Media Tries and Fails to Re-invent Ferguson Thug Michael Brown as Victim with Meaningless ‘New’ Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another attempt to turn Ferguson thug Michael Brown into a victim, a new “documentary” filmmaker released a segment of film showing Brown inside the market he was thought to have robbed just before he was shot and killed by a local policeman back in 2014. The filmmaker claimed that is “proved” Brown did not rob the store. But in only a day the whole claim unsurprisingly fell apart.

A segment of film showing 18-year-old Michael Brown in the Ferguson quick-mart was released late last week by documentary film maker Jason Pollock. The filmmaker insisted that the video “proved” that Brown could not have robbed the market on the day he was killed resisting arrest a few blocks away.

The snippet of footage appears in Pollock’s new movie entitled Stranger Fruit. The film appears to be surveillance video from the store that hasn’t been seen in pubic before.
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Media Tries and Fails to Re-invent Ferguson Thug Michael Brown as Victim with Meaningless ‘New’ Video”

Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see the folly of sending anyone to an American college in a story out of Missouri where a large group of black students, including members of the football team, are on a purported “hunger strike” demanding that the president of the college resign over supposed acts of racism on campus none of which really even happened.

Students at the University of Missouri are taking action… meaningless action, naturally… over claimed examples of “racism” on campus. The incidents, these mewling little whiners say, are examples of “endemic” racism on campus.



On the campus of an American university.

The places where a politically correct attitude is so ingrained that speech codes have been implemented to stop people’s widdle feewings from getting hurt. The places where PCism runs amuck. The places where no conservative speakers are allowed to appear. The places comedians won’t even appear at anymore because everyone is perpetually “outraged.” The places where freedom does not exist. This is where these fools are pretending they see racism everywhere.
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Students On ‘Hunger Strike’ Demanding University Prez Resign Over Non-Existent Racism on Campus”

American Blacks As Just Bad As Arabs With Their Idiotic Conspiracy Theories

-By Warner Todd Huston

For decades one of the most unusual things about Arabs in particular and Muslims in general is that they are stupid enough to fall for wild-eyed conspiracy theories all born of hate for Israel and the Untied States. But as reactions to Ferguson continue to reverberate here in the US, it appears that African Americans are no different than spittle specked, Muslim terror supporters with their own ease of accepting homegrown, wild-eyed conspiracies.

We are all by now familiar with the book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the lie-filled “book” that Arabs say “proves” that the Jews are evil. This is a false-flag book written by Russian anti-Jew activists and promulgated as some sort of Jewish how-to manual on taking over the world. It even included that claim that Jews eat Muslim and/or Christian babies. Seriously; eating them (ever heard of the “blood libel“?).

This false book isn’t the only lie that Arabs promulgate. They have a whole load of lies about the USA–often in connection with Israel. In fact, they are sure that 9/11 was created by either Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, or the US government and that it was all just an effort to libel Islam.

The conspiracy lies that Arabs believe make it easy for propagandists in the so-called “Palestinian” territories to make up lies all day long about Jew shooting them. The most famous example is the case of Muhammad al-Dura, the 12-year-old boy supposedly shot by Israeli Defense Forces back in 2000.

It turned out that this “shooting” was all a lie. It never happened. But the staged video of the “shooting” went viral and was believed by billions of people–even many in the west.

Anyway, examples abound of Arab conspiracy theories promulgated as truth in the backwards, violent world of Islam and more are made up out of whole cloth every day.

Unfortunately, with these Ferguson rioters we have so glaringly seen that African Americans are just as conspiracy-prone as those whack jobs in the Muslim world.
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American Blacks As Just Bad As Arabs With Their Idiotic Conspiracy Theories”

You Built This, Mr. President, Ferguson is all That is Wrong With Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

The pointless and illicit rioting in Ferguson, Missouri is a perfect example of all that is wrong with the Democrat Party, the unavoidable end game of that party’s actions, and proof of the illegitimacy of everything Democrats do to win elections.

Democrats win elections by lying to blacks and telling them that they are still living in the 1930s where it concerns race relations in America. The Democrat Party lies to blacks telling them Jim Crow is still in force, that blacks have made no progress, that they are oppressed every day and all their personal failures are the fault of others–namely “those white devils.”

Democrats then promise to give blacks freebies to make amends for the purported conditions under which they are supposed to suffer in order to get their vote.

And it works, too. Blacks vote in the 90 percent range for Democrats.
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You Built This, Mr. President, Ferguson is all That is Wrong With Democrats”

On Ferguson I Was Right No Indictment, Updated With Testimony

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 20 I noted that Officer Wilson was certainly innocent and shouldn’t be indicted for murder. Last night the grand jury in St. Louis County, Missouri validated my two-month-old presumptions. So, here is a re-post of my Aug. 20 points along with the actual grand jury testimony added at the bottom to contrast what I said two months ago.

I held off on writing a whole lot about Ferguson for the reason that I had no idea what happened and for many days there was no way to determine anything. But now it is beginning to look like the cop is innocent of “murder,” that teenager Michael Brown was a thug, and that the protesters are all 100% in the wrong.

New reports are finally making their way out of the morass in Ferguson and revealing that police officer Darren Wilson was attacked through his cruiser window by the hulking, thuggish Michael Brown who may have struggled with the smaller officer for control of his service pistol.

There is also new evidence that the police have upwards to a dozen witnesses who substantiate the officer’s version of events.

Today evidence was reported that officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket in the incident which substantiates that Brown did attack him.
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On Ferguson I Was Right No Indictment, Updated With Testimony”

Some State Democrats Abandoning Party, Switching to Republican

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thus far at least four Democrats have already jumped the sinking Democrat ship to become Republicans and in one case it gave the GOP a majority control of a state senate since the 1930s.

The first to jump parties was West Virginia State Senator Daniel Hall. The Wyoming County Senator announced the day after the midterm elections that he was switching his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican because, he said, most of his constituents are Republican and he felt he wasn’t serving their interests as a Democrat.

The WV senate was split 17-17 and Hall’s jump gave the WV GOP control of the state senate for the first time since the 1930s.
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Some State Democrats Abandoning Party, Switching to Republican”

NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new report shows that a man who has become celebrated by National Public Radio and others for his reporting during the recent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri also has a record as a child molester.

Mustafa Hussein is a Muslim convert and a volunteer reporter for ArgusNews, a Saint Louis-based activist website that has lately dedicated itself almost wholly to reporting on the Ferguson riots.

Hussein reportedly received 1.3 million views of his coverage in just one night earlier this year.
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NPR-Celebrated Muslim Reporter in Ferguson Has Record as Child Molester”

‘The Atlantic’ Says Ferguson Riots White People’s Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hey, you racist, black-murdering, stupid, heatless white people, The Atlantic wants you to know that the riots in Ferguson are all your fault because you don’t care… or something like that.

The liberal rag has lighted on the worst, most rote left-wing apologia for rioting that can be imagined essentially telling whites that they should excuse the riots, that blacks are totally in the right for destroying their own neighborhoods, and that the reason it happens is because stupid, racist, moron white people only talk to other stupid, racist, moron white people.

The Atlantic first doles out the many polls that show how whites and blacks differ in their reaction to the riots in Ferguson as well as in how police interact with the public, and the shooting of Michael Brown itself. The polls the magazine cited show that whites are a bit less concerned than blacks are over the issues and that blacks view the Ferguson case as emblematic of how cops mistreat all black people everywhere.

The reasons for this are two fold, according to columnist Robert P. Jones: Whites are racist against young black men and whites self-segregate and don’t talk to blacks in order to understand why blacks feel the way they do.
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‘The Atlantic’ Says Ferguson Riots White People’s Fault”

Ferguson: We’ve Seen Enough to Know That Mike Brown Was a Thug, Cop Innocent

-By Warner Todd Huston

UPDATED BELOW with final verdict

I held off on writing a whole lot about Ferguson for the reason that I had no idea what happened and for many days there was no way to determine anything. But now it is beginning to look like the cop is innocent of “murder,” that teenager Michael Brown was a thug, and that the protesters are all 100% in the wrong.

New reports are finally making their way out of the morass in Ferguson and revealing that police officer Darren Wilson was attacked through his cruiser window by the hulking, thuggish Michael Brown who may have struggled with the smaller officer for control of his service pistol.

There is also new evidence that the police have upwards to a dozen witnesses who substantiate the officer’s version of events.

Today evidence was reported that officer Wilson suffered a broken eye socket in the incident which substantiates that Brown did attack him.
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Ferguson: We’ve Seen Enough to Know That Mike Brown Was a Thug, Cop Innocent”

Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots

-By Warner Todd Huston

A comparison between the Bundy ranch protests from April of this year to what is going on in Ferguson is telling. It is also very, very instructive on just how to stand up for your rights in the era of a thoroughly militarized government.

Early in 2014 a rancher in Nevada named Cliven Bundy became the focus of an anti-government protest when the Bureau of Land Management swooped in with a paramilitary attack on Bundy’s ranch killing his cattle and claiming he was going to be arrested for supposedly refusing to pay a grazing tax, a dispute over which rancher Bundy and the government had been embroiled since 1993.

As the government swooped in with a militarized retinue of shock troops featuring armored vehicles, fully automatic machine guns, body armor, and hundreds of officers, people around the country began to perk up and take notice. Within a matter of days hundreds of American citizens made their way to the Bundy ranch in Nevada to stand up to the overreaction of the federal government.
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Note the Difference Between Bundy Ranch Protest and Ferguson Riots”

HuffPo ‘Reporter’ Stirs Race Hate in Ferguson

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Huffington Post “Justice Reporter”–whatever that means–named Ryan J. Reilly made himself look foolish twice in the same day as he “reported” on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri this weekend and in one post even made the attempt to enflame racial strife.

The first time Reilly made himself look like a dunce in Ferguson is when he Tweeted a photo of some discarded orange ear plugs and asked his Twitter followers if they looked like “rubber bullets.”

This doofus didn’t just ask his followers if the ear plugs were rubber bullets, he stated his belief that they were rubber bullets.
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HuffPo ‘Reporter’ Stirs Race Hate in Ferguson”

Leftist Columnist Glenn Greenwald Somehow Blames Israel for Ferguson Riots

-by Warner Todd Huston

Glenn Greenwald, the columnist famed for coming to the support of NSA leaker Edward Snowden, has chimed in on the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, by hinting that Israel is to blame for influencing the police there.

This is nothing but anti-Semitic paranoia, plain and simple.

Greenwald cited an Iranian activist named Trita Parsi who claimed that “excessive police violence” in Ferguson can be blamed on the fact that the county police chief took a fact-finding trip to Israel in 2011.
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Leftist Columnist Glenn Greenwald Somehow Blames Israel for Ferguson Riots”

KMOX CBS Manufactures Journalism to Create ‘Outrage’ Over Confederate Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Confederate flag has a very long and controversial history, to be sure. But a recent CBS report on a flag dustup in a school in Missouri shows just how slipshod journalism is today.

So, as the story goes, some kids at a Kansas City suburban high school have been playing with the Confederate battle flag lately and despite that there is no real news in the incident, the story made the news. Naturally the agenda journalists at CBS radio, KMOX, St. Louis tried their hardest to make it a story about “RAAAAAAAACISM!” despite that there doesn’t seem to be any proof at all that race is really a part of the story.

The report quotes a girl who noted that “some boy” was wearing a 3X5 sized C.S. flag as a cape and parading around “as if he was Superman or something.”

The assistant principal, as kill-joy officials are wont to do, took the flag away from the kid for whatever reason… not that school officials ever think they need a reason to take things away from kids, of course.
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KMOX CBS Manufactures Journalism to Create ‘Outrage’ Over Confederate Flag”

Missouri’s Kit Bond Shows Why Politics Has No Soul

-By Warner Todd Huston

Missouri’s Kit Bond is a perfect example of why regular Americans hate, hate, hate politicians and politics. It’s because Bond and his ilk prove to many that politicians are nothing but money-grubbing liars.

Duane Lester of The Missouri Torch gives us the perfect example of this cynical example of the worst in politics with the story of Kit Bond’s 180 degree flip flop on expanding Medicaid made only because his new position as a lobbyist brings him boatloads of money.

Kit Bond was a Republican Senator from the State of Missouri and in 2010 he was 100 percent against expanding Medicaid in Missouri. He called the idea “horrific.”
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Missouri’s Kit Bond Shows Why Politics Has No Soul”

POLICE STATE: St. Louis Man Arrested for Video Taping at Public Train Station

-By Warner Todd Huston

A St. Louis man was arrested by police at the end of October merely for video taping at an outdoor, taxpayer-funded MetroLink transit train platform.

The man, one Kenneth Suitter, was commuting home on October 31 and was using his cell phone to record his travel for personal use when he was confronted by a MetroLink rent-a-cop who told him he had to stop recording.

As the security man told Suitter in his best, erudite manner, if he continued to record on MetroLink property, “I will have to ax you to leave, sir.”

When Suitter told the security guard that he had no right to tell him to stop recording, the guard called the real police to confront the commuter.

Before he was able to leave on a train, police came and began to force Mr. Suitter to leave the train station telling him it was against MetroLink’s policy to allow video recording.
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POLICE STATE: St. Louis Man Arrested for Video Taping at Public Train Station”

Obama-Masked Missouri Rodeo Clown Banned From Sport For Life

-By Warner Todd Huston

Don’t make fun of king Obama. If you do your life will be destroyed. That is the message that the Missouri State Fair is sending by the banning for life of a rodeo clown that used an Obama mask during a recent performance.

Of course, the crowd had a great time with the stunt as can be seen in a video of the event…

The incident occurred on August 10 at the Missouri State Fair where Rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling made a bunch of Obama jokes with a dummy figure of Obama propped up by a broom which was being used as a target for the rodeo bulls. But soon scolds on the Internet went wild attacking the clown as “racist.”

Jeff Mazur, an Executive Director for AFSCME, a left-wing government workers union, and an operative in Democrat Governor Jay Nixon’s administration, wasn’t amused, though and he took to Twitter to immediately attack the rodeo for the Obama joke. (See his Tweet below)
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Obama-Masked Missouri Rodeo Clown Banned From Sport For Life”

Mysterious ‘Angel’ Priest From Missouri Car Crash Revealed

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 4 a nearly fatal car crash occurred on a Missouri highway. The driver was feared near death and called for a priest to minister to her. Suddenly a Catholic priest appeared seemingly out of nowhere, attended to her, and then mysteriously disappeared causing many to wonder just who he was and how he just vanished like that. Well, now that mystery priest has been identified.

It may have been miraculous that Father Patrick Dowling from the Diocese of Jefferson County just happened to be right where he was needed most but it wasn’t quite the sort of “miracle” that some were assuming of his appearance.

In the aftermath of the car accident in which Katie Lentz was hit head-on by a drunk driver, rescue workers feared that they wouldn’t be able to get the woman out of her mangled car in time to save her life. A priest was needed to anoint her, they felt. If she passed in the wreck, she wanted to be blessed.

Just at the right time came Father Dowling. He ministered to the stricken woman and then, when he was done, he slipped away not to be seen again.
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Mysterious ‘Angel’ Priest From Missouri Car Crash Revealed”

Missouri Legislature’s Bipartisan Move to Override Gov’s Veto of Nullification of Federal Gun Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Missouri legislature passed a bill that would essentially nullify any federal interference in the state’s gun laws. But Governor Jay Nixon vetoed the bill telling the legislature that they could not oppose the federal government (so much for the 10th Amendment, eh?).

Early in July the governor vetoed a bill that would have made it a state crime for federal officials to attempt to enforce federal gun laws. The bill also would have made it a crime for journalists and activists to publish the names and addresses of gun owners in the state.

Governor Nixon said that the law violated the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution giving the federal government preference over state laws. He also noted that the bill violated the freedom of the press and free speech.
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Missouri Legislature’s Bipartisan Move to Override Gov’s Veto of Nullification of Federal Gun Laws”

Farewell Chip Gerdes

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a Midwesterner–especially in Illinois and Missouri–and you are in any way connected with political campaigning, you’ve heard about or run across Chip Gerdes. A big bear of a guy, Gerdes was one of the two states’ most active background operatives.

Gerdes wasn’t an “out there” guy, not the sort of guy that people outside of the in-the-know world of political operatives would have met or heard of. Chip worked behind the scenes and his hand was evident in so many issue and candidate info campaigns in Illinois it was hard to keep track of them all. As’s Joel Pollak said, “He was an Alinskyite–for the good guys.”

Chip was always very full of life, verve, and swagger. Ever ready to ride to the sound of the guns whenever conservatives in Illinois and Missouri needed him. And boy did he love what he did.

Whenever one encountered Gerdes he was gregarious with a slap to the back, a hearty handshake, a word about his latest campaign effort, and an offer to go get a drink at the earliest convenience.
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Farewell Chip Gerdes”

Oops: Bank Robber With Toy Gun Meets Teller With Real Gun

-By Warner Todd Huston

A would be bank robber in Trimble, Missouri, got a bit of a shock on March 1 after brandishing a toy gun in an attempt to rob a bank only to get shot in the face by a teller toting a real gun.

The U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri reported that Michael Oliva was arrested and charged for attempting to rob the First Security Bank of Trimble as well as leading police on a high-speed chase.

The U.S. Attorney states that Oliva entered the bank with a realistic plastic replica of a pistol and ordered a female bank teller to give him what was in her cash drawer. Instead of complying, the woman fell to the floor in fear.

As she began to crawl away, Oliva ran around the side of the counter still brandishing his toy gun in a threatening manner.

Seeing the frightened employee, a second bank employee ran out from an office with a .357 Smith & Wesson pistol and fired shots at the assailant. Oliva was hit once in the jaw and ran out of the bank leaving a long trail of blood.

The alleged robber made it to his car and drove off, but police soon caught up to him and gave chase at times reaching 100 miles per hour. After a time, Oliva pulled over, bleeding profusely, and asked the police, “You guys going to let me die?”

Oliva was taken to a nearby hospital to treat his wounds.

The bank employee is not likely to be charged as he had a concealed carry permit.
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Oops: Bank Robber With Toy Gun Meets Teller With Real Gun”

Letter to the RNC – Todd Akin Controversy

-By Chuck Busch

It is true that Todd Akin’s medical knowledge is mostly wrong about a women’s body “shutting down” in a rape situation. And Todd Akin’s reference to “legitimate” rape was truly an unfortunate choice of words. He might have been suggesting that there are variable circumstances distinguishing a “rape,” including forcible rape (“legitimate” as Rep. Akin described it), statutory rape (consensual) between an adult and a minor, and possibly those occasional uncertain cases when rape is claimed. But this is also lame by inferring that pregnancies resulting from a rape are extremely rare as though trying to mitigate the thorny problem of whether abortion is justified in such cases.

Lessons learned: 1.) Do your homework and verify your scientific facts before opening your mouth; 2.) Rehearse your lines and know your position before you do interviews;’ 3.) Be principled in your beliefs. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you believe life begins at conception and is sacred, how often a rape situation occurs is irrelevant. A life is still a life no matter how it is conceived. 4.) Distinguish between your personal views and party platforms or current legal standard or proposed legislation. As I understand it, neither the Republican or Democrat platforms are specific about rape cases.

Nonetheless, the Republican Party is wrong to try to ostracize Rep. Akin for his misstatements regarding rape and abortion. Certainly, it is ridiculous for anyone to presume from even Rep. Todd Akin’s terrible wording, that he minimizes rape or is insensitive toward its victims, as some have declared. The Democrats appear desperate to build a whole campaign on just this one incident.
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Letter to the RNC – Todd Akin Controversy”

Blogger Gets Ripped Off by Newspaper, Gets Satisfaction on Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

Duane Lester of AllAmericanBlogger recently wrote an excellent expose about some financial troubles in the Holt County, Missouri Sheriff’s office. It was so well received that the Oregon Observer, a small paper in Missouri, wanted to cover the story, too. So, what did the paper do…?

Why the paper stole Duane’s entire post and printed it in its paper, grammatical errors and all. Worse, they never bothered to mention where the article came from or who wrote it.

That’s right, the Oregon Observer just stole the whole thing neither paying Duane for his work nor even giving him a proper byline.

So, Duane took his video camera in and asked them what’s the deal with that…

I love it. Got paid, too! Excellent work, Duane.
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Blogger Gets Ripped Off by Newspaper, Gets Satisfaction on Video”

East St. Louis: More Voters Registered Than Citizens That Live There

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is a particular problem with our voter registration systems across the USA that the voting roles are so filled with ineligible names that we aren’t sure how many voters really live in any particular district. East St. Louis is no different.

In fact, East St. Louis seems to have more voters registered in its district than it even has voting population.
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East St. Louis: More Voters Registered Than Citizens That Live There”

Claire McCaskill: Another Example of How Democrats Can Get Away With Anything

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2005 Clair McCaskill had a great campaign taunt for her opponent: he used state planes and state funds for
the political use of airplanes all on the taxpayer’s dime. That was bad, she told Missouri’s voters. Now McCakill is the Senator from the Show Me State and guess what? She’s been caught using taxpayer money to fund her own personal flights about the county.

Check out her 2006 political ad:

Notice her money quote: “And we have paid every dime of our taxes.”
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Claire McCaskill: Another Example of How Democrats Can Get Away With Anything”

Some Questions of Sen. McCaskill’s Ethics and Union Ties

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is Missouri’s Democrat Senator Clair McCaskill truly trying to “help” workers, or is she a bought and paid union shill in Washington D.C. One man wonders with an open letter to the senator.

In the letter, the writer, a union member, is wondering just who the heck is pulling McCaskill’s strings where it concerns her involvement in the doings of the Association of Professional Flight attendants (APFA).

I am not posting this to support the letter’s writer but to show that all is not well in uniondom and the Democrat Party.
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Some Questions of Sen. McCaskill’s Ethics and Union Ties”

Missouri Grade School: Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ Song is ‘Insensitive’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News Radio’s Todd Sterns reported that a Missouri elementary school tried to ban the singing of “Happy Birthday To You” in order to be “sensitive” about those students that might find singing in public to be “offensive.”

In a letter sent home to parents, school Principal Jodi Davidson (pictured) explained that the ban on the venerable song was because, “singing is not permitted due to the sensitivity of all student beliefs.”

As soon as outraged parents began to complain, our supersensitive principal reversed course and on August 23 sent a letter rescinding the ban.

Catch this lie being told by Principal Davidson to cover for her original politically correct decision:
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Missouri Grade School: Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ Song is ‘Insensitive’”

Missouri Votes to Repeal Obamacare… Prop C Passes By Over 70%

-By Jim Hoft of


Prop C passes in Missouri!
Over 70% of voters reject the democrat’s nationalized health care plan.

WOW! The Show Me State showed Obamacare the door tonight.
Over 70% of Missouri voters rejected Obamacare by passing Prop c.
It’s too bad local KMOV St. Louis Channel 4 could not find any one who voted for the proposition.
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Missouri Votes to Repeal Obamacare… Prop C Passes By Over 70%”