The Gaffe that Time Forgot: Lincoln’s Intercontinental Railroad

-By John Sexton of Verum Serum

I came across this the other day and thought it was a perfect example of the sort of silly verbal gaffe which is ignored by the media when the left makes the error, but which is elevated to national importance when a conservative does it.

Thanks to Warner Todd Huston for making this clip. Have a look:

Listen, Abraham Lincoln helped build the interstate…the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War because he understood this was going to be important.

Of course, there was no “intercontinental railroad” being built during the Civil War. We did not build a trestle across the Bering Strait or lay tracks to South America. Abraham Lincoln did support the building of a transcontinental railroad connecting the East Coast to the West Coast.

Is this a big deal? Of course not. It’s obvious the President stumbled, probably thinking of our modern interstate road system and transposed that onto the transcontinental railroad. But if Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann had said this, you can bet there would be lots of people pointing out what an embarrassing historical gaffe it was. Paul Revere’s ride and John Quincy Adams are the most recent examples of this trend. Those gaffes were national news. The intercontinental railroad was not.

People misspeak. Sometimes they say things that are wrong. The difference is, the right doesn’t capitalize on everyone of these and try to form a narrative around them about the stupidity of, say Barack Obama. The left can’t seem to help itself, especially when it comes to conservative women.
John Sexton of and I have been double teaming this Obama “intercontinental railroad” gaffe and the subsequent refusal of the media to take any notice at all. Here are our previous stories:

Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thanks to SB167/HB470, Maryland is yet another U.S. State attempting to reward illegal immigrants with free or cut rate in-state university educations all at the detriment to the real citizens of the state — and all without the direct vote of the people. But this state version of the DREAM Act has resulted in some other attempted skullduggery, mainly violations of the state’s voting laws.

Here is what happened. Two Maryland legislators, Senator Victor Ramirez and Delegate Sheila Hixson of St. George’s County, introduced the bill in question that gave illegals in-state tuition to the state’s colleges – in other words, illegals will be taking the place of actual citizens at the state’s colleges. Even as the bill became law, the people of Maryland were not too happy with the whole thing. So, in time-honored fashion, the people of Maryland took up petitions to try and have a voice about being rid of this rewarding of illegals.

As it happens the citizens against this Maryland version of the DREAM Act didn’t just collect the requisite 18,579 (or so) petition signatures, they collected 40,000! This made the supporters of illegal immigrants suddenly all upset, as you can imagine, and here is where the lawbreaking came in.
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Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland”

Conn. Unions Have Trouble Reading Hand Writing on Wall

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cities, counties and states (not to mention the federal gov’t) all across the country are overspent, out of cash, and deeply in the red. One reality that has been hitting all these government entities has been a series of tough negotiations with government employee unions. Unions are loathe to take cuts, certainly, but the reality is that in many cases it’s either cuts or layoffs. More and more unions are realizing this and taking the cuts to avoid losing jobs. The foolish government employees in Connecticut seem to be insensible to reality, though.

Strangely enough, even the government union bosses in Connecticut understood the pickle they were in. Union bigwigs negotiated cuts with the Democrat controlled state legislature and Democrat Governor Daniel Malloy. They did this with the understanding that none of their rank and file would lose their job.

Unfortunately for the unions, many of the members seem too foolish to “get” it. They voted the concessions down. Now Governor Malloy is saying he has little choice but to get rid of thousands of workers.

Nice move, fellows.
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Conn. Unions Have Trouble Reading Hand Writing on Wall”

VIDEO: Herman Cain Raises Voice at Blogger, Holds His Ground

-By Warner Todd Huston

Herman Cain appeared at last weekend’s RightOnLine conference (June 18) to two standing ovations. His rousing campaign speech apparently hit all the right notes with the conservative audience in attendance. But afterward, in the blogger access room, there were a few sour notes, in one case Cain even angrily yelled at a blogger over a question hard pressed.

The RightOnLine conference is a get together held annually by Americans For Prosperity and aimed at helping citizens become more involved in their government both on and off the Internet. This year’s event was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota but Cain has spoken at this conference several times in the past.

This time, though, Cain is running for president and questions were a tad less fawning in the blogger access session. Several questions about his refusal to sign the abortion pledge, how his foreign policy ideas are perceived as weak, and his statements on Muslims in his administration got Cain passion flowing and his eyes flashing.

I was at this meeting and was able to get a full video of the session.
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VIDEO: Herman Cain Raises Voice at Blogger, Holds His Ground”

Herman Cain: Obama’s NLRB ‘A Direct Assault on the Free Market System’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Presidential candidate Herman Cain (R) recently spoke with FOX Business Network’s (FBN) Neil Cavuto about the dispute between the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Boeing and its impact on the United States economy. Cain said what the NLRB is trying to do keeping Boeing out of Charleston is “a direct assault on the free market system” and he hopes Boeing will “fight it all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what they have to do.” Cain went on to say it is “uncertainty” that is preventing the U.S. economy from adding jobs in the “private sector” which must be “the engine” for economic growth and it is issues like the NLRB/Boeing dispute that are “killing the engine.”

Cain says that the reason business aren’t hiring is because of the uncertainty that Obama’s policies have visited upon the nation. The “uncertainty about the impact of Obamacare” chief among them.

“We don’t know what the tax rates are going to be at the end of 2013. This economy is stalled. This economy is like a train stuck on the tracks. You have a boxcar full of 15 million people who don’t have jobs, you have a boxcar of businesses that are hanging on. You have a caboose and no engine. They keep feeding the caboose. The caboose can’t pull the train. The private sector has to be the engine. Everything that they are doing, including this National Labor Relations Board issue, is killing the engine.”
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Herman Cain: Obama’s NLRB ‘A Direct Assault on the Free Market System’”

Cal. Union Launches Effort to Recruit Republican Candidates

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is a novel approach. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest government employee unions in the nation, has decided that they’ve had enough of all those darn Republicans that are… well… acting like Republicans. So, the union has lighted on a new way to be rid of all those darn Republican-like Republicans. They are going to sponsor their own Republican candidates in upcoming elections in the land of fruits and nuts.

The SEIU has created a new “Republican” political action committee (PAC) meant to recruit purported moderate Republicans to run for office to replace the Republicans now sitting in Sacramento. SEIU is calling this PAC the “Golden California Committee.”

The name of their PAC reminds me of the phrase, “don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” This golden shower that the SEIU is trying to pull off doesn’t fool anyone. The SEIU has no interest in helping Republicans. They have but one goal, to implement laws and government regulations that give to government employee unions payoffs, higher salaries, and outrageous benefits and pensions that exceed anything that the general public will ever see. They know that the only way to do this is to control government from both sides of the aisle.
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Cal. Union Launches Effort to Recruit Republican Candidates”

Thoughts on the CNN Republican Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well the CNN debate of some of the GOP candidates for president is now in the history books and I thought I’d give my impression of those vying there.

Before I do that, I have to comment on John King’s constant guttural vocal tick. It sounded like he had Tourette Syndrome with the grunts and other noises. He was an utter failure as a moderator. His annoying grunts HAVE to go. It was also clear that his goal was not to hear what the candidates wanted to say, but that he wanted them to attack each other. He was constantly trying to pit them against each other. Fortunately, they did not take the bait for the most part. This was a civil debate, for sure. But if anyone failed tonight it was John King.

The debate format was rotten, too. This 30-second limit on answers for complex issues is absurd. I am glad that about halfway through the thing the time limit went by the wayside.

Now Let’s take the candidates as they appeared on the stage.
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Thoughts on the CNN Republican Debate”

New ‘Reality’ TV Show To Focus On Race for 2012 Election

-By Warner Todd Huston

An interesting ad has recently appeared at the New York Craig’s List website which shows exactly how the left will be framing the upcoming 2012 presidential election. The ad asks for a family that represents “racial minorities” to be pitted against a family of “white conservatives.” It’s pretty clear they intend to make this whole election about race.

A new “reality” TV show is being planned as a “television documentary” centered around the 2012 elections. The company that put up the ad proves that race is their central theme. These would-be filmmakers are looking for “families that have profiles similar to the potential 2012 candidates.”

A television documentary is looking for participants in a future project concerning the 2012 Presidential elections.

That is to say one family that loosely resembles the Obama family (racial minority [can be any non-white racial or ethnic group], recent immigrant [1 or 2 generations], liberal, etc.) and one family that loosely resembles a potential Republican contender (white, conservative).

So, it is apparent that this “television documentary” project is going to focus on race with this. They want America to see this presidential campaign as a contest between white and black America. They don’t want this to be about issues at all.
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New ‘Reality’ TV Show To Focus On Race for 2012 Election”

Big Unions Cooling on Obama?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bloomberg has another unions-are-mad-at-Obama story this week and, while there is no doubt that unions are a bit miffed at the big “O,” we should all be cautioned about where Big Labor will put its support in 2012. Miffed or not, and quite contrary to what Bloomberg wants you to believe, Big Labor will support Obama to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

Still, it is interesting to see the unions whine about Obama. This president has been the biggest booster to Big Labor than any other president in history. The business punishing regulations alone that Obama has saddled upon this struggling economy makes his efforts more destructive and favorable to unions than any two past presidents combined.

Obama is using his regulatory powers to force contractors to pay unions off to get federal work even if those businesses aren’t members of any union, he’s sallied forth from his castle to inform businesses about where they will be allowed to build businesses, his crony capitalist efforts have put big businesses all across the country under his thumb, and he’s eased as many regulations that keep unions in line as he can… and he plans to do even more.
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Big Unions Cooling on Obama?”

Who’s Watching As White House Collects Emails (For Illegal Campaigning?)

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Official White House website has a questionable new addition. When you land on the White House main page a notice fills your screen asking you kindly if you’d like to supply them with your email address so that they can send you “periodic updates from President Obama and other administration officials.”

Well, isn’t that nice? Why, you can give Obama your email address and he’ll send you his “updates.” Gosh. Just before an election, too. Now, I wonder: just where will all those email addresses go? After all, it is illegal to use official government apparatuses for political campaigning, isn’t it?
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Who’s Watching As White House Collects Emails (For Illegal Campaigning?)”

Jon Huntsman: ‘We Won’t be Spending Time in Iowa’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Looks like GOP candidate for president Jon Hunstman has decided that he won’t bother with the Iowa Caucus during this primary season. Huntsman claims he’s skipping Iowa because he refuses to support ethanol subsidies.

At a stop in New Hampshire, Huntsman

Election Laws Need an Overhaul, Wisc. Case in Point

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is no doubt that our election laws are in serious disarray. So many laws and rules have been written and added to the plethora of rules and regulations that already exist that confusion is more likely the case than clarification. As several recall petitions in Wisconsin wing their way to a polling place near you (if you’re a Badger Stater), a case in point is a stupid Wisconsin rule that equates to the disenfranchisement of individual voters should things get dicey at the polling place.

Tucked away in chapter seven of the election officials duties publication from the State of Wisconsin is a rule that would essentially take away the legal vote of some undetermined number of voters if the polling place discovers that its vote count is higher than its number of registered voters in the poll book.

The idea is that if there are too many votes then the poll judges will “draw… by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number” and put these votes aside. These votes will not count, either. That means that supposedly by random, some citizens will lose their vote because somehow or another the ballot box was stuffed with too many illicit votes!
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Election Laws Need an Overhaul, Wisc. Case in Point”

Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏

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Please contact your legislators today to tell them to support critical pension reform in the state of Illinois. A vote may happen this week, before the May 31 deadline. Illinois is broke with an estimated public debt of $210 billion. Our debt was downgraded 9 times in 2010. Governor Quinn and the Democrat politicians in Springfield raised your income taxes by 67% in January, yet we still have an $8 billion budget gap. The main cause is exorbitant pension and healthcare promises made to public employees. Thousands of public employees have been promised million or multi-million dollar pensions.

Contact your State Representative and your State Senator and let them know you want them to vote “Yes” on public pension reform.

Click below to find the phone and email address of your own:
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Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏”

Jon Hunstman: RINO King

He’s for cap and trade… well, until he was against it. He’s for Obamacare… well until he wants to run against it. He’s against insurance companies… well, maybe not these days. He’s called himself a “non-traditional” Republican because Democrats support him… yet now he wants to be Mr. Conservative to run for president?

It’s Jon Huntsman: RINO King…

For those not following that closely, Jon Huntsman is Obama’s recently resigned Ambassador to China. He was also the 16th Governor of Utah. A Mormon, Hunstsman is also a Republican and, though he has not officially announced, is interested in running for the GOP nomination for president.

Maria Shriver Leaves Ahnold… What Kind of Kennedy IS She Anyway?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone’s jaws are jamming about the fact that ten years ago Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child out of wedlock with some hussey or another. The follow up shocker is that his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver — a member of the Kennedy clan — has left him. It all makes me wonder what is wrong with Maria Shriver? What sort of Kennedy IS she, anyway.

I was recently on Political Vindication Radio and we came to several conclusions about this whole Shriver woman business.

Maria Shriver simply can’t be a Kennedy. I am convinced she was adopted or something.
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Maria Shriver Leaves Ahnold… What Kind of Kennedy IS She Anyway?”

Another Example of How Ron Paul is Hypocritical on Supposed Fiscal Responsibility

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Paul’s acolytes like to claim that “Doctor” Paul is the only candidate that is serious on fiscal matters, the only candidate that is fiscally conservative, the only one that talks the talk and walks the walk. Too bad this is all BS… and here is yet another example of this fact.

T. Boone Pickens is back again. After he tried to make a big splash out of his ideas on windmill power (epic fail, that one), the Pick man is back at the public trough urging Congress to create a number of taxpayer-funded subsidies for companies that buy and manufacture vehicles that run on natural gas.

The Pickster has roped a whole gaggle of Republicans into his next boondoggle and guess who has signed onto the bill? Yep, Mr. fiscal responsibility hisself “Doctor” Ron Paul.
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Another Example of How Ron Paul is Hypocritical on Supposed Fiscal Responsibility”

AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire Tea Party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was somehow fathered or “grandfathered” by Texas Representative Ron Paul, the cranky uncle of the GOP. The fact is Ron Paul had nothing at all to do with the Tea Party movement. The claim that he did is a calumny, one that the AP hopes will discredit the Tea Party movement.

In the Story, the AP claims that Ron Paul is “both a spiritual father and actual father in the tea party movement.” It mentions that his son, Rand, is a “tea party darling” (that one is true, at least) and claims that since Paul had a 2007 event he called a “‘Tea Party Fundraiser’ aboard a shrimp boat near Galveston,” that must make him the father of the Tea Party movement.

Then AP finds some Paulbot to claim that, to him, “Ron Paul is the tea party.” Well, that settles it, huh? Because a Paulienut says it’s so, why it must be. At least that is what the AP wants its readers to believe.
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AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul”

moRon Paul Says We Shouldn’t Have Killed Osama bin Ladden!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Paul, the GOP’s cranky old uncle, has been spouting his isolationist, appeaser-styled foreign policy ideas for decades but with this bin Ladden business he has again gone too far. Now Ron Paul says we should never have killed Osama bin Ladden.

Ron Paul says he would not have authorized the mission that led to the death of Osama bin Laden, and that President Barack Obama should have worked with the Pakistani government instead of authorizing a raid.

As to if he would have given the go-ahead to kill OBL, Paul said:

“I don’t think it was necessary, no. It absolutely was not necessary,” Paul said during his Tuesday comments. “I think respect for the rule of law and world law and international law. What if he’d been in a hotel in London? We wanted to keep it secret, so would we have sent the airplane, you know the helicopters into London, because they were afraid the information would get out?”

So, moRon Paul would go to our avowed enemies and ask them if pretty, pretty please will they help us capture the guy they love and have been hiding from us for more than a decade.
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moRon Paul Says We Shouldn’t Have Killed Osama bin Ladden!”

Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one thing that always flummoxes me. Over the last few decades American labor unions have increasingly become adjuncts, associates, pals, close friends — what ever you want to call them — with anti-American groups like the Communist Party USA and various socialist, anti-Israel groups, and pro-terror groups like the many pro-Palestinian groups. So, what the hell are the regular, presumably true American rank and file members doing about this fact? Are they aware of it? If they are aware of it why do they sit idly by while their union leaders consort with enemies of the United States of America?

The May Day rally in L.A. is just the latest example of major American unions joining hands with commies, socialists, terror-supporters and anti-Americans.
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Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?”

East St. Louis: More Voters Registered Than Citizens That Live There

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a particular problem with our voter registration systems across the USA that the voting roles are so filled with ineligible names that we aren’t sure how many voters really live in any particular district. East St. Louis is no different.

In fact, East St. Louis seems to have more voters registered in its district than it even has voting population.
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East St. Louis: More Voters Registered Than Citizens That Live There”

Union Operative That Wants ‘Financial Panic’ and Communism Still Working at SEIU

-By Warner Todd Huston

You may remember back in March that an audio tape was released upon which an SEIU operative expressed his desire to destroy the American economy by creating “financial panic” and overloading the system. This, it was proposed, could lay the groundwork to turn America into a perfect communist society.

The union operative in question was a guy named Steve Lerner and he works for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The fact that it is he “works” for the SEIU is certainly news. After all, when the tape was released we were all assured that Lerner was fired by the SEIU because of his communist-inspired rambling.

However, we have since found out that this anti-American nutcase has not been fired by the union. In fact, he was present at a recent executive board meeting.
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Union Operative That Wants ‘Financial Panic’ and Communism Still Working at SEIU”

Keith Brin Announces Campaign for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk

Current Chief Deputy Thanks Sally Coffelt for her Faithful Service to Lake County

HIGHLAND PARK, IL – With Lake County Circuit Court Clerk Sally Coffelt announcing last week her intention to retire at the end of her term after thirty-two years in office, Keith Brin has announced his candidacy in 2012 for the seat currently held by his boss.

“It has been an honor to serve as Sally’s Chief Deputy,” said Brin. “She has served Lake County with honor and integrity, and has taught me the most important responsibility of an elected official is to serve the public. I intend to continue that tradition of public accountability.”

Brin, an attorney and business executive from Highland Park, has made technology the focus of his campaign. He has led recent modernization efforts in the department and intends to further improve efficiency and access in order to reduce costs and improve customer service. In addition, he has pledged to continue the Lake County tradition of fiscal discipline and transparency.
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Keith Brin Announces Campaign for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk”

Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Blaze posted a video (notice how I gave attribution there, Mr. Beck?) that was shot at a Portland, Oregon Tea Party rally at which a gaggle of lefties came out to organize a counter protest. Like always, the lefties were vile, low-born, scum-bags in how they comported themselves and they gave us just one more example of the vaunted Democrat “new tone” we keep hearing about. (Also see the Marooned in Marin blog)

The language employed by these ignoramus lefties is definitely NOT safe for work, so be careful. Don’t let little ones watch, either, if putridly foul language is something you don’t want them to hear.

This IS the left, folks. They are haters of the worst sort.
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Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’”

14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ann Althouse has a great report showing how, once again, the uncivil left doesn’t care about free speech.

… A man with a guitar is performing — amplified — on the stage, but we can barely hear him over the crowd noise. There is incessant ringing of cowbells. Then, we can hear that a young woman is speaking from the stage to the Tea Party crowd as the protesters do what they can to drown her out. She finishes — “God bless America” — and the tea partiers cheer but the protesters overwhelm them with boos. The emcee comes to the mike and we hear that the speaker was only 14 years old

Althouse has been doing yeoman’s work covering the hate-spewing left in Wisconsin this year. Check her Latest out.
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14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators”

Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏

The 2011 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party on Monday, April 18 at noon in Daley Plaza has grown even bigger. Businessman, tea party star and Presidential Candidate Herman Cain is now set to speak at the rally. Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform and one of the original authors of the Contract with America will also speak in Chicago on tax day. But that’s not all. We’ll also be joined by Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft from WLS AM-890.

Let us know you’re coming by registering here. You can also RSVP on Facebook here.

Herman Cain, Grover Norquist, Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft will round out an already stellar group of speakers, liberty leaders and regular people who are making a difference. The confirmed speakers at the event include:
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Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏”

Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party scheduled for April 15

“It’s Your Government—Get Informed, Get Involved” is the theme of this year’s Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party on Friday, April 15, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the Kane County Government Plaza at the intersection of Route 31 and Third Street in Geneva.

This year’s program focuses on local, state, national and international issues. Scheduled speakers include radio host Teri O’Brien, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute, Jim Komaniecki of Restore American Liberty, local businessman Mike Olesen, and Bob McQuillan of TaxFacts, among others. Jeff Danklefsen will emcee.

This family-friendly educational event will also offer patriotic sing-alongs, information tables, and a Voice of the People segment in which attendees will be able to sign up for one to two minutes at the microphone.
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Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party scheduled for April 15″

Voting Democrat is Wholly Illogical Based Only on Childish Feelings

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one of those chain emails that I rarely bother with. But this one is particularly funny and bitingly true. Well, true after I rewrote it a bit…

Why I Vote Democrat

  • I voted Democrat because I believe a 4% profit by oil companies on a gallon of gas is obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% (or more) isn’t.
  • I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending my money than I can.
  • I voted Democrat because because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it. And if I can stop those other people from saying those things then let’s write a law or something.
  • I voted Democrat because because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves who strike without notice.
  • I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Prius, buy Carbon Credits, or do without modern comforts.
  • I voted Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all murderers on death row alive.
  • I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits at my expense.
  • I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make a profit. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as we Democrats see fit.
  • I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few weeks to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters otherwise.
  • I voted Democrat because I think that it’s better to pay billions to get oil from people who hate us, but not drill for our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or a gopher or something.
  • I voted Democrat because I am sick and tired of all the mean-spirited rhetoric in politics. And if you don’t like that, you are a racist, homophobe that wants to kill old people and children… oh, and you’re a Nazi.
  • I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I want to change it all with that promised “HOPE AND CHANGE.”
  • I voted Democrat because the United States has been the most evil influence on the world and we need to take her arrogance down a notch. After all, we are worse than terrorists, our school teachers told us so!
  • But most of all I voted Democrat because it makes me better than YOU just because…. well, just because it makes me feeeeeel good.

I was reminded of this one by Texas Fred who has a great blog. See it at:
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Voting Democrat is Wholly Illogical Based Only on Childish Feelings”

Obama’s BIG Loses in Battleground State Florida

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrats in general and President Obama in particular should be worried about 2012 if the newest Quinnipiac poll is any indication because the findings show some major loses in confidence of the voters in the Sunshine State.

Quinnipiac’s headline is pretty alarming for Democrats: “Obama Hits Losing Trifecta In Florida.” The poll finds that Obama is losing support in three key areas….

Read the rest at