Could India Be On The Verge of a Major Shift Toward Capitalism?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Of all the countries in the world that have the potential to become one of the world’s next great superpowers, India is a nation poised to take that step. While there is an awful lot holding that giant nation back, their latest election just might be the next step to a more secure, prosperous future.

This possible new step was the election of a pro business party to govern the nation. For some time India has been controlled by the Congress Party, a very corrupt and typically socialist-styled political party that has done little to bring growth to the country. But the Congress Party has fallen and in a big way.

This week the BJP (the Bharatiya Janata Party) has won a shocking landslide election booting the Congress Party entirely out of power.

Headed by Prime Minister-Elect Narendra Modi, the BJP is a very pro-business and pro-modernity party. Modi has already created India’s version of Texas with his governorship of the Gujarat state, the most prosperous area of India and now he is poised to try and bring that level of success to the whole country.
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Could India Be On The Verge of a Major Shift Toward Capitalism?”

In India, Finally Some PCism I Can Stomach!

-By Warner Todd Huston

India is one of the most important up-and-coming, capitalist democracies in the world. It is inches from being a true world power and in the ensuing years will become one, certainly. But India still has some stupid, backwards, ignorant cultural practices to shed before it can step into the circle of leading nations with true pride. This story highlights one of those practices.

Like many tribal, backwards peoples, India has a hatred of girl children. This is a holdover from the days when having a boy meant not only passing on your family line, but meant a strong back to work for that family. This is a holdover from the backwards days when a girl was seen more as chattel than as a human being in her own right. It is also because of a cultural economic problem when girls marry (see below). Unfortunately it is not a prejudice that sits in India’s cultural past. This disregard for women persists…

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Look Out it’s ROBOT!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, prepare yourself for the greatest action movie of all time…

I mean, come on. I don’t know if this actioner is meant to be “serious” action movie in India (Like Die Hard is in America, for instance) or if it’s just supposed to be tongue-in-cheek fun, but this one is hilarious. Get ready for ROBOT.

Part two has the most action, so I’ll post that first…

But if you want to know how it all starts, here is part one. And, YES, you get a ubiquitous Indian dance number in this one, preformed by a CG robot even…

Ah, Bollywood!

Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama’s now concluding trip to India seems to have turned out to be a failed or at the very least unhelpful effort. His false starts, unhelpful comments and bad policy moves mark this visit as a bit of a mess.

Obama made multiple gaffes not only for India but for his own party back home not to mention his nation. As his political party was delivered a severe blow and his agenda was cut off at the knees on election day he was seen dancing happily all across the continent with a lavish visit paid for at the taxpayer’s expense even as those same taxpayers were enraged at wild government spending sprees. As the Indians worried over Obama’s foreign policy he refused to call the those that attacked them in Mumbai terrorists and finally on his exit from the country he delivered yet another one of his digs at his own country saying that America is a nation in decline.

Things began going wrong for The One even as he first arrived in one of the most vibrant nations on earth. For one thing he arrived a lesser president than when he originally set up the trip. His party was delivered a stunning and historic blow as the GOP picked up over 60 seats in the federal seat of power and hundreds more in the state legislatures in the Nov. 2 election, a feat that hasn’t been repeated since WWII. So Obama arrived with his mandate splintered and his power diminished. He is a president with less power to help his Indian hosts do anything.
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Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India”

Hayes Offers Jackson Free Lessons in Hindi

From the Hayes for Congress campaign (2nd District)…

CHICAGO: Republican nominee for Illinois 2nd Congressional District Isaac Hayes today offered Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. a free book on the Hindi language and again called for his resignation.

Jesse Jackson Jr., speaking on WLS radio’s “Don Wade & Roma” show this past Friday morning about an Oct. 28, 2008, meeting with two Indian fund-raisers said, “another gentleman showed up and started having another conversation practically in Hindu, because I don’t speak Hindu.” He went on to say, “I didn’t participate in any of that part of the conversation, nor do I even remember hearing it.”

Hayes responded with perplexity to the Congressman’s statement, “If Congressman Jackson wants us to believe that he participated in a meeting with Indian businessmen who discussed a $1 million bribe on his behalf but failed to tell him about it, he needs to have his head examined because it is clear he lacks the cognitive capacity to serve as a United States Congressman. He should resign now and save himself further embarrassment.”

Today, Hayes is offering Congressman Jackson a free book to help him with his Hindi. “Mr. Jackson alleges the conversation to buy him a Senate Seat was in Hindi, so I want to make sure he is aware that a Congressional Crime is taking place if this ever happens again,” said Hayes.

This statement appears on the Citizens for Isaac Hayes website at:

New Jesse Jackson Jr. Allegations of Ethics Violation, Sexual Affair

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the eave of the biggest rush to run for Chicago Mayor in recent memory, Jesse Jackson, Jr. has been hit with more allegations of being involved in a scheme to buy a Senate seat from disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Additionally, there is a hint that Jackson was involved with a woman flown several times to Chicago by a campaign contributor.

An Indian-American businessman has told federal authorities that he was asked by Congressman Jackson to begin raising money for Rod Blagojevich so that Blago might appoint Jackson to the open Senate seat that Obama vacated when he took the White House in 2008.

Shortly after Blagojevich’s arrest on corruption charges in December 2008, the Chicago Tribune reported that FBI agents went to the Oak Brook home of Indian-American businessman, Raghuveer P. Nayak. The Tribune reported Nayak hosted an Oct. 31, 2008 luncheon where he discussed raising $1 million for Blagojevich to help persuade the governor to choose Jackson. The congressman’s brother Jonathan appeared at a Nayak-sponsored fundraiser for the governor three days before Blagojevich was arrested.

There is also an affair broadly hinted at between the Congressman and a woman named Giovanna Huidobro, an affair that Jackson has asked the media to ignore so as to “respect” his “private” problem between he and his wife.

The woman is said to be a “restaurant hostess” but the picture that is being used by the media looks suspiciously like a swimsuit model seen on the website.

When confronted with the possible relationship, Jackson clammed up and tried to cajole the media to ignore the whole thing.

“The reference to a social acquaintance is a private and personal matter between me and my wife that was handled some time ago,” Jackson said in his statement. “I ask that you respect our privacy.

“I know I have disappointed some supporters, and for that I am deeply sorry. But I remain committed to serving my constituents and fighting on their behalf.”

Like father like son, I guess. Jackson Sr. is well known for his sexual dalliances.
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New Jesse Jackson Jr. Allegations of Ethics Violation, Sexual Affair”

When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week an article appeared in the Wall Street Journal that gave me pause even as it evoked outrage. It proved that the India has more backbone than America does where it concerns portraying Islamic terror in films.

The article was penned by Arun Venugopal. The writer is a young Indian-born, American-raised reporter who has knocked about in both Bollywood and the American film communities, and his piece is an eye opener.

Venugopal notes that the Indian film industry does not shy away from a “full throttle” portrayal of Islamic terror in its films.
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When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys”