Writer Huston: Long Road Ahead for GM, But Don’t Count It Out

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, I was on Newsmax TV on Tuesday…

From the Newsmax website:

It will take a long time for General Motors to regain its reputation as a trusted carmaker — but don’t count it out, says Warner Todd Huston, a writer for Wizbang and Breitbart.com.

“Thirteen people killed tied to this [ignition] faulty switch and GM people running for cover,” Huston told Ed Berliner, guest host of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“But . . . America loves to give people a second act. I wouldn’t count anybody down for the count. [The Rev.] Al Sharpton has been able to make a new living,” Huston said Tuesday.

Since February, GM has recalled 2.6 million vehicles with faulty ignition switches that could cause the engine to turn off and disable the power steering and airbags.

Asked whether the massive recall was a result of negligence on the part of GM, Huston said:

“There’s probably some [who were] saying, no, we’ll fix it later, others that are trying to avoid being held accountable, so, they try to push it off in the background,” he said.

“It’s a mixture of things. I don’t think it’s just . . . negligence, but it’s definitely negligence.”
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Writer Huston: Long Road Ahead for GM, But Don’t Count It Out”

If Congress Tells You It Will Save $$ ‘Over Ten Years’ They Are Lying

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the last few decades, Congressmen have fallen into this scheme of telling us all that their budget deals will “save money over a ten-year period.” Don’t fall for this. It is an outright lie.

No, I am not being hyperbolic, here. The claim that any budget deal will save any money at all over five or ten-year time spans is simply an outright lie and every congressman knows it. When you hear a Congressman, Republican or Democrat, tell you this, they simply aren’t telling the truth.

In fact, it isn’t really even built into the system for one Congress to pass a budget that holds ten future Congresses to its strictures. This is why the Constitution insists that a new budget be passed every year. One Congress can only budget for itself, not any future Congresses.

We have a perfect example of this with the very budget in the news today, the Ryan/Murray budget.

In 2011 Congress agreed to a budget scheme that contained discretionary spending limits. As Sean Davis recently reported, these limits were agreed to by over 70 percent of House Republicans and signed into law by President Obama.

But, wait. Now Ryan/Murray comes along and dispenses with all those limits and hikes spending without any mind at all to the “law” enacted in 2011.

How did this happen? Because any congressional budget agreement made in 2011 has no permanent restrictions on a Congress in 20123.
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If Congress Tells You It Will Save $$ ‘Over Ten Years’ They Are Lying”

Obama Threatens to Crash Global Economy Unless He Gets Everything He Wants

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the most petulant, most arrogant president in American history and now he is threatening to purposefully crash the global economy unless the Republicans bend over backwards, betray their voters, and give Obama every political policy he wants.

Obama keeps claiming that he and his Eurocratic Democrat Party cohorts won’t “pay a ransom” over the current budget impasse in Washington DC. But with his sudden insistence that the GOP abandon the sequester cuts–the only real cuts the GOP has managed to put into place–then he’ll crash the US and global economies. So, essentially Obama is demanding a $1.1 trillion dollar ransom!

$1.1 trillion, as it happens, is what the sequester was going to save. Granted the sequester wasn’t really made up of anything other than cuts in the growth of federal spending, but still it was $1.1 trillion in spending that wasn’t going to happen.

But, now Obama is threatening to force the USA into default unless the GOP abandons even that tiny cut in spending.
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Obama Threatens to Crash Global Economy Unless He Gets Everything He Wants”

Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

By all accounts the Interstate 5 bridge collapse in Washington State was a result of an over sized truck load as opposed to “failing infrastructure.” But a plea for greater federal spending figured prominently in many reports on the accident nonetheless.

Naturally, many on the left stampeded immediately to decrying “austerity,” or accused the Republicans of “endangering lives” by opposing big government, while still others blamed the sequester as news of the collapse spread.

In the progressive media, infrastructure also featured prominently in coverage.

CNN, for instance, injected Obama’s call for higher spending in its piece. USA Today also claimed that the bridge collapse would “raise questions about the nation’s infrastructure.” Reuters focused on a call for “public officials to invest in infrastructure and upgrade bridges.” The Associated Press joined Reuters in that focus. And, not to be outdone, Bloomberg said, “The bridge’s collapse put a new focus on the nation’s failing infrastructure, an issue that President Barack Obama has highlighted in his second-term agenda.”

Sadly, the Voice of America also used the collapse as a means to talk about Obama’s spending wants.
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Washington Bridge Collapse Being Used to Push Big Government”

Obama Claims Air Traffic Controllers Cut to the Bone? Then Why is Budget BIGGER!?

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama has upset the entire air traffic control system with his furloughing of air traffic controllers, shutting towers down, and generally inconveniencing every airline passenger quite despite his so-called “airline passenger bill of rights.” Obama claims the evil Republicans are at fault for slashing the FAA’s budget. But did they? A review of the real budgets/i> show that the FAA’s budget actually increased. It wasn’t slashed at all.

Obama’s FAA budget went up by millions of dollars. So, tell us again, why are we suffering a damaged airline industry?
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Obama Claims Air Traffic Controllers Cut to the Bone? Then Why is Budget BIGGER!?”