Abercrumbie & Flitch Under Fire: Old People Should Stay Out of Malls

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abercrumbie & Flitch, the trendy fashion retailer, is under fire from customers and the media for its newest sales campaign. The retailer is calling it “Old sCOOL” and features scantily clad elderly folks modeling the store’s latest line of apparel.

Store spokesman and mastermind of the campaign, Stewart Kindly, said that the new campaign is meant to bring older customers back into the stores because, “Old people are cool, ya know?”

Mr. Kindly said that increasingly, older Americans are feeling left out of the loop in America’s malls where the retailer has most of its outlets. The chain felt that it was time to let the aged and infirm have a chance to “dress like a slut.”
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Abercrumbie & Flitch Under Fire: Old People Should Stay Out of Malls”

Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess as a youngster she was busy designing wacky, risque outfits when she should have been learning the definitions of words, but Madonna — the famed “Material Girl” — uttered a whopper recently misusing the word “irony” when she should have been using the word “hypocrite”… as in what she is.

Of course the first thought that anyone has of pop singer Madonna is sex, sex, sex. She has made her entire career on selling her sexuality. From the days of 1983’s hit “Holliday,” to photo spreads in Playboy and Penthouse, to crawling on stage like a cat in heat, to girl-on-girl kisses, and raunchy videos throughout, Madonna has made her bucks with her body with as much skin showing as possible at all times even today in her 50s.

But, suddenly mother Madonna is hopeful that her own 13-year-old daughter, Lourdes, will “dress more conservatively.” Sex is bad all of a sudden when Madonna is talking about her own child.
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Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite”

What’s So Happy About Halloween This Year?

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

The terror of ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties and things that go “Bump” in the night hasn’t got anything on the real life fright Americans are experiencing nine months into the Obama Administration. One could look at the title of this article and substitute Thanksgiving and/or Christmas too because it is only going to get worse if Obamacare is passed.

The “Pedophile Protection Act” just got signed into law as a rider to a defense spending bill. Our men are dropping like flies in Afghanistan as Obama dithers around on the golf course. US workers are losing their jobs, their homes, their currency, their privacy and if Obama unconstitutionally signs that Globalist climate control Treaty of Copenhagen in December, their sovereignty and freedom to a one world government predicated on massive redistribution of wealth to Third World countries, anarcho-tryanny through demonization of native First World populations if they fight against unrestricted immigration from hostile and aggressive foreign cultures and peoples and grotesquely criminal governmental corruption paid for by the fiscal enslavement of producing workers for generations to come.

The American Dream is turning into a nightmare but, hey, First Lady Michele Obama is on the December cover of Glamour Magazine, sans her usual boob belt, and inside chirping on about how “cute” doesn’t make it in the long haul. In light of the utter hash her husband is making of the US Presidency, perhaps we need to revisit Thomas Paine’s comment that, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” because what Barack Obama is doing to this country isn’t cute either although it has long haul repercussions.
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What’s So Happy About Halloween This Year?”

Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Summer 2009 may be half way over but there’s still time to work on that tan down by the public swimming pool. Unless, of course, you happen to live in the UK and then sunburn and tan lines will be the least of your worries. It turns out that non-Muslim recreational swimmers must adhere to sharia approved swim wear or be turned away from taxpayer funded municipal pools and state schools. It’s the UK’s latest move to accommodate its increasingly demanding, never-satisfied, always-probing-for-weaknesses Islamic community.

With such blatant favoritism guaranteed to stir up even greater antipathy towards Muslims than already exists, the politically correct pool fool administrators across the country are now insisting on sex-segregated access, that men, yes men, “…cover themselves from the navel to the knee…” and that women show only their faces, hands and feet. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t Muslim; you either wear “modest” Muslim approved dress during the days or hours designated for Muslim swimmers or you don’t so much as dip your big toe in the water.

Large, baggy swim wear for men has been a regrettable sportswear staple for years and even topping those trunks off with a tee shirt won’t impede the swimmer too much. However, on the distaff side of the equation, form fitting wet suits aren’t modest enough and Doctor Denton jammies are right out because they have drop door rear ends. So it’s the burkini for you, baby, or else!
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Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims”

Martha’s Vineyard 2009 Vacation Style Tip Do’s and Don’ts For President Obama and His Posse

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Mark Twain’s cynical comment that, “No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” is even truer today than when he first uttered those words in 1866. So, America, let’s all let out a collective sigh of relief that our increasingly kleptocratic Congress is currently in recess! Time to hit the beach and frolic in the waves just like our President and Representatives!

Oh, wait, we can’t. We’re too busy clinging to our jobs to take time off for fun, working two jobs to pay for the ever-increasing cost of living or too broke from being unemployed to go any where for vacation this year. Bummer. Guess we’ll just have to live vicariously through watching our hardly-working, always-traveling, apologist-in-Chief, President Obama, and the DC Ruling Elites splash about for us in one of America’s most exclusive, swank and expensive vacation spots ever, Martha’s Vineyard.

Beloved by preppy snobs of either party, Martha’s Vineyard is a pricey haven away from the common herd. It’s been the vacation get-away for celebrities and politicians for decades and it’s not uncommon for the likes of Kate Jackson, Steve Tyler, Reese Witherspoon, Beyoncé Knowles and Meg Ryan to bump into Senator John Kerry, President Bill Clinton and Senator Ted Kennedy.
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Martha’s Vineyard 2009 Vacation Style Tip Do’s and Don’ts For President Obama and His Posse”