The Most ‘Transparent’ President in History Has More Secrecy Than Ever

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see an example of the essential falsehood upon which the Obama administration was built. When Obama ran for the White House and then won he did so claiming that his would be an open presidency unlike that evil, evil George Bush’s. But since he won it has become clear that Obama is actually more secretive than Bush was. Yet, liberals give him a pass on this major lie upon which he built his case for election.

During all six years of his presidency we’ve seen the truth come out. But this month we see yet another example. A new study finds that at an increasing rate every year Obama has been censoring government documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act or outright refusing to supply them quite despite his claims that he’d expedite the process and fulfill more requests.

The recent study shows that, “the government’s efforts to be more open about its activities last year were their worst since President Barack Obama took office.”

Despite Obama’s hoary claims that he was going to have the most open and ethical presidency ever, that he’d institute the strictest rules any president ever imposed on himself, reality has come knocking and revealed that the exact opposite has come to pass.

Among other things, the study found that, “five years after Obama directed agencies to less frequently invoke a ‘deliberative process’ exception to withhold materials describing decision-making behind the scenes, the government did it anyway, a record 81,752 times.”

It has all been one gigantic lie. And the liberals? They are paying no attention at all.

But this is only the latest example.

In 2008 Obama ran for president claiming that he wanted to make Washington more transparent than ever. Obama ran as the law-and-order man, he ran as the anti-lobbyist man, and he ran as the man for all the people, the great centrist that would finally work for the people. He ran saying that Bush was a lawless president and that he, Obama, would shut down the illicit Guantanamo facility and immediately end all the “illegal wars” that Bush was prosecuting.

As president we’ve seen that he’s lied with each and every one of those claims.

On the stump and as he first took office, one of Obama’s main bogeymen was lobbyists. He claimed that he’d purge them from Washington. But the truth was a far different thing once he became president. In fact, as soon as he became president Obama began to waive the rules that were supposed to keep lobbyists out of his administration.

He also made sure that lobbyists from left-wing advocacy groups were big winners in the Washington sweepstakes assuring that K Street had its biggest payday ever once he took office. And all the while he was taking millions from lobbyists.

Then we discovered that that lobbyists even skipped White House visitor logs and benefitted from secret meetings between themselves and the administration with off-site meetings away from the White House.

Transparency shmaceparency.

As to Guantanamo, one of the very first acts Obama took was to sign an Executive Order that said he’d close Guantanamo a year after his signing of the order. A year later the facility was still open, remains so to this day, and Obama is making no moves to fulfill his own order.

On top of that, hObama ramped up the military’s presence in Afghanistan not to mention the many thousands more unmanned vehicle predator drone strikes that have killed thousands in Taliban controlled Pakistan and areas of Afghanistan where the US military cannot effectively reach on the ground.

As to Obama’s lawlessness, there are many examples of this.

To name just a few cases Obama has ignored the rulings of judges to allow offshore oil drilling to the point where he ended up in contempt of court. He also refused to prosecute the obvious voter intimidation perpetrated by the Black Panthers in Philadelphia. Additionally he has told his Dept. of Labor to allow unions to violate disclosure rules. And this week we see his next lawless action.

Obama’s Justice Dept. also announced that it simply wouldn’t prosecute cases brought under the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA is law, not just policy, yet Obama simply decided that he won’t prosecute cases brought under that law.

Imagine if a Republican president simply decided out of hand that his Dept. of Justice would not take any abortion cases, or perhaps decided that affirmative action cases should be stonewalled? Or what if a Republican Dept. of Justice decided to ignore any violations of any other law that leftists love? The left and its friends in the Old Media establishment would be up in arms (as they should be for an administration being so lawless).

It all goes to show that Obama says one thing and does another. It also goes to show that he simply does not care about the Constitution or the law. His left-wing, lawless agenda is all he cares about.

Worse, the Old Media and Obama’s other lapdogs don’t much care to highlight his lawlessness.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

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