One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, there is one local Illinois activist that apparently won’t be at this weekend’s TeaCon 2011, but not for want of trying. Bill Kelly, one-time candidate for Illinois Comptroller — he came in second, by the way — has told me that he’s been barred not only from getting media credentials for the event, but even from buying a ticket.

Kelly has a page on the Washington Times community section blogs and was told by the Times that he could get media creds representing them at TeaCon, but when he went to the event staff with his request TeaCon organizers denied his credentialing.

Kelly feels that people at WIND radio, one of the event co-hosts, put the kybosh on his credentials because of a recent dust up between Kelly and Senator Dick Durbin not to mention another dustup between Kelly and local TV reporter Jay Levine.
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One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011″

New Worry: RFID Tracking Chips in Firearms?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Italians have caused an outrage among American firearms customers. A Italian company named Chiappa Firearms sent out a press release (in Italian) last week announcing that it will soon be putting inside each firearm it manufactures an RFID chip (Radio Frequency Identification) meant to track quality control, inventory, and shipping. American gun owners and consumers were whipped into a frenzy of suspicion and fear that government agents will be able to use these RFID chips to track their firearms. But what are the facts and will these RFID tags become common with all firearms manufacturers in the near future?

First of all there is a lot of fear about the capabilities of governments to use RFID chips for nefarious purposes. These are devices that can radio information to someone with a device as inexpensive as $250 and without any “approval” needed for the reading. These chips can relay all sorts of information from location, to detailed records of all sorts.

There are several different kinds of chips but most uses require non-powered chips that can only be read at short distances. In other words we are told that a satellite orbiting in space cannot read a non-powered RFID chip from that distance. Some chips can only be read for a few feet others a few meters.

Despite all the poo pooing that advocates of RFID chips release to ease people’s minds, this identification technology is far easier to misuse than any other ID technology ever invented. But that does not make RFID chips all bad, either.
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New Worry: RFID Tracking Chips in Firearms?”

Freedom of Speech Wins: Baltimore Politician Drops Lawsuit Against Blogger

-By Warner Todd Huston

Examiner blogger Adam Meister was doing what bloggers do, namely posting the info that “journalists” refuse to write about. In this case, back in March, Meister found that a Baltimore Councilwoman was living in a different district than she claimed she was living in. As a result, the politician tried to sue the blogger for his posts.

City Councilwoman Belinda Conaway filed a lawsuit demanding an idiotic $21 million in damages for Meister’s expose of her true primary residence. But this week Conaway abruptly dropped her suit against the blogger.

Through public records, blogger Meister discovered that Conaway lives in Randallstown and not Baltimore, the city she was elected to represent. Conaway has, though, claimed she lives in an extended-family household in Baltimore.

Meister disputed Councilwoman Conaway’s claim and he posted tax information where Conaway claimed for tax purposes that Randallstown, not Baltimore, was her primary residence.
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Freedom of Speech Wins: Baltimore Politician Drops Lawsuit Against Blogger”

Don’t Film Me Bro: Getting Arrested for Filming People in Public Places

-By Warner Todd Huston

The law has not caught up with cell phone cameras, Flip Cameras, compact video cameras, and the electronic age. Two stories being reported last weekend prove out how the ubiquity of video capture devices are often a gray area in the law.

In one case a woman in Rochester, New York, pulled out her video camera to record the actions of a local policeman as he arrested a neighbor. As it happens, this woman was standing on her own front lawn, no where near the policeman who was going about his duties, yet this cop got incensed and arrested her anyway. He claimed she was guilty of obstruction of justice.

How this woman’s actions was interfering with the police officer is impossible to figure, but she was detained nonetheless.
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Don’t Film Me Bro: Getting Arrested for Filming People in Public Places”

Obama Happily Putting Guns in the Hands of Mexican Drug Dealers, Now Ending Up in Phoenix

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you haven’t heard about the Gun Walker case, it’s time you learned. This was an Obama administration Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (BATF) program where guns were sneaked across our southern border by Mexican drug dealers. It turns out that these guns were given them by the Obama administration. The idea was that the BATF could trace how guns get disseminated in Mexico. Officials also hoped that the program would help them find where the drug dealers are and if a few people got killed in the process… well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?

The BATF program was code named “Fast and Furious.” Naturally it has become quite controversial and has led to much talk that BATF chief Kenneth Melson will be eliminated from that agency – this has yet to occur, though. This scandal is just in the early stages of becoming a major mess to be hung around Obama’s neck so there is no telling where it will end up. Big scandal? Swept under the rug? Could go either way even though it is a major scandal that should sink several members of the Obama admin, if not Obama himself….

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Chicago’s New Top Cop: A Race Baiter That Stands Against the U.S. Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again St. Sabina, the “Catholic” Church on Chicago’s South Side, makes the news for race-baiting and down talking our U.S. Constitution. This time it is Chicago’s new Police Superintendent, Garry McCarthy, who appeared at the church and indulged his inner Father Pfleger with a rant on how the US is filled with racists and how the U.S. Constitution was written to kill minorities.

After the race-baiting “Father” Michael Pfleger left the stage, Chicago’s new top cop took his turn at stirring the race hatred instilled deep in the parishioners by years of Pfleger’s demagoguery. Superintendent McCarthy didn’t disappoint the crowd eager for more race-baiting, for sure.

“So here’s what I want to tell you…,” McCathy said warming to his theme. “Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting’ scared? Government sponsored racism.”

Then he really got into the weeds…
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Chicago’s New Top Cop: A Race Baiter That Stands Against the U.S. Constitution”

Delta Airlines: Anti-Soldier, Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, but Now Pro Racist Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

I think Delta Airlines should change its name to Omega Airlines because at this point it is the last airline that I’ll ever fly. Not only did Delta try to charge our returning soldiers thousands of dollars to check their bags as they came back from the wars, now the airlines has intertwined itself with Saudi Arabia airlines and have agreed to discriminate against Jews and Christians because of it.

USA Today reported early on Thursday that Delta Airlines would be bowing to Saudi Arabia’s oppressive and racist entry laws by banning Jews — ore even people with “Jewish sounding names” — as well as anything related to Christianity.

As my friend Jeff Dunetz snarked, “Ladies and Gentlemen we are no approaching Saudi Arabia, the Captain has turned on the no Jews light.”
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Delta Airlines: Anti-Soldier, Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, but Now Pro Racist Muslims”

More Dept. Of Education Stormtroopers: They Are Armed With Shotguns! (Seriously!)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yesterday I wrote a short post on the story out of California that was initially reported as a local SWAT raid instigated by the Department of Education on a guy that hadn’t paid his student loans. Naturally I was outraged that the Dept. of Education had the power to arrange stormtroopers to batter down doors of people guilty only of not paying a loan on time. Since then a few particulars have changed.

Whereas the initial story claimed that the reason for the SWAT raid on the man’s home was unpaid student loans, the Dept. of Education released a statement that said this was not the case. “The Inspector General’s Office does not execute search warrants for late loan payments,” they said.
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More Dept. Of Education Stormtroopers: They Are Armed With Shotguns! (Seriously!)”

Texas: More Atheists Lies Get Court Backing

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another strike against freedom, democracy, and American traditions a Texas court has decided that a Texas High School cannot have a prayer during its upcoming graduation ceremonies. Not only that, but according to this judge speakers are even barred from saying the words “join in prayer,” “bow their heads,” “amen,” and “prayer.” So now, according to these anti-democratic courts, mere words are illegal!

Naturally this decision was once again a result of a lawsuit filed by some radical, anti-American atheists. These prevaricators claimed that hearing a prayer would cause them “irreparable harm.” What tosh…

Red the rest at .

New Civil Unions Law Already Infringing on Religious Freedom

From Lake County Right to Life…

(Grayslake, IL – June 2, 2011) Illinois’ Civil Unions law went into effect June 1, and even State Sen. David Koehler, sponsor of the bill in the senate, is frustrated with its repercussions to religious freedom. Koehler made it clear that the law, ironically named “The Religious Freedom Protection Act and Civil Union Act,” was intended to protect the rights of social service organizations, including adoption agencies, to carry out their duties according to their faith.

But months ago, activists began challenging the ability of religious childcare agencies to prohibit the placement of children with same-sex couples, so Sen. Koehler proposed a religious exemption amendment to protect the rights of these agencies. Despite lobbying by Catholic Charities and other organizations, the amendment was defeated in the Senate Executive Committee.
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New Civil Unions Law Already Infringing on Religious Freedom”

Redistricting: Democrat Infested Ill. LegisSLAYture Kills Will of the Voter

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the worst aspects of American politics is the often blatantly partisan process of redistricting and Illinois has just clocked in with one of the worst examples in recent memory. Illinois Democrats just finished their effort to redistrict the state and have proven that the will of the voters is meaningless to them with their proposal. The map just yesterday passed by the General Assembly in Springfield is now headed for Gov. Quinn’s signature.

Naturally, the new map is a partisan slap in the face to thousands of Illinois voters. As it happens the results of the 2010 midterm election sent five new Republicans to Washington from the Land of Lincoln. Many of these were GOP upsets where freshman Republicans replaced a Democrat. But despite that the will of the voter tended toward Republicans in these five districts, the new map created by Democrats undermines nearly every GOP district and dilutes the voter’s will by adding to them portions of other districts that vote against Republicans.

Certainly the districts must be redrawn, of that there is no question. According to population stats, Illinois does not rate as many representatives as it had before and one representative was going to be lost for certain. You see, Illinois is failing, losing citizens and struggling thanks to decisions by Democrats but since the Democrats control the state, it was assumed that at least one of those Republicans might lose his district. This goes without saying and, in my opinion, seems assumed — if not a bit annoying.
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Redistricting: Democrat Infested Ill. LegisSLAYture Kills Will of the Voter”

DC Libs Happy to Sign Petition Banning Conservative’s Free Speech

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is always a bundle of contradictions. On one hand leftists set themselves up as the ultimate in “tolerance” and a guarantor of “freedom” to do as one wishes. Most leftists imagine themselves interested in making sure everyone is free to do as they wish to the point where that they are almost libertine about it. Until… until it comes to the freedoms of those they oppose. Then, all of a sudden, their tendency toward fascist group-think comes out in full force.

Joe Schoffstall of the Media Research Center highlighted that liberal “for me but not for thee” tendency in a recent video in which he asked a handful of Washington D.C. liberals if they’d like to sign a petition that bans conservative’s free political speech. Naturally, they were happy to do so.

One of Joe’s signers had that liberal confusion down pat. “I think there is freedom of speech,” the young woman said, “but sometimes… there has to be some kind of control. I mean, look at the Tea Party, you have all this hate going on,” she blathered. She went on to say that freedom of speech is “not something this country needs any more.”

One would imagine that if her freedom to speak were curtailed she’d suddenly find that hoary old First Amendment something she could not live without.
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DC Libs Happy to Sign Petition Banning Conservative’s Free Speech”

Democrat’s Redistricting Plan: ‘A Disgraceful Insult to the 12.8 Million People of Illinois’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrats Party of Illinois has released its plans to destroy the current districts and instead dish up a mangled, contorted mess of a redistricting plan meant only to erode every GOP stronghold in the state.

Why did the Illinois Democrats feel so threatened in a state that seems solidly Democrat anyway? Because Illinois sent five new Republican congressmen to Washington D.C. in 2010. This will of the voters is something the Democrats are desperate to quash.

As the official statement of the Illinois Republican Party says, “This proposal appears to be little more than an attempt to undo the results of the elections held just six months ago and we will take whatever steps necessary to achieve a map that more fairly represents the people of Illinois – they deserve nothing less.”
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Democrat’s Redistricting Plan: ‘A Disgraceful Insult to the 12.8 Million People of Illinois’”

Gov. Quinn to Sign Illinois Firearm Owner’s Privacy Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, accidental Governor Pat Quinn is finally doing something right. He has pledged to sign HB3500, a bill that will keep confidential and away from the eyes of anti-gun activists and the Old Media alike the personal information of registered firearm owners in Illinois.

The Illinois Senate passed the bill 42 to 1 overturning a decision by left-wing Attorney General Lisa Madigan to turn over to the Old Media the names, addresses, and personal info on file of all citizens that have registered with the state for an Illinois Firearm Owners ID card (FOID).

Illinois citizens are not allowed to buy or sell firearms or ammunition in the Land of Lincoln without registering with the state and because this information is in the hands of the Illinois State Police, the Associated Press imagined that this information should be public.
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Gov. Quinn to Sign Illinois Firearm Owner’s Privacy Bill”

Big Brother Bubba’s Ministry of Internet Facts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Clinton wants the government to “correct” what you say on the Internet, folks. Should the government listen to the former panderer-in-chief, we’ll go from Big Brother to Big Bubba on the ol’ Internet tubes.

Bubba is not happy with what he claims is the “misinformation” on the Internet and he wants the force of government to stop it all. Politico is reporting that Clinton makes the proposal in an upcoming CNBC interview saying, “It would be a legitimate thing to do.”

No, Bubba, it would not.
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Big Brother Bubba’s Ministry of Internet Facts”

Indiana Supreme Court Eviscerates U.S. Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Indiana’s highest court has turned against our rights and the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court of Indiana has just decided that the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not apply to the citizens of Indiana.

The court has decided that Hoosiers have no right to be safe in their own homes from illegal entry, search, and seizure by police. Indiana’s highest court has just said that Hoosier stormtroopers can invade any home at ay time and citizens have no right to resist because it is “against public policy.”

Blogger Bruce McQuain said this appalling incident in Indiana is an example of, “why you have to constantly protect your rights daily from attacks from within,” and boy is he right.
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Indiana Supreme Court Eviscerates U.S. Constitution”

Illinois Citizens Suing State to Gain Concealed Carry

-By Warner Todd Huston

A former corrections officer and a downstate farmer have joined with the Second Amendment Foundation to sue the State of Illinois over its constant failure to institute a concealed carry law.

In its press release the Second Amendment Foundation says that, “Illinois statutes that completely ban the carrying of handguns for self-defense are ‘inconsistent with the Second Amendment.'”

The foundation insists that its lawsuit is not intended to create law, but only to determine that prohibiting concealed carry is impermissible under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and in light of the Heller ruling, the prohibition is obviously untenable.
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Illinois Citizens Suing State to Gain Concealed Carry”

Dear Federal Gov’t, Who Do You Think You Are?

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the main forces behind the Tea Party movement and the disgust that many Americans have with the federal government is its supreme arrogance and its constant unwanted and unwarranted power grabs. This is one of the things that the American people really need to put their attention toward reversing.

Perhaps it is just beginning?

Alaska, for instance, has just thrown its weight behind the opposition to the federal government’s obscene persecution of an Alaskan citizen who was arrested for violating rules that the federal government has imposed on those Alaskan waterways flowing through national parks.
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Dear Federal Gov’t, Who Do You Think You Are?”

Federalist Papers Identified How Democrats Would Destroy Us

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our fourth president, James Madison, has been called the father of the Constitution for not inconsiderable reasons. Madison was highly educated, widely read, and well thought of. He was also a prescient man. Madison was so prescient that in February of 1788 he was able to describe the precise reasons why his beloved Republic would be faring so badly 222 years later in 2010.

Madison’s far-reaching delineation of our current troubles appears in the Federalist Papers, a document that Thomas Jefferson proclaimed “the best commentary on the principles of government ever written.” There in Federalist 62 — his explanation of the senate — we find an amazingly clear prediction of how badly we’ve gone off track in Washington D.C., not to mention our state and local governments.

Student of history that he was, Madison understood that democratic governments often suffer from the malady of unfaithful elected officials. “It is a misfortune incident to republican government,” Madison wrote, “that those who administer it may forget their obligations to their constituents, and prove unfaithful to their important trust.”
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Federalist Papers Identified How Democrats Would Destroy Us”

Warrantless Searches By Police of Your Cell Phone

-By Warner Todd Huston

News during this past week a story made the rounds that police in Michigan may be using a device in random traffic stops that instantly copies all the data on your cell phone and stores it for later use by police. It was said that this data copying is going on without consent and without a warrant. Michigan police are denying this claim, but the ACLU posted a letter warning them against this policy regardless. The fear here is, of course, that copying cell phone data without a warrant is a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s proscription against illegal search and seizure.

This device copies everything that is on your phone. Your contacts, your emails, your texts, other instant messages, what aps you use, web bookmarks and usage, GPS location info… every bit of data stored on your phone is instantly copied into the device and into the data base maintained by police.

Famed blogger Glenn Reynolds, a lawyer by trade, seems to think that it is obviously a violation of the Fourth and that current law can even be used as precedent to assure that fact. Others are not so sure.
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Warrantless Searches By Police of Your Cell Phone”

Another Democrat That Hates the US Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Making it easier every day to assert that Democrats hate the U.S. Constitution, once again we find a Democrat in Congress expressing disgust with the law of the land. This time extremist, left-wing Democrat Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D, CA) was heard complaining to a lefty radio host that many of her new colleagues are just too darned concerned with whether or not the actions of Congress are Constitutional.

Last week Sanchez was on the low-rated Stephanie Miller radio show complaining that many of the 87 new freshman congressmen were too worried if what they were voting on passed muster with the supreme law of the land.

“Everything to them is unconstitutional,” she whined. “It’s unconstitutional, it’s unconstitutional, it’s unconstitutional.”
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Another Democrat That Hates the US Constitution”

Does Government Own Your Remotely Backed Up Computer Files, Your Emails, or Your Cell Phone GPS Info?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that there are no laws to prevent government agencies from raiding your computer’s remotely hosted back up files, your third party emails, your cloud computing files, or your cell phone GPS location records? Well, there aren’t. As the law stands today government can go into your private computer files or trace your cell phone location without a warrant.

As a result of this lapse in protection form unlawful search and seizure a new group of concerned parties intends to change the law with the Digital Fourth Amendment campaign. (

The problem is not necessarily that government is out to steal all our computing information, but that the laws have simply not caught up to today’s technology. The laws that cover how policing agencies and governments can access your emails, computer files, and cell phone GPS records are currently governed by rules that are decades out of date. These rules were written in the 1980s, long before the Internet came along, before cloud computing was invented, before email, and well before cell phones that could track your whereabouts became pervasive.
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Does Government Own Your Remotely Backed Up Computer Files, Your Emails, or Your Cell Phone GPS Info?”

Delaware Stormtroopers Steal Citizen’s Basketball Hoops

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the nanny state we’ve built. In Delaware you are not allowed to own a basketball hoop in front of your home and if you have the gall to erect one anyway, why the state’s stormtroopers will come to your home with thousands of dollars worth of cops, trucks, and personnel to steal your poll and backboard. I suppose the kindly state overlords of Delaware would rather kids be sitting in their homes playing video games where they belong, eh?

The video depicts Delaware Department of Transportation crews escorted by state police tearing down basketball hoops in the early morning in two neighborhoods in Claymont. One family engaged in a bit of civil disobedience and stood in the way of the dark overlords of Delaware, the “First State.”

Delaware used to be called “The Blue Hen” state, too. Perhaps that should be changed to the “Mother Hen State.”

In this case the hoop “violated” Chapter 5 of the highways, roads and bridges statutes. Because, you know, basketball hoops are dire threats to the safety of the good people of Delaware.

I have two words for the good folks of Delaware: Second Amendment.
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Delaware Stormtroopers Steal Citizen’s Basketball Hoops”

Aussie Moron Gets Shot By Sticking Face In Front of Shotgun

-By Warner Todd Huston

We certainly never want to see anyone shot accidentally. If a firearm is wielded it is imperative that the one pulling the trigger is in the right to do so. In Australia we have a case to prove the exception. Once in a while someone who gets accidentally shot, well, they just plain deserve it.

Julia Symons is apparently one of the dumbest people in Australia. Being an animal rights wacko and anti-hunting busybody, that puts her right up there, of course, but the thing that put her on top of the list of morondom occurred over the weekend of March 19 at Lake Buloke, Victoria, Australia.

It seems that Mz Symons was one of about 150 dimwitted protesters trying to get between the shotguns of some 2000 legal hunters and the ducks they were shooting at for the first day of duck hunting season at the lake. Like her foolish pals, Symons was trying to disrupt the hunters by jumping into the water and wading dangerously near the shooters to intimidate them into quitting the hunt.
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Aussie Moron Gets Shot By Sticking Face In Front of Shotgun”

Ill. Attny Gen to ‘Out’ Illinois Gun Owners

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the Associated Press asked the Illinois State Police for its list of Illinois gun owners. The police refused saying that the release of the names and addresses of all those registered firearm owners in Illinois would be a violation of their privacy but Illinois Attorney General Democrat Lisa Madigan disagrees with the police and has ruled that the list should be released to the press.

In Illinois anyone that wants to buy a firearm or wants to purchase ammunition and related supplies must register and obtain a Firearm Owner’s ID card (or a FOID). The card is also necessary for hunters that use firearms. Citizens do not have to get one of these cards in order to be allowed to have a gun, but they need one to legally purchase and buy supplies for them in the state. It is this registry that the press wanted released.

Democrat Attorney General Lisa Madigan, daughter of the state’s powerful Democrat majority leader Michael Madigan, has decided that the privacy concern is “invalid” undermining the State Police’s reasoning of r refusing to release the list. Madigan’s office released a letter to the press on Monday evening, February 28.

Currently there are no state laws that would prohibit the release of the registry but some Republican-sponsored bills are sitting idle in the House of Representatives.

The State Police have not announced what they intend to do from here.

This move is obviously a move by Democrat Madigan to intimidate Illinois gun owners hoping to make them fear that their names and addresses will suddenly be released to the media.
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Ill. Attny Gen to ‘Out’ Illinois Gun Owners”

Slate Plays Loose With Facts Over Concealed Carrier’s Arizona Actions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Contrary to Senator Moynihan’s proclamation, Slate’s William Saletan thinks he’s entitled to his own facts. If not his own facts, then his own version of history at any rate. Anti-Second Amendment Saletan dreamed up his own little set of incidents and actions in order to castigate pro-Second Amendment supporters by claiming that something that didn’t happen could have happened and that, ipso facto, because it could have the Second Amendment is bad — all this based on his dreamy little dream of an alternate history.

Saletan’s January 11 piece was written after he discovered that one of the citizens that responded once the shooting started in front of that grocery store in Tucson had a concealed pistol and was ready to draw it once he got to the scene. The citizen, Joe Zamudio, had arrived ready to use his firearm and initially thought that the man that actually wrested the gun from the shooter was the gunman. Zamudio, however, assessed the situation, realized that the man holding the gun wasn’t the shooter and did not fire his own gun.

Zamudio pronounced himself “really lucky” that he didn’t start shooting at the wrong person. This is where Saletan’s fantasies kicked in.
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Slate Plays Loose With Facts Over Concealed Carrier’s Arizona Actions”

An Interesting 10th Amendment Case That Doesn’t Seem Like One

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes standing up for the Constitution seems a bit annoying, especially in the case of violent felon Mrs. Carol Bond. Fortunately, standing for the Constitution here doesn’t necessarily release a horrible woman into freedom, but it does help to spotlight some unconstitutional federal overreach. In this case, it also centers on the Tenth Amendment, or the reserved powers clause.

The violent felon in question, Mrs. Bond, was found guilty of using various chemicals to perpetrate an acid attack on her husband’s girlfriend. She was convicted of mixing several noxious chemicals and throwing them on her rival causing minor burns. Instead of just charging her on state charges of assault and battery or other such things, the federal government decided to step in and prosecute her for violating a treaty governing chemicals signed with foreign governments.

Mrs. Bond’s lawyers have brought this case before the Supreme Court of the United States claiming that due to the Tenth Amendment she cannot be tried for violating foreign treaties because the incident happened inside the borders of an American state and, therefore, her home state has jurisdiction and the federal government does not.
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An Interesting 10th Amendment Case That Doesn’t Seem Like One”

New GOP Staffers Instructed on How to Cite Constitutional Justification

-By Warner Todd Huston

Someone sent me the text of an info packet being given to GOP staffers in a series of training sessions on how they are to comply with a requirement to cite exactly where in the Constitution is the justification for the legislation they and their member are writing during the upcoming 112th Congress.

We’ve heard that Boehner might institute this rule to force all legislators to justify their new laws by citing the clause that gives them the power to write the law. Let’s hope that this idea doesn’t die still born and that it becomes a new and long-lasting part of how our lawmakers write legislation.

Take a look at these guidelines. I like the idea…
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New GOP Staffers Instructed on How to Cite Constitutional Justification”

Dems Planning to Axe Four New GOP Congressmen in Illinois Reapportionment?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Four new Republicans went to Washington as a result of the 2010 midterm elections. Joe Walsh of the 8th District, Bob Dold of the 10th District, Adam Kinzinger of the 11h District, and Bobby Schilling of the 17th were all triumphant over Democrat incumbents. Due to reapportionment, these new congressmen may be threatened with elimination if Illinois Democrats have their way.

As a result of the newest census data, Illinois will be losing one congressman because she has lost a large number of her citizens, moved away because the Democrats have made such a mess of the economy. Yet, Democrats still have the majority in this dismal state. Because of that the Democrats have the power to redraw districts in their own favor.

So, even after destroying this state so badly that it is losing representation in congress, the same party responsible for the destruction is in charge of redrawing districts to reflect the lost congressman. Some fear that the Democrats will rejigger the districts so badly that the four freshman GOP congressmen will be put in positions that will prove unfavorable for their reelection.

According to Illinois Review, former State Senator Mark Rhoads says that Democrat Majority leader Mike Madigan would not go so far as to attempt to eliminate so many Republicans all at once.
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Dems Planning to Axe Four New GOP Congressmen in Illinois Reapportionment?”

(Video) I Was a Guest on NRA Radio’s ‘Cam And Company’ Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was a guest on Cameron Gray’s National Rifle Association radio program “Cam and Company” last night.

I was on the program to discuss my article about Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s wrong-headed interpretation of the Second Amendment as one that doesn’t really protect the individual’s right to bear arms.

My article under discussion was: “Supreme Court Justice Breyer: Founders Were For Restricting Guns… Why Breyer is Wrong.”

It was a great segment, I have to say.