‘New York Times’ Attacking Marco Rubio’s Wife for Traffic Tickets

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals love to say that family members of their candidates should be “off limits” for attacks in an election. Despite this claim, The New York Times set its sights on Florida Senator and GOP candidate for President Marco Rubio and his wife because they have a few traffic infractions.

In a bizarre Friday expose, the Times breathlessly reported that Marco and his wife have a combined “17 traffic infractions” and said that the Senator and his wife have “shown a tendency to be in a rush on the road.”

In light of the blockbuster book “Clinton Cash,” we have a Democrat presidential candidate who is under suspicion of giving favors to foreign countries–some of them enemies to the USA–in exchange for hundreds of millions in donations to her “charity.” Now, according to the “paper of record,” we have a GOP candidate in Marco Rubio who has a worrisome driving record. Quite a contrast, that.
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‘New York Times’ Attacking Marco Rubio’s Wife for Traffic Tickets”

The Astroturf Attempt to Destroy Rush Limbaugh Exposed

-By Warner Todd Huston

An attempt to destroy Rush Limbaugh through the intimidation of his advertisers has been exposed as the work of a small handful of activists at least one of whom works for the George Soros-funded, astroturf outfit Media Matters for America.

The effort to destroy Limbaugh dubbed “Stop Rush” was started in 2012 by Angelo Carusone, the vice president of the Soros-funded Media Matters website. Carusone intended the effort to be an adjunct to President Obama’s re-election campaign.

The Stop Rush campaign is presented to Limbaugh’s advertisers as an army of regular Americans incensed by Limbaugh’s purportedly “racist” on-air comments. This grassroots army is then purportedly enlisted to frighten advertisers on Limbaugh’s radio show into dumping their sponsorship.

But far from being an army of regular Americans joined together for a cause, an investigation into the group has shown that it is really just the efforts of 10 people. Joining paid media astroturfer Carusone is a Kent State University Professor and several women who seem intertwined with each other.
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The Astroturf Attempt to Destroy Rush Limbaugh Exposed”

Clinton Papers: Bill and Hillary Feared the Internet

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Clinton Library has released over 7,000 pages of documents from Bill’s presidency, likely hoping that what ever is in them will be “old news” by the time Hillary announces her bid for president. But one of the documents is very interesting and shows that Bill and Hillary really feared and hated the free flow of information on the Internet.

A report, titled “Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” was meant to “prove” Hillary’s claim that a “vast right wing conspiracy” was trying to destroy her and Bill. It also made to explain “the Internet influence.”

In 1998, Hillary appeared on NBC’s Today Show and said that a “vast right wing conspiracy” had been trying to destroy her husband “since the day he announced for president.”

Of course, her absurd claim became the joke of the decade and for years afterward conservatives were proud to belong to that “vast right win conspiracy.” The phrase became such a joke, though, that Clinton’s White House decided it had to “prove” the claim with a report linking that “conspiracy” all together.
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Clinton Papers: Bill and Hillary Feared the Internet”

Eating Their Own: Union Wants to Unionize Extremist, Left-Wing Media Matters, Website Owners Furious

-By Warner Todd Huston

Started in 2004, the left-wing propaganda website Media Matters for America has been spreading lies about Republicans and conservatives for a decade, now. Naturally the site has always claimed the center-right coalition is “anti-worker” for opposing unions, but this organization itself has never been unionized. Now the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) is agitating to organize Media Matters and the propaganda outfit is fit to be tied over the union’s efforts.

Started by Clinton operative David Brock, Media Matters for America (MM) has been programming the left-wing media since its debut and one of the organization’s repeated topics has been its blanket support for unions and for all the things unions advocate. Most especially a support for the union goal of “card check.”

Card check is a union scheme of making the unionization of a business easier–easier for unions, not employers. One of its features is to have employees voting on whether or not to allow a union to enter the workplace forced to vote their preference out in the open, without a secret ballot.
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Eating Their Own: Union Wants to Unionize Extremist, Left-Wing Media Matters, Website Owners Furious”

Fmr Media Matters Hack Says Romney Too White for Black Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now we have to ask, who is using the race card in this presidential campaign again? Is it Republicans? Is it Governor Romney? Nope. You got it, it’s the left as we see again with the efforts of a former operative of Soros-funded Media Matters and some of his Old Media pals who have created a video saying that Mitt Romney is too white to appeal to black voters. So much for that new tone, eh?

Just in time to diss Romney before he speaks to a gathering of the NAACP, a liberal advocacy group made up of four long-time left-wing media operatives is attempting to turn blacks against Romney apparently because being white somehow makes it impossible for them to vote for him.

Set up as a faux meeting of Romney’s advisers, the video goes on to bash Mormonism, to claim that Republicans want to disenfranchise blacks and young voters, and that Republicans are perpetrating racism against Obama, not to mention holding birtherism against the Massachusetts Governor despite that Romney has never agreed with the birth certificate questions.

The video begins with a faux advisor who is presented as the guy that created the Willie Horton ads in 1988 for George H.W. Bush. This character tries to advise the Governor how to talk to the NAACP. Eventually he ends up saying that Romney is so white that he “makes Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel.”

“Let me be clear about something, this is not about the blacks. Now Governor you are a very nice man, you are a very nice white man. You are so white, you are extremely white. You make Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel,” the pretend Romney advisor says.
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Fmr Media Matters Hack Says Romney Too White for Black Voters”

Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors

-By Warner Todd Huston

A luxury resort in Miami, Florida with police-guarded closed doors was the home of a secret George Soros-backed summit attended by deep-pocketed left-wing donors over the weekend of May 12. They met to plan their strategy for the 2012 elections and beyond. Yes, it was all hush hush and secret-like — so much for all that “transparency” those lefties are always braying about.

The event hosted by the leftist group Democracy Alliance was reported upon by the Washington Free Beacon from afar. I say from afar because the Soros-paid group refused the reporters access to the event.

Holding true to their hoary claims of the need for an open and transparent political system, the cadre of lefties had armed guards turn away reporters of the Beacon who tried to gain access to the summit after-party. The Beacon’s reporters were even harassed in front of the hotel by the rent-a-cops paid by Soros and his pals to keep the summit secret.

Attendees of the summit include a who’s who of left-wing One Percenters and Union thugs, including:
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Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors”

Media Matters’ Resident Anti-Semite Steps Down

-By Warner Todd Huston

MJ Rosenberg, the controversial and virulently anti-Israel Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Media Matters Action Network, announced in his latest blog posting that he is leaving his $130,000 plus per year job at the organization.

In his Friday, April 6, post, Rosenberg said he is leaving Media Matters because his continued presence is causing “possible harm” to the organization due to his “critical writings about Israel.”

My presence here is being used in an effort to shut Media Matters up. That won’t happen, of course. This is an incredibly successful organization. (Just ask Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh – or Rupert Murdoch, for that matter — about its impact). But the last thing I want to do is allow the right to use my support for a reinvigorated Middle East peace process to distract Media Matters from its primary mission: fighting for truth in the media.

Rosenberg is putting it lightly to say he is but “critical” of Israel.
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Media Matters’ Resident Anti-Semite Steps Down”