Chris Plante Show: Dems Shipping in Busloads of Fraudulent Voters into Wisconsin

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the massive vote fraud I’ve been warning about and Gov. Walker better be prepared for it.

WMAL’s Chris Plante got a call today from a man claiming to be on one of four busses that are driving from Michigan to Wisconsin in order to have fraudulent voters flood the polls for Democrat Barrett who is vying to upset Wis. Governor Scott Walker.

The caller says that the busses were organized by an auto union to bring as many illegal votes to Wisconsin as they can.

Radio host Plante sums up the caller’s claim thus:

What you’re telling me is that the unions in Michigan have organized a bus convoy — and you’re riding in that bus convoy — and they’re bringing Michigan residents to Wisconsin in order to vote illegally for Tom Barrett.

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Chris Plante Show: Dems Shipping in Busloads of Fraudulent Voters into Wisconsin”

Good News for Union Members

-By Frank Hyland

While this message applies to virtually all labor union members, it is especially applicable to the younger members, those whose futures – and whose families’ futures — are being stolen by the older members of the unions, especially the leadership.

Thinking back to when you have voted in union-led, union-conducted elections, it didn’t take long for you to figure out that what was being called an “election” was, in fact, a sham. The results already had been decided by the union’s leaders long before the “voting” even began. What you’ve been going through is called “Majority Sign-Up” or “Card Check.” At least under the present White House, there won’t be any change in the way that your union elections are conducted. Your local leadership will continue to sit in front of you and watch as you fill out your ballot. Union leaders like Richard Trumka will continue to visit the White House, travel in first-class style, and receive their handsome salaries ($283,340 in 2010) plus expenses, of course.

You can be thankful, though, that not all elections are like those conducted by your union. I’m speaking of the upcoming general election on November 6th. You’ll be treated as a grownup with a mind of your own, not a tool for the union leadership to maintain their hold on you and your dues. As I hope you’ve done in the past, you’ll again walk into a private area/booth and mark your ballot in secrecy, not in front of watchful union leaders. You won’t even need to glance at the piece of paper that union leaders, in a blatant insult to their members, give to members as instructions on candidates and ballot issues for which to vote. Union leaders aren’t even allowed to remain in the polling place, much less sit at the table and watch how their members vote like they do during Card Check.
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Good News for Union Members”

Rockford Tea Party Calls for Resignation of Teamsters President

-By Warner Todd Huston

After Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa incited violence against Republicans as he introduced President Obama at Monday’s rally in Detroit, at least one organization called for Hoffa to resign over his intemperate and violent rhetoric. The Rockford Tea Party of northern Illinois made the call for Hoffa to resign.

Here is what Hoffa’s ignorant rhetoric sounded:

Rockford TEA PARTY calls for Labor Leader Jimmy Hoffa to Resign
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Rockford Tea Party Calls for Resignation of Teamsters President”

Obama’s Union Thug Buddy Urges Follows to ‘Take These (GOP) Sons Of Bitches Out’

-By Warner todd Huston

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the Democrat’s vaunted new tone rearing its ugly head once again. That moderate tone, that gentle tone, that serious and more grown up tone that Democrats claim only they are able to muster. Yes it’s the Democrat Party, the one that would never use violent rhetoric the ones… oops.

On the heels of nearly every black Democrat politician who went a pandering to their hateful constituents telling anyone that would listen that all Republicans and Tea Party patriots want to murder black people by hanging them from the nearest tree, we get the kinder, gentler union thug saying that Democrats should “take out” those “sons of bitches” Republicans.

Not too violent there, eh?…

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Union Thugs Deface Funereal Homes Over Union Fight

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently unions don’t even respect the dead. In Chicago, union thugs are defacing funereal homes over a contract dispute. Yeah. Property damage. That sure is a legitimate way to go about business, isn’t it? Good thing some of the people in those businesses are already dead or they’d have something to fear from the union thugs, too.

Naturally, the perpetrators are the Teamsters, Local 727. No surprise that it’s the Teamsters, either. These thugs have a long, long history of violence.

The contract for 16 embalmers, drivers, and funeral directors ran out with the Alderwoods funeral home chain on June 30. Unsurprisingly, the businesses were defaced by the unionists.
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Union Thugs Deface Funereal Homes Over Union Fight”

Ohio Businessman Suffers Union Harassment, Property Damage, Violence, Finally a Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the un-American criminality of violence-prone union thugs, this time with the disgusting tale of the IBEW carrying on a years long intimidation campaign against a Toledo area, non-union electrical contractor which has progressed from mere harassment to now a shooting.

On August 10, the owner of King Electrical Services, John King, was shot in the arm with a small caliber pistol outside his home an act that has been the culmination of a years long union intimidation campaign by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).

King has suffered multiple attacks on his business since 2006 when the IBEW decided that he must unionize his workforce. His property has been damaged, tires flattened, his workers harassed, his home attacked, and harassing phone calls have followed him everywhere.
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Ohio Businessman Suffers Union Harassment, Property Damage, Violence, Finally a Shooting”

Union Thug Puts Own Teen Daughter In Front of Moving Truck as Protest

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the current strike against Verizon we once again find that union thugs see no reason to obey the law. But it gets even worse. One union thug has even placed his unionism above fatherhood by placing his own teenaged daughter in front of a moving truck in order to protest Verizon.

This Verizon strike has been going on for a little while and has already resulted in lawbreaking, intimidation, and now endangering a minor. Check out this video of a foul-mouthed union thug putting his own teenaged daughter in danger just so he can pay fealty to his unionism…

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Teamster Bosses Having Big Night Out in Las Vegas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hey, Teamsters members… how pleased are you that your union bosses are spending thousands of you dues money for a Las Vegas vacation?

Courtesy of

I wonder, brothers, are your union bigwigs sending YOU to beautiful, exciting Las Vegas for fun in the sun?

… or are you working your fingers to the bone while they cavort in Sin City on your dime?
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Teamster Bosses Having Big Night Out in Las Vegas”

Child Molesting Teacher Can’t Be Fired Thanks to Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 1997 a Brooklyn teacher was accused of attempting to molest a sixth-grade girl at PS 138. As it happened, he admitted the behavior, but no criminal charges were filed when all was said and done. Still one would think the fact that he inappropriately fondled a teen should be enough to get him fired from his teaching position. But then again, in New York you can’t even fire a child molester if he happens to be a teachers union member.

Thanks to the fact that it is nearly impossible to fire a teacher, this lowlife has been drawing his almost $100,000-a-year salary to do nothing. You heard that right, to do nothing.

You see, even as the union agrees that this pedophile isn’t fit for a classroom, the union still won’t agree to his being fired. So, teacher Roland Pierre sits in a “rubber room” five days a week and does nothing and he’s paid $97,101yearly to do so. And that doesn’t include benefits.
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Child Molesting Teacher Can’t Be Fired Thanks to Union”

A Teamsters High? Dope Growers Join Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

Can you imagine the Teamsters mellowed? Can you think of them being more interested in munchies than in beating up non-union workers? Imagine them just hanging out instead of doing some mobster’s bidding on the mean streets.

The good news today is that we may finally see the violence and agitation in which Teamsters have for so long been embroiled come to a mellow end because California’s pot growers have joined the union. Maybe the dopers will spread the mellow?

In California, the teamsters have organized 40 marijuana workers. They work as gardeners, trimmers and cloners. It’s not clear how labor laws will apply to this situation, since medical marijuana is legal in California but is still a federal crime. Still, the workers got a new contract and a raise.

Nah. More likely the dopers will just become more militant and start beating up non-union drug dealers.

But we can dream, can’t we?
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A Teamsters High? Dope Growers Join Union”