-By Warner Todd Huston
Ron Paul’s acolytes like to claim that “Doctor” Paul is the only candidate that is serious on fiscal matters, the only candidate that is fiscally conservative, the only one that talks the talk and walks the walk. Too bad this is all BS… and here is yet another example of this fact.
T. Boone Pickens is back again. After he tried to make a big splash out of his ideas on windmill power (epic fail, that one), the Pick man is back at the public trough urging Congress to create a number of taxpayer-funded subsidies for companies that buy and manufacture vehicles that run on natural gas.
The Pickster has roped a whole gaggle of Republicans into his next boondoggle and guess who has signed onto the bill? Yep, Mr. fiscal responsibility hisself “Doctor” Ron Paul.
Yeah, so Ron Paul, Mr. fiscal scold, the guy that everyone claims is the only real fiscal conservative in the whole wide world, is signed onto a boondoggle that wastes the taxpayer’s money and sets up some more crony capitalism!
Ron Paul: fiscal hypocrite. He talks a good game, yet often votes like a big spending liberal.
And shame on the rest of these guys, too…
Republican Co-Sponsors of H. R. 1380, the T. Boone Pickens Earmark Bill
Sullivan, John [OK-1], chief sponsor
Alexander, Rodney [LA-5]
Bachus, Spencer [AL-6]
Barletta, Lou [PA-11]
Barton, Joe [TX-6]
Bilbray, Brian P. [CA-50]
Bishop, Rob [UT-1]
Blackburn, Marsha [TN-7]
Bonner, Jo [AL-01]
Bono Mack, Mary [CA-45]
Boustany, Charles W., Jr. [LA-7]
Brady, Kevin [TX-8]
Burton, Dan [IN-5]
Bucshon, Larry[IN-8]
Calvert, Ken [CA-44]
Capito, Shelley Moore [WV-2]
Carter, John R. [TX-31]
Cassidy, Bill [LA-6]
Cole, Tom [OK-4]
Conaway, Michael [TX-11]
Culberson, John Abney [TX-7]
Denham, Jeff [CA-19]
Emerson, Jo Ann [MO-8]
Farenthold, Blake [TX-27]
Fleming, John [LA-4]
Gallegly, Elton [CA-24]
Gardner, Cory [CO-4]
Gerlach, Jim [PA-6]
Gohmert, Louie [TX-1]
Griffin, Tim [AR-02]
Grimm, Michael G. [NY-13]
Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4]
Harper, Gregg [MS-3]
Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49]
Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3]
Kelly, Mike [PA-3]
King, Peter T. [NY-3]
Kline, John [MN-2]
Landry, Jeffrey M. [LA-3]
Lankford, James [OK-5]
LaTourette, Steven C. [OH-14]
Lucas, Frank D. [OK-3]
Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY]
Lungren, Daniel E. [CA-3]
Marchant, Kenny [TX-24]
Marino, Tom [PA-10]
McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10]
McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11]
Meehan, Patrick[PA-7]
Miller, Jeff [FL-1]
Murphy, Tim [PA-18]
Myrick, Sue Wilkins [NC-9]
Nugent, Richard [FL-5]
Olson, Pete [TX-22]
Paul, Ron [TX-14]
Pearce, Steve [NM-2]
Platts, Todd Russell [PA-19]
Poe, Ted [TX-2]
Posey, Bill [FL-15]
Reed, Tom [NY-29]
Rehberg, Denny [MT]
Rigell, E. Scott [VA-2]
Rogers, Mike D. [AL-3]
Rooney, Thomas J. [FL-16]
Ryan, Tim [OH-17]
Scalise, Steve [LA-1]
Scott, Austin [GA-8]
Sessions, Pete [TX-32]
Shuster, Bill [PA-9]
Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2]
Smith, Lamar [TX-21]
Terry, Lee [NE-2]
Thompson, Glenn [PA-5]
Thornberry, Mac [TX-13]
Tipton, Scott [CO-3]
Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3]
Wilson, Joe [SC-2]
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson
Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com, BigHollywood.com, and BigJournalism.com, as well as RightWingNews.com, RightPundits.com, CanadaFreePress.com, StoptheACLU.com, AmericanDaily.com, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.
For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.