Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On MSNBC, John Kerry told us that Tea Party ideas are not “real” ideas, not “factual,” and thinks that the media should stop reporting on anything that smacks of ideas or news coming from Tea Partiers. If this isn’t proof of how Democrats and leftists would use the power of government to quash free political speech, what is?

Not long ago, several Democrats tried to once again raise the ugly head of the defunct Fairness Doctrine that was killed during the Reagan administration in order to limit the free political speech of conservatives. In those dark days when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House of Representatives, several Republicans talked about forever outlawing the anti-free speech rule. Democrats at the time spoke up in favor of the Fairness Doctrine and countered that they wanted to bring it back.

Fortunately, the Fairness Doctrine has not come back. But this un-American policy idea has been talked about by leftists every few years since it was torpedoed by Reagan in 1987. They would love to bring it back. And despite what they claim, the left would use a new Fairness Doctrine to squelch the free political speech of those on the right.
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Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?”

Is it Time to Expand the Fairness Doctrine?

-By Selwyn Duke

In keeping with the demagogue’s credo “Never let a good tragedy go to waste,” some among us are extracting as much mileage from the Jared Loughner massacre as they can. It is being used to raise money and reduce freedom, with the latter amounting to calls for gun and speech control. And among these calls is the proposal to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine (FD).

The basic idea behind the legislation is that if a radio station airs some controversial opinion, time must be provided for the “other side.” And quite coincidentally, I’m sure, this is only to be applied to talk radio, an arena in which the “other side” happens to be the left side.

Conservatives, of course, are opposed to this, and, with their control of Congress, the FD won’t emerge from that chamber. But they are missing a grand opportunity, a chance to exhibit that much ballyhooed thing called bi-partisanship. I suggest that we don’t have to fight over the FD, as we can come together over the following proposal: Not only reinstitute the legislation – expand it.
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Is it Time to Expand the Fairness Doctrine?”

Publius Forum Podcast: The DOJ’s Secret Blog Team… is it Illegal?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Time once again for another gripping Publius Forum podcast with yours truly (that’s me Warner Todd Huston). This time I dramatically read to you my op ed about the Dept. of Justice’s secret blogging team and wonder aloud if it’s illegal. I wonder aloud because it it wasn’t “aloud” you wouldn’t hear anything on the podcast.

Enjoy and don’t write any complaint letters. It’s free, after all.

Connecting Some Dots

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

As the American Main Stream Media, public in general and conservative talk show hosts in particular lose interest in the on-going saga of bumptious talk show host, Michael Savage, being banned from Great Britain because of his political beliefs, a small news article and a newsletter alert popped up today that may seem disparate but added together form a troubling pattern. Blame it on the twelve-day shelf life of news stories when fickle public attention finally wanders away but Michael Savage’s story may soon segue from one man’s struggle to every man’s struggle to preserve their freedom of speech, thought and political beliefs within and without their own country.

Currently the only ones in America still making a major flap over Michael Savage’s unfair treatment by British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith’s, arbitrarily placing him on the UK’s “Least Wanted” list of banned travelers is Michael himself. He, of course, is rightly obsessed with it and no can blame him. He thunders daily on his show, excoriating Smith, England and the Limbaughs, Hannitys and Levins of his radio genre that are doing nothing to support him.
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Connecting Some Dots”

The Oprah Winfrey Solution

-By John Armor

I have enjoyed Oprah Winfrey’s work on television since she showed up as the second banana on People are Talking with Richard Scher on WJZ in Baltimore, four decades ago. Now, she is the leading talk show host in the known universe. Although her audience has decreased from nearly 9 million in 2005 to 7.3 million in 2008, she is still the top of her profession.

Oprah’s success demonstrates that several efforts of the current Administration to restrict both freedom of the press, and freedom of speech are both wrong and unconstitutional. There is a proposed bill in Congress which would institute government controls on contents on the Internet. The FCC is pursuing two efforts, called respectively “diversity” and “localism.”
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The Oprah Winfrey Solution”

KC Star: Republicans Afraid of Limbaugh, Uses Democratic Press Release to ‘Prove’ It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yael T. Abouhalkah is all excited to let the readers of the Kansas City Star know that he’s found another Republican politician that has had to grovel at the feet of Rush Limbaugh, apologizing to the radio giant for a slight cast his way. And to “prove” it Abouhalkah used a press release from the Democratic National Campaign Committee that said so. Yeah, nice unbiased source there, Abouhalkah.

Seriously, does Abouhalkah imagine that a Democrat Party press release is an unbiased source about what is happening between a Republican lawmaker and Rush Limbaugh? No wonder newspapers are falling on such tough times. If Abouhalkah is any indication, the definition of common words aren’t even any longer understood in the Star’s newsroom. Words like “source,” “unbiased,” “legitimate,” and “veracity” seem to be foreign to the folks at the Star. With such a failure to understand the very basics of journalism, its no wonder readers are abandoning newspapers in droves.

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KC Star: Republicans Afraid of Limbaugh, Uses Democratic Press Release to ‘Prove’ It”

Shocker: Journalists on OUR Side For a Change

-By Warner Todd Huston

The folks at The Hill alerted me to the fact that the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) have decided to oppose any reinstitution of the inaptly named Fairness Doctrine. I know, imagine that… as lefty a group as the SPJ actually agreeing with conservatives that the Fairness Doctrine is an abomination of our Constitutional right to free political speech! You can knock me over with a feather, and all.

The Hill is right to quip that this makes for strange bedfellows, but it would seem like a no-brainer for anyone interested in Constitutional rights and a jealous protection of free speech no matter whose it is.

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Shocker: Journalists on OUR Side For a Change”