‘Politico’ Lies About Mike Huckabee Quote

-By Warner Todd Huston

For some reason, Politico felt it had to commit an outright lie about something Mike Huckabee said recently. In fact, they didn’t just invent the quote, Politico even invented the context in which he said it! Talk about media bias.

First of all let me say that I am not a supporter of Mike Huckabee. It isn’t likely that I would vote for him in a primary, though I would vote for him over a Democrat in the unlikely case that he should become the GOP nominee. So, I don’t come to this as an outrageously, outraged Huckabee supporter.

That said, let’s take a look at what Politico posted to Twitter to advertise a piece written by their Adam Lerner.

Just look at that headline tease. It says that Mike Huckabee called women at Fox News “trashy.”
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‘Politico’ Lies About Mike Huckabee Quote”

[VIDEO] How The Democrats are Lying About Huckabee’s ‘Women’s Libido’ Comment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mike Huckabee did not say a single thing that was outrageous during his remarks to an RNC winter meeting on January 23. But that won’t stop the Old Media complex from lying about his comments and desperately trying to spin his comments as some sort of attack on women. It was, in fact, just the opposite.

Left-wing spin artists that pretend to be journalists, like CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Dana Bash, immediately launched into an attack on Huckabee as if he was disparaging women or attacking their rights–because, you know, Republicans hate women, and all.

Bash most especially immediately lied about Huckabee’s comments, mischaracterizing them so badly that one would think she didn’t actually hear the comments and is only regurgitating the lies spread by extremists that she picked up on the Internet.

It’s bad enough that “reporter” Bash followed the left-wing attack machine’s lie-filled narrative but it’s worse because she was actually in the audience and heard Huckabee first hand.

This so-called reporter jumped to her Twitter account and wrote the following: “At Rnc meeting @MikeHuckabee just said fed govt shouldn’t help women w who can’t control their libido w birth control.”
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[VIDEO] How The Democrats are Lying About Huckabee’s ‘Women’s Libido’ Comment”

Mom of Slain Son Bids Hillary Clinton a Happy Mother’s Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Pat Smith’s son, Sean, was murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Libya (9/11/12) thanks to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s negligence. On Sunday, she has a message for Obama and Hillary.

“I want to wish Hillary a Happy Mother’s Day,” Smith said. “She has her child. I don’t have mine because of her.”

Mrs. Smith appeared on the Mike Huckabee show on Sunday, May 12, to deliver her message.

Huckabee asked Smith if she was comforted at all by the Congressional hearings about the attacks.

“Absolutely not. I am still waiting to answers to just about everything,” she said.

Happy Mother’s Day, indeed.
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Mom of Slain Son Bids Hillary Clinton a Happy Mother’s Day”

Uh Oh! Mike Huckabee Opens First Radio Show With Planted, Shill Caller

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday former Arkansas Governor and former GOP candidate for President Mike Huckabee started his new nationally syndicated radio talk show. Unfortunately, his first “caller” hit quite a sour note starting the show off with a less than auspicious beginning.

The caller, a “Mike from San Francisco,” happened to be a staged, shill caller, one that Huckabee unethically foisted on his listeners as just a random caller.

Jeffrey Lord has the scoop over at The American Spectator, but essentially what seems to have happened is that “Mike from San Francisco” is in reality Mike McVay, the senior vice president of programming for the Cumulus Media Network and Huckabee’s boss.
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Uh Oh! Mike Huckabee Opens First Radio Show With Planted, Shill Caller”