FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning that the country faces an increasing level of threats from acts of domestic terror at the hands of a growing number of “black identity extremist” (BIE) groups.

The bombshell new report released by the FBI’s counterterrorism division states that these groups are targeting police.

“[I]t is very likely BIEs proactively target police and openly identify and justify their actions with social-political agendas commensurate with their perceived injustices against African Americans,” the report says, according to Fox News.

The report goes on to say that these BIE’s began forming after the 2014 shooting of African American teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The report mentions that the Bureau began monitoring for threats after the Ferguson riots and in the intervening years have complied a long list of incidents to prove the threat is real. It also noted that these incidents of violence are “likely” to continue.

“It is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African-Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year,” the paper said. “It is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African-Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement.”

Naturally, minority groups are insisting that the relatively new term “black identity extremists” is “racial profiling” and an example of racism at the FBI.
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FBI Warns of Growing Domestic Terror Threat Posed by Black Extremist Groups”

History Shows That Most American Political Violence is Perpetrated by Leftists

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer attempted to assassinate Republican members of Congress in Virginia, many on the left began insisting that “both sides” need to moderate their violent political rhetoric. But history proves that leftists are guilty of most of the politically-motivated violence in the U.S

Democrat volunteer James T. Hodgkinson opened fire as Republicans practiced for a charity baseball game, seriously wounding Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), on June 14, 2017. Immediately thereafter, the New York Times blamed Republican “violent rhetoric” for the Democrat shooter’s actions. And as the nation took stock of Hodgkinson’s actions, many voices also called for “both sides” to stop with the harsh political rhetoric. The conceit is that “both sides” are responsible for Hodgkinson’s crime.

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History Shows That Most American Political Violence is Perpetrated by Leftists”

Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order

-By Warner Todd Huston

After President Donald Trump released his revised travel order, the left once again went wild with false claims about what it all meant. In particular, The New York Times jumped on the order and justified its criticism by making false claims. Typical liberal fake news.

In it’s story about Trump’s newest travel order, Glenn Thrush insisted that no terrorist has attacked the U.S. from any of the nations that are mentioned in the president’s temporary moratorium on travel. He went even further to claim that few Americans have been killed by terrorists inside the U.S.A. since 2001.

Here is how Thrush put it in his March 7 piece:

Since 2001, 18 of the 36 Muslim extremists who have engaged in attacks inside the United States were born in the United States, while 14 migrated here as children and would not have been stopped by the new vetting process, according to an analysis by Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina.

None came from the banned nations; Muslim extremists have accounted for 16 out of 240,000 murders in the United States since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

First of all that last bit is 100% wrong. Thrush insisted that only 16 people have been murdered in the U.S. by Muslim extremists since 2001. But he is way, way off on his math.
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Fake News: ‘New York Times’ Again Caught Lying About Radical Muslim Terrorism and Trump’s New Travel Order”

Watch: Dem Chair Gets Cornered On Fox News, Has To Admit Something BIG About Hillary She Didn’t Want To

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D, FL, was cornered on Fox News about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s violations of national security and Schultz slipped up big time in her reply giving an admission that Hillary won’t want to hear..

Schultz appeared on “Fox News Sunday” to defend Hillary Clinton but didn’t do a very good job. Other than sounding a bit halting and confused with her delivery, the core of her argument was that with her email use Hillary didn’t do anything differently than other high profile members of government. But Schultz defeated her own claims with one little line.

First off Schultz said it was “ludicrous” for the FBI to investigate Hillary’s breach of national security laws for sending classified information over a private email server housed in her own home and then deleting tens of thousands of them so they could never be seen.
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Watch: Dem Chair Gets Cornered On Fox News, Has To Admit Something BIG About Hillary She Didn’t Want To”

Dem. Abandons House Bid After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Evil’ In Act of PCism Gone to Logical End

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Democrat candidate for the House in Minnesota has abandoned his campaign and fled his social media after saying that ISIS “isn’t necessarily evil” prompting an avalanche of criticism. He said his Tweet was poorly worded and didn’t relate what he actually meant, but his nonsense is a perfect encapsulation of the utter stupidity of left-wing, politically correct thinking taken to its logical end point.

Dan Kimmel, of Burnsville, Minnesota took to Twitter on Saturday to belch out the proper level of PCism as a response to Friday’s terror attacks in Paris. But unbeknownst to him his Tweet was to become the end of his own campaign for office.

The foolish Tweet read as follows: “ISIS isn’t necessarily evil. It is made up of people doing what they think is best for their community. Violence is not the answer, though.”

In minutes the Democrat was heavily criticized and not long afterward he deleted the Tweet. But the recriminations continued and got so harsh that even the state Democrat Party called on him to quit the race. In short order he did end up quitting his campaign and retreated from the public eye.

Kimmel apologized on his campaign website saying the Tweet “was poorly worded and did not convey my intent.” He also said, “the tweet was stupid.”

But, while the Tweet was certainly very, very stupid and made Kimmel out to be a moron, it most certainly did convey exactly what he meant and he meant it in only the best PC style.

Let’s parse his Tweet…
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Dem. Abandons House Bid After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Evil’ In Act of PCism Gone to Logical End”

Obama Again Refuses to Properly Blame Islam for Terrorism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Before the last act of terror was over in Paris, President Obama rushed out to make a short address to the nation to give America’s response to the outrage. But the President somehow forgot to mention anything about just what caused these attacks: Islamic terrorism.

Obama began his short address saying, “We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of France need to respond.”

The President told the nation and the people of France, “It’s an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people of France, but on all of humanity. He added that “the bonds of liberté, egalité, and fraternité are not only values that the French people care so deeply about but they are values we share.”

“Those who think that they can terrorize the people of France or the values that they stand for are wrong,” Obama insisted.
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Obama Again Refuses to Properly Blame Islam for Terrorism”

Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since the day his regime took over in Washington, Barack Obama’s blinkered “intelligence” agencies have been warning that it is white people, conservative groups, tea partiers, military veterans, and “militias” that are the real danger lurking in America and recently Obama’s FBI did it again claiming that “militias” (read white male gun enthusiasts) are looking to attack Muslims inside the USA.

In a report issued in May only to police departments and other law enforcement agencies, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division insisted that “militia extremists” are looking to kill Muslims. The report goes on to cite two–yes only two–instances of “militia” leaders saying they are mad at Muslims and may want to target them.

No actual instances of this desire to attack Muslims has been seen, though. Only talk. Still, the FBI is all worried over Americans with guns.

An intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in late May warns that so-called “militia extremists” are likely to begin targeting Muslim institutions, including mosques and other religious facilities. The bulletin titled “Militia Extremists Expand Target Sets To Include Muslims” was obtained by Public Intelligence after being released to law enforcement in late May, just days before a planned “freedom of speech” rally outside a Phoenix mosque which attracted numerous individuals dressed in camouflage, tactical gear and carrying loaded assault weapons.

Based primarily on a “large body of source reporting generated mainly since 2013,” the bulletin states that militia extremists are “expanding their target sets to include Muslims and Islamic religious institutions in the United States.” The recent targeting of Muslims augments prior FBI analysis, contained in a January 2015 report, which found that “established militia extremists target government personnel and law enforcement officers, perceived threats from abroad, and individuals or institutions that seek to constrain Second Amendment rights.”

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Obama Admin. Again Warning That White ‘Militias’ are as Big a Threat as Islamists”

Obama’s Homeland Security Chief Says Terrorism is NOT Caused by Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is why we are failing to stop Muslim terrorists. If we can’t identify who the enemy is, how can we fight him? The question is pertinent since this week Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security insisted that Islam is not the cause of any terrorism in the world today. How can he say that? Because he claims that terrorists aren’t really Muslims. Oh, you heard that right, America.

DHS secretary Jeh Johnson was recently at a security forum where he flat out refused to identify terrorists as Muslims. Then he went even further to claim that anyone who says that terrorists are Muslims are insulting Islam.

Sec Johnson was asked why he and Obama steadfastly refuse to call the terrorists “radical Muslims” or identify terrorists as Islamists.

“I believe strongly – and I hear this over and over again from Muslim leaders in this country – that to refer to ISIL as ‘Islamic extremism’ concedes too much. It dignifies them as occupying some part of the Islamic faith, which is about peace. And so if you call it ‘Islamic anything,’ uh, we are dignifying this terrorist organization with occupying a part of the Islamic faith which Muslims in this country I know, push back very strongly on,” Johnson said. “So If I went into these [Muslim] communities calling it ‘Islamic extremism,’ I’d get nowhere.”

When the host of the event pointed out that most people feel this is just blatant political correctness, Sec. Johnson replied, “I could not disagree more.”
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Obama’s Homeland Security Chief Says Terrorism is NOT Caused by Islam”

Chattanooga Shooter Identified as ISIS Terrorist and Not ‘A White Guy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the media rushed to report this morning’s attack on two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee some reported that the shooter was “a white guy.” But now we know that the shooter not only isn’t “a white guy” but he is a Middle Easterner likely caught up with the ISIS terror outfit.

Still, some of the earlier reporting on the shootings at two Tennessee military centers identified the shooter as “a white guy.” Many outlets rushed to report what a Muslim man in Chattanooga told the press–likely hoping that it really was a white guy who did the shooting.

The bad witness, one Mohamed Elbardissy–co-owner of the local Toscano Italian Grill–told the media that he saw the shooter and, “He was driving a silver, convertible Mustang” and was “a white guy.”

But it turns out it wasn’t “a white guy” at all. We now know it was a Muslim acting on behalf of the terror group ISIS or at the very least acting out his own little jihad.
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Chattanooga Shooter Identified as ISIS Terrorist and Not ‘A White Guy’”

Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this week Vox.com released an interview with President Obama where he dismissed the radical Islamist attacks on a Jewish deli in France as just some “random shooting of a bunch of folks” instead of the Islamist terror attack it was. But what many didn’t seem to notice was Obama’s anti-Jewish rhetoric uttered during that same segment.

In the interview released Monday, Obama rambled about the history of capitalism and gave another example of his “you didn’t build that” garbage. Obama then explicitly endorsed communist-styled wealth redistribution.

But his comments about the attack on a French deli by radial Islamists got a lot of press. Here is the full quote:
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Obama’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric in Softball Vox Interview”

As Islamists Murder People All Across the World, the Commie Pope Attacks America

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Islamists cut off people’s heads while they are still alive, as they burn people alive, as they murder women, gays, people of “errant” religious beliefs, and commit every manner of atrocity, the Commie Pope in Rome is finally speaking up to condemn the “inhuman conditions” perpetrated by…. the United States of America.

That’s right, folks, as Islamists go on a terror–literally– everywhere in the world–again, literally–Pope Francis, the “Commie Pope,” has words of condemnation for the USA. Apparently he isn’t that upset at the Islamists, but is really sick and tired of America’s crazy idea that it should be allowed to decide for itself who should be allowed into its country and to prevent those it feels undesirable from entering.
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As Islamists Murder People All Across the World, the Commie Pope Attacks America”

Congress Mulling Mandatory Isolation for Returning Ebola Doctors

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a doctor returning from treating patients in West Africa was diagnosed with the deadly Ebola virus, some in Congress are proposing that any healthcare worker returning from overseas after treating Ebola patients must be placed in isolation to make sure they are free of the disease.

Doctor Craig Spencer was diagnosed with Ebola upon returning to the US after taking care of Ebola patients in Guinea but when he first came home he was not exhibiting any symptoms. But only days after his return Spencer checked into Bellevue Hospital in New York and in short order was diagnosed with the virus.

The doctor is now in isolation and being treated for Ebola.

Before he began showing symptoms, Dr. Spencer was carrying on his life as normal, riding city mass transit, eating out, even going bowling. This is something that has alarmed lawmakers sparking a motion to make isolation mandatory.
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Congress Mulling Mandatory Isolation for Returning Ebola Doctors”

Secret Service Allowed White House Jumper to Run All Throughout the White House

-By Warner Todd Huston

What the heck happened to the Secret Service? Has it been so feminized that now it can’t even protect the president anymore?

We are now learning that the Secret Service couldn’t stop one nutty dude from jumping the White House wrought iron fence and the running all through the White House. Worse, they lied to us by initially saying that they stopped him just inside the entrance at the East Portico of the presidential residence.

But it turns out he ran all around inside the White House before the Secret Service finally stopped him.

We’ve also now been told that alarms called “crash boxes” had been actually turned off and this was another reason the Sec. Serv. couldn’t find the guy.

There was also a dog on hand that no one thought to use.

Secret Service Director Julia Pierson recently said the breach was “unacceptable” to her, before she went back to doing her nails, I guess.
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Secret Service Allowed White House Jumper to Run All Throughout the White House”

A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials in Austria have gone public with fears that the terror group ISIS may be finding a new wave of recruits among its teenaged girls after a number of girls have run away from home intending to join ISIS forces in Iraq or Syria. Unfortunately, Austria isn’t alone teens are fleeing countries all across the west to join jihadis.

Earlier this year, two teenaged Austrian girls ran off to Syria and soon began posting photos of themselves on their social media accounts toting AK47s, wearing burkas and sporting ISIS regalia. Others have since attempted to run away and join these girls sparking fears among officials that the girls are fostering a sickening trend of wannabe terrorist runaways.

Thanks to their social media updates, Samra Kesinovic, 16 and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, have become minor celebrities among many teens in Austria’s Muslim minority community after the two ran away from their homes in Austria and ended up hanging around ISIS in Syria.

This month authorities announced that they apprehended two more teen girls who were trying to find passage through Turkey and into Syria to join the ISIS jihad movement.
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A Growing Number of Teen Girls in West Volunteering for Islamist Terror Group ISIS”

Cities That Have Used Military Equipment for Riot Control Might Owe Feds Millions

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday, Obama administration officials testified that local police who received surplus military equipment from a government program were never supposed to use that equipment for riot control and if the items were misused, cities may be forced to repay millions in grants given them by the government to purchase the equipment.

The testimony was delivered before Congress by members of the Defense and Homeland Security departments on Tuesday afternoon in a hearing that was spurred by shocking images from Ferguson, Missouri where police used a variety of military-styled equipment to quell rioting last month. Local police obtained some of that surplus military equipment through the Pentagon’s 1033 Program.

During the hearing Senators pointed out that many departments have been given equipment that they really have no legitimate need for. During the hearing it was revealed that one small Oklahoma county sheriff’s department for instance, received two 18-ton MRAP armored vehicles even though the department has only one full-time peace officer.

Several Senators questioned just why local police need military equipment at all. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul noted that 12,000 bayonets have been given out to local police and he wondered why a weapon of war like that, one used solely for killing and not peacekeeping, needed to be placed in the hands of a police department.
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Cities That Have Used Military Equipment for Riot Control Might Owe Feds Millions”

Obama’s FBI’s Threat Matrix Excludes Islamic Terror

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Islam remains the biggest threat facing the world today, Obama’s feckless FBI has released a “threat assessment” report that doesn’t mention Islamic terror at all. According to Obama, it is white people who are the threat.

The FBI’s internal threat report claims that white supremacists, patriot militias, anti-abortion activists, and black separatists are the real threat.

But despite the Boston Marathon bombing, despite stories that some ISIS fighters in Iraq have been discovered to be American citizens, despite that the FBI itself has busted dozens of would-be home-grown Islamic terrorists, Obama’s FBI does not once mention in this report that there could be any Islamic terror threats inside the USA.

No, according to Obama’s FBI it is white people we have to fear. You know, despite that fact that almost no threats from such evil white people have ever occurred.
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Obama’s FBI’s Threat Matrix Excludes Islamic Terror”

Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go Sale’–We Want YOUR Town to have a FREE TANK!

If your town has a Strawberry Festival… YOU NEED A TANK!

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Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go Sale’–We Want YOUR Town to have a FREE TANK!”

CNN Quietly Changes Story that DOJ Held Back Ferguson Robbery Video

-by Warner Todd Huston

Looks like CNN is trying to cover Obama’s rear end by quietly changing its story about how the DOJ’s Eric Holder told the Ferguson police to withhold the video showing slain teen Michael Brown robbing a local store. It now appears that Obama wanted riots to happen in Ferguson.

Early on Saturday a conflict between the local police in riot plagued Ferguson, Missouri and the federal government came to light over the release of the video of the store robbery that allegedly depicts slain teen Michael Brown robbing a local store only hours before he was killed by police. CNN reported that the feds delayed the release of the footage by telling the local cops not to release it to the public. The police eventually released it anyway, but only after nearly a week of rioting.

One of the reasons the police finally released the video was because the community was calling for more transparency from police. But CNN initially reported that Obama’s Department of Justice told them not to release the video.
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CNN Quietly Changes Story that DOJ Held Back Ferguson Robbery Video”

Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we get left-wingers advising government officials that fanatical Islamists and other foreign terrorists are just as bad as patriotic Americans.

A new report titled, “Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes,” was penned by a cadre of professors at the University of Maryland advising the Department of Homeland Security that foreign threats are just as bad as people who love the Constitution, people who want to observe their Second Amendment rights, and people who love the flag and think America is a great nation.

Yes, these so-called educators are paid with your tax dollars to spread alarm and hate for our own citizens.

The report is a guide for “law enforcement” officials on how to create new intelligence practices.
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Dept. of Homeland Security Report: Patriotic Americans A Danger”

Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has a great idea. He wants Obama to bring all the illegals to Illinois! In a state that sits at the bottom of every metric that makes a successful state–rampant unemployment, lowest job creation, highest debt, biggest pension crisis, worst business climate–Pat Quinn wants to import thousands of people who have no jobs and no prospects for one, people with no education, and people possibly full of diseases right here to the Land of Lincoln.

On Friday evening after the news day was done, Quinn announced that he is prepared to give as many illegals as Obama can spare a place to stay in Illinois.

During the announcement, Quinn spokesman Grant Klintzman said, “If a location is needed we are prepared to aid the federal government in finding a suitable one.”
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Worst American Governor Pat Quinn Urges Obama to Bring all Illegals to Illinois”

Paying Off Obama’s Buddies: Another Way Illegal Aliens Are Wasting Your Tax Dollars

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Obama starts shipping tens of thousands of these illegal alien minors all across the nation to be housed in cities everywhere, your tax dollars follow them and some of this money is going to Obama’s pals in liberal organizations and unions to care for these children all paid for by you and me.

Obama is pumping billions of dollars into the feeding and care of hundreds of thousands of illegals who have swamped our southern border expecting–and getting–all sorts of freebies not to mention expecting to become instant citizens. But it isn’t just the billions he is spending at the border going on in this mounting crisis. Obama is also billions on these illegals in other parts of the country.

In Illinois, for instance, several left-wing groups, including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)–all huge supporters of Obama–are getting hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to care for illegals shipped from Texas to the Windy City.
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Paying Off Obama’s Buddies: Another Way Illegal Aliens Are Wasting Your Tax Dollars”

At Last: A Congressman Looking to Disarm All Those Federal Agencies

-By Warner Todd Huston

We already have a military. We already have a foreign service. We already have a national domestic police agency. We’ve had these things for over a hundred years. So, why does every last federal department need its own automatic machine guns and SWAT teams? Well, they don’t and one Congressman is finally speaking out and looking to disarm all these federal agencies that have unnecessary private armies.

Did you know that the Food & Drug Administration has machine guns and a SWAT team? Did you know even the Department of Education has that, too? We already know that the Bureau of Land Management does. So do the IRS, the USDA, and practically every other piddling, unnecessary federal department.
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At Last: A Congressman Looking to Disarm All Those Federal Agencies”

Fox News Explores the NSA’s ‘Secret War,’ Asks ‘Who is the Enemy’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the US government has engaged in a secret war against… well, even those not under a rock are fuzzy on just who the government views as the enemy. That is exactly what Fox News looks to explore with its new special, “Fox News Reporting: The NSA’s Secret War – Who’s the Enemy?”

Fox News will present the one-hour special, hosted by Bret Baer, focusing on the National Security Agency (NSA). The special takes viewers inside the operational heart of the NSA’s headquarters. The program will feature interviews from those within the agency as well as the agency’s critics, including Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), General Keith Alexander and General Michael Hayden, among others.

The special will air on May 10 at 10 PM Eastern. Don’t miss the broadcast, but if you do it will be rebroadcast on Sunday, May 11, at 9PM Eastern.

The following guests will appear with FNC’s Bret Baer:
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
General Michael Hayden, Former Director of NSA (1999 – 2005)
General Keith Alexander, Former Director of NSA (2005 – 2014)
James Bamford, Author of “The Puzzle Palace” and “The Shadow Factory”
Matthew Aid, NSA Historian and author of “The Secret Sentry”
Bart Gellman, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Intelligence Reporter
Thomas Drake, Former Senior Executive of NSA, Whistleblower
Dennis Kucinich, Former U.S. Representative D-OH)
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Fox News Explores the NSA’s ‘Secret War,’ Asks ‘Who is the Enemy’?”

VIDEO: Citizen Tells Sen. McCain He Should be ‘Arrested and Tried for Treason!” For al Qaeda Support

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ouch. At a recent town hall event held by Senator John McCain (Maverick, Arizona) one participant said to McCain’s face that the Senator should be “arrested and tried for treason” for supporting al Qaeda terrorists in Syria.

For those unaware, McCain was one of the biggest boosters of the Syrian rebels currently facing Syrian strongman Bashar al Assad who has been killing thousands of his own people in a civil war for some time, now. McCain felt the US should support the rebels facing Assad, but as it happens at least half the rebels facing Assad are members of al Qaeda, America’s biggest international foe, not to mention those responsible for the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.

Arizona citizen Blaine Cooper called McCain a traitor for sending arms and money to support the Syrian rebels, many of whom are al Qaeda, our worst enemies.
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VIDEO: Citizen Tells Sen. McCain He Should be ‘Arrested and Tried for Treason!” For al Qaeda Support”

Shocking Report: NSA Even Spied on Their Own Loved Ones, Girlfriends, Neighbors

-By Warner Todd Huston

New reports have emerged showing that employees of the National Security Agency have misused their power to spy on American’s communication by keeping tabs on their own girlfriends, boyfriends, family members and neighbors, snooping into what they were doing in their daily lives.

The practice was so blatant that NSA employees had even coined a term for this type of spying: “Love-int.” This stands for “love intelligence,” as in information on loved ones.

It was recently disclosed that the NSA had broken privacy rules on nearly 3,000 occasions over just a one-year period, so imagine how many times they’ve abused their powers over the 10 years they’ve been building these capabilities!

There can be no better example than this of the old axiom, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
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Shocking Report: NSA Even Spied on Their Own Loved Ones, Girlfriends, Neighbors”

Your Federal Gov’t Has Lost 1 Million Foreigners it was Tracking

-By Warner Todd Huston

From the government that wants to take over your healthcare comes word that the Department of Homeland “Security” has, uh, lost over a million foreigners it was supposed to be tracking inside our borders. Welcome to America.

The million lost foreign visitors that were being tracked by DHS via their visa info was recently discussed at The Blaze.com which revealed a new report by the Government Accountability Office.

According to a report by the Government Accountability Office:

“Each year, millions of visitors come to the United States legally on a temporary basis either with or without a visa. Overstays are individuals who were admitted legally on a temporary basis but then overstayed their authorized periods of admission. DHS has primary responsibility for identifying and taking enforcement action to address overstays.”

But despite this responsibility, DHS has lost over a million foreigners with visa information on file, but no departure date noted once that visa expired. The whereabouts of these people are unknown and likely unknowable–at least unknowable by the government.
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Your Federal Gov’t Has Lost 1 Million Foreigners it was Tracking”

Paul Krugman: ‘We Are Kind of an Authoritarian Surveillance State’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberal economist and leading modern Keynesian, Paul Krugman of The New York Times, has been one of Barack Obama’s biggest cheerleaders, but suddenly he is a bit down on the Obama administration saying that he is afraid that the country is becoming an “authoritarian surveillance state.”

With a mounting list of scandals from government-sponsored intimidation of the President’s political enemies, to surveillance of reporters, to a growing list of communications companies allowing government intelligence agencies access to all of our personal phone calls, Internet searches, and text messages, this must be a confusing time for the President’s most ardent supporters. Krugman’s reaction here is an example of that turning of the head.

For Krugman, with latest news about the massive collection of data on everyday Americans he sees the United States of America drifting toward authoritarianism.

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Paul Krugman: ‘We Are Kind of an Authoritarian Surveillance State’”

House Defeats Bill to House Terror Detainees in U.S. Prisons

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Democrats tried to get a bill passed in the House of Representatives to fund an expansion of U.S. prisons in order to house terror suspects in the U.S. heartland instead of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As in years previous, however, the measure was defeated.

On June 4 the House shot down an amendment introduced by Representative Jim Moran (D, Vir.) to the military construction spending bill (H.R. 2216) that would have allowed the move.

Moran’s amendment would have struck out language that prevented the construction funds from going to any U.S. prison in order to house detainees now housed at Guantanamo. Moran insisted that the “best place” for accused terrorists is right here in the United States.

“The best place for them to be housed and then tried is in the United States,” Rep. Moran said. “The continuance of the Guantánamo Bay facility represents an immediate security threat to the United States because it is a rallying cry and a recruitment tool for our enemy.”

Moran’s amendment went down to defeat in a 170-254 vote. Every Republican except one voted against the amendment and the Democrats voted 169-25 in favor.
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House Defeats Bill to House Terror Detainees in U.S. Prisons”

VIDEO: White House Spins Obama’s Role in Benghazi: From Competence to Irrelevance

-By Helle Dale, The Heritage Foundation

With the weekend’s grand slam appearance on the Sunday talk shows by yet another official unqualified to talk about Benghazi, the Obama Administration has again shot itself in the foot.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer attempted to defend U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s mischaracterization of the Benghazi terrorist attack, which she blamed on the now infamous anti-Islam video. It was a poor show.

All of this stands in stark contrast with White House’s handling of the Navy SEAL Team Six raid that killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. We have all seen the images of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton huddled in the White House situation room with the national security staff, riveted to live images of the nighttime raid. It was hardly over before President Obama, speaking proudly as commander in chief, went on national television to announce the death of the enemy of the American people. The Administration even cooperated with the producers of the movie Zero Dark Thirty about the mission to kill bin Laden.

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VIDEO: White House Spins Obama’s Role in Benghazi: From Competence to Irrelevance”

MSNBC’s Toure: Let all Muslims into the US Because Muslim Poverty ‘Threatens Our Security’

-By Warner Todd Huston

MSNBC talker Toure thinks he has discovered a key security flaw in our nation’s policies and has suggested a solution. Poverty in the Muslim world, he says, is a key threat to U.S. security and to nullify that threat we should open the borders wide and let all Muslims come here to get jobs so that their poverty can be alleviated.

Toure offered the rather startling suggestion during MSNBC’s The Cycle on May 6.

The Cycle co-host began his segment informing viewers that he is now “embracing the open borders movement” going on to note that “We already have open borders for large corporations.”

If globalism and open borders is “good for the global corporate rich guys,” he asked “why isn’t it good for people, especially the working class”?
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MSNBC’s Toure: Let all Muslims into the US Because Muslim Poverty ‘Threatens Our Security’”