Scott Brown Joining Fox News

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox has announced that former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown will join the network as a contributor debuting on the Sean Hannity show on February 13.

Recently a handful of Fox News contributors–including Sarah Palin and Dick Morris–have found contracts un-renewed. Brown joins Dennis Kucinich as the network’s newest contributor.

Executive vice president of programming for Fox News Bill Shine released a statement saying, “Senator Brown’s dedication to out-of-the box thinking on key issues makes him an important voice in the country and we are looking forward to his contributions across all Fox News platforms.”
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Scott Brown Joining Fox News”

Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael Patrick Leahy detailed yet another twist to Elizabeth “Faux-Cahontis” Warren’s tale of fake American Indian claims. Apparently in 1984 Warren supplied several “old family recipes” to the “Pow Wow Chow cookbook,” edited by her cousin. Turns out these “family recipes” where just lifted from various cookbooks and newspaper articles of the era. She appears to have plagiarized them.

Will the media note that Warren plagiarized recipes from other cookbooks, claimed they were “family recipes,” and then signed them “Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee”? Probably not, but the Old Media went ga ga when they thought her opponent, Senator Scott Brown, plagiarized something.

For Warren’s part, Leahy notes that several of her “family recipes” were copied word-for-word from a New York Times News service piece published in 1979. Boston-based talk show host Howie Carr also found that several of her recipes appear to have been plagiarized. (Here, here, and here)
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Media Ignores Warren Plagiarizing, Went Nuts Over Claims of Scott Brown’s”

Scott Brown Crashes Ted Kennedy Event, Defends GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

This one is fun, I have to say. Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown crashed an event dedicated to Ted Kennedy, bounded to the stage and defended the Republican Party in the face of startled guests. Hilarious.

Naturally, I am not a huge fan of the centrist Senator from Massachussets, but he’s certainly better than all the other extreme left-wingers infesting that state. Yes, he a typically liberal East Coast Republican, but, hey, he’s been an ally enough to be a friend. Not like Olympia Snowe or Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords, for instance.

Anyway, that disclaimer made (because if I don’t say it, I will be accused of being a RINO), let’s get to the story…

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Who is Footing Wisconsin Fleebagger’s Bills?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The expenses for the Fleebagging Wisconsin Democratic Senators are mounting. It’s been about a week’s worth of expenses since they’ve gone on the lamb. So, who is paying for all this? There has been rampant speculation that third party donors and union lobbyists have been slipping these Wisc. State Senators some money to pay their fleebagging costs. If they are this is clearly illegal.

The relevant Wisconsin statue is from Subchapter III, Chapter 13, Wisconsin Statutes (13.625), the prohibited practices section.

(1) No lobbyist may:
(a) Instigate legislative or administrative action for the purpose of obtaining employment in support or opposition thereto.
(b) Furnish to any agency official or legislative employee of the state or to any elective state official or candidate for an elective state office, or to the official’s, employee’s or candidate’s personal campaign committee:
1. Lodging.
2. Transportation.
3. Food, meals, beverages, money or any other thing of pecuniary value…

There is also a chance that these senators are using their campaign cash to pay their expenses. And if they are, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board says that this is OK.
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Who is Footing Wisconsin Fleebagger’s Bills?”

An ‘Open Letter to the DuPage County GOP’ Protesting Sen. Scott Brown Visit?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is an interesting note from Frank Napolitano of the DuPage Conservatives. Apparently, the DuPage Conservatives are none too happy that a mushy-middleman like Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown is coming to speak to the conservative heart of collar counties.

I’d certainly agree with Mr. Napolitano that Scott Brown is in no way a conservative. I can’t imagine anyone mistaking him as one, either. He’s no more conservative than, say, oh, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney happens to be. I guess the main difference between Brown and Romney is that Brown admits to being a mushy-middleman whereas Romney is one, but won’t admit it. But… well… back to the subject…

Mr. Napolitano is wondering why Brown is speaking before an otherwise pretty conservative area of our fair state? I have to say, I wonder the same thing.
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An ‘Open Letter to the DuPage County GOP’ Protesting Sen. Scott Brown Visit?”