City of Atlanta Hacked, Held Hostage by Ransomware and Considering Paying $51,000 Ransom – THIS Should Be BIG News

-By Warner Todd Huston

The data troubles in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, would be top national news if the media were not so interested in promoting porn stars. Atlanta has had its entire city computer system locked down by a ransomware hacker and is considering paying a $51,000 ransom to get access back to its system.

This news is actually pretty shocking and really should be a national story. Imagine the threat that this represents. Atlanta is one of the nation’s largest cities and if big cities like this can lose control of their entire computer systems like Atlanta has, this is a danger to all Americans.

Make no mistake, either. Atlanta doesn’t have any more or less vulnerable computer system than any other city. Nearly every city in the U.S. (and the federal government for that matter) have antiquated computer systems running them. Few of them are up to scratch security-wise.

This means that every U.S. city, from the smallest to the biggest, is in danger of hackers like this.

According to CBS News:

The use of ransomware, which lets hackers seize control of computers belonging to individuals, businesses and local governments, has been on the rise in recent years. In 2017, U.S. officials blamed North Korea for the massive “WannaCry” ransomware attack on hospitals, financial firms and other companies.
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City of Atlanta Hacked, Held Hostage by Ransomware and Considering Paying $51,000 Ransom – THIS Should Be BIG News”

One of the Most Biased Anti-Gun ‘News’ Articles I’ve Seen in Some Time

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s obvious that most articles about guns in the media are biased against our Second Amendment rights, certainly. Many are at least biased in that their facts and terminology are so badly garbled that incorrect analysis results. But a recent piece in a British newspaper is the most blatantly biased I’ve seen in some time.

For the British Express, hack writer Oli Smith uncorked a piece on the controversial proposal to allow a mosque to be built in Newton County, Georgia, that is so filled with lies, scare words, and hyperbole that it is impossible to believe it is being presented as a “news” story instead of left-wing, invective-filled opinion piece.

The lies begins right in the headline: “Armed militia storm council meeting after right-wing anger over Muslim plan for mosque.”
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One of the Most Biased Anti-Gun ‘News’ Articles I’ve Seen in Some Time”

Governor Nathan Deal’s Dumbest Claim to Quash Religious Freedom

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday Georgia Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a religious liberty bill that would stop state authorities from forcing Christians to participate in gay marriages, but one of the “reasons” Deal said prevented him from signing the bill is fraught with a pretzel logic he can’t possibly believe.

In the Governor’s view, HB 757 was “discriminatory.” Instead of protecting religious freedom, Deal claimed it only served to oppress gays. Worse, he said despite clear examples of such coercion in other states, since it’s never happened in Georgia then the law isn’t needed.

Of course, the law was written to head off the sort of state-sponsored coercion and curtailment of religious liberty seen in other states, not necessarily a law meant to correct what has already happened in the Peach State. The fact it has happened in a number of other states was plenty enough reason to try to prevent it from happening at all in Georgia.

In any case, Deal goes on to note how religious liberty is one of the first principles of the founding of the country. The founders, Deal said, “made it clear that those liberties [religious liberties] were given by God and not by man’s government. Therefore, it was unnecessary to enumerate in statute or constitution what those liberties included.”

He then went on to indulge some truly absurd pretzel logic that is so tortured even he can’t possible believe it…
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Governor Nathan Deal’s Dumbest Claim to Quash Religious Freedom”

Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder

-by Warner Todd Huston

Like all liberals, radio host Mike Malloy thinks that “the law” is essentially a meaningless concept and that because he is pure of liberal heart he should be allowed to do whatever he wants even if it is to file false police reports, bear false witness against others, and scare people by causing an illicit panic over gun owners who are following Georgia’s new open carry law.

Malloy claims to be a gun owner himself–another bit of hypocrisy, that–but he truly despises Georgia’s new open carry law. Despite that the Georgians among whom he lives have voted for the open carry law and despite that his narrow minded, anti-Second Amendment mentality is accepted by only a tiny minority of Georgians, Malloy claims he is ready to battle the open carry law by breaking the law himself… because, you know, he should only have to follow those laws he likes.
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Liberal Mike Malloy’s Anti-Gun Hysteria: Says He’ll Make False Reports to Police, Advocates Murder”

Our Militarized Police Nearly Kill Baby With Flashbang Grenade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see a militarized police department acting like Fascist stormtroopers instead of “law enforcement” officers.

This time stormtroopers in Atlanta threw a flashbang grenade into the lap of a baby in her crib. The thing exploded and gave the baby third degree burns on its face, hands and chest. And who knows if the explosion damaged the child’s eyes and ears.

The cops’ excuse? Gosh we didn’t know that there were babies in the house. We didn’t see no toys er nuthin.

“There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we’d have done something different,” Cornelia police chief Rick Darby told the Atlanta media.

Oh, well, there general Darby, all is forgiven then. Thanks for playing.
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Our Militarized Police Nearly Kill Baby With Flashbang Grenade”

Obama’s Judicial Appointments Called Racist By Black Civil Rights Activists

-By Warner Todd Huston

African American leaders in Georgia and Washington DC are criticizing President Obama’s judicial picks saying that the President’s choices are anti-civil rights and favor of voter ID laws. Worse, they say, not enough of the judicial picks are black.

Such well-known civil rights activist as Rep. John Lewis and Reverend Joseph Lowery, along with Georgia Rep. David Scott attacked the nominees as unacceptable for the black community.

Rep. Lewis spoke recently at the historic Ebenezer Church in Atlanta, Georgia saying that Obama’s judicial picks were a slap in the face to blacks.
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Obama’s Judicial Appointments Called Racist By Black Civil Rights Activists”

Georgia’s Establishment Republicans Want to Waste Millions on This, Local Tea Partiers in Strong Opposition

-By Warner Todd Huston

Local Tea Partiers Oppose This Giant, Secret Waste of Tax Dollars.

The GOP establishment in Cobb County, Georgia wants to spend upwards to $600 million in local tax dollars to help the Atlanta Braves move north of downtown Atlanta. They say it will bring new development and increased economic activity to the area. Tea Partiers, however, say this is a waste of tax dollars and it isn’t the government’s job to join in capitalist projects.

The establishment GOP says their argument is simple. As detailed by the AP, Cobb County Commission Chairman Tim Lee and his supporters say that “almost $400 million in county bonds and immediate infrastructure improvements, with debt payments approaching $600 million over 30 years–will generate enough economic activity and, thus, tax revenue to justify the spending.”

Lee imagines that this huge outlay of tax money is a “home run” for his county. Local tea party leaders thoroughly disagree.

This is all “appalling hypocrisy” and “arrogance” on behalf of the county operatives, says Atlanta Tea Party Leader Debbie Dooley.
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Georgia’s Establishment Republicans Want to Waste Millions on This, Local Tea Partiers in Strong Opposition”

TV Viewer Threatens to ‘Blast’ News Reporter ‘In the Face with a Shotgun’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk about TV rage, police in Augusta, Georgia are looking for a man making threatening phone calls to WJBF TV because he didn’t like a reporter’s story, reports say.

Apparently WJBF reporter Michael Miller made someone upset enough to call the station several times threatening to shoot the reporter “in the face” with a shotgun. The caller also threatened to kill the other people at the station, too. Joe Biden approves of the weapon choice, anyway.

Reporter Miller told police he had just finished a story on Green Dot scams when the calls came in. A Green Dot MoneyPak card is a re-loadable cash card that many people who don’t have bank accounts use to pay bills. There are many cards like this on the market. Major credit card companies also have such re-loadable cards and all can be bought at convenience stores, grocery stores, and department stores like Walmart.
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TV Viewer Threatens to ‘Blast’ News Reporter ‘In the Face with a Shotgun’”

Mother of Grade Schooler Banned from Kid’s School Over Concealed Carry License

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is how the liberals destroy our rights, folks. A mother in Georgia has now been told she isn’t allowed to go to her own child’s taxpayer funded grade school because she has a concealed carry permit.

Parent Tanya Mount says that she was a volunteer at her disabled daughter’s school, McBean Elementary in Hepzibah, Georgia, but as soon as she posted a Facebook photo of herself after she received her concealed carry license, the school banned her from going there.

She is sure of this because not long after she posted the photo she got a visit from police telling her she was banned.

“I feel like a criminal. I want I want to be heard. I want a public apology,” Mount told WRDW TV, Augusta.
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Mother of Grade Schooler Banned from Kid’s School Over Concealed Carry License”

Geo. Zimmerman’s Brother Tweets Photo Comparing GA Baby Shooter to Trayvon Martin

-By Warner Todd Huston

The brother of accused killer George Zimmerman tweeted a photograph comparing accused baby killer De’Marquise Elkins to Trayvon Martin, the young man shot and killed in Florida in 2012.

In a March 24 Tweet, Robert Zimmerman, Jr. posted a photo of De’Marquise Elkins flashing gang signs including a raised middle finger alongside a photo of Trayvon Matin with both middle fingers raised. A caption on the photo reads, “A picture speaks a thousand words. Any Questions?”

Along with the graphic of photos comparing the two young men, Zimmerman writes, “Alleged FBpics of 13mo. old Antonio Santiago’s alleged killer & Trayvon Martin. Uncanny.”

[Note, it seems Mr. Zimmerman has deleted the original Tweet now, screen shot below.]

De’Marquise Elkins has been arrested in Georgia for shooting and killing 13-month-old Antonio Santiago. Elkins is charged with shooting the baby and the baby’s mother in a robbery attempt. Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by Robert Zimmerman’s brother, George, in 2012. George Zimmerman has maintained that Martin was assaulting him and that the shooting was an act of self-defense.

Robert Zimmerman, the accused shooter’s younger brother, has been a staunch and outspoken supporter of his older brother but his latest tweet has drawn sharp criticism on his Twitter account.
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Geo. Zimmerman’s Brother Tweets Photo Comparing GA Baby Shooter to Trayvon Martin”

Slavery Flap Shows Emory University Professors are Morons

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier this month the President of Emory University wrote a piece for the school magazine about the efficacy of compromise. By the 24th he was forced to apologize for the piece because he mentioned slavery fully in context in his piece. The faux outrage that his comments caused proved three things: that no one at Emory has any grasp of American history, that the professors at Emory University are morons, and that the student body are utterly unable to employ critical thinking.

The segment that upset everyone was utterly innocuous and cited properly in context by Wagner, without hate or racism. Unfortunately, logic and context isn’t what the race baiters of Emory University are interested in, sad to say.

President James Wagner’s piece was meant to extol the virtues of compromise and meant his piece to explain that this vaunted compromise was as American as Apple Pie, baseball, and the restl. Pursuant to that, Wagner wrote the following:

One instance of constitutional compromise was the agreement to count three-fifths of the slave population for purposes of state representation in Congress. Southern delegates wanted to count the whole slave population, which would have given the South greater influence over national policy. Northern delegates argued that slaves should not be counted at all, because they had no vote. As the price for achieving the ultimate aim of the Constitution—“to form a more perfect union”—the two sides compromised on this immediate issue of how to count slaves in the new nation. Pragmatic half-victories kept in view the higher aspiration of drawing the country more closely together.

Such as it is, this is correct, straight forward, pure fact. It has not a whiff of controversy to it. Well, it wouldn’t have a whiff of controversy if an intelligent, informed person were reading that excerpt, anyway.

Instead of intelligent people, however, we ended up with dolts like Emory history “professor” Leslie Harris, halfwits like “professor” Leroy Davis, and racebaiters like student Jovanna Jones.
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Slavery Flap Shows Emory University Professors are Morons”

Man Sues After ‘GAYGUY’ License Plate Denied

-By Warner Todd Huston

An Atlanta man is suing the state of Georgia saying that his civil rights were violated after being denied several vanity license plates that would have made reference to his sexual preference.

Last year James Cyrus Gilbert applied for several different license plates announcing his support for homosexuality. In his lawsuit, Gilbert says he tried to get 4GAYLIB, GAYPWR, and GAYGUY but was denied each time.

Like many states, Georgia has a list of vulgarities, subjects and words that are banned from vanity plates and authorities say reference to sexual predilections is one of the banned items in the Peach State.

Gilbert says he doesn’t believe his requests were vulgar or “over the top.”

Neither the Georgia Department of Driver Services nor the Georgia State’s Attorney’s Office have agreed to comment on the lawsuit.
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Man Sues After ‘GAYGUY’ License Plate Denied”

Georgia Gov. Signs Bill Allowing 10 Commandments Posted at all Public Bldgs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Georgia Governor, Republican Nathan Deal has signed an amended “historical display” law that will allow America’s founding documents as well as the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta to be posted at schools and other government buildings in addition to the courthouses as the original bill allowed.

The amended law introduced by State Rep. Tommy Benton (R, Jefferson, Dist. 31) allows the “Foundations of American Law & Government Display” to be publicly displayed in “all public buildings.”

The display includes the following documents:
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Georgia Gov. Signs Bill Allowing 10 Commandments Posted at all Public Bldgs”

Why is the Georgia Democrat Party Employing a Convicted Criminal?

-By Warner Todd Huston

For some unknown reason, the state Democrat Party of Georgia’s Political Director, one Ali Rashad Richey, is a man with a long arrest record and no one seems the last bit worried about it in the Peach State — neither politicians nor the media. This man’s arrests are for such offenses as burglary, assault, battery, driving offenses, and violation of probation. In fact he’s been arrested at least 12 times in the last decade.

Are Georgia Democrats so used to convicted criminals in their midst that no one cares about this?

Who is Ali Rashad Richey? For one thing he is listed as a political director for the State Democrat Party on a Linkedin profile. He is also listed on the State Democrat Party disclosure report as having been paid $4,000 in 2010 for “political work.” There he is listed as living at 1834 Carla Drive, in Morrow, Georgia. Richey received at least two other checks for $4,000 each in January and February. His pay day amounts at the least to over $30,000 from the State Democrats thus far and it seems he’s still on the payroll.
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Why is the Georgia Democrat Party Employing a Convicted Criminal?”

Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another case of sudden jihad syndrome one more nut has bitten the dust here in the good ol’ USA. But this one won’t be enjoying the traditional 72 virgins, well, unless she is a very uncommon Muslim, that is. Jameela Cecila Barnette was killed by a Cobb County, Georgia Police Officer on Christmas morning, no less, when she attacked him with a knife. Merry Christmas, indeed.

Barnette, 53, apparently a recent convert to Islam, was under indictment for threatening several lawmakers, one of whom is New York State Senator Greg Ball whom Barnette sent a rambling, threatening letter in a box with a stuffed monkey with Stars of David pinned to it.

The letter read in part:

it is apparent that you are the proud, dirty-white, goose-stepping, cross-bearing, flag-draped, Muslim-hating Christian ghoul marching to your own destruction,” agents said Barnette wrote in the letter. “I have included a gift for you, your own miniature Jew that you can worship in the privacy of your own home. I will be scanning the obituaries to read the end of your saga. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil Jew masters created for you because the Hell-fire is your final destination and the final destination of all of your colleagues.

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Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police”

Bi-Racial Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police, Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of talk comparing and contrasting the Tea Partiers and these Occupy-Whatever people. But in Georgia we can see a stark difference. Tea Partiers are law-abiding citizens while the Occupy Atlantans are law breakers. Sadly, Capitol Police in Atlanta have sided with the Occupiers and against Tea Partiers.

At the very least the Capitol Police in Atlanta have definitely been treating these two groups unequally. These officers of the law have turned a blind eye to law breaking by the Occupy folks allowing them to do anything they want but did not extend that courtesy to those Tea Party groups that also protested at the Georgia Capitol House.
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Bi-Racial Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police, Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws”

Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the funniest thing I have ever…

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever….

Seen in my life.

Seen in my life.

A bunch of child-like protesters in Atlanta, Georgia refused left-wing Congressman John Lewis — a civil rights icon to many — to be allowed to address the crowd this weekend. The whole scene is reminiscent of the worst, hackneyed, new agie-styled preschool program devised for 5-year-olds by one of the most idiotic leftists imaginable. But it makes for hilarious video entertainment.

Apparently these people decided that their “assembly” would employ pure democracy. But if there was ever a more annoying way to do it, I’ve never seen it.

A scraggly, bearded, hippie wannabe playing the part of the crowd’s conscience spoke to those gathered over a megaphone system. He would say a few words and the crowd would, like five-year-olds in a preschool class, repeat his words verbatim.

It went something like this:

Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “We have someone here…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “We have someone here…”
Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “Who would like to address the assembly…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “Who would like to address the assembly…”

So, Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy explains to the crowd that they don’t “use clapping” in their “assembly” because clapping can “prevent someone else who is addressing the assembly from being heard.” So, to “signal approval” the crowd is instructed to raise their hands and wiggle their fingers. I swear I saw this on Barney the Dinosaur show.
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Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd”

Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

A middle school in Smyrna, Georgia included in an assignment material that essentially shows 7th grade children that Islamic polygamy is a perfectly legitimate concept and that there is nothing wrong with the strict dress codes used to oppress Muslim women the world over.

The material was presented to the 7th graders at Campbell Middle School as part of a discussion of the school’s dress codes, apparently meant to use the ideas of Islamic culture for women’s clothing as some sort of example to compare how the school regulates clothing for its students in Georgia.

The concepts were presented in the lesson as a letter from a fictional 20-year-old Muslim woman named “Ahlima.” In this letter “Ahlima” tells readers that she wouldn’t mind if her husband took a second wife and also extolled the virtues of the burkha. She claims that American women are “horribly immodest” in the way they dress.

As to polygamy, the fictional Ahlima says, “I understand that some Westerners condemn our practice of polygamy, but I also know they are wrong.”
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Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women”

Healthcare: Let The States Decide

-By Warner Todd Huston

The debate about healthcare coming from the Democrats is steeped in purposeful misdirection on one hand and a complete lack of any real knowledge about what Obamacare will even do on the other. It is also a major overreach on a federalism level which is why it is hard to understand why more people aren’t talking about the Healthcare Compact plan ( states have already signed onto it and has even been signed into law in two of them, Georgia and Oklahoma.

Of course, the problem is that we are expected to believe that Obamacare — which is essentially a nationalized healthcare policy — will work just fine on a national level. Despite that history has proven over and over again that centralized planning simply does not work, most especially with something as unwieldy and complicated as healthcare.

It doesn’t help that we are not being told the truth by those pushing Obama’s plan, either. Many times the president has claimed that with Obamacare you can “keep your health care plan” if you like it, you can keep your doctor if you like him. This, however, has been generously called a “questionable” promise. And that isn’t the only untruth coming from Obamacare supporters.
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Healthcare: Let The States Decide”

VIDEO: Calif. Union Goon Pushes Tea Partier While Yelling About ‘Fascists,’ Another Attacks Man in Georgia

-By Warner Todd Huston

Union animals escalating violence across the country… has the startling tale of a Teamster Jacket-wearing union goon attacking a Tea Party member at a protest held in Sacramento, California.

Naturally, even as this union scumbag was manhandling a Tea Partier, he was yelling through a bullhorn that Tea Partiers are “fascists.”

The union thug was later issued a citation by Sacramento police for his physical assault.

I hate to say this, but I am afraid that these union thugs won’t be happy until someone is seriously injured at one of these protests. Unonistas cannot restrain the abject hatred they feel for Americans and the union left’s long, violent history augers that someone is going to get hurt sooner rather than later. I dearly hope that my fears are never realized, but it’s certainly hard to deny the distinct possibility. I certainly don’t want anyone hurt, here, not on any side of this budget debate.

SecularStpidest also has posted what it is claiming is an interview with the another guy that got manhandled in Atlanta, Georgia by a union thug…

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VIDEO: Calif. Union Goon Pushes Tea Partier While Yelling About ‘Fascists,’ Another Attacks Man in Georgia”

The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee

-By Warner Todd Huston

Veteran fiscal conservative Congressman Peter Roskam (R, IL) has announced the names of the 10 Republicans that are joining him on the House Ways and Means Committee, the powerful committee that has jurisdiction over taxes, trade, and programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

Peter Roskam is the Representative for the 6th Illinois Congressional District which is situated just west of Chicago. He is about to begin his third term in Congress and will advance to the position of Chief Deputy Whip in the 112th Congress. Roskam ranks fourth in the House GOP leadership. His American Conservative Union (ACU) ranking is 97.33 percent.

Two freshmen Representatives will be taking their place on this powerful committee.
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The 11 Republicans on the Powerful House Ways and Means Committee”

County Sues Man for Growing Veggies?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Where’s Michelle “the Green Witch” Obama when you need her? She might have been able to save a man in Dekalb County, Georgia from being sued by his own county for growing too many vegetables in his garden.

That’s right, you heard me: sued by the government for growing too many veggies.

Steve Miller plants two acres of crops each year and sells some at farmer’s markets and gives the rest away free to local residents.

How do county officials justify this harassment? Officials claim that Miller is in violation of zoning laws and has “unpermitted employees” on his property.
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County Sues Man for Growing Veggies?”

Publius Interview: Herman Cain… for President?

Where ever Herman Cain goes he meets enthusiastic crowds. There is a reason for that: He is an incredibly dynamic man. He has a compelling life story and boy can he whip up a crowd! Every time I’ve seen him he has the folks on their feet in wild applause.

The Interview With Herman Cain, Part One

Part Two

Part Three

His resume is quite impressive, of course. After all, he was the man that was assigned stewardship of the troubled Godfather Pizza chain when he worked for Pillsbury Foods and turned it around into a money-maker when no one expected him to be able to do so. It became so successful that he was able to buy the chain and run it himself.
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Publius Interview: Herman Cain… for President?”