Those Ashamed Of America Shouldn’t Make A Penny Off The Name

-By Frederick Meekins

Though at one time barely considered worthy of the appellation of literature, scholars of popular culture have today established the thesis that comic books and other forms of media expression derived from these illustrated periodicals serve as a snapshot of the perspectives and assumptions prevalent at particular points in American history

Certain characters and series evoke more reflection on certain aspects of culture and ideas than others.

For example, the Fantastic Four evoke reflection upon the loving but some times contentious relationship inside a family. The plight of the X-Men have been compared to assorted struggles for civil rights and social acceptance.
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Those Ashamed Of America Shouldn’t Make A Penny Off The Name”

Headline Potpourri 23: Cylon Sinks, Teabow’s Core, Downhill 33

-By Frederick Meekins

Is “John Carter of Mars” really as bad a film as critics suggest? Or is it that the story makes the unforgivable suggestion that there are malevolent, largely unseen, elements orchestrating the rise and fall of great powers as they plot the world’s overall destruction?

The head of the NAACP is flying to Switzerland to sing to a UN human rights organization of how nobody knows the troubles he’s seen. It seems laws in America requiring not only that shiftless deadbeats must show identification but that also make provision for state personnel to chauffer you to get your idea are an atrocity of near historic proportions. Wouldn’t UN efforts be better directed at investigating other alleged outrages such as the forced virginity examinations in Egypt?

A Gingrich campaign ad mocks Mitt Romney by insinuating that the former Massachusetts governor isn’t the type to pump his own gas. And you are going to tell me Gingrich pumps his own regularly? And what about Gingrich’s high maintenance ball-and-chain? Didn’t he about go into bankruptcy trying to placate her with fancy trinkets?
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Headline Potpourri 23: Cylon Sinks, Teabow’s Core, Downhill 33″

Leftist Commemoration Undermines Resolve Against Terror

-By Frederick Meekins

Yes. Perhaps this is being posted a bit late. However, the points are still valid. If you are going to be that condescending, perhaps you should be reminded that you seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time online obsessively reading columns and articles of those you snidely dismiss as less accomplished than yourself.

It is said that the only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn anything from history. Following the attack on 9/11, the nation’s leaders as epitomized by the members of Congress joining on the steps of the Capitol in patriotic chorus vowed that they would be vigilant against the laxity of policy and perspective that left the door wide open allowing such a tragedy to transpire in the first place. However, in the decade since then, little has changed in the hearts of many that would prevent an occurrence of similar or greater magnitude from happening again in the future.

Under the auspices of the National Cathedral, an interfaith memorial was to be held in Washington, DC. Since the President and a number of representatives from a variety of religious perspectives were scheduled to speak at the service, the event was billed as and assumed to be one promoting an inclusive brand of diversity and spirituality.
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Leftist Commemoration Undermines Resolve Against Terror”

Some Mormons Less Cultic Than Others?

-By Frederick Meekins

For obvious and justifiable reasons, a number of Evangelical leaders often cast a suspicious gaze at Mormon figures in American public life. After all, though the two systems of belief share a similar vocabulary at certain points and often both hold to traditionalist assumptions regarding social morality, these perspectives differ considerably regarding the nature of God as well as the origins and destiny of man.

However, the least that the orthodox Christian commenting on public affairs ought to do is to try and maintain some kind of consistent policy towards those advocating what could be considered a doctrinally questionable religious viewpoint. It seems that instead of basing such characterizations solely upon the beliefs such voices claim must take precedence above all other considerations, such analysis is often skewered in favor of those most likely to ensure that the particular pundit in question can retain a position as the water carrier of the entrenched political establishment.

For example, in his 9/16/11 commentary transcript, Cal Thomas mentions Rick Perry presenting his testimony before an audience at Liberty University. Thomas closes his brief analysis by concluding Perry’s testimony isn’t all that important beyond its existential value as it is more important how one’s faith works itself out in a President’s policies. Thomas astutely observers that believers have had the wool pulled over our eyes numerous times in terms of politicians saying one thing and doing another.
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Some Mormons Less Cultic Than Others?”

Those Denying Resurrection Keep Religious Language To Spread Deception

-By Frederick Meekins

In the 9/20/11 issues of Sojourners magazine is an advertisement for the 2012 Gladdening Light Symposium featuring Jesus Seminar scholar John Dominic Crossan. Part of the ad copy reads, “Feed the soul, savor the beauty, and experience the communion love of Agape in the Gladdening Light of God.”

However, if Crossan is being heralded as what in show business and prize fights circles is called the main event, those in attendance will have very little to ultimately be glad about. Given the name of the symposium, the event frankly borders on false advertising.

Anyone that has subscribed to the History Channel or A&E before both networks went nearly all alien autopsy and rummage sales has no doubt seen Crossan. He is a talking head that use to get dragged out around Christmas and Easter time for those specials that posture as giving viewers the latest dirt on the events of the Bible being bantered about in the halls of respectable academia.

However, seldom do these programs confirm the accuracy of the Biblical accounts. Rather, the intended purpose is often to heap as much skepticism upon these narratives as possible.
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Those Denying Resurrection Keep Religious Language To Spread Deception”

Stream Of Consciousness Observations Regarding The 2012 State Of The Union

-By Frederick Meekins

Obama insists he doesn’t want our energy needs linked to unstable parts of the world. Service to do anything about the Occupy beatniks laying siege to a number of parks in Washington, DC?

Why should it be portrayed as a greater tragedy when a “single mother” loses her job rather than a man with a wife that stays at home? Seems both domestic arrangements are in similar positions without income.

In calling for a single source for the unemployed to seek information on training opportunities, doesn’t that involve the federal government assuming more control over education?

Obama insists it should be illegal for students to drop out of school before they are 18. Why should this be a matter of federal interference and what will the punishment be for those leaving prior to that age?
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Stream Of Consciousness Observations Regarding The 2012 State Of The Union”

Christmas Irritants Pervasive

-By Frederick Meekins

Use to be during the Christmas season in modern America, if the individual wanted a little buzz during the holidays, they would slip a bit of something into their eggnog. Now, all you have to do to feel that surge of agitated surliness is to turn on the news or read about those turning themselves into the hind quarters of the species the Holy Family rode into Bethlehem in order to pay the assessed tax (an existential financial matter it seems fewer and fewer could possibly relate to).

If you think it is only secularists making an overall nuisance of themselves, you are in for a bigger disappointment than finding a lump of coal in your stocking Christmas morning.

For better or worse, the Internet is widespread enough that most are aware that there is nothing in the Bible compelling believers to participate in the celebration of the birth of Christ even though His miraculous arrival is documented in the pages of Scripture and that many of the trappings such as decorations and related customs now imbedded with meanings symbolizing the spiritually profound account have (to invoke a word of sectarian irony) less than kosher origins.

However, for the most part, Christians on either side of the divide have established a kind of amicable truce where for the most part about the worst that they do to their counterparts is to look down their noses at one another and snicker how peculiar or inconsistent the ones on the side of the debate opposite their own happen to be.
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Christmas Irritants Pervasive”

Christmas Billboards Point In The Culture War’s Direction

-By Frederick Meekins

Christmas is the time of year when the thoughts of most Americans grow to be at their most devout. It is increasingly the time of year that the avowed despisers of the Almighty are at their most disrespectful.

Before now, the most culturally embarrassing thing to come out of the wastelands of the Garden State was likely Snooki and her Jersey Shore compatriots. However, it now seems even their debauched escapades have been surpassed in terms of deliberately thumbing one’s nose at God.

For decades, one municipality there has draped across a main street a banner reading that horrible bit of wordplay “Keep Christ In Christmas”. As has become customary, leftist subversives have stepped forward insisting that the banner be taken down to placate one or two discombobulated by the message.
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Christmas Billboards Point In The Culture War’s Direction”

Leftist Factions Co-opt Rather Than Abolish Holidays

-By Frederick Meekins

For about the past two decades, those to the left side of the sociopolitical spectrum have made such a fuss over their hostility towards traditional American holidays and celebrations that the arising disputations have themselves become an anticipated aspect of the close of each year. It was claimed such festivities promote values so vile that these sentiments must be expunged from the civic calendar and the very names seldom mentioned for fear of irrevocably harming those not participating for whatever the reason.

Though not always cognizant of the epic spiritual and philosophical struggle taking place all around them, Americans can be a remarkably stubborn and independent lot. As such, a number sympathetic to the process of communalization have realized that they might be more successful in accomplishing their goals through a subdued gradualism rather than through sudden revolutionary upheaval.

The first of the remembrances of the waning year subverted by manipulative social engineers is Thanksgiving. This holiday is despised for a number of common liberal reasons.

For starters, it is argued that Thanksgiving is racist because of the hostilities that eventually erupted between Americans of European origins and the American Indians. However, such criticism fails to recognize that, at the time of the first Thanksgiving Feast, these distinct groups were at accord with one another over the blessings shared amidst hardships and struggle.
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Leftist Factions Co-opt Rather Than Abolish Holidays”

Leftist Factions Co-opt Rather Than Abolish Holidays

-By Frederick Meekins

For about the past two decades, those to the left side of the sociopolitical spectrum have made such a fuss over their hostility towards traditional American holidays and celebrations that the arising disputations have themselves become an anticipated aspect of the close of each year. It was claimed such festivities promote values so vile that these sentiments must be expunged from the civic calendar and the very names seldom mentioned for fear of irrevocably harming those not participating for whatever the reason.

Though not always cognizant of the epic spiritual and philosophical struggle taking place all around them, Americans can be a remarkably stubborn and independent lot. As such, a number sympathetic to the process of communalization have realized that they might be more successful in accomplishing their goals through a subdued gradualism rather than through sudden revolutionary upheaval.

The first of the remembrances of the waning year subverted by manipulative social engineers is Thanksgiving. This holiday is despised for a number of common liberal reasons.

For starters, it is argued that Thanksgiving is racist because of the hostilities that eventually erupted between Americans of European origins and the American Indians. However, such criticism fails to recognize that, at the time of the first Thanksgiving Feast, these distinct groups were at accord with one another over the blessings shared amidst hardships and struggle.
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Leftist Factions Co-opt Rather Than Abolish Holidays”

Democratic Party: Filled With More Nuts and Flakes Than A Cereal Box

-By Frederick Meekins

On the 6/26/11 edition of Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace inquired if Representative Michelle Bachman was a flake. As justification for this line of interrogation, Wallace pointed out an instance where Bachman insinuated that certain members of Congress were anti-American.

So apparently in the eyes of those considering Bachman a flake, it is now allegedly a sign of instability to expose those facts that a number of elites would rather gloss over in the hopes that the American people won’t find out about such personalities and instances.

For example, Cynthia McKinney cannot be described in any other way than anti-American. Not only did this Georgia representative appear on Libyan state television. She also praised the Qaddaffi regime.

People of good conscience can disagree as to the propriety and prudence of U.S. and NATO intervention in this north African uprising. However, what cannot be denied is that old Muammar is one of the great scumbags of the 20th and 21st centuries.
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Democratic Party: Filled With More Nuts and Flakes Than A Cereal Box”

Shaking Assumptions Regarding Natural Disasters

-By Frederick Meekins

Though the event displays the wonder of God and His creation, no minister can hand down an edict one way or the other whether a particular earthquake other than the ones foretold in prophetic passages of Scripture such as the Book of Revelation was an act of retribution and judgment.

Countless congregations no doubt heard from the hyperpious among their number how they were disappointed the quake didn’t result in total destruction and that any not so eager for it all to end aren’t even worthy of the chewing gum stuck under the pew.

In response to the earthquake, it has been admonished that it id God and not government that saves you. But should you need to be pulled from the rubble, is it the direct hand of God doing so or, in the vast majority of instances, is it more likely to be a policeman, firefighter, members of the National Guard or a group of average concerned citizens? Taking this mindset to its natural conclusion, is it therefore wrong to express gratitude toward parents if they do something good for you? Is it wrong to verbalize one’s love to one’s spouse if language can only be used in such an exclusivist and univocal manner? Furthermore, if we are to wait on the direct divine intervention of God to determine what happens to us in such calamitous upheavals, does that mean we should not seek medical attention during times of sickness or to even prepare a meal to stave off hunger?
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Shaking Assumptions Regarding Natural Disasters”

Headline Potpourri #22: Oslo Shooter, Tea Party Hobbits & Federal Pecker Patrol

-By Frederick Meekins

An associate watching a home repair show informed of an episode where an owner could not get the permit to remodel unless he promised not to remove poison ivy on the property since it is classified as a “non-invasive species”.

If the Oslo tragedy will be invoked to justify how guns and those questioning immigration are a threat to social order, can’t it also be used as an example of why you shouldn’t automatically obey someone in a police uniform since they might be an impostor?

I thought European social democracies had extensive gun control regulations.
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Headline Potpourri #22: Oslo Shooter, Tea Party Hobbits & Federal Pecker Patrol”

Lessons In Apologetics #8: Atheism

-By Frederick Meekins

If the Christian has no assurance that God will triumph from the way the world appears to be going, one would be better off hedging one’s bets by siding with the Devil or sitting the whole thing out all together. There are those that attempt to do just that.

Atheism is the worldview that believes that God does not exist. Those embracing this perspective tend to do so over both objective and existential reasons.

Those claiming to embrace Atheism for objective reasons often concentrate their attacks on the more scientific approaches to the existence of God such as the cosmological argument. The cosmological argument for the existence of God holds that all contingent things must have a cause and that this cause is at the minimum Aristotle’s Uncaused Cause and preferably the God of the Christian faith as expounded by Aquinas when he adapted these propositions for Christian usage. Atheists raise their hands and say hold on a moment to what they see as presumptuous conclusions.
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Lessons In Apologetics #8: Atheism”

Shining The Light On Laser Pointer Penalties

-By Frederick Meekins

The Federal Aviation Administration has announced plans to impose fines as high as $11,000 upon those caught shining laser pointers into airplane cockpits.

Exposure to the beam emitted by such a device can result in temporary blindness, thus theoretically resulting in a major air catastrophe if a flight crew were unexpectedly incapacitated.

In a sense, such a regulation is all good and called for.

However, one can’t but help ask the question how the perpetrators of such malfeasance can be identified at such a distance.

One account categorized the proposed penalty as civil rather than criminal in nature.
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Shining The Light On Laser Pointer Penalties”

Headline Potpourri #21: NYT Phrenologists, Mr. Turtle Shackled, & Rampaging Huffington

-By Frederick Meekins

A New York Times correspondent insists that Americans living in the middle of the country have sloping foreheads. Weren’t the Nazis also obsessed with equating cranial shape with intelligence?

The Washington Post labeled Glenn Beck as a “creature” in regards to his pending rally in Israel. I thought bastions of tolerance such as the Post use to warm that such linguistic dehumanization was the first step taken by the Nazis.

Since the average American is no longer able to go much of anywhere because of gas prices, environmentalists are now set to declare against home entertainment devices. It is claimed that these machines use too much electricity. Before it’s all over with, they will probably summarily execute those of us wearing eye glasses and march everyone else out to toil in the rice paddies. It will likely fall under Frau Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign.
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Headline Potpourri #21: NYT Phrenologists, Mr. Turtle Shackled, & Rampaging Huffington”

Food Fascism Lays Groundwork For Additional Control

-By Frederick Meekins

Wonder what the food fascists advocating dietary asceticism scarfed down as children. As anyone that has sat through an evangelistic missionary testimonial knows, those griping the loudest about your errant ways are usually the ones that could make a sailor blush before they came to religion.

A Chicago school’s policy of controlling what students eat is an example of the threat posed to human liberty by public education. Sad thing is many private educators are just as eager to usurp parental authority. Compounding that, if schools are religious, they’ll then compile lengthy theological justifications why you are not a “good Christian” if you don’t have a smile plastered across your face regarding the handed-down decree.

If babykillers insist that the government should keep its laws off the body of women wanting abortions, who in the name of Hades are these civil servants to tell anyone what they can or cannot eat for lunch? Students forced to eat food they don’t want should toss it in the trash in defiance or preferably hold mass puke rallies and refuse to clean up their own regurgitation.
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Food Fascism Lays Groundwork For Additional Control”

More Tweets Regarding The Demise Of Bin Laden

-By Frederick Meekins

Kind of tells you what a person is made of if they hold a pity party in regards to how Bin Ladin was mistreated during his elimination. The person raising these concerns is the very same extreme Reconstructionist that any other time thinks Glenn Beck should be executed as a “false prophet” along with Sabbath violators.

Borrowing from the advocates of infantacide, if you don’t want to see Bin Ladin’s death photos, DON’T LOOK AT THEM!

Bin Laden was given 40 minute funeral ceremony. That’s more of a warning than the victims of 9/11 got.

If Bin Ladin was worthy of an Islamic funeral at the expense of the U.S. Navy, why weren’t his minions slain at the compound also worthy of such and left to rot in the Third World sun?
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More Tweets Regarding The Demise Of Bin Laden”

Tweets Regarding Bin Ladin’s Demise

-By Frederick Meekins

(Ed’s note: I was away during the week of bin Ladden’s long-awaited demise. So, that means all the folks that sent me pieces on bin Ladden are way late. I apologize for that, but there was no help for it as I was unable to post much during last week. Today will be for the several bin Ladden posts I couldn’t get posted.)

Bin Ladin is supposedly dead. A million plus terrorists to go.

The death of Bin Ladin ends the war on terrorism the same way the capture of Saddam ended war in Iraq.

Now that Bin Ladin is supposedly dead, expect Qaddaffi to attempt to regain his crown as king of all terrorists.

Bin Ladin’s compound is surrounded by 18 foot walls. Can’t help but admire his taste in architecture and real estate.
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Tweets Regarding Bin Ladin’s Demise”

Ruminations Regarding Libya

-By Frederick Meekins

Another brilliant move on the part of the Obama Administration.

Officials have let it slip that the CIA has operatives on the ground in Libya.

Shouldn’t the proper response be when such a question is raised “neither confirm nor deny”?

Better yet, what is so wrong with outright prevarication in regards to such a matter? Some truths are not necessarily owed at the time they are initially raised.

Doesn’t the discerning individual already realize that the great powers, by default, have operatives at work in nearly every other great nation around the globe?
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Ruminations Regarding Libya”

Headline Potpourri #20: Ghetto Ipods, Weeping Congressmen & Peanut Butter Police

-By Frederick Meekins

David Frum has mocked Glenn Beck from the standpoint of the 295 million Americans that don’t watch Beck. Wonder if Frum realizes that the number having no idea who David Frum is surpasses even that figure?

Al Sharpton held a rally against the Congressional investigation into radical Islam. Amazing dupes such as him fail to realize he will be among the first eliminated should an Islamist revolution (or any kind of leftist revolution for that matter) ever takes place.

Even if the government gave every ghetto youth a laptop and an IPOD as Jesse Jackson Jr. suggests, they wouldn’t use the devices for educational purposes.

Obama is having his own beer brewed at the White House. Guess it is revealed after all that the thing wrong with homebrewing is not so much the health concerns but rather that the government might not get its cut if you sell it to some friends or neighbors. You let it out that you brew your own beer and see if they don’t torch your place like the Waco compound in the name of public safety.
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Headline Potpourri #20: Ghetto Ipods, Weeping Congressmen & Peanut Butter Police”

Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth

-By Frederick Meekins

In his comments regarding the cancellation of a football game, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell actually let slip the contempt he feels towards the citizens of the United States in general and the people of the Keystone State in particular.

In one remark especially, Rendell posited that the Chinese are to be extolled for the hypothetical situation that they would likely attend a scheduled athletic event despite dangerous weather conditions and march down to the arena on foot in the process.
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Pennsylvania Governor Places Communal Glory Over Individual Worth”

Lessons In Apologetics #6: Pantheism

-By Frederick Meekins

If Deism is the belief that God is so transcendent from the cosmos He created that He no longer participates directly in it, Pantheism must be the worldview at the other end of the continuum believing that a higher power exists as Pantheism holds that God is so immanent with the universe that God and the universe are one. As a worldview, Pantheism has plagued the religious thought of both the East and West from ancient times on up through our contemporary day.

Though there are various forms of Pantheism, most share a set of common characteristics. Pantheists will agree that ultimately there is but one substance.

Parmenides hypothesized that there is either being or nonbeing and in order to exist there must be being. And if everything possesses this quality, everything is of the same substance as to differ by nothing would be not to exist at all.
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Lessons In Apologetics #6: Pantheism”

Felonious Flatulence, Cannibal Migrants & Cooper Slapped: Headline Potpourri #19

-By Frederick Meekins

The African nation of Malawi has passed a law criminalizing public incidents of flatulence. This raises the question of what will happen in reference to the quandary where the rectal emissions are categorized as “silent but violent”? This will no doubt be resolved in the precedent-setting decision of “You Smelled It vs. You Dealt It”.

Don’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the tone of some articles calling for eager obedience and compliance with government dietary guidelines. Elites wanting to alter the composition of snack foods should be told to go lick a salt block.

Wonder if Anderson Cooper is as enamored now as he once was of the proverbial “Arab Street”. Wonder if Anderson Cooper realizes now the considerable differences between Islamists and those he once ridiculed as “Teabaggers”.
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Felonious Flatulence, Cannibal Migrants & Cooper Slapped: Headline Potpourri #19″

Armstrong Williams Duped By Egyptian Hooligans

-By Frederick Meekins

Of the tumult in Egypt, columnist Armstrong Williams posted that America should not be afraid of Egypt’s emerging democracy that “will be different from America’s political system.”

Williams comes to this conclusion because, “Egypt is a Muslim country…It is only natural that their…government will take on characteristics unique to its culture.”

So basically, this alleged conservative is excusing ahead of time the violent persecution of Christians that will likely erupt and the mass slaughter of dissidents that often takes place in Islamic societies undergoing revolutionary upheaval.
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Armstrong Williams Duped By Egyptian Hooligans”

Tweets Regarding The State Of The Union 2011

-By Frederick Meekins

Too bad no member of Congress possessed the courage to blurt out “You lie”, especially in light how everyone was suppose to make bipartisan goo-goo eyes at one another.

Obama says cutting stimulus is akin to taking the motor out of an airplane taking off. But how can a jetliner even take off when the flue supply has already been burned up?

The camera panned the congressional gallery and showed the head of Xerox sitting in the crowd. Guess they need her to help make all that money that really isn’t there.
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Tweets Regarding The State Of The Union 2011″

Gingrich Conniving, Obama Shrugging & Baldwin Auditing: Headline Potpourri #18

-By Frederick Meekins

Newt Gingrich is conniving to pass a law essentially allowing a state to declare bankruptcy in order to get out of paying pension benefits to retirees. Before it ever went into affect, the former Speaker should be compelled to renounce every last penny and future benefits accruing to his name as a result of his tenure in the House of Representatives. Failing to fulfill promised obligations to those having reached a certain age seems to be a modus operandi for Gingrich. He dumped two wives before they ever got the chance to be as fat and gray as he has become.

In a Fox News profile of Republican presidential frontrunners, Mike Huckabee was categorized as an ideal social conservative for his stances on the pro-life and marriage issues. At best, Huckabee is only a mediocre social conservative. Have we already forgotten the instance where he commuted Maurice Clemmon’ prison sentence largely because the convict happened to be Black and how Clemmons proceeded to murder someone after his release years later? In a milieu that was staunchly pro-life, those making it outside of the womb are just as deserving of life and the enthusiasm to protect the innocent as is expressed for those not yet having emerged from the birth canal.
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Gingrich Conniving, Obama Shrugging & Baldwin Auditing: Headline Potpourri #18″

Tweets Regarding The Arizona Shooting Tragedy

-By Frederick Meekins

An assassination attempt was made against an Arizona Congresswoman. What freedoms will Americans be coerced into surrendering as a result? In a press conference, the sheriff there has already blamed talk radio for the tragedy.

A Fox News talking head made a fuss about Gabrielle Giffords being the first Jewish woman elected to Congress from Arizona. Would the assassination attempt be less tragic if it had been on a Christian man?

In analyzing the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, blame is not placed on the gunmen for this evil deed but on politics becoming “too personal”. But aren’t the liberals the one that made it that way in their efforts to control every facet of existence?

Maybe political rhetoric would not have grown so intense if the government had done its job of securing the borders and minding its own business as to what type of toilets we have in our homes, what kind of lightbulbs we decide to illuminate them with and what kind of food we decide to stick in our mouths.
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Tweets Regarding The Arizona Shooting Tragedy”

Pseudoephedrine Restrictions Nothing To Sneeze At

-By Frederick Meekins

Each winter without fail, the flu sends millions to the local pharmacy in search of some kind of relief. However, it won’t be this pesky virus that will give you a headache and make your stomach churn.

In order to purchase pseudoephedrine, consumers must now produce a photo ID (something that is apparently an outrage to require illegal aliens to do when accused of a crime) with these details added into a computer database tracking how much and often you purchase this perfectly legal substance. It is claimed that this procedure is necessary as a result of the meth epidemic sweeping across the country since pseudoephedrine is an ingredient used to make this drug.

While methamphetamine might be illegal, pseudoephedrine is not and is available over the counter in smaller doses. If the nanny state wants to restrict access to this substance, why not make it unavailable in its entirety without a prescription or enact an outright prohibition all together.
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Pseudoephedrine Restrictions Nothing To Sneeze At”

Innkeeper’s Bad Press Not Necessarily Deserved

-By Frederick Meekins

As the opening act of the Greatest Story Ever Told, each character mentioned in the Christmas narrative has had a number of literary traditions and homiletical assumptions added that may or may not be directly traceable to the text of the Holy Bible. One of these is none other than the Innkeeper.

When we are confronted with the dichotomy of the Second Person of the divine Godhead, enthroned in Heaven throughout all previous eternity, being born into a filthy barn with the stench of feces and urine all around, knowing this account not from the standpoint of the characters within but rather as the beneficiaries of the complete Good News of the Gospel message, we are horrified on an instinctive level and look for someone to blame for this apparent breech of cosmic protocol. Often, the Innkeeper is thrust into the role.

But is such an outrage warranted? Though literature and tradition can be useful tools of instruction, enlightenment, and illumination if they are kept in check by the foundation provided by the Word of God, it is to the Word of God that the investigation must turn if we are to distinguish undisputed fact from what may turn out to be nothing but well-intended imagination.
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Innkeeper’s Bad Press Not Necessarily Deserved”