African American Olympian Destroyed by Liberals Because She Took Selfie with Ivanka and Sanders

-By Warner Todd Huston

An African America member of the U.S. bobsled team was excoriated by liberals on Twitter because she dared take a selfie with Ivanka Trump and presidential spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea.

Silver medal winning bobsledder Lauren Gibbs jumped to Twitter to post the selfie with Trump and Sanders adding a caption pleading with Americans to be civil. But, as liberals are wont to do, the athlete was thoroughly destroyed by leftists who insisted that there is no reason at all to be civil to people who hold the wrong political position. In no uncertain terms, liberal Twitter trolls accused the black athlete of being a race traitor, not caring about people, and aiding in the looting of America by rich white people.

Gibbs started her tweet on a positive note:

“It’s important to remember,” Gibbs wrote on her February 24 tweet, “that we don’t have to agree on everything to get along, be civil to each other and enjoy each others company. #itsforamerica it was a pleasure to meet you both!”

But Gibbs’ liberal fans were not at all pleased with the photo nor interested in civil relations with anyone who might disagree with their political point of view. Tweet after tweet slammed Gibbs for taking the picture and cast ridicule and hate on her selfie mates.
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African American Olympian Destroyed by Liberals Because She Took Selfie with Ivanka and Sanders”

Chgo. Sun-Times Apologize Over ‘Racist’ Asiana Airlines Crash Headline

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chicago Sun-Times has apologized for a headline pun reporting on the Asiana 214 airliner crash that seemed racist to some Asians.

The Sunday Sun-Times Front Page

Asiana flight 214 crashed in San Francisco on Saturday, June 6, but in its front page report on the crash, the Chicago Sunday Sun-Times blared a headline that read “FRIGHT 214.”

The Asian American Journalists Association was not amused by the play on words wondering if the Sun-Times understood that changing the “L” in “FLIGHT” to an “R” could easily be perceived as a play on the stereotypical difficulty of some Asians to pronounce the letter “L.”

“While we at the Asian American Journalists Association are willing to give the Sun-Times the benefit of the doubt, the headline used to accompany the paper’s coverage was certainly unfortunate. An editor should have caught the racially tinged wording,” said AAJA’s Bobby Calvan in a public post on the organization’s website.
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Chgo. Sun-Times Apologize Over ‘Racist’ Asiana Airlines Crash Headline”

Gangnam Style Has Been ruined for Me. F*ck You Psy

-By Warner Todd Huston

When the South Korean Pop song Gangnam Style first became the thing here in the only country in the world that counts, I was bemused by the tune and its frenetic horse-galloping dance moves. I thought it was funny and fun. But now I find out that the Korean artist, Psy, has told American to fuck off (excuse HIS language) now he is persona non gratta. I’ve gone back and eliminated all Psy posts I’ve made before and will never support this creep’s work again.


So, here is the deal. Korean singer Psy is enjoying all the success and money that comes with breaking big in the Untied States of America. He’s reveling in the attention and the money it is bringing him. But, now we idiot Americans are finding out he’s made a career out of hating the U.S.A.

And, this jerkoff wasn’t just reveling in the average kind of America hate in which so many pop singers engage, he actually wished that American families should be “killed slowly and painfully.”

That’s right, this ass hoped our children were killed “slowly and painfully.”

He made this exclamation during a 2004 concert in South Korea.

Naturally, this little creep is apologizing… now that America is paying him big money for his crap song.

So, Psy is out. Screw him and his armpit nation.
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Gangnam Style Has Been ruined for Me. F*ck You Psy”

Pondering People Pills: Don’t think it can’t happen here

-By Daniel Clark

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, customs officials in South Korea have confiscated about 17,000 Chinese “miracle cure” capsules, filled with the powdered flesh of aborted and stillborn babies. The existence of these pills was first uncovered last summer by a South Korean documentary, which found that the manufacturers received a regular supply of tissue from a network of affiliated abortion clinics and hospitals.

It’s tempting to assume that this outrage will confine itself to the Far East. After all, reporter Yojana Sharma revealed in a 1995 Daily Telegraph story that, in China, the eating of human fetuses for health reasons is not uncommon. She even obtained a “fist-sized glass bottle stuffed with thumb-sized fetuses” from a state hospital, by pretending to be sick. “Normally, we doctors take them home to eat,” she was told.

That doesn’t sound like the kind of thing we have to worry about over here, where taboos against cannibalism have held up quite nicely over the years. Nevertheless, the Daily Mail story ought to concern Americans, because many other elements conducive to that result are present in our society today.
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Pondering People Pills: Don’t think it can’t happen here”

Kinzinger Votes to Cut $4 Billion to Keep Government Open, Urges Obama to Act on Trade

From the office of Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger (11th District)…

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11) released the following statement on today’s bipartisan House vote to cut $4 billion in government spending and keep the government open through March 18, 2011.

“Today, the House passed legislation that cuts $4 billion in wasteful spending and will keep the government running for another two weeks. It is high time that we cut up the government’s credit cards and draw a hard line to stop the government from overspending which is hampering job creation.

“However, two weeks worth of spending cuts is simply not enough to sustain our economy, which is why ten days ago, the House passed H.R. 1, legislation that would fund the government through the end of the 2011 Fiscal Year.
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Kinzinger Votes to Cut $4 Billion to Keep Government Open, Urges Obama to Act on Trade”

Sacred War, Holy War: The Secret Combination of Islam and Communism

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

“…we have seen in the past – over and over again – that evil seeks out evil, that they create secret combinations and make blood oaths against the good people of the earth. They bond together in their mutual treachery, and no malevolence is too much for them to consider.”

I wrote that, 8 years ago, in my first ever articles, a three-piecer that Joseph Farah asked me to write for World Net Daily. Most of my friends laughed.

That was then….
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Sacred War, Holy War: The Secret Combination of Islam and Communism”

Cronkiting North Korea Won’t Work This Time

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

He’s dead, and we’re not buying it

You know the man on the right. He’s hard to miss with his ridiculous hair and Dr. Evil wardrobe. But do you recognize the man on the left? Most of you probably don’t. Allow me to give you a refresher.

After we won the Tet Offensive in 1968, the Hippy Press here in America sank to new depths. Walter Cronkite, “the most trusted man in America,” made a perverse choice.

He looked directly into the camera and lied through his “most trusted” teeth.

He told America that after what happened at Tet, surely the war was now lost.
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Cronkiting North Korea Won’t Work This Time”

More Palin Bashing: How CNN Misleads With Headlines

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN indulged a classic left media tactic by misleading with a headline in a recent piece on former Governor Sarah Palin. The headline, if read by itself, seems to be saying that Sarah Palin delivered a “gaffe-filled message,” when the truth is that her message talked about gaffes, but wasn’t “filled” with them per se. The effect was that the headline made Palin look worse than the story itself did. If all one read was the headline, one would get a far different opinion of what was going on than if one read the story that went with it.

On Nov. 26, CNN delivered this headline on its Political Ticker blog: Palin delivers a gaffe-filled message.

Think about that headline. Doesn’t it say to you that Palin delivered a bunch of gaffes in her message? If all you did was read that headline, you’d think she made a fool of herself with all sorts of incorrect statements in it. One suspects that CNN fully realized this fact.
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More Palin Bashing: How CNN Misleads With Headlines”

North Korea, China’s Hidden Dagger‏

-By Alan Caruba

The Korean War ended in a stalemate in 1953. Having begun on June 25, 1950 with the blessings of Joseph Stalin, an armistice agreement on July 27, 1953 left the peninsula divided between the Republic of South Korea and the Peoples Republic of North Korea. How long ago was that? Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected largely on the promise to go there and secure an end to the conflict

By the time it was over the Red Chinese had intervened and American casualties were around 54,000 with 103,000 wounded. The North Koreans and Chinese were estimated to have lost ten times that number. The war was immensely unpopular with an American public that was still recovering from World War Two that had ended in 1945.

To his credit, President Truman did not hesitate to commit troops. Within two days after the invasion, Americans were fighting another war in Asia. The United Nations provided cover and the conflict was officially a UN action.
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North Korea, China’s Hidden Dagger‏”

TIME FOR I TOLD YOU SO, And For War…It’s Inevitable Now

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

Let’s dispense from the beginning with the idea that more “sternly-worded letters,” sanctions, condemnations, or talks (serious this time!) are the answer to North Korea’s dual declarations of war. They have NEVER worked, because when dealing with evil, you must speak to it in the language it understands. Evil only understands violence.

It gives me no pleasure to say so, but the pattern of history has borne out this truth: there will never be peace so long as only one side is willing to abide by the rules for peace.
he pictures coming from Yeonpeyong, South Korea, are chillingly reminiscent of Pearl Harbor. But did we get the “a date which will live in infamy” speech, which Pres. Roosevelt delivered only 1 day after the December 7, 1941 attack?

Here’s what we got from the Eunuch in Chief: “…too soon to discuss ways the U.S. military might deter the reclusive communist state from another strike.”
And from his lapdog Stephen Bosworth: “I would not at all accept that our policy toward North Korea is a failure,” Bosworth said after flying to Seoul to meet South Korean officials. “They are a difficult interlocutor,” he said of the North, “but we’re not throwing our policy away.”
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TIME FOR I TOLD YOU SO, And For War…It’s Inevitable Now”