Obama to Give Unions a Veto Over Where a Company Can Set Up Shop

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you own a company and want to relocate to another part of the country, Obama wants you to know that you have no right to decide where that location will be. Obama wants you to know that only a labor union can make that decision. You have no say in the matter.

At least, that is what Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) wants to do with a new rule that would give unions veto power over where a company re-opens its doors.

The goal, of course, is to destroy the economies of right-to-work states and force them to allow destructive unions to hold sway over their business sector or risk economic ruin.

Currently it is perfectly legal (not to mention moral, I might add) for a company to decided it wants to close its facilities in one part of the country and move some or all of it’s business to another part of the country. We call it the free enterprise system.
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Obama to Give Unions a Veto Over Where a Company Can Set Up Shop”

Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation

-By Warner Todd Huston

A union thug in Michigan was wide-eyed with faux shock when he was told that publicly posting the names of workers who opted out of the union was viewed as an intimidation tactic.

Union thug Lawrence Roehrig, international vice president of AFSCME and secretary treasurer of Michigan AFSCME Council 25 (that is a government worker’s union, folks) defended the practice of outing the workers who opted out of the union under Michigan’s new right to work rules saying that it was just a way to educate workers.

In the same way a business owner is paying for “protection” when a mobster demands payment to make sure nothing “happens” to them, thug Roehrig said, “You’re not harassing them. It gives you an indication of who’s paying and who isn’t.”
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Union Thug Posts Names of Non-Union Workers at Workplace, Denies Intimidation”

How Many Years Would It Take You To Earn These Big Labor Union Boss Salaries?

-By Fred Wszolek, Buzzfeed

Union membership is down but Big Labor bosses’ profits are up. More than 400 labor chiefs pocketed at least $250,000 each last year, even as their collective ranks fell by 400,000 members. They say they are fighting for the working class. Not quite. We did the math…

Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s Equipment

-By Warner Todd Huston

One story that no one seems to be talking much about is the violent attack on an African American small businessman’s hot dog vending stand perpetrated by criminal union thugs during Monday’s right-to-work fracas in Lansing, Michigan.

Clint Tarver set up his stand near the Americans for Prosperity tent that union goons later tore down and, at least initially, Mr. Tarver reported that things were “going real well,” until the union toughs got into their woefully common criminal behavior.

Tarver was not just selling his hotdogs to the AFP folks but to anyone that wanted a snack. But it wasn’t long before the union members began to taunt him, even calling him a “n*gger,” calling him an “Uncle Tom,” and accusing him of being “on the wrong side.”
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Unions Attack/Destroy African American Hot Dog Vendor’s Equipment”

Media Ignores Union Violence: Flashback to Palin’s 2008 ‘Target’ Outrage

-By Warner Todd Huston

As unions again run amuck, this time in Michigan, the Old Media establishment has steadfastly refused to report on the union’s violence, not to mention the “violent rhetoric” coming from their advocates. But this is in stark contrast to the Summer of 2011 when the Old Media was hot to condemn the supposed “violent rhetoric” of Republicans such as Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart, and talk radio hosts.

In Michigan this week unions have once again shown why the term “union thug” is no misnomer by beating up people and engaging in property destruction, intimidation, and violence all in order to turn back Michigan’s right-to-work legislation passing through the state’s duly elected legislature.

During the day on Monday union goons attacked a tent set up by members of Michigan’s chapter of Americans for Prosperity. The tent was staffed with women and men, Michiganders who came out to support the Republican’s effort to pass worker’s rights legislation that would make The Wolverine State the 24th right-to-work state.

Also in attendance was occasional Fox News guest and comedian Steven Crowder. The young Crowder was actually physically attacked, punched at least four times, by one union criminal. Crowder’s crime? He dared to ask unionistas the simple question: “what is it about right-to-work that you oppose so much?”

The union thugs then swarmed AFP’s tent and tore it down with the women, and a few children, still inside.
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Media Ignores Union Violence: Flashback to Palin’s 2008 ‘Target’ Outrage”

Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post is being accused of purposefully misquoting Steven Crowder, the victim of violence perpetrated by union thugs during protests over Michigan’s worker’s rights legislation, and blaming Crowder for being attacked.

In a December 11 piece by Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post’s “workplace reporter,” Crowder is misquoted at least once. Worse, instead of having Crowder explain himself, his actions are “explained” by a union tough that was on the scene.

The whole story was “reported” from the union perspective and painted Crowder as a “provocateur” who’s main goal was “to get punched.”

The whole of the story was originally presented from the perspective of union member Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, who claimed he witnessed Crowder’s actions that day. According to Spitzley, Crowder was only there only to “provoke” the union thugs. “There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble,” Jamieson reports.
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Huffington Post Misquotes Union Violence Victim, Steven Crowder”

Mich Dem. Whitmer Shows Unions & Obama More Important Than Her State

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, the State’s Senate Democratic Leader, is now pleading for President Obama to trample on Michigan’s state sovereignty and control the state from Washington DC. This is an odd request for someone that thinks she should be Michigan’s next Governor.

During most of American history, state politicians have been keen to safeguard their own power in their state. We even fought a whole civil war in part over the idea of states’ rights, after all. Oh, but not Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer. No, for Whitmer, allowing unions and President Obama to control Michigan is far more important than allowing the people of Michigan and their representatives to control the state.

Whitmer, you see, is trying to get President Obama to withhold federal funds from Michigan merely because Republicans and worker’s rights advocates have succeeded in passing right-to-work-style legislation in the current lame-duck session.

Whitmer is calling the right-to-work law “petty and vindictive politics.” That’s how losers talk, we all know. So, she wants King Obama to take action.
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Mich Dem. Whitmer Shows Unions & Obama More Important Than Her State”

Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Indiana Democrats are playing the fleebagger game. Because they don’t have enough votes in the Indiana Statehouse, Hoosier Democrats are abandoning their rightful duties and fleeing the Capitol over Indiana’s right-to-work bill currently under consideration in Indianapolis.

Indiana Senate Bill 269 and House Bill 1001 would make it illegal to require workers in Indiana to join a union as a condition of being allowed to have a job. Allowing workers a choice seems like an inherently American idea, doesn’t it?

After all, how could anyone tell you that you must belong to a union or you’re not allowed to have your job? That sort of forced association seems so contrary to the American character. But forcing people to join unions just so that they can have a job is precisely what Indiana Democrats are fighting to protect.
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Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs”

Intimidation: Obama’s Dept. of Labor To Supply Replacement Worker’s Names AND Addresses to Union Thugs

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Since 1975,” a study of union violence says, there has been “more than 9,000 reports of union violence.” With that in mind, wouldn’t it scare you if you were told that your name and address would be made public knowledge if you were hired as a temporary or replacement worker during a union strike? If you had any sense you sure would.

Well, now that is exactly what the Obama administration wants to do. Obama’s Department of Labor wants to make a new rule that businesses must disclose the names and addresses of individuals that are hired during strikes to replace unionized workers, whether permanently or temporarily.

With the long, long history of murder, property damage, beatings, and general harassment that unions have engaged in since unions came to this nation, the idea of having a worker’s name and address released to these union thugs so that unions can create hit lists of employees to attack is unconscionable.

Obama plans to put the property, family, and the very lives of thousands of workers in danger just so he can again give a big payoff to Big Labor.
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Intimidation: Obama’s Dept. of Labor To Supply Replacement Worker’s Names AND Addresses to Union Thugs”

Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota

-By Warner Todd Huston

Union-lovers and Democrats point to Tea Party enthusiasts routinely calling them “racists” and “violent.” Yet, since the Tea Party movement began, no racial epithets nor violence has been reported or proven. On the other hand, month in and month out we have seen one example of union members engaging in both racism and violence. This week in North Dakota we have yet one more example of unions acting like racists.

Police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an American Crystal Sugar plant in North Dakota.

Last week we saw union members engaging in terrorist behavior when members of the Longshoremen’s union attacked the public docks in Longview, Washington. There union members destroyed property and took hostages in a dispute with management.

Unions are antithetical to rule of law. We’ve seen it over and over for decades.

Finally, as always, remember this: These are the people that Obama supports and that support Obama.
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Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota”

Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

True to form, even as he says he wants to cut regulations, Obama’s regulatory army is marching hard against business and this week the president’s Labor Dept. has unleashed yet another salvo in order to hurt the business sector. Before I start this explanation of yet another Obama powergrab through his powers to regulate, may I remember you all that this president has made a big, fake show out of claiming that he wants to cut unnecessary regulations? While he says it a lot, he’s made few attempt to live up to the claim.

Now, in two weeks — Sept. 24 to be exact — the public comment period on Obama’s newest powergrab will be over and the Dept. of Labor will undertake to implement a new scheme to make it uncomfortable for PR firms. law firms, polling firms, and communications companies of all sorts to do business with companies that have employees, workers that might in the future be unionized or currently are unionized.

The new regulation by Obama’s Labor Dept. would force all “persuaders” to register with the government and disclose all their financial info to the DOL.
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Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses”

VIDEO: Autoworker Testifies About Union ‘Harassment’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Larry Getts testified before Congress on what a bad idea the new laws are being proposed by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The proposed rules change will speed up to only a few weeks the process of newly unionizing the employees a business. Currently it can take more than a month for that process.

Business advocates claim that this rules change would fast track unions and prevent prospective members from being able to learn all sides of the issues so that they can cast an informed vote to join a union.

Obama’s Union-Sold Regulatory Agency Goes Even Further for Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

With one regulatory decision after anther, Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has repeatedly abused its position and lent its powers to come to the material aid of Big Labor. This week we see the NLRB coming to the aid of unions yet again by changing rules to fast track union votes in businesses not yet suffering under union control.

The NLRB has ruled that unions trying to strong arm their way into businesses will now be afforded a sort of fast tracked voting process meant to give both businesses and employees far, far less time to learn about and understand the issues surrounding a vote in favor of unionization.

Currently when a union wants to get itself certified in a new company the NLRB takes between five and six weeks to conduct the elections. Under the NLRB’s new rules that time period will be shorted to a scant 10 to 21 days.
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Obama’s Union-Sold Regulatory Agency Goes Even Further for Unions”

South Carolina Worker Sues Federal Gov’t Over Possible Loss of His Job

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama’s interference in the business operations of Boeing new Dreamliner manufacturing project will likely cause thousands of workers in South Carolina to lose their jobs. Because of this, one Palmetto State worker is suing the federal government for its part in his probable future job loss.

This is a story about Obama’s status as the top bought-and-paid-for union hack in the country and how he is attempting to use his powers to wield regulations as a tool to punish an American business for wanting to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina all because the president feels that a union will be hurt in the process of the creation of thousands of new jobs.

As it happens, airplane manufacturer Boeing wants to open a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina for its new Dreamliner plane because the manufacturer had been having so many union-caused troubles in its Washington State plant.
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South Carolina Worker Sues Federal Gov’t Over Possible Loss of His Job”

Illinois Congressmen Help Tip in Big Labor Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday I alerted you all to a jobs-killing, union-favoring amendment being considered in the House of Representatives in Washington, one that needed to be defeated. Unfortunately, the amendment was successful and now, in this dour economy, unions will be able to make matters worse just when we need a shot in the arm. (See previous post for particulars of the bill.)

Sadly, we lost this battle by one stinking vote and this example shows that even though we may have a GOP controlled House of Reps. they still don’t always support conservative measures — and they need to be carefully watched! Those supporting this jobs-killing amendment numbered 204 and those voting in favor of economic success only numbered 203. (25 representatives did not vote at all)

Now, seeing as how I am from Illinois — the most corrupt state in the union — I focused in my previous post on those of the Illinois Republican delegation that had in the past supported Big Labor bills similar to the one in question. So, this is a follow up to that report.
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Illinois Congressmen Help Tip in Big Labor Amendment”

Urge Congress to Vote ‘NO’ On Striking $$ Saving Section From Federal Construction Projects Bill (Illinois Especially)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today there may be a vote on striking a section of H.R. 2055 that will insure that federal construction projects for the military are fairly priced and will save money for the taxpayers. Some representatives want this advantageous section struck out and replaced with a union-favoring provision that will cost the tax payers millions and will cause even more job loss in an already failing economy.

The bill is the Military Construction (MilCon) and Veterans Affairs (VA) and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2012 (H.R. 2055). The section the Democrats want to eliminate is section 415.

Section 415 removes the requirement for companies bidding for federal construction projects for the military to sign anti-competitive project labor agreements (PLAs) that will force these companies to pay union dues, union benefits and adhere to union rules regardless if the companies themselves are staffed by union members of not.
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Urge Congress to Vote ‘NO’ On Striking $$ Saving Section From Federal Construction Projects Bill (Illinois Especially)”

Hypocrisy: Obama’s Stock And Trade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s National Labor Relations Board made itself infamous not long ago by attempting to tell Boeing in what state it was allowed to build a new manufacturing plant. Indulging his penchant toward anti-business, anti-capitalist sentiment Obama decided that he was the final arbiter on where companies were allowed to move and set up shop. Boeing was evil, you see because they wanted to get out from under the business-destroying grip of unions.

The monsters at Boeing were “retaliating” against the unions said Obama and his NLRB. Boeing was moving its plant from Washington State to North Carolina because in NC the unions have less power. So, it’s the unionista in chief to the rescue of the jobs-killing unions. Boeing needs to be slapped down for it’s evilness, don’t you know?

But, here is where Obama’s ever present hypocrisy rears its ugly head once again.
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Hypocrisy: Obama’s Stock And Trade”

Republicans Fighting Their Own Right-To-Work Measures?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Associated Press is reporting that resistance to right-to-work laws is coming from a surprising source in many states where the legislation has been lately introduced. It seems that Republicans themselves are divided on the efficacy of right-to-work laws and are busy obstructing other Republicans that are for such laws.

AP notes that only one state, New Hampshire, which has newly introduced the bill, has seen it pass the legislature but even that state still might find the thing vetoed by a Democrat governor. In several other states Republicans are bickering over the law stalling passage.

Maddeningly, AP reports that, “some Republican lawmakers who represent more heavily unionized areas have teamed up with Democrats to protect unions from the legislation.” Certainly Democrats that have for decades had their hands in the union till are against a right-to-work law, but that these liberal Republicans are also reticent to pass the economy-spurring law is infuriating.
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Republicans Fighting Their Own Right-To-Work Measures?”

Union Member Fired By Union For… Organizing a Union?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is always the most amusing sort of union story, but a union boss is mad at one of his members for organizing a union and allegedly fired him over it. Confused? I can understand why. After all, aren’t union members supposed to organize workers? So, how could a union member get fired for doing just that? Read on, McDuff.

As the story goes, one Mr. David Highnote seems to have gone out on a low note from the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU). Highnote recently filed an unfair labor practice charge against his union alleging that the ATU threatened him and then fired him for organizing other union members.

He wasn’t just organizing workers of businesses, however. Highnote was organizing the staff that works for the union itself.
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Union Member Fired By Union For… Organizing a Union?”

Is Obama Planning to Impose DISCLOSE Despite the FEC, Congress AND The Supreme Court?

-By Warner Todd Huston

You may remember last year, when union-backed Democrats nearly passed the so-called DISCLOSE Act, imposing financial disclosure for companies, while excluding unions.

Well, the DISCLOSE Act is back…Sort of.

Based on pretty solid reporting by Pajamas Media and confirmed by Huffington Post, it appears that the Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order to force portions of the DISCLOSE Act on all federal contractors.
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Is Obama Planning to Impose DISCLOSE Despite the FEC, Congress AND The Supreme Court?”

Arrogance: Obama Decides HE Can Tell A Company Where They’re Allowed to Build

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama thinks he has the power to tell companies where they are “allowed” to build new facilities and, shock of shocks, Obama wants all those facilities to be in union controlled states.

Last week Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced its plans to force Boeing to keep building its aircraft in union plagued Washington State instead of building its planned new facility in South Carolina — a right to work, union free state.
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Arrogance: Obama Decides HE Can Tell A Company Where They’re Allowed to Build”

Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now this is more like it. Back in October of 2010 the Summer County, Tennessee School Board decertified the Sumner County Education Association (SCEA), the union for county teachers, because it no longer satisfied the law by counting as members fifty percent plus one of the total number of employees requiring a teaching certificate. This, school board officials said, means that the SCEA can no longer engage in collective bargaining for teachers.

The school board has used this opportunity to immediately begin rewriting the relationship between teachers and schools.

Naturally, the union is running straight to what is usually the last bastion of mindless obeisance to union obstructionism, the courts, and is suing to force the school board to accede to union demands regardless of the law.
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Tennessee County School Board Fires Teachers Union”

Obama to Sue States to End Worker’s Right to Secret Ballot

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama has given more payoffs, sweetheart deals, and new favorable regulations to Big Labor than any president in history. They should love him for his incredible largess. Next, in his never ending quest to harm the business community, defy the will of the voters, and give his pals in Big Labor paybacks, Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) — a federal labor regulatory agency — is about to sue any state that dares attempt to protect the right of workers to have secret ballots in their workplace elections. The states have made the mistake of sponsoring worker’s ballot protection laws.

Recently the NLRB announced its intentions to sue Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah because those states had the gal to implement constitutional amendments to their state constitutions guaranteeing that workers have a right to a secret ballot in union elections.

With this the Obama administration is moving to deny workers their right to a secret ballot, a right that has been sacrosanct in democracies for hundreds if not thousands of years. Why does Barack Obama want to take away the right to a secret ballot? Because his union pals don’t want workers to feel safe voting against a union.
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Obama to Sue States to End Worker’s Right to Secret Ballot”

Video: CEI’s Vincent Vernuccio on Where Union Dues Go

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vincent Vernuccio of the Competitive Enterprise Institute appeared on Fox Business Channel’s “Follow the Money” show and talked a little bit about where the dues that union members pay goes.

Fox Business only gave a snippet of the video that CEI made so here is the full video.

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Video: CEI’s Vincent Vernuccio on Where Union Dues Go”

As America Votes, Obama Angling to Take Vote Away From Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Americans prepare to head to the polls to exercise their right to a secret ballot on election day, the Obama administration is poised to roll back that right in the workplace. By Obama’s orders, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is looking over a policy change that would undermine the protections for a worker’s right to a secret ballot vote in union elections in the workplace.

This elimination of a secret ballot is one of the policy changes that Big Labor has been pushing for several years now and is a chief component of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — better known as card check – a policy that Big Labor has been desperate to force Congress to pass.

Card Check would take away the right that workers have to a secret ballot when considering whether or not a union will be awarded representation at the workplace. This elimination of the secret ballot would leave workers open to the intimidation of union operatives who would be able to identify precisely which worker does and which worker does not support them. The secret ballot is one of the oldest, democratic rights in free and fair elections but unions want this right summarily taken away by federal order.
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As America Votes, Obama Angling to Take Vote Away From Workers”

BREAKING: Democrat Introduces Legislation to End Right-to-Work States

From LaborUnionReport.com

[ed: yet another example of the extreme left in America trying to use the federal government to destroy local control and state’s rights.]

Back in June, we reported that California Congressman Brad Sherman (D) was circulating a letter to his fellow Democrats to introduce legislation to repeal “Right-to-Work” laws in 22 states. Now, with less than a month before the mid-term elections and five weeks before a lame-duck session in Congress, Sherman has introduced legislation to eliminate state Right to Work laws all across America.

Currently, there are 22 states in the U.S. that have laws where workers who are employed at companies that are unionized have a choice whether or not to join or pay the union. These states are known as Right-to-Work states.
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BREAKING: Democrat Introduces Legislation to End Right-to-Work States”