Over 30 of the Top War Movies to Watch on Memorial Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

With Memorial Day weekend here patriots may want to spend a few hours this weekend remembering some of our greatest war films. Here we will talk briefly about over thirty war films, some stir the patriot’s blood, others are amusing, many harrowing, still more are foreboding with a subtle anti-war message. While everyone has their own favorites list — and yours may not be here — all presented here are a great watch.

Band of Brothers


Starring Damian Lewis as Major Dick Winters, the 2001 mini-series Band of Brothers is probably the most faithful film project about World War Two and is a must-see for any war movie fan. At 12 hours in length, it is certainly a commitment to watch, but a viewer is well rewarded at the end and is an experience that will stick with viewers for the rest of their lives. This is as close as you can come to experiencing the camaraderie, deprivation, terror, and hell of war without actually being in one.



Unapologetically patriotic and hardnosed, the George C. Scott vehicle Patton is a tour de force of stirring military action punched by an incredible soundtrack. The nearly three-hour film follows the life, war, and untimely death of WWII General George S. Patton that stands as one of the classic war films of all time.

The Longest Day


The Academy Award-winning The Longest Day can’t help but bring you to the edge of your seat as the film follows one of the toughest battles in U.S. history as Allied forces landed on the coast of France during the D-Day landings. It starred nearly every major Hollywood star of the day including John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Richard Burton, Sean Connery, Henry Fonda, Red Buttons, Peter Lawford, Eddie Albert, Jeffrey Hunter, Rod Steiger, George Segal, Robert Wagner, and many, many more. Filmed in black and white, the lack of color makes it all the more gritty and inspiring as the Allies push the Nazis back beginning the push into Europe that would eventually topple Hitler’s regime.

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Over 30 of the Top War Movies to Watch on Memorial Day”

Will Liberals Admit that ‘Black Panther’ is the Most Racist Movie Since 1915’s Ku Klux Klan Epic ‘Birth of a Nation’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I just saw Marvel’s Black Panther and after reading dozens of reviews touting it as one of the best Marvel movies ever, I have come to wonder this: Will liberals admit that this movie is a terribly racist film?

If you are planning on seeing this black-centric superhero movie, don’t wait. It really is a fun ride. It has heart, it has emotional weight, talk of loyalty, love, trust, and betrayal. It has lots of action and great special effects. It is also a super hero film that gets you to believe its mythos quite easily. It is a fun, engaging, worthwhile watch. I highly recommend it.

But, man oh man is it racist. It is the most racist film since 1915’s Birth of a Nation, a flick from the classic era that celebrated the birth of the Ku Klux Klan in a south ruined by a just concluded Civil War.

The film introduces us to the Black Panther storyline informing the viewer that the mythical African nation of Wakanda was built around a mountain filled with a mysterious and powerful metal that helped the five tribes unite into a technological giant that predated all of mankind’s other great nations. But because the early Wakandans understood that their “Vibranium” was so powerful, they realized that they had to hide their wealth and power from the world lest the knowledge of that power consume the world with avarice and war.

So, Wakanda invented stealth technology, developed great medical arts, and made powerful weapons long before the technology of the rest of the world even dreamed of such wonders. But they hid their nation behind a giant cloaking device deep in the heart of Africa. They eschewed contact with any other nation and kept their five tribes hidden from the world.

In the film we see Wakanda in all its hidden splendor with great skyscrapers, amazing magnetic railway systems, astonishing medical technology, and wondrous flying machines… and we see only black faces. No white, no Asians, not even any Africans from other regions of the so-called “Dark Continent.”

How racist, eh?
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Will Liberals Admit that ‘Black Panther’ is the Most Racist Movie Since 1915’s Ku Klux Klan Epic ‘Birth of a Nation’?”

[Film Review] ‘The Circle’: An Unrealistic Portrayal of Real Problems

-By Cernan Cabriesy

Despite the star power of The Circle, the movie disappoints on so many levels. The story follows Mae Holland (Emma Watson) who gets the opportunity of a lifetime for a dream job at a massive internet company called The Circle — which resembles Facebook on steroids — collecting every piece of data the world has to offer, making it available for every user. Whatever data the company can’t collect from other sources, it collects on its own by distributing millions of tiny satellite cameras to users across the globe to be placed everywhere.

The movie explores many of the ethical questions regarding personal privacy, business occultism, and the ability of major corporations to aid society by catching “bad guys” on the one hand, while destroying the lives of innocent individuals on the other.

Perhaps it explorers too many of those ethical questions at once. So many, in fact, that the movie is unsuccessful at resolving any of them. Just as Mae decides to become “transparent,” as it is called in the film, by wearing a camera all the time and allowing the company to record her every move, conversation, and action, likewise this character’s arc becomes so transparent that any less-than-astute observer will be able to figure out the climactic twist before it happens.

The only lesson we are left with at the end is that the invasion of oir privacy will continue to get worse, there is no one to stop it, and there will always be someone at the top holding the keys, so they had better be “ethical,” whatever that means.

Every character in this film is gray. There are no real villains, there are no real heroes. All of the other high-powered stars like Tom Hanks and John Boyega could have easily been replaced by unknown actors.

Worst of all is that liberal Hollywood gets lost in this spider web by apparently deciding to trivialize the most serious of ethical issues our future faces, mostly by turning privacy on its head and making it the villain. It’s one thing to take down the CEO of a company who makes everyone else’s life transparent except his own. By doing so Hollywood still gets to “Stick it to the Man.” That’s right out of their playbook. But they get completely lost in all of the other issues and problems addressed throughout the film. I am guessing this is the case because most liberals are ethically stunted to begin with.

Perhaps we will have to wait for some indie filmmaker to tackle the real issues properly before we get a good film out of these topics.

[Editor’s note: Looks like Hanks’ The Circle is doing poorly at the box office, too. Tom Hanks’ latest movie is his biggest bomb EVER, lowest opening box office in his career.]

HBO Creates the Ultimate Minority for Evil, Rapacious White Men to Exploit: Robots


With the debut (finally) of the new HBO series “Westworld,” we discover that HBO has found a new oppressed minority group for evil, white men to rape, oppress, and exploit and this time it is sex-bots.

So, step aside blacks/Asians/women/Muslims/gays/transgenders and whatever minority used to be the top of the pecking order when it comes to evil white exploitation. Now we have robots programed to serve evil white men becoming the next “minority.”

Two episodes into the much-ballyhooed HBO series based on the 1973 Michael Crichton directed, Yul Brenner vehicle of the same name, we find that white people are vicious, mean, murderous, and rapacious.

For those unfamiliar, the eponymous “Westworld,” it is both the name of the series and the name of the fictitious park manned by ultra realistic robots where “rich bastards” referred to as “guests” go to live out their wild west fantasies.

In the original movie the robots went horribly wrong and began to kill the guests who paid big money to become rootin-tootin cowboys. The new HBO version begins in a similar vein with the robots starting to remember their past “stories”–all of which end in their rape and murder.
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HBO Creates the Ultimate Minority for Evil, Rapacious White Men to Exploit: Robots”

Red Skelton’s Stirring Pledge Of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

This Independence Day holiday is an excellent time to revisit one of Red Skelton’s most endearing works: his recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and what that pledge means.

Through the 40s, 50s, and 60s, Red Skelton was one of America’s most revered funny men. He was everywhere in movies and all across the early TV. Skelton may be little known by today’s newer generations, but he is someone we should never forget for his patriotism and clean humor.

He made quite a splash in 1969 with his personalized pledge of Allegiance.

You don’t get patriotic entertainment like this anymore…

In the words of Red Skelton:
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Red Skelton’s Stirring Pledge Of Allegiance”

Foolish Sci Fi Geeks Celebrate Chinese Government’s New Sci Fi ‘Award’

-By Warner Todd Huston

A left-wing science fiction site hosted by the Gawker chain of websites recently posted a silly, fawning article revealing that the Chinese government is sponsoring a new “major science fiction award.” It was a piece that wholly ignored the autocratic and murderous history of the Chinese government and ridiculously treated this “award” as a legitimate celebration of the arts.

The website i09,com posted a piece (June 4, “The Chinese Government is Setting Up Its Own Major Science Fiction Award“) by blogger Andrew Liptak who revealed himself to be absolutely clueless about how oppressive China is and seemed to assume that China–being just like every western country–is just doing the world a service with its new “award” instead of creating a scheme whereby an authoritarian government will control “art”–or at the very least holding up state propaganda as worthy of awards.

“This is pretty interesting,” Liptak says as he begins his slobbering article, “during the latest national congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, chairman Han Qide announced that the country would be setting up a program to promote science fiction and fantasy, including the creation of a new major award.”

Now, let’s first wonder exactly what liberals like Mr. Liptak and his audience would say if the U.S. government–or any western government, for that matter–were to announce it intended to meddle in a field of literature like this. Mr. Liptak would be one of the first to denounce the intentions and to scream that said government would be merely spreading propaganda and not the art of literature. Or at the very least he’d be uncomfortable with the idea of a government promoting art for fear that it would eventually turn to pushing pro-government propaganda.

But in Liptak’s piece we get not a whiff that he should be worried that the Chinese government would use its award not to celebrate art on its own merit but rather to further the communist government’s message.
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Foolish Sci Fi Geeks Celebrate Chinese Government’s New Sci Fi ‘Award’”

Guy Ritchie’s ‘Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ Movie Premiere Swag

-By Warner Todd Huston

For nearly 50 years fans of the hit 1960s TV show “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” had been waiting eagerly to finally get a new UNCLE adventure and the many decades of waiting finally ended in August of 2015 when director Guy Ritchie’s re-telling of the TV series debuted on movie screens across the world. This page is dedicated to some of the swag given out to those lucky few who were invited to the film’s various premieres in nations everywhere.

I personally didn’t make any of the premieres and had to watch the movie like a commoner (after it opened wide in theaters), but I have come across a large number of the items that fans and moviegoers were given at the special screenings as the movie burst forth to such great reviews… but sadly, low audience turnout.

Here is the official trailer of the film to whet your appetite…

As I said, most reviewers loved Ritchie’s vision of U.N.C.L.E. calling it a smart, sexy, 1960s spy extravaganza. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, not enough movie goers turned up at theaters to make it a hit. Oh, it was no dismal failure, to be sure, but for old time U.N.C.L.E. fans who were hoping this film would spur a new series of big screen adventures, well, let’s just say the hope ended in disappointment.

There could be a sequel, yet, but it doesn’t look good.

Anyway, here is a photo essay of the items handed out at the premieres and a few other assorted items associated with the film. These are all in my collection unless otherwise noted. I’ll start with the most common items and after that get to the ones which are a bit farther and fewer between.

One of the 27 X 40 movie posters seen outside the theaters. This one was also handed out in an 11X17 version at theaters (I also have that one).

Another one of the more common posters for the film

These vinyl signs where what one would see in the frames over the door of the theater at the local multiplex. These, of course, weren’t given to moviegoers.

These gray T-Shirts were handed out by the hundreds and are the most common shirt for the new U.N.C.L.E.

There’s no spy stealth if you’re wearing THESE big buttons on your shirt, but fans will know ya, anyway!

Sunglasses were featured heavily in this stylish flick, so the promo department made up some special U.N.C.L.E. sunglasses for fans to take home.

Of course, no smart phone was in the movie as it was an early 1960s period piece, but everyone has cell phones today, right? These were all over the place.

Some moviegoers were lucky enough to be given one of these very nice hot/cold metal tumblers.

Every spy needs to stay hydrated, so these water bottles were also given to fans.

Now we are starting to get to the items that were given out in smaller numbers. This all black T-Shirt with yellow lettering isn’t nearly as common as the gray one above.

For those who had too many U.N.C.L.E. items to carry, these handy vinyl shoulder bags were also distributed.

Just in case you need to take some notes in your spy notebook, they gave out these ball point pens, too.

If you were lucky, you were handed a nice, high quality black baseball cap with your favorite U.N.C.L.E. slogan embroidered onto it.

Now we are back to cell phones, again. Even though you aren’t supposed to use your phone in the theater, they did give out a few external cell phone re-chargers like this one. But not many of these were given out.

I think these computer memory sticks were only given to fans in Europe (and it’s a pen, too). But I may be wrong about that.

This external iPhone speaker does not have the U.N.C.L.E. logo on it. The outside clamshell, though, is also white like many of the other plastic items, so it does match the color scheme of many of the handouts.

One of the very cool costume choices in the film was Illya’s flat cap. So, anticipating that, the promo department made up at least two different versions of it for fans. These were not handed out a whole lot, though. The darker gray one is of higher quality that the tannish one, I must say.

The swag-makers also made a special shirt for girls, too, and this is the girl’s T-Shirt. It is a long sleeved affair that is long enough to go over the girl’s hips and is slightly flared-out at the bottom almost skirt-like. It has the yellow segment at the bottom with the U.N.C.L.E. logo printed on it.

Fans in Australia were the lucky recipients of this gold vinyl makeup case, apparently trying to raise interest in the female fans.

If one attended the UK premieres one might come away with a nice catalog put out by the Hawes & Curtis clothing company of clothing “inspired” by the film.

Speaking of the UK, during the release of the Guy Ritchie U.N.C.L.E. movie in Britain you could enter into a contest and the prize was this tiny digital Minox spy camera with a “Man From U.N.C.L.E.” plaque on the front. It resembles the one Minox made decades ago (of course, it took film back then and wasn’t digital). It also came in this wooden presentation box and if you can’t make it out the little plaque is in the lower left corner of the front of the camera body. There were only a handful of these produced and given away during the 2015 premiere in England.

The next few things were handed out only to the press as far as I know.

This full-sized, serviceable backpack is an example of an item available only to members of the press.

This is a very nice Stormtech 35L Waterproof, Rolltop Backpack (WXP-1). This might have been for film crew members. Not a ton of these were made, for sure.

Now, I don’t have this item–YET–but members of the press (at least in New Zealand) were also given an U.N.C.L.E. umbrella. This is a photo of Threads editor Megan Robinson who received her U.N.C.L.E. umbrella when she attended the movie premiere in New Zealand. You can’t clearly see all of the parasol, but you get the idea from Megan’s snap shot. (Photo used by permission)

There were also some special things given out only to those who worked on the film. I have been fortunate enough to have obtained these from various sources.

This gray hoodie sweat jacket was only given to set visitors and movie cast and crew members.

There was also a black crew hoodie as seen above.

The crew also got a quilted jacket by Barbour. With UNCLE on the back of the collar.

These long sleeved shirts were given to members of the UNCLE Second Unit that filmed in Britain and other parts of Europe.

The Second Unit also has a short-sleeved T.

The Second Unit also had an orange sweat shirt.

Then there was the stunt crew shirt.

Here is an example of one of the booklets used to help crew members plan their work days.

So, there you have it, folks. If you went to one of the many premieres across the world in 2015, you might have gone home with some or all of these items.

Now, I know vaguely of a few other items connected to the film shoot. Apparently Henry Cavill (Napoleon Solo) gave the cast and crew a special limited edition coin as a keepsake for working on the film. I’ve never seen one and only heard tell of them second hand. Also there was some sort of photo book assembled for the crew at the end of the project. That is another item I only heard of second hand and have never seen. There may have been a few other stray items here and there and if I learn more about them or actually get my hands on any, I’ll update this post.

Finally, if you have or know of more swag from the 2015 U.N.C.L.E. premiere that I don’t have here, do contact me and let me know.

Now for a few items that weren’t given out at premieres but are still associated with the movie in one way or another…

First off, cosmetics company BirchBox put out an U.N.C.L.E. tie-in box of products. The box top had the title of the film on it, a sheet describing the movie inside, and a bunch of skin care products. It also had a multitool with a cardboard sleeve with the film title on it. I have the paper insert and the multitool, but not the rest of the kit.

The next three photos show this offering from September of 2015.

Here is a snapshot of the tickets for the movie.

The Hardees fast food chain gave out UNCLE cups as part of a tie in for the film.

One of the plot lines for the film included the Soviet Illya character talking about the watch his father gave him. This is a Russian-made Pobeda model like the watch that appeared in the film.

Here is a sleeve of unused movie postcards. I am somewhat unclear of where these came from, though.

Finally, the star of the film, Henry Cavill, created a very cool challenge coin just for the cast and crew. These were made and presented by the actor, not the film production.

It also came with this little letter. Sadly, while I have the coin and bag, I don’t have the little letter. But it looks like that above.

New Issue of Marvel’s Captain America Says Criticism of Syrian Refugees is Like Nazism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Marvel Comics is once again re-launching its universe of comic books and in the newest iteration of Captain America readers are told that those who oppose the importation of Muslim “refugees” are somehow as bad as the Nazis.

This month issue number one of the new title Steve Rogers: Captain America will feature long-time Cappy foe the Red Skull, a super villain who originated as a Nazi bad guy in World War Two. And as the preview at Comic Book Resources reveals, the evil Nazi Red Skull delivers a major anti-refugee speech.

“I have just come from Europe–my homeland, in fact,” Red Skull says to a group of thuggish acolytes in the upcoming issue. “And do you know what I saw there? It was an invading army. These so-called ‘refugees’–millions of them–marching across the continent, bringing their fanatical beliefs and their crime with them. They attack our women, and bomb our cities. And how do our leaders respond? Do they push them back and enforce the borders, as is our sovereign duty? Of course not. They say, ‘Here, take our food. Take our shelter. Take our way of life, and then take our lives.’ Despicable.”

Red Skull goes on to ridicule “tolerance” and incite race hate by encouraging the group of men to start a new race war in the name of the evil organization Hydra, another one of Steve Rogers’ long-time foes.

Apparently, as far as Marvel Comics is concerned, if you oppose bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal Muslim immigrants, then you are as bad as an evil Nazi war criminal.
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New Issue of Marvel’s Captain America Says Criticism of Syrian Refugees is Like Nazism”

Unapologetic Millennial Conservative Has a TOUGH Message for Her Generation

-By Warner Todd Huston

Young journalist Alexis Bloomer has a message for her fellow millennials and it’s one many won’t want to hear. Alexis wants her fellow 20 somethings to “pull their pants up” and start actually contributing to society instead of lazing around and posting social media updates as if that was activism.

Bloomer also has a message to the older generations: “I’m Sorry,” she says. Sorry for the many failings of her arrogant generation.

The journalist said she decided to assess her generation. “As a millennial, I decided to take it upon myself to try to evaluate what’s so wrong with our generation and why they’re so mad at us,” she said on her video posted to Youtube.

But as she looked over her generation she realized that some of the harshest criticism of millennials probably has a lot of validity to it.

“We’re just existing, we’re not really contributing anything to society,” she insisted and then went on to lay out all the accusations against her generation.

“Our generation doesn’t have the basic manners that include no ma’am and yes ma’am,” Bloomer said. “We don’t even hold the door open for ladies much less our elders anymore.”
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Unapologetic Millennial Conservative Has a TOUGH Message for Her Generation”

This Sci-Fi Board Proves How the Internet Makes You Stoopid

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Internet can make you stupid and an exchange I had on a science fiction/comic book board is yet more proof of that.

The subject at hand was the effect mutants would have on humanity. I contended that people with mutant powers would end up becoming an oppressive force because their superior abilities would give them unstoppable powers against “normal” people who have no such abilities.

Even if they started out as a minority they’d eventually fight back and their enhanced abilities would not only allow them to win but they would then go on become a major threat to non-powered humans. This, I said, is human nature. Humans with power — even the figurative power of the majority-controlled political establishment that we’ve seen in history — always worked to oppress minorities to some extent and often to the worst extent possible. From royalty, to religious tyrannies, to communism, they all either used the power of the majority, the raw power of might, or a combination of both to oppress the undesirables.

I then used this example to illustrate my point:
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This Sci-Fi Board Proves How the Internet Makes You Stoopid”

The ‘Bechdel Test’ Proves How Feckless Liberalism and Radical Feminism Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

Conservatives like to scoff at the stuff and nonsense that is modern liberalism and its attack on traditional values and the so-called Bechdel Test is a perfect example of this foolishness of the liberal/feminist milieu. The very fact this “test” is even a thing shows how feckless and silly feminism and liberalism are.

For those blissfully unaware, the Bechdel Test is a way to ascertain if a TV show or movie pays enough fealty to feminism. The “test” measures how often two female characters talk to each other about men — whether it be a potential boy friend, a current boy friend, or a husband, or an object of desire or even a father figure. The purported goal of the test is to ascertain whether the characters are indulging the stereotype of women being fixated on pursuing men or otherwise showing they are somehow subservient to the male of the species.

The test may seem simple enough — are women in the film more worried about the men in the film or are they portrayed as more well rounded characters with a richer, deeper development? But in fact, it is meaningless box checking that ignores context and the actual story of the show.

But more significant is the fact that this whole “test” is based on a joke. No, really… an actual joke.
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The ‘Bechdel Test’ Proves How Feckless Liberalism and Radical Feminism Really Are”

Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏

-By Gary Krasner,

(Note: In an Associated Press article published on March 26 in The New York Times, it was reported that due to pressure from pro-vaccine activists famed actor Robert De Niro pulled a film from the Tribeca Film Festival that linked vaccines to autism. This is the story that Gary Krasner, the Director Coalition For Informed Choice, is reacting to below…)

The essence of this story is about defamation of Andrew Wakefield, and how personal defamation has replaced civil debate.

When one party wishes to dodge a debate on the merits of issues (Trump), he will defame his opponent (Cruz) with slanderous lies.

Seeing that progressive politics was a hard sell to the mainstream public, the infamous radical community organizer Saul Alinsky raised it to a high art.

In his “Rules For Radicals” (1971), Alinsky taught that defamation of character is an important tactic to use. Hillary Clinton was an early disciple of his work.

In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College titled “There Is Only the Fight . . . “: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model’.

20 yrs later, Obama taught the rules of this great tactician to Chicago activists when he worked for ACORN. Defamation of his opponents enabled him to win his first 2 local elections.

Today, Alinsky’s 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”, is being used against parents who think vaccination is a contributing cause of ASD.
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Robert De Niro Forced to Pull Anti-Vaccine Documentary From the Tribeca Film Festival‏”

Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Jude Law seems to fancy himself some sort of intellectual philanthropist but his trip to the illegal Muslim migrant camp in Calais, France nicknamed “The Jungle” proves once again that actors should be ignored when they are off the screen because they are generally too stupid to be worth anyone’s time.

Actor Law visited “The Jungle” just ahead of its being shut down and demolished. He went there to highlight the “plight” of these illegal migrants and to plead for his own nation of Britain to allow even more of these lawbreaking, rapists and thieves into his country.

Full of faux compassion, Law traipsed around with a coterie of other actors and British celebrities– all of whom were surrounded by a security squad. They filmed some silly special meant to fool Brits into feeling sorry for the migrants but the criminal nature of these people was too much for them to subdue for long because after the cameras stopped rolling these so-called “refugees” turned on Law’s security team and robbed them of their wallets and cell phones.

If it wasn’t so affirming it would be funny — neigh hilarious — that these British do-gooders went to Calais to “help” these illegal migrants only to be attacked and robbed for their troubles.

So, how did Law and his foolish fellows characterize the incident?
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Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen”

Review: Guy Ritchie’s Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Review: Guy Ritchie’s Man From U.N.C.L.E.
-By Warner Todd Huston

The classic 1960s TV show that barely escaped being canceled after its first season yet rose to a level of popularity that rivaled that of The Beatles is finally getting a big screen reimagining and many fans hope it will be successful enough to spawn sequels and a new series of movies. So, how does Guy Ritchie’s new “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” measure up?

The History

Before we get to the film, many younger viewers will be wholly unfamiliar with the source material. The original “Man From U.N.C.L.E.” TV show, staring Robert Vaughn, David McCallum, and Leo G. Carroll, debuted during the 1964 TV season and almost disappeared in a single season were it not for a spectacular PR effort. Not only was that first season in boring black and white, but it barely made a dent in the ratings meaning the show wasn’t even close to a hit during its first run episodes. But due to some brilliant rear guard public relations, during the show’s Summer reruns U.N.C.L.E. grew into a huge hit becoming one of the world’s first appointment television shows with a world-wide fan base that for a short time rivaled that of The Beatles.

The show that pretty much programmed every spy show since its debut featured a suave, super cool American spy with the unforgettable name of Napoleon Solo (played by veteran actor Robert Vaughn). The imperturbable Solo used his brains as much as he used his brawn to solve his spy assignments. In fact, his brawn was often not much to write home about as he was knocked to the ground and tied up by the bad guys as often as he bested them in fisticuffs.

His partner, Russian super spy Illya Nickovitch Kuryakin (David McCallum, a bit of a newcomer to American audiences) was an interesting, enigmatic, sarcastic man of action who offered as much sex appeal for the ladies as he revealed embarrassment over that very appeal. Many NBC executives initially thought that the character, with his mop of blond hair and youth appeal, was a bad idea. They thought that this Russian hippy should have been gotten rid of. Some even worried that viewers would think he was gay and we can’t have gays on TV in 1964! In fact, the Illya character was initially only cast as a semi-regular character but once fans saw the chemistry between Napoleon and his pal Illya, they couldn’t get enough and Illya’s role was bumped up to co-star. Illya’s past was a bit cryptic and he was certainly never called a Soviet. The closest viewers got to learning about Illya’s personal past was when we learned that he went to the University of Georgia… not the one in the southern state but the Russian one!

Acting as the guiding hand over this pair of super agents was their boss, Alexander Waverly, leader of U.N.C.L.E. Waverly was played by veteran actor Leo G. Carroll who brought a grandfatherly, legitimizing presence to the series.

And what of this U.N.C.L.E.? Well it was an acronym that stood for the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement, an international organization funded by all the world’s nations and its chief duty was to protect the world from the big bad organization named THRUSH. The bad guys were never fully identified in the series (though the novelizations labeled them the “Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity”) but they were an organization with resources that rivaled that of U.N.C.L.E.’s and were its polar opposite on the evil scale. Worse than the Nazis, worse than world-wide communism, THRUSH wanted no less than to rule the world.
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Review: Guy Ritchie’s Man From U.N.C.L.E.”

Red Skelton’s Pledge Of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

This Independence Day holiday is an excellent time to revisit one of Red Skelton’s most endearing works: his recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and what that pledge means.

Through the 40s, 50s, and 60s, Red Skelton was one of America’s most revered funny men. He was everywhere in movies and all across the early TV. Skelton may be little known by today’s newer generations, but he is someone we should never forget for his patriotism and clean humor.

He made quite a splash in 1969 with his personalized pledge of Allegiance.

You don’t get patriotic entertainment like this anymore…

In the words of Red Skelton:
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Red Skelton’s Pledge Of Allegiance”

Racist Actor George ‘Mr. Sulu’ Takei Calls Black Man a ‘Clown in Black Face’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is the out and proud gay Star Trek actor a racist for calling a black man a “clown in black face”? Usually the left attacks racists like this for this kind of hate speech? Of course, the left won’t attack in this case because “Mr. Sulu” just attacked Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man that the left claims “isn’t really black.”

Takei made his racist comment during an interview on a local Phoenix Fox News affiliate. He was on to talk about his views on gay marriage, an issue on which he’s become a loud national supporter.

Takei attacked Thomas for saying that slavery was “dignified” and then couched his discussion of American slavery by quoting a movie. Yes, a movie. Takei thinks movies tell us all we need to know about America history.

Here is what Takei said…
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Racist Actor George ‘Mr. Sulu’ Takei Calls Black Man a ‘Clown in Black Face’”

You HAVE to Watch Yahoo! Screen’s SciFi Comedy ‘Other Space’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Do you like those AT&T commercials featuring the two Internet techs Frank and Charlie–one a bearded fellow and the other a wiry young Indian-American lad. If you do it is probably because of the quirky humor of Charlie who is played by Karan Soni. Well, now you have a chance to see more of Soni’s work in a fantastic new webseries from Yahoo! Screen titled, Other Space.

The webseries was introduced last month and already has 8 episodes produced. You can see Other Space only at Yahoo! Screen. Even better it is free.

Soni stars as Stewart Lipinski, the captain of a UMP Cruiser star ship who, after being given his first command, promptly launches his ship into a crack in space that throws it into another galaxy. The humor from the show comes less from your normal sort of sitcom craziness and more from the flawed characters of the crew.

TV viewers will also be immediately familiar with one of the other characters in the series: Ship’s pilot Tina Shukshin played by actress Milana Vayntrub. Though she has quite a lot of screen credits, you’ll recognize Vayntrub most as “Lily Adams ” the AT&T girl in the recent series of commercials. In fact, all the actors on the show have successful TV careers. The web series also stars Neil Casey (as Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Art the ship’s robot vocalized by Mystery Science Theater 3,000’s Trace Beaulieu, and Conor Leslie (as Natasha, the Ship’s computer).
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You HAVE to Watch Yahoo! Screen’s SciFi Comedy ‘Other Space’”

‘Interstellar’ Climate Change

-By Gary Krasner

This is not political commentary. it’s just an interesting observation that there may be a political subtext to the movie interstellar.

I don’t know if anyone else has made this observation. But I made the connection as soon as I saw who played a certain character in the movie. And given that you may have read elsewhere that director Christopher Nolan appears to be a political conservative (e.g. his last Batman movie), this may have been intentional.

And I’m not referring to themes in the movie that some reviewers have construed to be pro conservative. Some were written by conservatives, no doubt desperate to discover something from Hollywood that is not propagandizing from the left.

Although this reviewer (“Jay” somebody), while also mentioning a political subtext at one point, without labeling it conservative vs. Liberal, presents an interesting science interpretation of the film, albeit getting loopy on one aspect about it (e.g. – our fake moon landing!)

OK, with that said, here’s my observation. And let me know if you found anyone else making this connection:
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‘Interstellar’ Climate Change”

Creepy Howard Dean Says Fans of ‘American Sniper’ Are Mean, Nasty, ‘Very Angry’ Tea Party Members

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Clint Eastwood directed film American Sniper has been setting records all across the nation. But the longer it sits in theaters, the more that liberals come to hate the movie–and by extension our soldiers–and the film is exposing quite a split between Americans and the left. The latest to attack the film, our soldiers, and the film’s fans is former DNC chief Howard Dean.

A week ago one of Hollyweird’s greatest douchebags, Michael Moore, came out to slam the man American Sniper was based on calling him a “murderer.”

On January 18, Moore took to his Twitter account and said, “My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse.”

Only a few days later, one-note “actor” Seth Rogen came out to claim that the movie was just like Nazi propaganda.

There have been others on the left who have expressed similar anti-soldier sentiments, one of whom is former head of the Democrat National Committee and one-time Governor of Vermont Howard Dean.

Dean’s latest harangue against the movie occurred during his visit to Bill Maher’s political talk show on HBO.
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Creepy Howard Dean Says Fans of ‘American Sniper’ Are Mean, Nasty, ‘Very Angry’ Tea Party Members”

Why Has George Clooney Remained Silent About ‘Charlie Hebdo’–Is He a Coward, Hypocrite, or Just a Pussy-Whipped Husband?

-By Gary Krasner

A couple of weeks ago, George Clooney and his agent, CAA’s Bryan Lourd, circulated to the top people in film, TV, records and other areas, a petition which stated that they will stand up for freedom of speech not be intimidated into silence by the ruthless regime in N. Korea. It read in part:

This is not just an attack on Sony. It involves every studio, every network, every business and every individual in this country. That is why we fully support Sony’s decision not to submit to these hackers’ demands […] We know that to give in to these criminals now will open the door for any group that would threaten freedom of expression, privacy and personal liberty. We hope these hackers are brought to justice but until they are, we will not stand in fear. We will stand together.

No one in show business would sign it, despite Clooney saying that not doing so was tantamount to giving in to ransom.
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Why Has George Clooney Remained Silent About ‘Charlie Hebdo’–Is He a Coward, Hypocrite, or Just a Pussy-Whipped Husband?”

HARASSMENT EXCLUSIVE: Ten Hours With Princess Leia Walking in NYC

Remember the whiny feminists who last week were all up in arms about the staged video of a woman walking in New York City supposedly being harassed by every man who she passed?

Well, from a galaxy far, far away, Princess Leia warped down into New York City to see what would happen if she walked down the street.

This shocking video is what happened to that poor, poor princess…

Yes, this is proof that no self-respecting Star Wars princess should ever visit New York City!

For SHAME Boba Fett!
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HARASSMENT EXCLUSIVE: Ten Hours With Princess Leia Walking in NYC”

‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a recent speech, actress Emma Watson urged men to help end gender inequality in the world. But is anything she said consequential? It’s certainly easy to roll one’s eyes at this sort of fluff. But some think the speech was a “game changer.”

Filling her role as a UN Women Goodwill ambassador, the 24-year-old Watson spoke in New York last week insisted that if only women listened to her entireties, gender inequality would continue.

Watson claimed that as she studied the problem of gender inequality she became aware that “that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.” This, she said, would have to stop if progress was to be made.

The speech is part of the UN campaign dubbed the “HeForShe” campaign.
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‘Harry Potter’ Actress Urges Men to End Gender Inequality”

Populist Hillary To Award Clinton Foundation Honors to Leo DiCaprio at Gala

-By Warner Todd Huston

Later this month, the Clinton Foundation is throwing a big gala to honor its 2014 Global Citizen Award winner, actor Leonardo DiCaprio. But with this hoity-toity gala, so much for Hillary being the “populist” woman of the people.

As Hillary and her surrogates attempt to recast the former First Lady and Secretary of State as a populist woman of the people, her Clinton Foundation is set to celebrate with a dozen famous and high powered citizens of the world during its September 21 soirée.
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Populist Hillary To Award Clinton Foundation Honors to Leo DiCaprio at Gala”

Prostate Cancer Foundation Rejects Donations Spurred by Celebrity Nude Photo Scandal

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the wake of the theft of nude photos of several Hollywood stars, users of the social media website Reddit launched a campaign to donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation in the name of the nude photo scandal and actress Jennifer Lawrence. But as soon as the Foundation realized the main reason for the donations they rejected the money.

Reddit has hundreds of pages where users gather to discuss specific topics. One of those sections is called “the Frapping.” This page is dedicated to the discussion of nude photos of Hollywood celebrities–photos that are usually fakes. But this week the page was abuzz sharing the nude photos stolen from various Hollywood actresses.

Early this week one anonymous user came up with the idea of donating money to the cancer charity the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) in the name of the stolen nude photos of the “Hunger Games” actress.
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Prostate Cancer Foundation Rejects Donations Spurred by Celebrity Nude Photo Scandal”

(Re-Post) Film Review of ‘The Remaining’: A Thrill Ride With a Message

-By Warner Todd Huston

This film is opening nation wide on Friday, Sept. 5, so I am re-posting this review since we are now right up against the debut.

On July 29 I was asked to be part of a pre-screening for the motion picture The Remaining (opening September 5 nationwide), a film based on Christian teachings that is bound to affect many people of faith in surprising ways. But this is also a film that can be enjoyed as just a film–a horror/monster movie, yet–and does not have to be taken as a preachy “church movie.” But beware, along with the horror movie fright moments, this movie will make you think about your life, too.

The film by Sony Pictures/Affirm Films–the same outfit that made the recent Heaven Is For Real–follows a cadre of five friends and a young teen they meet along the way, all of whom didn’t make the cut during the Biblical rapture that occurs within the first half hour of the film. For those unfamiliar, the rapture is that time when the Bible says God will take into Heaven the souls of all believing humans leaving on earth only those who do not believe that there is a god, those with no faith.

The events laid out in the Bible for those left on earth is nothing short of horrendous and this film does not spare the audience these terrible things. Animals go crazy, fire and ice fall from the skies, fallen angels skulk about torturing people… well, it’s all there in your Bible, after all. This film didn’t create that part of its story line, it just relates it and in scary, gory detail.
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(Re-Post) Film Review of ‘The Remaining’: A Thrill Ride With a Message”

In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil

-By Warner Todd Huston

Isn’t this just like Hollywood. At a time when tens of thousands of illegals, some of whom are gang members, some criminals, and all who are breaking our laws by crashing across our southern border like a tidal wave, Hollywood gives us the tale of an innocent illegal who is framed for murder by minute-men type white men trying to shoot Mexicans down in the desert with sniper rifles because, why, they hate them, of course. Yes, Hollywood gives us a movie where the Mexicans are being put upon and white Americans are the evil bad guys.

Welcome to the theme for the new Ed Harris vehicle, “Frontera.”

Once again Hollywood makes white America the criminal, presents our border security as a crime against humanity, mocks our laws and our sovereignty, and sides with criminal aliens against the rest of us.

We should also point out that in real life these Mexican lawbreakers are not being shot down by white people in the deserts, so the whole premise of this piece of… celluloid… is built on a lie.

Please, America, avoid this movie like the plague. We can’t reward Hollywood for this anti-American crap.
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In ‘Frontera,’ Once Again Hollywood Makes Criminal Illegal a Hero and White Americans the Devil”

Film Review of ‘The Remaining’: A Thrill Ride With a Message

-By Warner Todd Huston

On July 29 I was asked to be part of a pre-screening for the motion picture The Remaining (opening September 5 nationwide), a film based on Christian teachings that is bound to affect many people of faith in surprising ways. But this is also a film that can be enjoyed as just a film–a horror/monster movie, yet–and does not have to be taken as a preachy “church movie.” But beware, along with the horror movie fright moments, this movie will make you think about your life, too.

The film by Sony Pictures/Affirm Films–the same outfit that made the recent Heaven Is For Real–follows a cadre of five friends and a young teen they meet along the way, all of whom didn’t make the cut during the Biblical rapture that occurs within the first half hour of the film. For those unfamiliar, the rapture is that time when the Bible says God will take into Heaven the souls of all believing humans leaving on earth only those who do not believe that there is a god, those with no faith.

The events laid out in the Bible for those left on earth is nothing short of horrendous and this film does not spare the audience these terrible things. Animals go crazy, fire and ice fall from the skies, fallen angels skulk about torturing people… well, it’s all there in your Bible, after all. This film didn’t create that part of its story line, it just relates it and in scary, gory detail.
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Film Review of ‘The Remaining’: A Thrill Ride With a Message”

‘Red Leader’ Actor Refuses to Join New Star Wars Film: It’ll Just Bore Me

Denis Lawson, who played Wedge Antilles in the original Star Wars trilogy and was the X-Wing pilot known as “Red Leader,” has declined to return for the new Episode VII that is just gearing up for production.

“They asked me, but it just would have bored me.”

That is pretty funny, actually.

But I can see Lawson’s point since about the only good Star Wars film was the first one from 1978! The next two weren’t horrible, but the later bunch were just dreck. Junk. Empty, pointless, badly acted, junk.

(H/T io9.com)
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‘Red Leader’ Actor Refuses to Join New Star Wars Film: It’ll Just Bore Me”