Video: Urgent – Tell Your Senator to Overturn FCC’s Illicit Net Neutrality Internet Power Grab

-By Seton Motley

From most appearances, the Senate will this week vote on Senate Joint Resolution (S.J.Res) 6 – the Congressional Review Act Resolution of Disapproval of the Obama Administration Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s illegal Internet Net Neutrality power grab.

Only 51 votes are required for passage – which means only 4 Democrats are needed. There are 23 Democrat Senate seats up for reelection next year. A few of these folks aren’t running. The rest are – many in center or center-right states. Additionally, there are a few other Senators that should also be subject to Constitutional reason, and thusly contacted.
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Video: Urgent – Tell Your Senator to Overturn FCC’s Illicit Net Neutrality Internet Power Grab”

Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On MSNBC, John Kerry told us that Tea Party ideas are not “real” ideas, not “factual,” and thinks that the media should stop reporting on anything that smacks of ideas or news coming from Tea Partiers. If this isn’t proof of how Democrats and leftists would use the power of government to quash free political speech, what is?

Not long ago, several Democrats tried to once again raise the ugly head of the defunct Fairness Doctrine that was killed during the Reagan administration in order to limit the free political speech of conservatives. In those dark days when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House of Representatives, several Republicans talked about forever outlawing the anti-free speech rule. Democrats at the time spoke up in favor of the Fairness Doctrine and countered that they wanted to bring it back.

Fortunately, the Fairness Doctrine has not come back. But this un-American policy idea has been talked about by leftists every few years since it was torpedoed by Reagan in 1987. They would love to bring it back. And despite what they claim, the left would use a new Fairness Doctrine to squelch the free political speech of those on the right.
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Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?”

Newsweek: White House Intimidation of NBC ‘Reprehensible’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Old Media is still acting shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that the Obama administration treats them like a redheaded stepchild. Newsweek’s The Daily Beast, for instance, is incredulous at the “reprehensible” actions of the Obama White House for having the temerity to call NBC to scold the cabler over Mark Halperin’s “dick” comment.

You’ll all certainly recall the incident in question. Back on June 30, MSNBC news analyst Mark Halperin unleashed the “d” word on President Obama in an appearance on the cable station’s Morning Joe talk show. Halperin was asked how he thought Obama did in his June 29 press conference and in reply Halperin joked that Obama had been “a dick.”

From there Halperin’s world went topsy turvy to the point where everyone was apologizing on the set of the TV show and only hours later MSNBC was suspending its analyst “indefinitely.”

But one other little part of this story is what brought the ire of Newsweek’s Douglas Schoen and Judith Miller and for good reason, too. The White House called NBC to complain about Halperin’s language. How is it possible, Newsweek wondered, that the White House was so bold as to attempt to intimidate NBC? Worse, why did NBC buckle under that pressure?
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Newsweek: White House Intimidation of NBC ‘Reprehensible’”

Don’t Film Me Bro: Getting Arrested for Filming People in Public Places

-By Warner Todd Huston

The law has not caught up with cell phone cameras, Flip Cameras, compact video cameras, and the electronic age. Two stories being reported last weekend prove out how the ubiquity of video capture devices are often a gray area in the law.

In one case a woman in Rochester, New York, pulled out her video camera to record the actions of a local policeman as he arrested a neighbor. As it happens, this woman was standing on her own front lawn, no where near the policeman who was going about his duties, yet this cop got incensed and arrested her anyway. He claimed she was guilty of obstruction of justice.

How this woman’s actions was interfering with the police officer is impossible to figure, but she was detained nonetheless.
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Don’t Film Me Bro: Getting Arrested for Filming People in Public Places”

MSNBC’s Mark Halperin Calls Obama ‘A Dick,’ Gets Fired For It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Long-time media talking head Mark Halperin has just found out that the left-wing news cabler MSNBC will brook no criticism of their Obammessiah.

On the June 30 episode of Morning Joe Halperin gave a rather frank assessment of how President Barack Obama was acting. As a result of his poke, Halperin was given the shaft by the cable execs.

For his part, Halperin has apologized for his choice of words and claims he agrees with the network’s actions.
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MSNBC’s Mark Halperin Calls Obama ‘A Dick,’ Gets Fired For It”

NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

In its intro to the 2011 U.S. Open golf tournament, NBC Sports had a heart stirring montage of Old Glory, school kids reciting the pledge of allegiance, all intercut with some of golf’s biggest contemporary stars. It had everything: resounding music, patriotism, and golf. But one thing it didn’t have… the whole pledge. It seems NBC sort of forgot the “under God” part of the pledge.

That’s right, NBC cut out the part where the kids say “under God,” as in “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

This was obviously done on purpose. The video of the kids saying the allegiance goes from “one nation” and skips ahead to “with liberty and justice for all.”
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NBC Sports Removes ‘Under God’ From Kids Saying Pledge of Allegiance”

Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betray Us’ MoveOn.Orger

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week President Obama revealed his latest attempt to control the media, the Internet, and the information revealed to the people of the United States by creating a new “press” office of sorts, an Obama ministry of truth, if you will. Obama’s grandiose name for this new office is the Progressive Media & Online Response department. Also named was its new director, Jesse Lee. Lee, it turns out, has an interesting connection to one of the most outrageous anti-American, anti-military media efforts in recent memory.

Jesse Lee, you see, is married to Nita Chaudhary, one of the people responsible for the 2007 newspaper ad that maligned General David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

That’s right, the guy that President Obama has chosen to “correct” the Internet and media and to relay the president’s “truth” is connected to one of the most anti-American, anti-military, left-wing activist groups in America. Lee and his wife are typical, hardcore, leftist extremists yet now they are in the People’s House with Lee responsible to “correct” the people themselves when they dare to question The One.
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Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betray Us’ MoveOn.Orger”

Big Brother Bubba’s Ministry of Internet Facts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Clinton wants the government to “correct” what you say on the Internet, folks. Should the government listen to the former panderer-in-chief, we’ll go from Big Brother to Big Bubba on the ol’ Internet tubes.

Bubba is not happy with what he claims is the “misinformation” on the Internet and he wants the force of government to stop it all. Politico is reporting that Clinton makes the proposal in an upcoming CNBC interview saying, “It would be a legitimate thing to do.”

No, Bubba, it would not.
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Big Brother Bubba’s Ministry of Internet Facts”

Journalist in France Convicted for Anti-Muslim Hate Speech

-By Selwyn Duke

We’ve heard a lot about Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian whose warnings about Muslim influence in his nation place him in the crosshairs of the powers-that-be. But while the tow-headed modern-day Templar has thus far dodged the hangman on Truth-speech charges, another intrepid defender of Western civilization has not been so lucky. And we haven’t heard much about him.

He is French journalist Eric Zemmour, and he was just convicted this week of “inciting racism.” Writes The New American’s R. Cort Kirkwood:

Zemmour’s “controversial” remarks included his observation that most drug dealers in France were black or Arab, and that employers “have the right” to deny employment to those two groups of people.
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Journalist in France Convicted for Anti-Muslim Hate Speech”

Civility? What Channel

-By Frank Salvato

What’s all this talk about civility taking hold in the American political arena? Evidently, Progressive talker Stephanie Miller, who, I guess, has a syndicated radio show – amazing what passes for talent these days on talk radio – didn’t get that memo…strange, too, as her leader, Pres. Obama took to the airwaves after the Tucson tragedy to admonish everyone who was throwing rhetorical bombs under the guise of “political debate.” Yet, for Ms. Miller, it’s full speed ahead with the name-calling and the deprecating jokes. reports that while discussing House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH):
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Civility? What Channel”

If Loughner’s Favorite Movie was Anti-Fox News, How Could he be ‘Influenced’ by the Right’s Rhetoric?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over at The Other McCain a salient question has been asked. There you’ll see a story about a segment of the film that we’ve come to understand was Arizona killer Jared Loughner’s favorite movie, Zeitgeist, and in that clip we can easily see that the film claims that Fox News acts as “the men behind the curtain.” Fox is criticized by this film as manipulators of the news and one of the conspiratorial evils of the world.

So, that being the case, how is it possible that the left can continue to claim that Jared Loughner was somehow “influenced” by conservatives, by Fox News, by Talk Radio, by Sarah Palin and those on the right when his favorite movie scaremongered people into a hatred of Fox News and the right?

Further, we understand that Zeitgeist posited that Bush knew that 9/11 was coming, that Bush was part of it. This is further evidence that if Loughner was influenced by anything it was left-leaning progressive ideas far more than conservative ones.

And yet, the Old Media is ignoring all these truths. McCain says:
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If Loughner’s Favorite Movie was Anti-Fox News, How Could he be ‘Influenced’ by the Right’s Rhetoric?”

Petty RI Gov. Bans Talk Radio Appearances for State Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lincoln Chafee was the bane of conservative talk radio when he was the RINO Senator from Rhode Island. Now that he is a newly minted “independent” and has become the Governor of the Ocean State, Chafee is in a position to take his revenge on the medium. And boy has this petty man used his power to do just that by banning his state employees from talking to talk radio.

Chafee has revealed some pretty warped logic to sustain his ban on talk radio, too. Through his spokesman, Chaffe said that he won’t go on talk radio because the medium is “ratings-driven, for-profit programming,” and that he doesn’t want his employees going on for the same reason.
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Petty RI Gov. Bans Talk Radio Appearances for State Workers”

Don’t Censor the Internet! STOP the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act

-By Warner Todd Huston

The politicians are at it again. They never cease to amaze for their constantly revolving attempts to take over complete control of the Internet and everything connected to it. This time, in the guise of safeguarding copyrighted material, Congressional Democrats intend to introduce into this zombie session of congress the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA).

COICA would give the Attorney General the power to shut down websites accused of illegally distributing copyrighted material by requiring Internet Service Providers to block such sites from its customers.

Certainly, as a capitalist, I am solidly for protections against copyright infringement, but, as is the case with most things that government does, this bill goes that much too far and offers a threat to freedom of expression on the Internet.
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Don’t Censor the Internet! STOP the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act”

Should NPR and PBS Continue to Get Federal Funding?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone is talking about the situation that commentator Juan Williams found himself in when National Public Radio fired him over comments he made on Fox News about Muslims. And whether you think Williams’s situation was properly handled or not, a second discussion has been raised in conjunction with it: the propriety of federal funding of NPR and PBS.

On the funding issue, no more convoluted argument about the necessity of federal money being spent on NPR can be found than an article that appeared in the New York Daily News penned by the executive director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition, Michael Meyers. His op ed stood four-square in favor of continued federal funding of public radio and public television but his reason was simply illogical and impossible to understand.

Saying that those that support Juan Williams’s supporters, “vindictively want to totally de-fund the left-leaning NPR” because of Williams’s firing. He felt that those that want to take away federal funding from NPR are making a “big mistake.”

But check out the absurd reasoning why he thinks this:
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Should NPR and PBS Continue to Get Federal Funding?”

On Day French Gov’t Bans Burkas, Bomb Threat Empties Eiffel Tower

-By Warner Todd Huston

News is starting to make its way around the world that the Eiffel Tower received a bomb threat hours after the French Senate voted to ban the burka, the face coverings forced upon Muslim women.

CNN is reporting that the Tower and the park surrounding it were evacuated Tuesday evening after a bomb threat was received.

Some 2,000 people were in the area when the evacuation was ordered, police said, according to CNN affiliate BFM-TV . Also evacuated were a number a nearby apartment buildings and businesses, according to news reports.

It should be no surprise that this threat came on the same day that the government voted to ban Muslim burkas. Tuesday morning, the Senate overwhelmingly voted to ban burkas worn in public on a 246 to one vote. The bill had already passed the lower house and it is assumed that the law will stick through the 10-day rebuttal period.

The Media are not saying that the bomb threat is tied to the burka ban, but it is hard to dismiss it all as mere coincidence.
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On Day French Gov’t Bans Burkas, Bomb Threat Empties Eiffel Tower”

Vlog: News Analysis of ‘We Con The World’ Video Controversy

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is my first vlog (that’s video blog for the uninitiated) using my new HD camera. I see I have to fix my lighting problem in the room I was using to record it in, but anyways… it was my first stab at it, so give me a break will ya?

This episode I look into the controversial decision of YouTube to pull the Latma parody video of “We Are The World,” which they titled “We Con The World.” The video makes fun of the Palestinian supporters in the aftermath of the IDF raid of several “aid” ships off the coast of Gaza.

In any case, I will be sure to get better at this video deal-i-o, so don’t let this first attempt dissuade you from trying my next one, won’t you?

Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the week following the Israeli boarding of boats piloted by Turkish “peace activists” off the coast of Gaza Caroline Glick and the good folks at the Hebrew language Israeli news site Latma created a parody video skewering the violent actions perpetrated by those “peace activists” against members of the Israeli authorities attempting to enforce the Gaza blockade. The video went up on YouTube and garnered three million views within a matter of days.

Created as a parody of the 1980s activist song “We are the World,” the Latma song was named “We Con the World” and humorously depicted an array of Palestinian supporters singing about how they’d fooled the world into thinking that it was the Israelis that were the bad guys in the Gaza blockade incident.

The video was very clever and hit just the right notes of humor being not too mean spirited yet easily hitting home with its message. The humor of the video was wholly in keeping with western humor and not over-the-top or unduly offensive at all. Naturally, YouTube pulled it anyway.

On her website, Glick reports that the video’s creators were told by YouTube that the use of the original song, “We are the World,” was a copyright violation. But Glick disputes this claim.
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Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video”

Oppressive Government: Feds Tell GA Old Folks They Can’t Pray Before Meals

-By Warner Todd Huston

Big Brother says elderly visitors to federally funded meals at a Georgia senior citizen’s center aren’t allowed to pray to that absurd, dangerous Christian God of theirs. Obama’s Big Brother government contends that since it has paid for their meals the government has the right to slam its iron boot heel down on the necks of those seasoned citizens that dare to engage in such an apostasy toward the state.

Seem absurd? Well it is but that is what happens when the feds roll into town and begin to hand out money. They feel the right to dictate what everyone is allowed or not allowed to do and in the case of Port Wentworth’s Ed Young Senior Citizens Center near Savannah that is to tell these old folks that they are not allowed to pray before a meal.
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Oppressive Government: Feds Tell GA Old Folks They Can’t Pray Before Meals”

Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica Tweets The Veto Session (Tax Roll Back Succeeds)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is a really fascinating series of tweets from Commissioner Tony Peraica as he participated in the latest Cook County Board meeting. Today (Dec. 1) Board President Todd Stroger tried to cajole the board into upholding his veto of the roll back of his implementation of the highest tax rate in the country. Peraica is against the tax and since the State Legislature ended the four-fifths rule, lowering it to three-fifths to overturn the president’s veto, the fight was on.

Anyway, here are the tweets that Peraica posted during the debate and they are a fascinating peak inside a board meeting during this important vote. Luckily, the final outcome is victory for the tax roll back. It’s only a roll back of half a penny, but it is a start and it is the first time a board president’s veto has been rolled back in anyone’s memory.

  • Chairman Daley has now started the Finance Committee meeting and has started the process WITHOUT Todd Stroger. This is novel.
  • Stroger and Collins are still holed up in his office. Major arm twisting is going on. We’ll have to look at Com. Collin’s face upon entry.
  • It”s now over ONE hour since the time for meeting of the Board to start, but, Stroger and Collins are STILL NOT HERE. Highly Suspect!
  • Storger and Collins are still talking in his office. It’s been now ONE HOUR and FIFTEEN minutes. This is beginnig to look very fishy.

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Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica Tweets The Veto Session (Tax Roll Back Succeeds)”

When Fanatical Agendas Obliterate Science

-By Thomas E. Brewton

Climate Emails Stoke Debate: Scientists’ Leaked Correspondence Illustrates Bitter Feud over Global Warming (Wall Street Journal, November 23, 2009).

The Wall Street Journal article notes:

Representatives of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a large professional organization, expressed concern that the hacked emails would weaken global resolve to curb greenhouse-gas emissions.

One would expect true scientists to be more concerned with pursuit of the truth than with foreclosing questions about an hypothesis. As it stands, the greenhouse-gas hypothesis is no more than a religious dogma proclaimed from closed chambers. Liberal-progressives treat all questions or challenges to it as heresy.
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When Fanatical Agendas Obliterate Science”

The End of History or a History of the End?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few years ago, Francis Fukuyama was widely criticized for his book claiming that mankind had seen “The End of History.” Fukuyama contended that liberal democracy had won the debate over which system was best and, therefore, there was necessary no more “moving forward” for man’s social order. While Fukuyama might have thought the question of the best system was settled — that being the Western democratic system — what good does a great system do if no one is aware of it? Unfortunately, we are quickly nearing a time in our schools where any knowledge of our political system or western history is going untaught. It’s so bad that most standard history courses are disappearing from our universities to be replaced by specialties about minorities or single subjects like “genocide” or “homosexual studies.”

Of course, much of the criticism of Fukuyama’s premise was based on a mistaken reading of what he said, but with this failure to teach proper history to our students we might be seeing at least one reason to doubt that liberal democracy is strong enough to stay as top dog, regardless of its efficacy. The liberal democracy as being practiced in the U.S., for instance, is weakening to the point of frivolity, one prone to a breakdown from within, and this lack of a useful education is just another example of this societal crash. Dangerously, proper history is being taught less and less in our universities.

Not long ago, an ominous article in the New York Times reported that specialty courses and professors now far outnumber standard history.
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The End of History or a History of the End?”

Apple App Store Says Mad Magazine Artist too Mean for Approval

-By Warner Todd Huston

I always knew that Mad Magazine was filled with ner-do-wells that will rot your brain and turn you into a big meanie. My teachers in school all told me so… and they were teachers so they must’ve been right. Now the Apple iPhone App store has finally seen the light of reason on this truism, too. Well, if the App Store didn’t deny Mad Magazine exactly, it did lower they kabosh on one of its nasty, mean-spirited artists, Tom Richmond, by denying his iPhone App registration. Serves him right, the troublemaker.

The good name of Apple computers will not be sullied by the rottenness, and all around anarchy of this no-account, Richmond, that’s for sure. And to assure that Apple will always stand for truth, justice and the American way, Richmond’s crummy little iPhone App has been denied. Take that forces of un-Americanness!

So, what was Richmond’s apostasy, you might wonder? Well, last year cartoonist Tom Richmond was asked to help with the graphic display of a proposed iPhone App that would connect the user with information on their representatives in Congress. It was to monstrously be titled the “Bobble Rep” App. The idea is that you’d key in the name of a congressman into your iPhone and his contact info would pop up on the screen. You’d get a little cartoon illustration of the congressman, his phone number, address and website.

“And,” You might ask? “So blinking what,” you might blurt out? Well, any casual look at these ultra mean, highly objectionable cartoons depicting a few of those well-born and delicate members of Congress will disabuse you of the notion that this iPhone App is anything but born of the devil.

Behold more of the blasphemy:
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Apple App Store Says Mad Magazine Artist too Mean for Approval”

Rumors of Sneaking Senate’s Healthcare into Another Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring joined Neil Cavuto on his Fox News show earlier this week to talk of his new effort, This effort is echoing that being made by Representatives like Joe Wilson and his comrades in trying to get a 72 hour period where the healthcare bill will be posted online for everyone to read before Congress gets to vote on it.

Hanna told Cavuto that there is news that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid intends to sneak the Senate’s healthcare proposals in as an amendment to an unrelated House tax bill so that it will bypass the debating process.

Reports are that Reid plans to attach the Senate’s entire healthcare bill as an amendment to H.R. 1586, a bill passed by the House back in March that imposes a 90 percent tax on bonuses paid to employees of certain bailed-out financial institutions.
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Rumors of Sneaking Senate’s Healthcare into Another Bill”

Ill. Blogger Running for State Legislature, 41st District

-By Warner Todd Huston

Matt Burden of the blog has announced that he is running as a Republican for the the State Legislature. Burden has announced his plans to run for the 41st District. The 41st covers parts of Oak Brook, Westchester, Villa Park, La Grange Park and Oak Brook Terrace.

The seat is currently held by Bob Biggins (R, Elmhurst) but Biggins recently announced he is not running for reelection. This seems to have opened up the floodgates for candidates. Burden joins a very crowded field including attorney Peter Breen, Rafael Rivadeneira, DuPage Co Board member Brien Sheahan and Chris Nybo from Elmhurst.

On his campaign website, Burden does have one disturbing thing as far as I am concerned:

While there is no campaign contribution limit in Illinois (something I will change)…

Something he “will change”? Is Matt Burden suggesting tromping on the Constitutional right of free political speech by using the force of law to stop people from donating to political candidates in amounts he deems gauche? That is not a good sign for Burden’s understanding of the Constitution, I have to say.
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Ill. Blogger Running for State Legislature, 41st District”

Obama is ‘Concerned’ About Blogosphere

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Hill is reporting that Obama is now “open” to a newspaper bailout. Well, welcome to the state run media.

Not long ago Senator Ben Cardin (D- Md.) introduced S. 673, the Newspaper Revitalization Act. It is supposed to give news media tax breaks if they restructure as a non-profit corporation. So far, though, the bill has little support among his colleagues.

The Hill reminds us that in May Obama’s spokesman down played the possibility of government assistance to the media.

But in a recent appearance with the editors of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Obama seemed to say he’s open to the idea saying, “I haven’t seen detailed proposals yet, but I’ll be happy to look at them.”
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Obama is ‘Concerned’ About Blogosphere”

Ill. Dem Refuses to Vote On Joe Wilson Admonishment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Representative Bill Foster (14th District, D, Batavia) decided not to vote “yes” to admonish Joe Wilson in the House of Representatives this week.

Instead of taking a stand to admonish or not to admonish, he decided to cast a “present” vote. Foster said he didn’t vote to admonish Wilson — like most of his fellow Democrats did — because it detracts from serious business. “Congress has better things to do at this time,” Foster said.

The rest of the Illinois Democrats voted “yes” to admonish Rep. Joe Wilson (R, SC) for yelling “you lie” during the president’s healthcare speech in an apparent violation of House conduct rules.
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Ill. Dem Refuses to Vote On Joe Wilson Admonishment”

Obama’s Hate Speech: Team Obama Scrubs Website of Posting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week, the MyBarackObama website forced a meet-up posting down the memory hole. Obama’s Organizing For America (his ground stormtrooper organization that evolved from his campaign army) section of his website had a posting for what was going to be a meet-up in Illinois to push Obamacare. Apparently, even the extremists that run Obama’s website were ashamed of the intemperate rhetoric in this listing and so, down the memory hole it goes.

As it happens, the meet-up writer felt compelled to call Republicans “domestic terrorists,” and “proud right-wing terrorists. The posting went on with all sorts of ignorant comments and slams on half the American voter base, castings aspersions, calling names, and indulging in all sorts of hate speech.

A Google cache of the site can be seen HERE. Or if you click on the screen shot below, you can see what the page looked like before Team Obama scrubbed the site of this outrageous site.
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Obama’s Hate Speech: Team Obama Scrubs Website of Posting”

Political Correctness Is Purposely Making The UK Nuttier Than A Fruitcake

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Last week, in my article titled “Every Day Is A Bad Hair Day When You Send The Wrong Signals”, I explored the unhealthy appeasement to the Muslims in the UK’s Avon and Somerset Islamic communities by the secular state police force issuing head scarves to its female officers for their use when entering mosques on police business. I argued that by stripping female police and Community Support Officers of part of their uniforms, I held that they effectively lost an important part of the power inherent in those uniforms.

I then went on to mockingly write, “So, police women of Avon and Somerset in the UK and eventually Dearborn, MI and Huston, TX in the US, today it’s the scarf but maybe tomorrow it’s the burqa even topped off with the niqab.” So you can imagine my precognitive shock to find out that this week the South Yorkshire police force in Sheffield, UK actually ordered three of their non-Muslim female police officers to forsake their uniforms entirely and don burqas with two of the three also having to wear the niqab as well!

In what is an appallingly unilateral exercise called “In Your Shoes” geared specifically to understand the Muslim community better, Sergeants Deb Leonard, Deb Pickering and Police Community Support Officer Helen Turner all had to smile and say “cheese” as they sported burqas for a photo op before going out into the streets to be stared at in disbelief by their more rational fellow countrymen. Naturally, the three literally undercover policewomen were accompanied by four Muslim women guides, who eagerly explained Islam to them more than likely figuring that if they are dressing the part then they are ripe for conversion.
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Political Correctness Is Purposely Making The UK Nuttier Than A Fruitcake”

Don’t Stand On The Sidelines Complaining

-By Thomas E. Brewton

It’s always easier to carp about things you don’t like than to stand up, become involved, and work to correct the problem.

Sunday’s sermon at the Cohocton, New York, Assembly of God Church was preached by Rev. Jason McGuire, who serves as the legislative director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. His text was Proverbs 24:10-12.

10 If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength! 11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. 12 If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?

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Don’t Stand On The Sidelines Complaining”

With All Things, Facts & Truth Matter

-By Frank Salvato

“Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages.” – Samuel Johnson

Few things are more important in life than the facts and the truth. Ironically, the quest for both has waned over generations. Today, fact and truth suffer the narcissism of a generation of self-indulgent ideologues who have sought to shape the world to their belief system, doing so armed with little more than falsely elevated self-esteem. The result has been to bring our great nation to a divide not seen since the US Civil War; a divide of politics, ideology and culture; a divide that threatens our Republic’s very existence.

Samuel Johnson’s adage about truth being a casualty of war is not exclusive to wars of nations, it is applicable to wars of all breeds: cultural, violent, ideological and political. In fact, today’s American culture places more worth on the delivery of words than on the credibility of words. A gifted orator can mesmerize the citizenry into reacting to a melodic tone and artful inflection and into caring little for the accuracy of the statements being made. He can pass impossibilities as realities using hollow promises, promises that serve as distractions to truth and fact. Truth be told, today, the American public is more interested in being captivated by the “bright shiny” distraction, being entertained by the slickly delivered sleight-of-hand rhetoric of “hope” and “change,” than they are in gathering the facts in an effort to better understand reality.
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With All Things, Facts & Truth Matter”