Utah Sen. Mike Lee Scolds Conservatives at CPAC 2015: Beware of ‘Unserious’ Candidates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mike Lee is one of the few consistent conservatives in Congress, but he made a somewhat interesting choice for his subject at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). He scolded the audience against “unserious” Republican candidates.

To tepid applause, Lee warned his audience against the platitudes and talking points of candidates who are just throwing out red meat and urged them to reconsider the candidates in the light of serious policy ideas.

Why is this odd? Well, for one thing that is what many of the participants come for. They want the red meat, the platitudes and catchphrases. One thing that CPACers want is to see how dynamic the speakers can be. In many ways CPAC is a beauty pageant, one where attendees are looking for the candidate that can excite them.
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Utah Sen. Mike Lee Scolds Conservatives at CPAC 2015: Beware of ‘Unserious’ Candidates”

Illinois a ‘Sinkhole State’: Rates Second Worst for Liability Per Taxpayer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Illinois perennially ranks at the very bottom of every statistic that marks a successful state and a new report on America’s “sinkhole states” finds that Illinois again ranks at the very bottom this time for how much state debt each citizen is saddled with.

The statistics gathered by the excellent Chicago-based budget watchdog group Truth In Accounting calculated how much state debt–obligations like pensions, healthcare plans for retirees, etc–each citizen would have to pay to retire the debt in a lump sum.

The group has dubbed the worst states as “America’s Sinkhole States.”

Truth In Accounting found that Connecticut is the worst state in the union with each citizens owing 48 thousand dollars per citizen to retire the debt. But coming in a close second is the state of Illinois with a whopping 43 thousand dollars per citizen in debt.
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Illinois a ‘Sinkhole State’: Rates Second Worst for Liability Per Taxpayer”

Illinois Ranks as ‘Worst’ For Small Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Illinois and California are neck-and-neck in the calculations for the worst of the worst U.S. states, this time in a measure of how friendly the states are for the growth of small businesses.

Earlier this month thumbtack.com released its third annual survey of the climate for small businesses exploring such ratings as the overall friendliness of the state to small businesses, the ease of starting a business, regulations, ease of hiring new employees, taxes, and other criteria.

The poll was conducted among over 12,000 small business owners across the country.

The survey, held in conjunction with the Kauffman Foundation, found that the worst states for small businesses were California, Rhode Island and Illinois, all of which got a Thumbtack “F” rating. The next worst were Connecticut and New Jersey, both of which received a “D” grading.

Illinois has descended in its rating each of the three years that the survey has been conducted having earned a “D+” in 2012, a “D” in 2013, and an “F” in 2014.
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Illinois Ranks as ‘Worst’ For Small Businesses”

Sen. Orrin Hatch: Obama Fiscal Proposal ‘Classic Bait and Switch’

Senator Orrin Hatch (R, Utah) delivered the GOP weekly address and it was a damn good one.

He pulled no punches and laid it out straight that Obama lied when he ran for re-election and perpetrated a “classic bait and switch” maneuver.


“Hi. I’m Senator Orrin Hatch from the great state of Utah.

“The holiday season is upon us: a time when families come together to celebrate and reflect on another year gone by—and another one set to begin.

“But this holiday season is different: as the clock ticks down towards the New Year, nearly every single American is facing the real prospect of what’s called the Fiscal Cliff.

“If we don’t act by the end of the year, 28 million more families and individuals will be forced to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax, 21 times as many farmers and ranchers will be hit with the death tax, and the average middle-class family would see their taxes go up by at least $2,000.

“Economic leaders have told us that if we don’t act, our nation will fall into another painful recession—pushing unemployment back up over 9 percent, threatening our children’s ability to get a good paying job, and putting seniors’ retirements at risk.

“The President has said he wants a so-called balanced approach to solve this crisis. But what he proposed this week was a classic bait and switch on the American people—a tax increase double the size of what he campaigned on, billions of dollars in new stimulus spending and an unlimited, unchecked authority to borrow from the Chinese. Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall him asking for any of that during the presidential campaign. These ideas are so radical that they have already been rejected on a bipartisan basis by Congress.

“Fresh off his reelection, the President has an obligation to first steer us away from the fiscal cliff, and second, to tackle our $16-plus trillion debt, that is driven by our runaway entitlement programs, so our country doesn’t reach this dangerous crossroads ever again.

“But we’ve seen an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, and his allies on the left have shown little—very little—to no willingness to tackle real, structural entitlement reform. There is no manner of tax hike that can save Medicare or Medicaid—these programs can only be fixed with real reforms that go to the heart of how they work.

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Sen. Orrin Hatch: Obama Fiscal Proposal ‘Classic Bait and Switch’”

Bucking The Left’s Claims of GOP Racism, Utah’s Mia Love Takes Nomination

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why, oh, why can’t those racist, women-hating Republicans ever nominate a black woman to anything? I mean, those kindly leftists are right, those evil Republi… oh, wait. Looks like those lying Democrats are wrong again. We see in Utah where Mia Love has just overwhelmingly taken the GOP nomination to run for Utah’s 4th Congressional District.

Let’s see what the Democrats have to say about this nomination. They will probably stick their fingers in their ears and yell “la, la, la” at the top of their lungs to once again drown out the truth. Love herself told me “according to the left, I am not supposed to exist.”

Mia Love didn’t just win the nomination for Utah’s 4th, she ran away with it winning 70.4 percent of the vote with her opponent, an establishment guy, netting a paltry 29.6 percent.

In her address, Love said:
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Bucking The Left’s Claims of GOP Racism, Utah’s Mia Love Takes Nomination”

VIDEO: David Clark For Utah’s 2nd Congressional District

-By Warner Todd Huston

David Clark, running for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District, is my next interview in my Challenger Series of videos taken at the 2012 CPAC event.

Clark recently resigned from as Speaker of Utah’s House of Representatives, a role he filled since 2008, because the campaign finance laws in Utah make it nearly impossible to raise campaign cash while acting as a sitting elected official.

Clark comes from a banking background and this close relationship to finances drives him to make an attempt to become a Congressman to right the wrongs of Washington’s over spending.

Clark seems a very capable spokesman for Utah. See if you agree.

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VIDEO: David Clark For Utah’s 2nd Congressional District”

VIDEO: Utah’s Mia Love at CPAC

-By Warner Todd Huston

The first in my “Challengers” series of interviews I conducted with up-and-coming candidates running across the country. Here I interview candidate for Utah’s 4th Congressional District, Mia Love.

One of the things she likes to say is that “according to the left, I am not supposed to exist.” That because she is a strong, conservative, black woman.

Mia Love is surprising voters in Utah. As Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah she seemed to come from out of no where as far as many voters in Utah were concerned. But she is fast gaining a reputation as a very capable and attractive candidate.

During one of the CPAC panels, Love noted that she is prepared for a fight. “I know that I am going to be a target for the left. I have something to say to them: Game On,” she said.

In fact, she’s already being attacked by the extremists at the Democrat website, Daily Kos. Sadly, the attack on Love is not one based on substance but is a racial attack. At the Democrat site, Daily Kos is attacking Love as, “one of only two African-Americans living in Utah not currently playing for the Jazz.”

Aren’t leftists supposed to hate racism? Not when it concerns destroying anyone that disagrees with them, they aren’t.

Mia Love is sure to become a GOP rock star. All you Utahans, vote for Love!

Please do go to Mia’s website and donate some money, won’t you? http://www.love4utah.com/.
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VIDEO: Utah’s Mia Love at CPAC”

Mia Love for Utah!

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new candidate is hitting the scene in Utah. Her name is Mia Love, an African American running for the fourth Congressional District.

Mia’s Bio

Mrs. Love was born into a family of Haitian immigrants, she has deeply rooted values, love for this country, and guiding conservative principles.

Mia’s personal and professional life experiences, and her commitment to changing the reckless culture in Washington, have driven her to run for Congress. If elected, Love will become the first Republican black woman to serve in the United States House of Representatives.
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Mia Love for Utah!”

Obama to Sue States to End Worker’s Right to Secret Ballot

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama has given more payoffs, sweetheart deals, and new favorable regulations to Big Labor than any president in history. They should love him for his incredible largess. Next, in his never ending quest to harm the business community, defy the will of the voters, and give his pals in Big Labor paybacks, Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) — a federal labor regulatory agency — is about to sue any state that dares attempt to protect the right of workers to have secret ballots in their workplace elections. The states have made the mistake of sponsoring worker’s ballot protection laws.

Recently the NLRB announced its intentions to sue Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah because those states had the gal to implement constitutional amendments to their state constitutions guaranteeing that workers have a right to a secret ballot in union elections.

With this the Obama administration is moving to deny workers their right to a secret ballot, a right that has been sacrosanct in democracies for hundreds if not thousands of years. Why does Barack Obama want to take away the right to a secret ballot? Because his union pals don’t want workers to feel safe voting against a union.
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Obama to Sue States to End Worker’s Right to Secret Ballot”