NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Close on the tail of news that NBC Today show host Matt Lauer has suffered severely in popularity polls since the network unceremoniously dumped co-host Ann Curry, there are now reports that MSNBC panelist Willie Geist is being brought into the show’s third hour and will be an occasional substitute for Lauer on the venerable morning show.

Willie Geist has of late been a member of the panel on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program but his contract is coming to an end in September. Now Geist will join Natalie Morales, Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie in the third hour of the daily broadcast.

While known for his affable on-air demeanor, Geist is, of course, just another left-wing TV talking head.
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NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show”

After NBC Dumps Ann Curry, Matt Lauer’s Popularity Rating in Freefall

-By Warner Todd Huston

Matt Lauer was once one of the most popular hosts of the Today show, but two months after NBC execs fired co-host Ann Curry, Lauer’s “Q Score” has taken a major hit.

Since last year, Lauer’s Q Score has fallen 25 percent according to the survey used to rate products and media personalities.

“Is it only 25 percent? Because it actually feels much worse,” Lauer told the Daily News.

Today show insiders claim that Lauer is being “unfairly” blamed for the abrupt firing of Ann Curry in June, but at the time there were many reports that Lauer was unhappy with co-host Curry and that their personalities didn’t mesh.

Ratings for the once powerful Today show have been shaky since Curry took over as co-host in 2011, but even after Curry was fired and Savannah Guthrie took her spot, ratings have continued to slide.

Obviously the way NBC handled the firing of Curry has done serious damage both to the Today show and to Matt Lauer’s popularity.
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After NBC Dumps Ann Curry, Matt Lauer’s Popularity Rating in Freefall”

NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA

-By Warner Todd Huston

When “journalists” confront conservatives, typically every claim, statistic, or assertion is challenged, but when talking to kindred spirits, reporters allow any manner of claim to pass by unchallenged. Such is the case with NBC’s interview of spokesmen for CAIR who, without any proof, were allowed to claim that “a spike in hate” against Muslims was occurring in the U.S.A.

Jim Gold of NBC News spends the more than half of his recent report giving spokesmen for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) all the room they needed to make the claim that after the Muslim rioters attacked American embassies in Egypt and Libya, they have seen more calls to their offices reporting hate crimes and discrimination against Muslims in the U.S.

Naturally, Mr. Gold never bothers to ask these Muslim activists for any proof of their claim. He just reports it straight as if it is simply a fact. If this were conservatives making such a statement, Gold would never allow the claim to be taken as Gospel truth without challenge like he did here. He would have had “experts” included in the story to rebut the conservative’s claims. But Gold did not seem interested in such “balance,” here.
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NBC Pushes Unproven Claims of ‘Anti-Muslim Incidents’ In USA”

NBC Gave Dem’s Convention 25% More Coverage Than GOP’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new analysis of the airtime given to the national conventions of our two major political parties over the last several weeks reveals that NBC violated that oft repeated desire for “fairness” by giving the Democrat convention 25 percent more coverage than they did the Republican’s event.

The analysis showed that NBC dedicated 121 minutes to coverage of the Democrat convention, but only 97 minutes to the Republicans. The Today show gave 30 percent more coverage to the Democrats clocking in at 87 minutes for the DNC and 67 for the RNC. The Nightly News also gave a slight edge to the Dems by a four minute margin.

On the other hand, other networks did not perpetrate such disparity.
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NBC Gave Dem’s Convention 25% More Coverage Than GOP’s”

NBC Skips 9/11 Moment of Silence to Talk Breast Implants with Kardashian

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning after 8AM Eastern most of the networks observed a moment of silence to commemorate the terror attacks that hit the Big Apple on Sept 11, 2001. But not NBC. No, NBC thought it would be much for fun to talk about boobs with a Kardashian.

ABC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC and CNN all took a moment out of their busy broadcast mornings to observe the moment of silence for those who fell that day.

But NBC skipped the moment of silence and aired an interview with “Momager” Kris Jenner, mother of the famous Kardashian clan. Famous for being Kardashians and for creating ex tapes, that is.

The NBC folks talked breast implants while everyone else was thinking of the victims of 9/11.

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NBC Skips 9/11 Moment of Silence to Talk Breast Implants with Kardashian”

NBC’s Absurdly Rosy Jobs Reporting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Friday morning’s Today show on NBC did its best to paint the most rosy scenario possible on Obama’s latest dismal jobs report. Attempting to inoculate Obama from this economic downturn, host Matt Lauer said that analysts he had “been reading” claimed that the economy will add up to 12 million new jobs, “no matter who is president in the next four years.”

This has already been the worst economic recovery since The Great Depression, but on Friday Lauer and CNBC analyst Jim Cramer put the best face on it they could with Cramer chipping in that there is “pent-up demand” that is sure to break soon. This disastrous economic and jobs climate is “not such a bad moment,” Cramer claimed.

In fact, Lauer tried to massage the news into a “party atmosphere.”
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NBC’s Absurdly Rosy Jobs Reporting”

NBC Nightly News: Ignores Republican Delight About VP Pick, Says Ryan Got ‘Not So Warm Welcome’

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday’s broadcast of NBC’s Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams and reporter Peter Alexander made to look at Rep. Paul Ryan’s first few days on the hustings as Mitt Romney’s new VP pick. And what did they see? They didn’t see the almost universal praise by conservatives and Republicans alike, no, what they saw instead was a “not so warm welcome to the Big Leagues” for Paul Ryan.

There have thus far been few, substantive complaints about Paul Ryan from the GOP rank and file or from conservative leaders or conservative commentators. Ryan premiered to solid positive poll ratings, the first major poll featuring the VP pick sees Ryan at 50% approval, a very solid debut rating, and a past poll even found that Ryan is doing well with seniors — exactly the voters that Obama is trying to frighten to death with his obscene campaign rhetoric.

But praise and excitement for Ryan is not what NBC wants people to believe about the Paul Ryan pick. NBC wants people to fear Ryan, to feel he’s “controversial,” and unpopular.
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NBC Nightly News: Ignores Republican Delight About VP Pick, Says Ryan Got ‘Not So Warm Welcome’”

After Days Big Networks/CNN Finally Notice Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Remarks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Strangely enough it took four to five long days for CNN and the big three networks to notice that Obama told his audience at a Virginia campaign rally that business owners and other successful Americans aren’t responsible for their own success. Worse, it took advisors for Mitt Romney to comment before these news organizations deigned to report on the incident.

In Roanoke, Virginia on Friday, July 13, the President said to business owners, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” causing an uproar on both sides of the aisle as Republicans expressed shock at Obama’s comments and liberals defended the President’s anti-business remarks.

Obama’s off-script comments, alternately considered a gaffe and his true feelings emerging, quickly became the talk of the Internet and talk radio. But ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN don’t seem to have uttered a word about the controversy until days later.
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After Days Big Networks/CNN Finally Notice Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Remarks”

Ratings Smackdown: Savannah Guthrie’s ‘Today’ Debut Beat by ‘GMA’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week ABC’s morning show, Good Morning America, had it’s best Monday morning ratings in the 25-54 demo since 2006. Significantly, this same Monday was the official debut morning of Savannah Guthrie as the official new co-host of NBC’s Today,

Today is usually the morning ratings powerhouse and Guthrie has had a week already to impress viewers, but apparently she has yet to make the case.

Guthrie had been “filling in” for fired co-host Ann Curry for the past week, but this Monday was her official debut as Matt Lauer’s co-host. Despite the special occasion, Today lost its usual dominance of the morning ratings game.
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Ratings Smackdown: Savannah Guthrie’s ‘Today’ Debut Beat by ‘GMA’”

Savannah Guthrie Replacing Ann Curry on TODAY, What Can We Expect?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Media watchers are announcing that Savannah Guthrie has been tapped to replace the departed Ann Curry on NBC’s long-running morning show, Today. So, what can we say of Guthrie? What has she done before to prepare us for her role at Today?

Will Guthrie be that long-awaited “unbiased” denizen of NBC, the one that will bring credibility to Today? My Magic 8 Ball reads Don’t count on it.

In fact, Guthrie has already been called out over the years by media watchers for biased interviews and comments. Here are just a few of them.

Only just this week, Guthrie was heard to gush over Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts’ decision to Okay Obamacare by happily noting that he cares more about the Court’s “credibility” than he does questions of the Constitution. She also ascribed the wisdom of Solomon to him calling his opinion a “Solomonic decision.”

But, let’s harken back to the early GOP primary campaign when leading figure Jon “1%” Huntsman was continually pushed by the media as the perfect GOP candidate despite that he could never actually get any GOP votes. Last Sept., in an interview with Mr. Moderate, Guthrie decided to help him tip in his mushy middle bona fides by asking Hunstsman this leading and assuredly unbiased question:
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Savannah Guthrie Replacing Ann Curry on TODAY, What Can We Expect?”

NBC Uses Che Guevara-Loving Illegal Immigration Activist to Denounce Arizona

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a report on the recent Supreme Court decision reversing parts of Arizona’s immigration law, NBC’s Matt Taibbi gave extensive airtime to an activist for illegal immigration. The woman was shown sitting in a room prominently featuring a poster of Cuban communist, terrorist and murderer, Che Guevara, and among other activists wearing “Legalize Arizona” t-shirts. Yet, NBC labeled this woman a mere housewife and mother without noting her status as essentially a lobbyist against America’s immigration laws.

Taibbi sympathetically portrayed Mrs. Leticia Ramirez as “a mother” who just happens to have “been in this country illegally for over a decade,” and a woman just trying to be a good citizen.

Mrs. Ramirez, wearing an activist t-shirt that says “Arrest Arpaio, Not The People; End Police and ICE Collaboration,” said she is worried that the Supreme Court decision will cause fear in her illegal community.

It’s going to affect the whole community because they’re not going to be able to go out, have a normal life. They’re going to be afraid that if we go out they might – we might get stopped just for your color.

Of course, the fact is that laws governing immigration are supposed to do just that, make lawbreakers fear their status. Tougher laws are successful in making illegal entrants self deport. That is why they work.
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NBC Uses Che Guevara-Loving Illegal Immigration Activist to Denounce Arizona”

NBC Dumps Corey Booker, Punishes Out Spoken Black Democrat for Disagreeing With Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Newark, New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker is apparently now washed up. He went from being one of the most prominent up-and-coming black Democrats to being on the outside looking in merely because he said something that diverges from Obama’s war on capitalism. Now even NBC is kicking him out of its Meet The Press studios. Yep, ol’ Corey is finished.

Only two weeks after Mr. Booker demurred from attacking Mitt Romney, Bain Capitol, venture capitalists, private equity — heck, even capitalism in general — NBC has replaced Booker with another black politician that will better pay fealty to Obama’s campaign for a second term, one that is based on a war on capitalism.

For Meet The Press, out is Corey Booker and now in is Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed.

Booker made himself a target of the media, leftists, and Obama supporters everywhere a few weeks ago by telling the audience of Meet The Press that all these attacks on capitalism perpetrated by Obama and his surrogates was “nauseating.”
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NBC Dumps Corey Booker, Punishes Out Spoken Black Democrat for Disagreeing With Obama”

ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries’… Ooops, there’s only 195 Countries

-By Warner Todd Huston

Showing that the people that sit in front of the cameras at the Networks aren’t really journalists, but are merely pleasant looking readers of Teleprompters, Diane Sawyer of ABC News sonorously informed readers that the Occupy-Whatever protests have now “spread to 1,000 countries.”

Speaking of Wall Street, we thought we’d bring you up to date on those protesters, the Occupy Wall Street movement. As of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries — every continent but Antarctica.

Only there’s a small problem with that claim. There’s only 195 countries in the world.

The coverage of these disjointed, hollow, and pointless Occupy-Whatever protests have received is far more positive and extensive than the Tea Party protests ever got. This particular report is a perfect example of this bias.
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ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries’… Ooops, there’s only 195 Countries”

ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sadly, ABC’s The View is what passes for as “intelligent” conversation on TV, these days. The View yacker Joy Behar’s blather is also indicative of the historical illiteracy of the far left in this country.

Herman Cain made an appearance on the coffee klatch show today and genius Behar had this comment about the history of the Republican Party for him:

The Republican Party hasn’t been black friendly over the many centuries in this country.

This comment is ignorant in a million ways.
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ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate”

Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent

-By Warner Todd Huston

Kerry Picket had an interesting report in the Washington Times on the 28th. Apparently President Obama’s uncle Omar, an illegal alien living in Massachusetts, was arrested for drunk driving after smashing into a police car in Framingham.

Picket also reports that the 67-year-old uncle Omar tried to, or at least wanted to, call the White House to get Barack’s help with the charges after he was arrested.

Picket writes, “I spoke to Framingham Public Information Officer Lieutenant Delaney who told me that when Onyango Obama was asked at booking if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, the Kenyan immigrant replied: ‘I think I will call the White House.'”

The president’s uncle, O. Onyango Obama, was mentioned in his book “Dreams From My Father” where Barack says that uncle Omar moved to the USA “25 years ago and never came back.” He’s been here for decades, living illegally the whole time.

It seems that uncle Omar’s time has run out, though. He’s now being held on an ICE warrant. Let’s see if he gets deported.
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Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent”

CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The latest issue of Capitol File magazine has a glowing feature on CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Norah O’Donnell. In it she claims that past journalists that have filled the role of chief White House correspondent for a major network have been “legendary” and “the very best” in the field. Of this “very best” she laughably elevates discredited CBS News anchor Dan Rather into that pantheon.

Capitol File is a magazine that focuses on D.C. elites, the movers and shakers, the bight lights in the City On The Hill. In it’s pages you will see all the beautiful people of Washington D.C. It is, we are told, “a place for power and politics, CAPITOL FILE chronicles and celebrates the most influential players, cultural connoisseurs, fashion sophisticates, and philanthropic leaders in the Washington, DC metropolitan region.”

Apparently Norah O’Donnell is an “influential player” now that she’s been raised up to the role of chief WH correspondent of a major network… even as those same networks have lost so much of their once all encompassing national influence.
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CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’”

Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC

-By Warner Todd Huston

All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd.

Todd is one of those journos that came from Democrat political circles — having worked for Iowa Democrat Senator Tom Harkin’s 1992 presidential run — and then crossed over into the world of “journalism.” With that you just know that he can be as unbiased as the best of them in his reporting. Well, if he can we’ll never know it because so far he has not been. Just the opposite, really.

Todd has done a bang-up job for the left in his journalism career. Likely Todd’s loyalty to the Democrat Party is probably why he felt the need to slam Senator Joe Lieberman last year, for instance. Proving his blindness to real political analysis, Todd claimed that Joe Lieberman was the “polar opposite” of the Senate’s lone socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (officially an “independent”).
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Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC

NBC’s Viera Scolding Scott Brown on Today Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Meridith Viera seemed a bit annoyed that she was interviewing the newly elected Republican Scott Brown instead of Democrat Martha Coakley now that Massachusetts voters made their choice in the Tuesday special election for the open Senate seat there.

Viera did her level best to phrase the results of the election in an agenda driven way but Scott Brown wasn’t taking the bait. In fact, he proved exactly why he was elected over the bumbling Coakley. He refused to accept Viera’s lefty narrative and restated the day’s events with his own, positive message.

Viera started out trying to get Brown to admit that the only reason he won is because Martha Coakley made so many mistakes in her campaign. This was an effort to make less of Brown’s win by saying that the voters didn’t really vote for him at all. Viera asked, “… do you think that your victory was a result of missteps by your opponent or did you tap into something that the Democrats didn’t get about the voters?”
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NBC’s Viera Scolding Scott Brown on Today Show”

NBCs Brian Williams Calls Internet ‘Comic Element of Our Society’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently Brian Williams does not hold the Internet in very high esteem. One easily understands this from his comments about the political Internet on the morning of October 9 when Williams took a swipe at the blogoshpere, pundits and the “opinion-based economy” — whatever the later is.

In a follow-up segment after NBC aired President Obama’s Rose Garden comments about the awarding of the Nobel Prize, Williams turned to NBCs Chuck Todd for commentary. As he introduced Todd, Williams said:

And Chuck Todd remains at the White House. Chuck, the way our society and civilization is set up now, it’s almost as if — we’re heading into a weekend now — the comic element of our society — the blogosphere, pundits, the opinion-based economy in the United States — will now just get a free shot and have at it for the next three days at least.

So, all of the blogosphere, pundits, and that “opinion-based economy” is “the comic element of our society”?

While the Old Media is increasingly scooped by the new media, it is interesting to see Williams dismiss the new medium as merely “the comic element in our society.”

Presumably he rates himself and his network news-based economy is somehow better than the “comic element of our society.”
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NBCs Brian Williams Calls Internet ‘Comic Element of Our Society’”

NBC’s Gregory Assumes Liberal Argument for Healthcare, Raises ‘Right Wing Conspiracy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a Meet the Press interview with Bill Clinton on September 27, NBC’s David Gregory seemed to assume as accepted fact that the only way to fix healthcare was for Americans to “pay higher taxes.” He also asked the former chief executive if the “vast right wing conspiracy” that his wife bemoaned in 1998 was now in high gear attacking President Obama.

During the interview, Gregory brought up the “big challenges” that Obama was facing, particularly with the healthcare issue. In his question, though, Gregory did not phrase his healthcare question by using qualifiers like “Obama says,” or “Democrats claim.” He seemed to simply take the president’s position as accepted fact without qualifiers.

On healthcare, Gregory asked Clinton if Obama was doing a good job. “And on health care, as this debate rolls through,” Gregory asked, ” do you think the President has leveled with the American people on this fact, that Americans are going to have to pay higher taxes if they want health care reform?”

Notice that Gregory asked Clinton if Obama had done a good job leveling with the American people on “this fact” and that we are “going to have to pay higher taxes” to get that reform? Gregory didn’t say, for instance, that Obama “feels” that the only way to reform healthcare is to pay higher taxes. In essence, Gregory asked his question assuming that Obama’s position is essentially true.
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NBC’s Gregory Assumes Liberal Argument for Healthcare, Raises ‘Right Wing Conspiracy’”

Outrageous: Brokaw Wonders What Israel Can ‘Learn’ From Buchenwald And ‘Their Treatment of Palestinians’

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below The Fold**

The folks at Powerline realized the implications of an outrageous news clip featuring NBC’s Tom Brokaw conducting an interview with the Obammessiah. Apparently, this hard news journalist thought he’d get deep and ask a pertinent question about Israel, the Palestinians, and just what it might be that the Jews can learn from Obama’s visit to Buchenwald and how they should treat Palestinians and stuff about Nazis or something.

Seriously, what sort of historical ignorance does it take for someone to ask what Jews can learn about Buchenwald from a guy that has never visited the place before now, never had any intimate or even cultural connection to it, and wasn’t even alive when it was a Nazi terror to the Jewish world? I mean, is Brokaw insinuating that the Jews did not learn anything from their own “visit” to Buchenwald?

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Outrageous: Brokaw Wonders What Israel Can ‘Learn’ From Buchenwald And ‘Their Treatment of Palestinians’”

Today Show Feature: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Virginity’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jessica Valenti, founder of the vaguely pornographic sounding Feministing.com, has decided that there is no such thing as virginity in America’s young girls and the Today Show is entirely pleased with itself to give her a national TV venue from which to say so. Never mind how silly it all sounds.

On April 22 Valenti and Today pushed the idea that sexually active girls should not be thought of as a problem, that an expectation of virginity is harmful, and that religion is a baneful influence on young women today. Valenti says that if young men can have their sexual exploits given a wink and a nod, then so should the sexual activity of young girls.

Naturally, being a good left-wing, feminist, Valenti draws all the wrong conclusions and advocates all the worst solutions to address the real problems in American society. Just as naturally, NBC gives a legitimate stage for her absurd proclamations and ill-thought-out prescriptions.

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NBC Suits Warn CNBC Staff Against ‘Obama Bashing,’ Becoming ‘Too Conservative’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are “the suits” looking for Rick Santelli’s head?

General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt, thought to be one of Keith Olbermann’s biggest supporters, and NBC Universal President Jeff Zucker are reported to have called some of CNBC’s on-air talent to a secret meeting at least if the The New York Post’s Page Six column for April 16 has it right. The meeting was called to scold the cable yackers for being too harsh on the Obammessiah, with the duo ala Jeffs warning that CNBC is turning into “the Obama bashing network” and that the cable outlet is becoming “too conservative.”

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NBC Suits Warn CNBC Staff Against ‘Obama Bashing,’ Becoming ‘Too Conservative’”

NBC: Obama Calls Singer Jessica Simpson Fat

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below the Fold**

Apparently, President Barack Obama thought that Jessica Simpson’s weight was something he needed to make fun of during his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer on NBC Sunday. Seriously. Obama called Jessica Simpson a fatty on national TV.

Lauer displayed for the audience the cover of a recent issue of the tabloid entertainment magazine US Weekly that featured the President’s wife and daughters and also had an insert photo pushing a story about singer Simpson.

As he viewed the cover, Obama decided to smack the singer down for being “in a weight battle.”

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NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Compares McCain/Palin’s Press Exclusion to North Korea, Forgets Same By Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrea Mitchell is mad at John McCain and Sarah Palin because the McCain camp excluded the press from Palin’s meetings with foreign officials this week. She is so upset that she as much as charged that John McCain’s treatment of the press is as bad as that of the dictatorial ruler in North Korea, Kim Jong Il.

On Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow show (MSNBC), Mitchell said that excluding the press when Palin met with foreign leaders was not “standard practice” and mentioned that in oppressive countries like Sudan and North Korea the press is often excluded. Mitchell also added that The State Department has a “standard practice” of making sure the press is included in meetings even in foreign countries. But Obama also excluded the press in his meetings with leaders in Europe this Summer, yet this fact didn’t even rate a mention by Mitchell tonight.

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NBC’s Andrea Mitchell: Only Hillary’s Uneducated Voters will Vote For Sarah Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

**Video Below the Fold**

Tom Brokaw’s Meet the Press this week was as prosaic as ever, but for one little line uttered by the increasingly partisan Andrea Mitchell. In a discussion about the McCain VP pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, guest Doris Kerns Goodwin, plagiarist/historian, said that the choice of Palin is a “very strange choice,” showing how little she bothered to even think about the facts. But the most outrageous analysis came from Mitchell who said that only uneducated, female voters will be drawn to Sarah Palin, not those smart, college educated ones.

At about 5:57 into this clip Andrea Mitchell was brought onto Meet the Press with Goodwin, David Gregory and host Tom Brokaw to tell us all that Sarah Palin will only appeal to uneducated women, not educated ones.

After Brokaw asked Mitchell what this Palin pick means to Hillary voters, we find that Mitchell took the occasion to attack instead of answer the question with serious analysis.

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NBC Questions Kobe Bryant’s Pride of Being on Team USA

-By Warner Todd Huston
**Video Below the Fold**

In a recent interview with USA Olympics basketball team member Kobe Bryant, NBC Sports reporter Chris Collinsworth seemed to question Kobe’s patriotism when the player said that he was proud to wear the team USA uniform. Wondering if it was “cool” to be proud of being on Team USA, Collinsworth seemed to surprise even Bryant with the temerity of the question. Why Collinsworth wouldn’t think it would be “cool” to be proud to be on the American Olympic basketball team is anyone’s guess.

In a portion of the interview, Kobe began to say how thrilled he was to get his Team USA uniform and that he “just stared at it” for a while in awe. Collinsworth followed that heartwarming display of patriotism with a jaw dropping series of questions. Worse, he asked these questions with an absurd smirk stealing across his face, seeming to think that he was about to join Kobe in cynicism over the evil America with his doubting Thomas questions.


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