Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week President Donald J. Trump held a press conference that sent the media into paroxysms of rage as he stood before them again calling them out for their lies and their “very fake news.” For days afterward they spilled tons of ink and spent miles of bandwidth calling him “un-American” for attacking them. But Trump is right. The truth is the media is just furious at being called on their lies.

On February 16, President Trump led a tour de force of a press conference going well over an hour and ricocheting about to so many topics that the media simply couldn’t keep up with it all. But one thing is sure, the media was quite able to focus on Trump’s attacks on them. And that took all their attention.

During the press conference, Trump slammed the media. At one point he re-branded CNN from merely “fake news” to “very fake news.” Of course he said it in jest and many in the White House press room laughed when he said it. But the facts bear Trump out, after all.

Trump also talked about the leaks the press have run concerning his administration’s inner workings. “The leaks are absolutely real,” Trump insisted. “The news is fake, because so much of the news is fake.”

In other words, there really are leakers inside his administration — and all of them are Obama appointees who are still there because they have yet to be fired — but the “news is fake” because the media then uses those leaks to invent a whole raft of BS stories from them.
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Trump is Right, the Media is Crooked and Full of Liars and They are Furious for Being Called On It”

Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Donald Trump is once again taking his case right to the people of the United States and once again he got the unwitting aide of the press corps to help him do it. And even as the regular voters are cheering, the press is booing the whole thing.

Donald J. Trump won the White House not because the media loved him — as it did Hillary Clinton generally, but Barack Obama slavishly — but because he was able to both go around the media and use the media at the same time to take his message right to the American people. Trump again showed this amazing ability to slip around the media while using them at the same time in his Thursday press conference.

Donald Trump is uniquely able to speak to Americans like a “real person.” In other words, he does not come off as a smarmy know-it-all like Obama did nor does he seem shrew-like as Hillary so often did. In fact, he doesn’t seem like a “politician” at all. To Mr. and Mrs. America he comes off as a relatable figure. (Indeed, during his press conference he admitted as much when he said he is finding it hard to realize he is now a “politician.”)

With the media (and establishment Washington of both parties) clearly out to destroy him as opposed to merely reporting on his policies and administration, Trump instinctively understands that he needs to go around the media and take his case right to to the voters.

But, even with that being the case, the president cannily uses the very press he is “going around” as a vehicle to carry his message to the people. And this February 16 press conference was a perfect example of that canny ability to use the same hostile press corps to make his appeal free of the media’s habit of imbuing “the news” with its own opinions.

This presser was a great example of Trump using the press to bash the press.

Watch Trump’s Entire Press Conference

The president covered such a number of topics that he clearly bewildered the press into a near catatonic state. But his main point throughout was to damn the press as hostile to him and his administration.
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Trump’s Epic Press Conference Draws Cheers From the People, Jeers from the ‘Fake News’ Media”

Senator Ted Cruz Wants to Revoke Citizenship of Americans Who Turn to Terrorism — Why Aren’t We Already Doing This?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas Senator and GOP presidential primary runner up, Ted Cruz, wants to revoke the citizenship of any American who tries to join ISIS or otherwise turns to Muslim terrorism. One has to wonder why, exactly, it is that we haven’t already made this idea into law, but apparently we haven’t.

Cruz is talking about the soon to be introduced Expatriate Terrorist Act (ETA) of 2017, which would allow the U.S. government under certain circumstances to revoke the citizenship of Americans who knowingly join or provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations.

Of course, the idea isn’t new. Not only has such a bill been floating around Washington for some time, for over a year President Donald Trump has been talking about better vetting to prevent terrorists from getting into the country in the first place.

But the Texas Senator says that working to prevent Muslim terrorists from getting into the U.S. is only part of the equation of combating terrorism in at home. The other half of the problem is composed of home-grown terrorists — those the media often erroneously call “lone wolf terrorists — who turn to terror right here inside our own borders.
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Senator Ted Cruz Wants to Revoke Citizenship of Americans Who Turn to Terrorism — Why Aren’t We Already Doing This?”

The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left and their minions in the media are losing their collective mind over President Donald J. Trump’s temporary halt to immigration from a list of terror-sponsoring nations and it appears that they are trying to bully him into withdrawing his order. Thus far they are not winning… and that’s a good thing, too.

First of all, the 90-day moratorium on immigration from these troubled nations is not a “Muslim ban” nor is it something that Trump just dreamed up out of nowhere. After all, Trump merely strengthened an Obama policy with this whole deal.

The order specifically maintains that “The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who would place violent ideologies over American law,” and goes on to list the several nations Obama already flagged several years ago. That’s right, the list of nations, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Sudan, were already signaled out by Obama in 2015. Obama called them countries of concern.

As an aside, speaking of other presidents, the left’s favorite anti-American ex-president, Jimmy Carter, also banned certain Muslim immigrants when in 1980 he banned Iranians from entering the U.S.A. after Iran’s Islamic revolution and the Hostage Crisis.

So, before we even get into this topic, you must understand that this is not that “new” nor is it a “Muslim ban,” and the liberals making these claims are simply lying.
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The Hysteria Over Trumps Nonexistent ‘Muslim Ban’ Grows by the Minute”

After Civil Rights ‘Icon’ John Lewis Smears Trump, Democrats Launch Boycott of Inauguration

-By Warner Todd Huston

After long-time Democrat Party hack and “civil rights icon” Congressman John Lewis attacked Donald J. Trump as an “illegitimate president” — and after Trump replied to Lewis’ hate-filled attack — a growing list of Democrats have announced a boycott of Trump’s inauguration. But it is a boycott with a happy outcome because it will just make room for more real Americans to attend the festivities.

During a recent interview Lewis, who played a minor role in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and subsequently parlayed that into a seat in Congress, attacked Donald Trump as an “illegitimate president” and floated the wild-eyed and untrue conspiracy theory that the Russians corrupted the U.S. election system so Trump could win the White House.

Of course, there was no “Russian hacking of the election.” It just plain did not happen. Yes, the badly protected servers of the Democrat Party and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta were breached revealing many disturbing and embarrassing communications. But that is not the same thing as hacking the election.

In point of fact, no state had its electronic election systems breached or hacked by Russia. Indeed, many states reported that far from any foreign entity trying to hack into their election systems, it was Barack Obama’s U.S. government itself that tried to do it, not any foreigners.
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After Civil Rights ‘Icon’ John Lewis Smears Trump, Democrats Launch Boycott of Inauguration”

Does Trump Know ‘Draining the Swamp’ Will Be Opposed by Republicans Right Along With Democrats?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald J. Trump won the White House in part — and likely in large part — because he told voters he wanted to stop business as usual and defeat the “insiders” in Washington D.C. His popular phrase to describe this was to “drain the swamp.” But one has to ask, does Trump understand that his small government agenda will be opposed by Republicans almost as much as it will be opposed by the left-wing, socialist-inspired Democrat Party?

We are already seeing signs that the GOP won’t be a worthy partner for the headstrong agenda Trump has promised voters he intends to pursue.

Even on day one the GOP showed it was a spineless mass of useless jellyfish when it announced plans to “gut the ethics office” — as the media put it. But despite the big announcement, party leaders quickly reversed course only about an hour or so later. In other words, they crumpled like a cheap suit and it only took about a hour to do it.

I am not going to talk about whether or not the plan to alter the ethics office was a good one or a bad one, but the way the whole policy shift was handled rather proves how feckless the GOP leadership really is.
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Does Trump Know ‘Draining the Swamp’ Will Be Opposed by Republicans Right Along With Democrats?”

In Farewell Address George Washington DID NOT Say America Should Stay Out of Foreign Affairs

-By Warner Todd Huston

As his presidency winds down, we are told that Barack Obama will deliver a farewell address*just like* President George Washington. Well, I know about George Washington. And YOU, Barack Obama, are no George Washington.

The far left Huffington Post told readers that Obama was “inspired” by Washington’s farewell address delivered to the nation on September 19, 1796, when it appeared in print in the Philadelphia American Daily Advertiser.

Certainly George Washington is renowned for building up the very country Barack Obama spent eight years trying to tear down, so it remains to be seen if Obama is going to try to make of himself a modern day Washington. Silk purse from a sow’s ear, comes to mind.

But one of the points in Washington’s farewell address is something many today misconstrue. Too many insist that our first president told the nation to stay free of the “foreign entanglements” that come with getting too involved in the affairs of other nations.

Along with the laughable claim that Obama might somehow be like George Washington, the question over what to do about Islam has liberals citing Washington’s supposed warning these days. But it is an inapt comparison to make to pair Washington’s world with the threat we face today.

Regardless we are seeing those lightly informed about American history claiming that our founders — especially George Washington — warned us to stay out of “foreign entanglements.”

Today many on the left and the isolationist right try to use the father of our country to support their ideas against a muscular foreign policy and to justify their hope that the USA will pull out of the Middle East by insisting Washington said to steer clear of dealings with other nations.

The truth is, though, Washington never really said this and what he did say is illegitimately used to push an idea he didn’t advocate.
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In Farewell Address George Washington DID NOT Say America Should Stay Out of Foreign Affairs”

Dangerous Hatemongering: Are Democrats Working to Get President Trump Assassinated?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Throughout American history, leftists have proven far more dangerous to the lives of public officials than Americans of other ideologies and with the unhinged way the left is reacting to the impending Trump presidency one has to wonder if they are fomenting a climate where one of their brood will take up arms against our new commander in chief.

Since November 9 liberals have completely lost their minds over the coming era of Trump and not just in the traditional political sense. Far from just bemoaning the political ramifications of a Trump administration, the left has been doomsaying at a rate that portends dangerous emotional turmoil, so much so that it makes one fear that some fully disturbed leftist may take the most horrible step to put an end to the thing liberals are proclaiming is the end of days. And it wouldn’t be the first time a liberal took that monstrous step.

After all, most every major political assassin in U.S. history hailed from the left side of the political divide. Abraham Lincoln’s assassin was a life-long Democrat, William McKinley’s murderer was an anarco-socialist, John F, Kennedy’s killer was a communist, Robert Kennedy’s killer was a Palestinian and left-winger, Martin Luther King’s assassin was another life-long Democrat, even Arthur Bremer, the would-be assassin of George Wallace, was identified as a “dues-paying” Democrat and the wannabe killer of Gerald Ford, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, was a whackjob liberal who was mad that Ford wasn’t paying enough attention to environmental issues.

While it’s true that other political assassins or killers with a political motive were mental cases, it is also true that very few political killers in U.S. history killed because of a right of center ideology. Of course, the newest reason for such murders is Islam, and while that is another story, even that motive has no connection to the American right.

Certainly many of these sick-minded people didn’t need the urging of a wider political movement to perpetrate their terrible actions but what we are seeing displayed by the political left today after the election and Electoral College verification for Donald J. Trump is absolutely fostering just such a climate that could ease the way for some let-wing nutjob with a dark and dangerous plan.
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Dangerous Hatemongering: Are Democrats Working to Get President Trump Assassinated?”

Today We See How Many Un-American Electoral College ‘Faithless Electors’ Vote Against Donald Trump

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today, December 19, is the day the electors meet to cast their Electoral College votes to actually certify who will become the next president of the United States and if the anti-American left has its way enough of these electors will defy their duty and vote for anyone other than the actual winner, Donald J. Trump. Even if this last second effort doesn’t beat Trump, the whole campaign is thoroughly anti-American and can’t end well.

Thanks to our horrid system of (mis)education, many Americans are just waking up to news of the Electoral College (EC). Many are surprised over the way we’ve chosen our president since the beginning. They are shocked that we’ve never elected our president via the “popular vote” because we are not a democracy. We are a representative republic and the EC is one of the ways we manifest that “representative” part of our system.

What is the EC?

The Electoral College is currently made up of 538 electors. 270 or more of their votes are required to elect a President. Each state’s allotment of electors is determined by the number of members in its Congressional delegation which equals one for each member in their delegation to the House of Representatives along with one for each Senator.

Most states now have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the candidate who won the state’s popular vote. But Maine and Nebraska currently utilize a variation of “proportional representation.”
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Today We See How Many Un-American Electoral College ‘Faithless Electors’ Vote Against Donald Trump”

With Trump’s Win, Democrats Suddenly Find ‘Resistance’ Is Cool Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Barack Obama won the White House in 2008 Democrats and their lapdogs in the media went wild telling everyone who would listen that resistance to Obama was un-American, dangerous, and racist. But now, before Donald Trump has even taken office, these same hypocrites have suddenly found that resistance is cool again.

Since he first became a serious contender for the presidency starting in 2007 and all throughout his 8 years in the White House, Barack Obama has enjoyed near universal love from the Old Media Establishment. Rarely was there a harsh word for him and even when there was criticism it was usually mitigated by “buts,” “excepts,” and “of courses” — as in “of course” Obama can’t be THAT bad because Republicans are evil homophobic, racist, haters.

The media loved their Obamamessiah so much that from the beginning they reveled in featuring Obama in Christ-like poses and making him out to be the second coming. Even during the “March for Selma” event in 2015 media outlets cropped their photo of Obama marching to exclude George W. Bush who was marching only a few feet away because they didn’t want the spotlight taken off their beloved Obama.

They helped him in public and in private. In 2012, for instance, a large group of members of the media met with Obama in secret to help him plan his media assault on the nation after he won re-election.

Someone was even selling posters of Obama holding a lamb and a shepherd’s staff and featuring the uplifting message “our journey” all as if Obama were Jesus. And they were serious. It wasn’t satire.
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With Trump’s Win, Democrats Suddenly Find ‘Resistance’ Is Cool Again”

We MUST Engage in a Republican Civil War!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2016 election is finally over and GOP nominee Donald J. Trump pulled an amazing win out of the neatly wrapped up Clinton win as arranged by the pundits and the pollsters — and even some in the GOP establishment and “conservative” intelligentsia. And now the #NeverTrumprs and establishment Republicans are braying that we all now need to “work together” to move the nation forward. But don’t be fooled into canceling the coming Republican Civil War. Don’t capitulate to the very people who were pulling for Hillary. This war NEEDS to be fought.

The calls to “come together” are being heard all across Republicanland, of course. Take House Speaker Paul Ryan who on the day after the election gushed about the “enormous political feat” Trump achieved and sonorously noting that we have to “work to heal the division” in both party and country.

Ryan isn’t alone. The call to “work together” is the most common theme from all corners on the day after Election Day.

Another one calling for an end to any internal reckoning is PJ Media’s Roger Simon — who is a very good writer whom I like. In a Wednesday morning piece, Simon insisted straight out, “Trump Wins — Time to End the Republican Civil War.”

Here is Roger’s main hope:

So rather than pursue mutual assured destruction on our side, for winners to rub it in or losers to gripe — you can be sure the Democrats will have plenty of the same in store for us (imagine what Obama himself might try to pull, or the ever-corrupt Mr. Podesta) — I suggest we declare a ceasefire in the Republican civil war, effective now.

Simon contends — and with some sense — that we need to come together to make Washington work. I admire his sentiment.

Sadly, Simon is mistaken.

Unfortunately, his idea, here, is a mistake because it assumes that both sides will endeavor to come toward the middle between Trump’s most ardent and upset voters and the GOP establishment that worked as hard as it could to defeat Trump and give the White House to Hillary Clinton.

Simon seems to imagine it will be all heart, unicorns and rainbows if we cancel the looming civil war and “work together.”

While the GOP establishment will certainly bray for that cease fire and pretend they want to reach across the divide to work with the right-leaning, torch-carrying Trump mobs, in truth they have absolutely no desire whatever to work with “us” — by “us” I mean all those standing on the outside looking in on the liberal GOP establishment.
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We MUST Engage in a Republican Civil War!”

Donna Brazile: Another Example That ALL Democrats are Liars and Have NO Integrity

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are some simple facts of life about members of the Democrat Party. They will say anything, they have no integrity, and everything the say is built on lies. It really is just that simple. And current Democrat National Committee Chair Donna Brazile just gave us a perfect example of this truism with her reaction to the latest FBI investigation against her boss, Hillary Clinton.

Late last week FBI Director and erstwhile Clinton operative James Comey shocked the Democrat establishment by sending a letter to Congress telling both Democrat and Republican committee members that he is re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server that she had hidden in her New York home when she was Obama’s Secretary of State.

We later found out that more of Hillary’s illegal emails were discovered on several devices owned by Anthony Weiner, the disgraced New York Congressman who is also the husband of Hillary’s long-time chief of staff Huma Abedin. The emails were found during an investigation into Weiner’s alleged sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old girl.

It appears that on these devices were stored “thousands” of Hillary’s emails likely containing classified material. Since Weiner has no security clearance that likely means these classified emails were illegally stored on those devices.

But when news broke of Comey’s letter to Congress, immediately the Democrat establishment cried foul and insisted that Director Comey was unfairly working to undermine Hillary only 10 days before Eletion Day. They also demanded that he release all he knows to “prove” that his new investigation is legitimate and not some illicit attempt to upset the election.
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Donna Brazile: Another Example That ALL Democrats are Liars and Have NO Integrity”

Instead of Reporting Email Leaks Embarrassing to Clinton, Media Desperately Spins Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

The damning evidence that Democrats care nothing about people and everything about money and raw power is piling up more every day and the old media establishment is finally beginning to pay attention to the mounting scandals. But instead of reporting the truth, many in the media have now turned to spinning the WikiLeaks releases to help the Democrats and Clintons push the accusations aside.

We noted last week that few Americans had even heard of any of the scandals being released by WikiLeaks culled from thousands and thousands of emails from Clinton campaign chief John Podesta because the media was obsessed by a decade-old tape of Donald Trump saying untoward things about a woman with “Access Hollywood’s” Billy Bush.

It probably isn’t a huge surprise that the old media complex are not all fired up about reporting on the WikiLeaks story. After all, many of the emails show how the media has been in total collusion with the Clinton campaign. It is certain they are furious that their perfidy has been so clearly revealed… again.

The media has so blatantly ignored this scandal that vice presidential nominee Mike Pence noted that the media is “ignoring an avalanche of hard evidence about the Clinton’s corruption.”

Pence was aghast at the favoritism the media has shown to Hillary Clinton.
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Instead of Reporting Email Leaks Embarrassing to Clinton, Media Desperately Spins Them”

Democrats’ Most Wanted Voters: Convicted Criminals Get the Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

Originally published at

As they desperately seek to enlarge their voting base, one group that Democrats are diligently working to cultivate are convicted felons–both those who have been released after serving their sentence and even those still sitting in jail.

The most recent example of Democrats cultivating felon voters cropped up earlier this year in the Commonwealth of Virginia where Democrat Governor and major Clinton operative Terry McAuliffe tried to pass off an executive order as state law in order to give felons in Virginia the right to vote.

In April, McAuliffe signed a sweeping executive order granting up to 206,000 convicted felons in Virginia the vote. It was a startling move that even the Richmond Examiner called “unprecedented.”

Saying the standards that disenfranchised felons is a “barrier” that “must be broken down,” the governor’s illicit order gave the vote to both non-violent and violent felons. Not only did he intend to give the vote to the common drug user caught with felon amounts of drugs, but McAuliffe decided that rapists and murderers should also have a say in the state’s elections.
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Democrats’ Most Wanted Voters: Convicted Criminals Get the Vote”

Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news media has been all a twitter over the small group of ne’er-do-wells, government leeches, and has-beens who claim to have been Republicans in the past but who are now nonetheless supporting Hillary Clinton for President. But those who pretend at being Republican and support Hillary need to be ostracized and cast out of the center right coalition, not because they are traitors merely to the Republican Party but because they are traitors to the entire country.

These group of un-American traitors have joined together to push a fool-filled group going by the name Republicans for Clinton (or R4C16). They explain their disastrous support for this anti-American effort as one that will “defeat Donald Trump, restore GOP leadership and save the senate.”

But in truth, if people are stupid enough to join these halfwits and are successful in their goal of electing the criminal Clinton to the White House their group will achieve none of those things.

Now, I don’t say this as a big Trump guy. I supported Cruz and there is a ton I don’t like about Trump. But he is by leaps and bounds better than Hillary.

Here is how these government leeches explain their mission:
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Republicans Who Support Hillary Are Traitors to This Country”

Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week redoubtable conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg noted that the conservative movement must “John Birch” the Alt-Right, meaning we need to destroy them and kick them out of the center right tent. But Jonah is being ridiculous. In reality we need to go back to ignoring this group of loudmouthed misfits because they are insignificant.

In his August 31 article, Goldberg waxed poetic over how wonderful Hillary Clinton has been for defending conservatives against the racists, hatemongers, and nutballs of the “Alt-Right.”

Hillary recently went on a tirade against this mysterious Alt-Right, denouncing them as racists, and slamming GOP nominee Donald Trump for playing the Alt-Right’s racist, white supremacist game. Goldberg apparently thought her speech and focus was wonderful and suggested that instead of Hillary shouldering this task alone the whole of the center right coalition should come down on the Alt-Right just as hard as William F. Bucklyites did against the John Birch Society in the early 1960s.

For a bit of history, the John Birch Society (JBS) was a very large and potent pseudo conservative group founded in 1958 and led by a messianic leader named Robert W. Welch, Jr. The group’s main appeal was a virulent anti-communism, which was a popular ideal at the height of the Cold War. It also developed into a strong nationalist organization that opposed the U.N. Welch even attacked President Eisenhower as a communist plant in the White House and there were also elements of racism among JBSers.

At one point the group claimed to have a million members but whatever its real number it certainly had chapters all across the nation. And all its members were fed by Welch’s newsletters and propaganda.

Eventually the group got so radicalized that Buckley, founder of the National Review magazine, decided that it was time to ostracize them from the conservative movement and make sure Americans understood that the JBSers were absolutely not part of the conservative movement.

That is what Goldberg is proposing that we now do to the Alt-Right, an internet fringe that grew out of white separatist ideals, crypto Nazism, and filled with Ku Klux Klan members who grew to feel the Klan was just a bit too radical even for them.
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Time to ‘John Birch’ the Alt-Right? No, More Like Time to Ignore Them”

Dear #NeverTrump: Your Fears of Trump as Dictator Are Silly, HERE is Why

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the many reasons anti-Trumpers say Donald Trump is unsuitable to be our president is that he is an authoritarian and might make for a sort of dictator in the oval office. But whatever Trump’s tendencies, it seems pretty clear that this fear is an absurd one.

Firstly we have to realize that having a dictator in office is a legitimate fear. Barack Obama has spent eight years proving to be the most dictatorial and lawless president in American history. It is also completely clear that Hillary has inculcated Obama’s lesson well and will be as bad or worse than he has been.

Democrats today don’t give a fig about the Constitution or “the law” and will do anything they want until they find opposition too strong to over come. And even in that case they will just put whatever is being opposed on a back burner to be raised later as opposed to abandoned. The fact that the law would prevent them from their actions is meaningless to them. Might makes right to a Democrat and the rule of law has no meaning and Hillary will likely charge forward and do anything she wants and wait to be opposed afterward instead of fearful of being opposed at the start. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission, as the saying goes.

That Hillary will certainly be at least the second most dictatorial president in history is inarguable.

That being said, what about Trump? I would tend to agree that Trump evinces authoritarian tendencies. His boisterous personality and combative attitude would tend to make one assume he would rather make decrees based on whim rather than issue policies based on a careful consideration of the law. I would also agree that it all isn’t very presidential.

But does this make him “just as bad as Hillary”? Any review of the news this week would tend to destroy that claim.
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Dear #NeverTrump: Your Fears of Trump as Dictator Are Silly, HERE is Why”

Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation shakes its collective head with the full understanding that the law does not apply to Bill and Hillary Clinton and that their corruption knows no bounds, another story slipped under the radar that proves that from the highest federal office to the lowest, local state official no Democrat cares a whit about law and all have simply decided to do anything and everything they want regardless of what the law says.

The fact that the FBI Director James Comey sold his integrity to the Clinton crime family machine aside, another story proved that Democrats just don’t care what the law says or how it has been adjudicated in the past, nor what the intent of the law even is.

The revealing incident occurred in Pennsylvania where Democrats had been ignoring a state law that maintains that local gun laws cannot be any more strict than the state’s provisions. In other words, the state law says no local city or township may pass an anti-gun ordinance that is more strict than the state’s rules.
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Forget Hillary, Even the Lowest State Democrat Does Not Care About Laws”

FBI Director James Comey Proves to be an Obama/Clinton Hack with No Integrity

-By Warner Todd Huston

With his exoneration of Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey has proven himself to be an Obama/Clinton Hack with No integrity whatever.

Instead of bothering with going into analysis, though, let’s have some fun…

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FBI Director James Comey Proves to be an Obama/Clinton Hack with No Integrity”

240 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today America enjoys the celebration of 240 years as a nation by noting the day we declared our independence from England. Sadly, that celebration has, for too many, become the “Fourth of July” holiday, a day of picnics, rote parades, “white sales,” and for some a day off work. Of course, we should not and don’t celebrate any “July Fourth” holiday. We celebrate Independence Day, the day we formally separated from our parent nation and took those first unsteady steps into the world as a nation of our own.

So, what is this Independence Day all about? Well, for one thing we celebrate the gifts that our Creator has given us. That’s right, our Founding Fathers started this nation celebrating the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those natural rights given to us by God, rights that no man or government can take away from us, rights no man can legitimately prevent us from observing.

Contrary to the God-averse America we have devolved into, the Declaration mentions God, the Creator, or the divine multiple times and the Founders rested their entire claim of liberty and freedom on the claim that no government can legitimately take away the natural rights that mankind should and must enjoy.
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240 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?”

John Adams’ Reminiscences of the First Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Adams was one of the truly indispensable men among our founding fathers. He was the man that wrote one of the first fully written out Constitutions in human history when he wrote the Constitution of Massachusetts. He wrote a seminal book on government that helped inform the founders of our nation, he was an ambassador to France and other European nations, he was our first vice president, our second president, and more.

In fact, Adams was at the center of one of the incidents that set the tone for our national character. When the Redcoats responsible for the Boston Massacre were put under arrest, John Adams stepped forward to represent the Redcoats in court. Many of his fellow patriots were amazed at this offer, some even incensed at Adams for doing so. But Adams said that the rule of law was far more important than merely making points with the home crowd and the Redcoats deserved to have competent representation.
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John Adams’ Reminiscences of the First Independence Day”

Celebrating Independence Day and the Genius of the Founding

-By Warner Todd Huston

As we gather across the nation to celebrate our Declaration of Independence and the founding of our country on Independence Day, it is right that we take stock of the great genius of our nation’s founding.

There has never, ever been a nation like the United States because the United States was the first country actually invented on a specific set of ideals.

The US didn’t just evolve by happenstance, by dint of geography, or centuries of bloodlines. The U.S. was actually a crafted ideal based first on the English Constitution and English Common law as written by Jurists such as Sir Edward Cooke and William Blackstone. But the genius of those great jurists was supplemented with the classic Roman and Greek philosophers along with more recent works by philosophers such as Montesquieu, Adam Smith, John Locke, and others of the French and Scottish Enlightenment.

America was based on the idea that the whole of the people would be educated and enlightened on the principles of the founding and would put their mind to the improvement of the country. Not just for selfish needs but for virtuous ones.

And virtue was the key principle.
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Celebrating Independence Day and the Genius of the Founding”

Lifelong Democrat Operative and ‘Journalist’ Chuck Todd Says Supporting Trump is ‘Choosing Party Over the Country’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Having started his professional life as a Democrat campaign worker back in the 1990s, NBC’s Chuck Todd has been a lifelong Democrat operative. Now, this political hack posing as a “journalist” is saying that anyone who supports Trump in 2016 is choosing “party over country.”

You read that right. A guy who has played sellout to the Democrat Party for over 30 years is calling Republicans sellouts if they vote for Trump.

The startling and hypocritical statement came during an interview with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan–himself a sellout who has put party over principle–on this weekend’s “Meet The Press.”

After Ryan said he would support Trump for the GOP nomination and then for president, Todd blurted out this little gem: “you just made a case though for party over country.”

Ryan sensibly disabused the Democrat operative working for NBC that his claim was specious saying, “No I didn’t! I know Hillary Clinton won’t agree with anything we want to do. She’ll put a bad judge on the Supreme Court. She won’t agree with any of the conservative reforms we’re trying to do.”
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Lifelong Democrat Operative and ‘Journalist’ Chuck Todd Says Supporting Trump is ‘Choosing Party Over the Country’”

Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study on the use of welfare benefits by illegal and legal immigrants in the U.S. finds that households headed by immigrants use an average of $6,200 in benefits annually, fully 41 percent higher than the rate used by native born welfare recipients.

This study comes on the heels of another study finding that 51 percent of immigrant households are signed up for at least one welfare program.

“Immigrants are such heavy users of welfare not because they don’t work, but because, on average, they have little education and thus earn low wages,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). “If we continue to permit large numbers of less-educated people to move here from abroad, we have to accept that there will be huge and ongoing costs to taxpayers.”

The study, based on the Census Bureau’s 2012 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), notes that the higher use of welfare benefits because by and large the current wave of immigrants are less educated and have fewer needed job skills and are therefore more apt to apply for welfare benefits.
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Study: Immigrants Use 41% More in Welfare Benefits Than U.S. Born Recipients”

Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is indisputable that the Republican Party is really the party of civil rights, not the Democrats. And today we have one more example of that truism with the 145th anniversary of the Republican Party’s essential outlawing of the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrat Party’s domestic terror group.

The actions against the Klan stemmed from an outrageous massacre of nearly 300 blacks perpetrated by white, Democrat Klan members in Louisiana in 1868.

On September 28, 1868 — three years after the Confederate south lost the civil war — a mob of marauding whites rampaged through Opelousas, Louisiana and massacred nearly 300 blacks who were Republican voters.

The outrage began when white, Democrat KKK members attacked the white owner of a Republican-leaning newspaper. The newspaper editor, a former school teacher for black students, was defended by several black friends during the attack and this action enraged the mob further sending them on a day-long spree of murder and mayhem.

The attack was so outrageous that the Republican Party acted to essentially ban the KKK. By April 20, 1871, the GOP passed a law banning the oppression perpetrated by the KKK when President Ulysses Grant and Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, also known as the third Enforcement Act. The law established penalties against anyone who tried to deprive any other citizen the benefit of equal protection under the laws of the United States. The law also gave the president the power to use the military to ensure that the rights of blacks were upheld.

This interest in civil rights carried all the way to the 1964 Civil Rights bill that was passed with the overwhelming support of Republicans.
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Today is the Anniversary of When Republicans Outlawed the Democrat Run KKK Terror Group”

Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2008 Barack Obama was given little notice when he told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that if he became president he’d work to destroy the coal industry, both for miners and power providers. Now, as his presidency comes to an end we see he has kept that promise.

This month, despite that coal is still one of the world’s leading sources of energy, America’s biggest coal company, Peabody Energy, filed for bankruptcy. Peabody joins a growing list of bankruptcies of other American coal concerns including Alpha Natural Resources, Arch Coal, and Patriot Coal.

Granted the industry had problems before Obama came along, but those problems became but a small part of the insurmountable obstacles put in their way by Obama’s policy to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

And before you think we here at Publius Forum are just being hyperbolic, no, “bankrupt” is exactly the term Obama used in his interview in 2008.

Here it is in Obama’s own voice
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Obama’s Promise to Destroy the Coal Industry Has Been Kept”

Politics, Left And Right, Dumbed Down to ‘Fairness’

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the presidential primaries roll out across America it has become clear that the voters are revolting against the establishment — both on the left and the right. Usually we think of the Republicans and Democrats as being polar opposites, but in today’s climate large numbers of voters on both sides are lining up in opposition to the elites for exactly the same reason. Both the left and right are in revolt over “fairness.”

Large numbers of voters, those voting for Trump on the right side of the aisle and those voting for Sanders on the left, are upset that America is no longer fair for everyone. Certainly the definition of fair and the cure for this lack of fairness takes different forms on the left and right, but it is fairness they are both exercised about, nonetheless.

Many center right Americans are worried that the large youth vote jumping on the bandwagon for self-professed socialist Bernie Sanders is a harbinger for a collapse to come and proof that America’s children have become communists. It is also proof that they have rejected the American ethos and tradition. But, while the end product might be much the same, I’d argue that it isn’t true that these Sanders voters are really voting for actual socialism.

In fact, I’d argue that most of them haven’t a clue what socialism even is. If they did they’d realize what a stupid idea it would be to vote for someone so foolish as to imagine socialism is a good idea. 20 years ago Bernie Sanders would have been thought of as a crackpot and would have been utterly dismissed from presidential politics.
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Politics, Left And Right, Dumbed Down to ‘Fairness’”

He’s Not One of Us: Marco Rubio is an Establishment Republican

-By Gary Krasner

Is Rubio a conservative? “Compared to what?” as Henny Youngman would ask. And he’s right. Everything is relative.

Which is why I was jolted when Rush Limbaugh seemed to say during his Feb. 2 show that Rubio is a conservative no different than Ted Cruz. Rush visited the topic the next day, too.

But then Rush is a pushover. He knows his fellow Floridian personally and I suspect he feels it would be a betrayal to cast him out. Rush was a good soldier for President G.W. Bush, if you recall. Because Rush is a nice guy. Loyal to friends. He’s not like Michael Medved, for example, who calls Ted Cruz a self-interested political opportunist, and lauds people like John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Oren Hatch, and had actually supported Mitt Romney as his first choice.

Given the folks Medved has loved for years, it’s no surprise to me that Marco Rubio is his preferred candidate. But Rush considers Rubio sufficiently conservative, and distinct from John Kasich or Jeb Bush?! The man from Realville? It doesn’t compute.
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He’s Not One of Us: Marco Rubio is an Establishment Republican”

Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a well worn adage that America is “made up of immigrants.” But the “making” occurred in an era when people moved to the United States in order to become Americans. Democrats, though, have taken that original intent and upended it to create a means to destroy the country instead of growing it. And there is no better example of this than the words of a Mexican immigrant who was asked to remark on the candidacy of Marco Rubio.

Before we get to this immigrant’s statements about the young Florida Senator vying for the GOP nomination for president, we must address this “made up of immigrants” claim. In truth we are not made up of “immigrants,” but of citizens.

Immigrants don’t “make” a country. Citizens do. Yes, immigrants coming here are important to our republic, but immigrants become a nation’s citizens and it is its citizens that make a country work.

Since immigrants become most useful to the country when they do, indeed, become citizens, it is so disheartening to read the statements of Las Vegas resident Maria Herrera, the rather un-American “citizen” interviewed by The Washington Post on January 10.

This woman was asked by the Post what she thinks about Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a man whose family originally hailed from Cuba.
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Here is How Democrats Are Using Immigrants to Destroy This Country”