Obama Advocates Domestic Violence

-By Frederick Meekins

Speaking to the perceived inequalities between the sexes in regards to domestic labor, President Obama said in an NBC interview that he thought men “need to be knocked across the head every once in a while.”

Many would brush the comments aside as the Chief Executive’s attempt at humor. However, as the nation has learned as of result of Rush Limbaugh’s failure to acquire a stake in the ownership of the Rams, some thought are so vile that they cannot be enunciated according to the NFL officials that denied the famed broadcaster this economic opportunity.

What if Obama had said every once in a while women need to be knocked across the head to be reminded of just how good they have it in this county? Given that Michelle had never felt pride in America until this past election cycle, it seems this is a lesson he has failed to get across to his little woman.

Radical feminists will respond that domestic violence against women is something its victims are so ashamed of that it can never be mentioned in a jocular manner.
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Obama Advocates Domestic Violence”

New Illinois Pro-Abortion Bill Out of Committee, Let’s STOP This Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

HB6205 was passed out of the House Human Services Committee in Springfield today, March 10, by a vote of 5 to 2. This bill is one of the most radical pro-abortion bills ever sponsored in the Illinois State House but we still have a chance to stop it by encouraging our various representatives to vote “no” on this dangerous piece of legislation.

HB6205 will put in place some of the most radical abortion rules ever in the state of Illinois should it pass. The bill would :
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New Illinois Pro-Abortion Bill Out of Committee, Let’s STOP This Bill”

And Not Once Did the New York Times Mention the Word Islam!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nicholas Kristof rightly celebrates a new book highlighting the evils of the forced marriages of pre-teen girls to older men. Kristof is also right to reveal the sordid truths about the practice of marrying off pre-teen girls and the abuse they invariably seem to suffer in the arrangement. But one word was conspicuously missing from Kristof’s NYT article, that was the word Islam.

Amazingly, Kristof spent over 800 words telling the world of this monstrous practice, even saying, “Societies that repress women tend to be prone to violence.” But in all those words, in all that castigation of such “societies” Kristof somehow forgot to mention that these practices are endemic in Islamic cultures. Not one time did the word Islam or Muslim show up among these 800 some words.

The book, “I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced,” tells the tale of a 10-year-old Yemeni girl that was in her Islamic homeland forced into a marriage with an abusive deliveryman in his 30s. Once in third grade, this poor child was yanked from school — a married woman, they told her, should not go to school — and forced into to bed of this stranger who as much as purchased her like meat from her parents.
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And Not Once Did the New York Times Mention the Word Islam!”

Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just hearing her name causes me pain and normally I wouldn’t waste a minute’s time worrying about what this vacuous little child has to say on much of anything — as is evidence by the fact that this is the first time my keyboard has shuddered out her name. However, Meghan McCain’s latest blog post is a piece of conventional wisdom that, while not unique to little Meaggie’s fallow mind (which itself is de rigeuer for the girl, sadly), it is one that has been heard since the day women began to stride into the world of western politics. However, it is one that I think no longer applies. So, I’d like to address the empty reasoning on women in politics despite that it emanated from McCain’s somewhat barren pen.

Here is McCain’s prosaic premise: The attacks on Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have made it harder for women and is proof that no woman will ever be “just right” for politics. To which anyone not looking to make excuses can only say a resounding “yeah, right.”

The simple matter of fact is that anyone that clamors for great power will stir great passions in those whom they wish to govern. And those that find wide support among the people will find that such support is ephemeral once decisions start having to be made. It doesn’t matter if the powerful is man or woman.
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Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon”

Left Abandons Women’s Rights In Favor Of Islam

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

What do aging pop-star, Madonna, and Harper’s Bazaar have in common besides an obsession with the House of Balmain? How about rank ignorance of non-Western political agendas? Madonna just got booed while on the Bulgaria section of her latest tour not for her minimal talents but for making unwarranted, politically correct statements about the status and treatment of gypsies. She pushed the tolerance line to people, who weren’t buying because they have extensive dealings with the lawlessness, crime, fraud, drug dealing, vandalism and human trafficking that have made the Romany communities notorious all over the EU.

The 2009 September issue of Harper’s Bazaar has an article titled France’s Burkha Ban Uncovered with the usual leftist tripe that banning French burkhas equals religious bigotry by the war correspondent, Janine di Giovanni, whose cost-of-war stories always seem to tilt towards being pro-Islamic and anti-Western. So when such supposedly sophisticated taste makers like Madonna and Harper’s Bazaar don’t bother to consider the ramifications of their leftist opinions, is it any wonder then that articles like Twice Branded: Western Women In Muslim Lands by Vanity Fair editor, Judy Bachrach start showing up wondering why our Western governments do not go to women’s aid when they fall victim to Islamic misogyny?
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Left Abandons Women’s Rights In Favor Of Islam”

Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Summer 2009 may be half way over but there’s still time to work on that tan down by the public swimming pool. Unless, of course, you happen to live in the UK and then sunburn and tan lines will be the least of your worries. It turns out that non-Muslim recreational swimmers must adhere to sharia approved swim wear or be turned away from taxpayer funded municipal pools and state schools. It’s the UK’s latest move to accommodate its increasingly demanding, never-satisfied, always-probing-for-weaknesses Islamic community.

With such blatant favoritism guaranteed to stir up even greater antipathy towards Muslims than already exists, the politically correct pool fool administrators across the country are now insisting on sex-segregated access, that men, yes men, “…cover themselves from the navel to the knee…” and that women show only their faces, hands and feet. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t Muslim; you either wear “modest” Muslim approved dress during the days or hours designated for Muslim swimmers or you don’t so much as dip your big toe in the water.

Large, baggy swim wear for men has been a regrettable sportswear staple for years and even topping those trunks off with a tee shirt won’t impede the swimmer too much. However, on the distaff side of the equation, form fitting wet suits aren’t modest enough and Doctor Denton jammies are right out because they have drop door rear ends. So it’s the burkini for you, baby, or else!
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Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims”

**ALERT** Hate Crimes Bill to Hit Senate This Week (Maybe Wednesday)

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Matthew Shepard Hate Crime bill (S909) is poised to hit the floor of the Senate this week, perhaps as soon as Wednesday. *Call your Senators and tell them you want this thing stopped.

This bill is an egregious example of liberal overreach. If passed we will see any manner of sexual perversions legitimized as unassailable and any crime or speech against these proclivities will be suddenly termed a “hate crime.” We will also see crimes against gays and lesbians suddenly deemed as somehow worse than crimes against straight people simply by the virtue that the victims are gay.

We will also have codified crime based on thought if this bill passes. How will a judge or prosecutor determine if “hate” was the basis for crime, anyway? How can a jury know that a gay man was beaten because he is gay as opposed to because he didn’t give a mugger his wallet? And what of religious speech against certain sexual proclivities? Will that be deemed a “hate crime” now?

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**ALERT** Hate Crimes Bill to Hit Senate This Week (Maybe Wednesday)”

LATimes: Men Secretly Sympathize With Adulterers, ‘See Sanford in Mirror’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Meghan Daum of the L.A. Times has had an epiphany. The story of adulterous South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is still in the news, she’s decided, because America’s men see themselves reflected in him. Yes, Daum apparently feels that all men are adulterers, so they sympathize with him causing the story to keep bumping along.

Daum spies some “gasp–empathy” for the governor in various corners of the Old Media and this, she has decided, must mean that there is a “tiny bit of Mark Sanford” in men across the country. One wonders if Daum spied this same lecherous “sympathy” abounding among Democrats when a certain president was wagging his finger in our faces and saying he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica”?

Betcha she didn’t. As a matter of fact, I’ll bet no such thing crossed her mind as the Clinton’s Monica-gate raged on and on.

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LATimes: Men Secretly Sympathize With Adulterers, ‘See Sanford in Mirror’”

More Stupid Feminazi Tricks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not long ago, I wrote of how the English language is being destroyed by the stupidity of feminism. Well, today I’ve found another perfect example of how feminism is making our language trite and silly.

The example turns up in a report on new prehistoric discoveries near Stonehenge, in Hampshire, England. Apparently, a pair of Neolithic tombs was discovered in the English countryside and researchers are all excited. I can’t say I blame them for this is very interesting news.

It isn’t the discovery that served as a vehicle for a stupid feminazi trick, though, but the coverage. Tucked into the story about the discovery is this line (my bold):

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More Stupid Feminazi Tricks”

Unprofessionalism at the Boston Herald: White Men Attacked

-By Warner Todd Huston

Margery Eagan of the Boston Herald has done it again. She’s unleashed her deathless prose filled with soaring rhetoric and high concepts all revealing her infinite sagacity. OK, that was just sarcasm. In truth, Eagan has given us another example of the sort of low-end, guttural, sputterings that we have become so used to seeing drip like sour milk from her pen. Her latest Boston Herald piece is a prime example of the unprofessionalism that pervades her work.

In a posting titled “Men in throes of Supreme panic,” Eagan gets into her best name calling mode against all those eeeevil “white men” out there that might find reason to oppose President Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, a woman well known for positing that female Hispanics are inherently better judges than white men — a sentiment that if reversed would be considered a racist statement.

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Unprofessionalism at the Boston Herald: White Men Attacked”

Minding The Times: An Exposition On Postmodernism, Part 1

-By Frederick Meekins

One might say the future is here — and we might want to send it back for a refund. Having waited years and wondering at times whether mankind would even survive to see the day, the world now finds itself on the other side of a new millennium. In some ways, it is everything optimistic futurists dreamed of in terms of faster modes of transportation, improved forms of medicine and almost instantaneous global communication. However, one would hardly consider it the quaint but technologically sophisticated world of George Jetson whose most formidable challenges consisted of navigating Mr. Spacely’s fickle temper and making sure Rosie the robot maid stayed adequately oiled. Instead, inhabitants of the early twenty-first century worry if their children will even return home alive from school in the evening or how much longer they have until turbaned fanatics turn the accumulated glories of Western civilization into a smoldering atomic wasteland.

Somewhere along the highway leading from intentions to actuality society seems to have taken a wrong turn and gotten lost along the way. When finding oneself in unintended surroundings while road-tripping across the country, one pulls over to the shoulder of the road to look at a map to determine where one’s navigation went astray. Likewise, when a culture begins to display signs of being out of kilter, the time has come to examine the sociological roadmap in terms of the philosophies, beliefs, and ideas individuals use to live their lives and those in authority employ to oversee events.
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Minding The Times: An Exposition On Postmodernism, Part 1″

Conservatives: Oppose Sotomayor at Your Own Risk?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few of our newly minted spokesmen for all those seemingly ubiquitous new Republican moderates out there are starting to say that if we oppose Sotomayor, we do so at our own risk. By this they mean that if we are seen to oppose a strong Hispanic woman we will be hurting our chances further with Hispanic voters. To this one can only say poppycock. Sotomayor should be opposed and vigorously but not because of anything other than her rather un-judicial judicial philosophy.

No one, not one conservative commentator or politician, cares a whit that Sotomayor is Hispanic. There simply is no expectation of opposing her because she is of Latino heritage. And so, because of this, there should be no reason whatever to shy from criticizing her qualifications and philosophy. Further, to allow moderates on our side or anyone on the left to equate our opposition to a racial objection is illegitimate and should be vociferously denied.

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Conservatives: Oppose Sotomayor at Your Own Risk?”

Feminist Grammar That Isn’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

Feminists are in essence an anti-intellectual lot. After all, the back flips they have to do to justify their anti-male crusade is an act worthy of Olympics style awards. Such are the illogical back bends that feminists must to do to justify their ideology that men become wholly unnecessary, biology and nature be damned. There are many intellectual outrages to education and tradition that feminists employ to make themselves feel superior. But I want to focus here on just one of these.

The example I’d like to discuss today is the elimination of the masculine pronoun. For those not “up” on their Strunk & White’s, the masculine pronoun is used when speaking about people generically. Example: Everyone should take his tea with milk. In this example the tea drinker is identified as “his” because a specific person or gender is not a focus, the sentence being centered on how people in general should drink tea.

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Feminist Grammar That Isn’t”

CNN/Oprah.com: Calls Sudden Lesbian Syndrome a ‘New’ Trend Without Any Proof

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oprah.com and CNN have decided that there is a growing “new” trend in American sexual relations. The two Internet giants have teamed up and have decided that increasingly “women are leaving men for other women.” Shocking news, I know. Only one little problem. Oprah.com has no proof for any such proclamation.

After the shocking headline and the first three paragraphs proclaiming a new lesbian revolution in America today, though, the piece admits that there are no real statistics to prove the thesis. The whole claim is merely based on the anecdotal stories of the “experts” that Oprah.com dug up to substantiate the tale.

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CNN/Oprah.com: Calls Sudden Lesbian Syndrome a ‘New’ Trend Without Any Proof”

Hillary Clinton, Racist Fellow-Traveler

-By Thomas E. Brewton

Secretary of State Clinton’s praise of Margaret Sanger was an endorsement for the doctrine that Hitler used to justify the Holocaust.

One of the most horrendous doctrines to emerge from Charles Darwin’s evolutionary hypothesis was the eugenics movement, instituted by his cousin, Sir Francis Galton. Today’s birth control and abortion, according to apologists for abortion, are merely eugenics updated.

Eugenicists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, denying God as the creator and designer of the universe, asserted that evolution of species was, according to the Darwinian hypothesis, without design. Unstructured evolution among humans, however, could result in mongrelization of the human race, they said. Eugenics thus may be described as Darwinian evolution in a hurry.
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Hillary Clinton, Racist Fellow-Traveler”

Today Show Feature: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Virginity’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jessica Valenti, founder of the vaguely pornographic sounding Feministing.com, has decided that there is no such thing as virginity in America’s young girls and the Today Show is entirely pleased with itself to give her a national TV venue from which to say so. Never mind how silly it all sounds.

On April 22 Valenti and Today pushed the idea that sexually active girls should not be thought of as a problem, that an expectation of virginity is harmful, and that religion is a baneful influence on young women today. Valenti says that if young men can have their sexual exploits given a wink and a nod, then so should the sexual activity of young girls.

Naturally, being a good left-wing, feminist, Valenti draws all the wrong conclusions and advocates all the worst solutions to address the real problems in American society. Just as naturally, NBC gives a legitimate stage for her absurd proclamations and ill-thought-out prescriptions.

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