That Old Recipe for Success

-By Warner Todd Huston

I wrote this for our monthly newsletter for HHH Consulting, thought I’d share it with everyone…

People have made millions on self-help books telling people how to take their first steps down that road to success. Whole aisles in the bookstores are stuffed with the things. 101 Ways to Succeed, if only one! But, really, what is a recipe for success? The truth is, the real recipe for success has never changed since the first human began to think farther than just his own immediate needs.

We here at HHH strive to observe the only true set of rules for success: Excellence, perseverance, and graciousness. But let’s face it, there is no secret to success. The three words above offer the only real path to a worthy success.

Those three words are not exclusive to any particular sort of success. They don’t make you successful at business, or the military, or politics. It’s a recipe for every walk of life, really.
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That Old Recipe for Success”

King Street Patriots of Harris County, TX Files Countersuit Against Democrats/Soros Funded Smear Machine

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Not willing to be victimized or intimidated by a spurious lawsuit claiming failure to register as a political corporation, reveal non-existent prohibited corporate campaign contributions along with its equally non-existent donor list brought against them by the Texas Democratic Party, the non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization, citizen-volunteer and citizen funded King Street Patriots, led by Catherine Engelbrecht, filed a countersuit in Austin on Monday, November 15 claiming defamation and requesting that those parts of the Texas election code restricting free speech be ruled unconstitutional.

The Democratic Party’s vehemence was triggered by the King Street Patriots’ dedicated uncovering of voter fraud on the rolls and its non-partisan True the Vote initiative, which seeks to assure fair and free elections for voters of all political parties through education and training of poll watchers and poll workers to look out for additional voter fraud at the polls.

Some of the election abuses uncovered and documented by the King Street Patriots have included multiple voter registrations, non-citizen voter registrations, fraudulent voter information, forged voter signatures, election officials verbally bullying voters to either change their ballot choices or vote a straight Democratic ticket up to and including actually manipulating the voting machines for the voters and elected officials, like Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, campaigning directly outside polling places. Other documented Democratic Party member abuses include a lunatic minister and a self-proclaimed leader of the New Black Panthers along with his henchmen entering polling places to verbally and physically intimidate poll watchers.
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King Street Patriots of Harris County, TX Files Countersuit Against Democrats/Soros Funded Smear Machine”

Join Me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

It’s Hallowe’en and time for scary stories so hang on to your piggy banks,folks, because tonight Todd and I will be doing our show on the road in Houston, Texas as election observers and our guest will be Charles Goyette, author of The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the impending currency crisis with gold, oil and other unconventional investments.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is in high dudgeon here in the 18th Congressional District in Houston, Texas. Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-time left-winger, has held this seat since 1995 and she isn’t going to go away quietly. She is quite upset at the gall of a new conservative group that launched a poll watching effort in her district. In fact, Lee is so incensed that she has insisted that the Dept. of Justice launch an investigation of the King Street Patriots on trumped up charges that they have been harassing Hispanic and black voters here in Houston.

Lee has claimed that these all volunteer, Tea Party-inspired poll watchers have been intimidating minorities and has helped spread the false accusation that some shadowy, outside group has been funding them to target Houston’s minority voters.
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On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas”

Join Me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Join us tonight when author, Rochelle Schweizer, exposes the sleazy, corrupt and lawless underbelly of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, with her new book, She’s the Boss: The Disturbing Truth About Nancy Pelosi.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Chicago’s ShoreBank morphs into Urban Partnership Bank to continue its progressive Green Agenda using FDIC funds

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Chicago’s ShoreBank, known as the “Clintons’ favorite bank” and with close ties to the Obama Administration, which allegedly pushed Goldman Sachs and Citibank to underwrite it using $135 million of their TARP funds even as it reported losses, failed on August 20th but immediately reorganized itself as Urban Partnership Bank. Upon the reorganization, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) quickly handed over $367.7 million to keep the newly renamed bank’s doors open.

Earlier in the year, the Illinois Financial Authority’s chairman, Bill Brandt, ignoring pressure from Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky to bail out ShoreBank and its toxic assets, literally passed the buck to the Feds when he hinted at potential political fallout and/or actual physical street violence if ShoreBank, whose executives were neighbors of the Obamas in Chicago, was not bailed out by the US Treasury.
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Chicago’s ShoreBank morphs into Urban Partnership Bank to continue its progressive Green Agenda using FDIC funds”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Tonight Todd and I will road test the saying that, “Dying is easy; Comedy is hard” with author and writer Dan “Hope E. Changey” Fendel, author of the most politically INcorrect book of the year, if not for all time the way the thin-skinned Obamunists react every time someone notices how frequently their leftist god-king screws up, Ho! Ho! O! The Unofficial Tea Partiers’ Barack Obama Joke Book.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Ground Zero Mosque Madness: NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Bloomberg LLC expanding its financial center to a regional hub in Dubai

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is currently on record excoriating opponents to the construction of the Islamic Cordoba Center mosque scheduled to begin construction on September 11, 2011 in Lower Manhattan. The proposed mosque’s site is two blocks from the former World Trade Center’s Twin Towers destroyed ten years previously on September 11, 2001 by Islamic jihadists. Bloomberg’s demands of religious tolerance from his city’s citizens is inconsistent in a city with 100 mosques already in operation but with a school system that will not acknowledge Christianity or Christmas, or even allow the repairs necessary for the Greek Orthodox Church, St. Nicholas, to go forward nearly a decade after it was crushed by falling debris from the Twin Towers themselves.

Paralleling Mayor Bloomberg’s veiled insults towards those acutely aware of the historical Islamic conquest of non-Muslim lands by their building of mosques on top of or dominating a conquered people’s holy sites, is the concurrent Bloomberg LLC’s expansion of its Dubai financial center into a regional hub for the UAE. Founded in 1981 by Michael Bloomberg, who privately owns 85% of the limited liability corporation, Bloomberg LLC is a dominant player in global financial software, data gathering and news, commanding one third of its market niche estimated at $16 billion dollars.

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Ground Zero Mosque Madness: NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Bloomberg LLC expanding its financial center to a regional hub in Dubai”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Tonight it’s time to get Red, White and True Blue here on LL&PoC when we interview the writing team of Dan Smee and Shoba Sreenivasan, authors of the book, Totally American, which takes their military field experience, models drawn from Army Field manuals and a “can-do” approach to instill in ordinary Americans a “Warrior Ethos” ability to achieve success and fulfillment in spite of the purposely destructive socialist-run-amok times we now find ourselves in.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Michelle Obama: It’s Good To Be Queen

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

One of the fun games I used to play at cocktail parties was theorizing what a current politician had been in a former lifetime. Snickering over Henry Kissinger being a reincarnation of Cardinal Woolsey or Benito Mussolini popping back as Janet Napolitano only shows how obscure things can get after a few tequila shooters. However, there is nothing obscure about the current comparison between First Lady Michelle “Let ‘em eat arugula” Obama and France’s 18th Century Queen, Marie “Let ‘em eat cake” Antoinette.

Unlike with Marie Antoinette, Michelle’s critics don’t have to go apocryphal when it comes to her living large on the taxpayers’ dime. In a nation where food stamps, unemployment benefits, mortgage foreclosures and a steadily declining standard of living are fast becoming the norm, Michelle Obama is on her eighth vacation this year, living la vida ultima maxima with 40 of her closest gal pals at the Hotel Villa Padierna, one of the poshest hotels in the world let alone Marbella, Spain.
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Michelle Obama: It’s Good To Be Queen”

The U.S. Department of [Social] Just Us

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

In the 2006 movie, Superman Returns, viewers were jarred out of their childhood memories when actor Frank Langella, as Daily Planet editor, Perry White, mangled Superman’s comfortingly familiar patriotism of “Truth, justice and the America Way” to “Truth, justice…and all that other stuff.” When confronted about this near-sacrilegious change in dialogue, screen writers Mike Doughtery and Dan Harris and Director Bryan Singer smugly blew off the outrage using the justification that Superman was an alien without papers, here to save the world, not just America and that the 1945 version of the “American Way” was irrelevant in a new century.

To them, Superman was a world citizen and transnationalist, here to make them a movie profit in Abu Dhabi as well as Peoria, IL.
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The U.S. Department of [Social] Just Us”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Join us tonight as Todd and I interview the Director for The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Media and Public Policy, Robert Bluey, who will shed light on how the American population is manipulated in its politics by the leftist dominated Main Stream Media and how conservatives can and must combat this perversion of the First Amendment.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

We’re back from taking the Grand and Glorious Fourth of July off and tonight’s show, complete with new intro and outro music and fun house views with Fake News International, features an interview with Chief J. William Carter, who, as a, “…30-year veteran of the Border Patrol & 3rd-generation Border Patrol agent, slams America’s current & past immigration policy in a strongly-worded article in the July, 2010 issue of Soldier of Fortune Magazine.”

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

It’s time once again for Pigs in Space!

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

There’s a lot of hand wringing and ink being spilled currently over President Obama’s new realignment of NASA’s goals from space exploration as an example of American exceptionalist ingenuity to subservient babysitter of the delusional Muslim ego and its claims of aiding and advancing civilization. Don’t ask me when mining ancient ruins for architectural elements, ripping off Indian numerical script, plagiarizing the best minds of those enslaved and destroying any manuscript not of practical use to or agreeing with the Islamic world became criteria for a world-class culture and civilization but that’s Islam’s history and we’re stuck with it.

Now all jokes aside about using suicide bombers as new lift off rockets but what people are forgetting is that there have already been Muslim astronauts. In June of 1985 Prince Sultan Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saudi went up on STS-51G Discovery as a Payload Specialist representing the Arab Satellite Communications Organization (ARABSAT) to deploy their satellite, ARABSAT-1B. He was part of a seven man international crew and when I say “man”, I mean human because there was a woman commander, Dr. Shannon W. Lucid, over him and from whom he reused to obey orders.
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It’s time once again for Pigs in Space!”

Reconsidering the War On Drugs

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

On Sunday, June 27 on the BlogTalk Radio show, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism, my co-host, Warner Todd Huston and I interviewed James Gierach, representing the organization known as Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). Now James is a Democrat so he was far better at repeating talking points than answering probing questions. His mantra was that our current War on Drugs is a failure, leads to political corruption, ruined lives for casual users, arbitrarily enforced laws, greater demand by deliberately keeping supplies restricted, gang turf warfare, penitentiaries awash in drugs, entire minority communities blighted and families destroyed all because the Al Capone style of prohibition, which didn’t work for alcohol, was switched over to drugs mid 20th Century.

Although all true, these observations are not new and were actually formulated after our modern War on Drugs had been in effect for a few disastrous decades. It was none other than that Father of American Conservatism, William F. Buckley, who wrote Reefer Madness in 2002 pointing out the trivializing and totally uneven enforcement of drug sentencing and who gave in his 1995 seminal speech, The War On Drugs Is Lost before the New York Bar Association, the following points:
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Reconsidering the War On Drugs”

The Pirates of Penzance updated

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

One of the most astute and witty political and cultural journalists of our time, Mark Steyn, recently mocked President Obama as a “modern major generalist” in reference to Obama’s over-arching, bloodless speeches, pedantic dependence on failed political theory and tanking presidency. Steyn so enjoyed his pun that he used it again in a different article and who can blame him? It’s a brilliant observation but how many readers are even familiar with Gilbert & Sullivan’s song, I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General, in particular and it’s operetta in general, The Pirates of Penzance?

Now, I am not going to go into the history, Victorian politics or plot of the The Pirates of Penzance or the artistic tensions and musical rivalries between Gilbert & Sullivan here. That is for the curious to find out for themselves. So my apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan but what I am going to do is, in my own way, bring their satiric observation of Peter Principle leaders up-to-date:

Obama is the Very Model of a Modern Major Generalist
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The Pirates of Penzance updated”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Tonight we talk to Bob Parker, the hardcore conservative Republican candidate running for Missouri’s 8th Congressional District! Is Bob in the mold of a Reagan or a Goldwater? Tune in and find out!

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Werewolves of Texas

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

For the malleable young, nothing beats having a role model to look up to and emulate. That’s why sports figures, rock musicians and celebrities need to be so circumspect in their lives. They’re not, of course, because it’s in their commercial interest to keep the current toxic popular culture churning away for their risk adverse, corporate masters. Scandals help to hide the lack of talent amongst the unoriginal, cookie-cutter star set while generating you-can’t-pay-for-this-type-of-publicity headlines sure to push off real news in favor of the mental cotton candy floss so beloved by commercial interests.

However, this type of decadent, inartistic slovenliness gets repetitiously boring after a while and a teen’s radar is exquisitely tuned to winnowing out the bogus from the merely banal. So what’s a poor teen looking for someone to pattern themselves after supposed to do? Our past heroes and heroines are either excoriated for not being politically correct, if they are even mentioned at all, or are considered so out-of-date as to be irrelevant. In fact, what with all this eco-greenie Gaia worship going on in our public schools, humans themselves are not only not held up as something worth while but actively despised for their respective and collective carbon footprints. Even that current socialist secular living saint, President Obama, is proving to have feet of clay for them because BP oil is still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico soiling US beaches, destroying Louisiana tide water ecosystems and killing untold numbers of marine and animal life all while he goes on yet another vacation and/or tees off at the nearest golf course.
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Werewolves of Texas”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

After our opening segment through the Looking Glass world of Fake News International, we’ll be bringing out editor, publisher and blogger extraordinaire, Mike Flynn, who runs and who has been with Andrew Breitbart from the very start with stories to tell and tales to behold.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

This Chick Does Flicks: Robin Hood

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Historical action flicks starring Russell Crowe are always a fun way to spend some spare time and, when your nearest neighbors out here in the high desert of Arizona have their second homes burglarized, going to see Robin Hood seems especially apt. However, if you are expecting a recounting of all the fun Robin Hood escapades of literary yore then turn on the TV and hope that the AMC Channel is doing a retrospective of Errol Flynn movies instead.

Quite frankly, director Ridley Scott’s 2010 version of Robin Hood is all over the board myth-wise and did I say, “historical”? How about ahistorical instead? While Hollywood is notorious for playing fast-and-loose with facts, at least modern day films try to make up for it with cultural anthropological accuracy. However, when a movie like Robin Hood expects us to believe that the French had 12th Century versions of WWII Normandy D-Day landing crafts or that it was perfectly normal for well-to-do ladies like Marion to don peasant garb or mix it up on the battle field in chain mail drag then it’s time to hang public school history teachers out to dry.

Or, as my British husband would say, “Ridley Scott was taking the mick out on his audience’s intelligence.”
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This Chick Does Flicks: Robin Hood”

Happy Easter 2010

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

As we celebrate Easter 2010, does anyone ever stop to wonder why the combined forces of secular atheism, socialism and Islam roar and screech in their assault against Christianity? If you are a Christian conservative, you’ll be thinking at this point, “It’s because the risen Christ brought us the message of Salvation and our nation is still nominally Christian. Our freedoms are individual based and God given with therefore unalienable rights.”

If you’re a liberal/socialist, you’ll be sneering, “Easter? That’s just a pagan holiday commandeered by Rome! Look at the goddess _ostre’s symbols of rabbits and eggs! Hey! Who ate the ears off my chocolate bunny?”

If you’re an atheist, you’re grumbling about there, “…being no God, hence no meaning to Jesus – if he ever existed in the first place – and why the heck isn’t this a four day weekend like Winter Festival?”

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Happy Easter 2010″

Still hope for the best? History tells us we’ll change for the worst!

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Now we know what it must have been like in 1933 for decent Germans during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Ever since the unconstitutional communist coup of Obamacare passed earlier in the week, the full anger and fury of US socialists has turned on the last of the free-thinking, conservative holdouts, a.k.a. patriotic Americans. I am old enough to have seen this phenomenon in every country where post WWII socialism, in its various guises, took over.

In 2001 I wrote an editorial on what the socialists of the Labour Party in the UK would ultimately face if they continually accused concerned British citizens of parochialism, racism and bigotry when they spoke out against Labour’s gross mismanagement and malfeasance coupled with its obscene immigration policies encouraging massive and uncontrolled immigration into the UK from hostile, aggressive, alien Third World countries. I predicted that as Labour continually smeared people of good will, these same people would not only vote Labour out of office but would gravitate away from main political parties to ones that would offer them acceptance.
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Still hope for the best? History tells us we’ll change for the worst!”

This Chick Does Flicks: Alice In Wonderland

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

With all the feel of a 21st Century, living color, high tech reinterpretation of Arthur Rackham’s Alice In Wonderland illustrations with LSD flashbacks courtesy of Timothy Leary, Director Tim Burton’s masterpiece movie, Alice In Wonderland, furthers Alice’s adventure storyline in a manner that even her originator, Lewis Carroll, would find appealing…weird but appealing. However, a word of caution here: Burton’s Alice In Wonderland is a movie that needs time to take in because right from the very start you are bombarded with social commentary, prefigurative omens, an odd sense of lurking insanity, recurring childish nightmares, and that’s all before an adult Alice falls through the rabbit hole on her return trip to Wonderland!

Based on Lewis Carroll’s books with screenplay by Linda Woolverton, Alice In Wonderland starts off showing little Alice so haunted by her nightmare visions of Wonderland that she’s slightly off-kilter socially by the time she grows into womanhood. Now Alice is into questioning everything and making whimsical statements that batter the brain of her chinless-wonder admirer at what turns out to be her garden/engagement-party-from-hell.
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This Chick Does Flicks: Alice In Wonderland”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Tonight we’re going to be hearing from the Libertarian side of the political equation when we interview Rob McNealy, who is running as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for the Sixth District of Colorado! (

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my c-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

If Dr. Seuss Looked at Obama, Oh the Things He’d See!

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

In celebration of the National Association of Education’s yearly “Read Across America” project, which started Tuesday, March 2, First Lady Michelle Obama appeared at the Library of Congress and read to a select group of youngsters Dr. Seuss’ classic children’s story, The Cat In the Hat. Her choice was appropriate enough considering that Tuesday also marked the good doctor’s birthday, who would have been 106 if still alive.

The Cat In the Hat was written by Dr. Seuss, a.k.a. Theodor Seuss Geisel, in 1957 as a response to a challenge by the Life magazine writer, John Hershey, who specifically mentioned Geisel as an ideal illustrator for modern children’s books in a May 25, 1954 article titled “Why Do Students Bog Down on First R? A Local Committee Sheds Light on a National Problem: Reading”. Geisel’s publisher, Random House, asked him to write a new style of engaging children’s literature using a limited vocabulary of only 400 words, which the publisher’s estimated school children were learning at the time. Geisel cut the suggested list down to 223 and added 16 of his own.

Using the pseudonym of “Dr. Seuss”, Geisel’s The Cat In the Hat proved an instant hit and the story of the two rainy day bored young children first enjoying then panicking over the crazy, chaotic antics of a floppy red-and-white stripped hat wearing tuxedo Cat accompanied by his eagerly undisciplined partners-in-crime, Thing One and Thing Two still resonates with young readers 53 years later.
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If Dr. Seuss Looked at Obama, Oh the Things He’d See!”

KSFO 560-AM fires conservative talk show host Lee Rodgers for refusing to sugarcoat Islam

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

On Thursday morning, February 18th, with one minute left of his popular San Francisco Bay Area early morning talk show on KSFO 560-AM, veteran radio host and dedicated conservative, Lee Rodgers, received his pink slip without warning for refusing to. “…say nice things about Muslims.”

Rodgers, a 25 year veteran of ABC Radio and a 15 year veteran at KSFO with his highly rated and profitable Lee Rodgers Show, was in the normal process of renegotiating his contract for renewal in July when he was fired last week. In a clear violation of his contract, Rodgers said that his leaving, “…was forced upon me, with no notice.”

ABC Radio is owned by Citadel Corporation and is in bankruptcy. Its move to terminate one of its highest rated and profitable hosts in a major metropolitan market seems counter-productive but is not unusual under Citadel’s current management. Earlier in the month Chicago sister station, WLS-AM 890 fired in mid-week the abrasive but entertaining libertarian, Mancow Muller, and his co-host, Pat Cassidy, for, as Muller put it, “no rhyme or reason.”
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KSFO 560-AM fires conservative talk show host Lee Rodgers for refusing to sugarcoat Islam”

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

Join us as we talk to Michael Zak. Mr. Zak is a sought after speaker on Republican history and is the owner and operator of where you can get to “know your Republican heritage.”

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my c-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Falklands doin’ the déjà vu shuffle

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

It may be hard to hear the drum of War beating over the hip-humping bleating of Lady Gaga but Britain just got a shot across its territorial bow once again by Argentina asserting control of all shipping between the contested Falklands and the Argentina coast. Argentina President Cristina Kirchner’s declaration of shipping lane control on Tuesday, February 16 constitutes the first steps towards a naval blockade of the Falklands referred to as “Las Malvinas” by Argentina.

Coming just 28 years after the first Falkland War, when an expansionist Argentina invaded the sleepy, sheep farming islands only to have its head royally handed back to it by British forces, Tuesday’s move by President Kirchner is this time not seen as a demand for the islands so much as a grab for the oil beds that are within Falklands territorial waters and said to be potentially greater than the output of the 40 billion barrel North Seas oil fields. The arbitrary declaration demands that all ships wishing to operate within the waters between the Falklands and Argentina may do so only after getting a new Argentinean permit, effectively stopped the next-day delivery and start of the year-long construction of the Ocean Guardian oil rig to the Falklands offshore oil beds.
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Falklands doin’ the déjà vu shuffle”

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Over the years I’ve always made sure to purchase the September issue of Vogue and did so for more decades than I care to admit. I finally dropped Vogue in favor of Harper’s Bazaar when women of my age started disappearing from Vogue’s acknowledgement as savvy fashion consumers to be replaced with fashion-masquerading pro-leftist commentary. The conspicuous consumption and luxury-addicted Vogue never did catch on that the romance of revolutionary thought was just a façade to hide a grasping, murderous and rapacious political system based on greed and envy. In fact, the editors of Vogue still haven’t figured it out and even Harper’s Bazaar is guilty of it although to a lesser degree. At least with Harper’s, I can still find “women of a certain age” held up as fashionable icons but that’s about it.

However, women’s magazines in general and fashion commentary in particular are a surprisingly accurate means of forecasting who will be the winners in political elections. I’ve often written that if you want to know who will win American elections, look to the catwalk and check out the zeitgeist of the collections. When I saw even Madonna picking up the Wild West vibe of the runways by sporting her cowgirl hat and boots before the November 2000 elections, I knew George W. Bush would win despite the frantic efforts of the Al Gore camp to continue challenging the results until enough fraudulent votes could be manufactured by Democratic operatives.
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Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”

Supermarket bans PJs and bare feet

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

On the Culture Wars front, the British supermarket chain, Tescos, struck a blow for sartorial dignity in its St. Mellons in Cardiff, Wales branch by posting a “Customer Dress Code Policy” banning shoppers coming in clad in pajamas, barefoot and/or both.

Signs saying, “To avoid causing offense or embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted).” have been placed at the entrance to the store in what Americans will recognize as a variation on our “No Shoes, no shirt, no service.” domestic stores policy although here in open-carry Arizona, “No weapons allowed” signs give a regional variation that must make the Nervous Nellie crowd feel better.

Back at the St. Mellons Tescos, outraged customer, Elaine Carmody, was actually turned away when she tried to buy cigarettes because of her sloppy and routine PJ bottoms and slippers wear.
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Supermarket bans PJs and bare feet”