Huffington Post we are talking about here. Making sense of anything that goes on there is somewhat impossible, not to mention a waste of time.
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Alec Baldwin Calls HuffPo Readers Stupid”

Headline Potpourri #21: NYT Phrenologists, Mr. Turtle Shackled, & Rampaging Huffington

-By Frederick Meekins

A New York Times correspondent insists that Americans living in the middle of the country have sloping foreheads. Weren’t the Nazis also obsessed with equating cranial shape with intelligence?

The Washington Post labeled Glenn Beck as a “creature” in regards to his pending rally in Israel. I thought bastions of tolerance such as the Post use to warm that such linguistic dehumanization was the first step taken by the Nazis.

Since the average American is no longer able to go much of anywhere because of gas prices, environmentalists are now set to declare against home entertainment devices. It is claimed that these machines use too much electricity. Before it’s all over with, they will probably summarily execute those of us wearing eye glasses and march everyone else out to toil in the rice paddies. It will likely fall under Frau Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign.
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Headline Potpourri #21: NYT Phrenologists, Mr. Turtle Shackled, & Rampaging Huffington”

Arianna Huffington Sued for Being Blog Slavemaster

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say my feelings swing wildly on this story. After all, I thrill to see these extremist, lefties slaving away for free while their boss makes millions upon millions of dollars off their backs. It’s just too funny. Yet… and yet, I too am a writer that does some work (and too much at that) for free and I fully understand the ire that some of Huffington’s digital plantation slaves feel. And apparently the ire over there has caused at least one guy to take Puffington Post to court. This week Jonathan Tasini filed a class-action lawsuit against HuffPo on behalf of the Puffington plantation’s blogger slaves.

Ever since Arianna Huffington merged her famous blog with AOL and was awarded control of its news services, some of her former bloggers began to get restless. With Arianna getting $315 million buckaroos in her pocket those writers that made her famous with their years of unpaid blogging began to think that they deserved to get a piece of the puffypie at long last…

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HuffPo’s Politics Daily Called Muslim Democrat Congressman a Republican

-By Warner Todd Huston

She was touted on Politics Daily as the “Capitol Hill Bureau Chief,” but Patricia Murphy doesn’t seem to know to which party the first Muslim member of Congress belongs. Amusingly enough, Politics Daily is one of those websites that Huffington Post has absorbed as a result of AOL’s $15 million buyout of the left-wing screeder.

Murphy starts off her coverage of Peter King’s hearings on radical Islam last week by saying that Rep. Keith Ellison is a Republican from Minnesota. This, of course, is wrong, wrong, wrong. Ellison is most decidedly a Democrat from Minneapolis, not a Republican…

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HuffPo’s Politics Daily Called Muslim Democrat Congressman a Republican”

A Tale of Two Book Banners: Palin Ripped, Kagan Excused

-By Warner Todd Huston

Comparisons are always a great way to show how differently the Old Media treats conservative and leftist politicians in America today and Obama’s nomination of the Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court gives us another opportunity to see the Old Media’s penchant to excoriate a Republican’s actions while soft peddling and excusing away similar actions by a left-winger.

In this case, it is instructive to see how the Old Media treated the claim that Sarah Palin banned books from the Wasilla library when she was mayor and today how it is treating the recently highlighted Supreme Court arguments made by Elena Kagan that the government could ban books under the McCain-Feingold Act.

After McCain picked Governor Sarah Palin for his number two slot during the 2008 campaign for president the Old Media lit upon a story that said Sarah Palin tried to ban books from the Wasilla library when she was mayor there in 1996. A list of the supposedly banned books was even bandied about by the left-wing blogs causing a ruckus in the media but it turned out the list had books on it published years after Palin had left the Mayor’s office. The list was a fabrication and was lifted from a website that detailed the books that had been banned at one time or another, in one place or another, over the last 100 years.

As it turned out the whole story came from another former Wasilla mayor. He claimed that Palin had asked a Wasilla librarian “how she could go about banning books.” No books were banned, no list was made and Palin said she was asked by a constituent to look into how a book might be removed for its “objectionable material.”
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A Tale of Two Book Banners: Palin Ripped, Kagan Excused”

SEIU Thugs Terrorize Teenage Boy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nice work, SEIU. Service Employee International Union members descended upon the home of a banker to protest the banker’s work. The banker wasn’t home but his teenage son was and he was home alone and the 14 bus loads of union thugs scared the heck out of the poor kid.

This was no political protest, it was an inciting, angry mob of union thugs. The Fortune Magazine piece that reported the incident made a salient point about the whole thing.

Targeting homes and families seems to put SEIU in the ranks of (now jailed) radical animal-rights activists and the Kansas anti-gay fundamentalists harassing the grieving parents of a dead 20-year-old soldier at his funeral (the Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on the latter). But that’s not a conversation that SEIU officials want to have.

Amusingly, Nina Easton makes another great point in the friendly coverage of this outrageous union thuggery. The Old Media didn’t even attend and the whole thing was covered by an activist Huffington Post blogger.
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SEIU Thugs Terrorize Teenage Boy”

Tea Party: Instantly Attacked by Old Media, Coffee Party: Immediate Respect from Old Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nothing says “media bias” like coffee in the morning.

If anyone ever wanted to see an example of the bias of the Old Media no better example can be found than the different ways that it has treated the tea party movement and the coffee party astroturf effort. The tea party movement was initially ignored, then it was ridiculed, then it was attacked as dangerous, but no where in the Old Media was it treated as a valid, powerful political movement despite the literally millions of Americans that have attended them.

On the other hand, the astroturf coffee party effort created by an Obama campaign staffer was treated as a viable, important effort from the second it was announced and all that quite despite the fact that no coffee party event seems to have been able to turn out more than 20 people at a time.

Let’s look at some numbers. Just from those first tax day tea party events (April 15, 2009) the number of participants topped *500,000. And since then there have been thousands of more tea party protests of all sorts sponsored by any number of local and national groups and they, too, have turned out thousands of participants. There have been tea party participants in the millions since April of 2009.

Of course, the Old Media has done its best to downplay the number of tea party protestors. Instead of detailing the actual numbers, the Old Media continues to use the nebulous phrase “hundreds of protestors,” or when the numbers are greater the dismissive “thousands of protestors.” An excellent example of this can be seen in the great Washington D.C. protest of September of 2009. Where the foreign press noted that as many as a million flooded Washington D.C. on September 12, 2009, the American Old Media insisted on using the less accurate phrase “tens of thousands.” When asked to quantify a million people no one would use the phrase “tens of thousands,” unless, of course, they were trying to diminish the amount.

Also since April of 2009, we have seen tea party groups begin a foray into local politics. From coast to coast tea party groups have been holding candidate forums, endorsing candidates, and proffering candidates from their own ranks. Now, as it is right now this moment, we are still at a nascent stage of these electoral efforts, so it is difficult to say what will come of it. But the fact is, they’ve begun at various levels from north to south and east to west.
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Tea Party: Instantly Attacked by Old Media, Coffee Party: Immediate Respect from Old Media”

Democrats Don’t Care About ‘Health,’ It’s All About Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Robert Creamer of the HuffyPost penned a very revealing piece that proves that Democrats simply don’t care at all about anyone’s “health,” but that this whole fiasco is solely about political “wins” and power. If someone happens to get a little healthcare out of the thing, that is purely incidental to the actual purpose of Obamacare.

Creamer’s piece describes the top 10 reasons why voting yes on Obamacare is “good politics for Democrats.” Tellingly, not one of the reasons is because healthcare “reform” is good for the people. In fact, most of his “reasons” that Dems should vote for Obama’s socialist take over of our healthcare system is because it’s good for Obama’s political fortunes.

One would think that Democrats should vote for this “reform” because it’s good for the people, but that idea doesn’t seem to factor into Creamer’s reasons at all. And from the political calculations we’ve seen during this last year of healthcare debate, he isn’t much different than those whose vote will create this socialized healthcare program.
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Democrats Don’t Care About ‘Health,’ It’s All About Politics”

PuffyPost Shows Political Ignorance Once Again: Joe Walsh ‘The Party Candidate’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, the Puffington Post has once again shown that it is wholly un-credible as a source for serious political analysis. This time it’s the “work” of HuffPuffer Will Guzzardi who doesn’t seem to know what a primary is or what it does, at least if his headline can be used as an example.

In his titled “Joe Walsh, First Tea Party Candidate To Win Election, Starts Attracting Attention,” Willie Guzzardi attempts to regale us on his deep knowledge of what occurred in the late Illinois primary. Unfortunately, we can doubt that pretension of depth without getting any further than his header. After all, Joe Walsh was not elected to anything as the headline claims. He did win the nomination of his party in order to run for election, but he didn’t get elected.

Additionally, we can easily take issue with Guzzie’s claim that Walsh is “the tea party candidate.” Yes, Mr. Walsh ran as “the tea party candidate” but previous to December 2009 Mr. Joe Walsh had never once BEEN to a tea party event in his life. And to this he admits openly. His running as “the tea party candidate” was a campaign strategy, not a grass roots reality.

Now, just before the primary on Feb. 2, Walsh did get the endorsement of a local tea party group. So, though belatedly, he did become a “tea party candidate.”
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PuffyPost Shows Political Ignorance Once Again: Joe Walsh ‘The Party Candidate’”

HuffPost Makes Sarah Seem Like a Genius

-By Warner Todd Huston

Being a liberal is like being Hitler, murderer of over six million human beings, were he to have tsk tsked Pol Pot for being so evil as to have murdered three million Cambodians. There is no sense of shame with a liberal. They have no sense whatsoever that anything they’ve ever done should temper their reactions to the actions of others. They have no understanding of the old saw of throwing stones in glass houses.

Take the latest Huff-n-puff screed by Stefan Sirucek, for instance. Our pal Steffie is all up in arms over the fact that Sarah Palin had a few crib notes scribbled on the palm of her hand during her Tea Party appearance.

To young Steffie this is proof that Palin isn’t ready for prime time, proof that she “still couldn’t answer the previously agreed-upon questions without a little extra help.”

Thankfully his post is short. After all, he doesn’t have anything much to say except to guffaw that Palin had scribbled a few notes on her hand and that he thinks this is proof that she’s stupid.

OK, let’s take just a minute to go with that concept. Let’s say that anyone that has to have notes for every single appearance is an idiot that cannot remember to draw a breath unless he has a note to remind him to do it.

If that is a solid point to make, we have but one word that can put little Steffie in his place, make Sarah seem like a genius, and diss his messiah all at once. That word…
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HuffPost Makes Sarah Seem Like a Genius”