Happy Birthday Milton Friedman: His 7 Most Notable Quotes

-By Rob Nikolewski

Harry Truman once complained he wanted to find a one-handed economist because he was tired of asking a direct question of those on his economic team, only to have them say, “On the one hand … but on the other hand.”

If there was one hand that noted economist Milton Friedman favored, it was the “invisible hand” of the free market.

Today marks the 102nd anniversary of Friedman’s birth. He died in 2006, but during his long career Friedman won over admirers and drove left-of-center critics crazy with his direct and eloquent defense of capitalism.

Friedman won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1976. But perhaps his greatest influence was nudging people who otherwise may have had little interest in the “dismal science” of economics to look at the world through a new set of eyes and question their assumptions.

CLICK to The Daily Signal for some of Friedman’s most notable quotes.
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Happy Birthday Milton Friedman: His 7 Most Notable Quotes”

Professor Jedediah Purdy Wants You Forced to Follow His Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

Professor Jedediah Purdy of Duke University Law School feels that you are not thinking right and therefore he wants you forced through “conflict” to accept his religion.

I assure you that this wouldn’t be his interpretation of the under girding of the essay he disgorged at Politico last week, but that is exactly what he is advocating nonetheless because his entire recipe for fixing our political culture is built on a religious-like belief in shadowy crises that he feels are besetting the country.

In fact, even as he pretended to be offering a “fix” for our political gridlock, he offered no proof whatsoever that the problems he thinks we face are based in fact. His entire piece was based on bald-faced assumption, all are forces taken as a given with not a single word to actually prove that his perceptions were real problems, the sort we should engage in “real” conflict to resolve.

Sadly, the essential lie-stiffened backbone upon which he hung the skeleton of his argument is what passes for “deep thought” at our fetid universities these days.
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Professor Jedediah Purdy Wants You Forced to Follow His Religion”

Why Did Liberal Time Magazine Pick Pope Francis as ‘Person of the Year’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reliably left-wing Time magazine recently picked the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, as its “person of the year” for 2013. This choice is odd for several reasons–after all the Pope stands against most of Time’s leftist ideals–but maybe the Pope’s recent Marxist-styled attack on capitalism explains the choice?

But let’s find a minute to note how uncomfortable the leftist magazine must have been with its choice. After all, Pope Francis has not yet done anything in office except become noted for his Marxist-like attack on capitalism.

It is clear that Time only picked Francis because of that attack on the single best system ever invented by man. After all, if one looks at this Pope’s other positions one finds the antithesis of Time’s left-wing principles.
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Why Did Liberal Time Magazine Pick Pope Francis as ‘Person of the Year’?”

Sen. Orrin Hatch: Obama Fiscal Proposal ‘Classic Bait and Switch’

Senator Orrin Hatch (R, Utah) delivered the GOP weekly address and it was a damn good one.

He pulled no punches and laid it out straight that Obama lied when he ran for re-election and perpetrated a “classic bait and switch” maneuver.


“Hi. I’m Senator Orrin Hatch from the great state of Utah.

“The holiday season is upon us: a time when families come together to celebrate and reflect on another year gone by—and another one set to begin.

“But this holiday season is different: as the clock ticks down towards the New Year, nearly every single American is facing the real prospect of what’s called the Fiscal Cliff.

“If we don’t act by the end of the year, 28 million more families and individuals will be forced to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax, 21 times as many farmers and ranchers will be hit with the death tax, and the average middle-class family would see their taxes go up by at least $2,000.

“Economic leaders have told us that if we don’t act, our nation will fall into another painful recession—pushing unemployment back up over 9 percent, threatening our children’s ability to get a good paying job, and putting seniors’ retirements at risk.

“The President has said he wants a so-called balanced approach to solve this crisis. But what he proposed this week was a classic bait and switch on the American people—a tax increase double the size of what he campaigned on, billions of dollars in new stimulus spending and an unlimited, unchecked authority to borrow from the Chinese. Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall him asking for any of that during the presidential campaign. These ideas are so radical that they have already been rejected on a bipartisan basis by Congress.

“Fresh off his reelection, the President has an obligation to first steer us away from the fiscal cliff, and second, to tackle our $16-plus trillion debt, that is driven by our runaway entitlement programs, so our country doesn’t reach this dangerous crossroads ever again.

“But we’ve seen an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, and his allies on the left have shown little—very little—to no willingness to tackle real, structural entitlement reform. There is no manner of tax hike that can save Medicare or Medicaid—these programs can only be fixed with real reforms that go to the heart of how they work.

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Sen. Orrin Hatch: Obama Fiscal Proposal ‘Classic Bait and Switch’”

Another Example of How the NYTimes Warps Truth

-By Warner Todd Huston

This weekend The New York Times, the fishwrap of record, had yet another one of its left-wing excuses for political analysis, this one about rumors of how Team Obama intends to carry on its continuing re-election campaign on matters economic. The piece is so chock full of bias that you don’t even have to get past the first paragraph to see it.

Apparently it took two writers to stuff this thing full of left-wing bias and falsehoods as it is given the by-line of Binyamin Appelbaum and Helene Cooper.

Check out this first paragraph:

As the economy worsens, President Obama and his senior aides are considering whether to adopt a more combative approach on economic issues, seeking to highlight substantive differences with Republicans in Congress and on the campaign trail rather than continuing to pursue elusive compromises, advisers to the president say.

Now just look at the tenor of this paragraph. It is presented as if the President is not responsible for the economic downturn because he hasn’t done enough left-wing interfering with the economy. And it ends with the blatantly false claim that Obama is the one has been seeking “compromises” with the Republicans.

None of these contentions are true.
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Another Example of How the NYTimes Warps Truth”

Keynesian Philosophical Assumptions

-By Thomas E. Brewton

Keynesian macroeconomics is inconceivable without Darwinian evolution and secular socialism.

Keynesian macroeconomics is, at heart, a rationalization for collectivized state planning . Its progenitor was the 18th century quest to discover social science laws of behavior paralleling Newton’s mathematics and laws of motion that explained movements of the planets and of the earth around the sun. By the early 1800s French socialist intellectuals were confident that they had identified sociological laws that would enable them to create a secular paradise here on earth. A hundred years later, economist John Maynard Keynes propounded his ideas in the same tradition.

Along with Darwinism and socialism, Keynesianism sees humans as subject to manipulation by material factors such as government regulation. All three discount free will and what Austrian economists view as the basic fact in economic activity: purposeful, individual human action.
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Keynesian Philosophical Assumptions”

The Business Cycle: Krugman vs. Austrian Economic Theory

-By Thomas E. Brewton

The Keynesian black-box doesn’t work, because the reality of independent actions by millions of individuals is ignored in order to achieve a simplistic representation of the economy in computer models.

Keynesian economics, as expounded by New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, is essentially a black box theory. Stand on the outside of the economic box and dump into it endless baskets of inflationary fiat money, and things supposedly just happen automatically inside the black box to produce permanent prosperity and near zero unemployment.

Read David Gordon’s commentary on THE HANGOVER THEORY by Paul Krugman.
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The Business Cycle: Krugman vs. Austrian Economic Theory”