Buzzfeed: Hey, Romney Drove Past a Confederate Flag, He Must be a Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Before we get any further into this story, I have to warn you that this is not satire. That having been said, Buzzfeed’s Zeke Miller perpetrated one of the worst attempts at guilt by association ever made. Miller attempted to intimate that Mitt Romney is a racist because his motorcade drove past private property that had a Confederate flag flying on it as he campaigned in Virginia.

You read that right. All Romney did was sit in a car that drove past a Confederate flag and that was something that Miller thought was “news.”

Miller made this trenchant observation on his Twitter feed on October 5.

Romney motorcade just passed a hill flying a large confederate flag in rural SW VA

Wow. Imagine, driving past a Confederate flag in a state that makes millions in tourist money off its intimate connection to American history! Imagine the sheer luck of finding a Confederate flag flying in the one state most associated with the Civil War! Why, the absolute craziness of finding a Confederate flag flying in the state that hosted the Capitol of the Confederate States of America!

What are the chances?
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Buzzfeed: Hey, Romney Drove Past a Confederate Flag, He Must be a Racist”

The Desolate Wasteland of Post-Apocalyptic Television

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many TV critics and commentators like to say that you can judge the way this nation is feeling about itself and its times by looking at the sort of shows that are playing on television. They say that our mood and our outlook about our present and our future can be understood through the collective programming on the TV.

Well, a look at some of the popular shows now playing or those about to debut on the boob tube might make you wonder if TV has noticed that the country ain’t feeling so great? In fact, it’s downright post-apocalyptic.

That’s right, we’ve gone from 2008 and hope-n-chngiesness to the depths of post-apocalyptic cynicism.
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The Desolate Wasteland of Post-Apocalyptic Television”

Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Both the Romney and Obama camps are attempting to lower expectations for their respective performances in the upcoming presidential debates with both saying the other has an advantage.

In a recent memo to Romney supporters, for instance, Romney adviser Beth Myers noted that the President is a “universally-acclaimed public speaker and has substantial debate experience under his belt.”

“This will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career. For Mitt Romney, it will be his first,” Myers warned.

As for team Obama, in his memo the President’s top political adviser, David Axelrod, played the “Obama’s really busy” card trying to play down expectations that he will do well at the debates because he has a lot of duties as President that gives him less time to prepare for debates.

“The challenger, unencumbered by the responsibilities of being the President, has more time to prepare — a benefit of which Gov. Romney has taken full advantage,” Axelrod said.
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Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates”

Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A website owned by the Washington Post, one that caters to African Americans, has a question about the upcoming debates. In yet another outrageous use of the race card, The Root wants to know if GOP nominee Mitt Romney will “reach out to racists” in the debates.

Keli Goff ‘s Root piece is exactly as insulting, racist, and ignorant as that title leads you to believe it is, too.

In Goff’s blinkered opinion, only racists question the inappropriate, 20-year-long relationship between racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama. Goff’s feverish imagination conjures that racism as Romney’s next move to gain the advantage in this close election contest.

First of all, aside from her own racist premise that all whites are racists enough that re-introducing Rev. Wright into this election will automatically win Romney votes, one has to wonder why this fool would think that this tactic would work in 2012 when it didn’t four years ago?
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Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?”

The Official Trailer for the New Film ‘Hating Breitbart’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is the official trailer for the new film Hating Breitbart.

The film’s director, Andrew Marcus, took a year or so out of his life to follow media mogul Andrew Breitbart around with his camera to chronicle the swashbuckling, new media crusader as he daily slammed the Old Media and led a new conservative movement until his untimely death this year.

I feel blessed to have personally known Andrew (our one-on-one dinner in Mexico was quite a night) and I am also sort of amused that I actually appear in this film.

(To see the trailer, be sure and click closed the ad that appears in the middle of the screen. Then the trailer will continue.)

Hating Breitbart on the web.

NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Close on the tail of news that NBC Today show host Matt Lauer has suffered severely in popularity polls since the network unceremoniously dumped co-host Ann Curry, there are now reports that MSNBC panelist Willie Geist is being brought into the show’s third hour and will be an occasional substitute for Lauer on the venerable morning show.

Willie Geist has of late been a member of the panel on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program but his contract is coming to an end in September. Now Geist will join Natalie Morales, Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie in the third hour of the daily broadcast.

While known for his affable on-air demeanor, Geist is, of course, just another left-wing TV talking head.
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NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show”

40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ms. Magazine is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and it has a very special message for its upcoming fall issue: Vote Obama or you’ll die.

Forty years ago Ms. Magazine featured DC Comic Book Super Heroine Wonder Woman on its cover. In 1972 the main worries for feminists was body hair, cash for performing housework, and Simone De Beauvoir. But 40 years ago it was also about “how women vote” and along with featuring Wonder Woman on the cover, just ahead of the 2012 presidential election, Ms. is repeating that theme.

Ms. Magazine’s 1972 Debut Cover

Only, this time instead of “peace and justice for ’72,” a reference to the Vietnam War, Ms. Magazine is all about another war. Unlike 1972, though, Ms. Magazine’s war for 2012 is not a real war. It is a faux war. It is a “war on women.”

And this war is so intense that Ms. is telling its readers that if they don’t vote the correct way, well, their very lives are in danger.

On the fall 2012 cover underneath a leaping Wonder Woman, we see pleas to “stop the war on women,” and “2012, Vote as if your life depends on it.”

Ms. Magazine’s Fall, 2012 Cover

So, you see, Wonder Woman isn’t the only fantasy element of Ms. for Fall of 2012.
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40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die”

L.A. Times Lays Groundwork to Explain Poor Obama Debate Performance

-By Warner Todd Huston

The first presidential debate is only a week away, but the L. A. Times already seems to be laying the groundwork to explain away a what could be a bad Obama performance in the contest.

In a September 26 article, L. A. Times writer Christi Parsons is already foreseeing the possibility of a rocky Obama performance and she has a reason why it might be so. Her reason why Obama may do so badly? He’s busy.

As far as Parsons is concerned, Obama is at a disadvantage for the up coming debates because he is just so darn busy being president that he has less time for debate practice than does Romney.

“President Obama has blocked out three days to prepare for the October debates, but with the constant pressures that come with one of the world’s most important jobs, aides worry he may not get enough practice at the podium,” Pasrons writes.

So, if Obama does badly, it’s not because he did badly, it’s because being president is just so gosh darn hard. It can’t be Obama’s fault, after all.
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L.A. Times Lays Groundwork to Explain Poor Obama Debate Performance”

Wall Street Journal ‘Corrects’ Source on Obama Event Attendance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a story appeared at The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire blog that made an unsupported claim that President Obama packed 18,000 people into a Wisconsin arena that only sports 5,000 seats. At the time it was posted, The Journal did not offer a source for the 18,000 attendee count, but today there has been an addition updating that source.

Now, according to Washington Wire, that source has been identified as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

The Wall Street Journal wasn’t the only news outlet that blindly regurgitated the 18,000 attendee claim. Politico and the Associated Press both used the seemingly impossible number.
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Wall Street Journal ‘Corrects’ Source on Obama Event Attendance”

Conan O’Brien Mocks Serious Question to Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently, Late-night comedian Conan O’Brien thinks asking the President of the United States a serious question is something to ridicule. Or maybe it wasn’t the question, but just the fact that it was a well-known conservative that posed the rather inoffensive query.

As President Obama has allowed but one puffball interview after another, avoiding all the serious questions he can, he was nonetheless asked a rather mild, but serious question by Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ABC’s The View.

But the gall of someone actually asking a serious question of the President was too much for O’Brien to bear.

“Who the hell’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck?,” O’Brien demanded to know.
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Conan O’Brien Mocks Serious Question to Obama”

CNN’s Piers Morgan: Ahmadinejad is Charming

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s Piers Morgan has now met and interviewed Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and has found himself “fascinated” with the man. He isn’t just fascinated with Ahmadinejad, the man famous for his wish to kill all Jews and for being a proponent of killing gays, Morgan also finds him “charming.”

Morgan claims to have “pressed” Ahmadinejad on several issues — such as gays in Iran and the existence of Israel. But if his preview of the interview is any indication, Morgan swallowed a lot of nonsense whole and without argument, too.

Morgan was quite taken with the Iranian president telling CNN’s Brooke Baldwin that Ahmadinejad is “contradictory.” Of course, most people would just say that Ahmadinejad is a liar. But not Morgan.

“He’s contradictory in this sense, Brooke. When I asked him… How would you feel, given your relentless anti-Israeli statements, how would he feel if he was to find out that one of his children was dating a Jew. And to my astonishment he said he would be perfectly OK with that. And I was surprised. It wasn’t what I was expecting.”

Come on, Piers. You can’t possibly believe that Ahmadinejad was being truthful there, can you?
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CNN’s Piers Morgan: Ahmadinejad is Charming”

Media Blasts Ryan, Acts as if AARP is Non-Partisan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week the media was all over Paul Ryan’s visit to an event with the American Association for Retired People gleefully reporting that he was booed. The media treated the whole affair as if the AARP was some non-partisan organization. But, the truth is, the AARP is no more non-partisan than any organization carrying water for the Obama administration.

Take The Hill, for instance. In its report the inside Washington newser noted that the boos Ryan received was “a clear sign of just how big a challenge Medicare poses to the Romney campaign.”

This characterization is absurd. It presents the AARP as a venue that might not boo any proposal of the reform of an over taxed government program! AARP is solidly on the side of big government – it was a leading proponent of Obamacare — and will brook no truck with anyone talking of reforming anything. Of course they’ll boo Paul Ryan.
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Media Blasts Ryan, Acts as if AARP is Non-Partisan”

Attack: CBS’ Rose Interrupts Romney Adviser Six Times in 50 Seconds

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Obama’s surrogates seem to get all the time they want on network TV to spew out talking points and push their desired narrative, Romney surrogates aren’t so lucky. Witness the otherwise soft spoken Charlie Rose of CBS who didn’t seem willing to allow Romney spokesman Dan Senor to get a word in edgewise without Rose’s constant interruptions. shockingly, Rose interrupted Senor six times in 50 seconds during a recent CBS This Morning interview.

Rose asked Romney’s adviser what would be the “first thing” Romney would do about Iran and its “effort to have a nuclear capacity.”
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Attack: CBS’ Rose Interrupts Romney Adviser Six Times in 50 Seconds”

In Mocking Undecided Voters SNL Misspells ‘Responsible’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Saturday Night Live made an error just as it was making fun of voters that are so stupid that they are still undecided about this coming presidential election and it doesn’t seem that the error was part of the joke.

The segment was set up as a fake Public Service Announcement, one featuring the confused ramblings of the “Low-Information Voters of America.”

These “low-information voters” were clueless about the whole election, so stupid that they didn’t even know who was currently president and if women were allowed to vote.

All in all, a fairly funny little faux PSA.

But the error, unless it was supposed to be part of the joke, comes in at the end of the video. There, at the bottom of the screen you’ll see a “claimer,” the sort you’d see at the end of a PSA that tells the viewer who is claiming responsibility for the ad.
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In Mocking Undecided Voters SNL Misspells ‘Responsible’”

After NBC Dumps Ann Curry, Matt Lauer’s Popularity Rating in Freefall

-By Warner Todd Huston

Matt Lauer was once one of the most popular hosts of the Today show, but two months after NBC execs fired co-host Ann Curry, Lauer’s “Q Score” has taken a major hit.

Since last year, Lauer’s Q Score has fallen 25 percent according to the survey used to rate products and media personalities.

“Is it only 25 percent? Because it actually feels much worse,” Lauer told the Daily News.

Today show insiders claim that Lauer is being “unfairly” blamed for the abrupt firing of Ann Curry in June, but at the time there were many reports that Lauer was unhappy with co-host Curry and that their personalities didn’t mesh.

Ratings for the once powerful Today show have been shaky since Curry took over as co-host in 2011, but even after Curry was fired and Savannah Guthrie took her spot, ratings have continued to slide.

Obviously the way NBC handled the firing of Curry has done serious damage both to the Today show and to Matt Lauer’s popularity.
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After NBC Dumps Ann Curry, Matt Lauer’s Popularity Rating in Freefall”

Rupert Murdoch’s Son, James, to Take Expanded Role is US

-By Warner Todd Huston

James Murdoch, son of famed media mogul Rupert Murdoch, is poised to take over News Corp’s U.S. Television holdings just as a new report in Britain criticizes his stewardship of holdings in the UK.

It has been reported that James Murdoch is about to take over full responsibility of Fox Networks Group, which includes the Fox broadcast TV network, and cable channels such as FX and National Geographic, but not the Fox News Channel.

But as news of possible new responsibilities in America broke, James was criticized heavily by a report put out by Ofcam, an independent agency responsible to set regulations for the communications industry in the UK.
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Rupert Murdoch’s Son, James, to Take Expanded Role is US”

L.A. Times Still Refusing to Release Video of Obama’s Party With Radical Islamists

-By Warner Todd Huston

The L.A. Times persists in hiding from the public a 2003 video of Barack Obama attending a party for radical Islamist activist Rashid Khalidi, a video that supposedly features extreme anti-Semitic rhetoric. Yet, with criticism stinging, the Times has issued a rather feeble reason for keeping that important video secret from the American people.

They are “keeping a promise,” we are told, to protect a “confidential source.”

This is what L.A. Times VP for communications Nancy Sullivan told The Blaze this week.

In April 2008, the Los Angeles Times reported first, and in explicit detail about the dinner event and the tape of it. More than six months later, just days before the November 2008 election, the McCain Campaign demanded the public release of the tape. As we stated then, The Times did not publish the videotape because it was provided for review by a confidential source who did so on the condition that we not publish the tape itself. The Times keeps its promises to sources and nothing has changed in that regard.

Amusingly, Sullivan also said that as far as she knew, The Blaze was the only ones asking about the tape.

Obviously Sullivan is uninformed. The folks at Breitbart have offered $100,000 for a copy of that video. Are we really expected to believe Sullivan hasn’t heard of this offer?
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L.A. Times Still Refusing to Release Video of Obama’s Party With Radical Islamists”

CNN’s Blitzer Says Letterman Better for Obama Than Israel

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the Middle East erupts in flames and as his foreign policy scheme is burned up with it, President Obama refused a meeting with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and instead went on the David Letterman show. One might think the President’s neglect of his duty was a bad thing, but apparently it was perfectly fine with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

On Sept. 19, during an America’s Choice 2012 segment on CNN’s Newsroom, Wolf Blitzer was full of words of understanding for Obama’s choice of Letterman over Israel’s Prime Minister. It just made good sense, Blitzer imagined, for Obama to ignore his duties as America’s director of foreign policy in order to go on a late-night comedy show.

Apparently Blitzer understood perfectly that getting votes should take precedence over foreign policy.

“In the scheme of things, who is going to get you more votes? A meeting that could be tense with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or go on Letterman and come across as well as he did last night.”

With friends in the Old Media like Wolf Blitzer, why does Obama need his own media team at all?
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CNN’s Blitzer Says Letterman Better for Obama Than Israel”

One Down: Emory University to End Journalism Program

-By Warner Todd Huston

As more and more newspapers turn off their printing presses for good and more journalists are fired or laid off, expect to see more universities and colleges following Emory University’s lead by closing down journalism programs.

Claiming that the shuttering was, “designed to enhance areas of distinction, transform areas of excellence into areas of eminence, and allocate resources to invest in important new and emerging growth areas,” Emory abruptly announced the pending program changes last Friday.

Of course, some J-students are none too happy about the announcement and several got together to pen a complaint letter.
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One Down: Emory University to End Journalism Program”

NFL Pulls Ref From Game Over ‘Open Rooting,’ Will Media?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The National Football League seems to have done it right. For last Sunday’s Saints vs Panthers game, the NFL pulled a referee from the game because they were alerted to his Facebook page that showed he was a big fan of the Saints. One wonders if the Old Media establishment should do the same thing with its political coverage?

NFL side judge Brian Stropolo was pulled from the game and replaced by alternate Tim Keese after the league found out that Stropolo had posted photos of himself in Saints gear on his Facebook page.

The League felt it was a clear conflict of interest and decided that the ref could not be a fair judge of a game featuring his favorite team.

One would hope that the Old Media would take a lesson from the NFL. Shouldn’t the media bench anyone that is blatantly rooting for Obama and the Democrats?
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NFL Pulls Ref From Game Over ‘Open Rooting,’ Will Media?”

CNN’s Peter Hamby: Team Obama’s Propagandist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Peter Hamby of CNN seems to have dropped all pretense of being an unbiased journalist. Not only is he tweeting out the donations page of Obama’s campaign website, but he is also Tweeting that Paul Ryan is a neo-Confederate, or something.

Last week Hamby indulged his inner partisan at least twice on his Twitter account. The first time was on Sept. 13 when he was reporting on an Obama appearance in Wisconsin. Hamby noted that Obama was going to Milwaukee and in his Tweet also gave out the Obama donations page address.

Wisconsin officially a battleground: President Barack Obama going to Milwaukee next weekend >…

I guess helping team Obama raise money for his re-election campaign is now considered to be “journalism.”
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CNN’s Peter Hamby: Team Obama’s Propagandist”

No Pledge of Allegiance: NPR Reporter Places His Job Above Country

-By Warner Todd Huston

NPR’s Ari Shapiro doesn’t stand for the national anthem and won’t recite the pledge of allegiance. Why? Because he places his position as a “journalist” above love of county. But, one wonders, does Shapiro understand that without this country he wouldn’t be free to be a journalist?

On his NPR blog, Shapiro was thoroughly pleased with himself for imagining that a job was more important than his country, so much so that he thought enlightening the world with the debate on his Twitter account over his lack of patriotism was warranted.

The NPR reporter noted that at a recent Romney rally he was one of the few that refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and that refusal made him take to Twitter with his anti-patriotism position.
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No Pledge of Allegiance: NPR Reporter Places His Job Above Country”

Joe Klein Desperate to Change Debate From Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures

-By Warner Todd Huston

As our embassies burn and our foreign officers are being murdered overseas, TIME Magazine’s Joe Klein is desperate to change the current narrative of Obama’s major failures in the Middle East. So, in his latest piece, Klein wants to go back to talking about Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts healthcare policies.

Who can blame Klein for trying this? After all, from the Obama-loving media’s perspective talking about Mitt Romney’s garbled healthcare positions is a better plan than talking about Obama telling Egypt they aren’t our ally, Obama skipping all his intelligence briefings so he can go golfing and attend fundraisers, and his administration’s utter failure to detect the coordinated attacks that were perpetrated against our embassies and foreign service personnel in the Middle East on Sept. 11 and 12.

But what makes Klein’s “The Mitt Mirage” so laughable is his blindly partisan assertions that the Democrat national convention was “extremely successful.” This is a silly claim that even many of his own compadres in the Old Media establishment can’t force themselves to say.
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Joe Klein Desperate to Change Debate From Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures”

Just What We Need: More Lefty Magazines to Cover Elections

-By Warner Todd Huston

As if there wasn’t enough shilling going on for Obama in the entertainment/publishing/news industry, word is that a whole line up of Magazines are starting new efforts to cover the 2012 elections.

President Obama was criticized last month for avoiding traditional news outlets even while giving puffball interviews to the likes of Glamour magazine. But Glamour’s interview was an example of a magazine that usually doesn’t bother much with politics but that is now getting more involved for 2012.

For Glamour it’s all about pushing the left’s claim that the GOP is indulging a “war on women.” Said Glamour editor in chief Cindi Leive, “There’s a lot of meat there for us to cover.”

Another women’s magazine, Cosmopolitan, also jumped into politics this year to push the left’s favorite women’s issues.
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Just What We Need: More Lefty Magazines to Cover Elections”

CNN Hides Facts: Cairo Riots Not About ‘Offensive’ American Movie, But Freedom of Blind Sheik The Goal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just before the crowd in Cairo, Egypt erupted in violence against the U.S. embassy there, CNN’s cameras were in the capital interviewing protesters who said that the main purpose for their protest was to have Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman (known as the ‘Blind Sheik’) released from a U.S. prison. Yet as soon as the riots began, CNN began to push the false story that the riots were sparked by some low-budget American movie that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad.

The very day before rioters stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, CNN’s Nic Robertson filmed an interview with a handful of Islamists right outside the U.S. embassy. One of those protesters that CNN interviewed was the Blind Sheik’s brother, Mohamed al Zawahiri.

The Blind Sheik’s brother had an absurd “peace plan” proposal that he thought would end the blood shed between Muslims and the west and it was this so-called plan for peace that formed the basis for CNN’s report. But what is more interesting about the interview was that it serves as proof that the riots that happened hours later were not about any movie but were started in order to push for the release of The Blind Sheik.

Egyptian President Morsi has in the past expressed solidarity with Sheik Abdel-Rahman claiming that as Egypt’s president he’d work to have the U.S. free the terrorist. Morsi claimed this only two months ago proving that the release of Abdel-Rahman has been a key issue in his country.
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CNN Hides Facts: Cairo Riots Not About ‘Offensive’ American Movie, But Freedom of Blind Sheik The Goal”

Roll Call Claims a ‘Republican Split’ Over Romney Embassy Comments, Offers no Examples

-By Warner Todd Huston

Along with the rest of the Old Media establishment, Washington D.C.-based newspaper Roll Call also attacked Mitt Romney for having dared to criticize the Obama administration for its failures in the Middle East after the attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Libya. To push the anti-Romney narrative, Roll Call claimed that a “rift” had developed among Republicans over Romney’s reaction. Strangely, the Capitol Hill newser didn’t offer much by way of proof that such a rift exists

Immediately after the attack in Cairo, Egypt, our embassy released an ill advised statement that essentially blamed America’s tradition of free speech for the violence. Mitt Romney immediately responded that this was a “disgraceful” statement for a U.S. embassy to make and criticized the Obama administration for it.

After all, America’s embassies operate under the control of the President of the United States and when an embassy speaks it is rightfully assumed that they are speaking with the President’s voice.
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Roll Call Claims a ‘Republican Split’ Over Romney Embassy Comments, Offers no Examples”

NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA

-By Warner Todd Huston

When “journalists” confront conservatives, typically every claim, statistic, or assertion is challenged, but when talking to kindred spirits, reporters allow any manner of claim to pass by unchallenged. Such is the case with NBC’s interview of spokesmen for CAIR who, without any proof, were allowed to claim that “a spike in hate” against Muslims was occurring in the U.S.A.

Jim Gold of NBC News spends the more than half of his recent report giving spokesmen for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) all the room they needed to make the claim that after the Muslim rioters attacked American embassies in Egypt and Libya, they have seen more calls to their offices reporting hate crimes and discrimination against Muslims in the U.S.

Naturally, Mr. Gold never bothers to ask these Muslim activists for any proof of their claim. He just reports it straight as if it is simply a fact. If this were conservatives making such a statement, Gold would never allow the claim to be taken as Gospel truth without challenge like he did here. He would have had “experts” included in the story to rebut the conservative’s claims. But Gold did not seem interested in such “balance,” here.
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NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA”

Baltimore Sun, Pitying Man Who Passed AIDS to Teen

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Baltimore Sun published a story this month revealing sympathy for a man being prosecuted for having passed the AIDS virus to a 13-year-old Maryland boy. Not sympathy for having done this horrid deed, of course, but sympathy for, in the Sun’s opinion, his being “over charged” by state prosecutors for the separate crime of knowingly passing the virus to the child, a felony under state law.

The 36-year-old man, one Steven Douglas Podles, contacted the boy through a gay hook-up phone ap called “Grindr.” He blithely claimed that all users of the ap are “supposed” to be 18, so he assumed the boy was of age. Regardless the state has charged him with a series of sex crimes including a little-used law that criminalizes the passing of the AIDS virus to unaware victims.

33 states, including Maryland, have made transmission of the HIV virus a crime and some defendants have been charged with attempted murder based on such statutes.

The Sun’s piece is mostly an excoriation of the whole idea of making it a crime to purposefully pass the HIV virus to unsuspecting partners.
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Baltimore Sun, Pitying Man Who Passed AIDS to Teen”

HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens

-By Warner Todd Huston

Huffington Post contributor Sharmine Narwani took the occasion of the murder of our ambassador to Libya to launch into an anti-American diatribe that culminated in her asking why she is supposed to care about Ambassador Chris Stevens’ death or that of the other two killed with him.

Sharmine Narwani, who is also a correspondent for Al Jezeera and an associate at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, took to her Twitter account on Wednesday after it was reported that Ambassador Stevens was murdered by a rioting Islamist crowd in Benghazi, Libya.

100s of 1,000s of Arabs & Muslims slaughtered by American troops. Tell me again why I should care about whatshisname-plus-three?

Almost immediately Twitter followers began to attack the HuffPo blogger for her callousness. But Narwani was unapologetic. At one point she asked a detractor why he questioned her “logic” just because it was different from his. “His life,” she said of the ambassador, “does not hold any more weight than another.”
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HuffPo Contributor: ‘Why Should I Care’ About Death of Ambassador Stevens”