Homer-Lockport Tea Party Screening of ‘Injustice the Film’ — July 30

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Homer-Lockport Tea Party is going to screen a very special movie at 7PM on July 30. The film is titled “InJustice, The Film,” and is a documentary about “greed and corruption in American’s lawsuit industry.”

You can see more info at the InJustice website or at the Homer-Lockport Tea Party site.

The film will be introduced by WLS radio personality Dan Proft and will start at around 7PM on July 30 at 14326 Golden Oak Drive, Homer Glen, Illinois.

I had the pleasure of meeting the director of the film, Brian Kelly, when his film first came out and he had some interesting things to relate about the film.

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Homer-Lockport Tea Party Screening of ‘Injustice the Film’ — July 30″

Racine Tea Party Rally for Scott Walker/Kleefisch (Also Paul Ryan, Dana Loesch, Tony Katz, More)

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning I got up bright and early, jumped into the car and took a drive up into Wisconsin to witness the Racine Tea Party rally in support of Wisc. Governor Scott Walker. Speakers included the lovely Rebecca Kleefisch (Wis. Lt. Gov.), Rep. Paul Ryan, State Senator Van Wanggaard, Talk Show Host Tony Katz, Breitbart Editor Dana Loesch and more.

Racine Tea Party Main Stage

It was a beautifully sunny day, perfect temperature, a nice breeze swept over those 3,000 or more gathered, and, in fact, you couldn’t ask for a better out doors experience. But beyond the wonderful weather was the upbeat enthusiasm bubbling up from crowd and speakers alike. This was no down in the dumps group. They were ebullient and thrilled to be out and active for the conservative cause.

The crowd as seen from the main stage

Sign: “Republicans are Makers Democrats are Takers”

This recall election is a total sham. For one thing it is practically illicit. The Democrats never gave Walker a chance to do anything before claiming he needed to be recalled for cause. They’ve abused the recall law, too. Officials are supposed to be recalled for malfeasance in office, not mere political temper tantrums. One way to prove that these leftists violated the spirit of the law is the recall Walker website was registered the same day Walker was elected!

Yet, curiously enough there was no hate spewed — though certainly opposition expressed. There was also no upside down American flags, no communist propaganda, no signs with anyone called “Hitler,” and on top of all that there wasn’t a scrap of garbage left on the ground after everyone left. Not much like an Occupy Whatever rally, eh?

The morning started with the Americans For Prosperity bus pulling in and a short address by AFP President Tim Phillips who was introduced by California talk show host Tony Katz. Katz also emceed the later Racine rally, as well.
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Racine Tea Party Rally for Scott Walker/Kleefisch (Also Paul Ryan, Dana Loesch, Tony Katz, More)”

NYTimes: Guess What? Tea Party is Just Like KKK

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tis the season for buying books for your loved ones and as always the The New York Times Sunday Book Review is here to help. And as always the Sunday Book Review is there to help us understand that anything from the right side of the aisle, especially the Tea Party, is to be put in the worst possible light at all times.

So, what is it this time? Book reviewer Kevin Boyle lets us all know that he thinks that the folks of the Tea Party movement are somehow just like the Ku Klux Klan. Nice, huh? That’ll get the holiday season started right.

In his Sunday book review Boyle reviews a pair of books actually on the KKK — meaning that for the first time bringing up the KKK in a New York Times article isn’t wholly gratuitous. So he has that going for him, which is nice.

But what was totally gratuitous was the way Boyle opened his review, slamming by inference the whole of the Tea Party and making of it a the modern day KKK.
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NYTimes: Guess What? Tea Party is Just Like KKK”

Democrats, Sen. Schumer Shut Down Citizen’s Forum

-By Warner Todd Huston

You know, it is unfortunate that the Democrat Party’s name has the word “democracy” as it root because the modern Democrat Party is 100% opposed to both democracy and our system of government. Senator Chuck “Hitman” Schumer just proved this to be true once again.

Last week Senator Mike Lee (R, Utah) had reserved a room in the Senate and invited a retinue of Tea Party representatives and the folks of Freedom Works to discuss the Tea Party Budget proposal drawn up by Freedom Works.

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Democrats, Sen. Schumer Shut Down Citizen’s Forum”

Media Won’t Link White House Shooter to Occupy Wall Street

-By Warner Todd Huston

The identity of the man responsible for loosing a few shots at the White House last week has been made public by the D.C. police but one little fact is being buried by every news report about this guy. He is linked to the Occupy movement. Yet the media refuses to make the connection explicit. Imagine how the media would be wailing if the guy was a Tea Partier! But that this shooter was part of the Occupy movement seems somehow unimportant to the Old Media.

In fact, there doesn’t even have to be any link to the Tea Party for the Old Media to immediately jump to blaming the Tea Party movement for a shooting. If you’ll remember the outrageous accusations that the media made that the nut that shot Gabrielle Giffords was a Tea Partier or was driven to his criminal act by the “violent rhetoric of the right,” you’ll remember that shooter Loughner ended up having no real political point of view and was not connected even tangentially with the Tea Party.

But with this White House shooter, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, we find that he was in Washington D.C. attending the Occupy protests there. But in every story I’ve seen that fact is only resides in the last paragraphs if it is mentioned at all.
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Media Won’t Link White House Shooter to Occupy Wall Street”

Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party and Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting

-By Warner Todd Huston

In her exclusive interview with Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D, AZ), ABCs Diane Sawyer began with a retrospective of the terrible crime committed against the Congresswoman by a mentally disturbed, a-political gunman. But true to her left-wing agenda, Sawyer could not resist illicitly linking Tea Party activists, anti-Obamacare sentiment, and even Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to what was perpetrated against Rep. Giffords on that terrible day.

Yes, even though these calumnies against conservatives and Sarah Palin have been thoroughly discredited, Sawyer links them anyway to the shocking crime that took the lives of six people, injured others, and delivered a debilitating head wound to Representative Giffords.

It was only hours after the shooting occurred on January 8, 2011, that left-wing activists, purported journalists, and Democrat operatives alike began blaming the shooting of Rep. Giffords on “Tea Party hate” and the “violent rhetoric of the right.”

The false narrative was picked up by nearly every Old Media outlet and disgorged from their talking points sheets over and over again. It was days before everyone learned that the killer, one Jared Lee Loughner, had been stalking Giffords for several years before the Tea Party, Obamacare or Sarah Palin became national news.
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Diane Sawyer Again Links Tea Party and Sarah Palin to Rep. Giffords’ Shooting”

Bi-Racial Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police, Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of talk comparing and contrasting the Tea Partiers and these Occupy-Whatever people. But in Georgia we can see a stark difference. Tea Partiers are law-abiding citizens while the Occupy Atlantans are law breakers. Sadly, Capitol Police in Atlanta have sided with the Occupiers and against Tea Partiers.

At the very least the Capitol Police in Atlanta have definitely been treating these two groups unequally. These officers of the law have turned a blind eye to law breaking by the Occupy folks allowing them to do anything they want but did not extend that courtesy to those Tea Party groups that also protested at the Georgia Capitol House.
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Bi-Racial Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police, Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws”

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏

From the Palatine Tea Party…

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances
(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Palatine went out of its way to hide employee sick time and vacation time balances when we attempted to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain employee balances.

Government agencies expect taxpayers to pay their expenses, but when asked to view the data the answer is met with clear opposition. The Village tried to hide behind HIPPA law as their excuse. We then appealed the Village’s decision with the Illinois’ State Attorney and won. (click here for pdf document). Based on the 2009 W2’s, the sick time balance is approximately 9 million dollars and the vacation time balance totals approximately $687,000.
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Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏”

One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, there is one local Illinois activist that apparently won’t be at this weekend’s TeaCon 2011, but not for want of trying. Bill Kelly, one-time candidate for Illinois Comptroller — he came in second, by the way — has told me that he’s been barred not only from getting media credentials for the event, but even from buying a ticket.

Kelly has a page on the Washington Times community section blogs and was told by the Times that he could get media creds representing them at TeaCon, but when he went to the event staff with his request TeaCon organizers denied his credentialing.

Kelly feels that people at WIND radio, one of the event co-hosts, put the kybosh on his credentials because of a recent dust up between Kelly and Senator Dick Durbin not to mention another dustup between Kelly and local TV reporter Jay Levine.
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One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011″

Honoring the Constitution with a Day of Training

From the Chicago Tea Party…

When Benjamin Franklin left the Pennsylvania State House after signing the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, the wife of the mayor of Philadelphia approached him to ask what the new American government would be. Franklin replied, “A republic, madam. If you can keep it.” On Constitution Day 2011, we will continue the fight to keep it with the largest one-day training of conservative activists ever. American Majority will hold training in 13 states across the country, and we’ve been honored to have Chicago chosen as one of the locations. Join the Chicago Tea Party and American Majority for a day of training on Saturday, September 17, the 224th anniversary of the day the framers signed our nation’s founding document.

The principles of limited government and individual freedom are being challenged by an all too powerful federal government in Washington.. Understanding there is a problem is not enough. Protesting is not enough. For us to turn this country around, informed and engaged citizens must be equipped with the tools to bring about real change. There’s no better day than Constitution Day to bring thousands of Americans together to learn how they can ensure we continue to live in a free society.
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Honoring the Constitution with a Day of Training”

Palatine Tea Party: Thoughts from a Fellow Patriot

For the past weeks all we have been hearing about is the debt ceiling and the doomsday “Downgrade of our economy” and now the DINO’s (Democrats in Name Only) are blaming the TEA Party” and how much WE messed up the debt ceiling deal? Well… they came up with the deal and now we have been downgraded anyway. Lot of good it did us and while everyone was worried about that…how much else was going on behind the debt talks that the media did not tell us about. The latest one that made me scratch my head, President Obama’s bus tour. Paid for by taxpayers because it is a “jobs creation” tour not a “campaign tour.” What!!! REALLY??? When has this President stopped campaign since 2008? Are the Republicans going to let this happen and if so why?

First, lets identify who is sitting in DC, how long they have been there and their philosophical look at politics. We are all familiar with our feelings on RINOS (Republican In Name Only), the “old guard”. Well… we have the same thing on the left, DINOS (Democrats In Name Only) who are actually PROGRESSIVES. Where are the JFK Democrats? Many of the TEA Party, 912 Groups, Pachyderms, Campaign for Liberty etc…have a number of these Democrats in their groups that stand with the TEA Party on the basic issues that make us what we are, Bipartisan, and we stand and believe in Less Spending/Fiscal Responsibility, Smaller Government, Less Taxes, and the following of the Constitution.
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Palatine Tea Party: Thoughts from a Fellow Patriot”

Chicago Tea Party Offers Free Road Trip to the Iowa Straw Poll

From the Chicago Tea Party

The Chicago Tea Party will be coordinating a free bus trip to the Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday, August 13. The Iowa Straw Poll is a critical event in deciding who President Obama’s opponent will be in the 2012 election. It’s a fun event with a great atmosphere including music, entertainment, food and a chance to see and hear from the field of Presidential candidates.

You can register here now.

Who: People who want to chose a candidate who will uphold the Constitution and defeat Barack Obama in 2012.

What: Free bus trip to the Iowa Straw Poll on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames, IA.

Where: Bus leaves from the Cumberland CTA Blue Line station parking lot, 5800 N. Cumberland, Chicago, IL 60631.

When: The bus begins boarding at 5:00AM and will leave the Cumberland CTA Station at 5:15AM

How: The road trip will include a free bus trip, free breakfast, free lunch at the straw poll, free t-shirt and free tickets to the straw poll. The bus is an executive coach bus with a restroom facility on board.

There will also be free adult beverages on the ride back home.

There will be several Chicago reporters covering our trip, so you may have multiple opportunities to have your voice heard.

Seating is limited, please register as soon as possible. The deadline to register will be Friday, August 12 at noon.

The trip is being sponsored by Strong America Now. Strong America Now is dedicated to educating and mobilizing Americans focused on eliminating the national debt and deficit using a proven waste-elimination process called Lean Six Sigma. Strong America Now wants to change the way Washington thinks about spending money, as do we.

You can register for the free road trip here now.

You must be an Iowa resident to actually vote in the straw poll, but you are welcome to attend and participate in all the straw poll activities.

Please call 773-599-0105 or email us with any questions.

You can learn more about TeaCon and purchase your tickets for TEACON 2011 at www.teaconmidwest.com.

Tea Party-Haters Attack Chgo Business For Event Countering Obama B-Day Bash

-By Warner Todd Huston

William J. Kelly of Chicago organized an event at a business across the street and about a block down from the venue where President Obama held his birthday bash/fundraiser. Naturally Chicago’s anti-Tea Party set were furious at the business and used threats and intimidation to stop Kelly’s event.

Kelly called the event “Jobs Bash 2011,” and intended to highlight the fact that, while America was losing jobs by the millions, Obama cared more about keeping his own job than he was in helping Americans keep theirs by holding a high dollar donor event in the Windy City only days after signing a bill to put all Americans further in debt.

Of course, we were told during the eight years of the Bush administration that protest was the very essence of patriotism, but since Obama was elected the left has suddenly been all upset at anyone that wants to “speak truth to power.” This was seen by the good folks at Chicago’s Green Mill Cocktail Lounge, one of the city’s best sports for jazz music, when the lefty haters came out of the woodwork to complain that the lounge was to host Mr. Kelly’s event.
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Tea Party-Haters Attack Chgo Business For Event Countering Obama B-Day Bash”

Midwest Tea Party Convention: Beck, Breitbart and You‏

From the Chicago Tea Party…

TEACON 2011: Midwest Tea Party Convention in the Chicago Area

Is the Tea Party Movement united and ready to influence the 2012 election? The Chicago Tea Party is very proud to be hosting an event to help educate, engage and energize tea party members from across the Midwest to prepare for 2012. We are hosting a two-day Midwest Tea Party Convention, TEACON 2011, September 30 – October 1, 2011 in Schaumburg, IL. This will be the largest tea party event in the country this fall. TEACON will feature great speakers, valuable training and interactive breakout sessions for tea party activists, conservatives, libertarians and Americans who want to make a difference in 2012.

You can learn more about the event and purchase your tickets for TEACON 2011 at www.teaconmidwest.com. The fun begins Friday night.

Andrew Breitbart, author of Righteous Indignation and publisher of BigGovernment, BigJournalism, BigPeace, BigHollywood and Breitbart.com, will take a break from saving the world to be part of our kickoff reception on Friday night. You’ll have a chance to meet Andrew during the reception in addition to hearing him speak. Conservative comedian and Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder will provide the entertainment for the evening.
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Midwest Tea Party Convention: Beck, Breitbart and You‏”

Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏

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Please contact your legislators today to tell them to support critical pension reform in the state of Illinois. A vote may happen this week, before the May 31 deadline. Illinois is broke with an estimated public debt of $210 billion. Our debt was downgraded 9 times in 2010. Governor Quinn and the Democrat politicians in Springfield raised your income taxes by 67% in January, yet we still have an $8 billion budget gap. The main cause is exorbitant pension and healthcare promises made to public employees. Thousands of public employees have been promised million or multi-million dollar pensions.

Contact your State Representative and your State Senator and let them know you want them to vote “Yes” on public pension reform.

Click below to find the phone and email address of your own:
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Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏”

Introducing Schaumburg’s Sick Time Reimbursement Plan

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Schaumburg clearly indicates in their employee handbook, which we obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, how employee sick time balances can be paid out.

Click here, to view the Village of Schaumburg Employee handbook. Review section 8-4 of the Employee handbook (Sick Time Reimbursement Plan).
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Introducing Schaumburg’s Sick Time Reimbursement Plan”

Village of Schaumburg Attempts to Hide $17 Million in Accrued Village Sick Time Liability

From the Palatine Tea Party

(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Schaumburg went out of its way to hide employee sick time balances when we attempted to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain employee balances. Government agencies expect taxpayers to pay their expenses, but when asked to view the data the answer is met with clear opposition. The Village tried to hide behind HIPPA law as their excuse. We then appealed the Village’s decision with the Illinois’ State Attorney and won, click here.

Click here, to view Village of Schaumburg’s line-by-line employee sick time balances.
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Village of Schaumburg Attempts to Hide $17 Million in Accrued Village Sick Time Liability”

AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire Tea Party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was somehow fathered or “grandfathered” by Texas Representative Ron Paul, the cranky uncle of the GOP. The fact is Ron Paul had nothing at all to do with the Tea Party movement. The claim that he did is a calumny, one that the AP hopes will discredit the Tea Party movement.

In the Story, the AP claims that Ron Paul is “both a spiritual father and actual father in the tea party movement.” It mentions that his son, Rand, is a “tea party darling” (that one is true, at least) and claims that since Paul had a 2007 event he called a “‘Tea Party Fundraiser’ aboard a shrimp boat near Galveston,” that must make him the father of the Tea Party movement.

Then AP finds some Paulbot to claim that, to him, “Ron Paul is the tea party.” Well, that settles it, huh? Because a Paulienut says it’s so, why it must be. At least that is what the AP wants its readers to believe.
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AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul”

Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Blaze posted a video (notice how I gave attribution there, Mr. Beck?) that was shot at a Portland, Oregon Tea Party rally at which a gaggle of lefties came out to organize a counter protest. Like always, the lefties were vile, low-born, scum-bags in how they comported themselves and they gave us just one more example of the vaunted Democrat “new tone” we keep hearing about. (Also see the Marooned in Marin blog)

The language employed by these ignoramus lefties is definitely NOT safe for work, so be careful. Don’t let little ones watch, either, if putridly foul language is something you don’t want them to hear.

This IS the left, folks. They are haters of the worst sort.
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Vile Disgusting Leftists and More New Civility: ‘I Wipe My A** With the American Flag’”

14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ann Althouse has a great report showing how, once again, the uncivil left doesn’t care about free speech.

… A man with a guitar is performing — amplified — on the stage, but we can barely hear him over the crowd noise. There is incessant ringing of cowbells. Then, we can hear that a young woman is speaking from the stage to the Tea Party crowd as the protesters do what they can to drown her out. She finishes — “God bless America” — and the tea partiers cheer but the protesters overwhelm them with boos. The emcee comes to the mike and we hear that the speaker was only 14 years old

Althouse has been doing yeoman’s work covering the hate-spewing left in Wisconsin this year. Check her Latest out.
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14-Year-Old Girl’s Tea Party Speech Drowned Out By Leftist Agitators”

Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏

The 2011 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party on Monday, April 18 at noon in Daley Plaza has grown even bigger. Businessman, tea party star and Presidential Candidate Herman Cain is now set to speak at the rally. Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform and one of the original authors of the Contract with America will also speak in Chicago on tax day. But that’s not all. We’ll also be joined by Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft from WLS AM-890.

Let us know you’re coming by registering here. You can also RSVP on Facebook here.

Herman Cain, Grover Norquist, Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft will round out an already stellar group of speakers, liberty leaders and regular people who are making a difference. The confirmed speakers at the event include:
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Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏”

Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party scheduled for April 15

“It’s Your Government—Get Informed, Get Involved” is the theme of this year’s Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party on Friday, April 15, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the Kane County Government Plaza at the intersection of Route 31 and Third Street in Geneva.

This year’s program focuses on local, state, national and international issues. Scheduled speakers include radio host Teri O’Brien, John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute, Jim Komaniecki of Restore American Liberty, local businessman Mike Olesen, and Bob McQuillan of TaxFacts, among others. Jeff Danklefsen will emcee.

This family-friendly educational event will also offer patriotic sing-alongs, information tables, and a Voice of the People segment in which attendees will be able to sign up for one to two minutes at the microphone.
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Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party scheduled for April 15″

Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early in 2010 two former leaders of the Michigan Democrat Party came up with a brilliant idea, one that has just gotten them charged with election fraud.

Back in May of 2010, it was discovered that a new party was circulating petitions to get itself official recognized by the state as an official political party. It was supposed to be called “The Tea Party.” Local activist and blogger, the late Chet Zarko, tracked down who was behind the petition drive and found that this “Tea Party” was being pushed by a group well known to be a fixture in Michigan democrat Party activism. This called into question the legitimacy of this “Tea Party” party.

Eventually it was discovered that the new “Tea Party” party was the brainchild of then Oakland County Democratic Chair Mike McGuinness and Democratic Operations Director Jason Bauer. They intended to use it to cause chaos on the ballot and split the Republican vote by fooling voters into thinking that a “Tea Party” candidate was, well, a Tea Party guy.
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Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged”

Chicago Tea Party: We Won The Ronald Reagan Award

From the Chicago Tea Party…

We are very proud and humbled to tell you that the Chicago Tea Party Patriots were honored with the Ronald Reagan Award at CPAC 2011 in Washington, DC. The Ronald Reagan Award is CPAC’s highest honor and we’re one of only four tea party groups in the entire country to receive it. This is a group award recognizing all of your efforts over the past year. Congratulations to everyone.

CPAC says of the award: “From the beginning, the annual Ronald Reagan Award is given not to the generals of the movement, but to the soldiers, the men and women working in the trenches who sacrificed, and in so doing set an example for others. In past years, the award – which is our highest – has gone to grassroots organizers, taxpayer advocates, and those whose names may not be household names, but whose work has affected us all.” The American Conservative Union is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization and their CPAC conference is the largest annual gathering of conservatives.
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Chicago Tea Party: We Won The Ronald Reagan Award”

Village of Palatine More Than Doubles $100,000+ Employee Club

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Palatine more than doubles the number of Village employees making over six figures from 2009 to 2010. In 2009, using the Medicare wages and tips off the Village of Palatine employee W2’s 43 of 423 employees made $100,000+. In 2010, 88 of 418 employees are making $100,000+ for 2010.

For those 88 employees making $100,000+ for 2010 their average increase was 14.85%. Based on the economic conditions these increases appear questionable. These 88 employees have an average of 17 years of service with the Village of Palatine.
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Village of Palatine More Than Doubles $100,000+ Employee Club”

Chicago Tea Party, Our next event…‏

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Join us at our March Meeting: Tea Party vs. Flee Party

You won’t want to miss our next monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00PM at Blackie’s, 755 S. Clark. We will be making three major announcements about the future of the Chicago Tea Party. You’ll want to be the first to know and get involved.

We’ll discuss our efforts to support Gov. Scott Walker in the Madison, Wisconsin budget battle, how it will affect us in Illinois and what it means for the country. Our speakers at the meeting will include:
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Chicago Tea Party, Our next event…‏”

Living Well on Taxpayer Funds

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – Do school board members need to travel to national conferences in sunny California, stay in expensive hotels, and eat at high end restaurants in order to be well-educated board members? Dr. Chapman (currently a District 15 School Board member and former District 211 Superintendent) thinks overnight stays in $300 per night hotels in downtown Chicago are necessary.

“Part of it is convenience, part of it is the timing of the meetings,” said Chapman in 1998, as Superintendent of District 211. “The meetings start early in the morning, and in most cases, there’s some activity in the evening. The travel downtown and back seems simpler than it is.”

Somehow, tens of thousands of suburban residents, who pay taxes to support Chapman’s travel habits, manage to commute into the city every day.
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Living Well on Taxpayer Funds”

Illinois Police Help Fleeing Wisc. Dem Senators Avoid Doing Their Jobs

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Members of the Illinois Tea Party received a tip indicating the Democratic State Senators who fled the state of Wisconsin rather than doing their jobs were in a hotel in Illinois. After hearing the news, they promptly dropped their groceries and made the 15 minute drive to the town of Harvard, IL. (WI State Senator Chris Larson (D) pictured below)

Jane Carrell of the Northern Illinois Tea Party has the latest on the situation.

Northern Illinois Tea Party board member Doc got to the Heritage Suites in Harvard and found the fleeing senators in the lobby of the motel. He said that they were laughing like school children. News cameras were there.

Check out the Tea Party report at Chicago Tea Party.

Chicago Tea Party to the Rescue‏

From the Chicago Tea Party

Thank you

Thank you to the hundreds of Tea Party Patriots from Chicago and across the state of Illinois who traveled to Madison on Saturday to defend the taxpayers and parents of Wisconsin. We organized car pools, drove our friends and neighbors and paid our own way to get to the rally. We weren’t bused in by Organizing for America, SEIU, or the Democrat National Committee. This is a critical battle in the fight between freedom and big government and it will be repeated in state after state across the country.

Here is what is at stake in Wisconsin: will we live in a country where we have individual liberty, economic opportunity and a government that lives within its means, or will we live in a country where public sector unions buy our elected officials with our own tax money and government spending bankrupts our children and grandchildren? We can’t afford to lose this one in WI, and we took a giant step forward this weekend.
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Chicago Tea Party to the Rescue‏”

Wisconsin State Senators Hide in IL to Prevent Voting

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Stand with Governor Scott Walker This Saturday in Wisconsin

What is happening in Wisconsin right now could prove to be a turning point in the fight against big government. Democrat State Senators in the state of Wisconsin have decided that the public sector unions are more important than representative democracy and the consent of the people. The voters in Wisconsin elected a Republican Governor, U.S. Senator and state legislature in November, but the Democrats don’t appear to think elections matter. The public sector unions are proving they are only interested in one thing: power.

Increasingly all over the country, Democrats and the unions are trying to create mayhem and disorder in hopes that hardworking taxpayers will just give up. But we’re not going to give up. We need to stand with Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
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Wisconsin State Senators Hide in IL to Prevent Voting”