MSNBC’s Hard Hitting Reporter, Krystal Ball, a Noted ‘Dumb Ass’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its hard hitting, action packed, information filled coverage of the downing of the Malaysian jet over Ukraine today, MSNBC found time to speak to a highly placed military source who noted… live on the air…. that the plane was downed by a blast of wind “from Howard Stern’s ass.”

In response to that, MSNBC’s Krystal Ball, a vision of journalistic integrity and veracity, went on to ask this important military source what sort of missile was used on the jet.

Then she was told, “boy you’re a dumb ass, aren’t cha?”

Now THAT is journalism… well, what passes for it on the left, anyway.
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MSNBC’s Hard Hitting Reporter, Krystal Ball, a Noted ‘Dumb Ass’”

Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When President Barack Hussein Obama picked Joe Biden to be his number two man, we were all told that it was because good ol’ Joe was the U.S. Senate’s “expert” on foreign policy. He was supposed to act as Obama’s right hand man in an area that Obama had no experience whatsoever. So, with disaster after disaster in foreign policy, it behooves us to ask, where is Joe Biden?

Of course, we all know that Biden has been wrong on every stance he’s ever taken on foreign policy both as a Senator and as Vice President. He has been so consistently wrong that even a member of Obama’s own administration has said Biden is an utter failure on reading foreign policy.

In his recent book, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Biden has been wrong about “nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

It was a stark description that even the left-leaning PolitiFact said was “mostly true.”
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Hey, Wasn’t Joe Biden Supposed to be Obama’s Foreign Policy Expert?”

Ukraine: A Needed Ally

-By Warner Todd Huston

The situation in Ukraine is certainly complicated, not just in the normal way politics is complicated, but by the push and pull between western and Russian influence being visited on the fledgling country. One thing is certain, the U.S. needs to make sure that it wins this tug-o-war for Ukraine’s friendship.

Ukraine has become a leading western-leaning nation in Eastern Europe and it is one we need to strengthen ties with. Unfortunately, the Senate recently passed a resolution threatening sanctions against Ukraine over its political environment.

But it is a mistake to imagine that Ukraine is simply a chip off the Russian block in some resurgent security state harkening back to the days of the Old Soviet Union. The Senate needs to have a more nuanced understanding of the situation in Ukraine than just a simplistic assumption that Ukraine is devolving into another Russian clone.

And this is exactly the point. The U.S. needs to become a more vital partner with Ukraine as it marches toward the west and we need to be there to help make sure Ukraine doesn’t slide back toward Russian influence.

It should be remembered that a past Prime Minister unilaterally signed a long-term gas deal with Russia that binds Ukraine to buy Russian natural gas at above market prices. Even President Viktor Yushchenko, the man famed for ushering in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution, was wholly against this bad deal.
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Ukraine: A Needed Ally”