Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of the best “popcorn” moments in Washington have largely flown under the radar as not many have noticed the repeated body blows that President Donald Trump has Delivered to the greedy, un-American government unions and this week he did it again.

I say “popcorn moment” because Trump’s repeated attacks on the unions makes you want to break out the popcorn to watch the Democrats get angrier and angrier as Trump undermines their source of union money income.

I guess there is just so much going on that the media hasn’t spent much time on the story, but Trump’s work to force the collapse of the rapacious government unions has been epic and unprecedented. No other president has hurt the unions so badly.

The latest is the Trump administration’s effort to cancel the free office space that Barack Obama gave to the unions. You see, during the fetid Obama regime, government union officials were allowed to set up shop in government buildings without paying a red cent in rent.

So, what we had were thousands of union goons given free office space in buildings the U.S. taxpayers are funding.When Trump came to office, he apparently wondered why union officials were allowed to use tax-funded office space free of charge?

Well, it IS a good question, after all.
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Trump Continues to Deliver Blows to Greedy Government Unions”

City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here we have yet another example of why unions should never, ever be allowed for government workers. A union that claims to represent police officers in Moriarty, New Mexico, is attempting to force the city to negotiate raises for officers quite despite the fact that the union doesn’t count a single member of the force as a member.

You read that right. A union with no members is claiming that it has the power to force a city to give police officers raises courtesy of the taxpayer.

Back in 2010 the city’s officers did vote to invite a union to represent them but when all was said and done only two officers joined the union. The majority refused. And since 2010 the two officers that did belong to the union have since left the force leaving the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) without even a single member on the force.

Yet, AFSCME is insisting that they have the right to negotiate raises despite not having a single member for which to negotiate.
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City Being Forced to ‘Negotiate’ With Union Despite That No Employees Belong”

University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Several years ago a mother who cares for a disabled teen was shocked to discover that the Gov. of Illinois was going to force her into a union because she gets state aid to care for her son. She protested this forced unionization and the forced paying of dues that goes with it. Now a union professor is saying that unions should use violence against this woman to silence her.

Dr. Alan Singer, a Professor of Secondary Education at Hofstra University, urged unions to take “aggressive, illegal actions” saying it was “the only way” to stop people like Pam Harris from hurting the union cause of extorting business and government.

Mrs. Harris is the woman behind the Illinois lawsuit fighting state imposed unionism (Harris v. Quinn) that has made it to the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States.
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University Professor Urges Unions to Use Violence Against Mom of Disabled Teen”

Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

A union thug in Michigan was wide-eyed with faux shock when he was told that publicly posting the names of workers who opted out of the union was viewed as an intimidation tactic.

Union thug Lawrence Roehrig, international vice president of AFSCME and secretary treasurer of Michigan AFSCME Council 25 (that is a government worker’s union, folks) defended the practice of outing the workers who opted out of the union under Michigan’s new right to work rules saying that it was just a way to educate workers.

In the same way a business owner is paying for “protection” when a mobster demands payment to make sure nothing “happens” to them, thug Roehrig said, “You’re not harassing them. It gives you an indication of who’s paying and who isn’t.”
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Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation”

Just as Bad: Proof of Ill. GOP Consorting With Union Thugs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Trevor Loudon attended last week’s GOP convention and discovered the sad evidence that the Illinois Republican Party is just as bad as Democrats in its desire to consort with extremist, left-wing Marxists and union thugs — not to mention fill their pockets with that dirty money.

At the GOP convention, Loudon found a crumpled invitation to one of the many soirees that political delegates attend while at conventions, this one specifically for the Illinois Delegation.

But this invite wasn’t just for a normal, GOP-styled party. No, THIS invite was for one sponsored by enemies to the taxpayer, enemies to the U.S. Constitution, enemies to democracy, enemies even to the very Republican Party to which these delegates belong. This party was sponsored by Illinois’ public employee unions, the very groups destroying this nation in general and Illinois most particularly.

As Loudon notes, “How can the Illinois State GOP justify taking money from Marxist controlled labor unions?”

How indeed?

Well, the answer is obvious. The Illinois GOP is but a junior partner to the Democrat Party in the task to destroy the Land of Lincoln. They are out to fill their pockets with taxpayer’s dollars passed through the dirty hands of Illinois’ greedy public employee unions.

Illinois Republicans are equally as guilty as the Democrats.

It is truly disgusting.
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Just as Bad: Proof of Ill. GOP Consorting With Union Thugs”

Obama to Wisconsin’s Recall Pushing Unions: I Was Just Too Busy To Bother With You

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, we finally know why President Obama didn’t bother to go to Wisconsin to support Democrat Tom Barrett in the late recall effort so heavily supported by his biggest constituents, the unions. He was just too darn busy.

When asked by a Wisconsin TV reporter from Green Bay why he never got to Wisconsin to campaign for Barrett who was running against Republican superstar Scott Walker, Obama noted that as President he was just too darn busy.

According to the president:

Well, you know, the truth of the matter is that as President of the United States I’ve got a lot of responsibilities, uhhh, I was supportive of Tom and, uh, had been supportive of Tom. Ahhh, but, obviously, uhh, I would like to have seen a different result…

Certainly we can all agree that it really is a “truth of the matter” that being President of the United States is quite a demanding job. But one has to ask that if he was too busy with the myriad of duties he faces as President, why did he have time for about a bazillion fundraisers the very week of the recall election?
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Obama to Wisconsin’s Recall Pushing Unions: I Was Just Too Busy To Bother With You”

Fatcats: Becoming Rich Means Becoming a Union Boss

-By Warner Todd Huston

Working stiffs. That is what most people think about when they think of the word “unions.” But a peak inside the salaries of the union bosses at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) tells a different tale. In fact, it shows that “fatcats” aren’t just in businesses anymore. It looks like all one need do to become a member of the wealthy upper class is to become a union boss.

I wonder if the rank and file, the real working stiffs — you know, the ones out of work these days? — I wonder if they know how much their own union bosses are making?

Check out these extremely high salaries of the union’s highest officers (and this is just salary, too, not all benefits, double dipped offices, and other compensation):
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Fatcats: Becoming Rich Means Becoming a Union Boss”

Conn. Unions Have Trouble Reading Hand Writing on Wall

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cities, counties and states (not to mention the federal gov’t) all across the country are overspent, out of cash, and deeply in the red. One reality that has been hitting all these government entities has been a series of tough negotiations with government employee unions. Unions are loathe to take cuts, certainly, but the reality is that in many cases it’s either cuts or layoffs. More and more unions are realizing this and taking the cuts to avoid losing jobs. The foolish government employees in Connecticut seem to be insensible to reality, though.

Strangely enough, even the government union bosses in Connecticut understood the pickle they were in. Union bigwigs negotiated cuts with the Democrat controlled state legislature and Democrat Governor Daniel Malloy. They did this with the understanding that none of their rank and file would lose their job.

Unfortunately for the unions, many of the members seem too foolish to “get” it. They voted the concessions down. Now Governor Malloy is saying he has little choice but to get rid of thousands of workers.

Nice move, fellows.
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Conn. Unions Have Trouble Reading Hand Writing on Wall”

Hate is What Unions Sell

-By Warner Todd Huston

This situation in Wisconsin has brought out the truth about unions: they peddle hate. Unions are exactly what Democrats try to claim the Tea Party is, a hate-filled, uncivil, mob of name callers. Unionistas use hateful and violent rhetoric, they call everyone that opposes them Hitler and they lie about their ultimate goals.

Many of you out there may be saying that we shouldn’t hold the obscene actions of a few bad Wisconsin teachers against the whole of uniondom. But we don’t have to restrict ourselves to Wisconsin to see this sort of hateful, violence themed rhetoric.

Yesterday, for instance, Massachusetts Democrat Representative Michael Capuana told a union crowd that sometimes the protesters have to “get a little bloody” on the streets to prove their fealty to the unions.
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Hate is What Unions Sell”

We Need More of This: County May Break Union Picket Line

-By Warner Todd Huston

Officials of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania may be about to indulge some union busting. A proposed strike by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 86, Local 2016, prompted officials to seek bids from private companies to replace the recalcitrant public employees union members threatening a walkout.

County Chief Commissioner Vinny Clausi is unrepentant about pushing the plan to bust the union.

“If they go on strike, we want to make sure we have service,” he said. “The union will not put the government out of business.”

AFSCME union members recently rejected the County’s contract offer of a three-year contract. Naturally, the reason these greedy union thugs wanted to strike is because the county offered a smaller package rather than all the perks and raises the unionistas wanted.
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We Need More of This: County May Break Union Picket Line”

U.N. Pushing Card Check on U.S.?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The U.N. is at it again, trying to use its “power” to control the U.S.A. Naturally that control leans toward the extreme, anti-American, left-wing of the political spectrum. In a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, those that stand against America had a gripe session where supposed violations of human rights were leveled against the United States. And what sort of force was at the forefront of these calumnies? Unions, of course.

One of the reports that was entered into the “evidence” against the U.S. was prepared by the AFL-CIO and other American unions.

The USHRN position paper on U.S. labor relations, however, was submitted by much better-known mainstream organizations. Among them: the AFL-CIO, the Teamsters, the United Steelworkers and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). None are listed as USHRN members.

Among other things, the labor paper points to declining U.S. union membership as a function of discriminatory U.S. labor laws, including the National Labor Relations Act, and declares that “core internationally established labor rights are not adequately protected by state and federal laws that govern the American workplace” and adds that “workers have resorted to international fora to seek redress.”

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U.N. Pushing Card Check on U.S.?”

Unions Give More Campaign $$ To Dems Than Corporations To GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left’s meme about campaign contributions since the Supreme Court beat down some of the McCain/Feingold Act has been that the Republicans are awash in illicit political donations from those eeevil corporations — and unfair donations at that — and this puts the poor Democrats at a disadvantage. Why all those evil rich corporate raiders are burying the Democrats, dontcha know?

The truth is a far different animal, however, as Democrats haven’t lost a step in fund raising due to the millions upon millions that their favorite special interest have given them. The fact is unions have donated far, far more to Democrat politicians than corporations have mustered for Republicans.
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Unions Give More Campaign $$ To Dems Than Corporations To GOP”

Michigan Home Healthcare Workers Sue State Over Forced Unionization

-By Warner Todd Huston

So imagine that you are working out of your home or the home of a friend. Say you are helping care for your own developmentally disabled relative or that of another. You are working for a family, not a company, and you are not employed by the state. Then one day you get a letter in the mail that says you have been forced by the state to join a union and henceforth you will be paying dues by having some of your salary removed by the state and given to the union. Does this sound like you are living and working in America? It is if you are a home healthcare worker in the State of Michigan.

Because of a special deal made behind the scenes between Mich. Gov. Jennifer Granholm and two unions, the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Michigan’s 40,000 in-home healthcare workers were unionized by a shady “vote” of less than 20% of these workers in 2006 via a mail-in ballot that most workers had no idea even existed.

The forced unionization has been in and out of courts since 2006 and now it is about to go back in again as a group of in-home healthcare workers is suing the state for driving them into a union against their will.
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Michigan Home Healthcare Workers Sue State Over Forced Unionization”

$26.1 Billion Union Bailout Bill Passes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Pay close attention, Delaware. Your Congressman, Mike Castle, just voted for the $26.1 billion union bailout. Castle was one of only two Republicans to vote yes on this bloated union pay off (the other was Louisiana’s Cao).

On a 247 to 161 vote, the House passed the $26.1 billion Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act. Democrats claimed that it would “save” the jobs of teachers, police and firemen across the country. In truth this is just a union payoff.

AFL-CIO union chief Richard Trumka was thrilled with Tuesday afternoon’s vote. “Today’s vote means that hundreds of thousands of teachers, firefighters and public safety officers will keep their jobs,” Trumka claimed. “It will prevent layoffs and provide aid to struggling state and local governments so that critical services aren’t cut … With today’s vote, House Republicans showed they value Wall Street and tax cuts for the rich over teachers, police and firefighters. This is yet another example in the laundry list of anti-jobs votes they’ve taken.”

Why the states needed this new money is hard to understand. They still have $30 billion in the last teachers bailout that has yet to be allocated. Well, maybe it isn’t so hard to understand when you realize that unions will be the biggest recipient of this money and we are just ahead of an election. Now Democrats can tout their payoff to said unions to pander for votes.

In fact, it is obvious that this was a union payoff in another way. The House was already on recess for the Summer when the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) pushed Speaker Pelosi to reconvene the House in order to push this massive payoff.

In return, the unions promised to kick their campaigning for Democrats into high gear in the coming months.

No, this wasn’t much of a back-room, sweetheart deal between pliant Democrats and grasping unions, was it?

So come on, Delaware, vote ChristineO’Donnell in November. Let’s get rid of the corrupt bargains for which Mike Castle is famous.

Rep. Michelle Bachman had a few words about this raw deal today, too…

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$26.1 Billion Union Bailout Bill Passes”

Gov. Says Ill. is Broke, but His Staffers/State Workers Get Big Raises

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many businesses across Illinois are trying to stave off closing their doors by cutting salaries and hours for employees. Some aren’t so luck and are laying off thousands of workers. Add to that dismal outlook that the state’s budget is billions in the red and politicians are so at loggerheads on how to solve the crisis that no budget can be agreed upon.

Cue accidental Governor Pat Quinn whose job, as he sees it, has been to warn Illinois that we are broke, that we can’t afford the many programs we have, that the poorest of us are at risk and that taxes will have to be raised to “fix” it all.

It’s a very bleak picture, indeed. Bleak, that is, unless you are one of Quinn’s staffers. In that case you are living high off the hog and getting an up to 20 percent raise in salary thanks to the Governor’s generosity… oh, and at the taxpayers expense, of course.
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Gov. Says Ill. is Broke, but His Staffers/State Workers Get Big Raises”